What are your thoughts on giants?

43  2017-06-21 by 435435435

Is it possible they were 'real' and we have been mislead?


Swedes or Fins?



how is cannabis relevant to this discussion?


I believe they were real and are currently being erased/hidden from history.

The Smithsonian also Claimed to have thrown out a lot of giant bones I believe

Yeah I heard they've thrown them some into the ocean right after discovery.

Don't forget their answer when Jim Vieira and co contacted them to gather more information; they all seem to have been conveniently "misplaced". Strange thing to happen at such a prestigious institution.

Why would they want it erased or hidden?

It's the biblical story.

no one is trying to erase it. and if so, to what benefit?

today it is already known that there was a 10" tall ape that died off 100,000 years ago.


Look into the Smithsonian destroying evidence. And these giant humans are completely different from tall apes. They're essentially homo sapiens.

Also, have you ever seen a 'Giant skeleton' at a museum? Why wouldn't a single one be on exhibit after these discoveries?

Yes, I have seen several "giant" skeletons in the Smithsonian in D.C., they just weren't any of the homo class.

Also, you still haven't explained why they would want to cover this up if true. To what ends?

I'm not sure why an explanation for the cover up is on me... I'm just pointing out that there is evidence to suggesting they are being covered up.

Speculation... maybe this would throw a wrench in the whole Darwin evolution theory in regards to humans which is already pretty shaky to begin with.

You should look into how you formulate your arguments and world view.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance

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science has shown that species size is based on oxygen concentration and food supply. So if we extend the human timeline further back (which a recent discovery of an ancient skeleton may do so) then its scientifically viable for giants to exist. Ultimately, i believe they existed and that its being covered up by the scientific community because anything that lends credence to the bible is a zero sum game to them.

Geez that's a good point

I forgot to point out that giant dinosaurs were only viable when the oxygen concentration was much higher (based on glacial samples)

And if they theory of gravity was quite different then to what it is now

Unless I'm missing something, gravity wouldn't change much since it's dependent on the mass of the planet.

If dinosaurs existed, they would have been crushed by the Earth's gravity.

f dinosaurs existed, they would have been crushed by the Earth's gravity.

show me your math

let me show you

thanks, i'll watch that after i bring in my puppies for a nap and do dishes


"Their necks were too long, a heart couldn't pump blood that far" lol giraffes got it figured out tho

Yeah, evolution is crazy. Giraffes basically pump blood through their neck one way and back down the other. It's almost like it works as a water tower regulating pressure.

"The more you know!"

This has been debunked, here is a paper on the subject


This was popularized by Jose Conseco oddly enough.

The video posted below is filled with bad info and zero sourcing.

Why wouldnt they source why a dinosaur couldnt get blood up its neck?

Are you saying that a person born today brought up in a more oxygen rich environment would be larger? Or that people have changed since then because of the environment?

we have changed because of the environment. If you raised multiple generations in a high oxygen concentrated bio-dome with enough food to facilitate the growth over multiple generations, then it would work. Someone mentioned the Hobbits of Flores Island, which was a human species that shrunk to hobbit size due to being on an isolated environment that was limited in resources.


Gigantism, barometric chambers.

Giants are in the Bible so that's a moot point.

Several giant skeletons have been found, but don't receive much attention.

you mean from that photoshop contest? come on...

there are many photshopped pics. they are put out to discredit the REAL ones. Giants have been found all over the world. many have two rows of teeth. a large amount were found in michigan and wisconsin. catalina island was literally loaded with them. the smithsonian would destroy the skeletons and try to confiscate the REAL photo evidence.

Not to mention the fact that giants are a common theme in pretty much all peoples' folklore.

well if you have any links to some credible information, I would be interested in checking it out! thanks

excellent video :)

Or maybe the Cardiff giant lol.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigantopithecus was a real thing. almost 10 feet tall if it was bipedal.

except the oxygen concentration is wrong, the reason we had giants, and dinosaurs, was because earth at that point had a weaker gravity :)



based on that, people and objects would grow in space where there is 0 gravity. The science of size on earth is based on the ability for the body to sustain it with the surrounding outside resources. Not gravity.

Someone up this comment chain posted a video explaining why that kind of has to be the case.

Specifically, it brings up the insane torque needed to keep the head of a Brachiosaurus lifted. I think he says it's something like half a million foot pounds of torque just to keep the head lifted horizontally, as it would need to be. It's head couldn't be straight up/down because of the loss of blood pressure that would occur, and a heart large enough to sustain that blood pressure would be absolutely massive.

So the only ways it could really work as we know it is if either gravity was lower/less powerful or something else somehow made their heads lighter.

So the only ways it could really work as we know it is if either gravity was lower/less powerful or something else somehow made their bodies lighter.

Or if the guy ignored the anatomy of those dinosaurs and purposely gave exaggerated numbers


Comments like these why this sub is often awful.

Do you really think that it's possible to hide fossils for so long?

Why do you think that finding a bigger humanoid species would lend credence to the bible?

Lastly, are you religions?

Ad Hominems like yours are why this sub is awful

I havent said anything about fossils. Not all bones turn to fossils.

no i am not a religion or religioUS but i am spiritual . It would lend credence because of the mention of giants in the bible.

I think you don't know the meaning of ad hominem.

you said i am the reason why this sub sucks, and my response was sarcastic, and then you followed up again with questioning me personally.

That's criticism, not an ad hominem.

ad hominem is dismissing an argument by attacking the person and not the argument. So, yeah you did. You scoffed off the argument and attacked the poster, and then asked for more ad hominem ammunition.

I think you are overly sensitive.

You must have me confused with someone else.

You dumb.

What a beautifully constructed reasoning. Well done.

LOL...Yes YOU and YOU alone are the reason this sub sucks. If they banned you today this sub would be perfect.

I think you don't know the meaning of ad hominem.

He does because he googled it before using it.

And still doesn't know what it means? That's even worse

Knowing isn't the same as understanding. - Quote by "Me, right now"

  • by Michael Scott

I think it's more the "official" timeline of human evolution that they are worried about, rather than being concerned about lending credence to the bible.

That's why people like Graham Hancock are challenged so viciously.

anything that lends credence to the bible is a zero sum game to them.

Big science at it again! Scientists are not at odds with the bible, the Bible is at odds with scientists.

I am just saying that if science finds something that lends to the claims religion makes, its an issue because religions will run with it and say it proves they are right

Why do you think that finding a bigger humanoid species would lend credence to the bible?

I'm not religious, but more than once the bible mentions "mighty men", aka nephilim, offspring of "the sons of god and daughters of men". So basically offspring of "angels" and mankind. The problem is, supposedly, there's not any evidence of these mighty men existing other than the bible. This would add credence to the veracity of the book.

No, it wouldn't. It would be coincidence at best.

I am anti-religion but he is right, It would lend alot of credience to the bible.


Man I watch a documentary on netflix recently, totally forgot what it was called as it was just something to stare at until bed time. But it brought up the conflict between young and old earth paradigms being the basis of current science and its disagreements with religious doctrine the bible.

It was obviously for the young earth, but it brought up some interesting points and also brought up a lot of flaws. I have a good bud that went to seminary but also has his masters in applied mathematics, definitely up their on the intelligence scale. And the documentary brought up a lot of what him and I have shot the shit about before.

It is definitely a time scale thing. Our current scientific theories and evidence hold up when it is true that we have billions of billions of years of time. But - some stuff with carbon dating and how we extrapolate our history back to the big bang, and even some little moments in the fossil record showing complex ecosystems emerging out of nowhere, very rapidly, on the timescale of like hundreds of years - show little holes in how we are not 100% aligned with the billions of years of time thing. It is truly a best guess sort of deal, as in, most everything would make sense and align if that were true, and for most scenarios it seems to be likely. But their is a good handful of things that get sort of 'cold cased' because it actually does align with a young earth type scenario.

Anywho - going back to roomate and I talks, and mind you, very humbly I say we are fairly intelligent people you know. Well rounded at least, mostly sane. But we definitely have given the idea magic existing, giants existing, straight up lord of the ring type shit existing at some point, maybe multiple points in the planets existence. With what we know about the phases the earth went through - if you want to run with the conventional billions of years timeline, there is also time for a full oh I don't know 10 millennium cycle where humanoids with magic, giants, elves, banshees, all sorts of crap could have existed - even wrote a history that was all destroyed by the point our type comes a long.

We know the atmosphere had different hiccups along it's development cycle, the earth terrain, continental plates, etc - when the time scale wants to be in the billions you can make all sorts of conjecture as you zoom into the thousands so it is interesting.

What the commonality is that as humans, there is and has been some sort of memetic thing throughout our history where each and every culture develops some sort of spiritual/magical/supernatural ideas. The origin of that, that seed that begins that development of those ideas despite isolation or location or anything is interesting. Is it even something that would exist if never exposed to it? Maybe not. But if that is the case - then that means we have a millennium upon millennium old meme inherent only to our human species where search to find something beyond our selves at some point. Being perfectly religiously neutral in this point I want to elaborate that I mean anything ranging the most bizarre pagan shit you can imagine to the simple idea of luck - everyone is aware of some sort of karmic-esque power beyond us and it is only humans that even consider these sorts of things. So a few things to leave people thinking about.

  • If the earth has had billions of billions of years is it possible that multiple civilizations as great as our own have grown and fallen within a timescale of 10-20 thousand years, perhaps multiple times somewhere in there, despite the harshness of our landscapes and atmospheres?

  • If so, within those civilizations could they potentially have been involved with magical/supernatural 'powers' directly? Could there have been some species that truly communicated telepathically and we just have no history of them what so ever?

  • If not, where do you think we get these ideas from. What do you think primes the minds of most people to search or think about things like the supernatural or spiritual?

  • Do you think it something that is innate to all humans or some sort of idea that just happened to be handed down to everyone after every generation and never lost, even though there are so many ideas and technology we lose over even just a couple hundred years, for example go try to learn about how to create and work on steam engines. That knowledge is all but erased even with the internet. So why then does the idea of the spiritual or supernatural persist?

Very interesting stuff to think about.

Giants could have existed. In fact I'll go ahead and say since we have some mention of them in a text that has been handed down for millenium and nothing to to say contrary that giants did NOT exist, and the fact that we even still have cases of gigantism today. I will say that it is more possible giants are more likely to have been prevalent at some point than not.

Really interesting read, your comment. Cool ideas to think on

Dinosaurs were fucking massive and the biggest lizard now is the Komodo Dragon. There use to be massive beavers and other mammals (think that may have been before the last extinction event) so I don't find it too far fetched to think and believe that there was giant bipedular beings roaming the planet at somepoint.

Primates and their ancestors were relatively tiny during this time. For them to be considered "giant" during the time of giant beavers prb would have been about 4'6".

I love this video! I spammed it like 3 times ITT before seeing that you posted it.

I hope they have a good team again this year

19 games back :(

I think there's a ton of human prehistory that we have yet to discover. I see no reason why there couldn't have been an exceptionally large subset of humans who existed before recorded time

Were they 12 foot monstrosities, probably not.

The other thing to think about, is historically human were smaller than they are now, so someone who was 6' 6" or even 7' back in Roman time would have been perceived as a giant

What about Gigantopithecus?

Not a human.

Love this topic. I think tptb have worked very hard to hide these giants.

Why would they hide this?

That's a great question. It's a rabbit hole for sure. I think it's related to other world visitors that may have been visiting humanity for a long time. They have suppressed and gas lighted UFO and archeology researchers as standard practice. Project blue book is a great example. Why would they hide this? Rather than why I ask what are they hiding? The Bible talks about nephilim. Is the Bible true? King tut had an elongated skull but it is not ever mentioned by main stream archeology. If it does not fit the theory they are pushing then they ignore it. Maybe this why: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHJUiUJOylg

I think secret societies have hidden knowledge that they do not disclose. And work very hard to keep secret. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/smithsonian-admits-to-destruction-of-thousands-of-giant-human-skeletons-in-early-1900s/

This video was fascinating supposedly giants have been found in Antarctica and Iraq in stasis. Some claim giants are the Nephilim. This video below was very interesting to me and it's a good intro for research.



Stasis beings, mang.

This sounds interesting, care to elaborate? Will google, but if you have links to any good stuff throw it up please.

They were very real and were supernatural beings. Most cultures have similar stories about them and apparently they were evil and enemies of full humans. They were the children of fallen angels who Ancient people mistakenly believed were the gods and human women.

The nephilim, the Giants, and the Eljo - if you guys want some keywords and stuff to look into. Have a good one guys.

Here's is a Urantia book reference for you. If you have looked into it it's free online to read and listen. Straight revelation. Here is the one and only reference to the Nephilim in The Urantia Book:

77:2.3 The postrebellion era on Urantia witnessed many unusual happenings. A great civilization—the culture of Dalamatia—was going to pieces. "The Nephilim (Nodites) were on earth in those days, and when these sons of the gods went in to the daughters of men and they bore to them, their children were the mighty men of old,' themen of renown.'" While hardly "sons of the gods," the staff and their early descendants were so regarded by the evolutionary mortals of those distant days; even their stature came to be magnified by tradition. This, then, is the origin of the well-nigh universal folk tale of the gods who came down to earth and there with the daughters of men begot an ancient race of heroes. And all this legend became further confused with the race mixtures of the later appearing Adamites in the second garden.

Also in the Urantia Papers:
The green race split into three major divisions: The northern tribes were subdued, enslaved, and absorbed by the yellow and blue races. The eastern group were amalgamated with the Indian peoples of those days, and remnants still persist among them. The southern nation entered Africa, where they destroyed their almost equally inferior orange cousins.

64:6.19 (724.9) In many ways both groups were evenly matched in this struggle since each carried strains of the giant order, many of their leaders being eight and nine feet in height. These giant strains of the green man were mostly confined to this southern or Egyptian nation.

64:6.20 (725.1) The remnants of the victorious green men were subsequently absorbed by the indigo race, the last of the colored peoples to develop and emigrate from the original Sangik center of race dispersion.

All I can think of is the Jolly Green Giant

This is a great lecture on the subject:


When I started watching it, I didn't expect much. But this guy has collected dozens of newspaper articles from the 19th century and early 20th century that spoke of giant skeletons being found and being picked up by the Smithsonian institute.

I think this is how the pyramids were built. Giants.

Holy shit

Giants? Please. The Mets could build way better pyramids.

I C U B 😏

What are your thoughts on giants?

few and far between.

Is it possible they were 'real' and we have been mislead?

certainly, but why should we think so? moving past bare, brutal possibility, i would ask you to consider the probability of this narrative. (just to be clear: i am not implying that said narrative is ludicrously improbable, but many people seem to confuse possibility, probability, and certainty; such confusion considerably complicates investigation of even conventional narratives, let alone conspiratorial ones.)

a final, minor matter: "misled" is the past tense of the verb "mislead." this correction is not commentary on the truth or falsity of the scenario you proposed, and is offered in the spirit of fraternal charity.

many people seem to confuse possibility, probability, and certainty

*possibility, plausibility, probability, and certainty

What are your thoughts on giants?

They're fucking huge man!


Please watch this video. It's fascinating as shit.

the sphinx is a petrified giant



Wouldn't most NBA players be considered giants by most ppl in the past


How is it a shill post ?

Where do they buy their clothes?

Giant Mart of course.

Located in the giant district

Wonder if they are into rompers too?

Steve Quayle talks a ton about this stuff.


While I haven't looked into it as much as other subjects, the notion that the Vatican can and would cover this up doesn't seem far fetched to me. Especially since giants are all through the book of Enoch, which was a part of the bible for hundreds of years.

Big if true.

This is by far the funniest "big if true" comment I've seen, nice job.

I feel like it's just the go-to whenever giants are brought up.


Why would they hide this?

I C U B 😏