Feeling symptoms of ascension?

9  2017-06-23 by adder4all

Is this happening to anyone else? I feel my energy changing. I have put thousands of hours into rocket league and PS4 and all of the sudden I'm trying to sell it and feel like getting back into working out. I'm a previously shy but now pretty introverted 24 year old white male quality control inspector in a Metro Detroit factory, with tons of ex convicts and scary people. It's hard to keep positive energy there. I normally don't take risks on asking girls out that I hardly know, but I went for the new intern, lol. Turns out she has a boyfriend, but the point is I just never would have done that before. It's just happening recently. I'm beginning to think more positively. I'm taking more risks, and just 'going for it', if you will.

Thoughts? Please no passive aggressiveness :]


You're going to die one day. Might as well live like it.

I understand that.

You should. I have a few I need to make appointments for myself. Can't find the time.

You're young and you have a lot of life ahead of you- but it's going to go quick, so make sure to take advantage of things you normally wouldn't even notice.

What I realized in a factory job, is how fast time goes. Sometimes I can't remember is something happened today or yesterday. That just could have been the weed though.

Haha yeah that, too. That'll do it.

Tattoo? What, to tell the few intelligent people out there that you are a moron? At the very least, look into the complete lack of evidence that this ink is safe for you before you get that shit done to yourself.

Couldn't agree more. Nowadays you're unique when you DONT have one.

Omg don't even try to get a cat scan or other major deep scan medical evaluation with one. Unless you like to cook your skin into a boiling mess. Only reason I never got one after my life changing motorcycle crash

Every man dies. Not every man lives.

I hear ya on the video game thing, just one day I was like eh....haven't played at all recently...

A may purchase a PC in the near future. I understand why they claim to be he master race.. I'm not gonna give up video games completely but for the past year, smoking weed and playing rocket league is all I did. Lol.

I'm in the same boat as you. I have gotten much more spiritual this past year after calling myself an atheist for most of my life. Human frequencies are rising across the globe due to the magnetic polar shift. We will emerge from the dark 3D world to 5D, where the cabal will completely lose their grip on us when they face the overwhelming light of god which transcends all of us. Our souls chose to enter this earth at this specific time and the fact you're in the sub and talking ascension means you, with many other people here are early risers in this process. As we enter the new age it's important to let go of your ego and search for your true inner self. Meditate and be mindful of what goes in your body.

So should I stop doing drugs? Serious question. I smoke a ton of weed and take pills here and there.

Weed is great for the pineal gland and thus spirituality. I can't speak for anything else since I don't really do anything else.

skip the pills.. nothing wrong whit weed but dont make it an everyday habit. (easier said then done, i know) but if you get the opportunity try some psychedelics, but see it more as an spiritual trip then a party trip.. go out in the wood early, maybe take a friend that you trust and eat some mushroom or acid ( not to much at once ) try to have as little outside stimulants as possible. let nature guide you

Don't forget DMT!

unless they are important to you.. like doctor's prescription. then you should see it as a long going project where your slowly getting off what ever pills your on

Weed is fine. Depends on the pills...if it's opiates, yeah, stop doing those immediately. If it's molly/mdma, probably okay if used recreationally once in a while (a big night out with friends/a show/etc.)

in the same boat, Was a very quiet child growing up, became empathic back in october 2008 since then its been a crazy adventure to the now. Watching humanity starting to wake up and feel the same things that i do, i know its something we can all do once we step out of ego and the matrix. Something is happening here, and as stated above the very fact were here talking about it, sharing the vibrations and looking for truth. All my family are doing the same thing but theyve turned to christianity and the church.

We are in the Great Awakening/Unveiling, our frequencies are changing, and there are many happenings going on in the Cosmos. The fact that you are feeling this means your getting more and more in tune with your spirit being and the point of this "experience" you're having, imo. That's a great thing, and I'm glad to hear it!

I've been noticing many changes in myself, as well. What a lovely time to be alive, and a point in time in which our Spirit Beings chose to be in ;). There is a reason you are here.

I starts now!

Very interesting speech in that link. Wow.

Alan Watts (and others) really changed my life. Hopefully that inspires you, as much as it inspired me. Peace and love.

Thank you. A great song OHD-Priorities begins with him speaking. Give it a listen.

Hm, interesting / just a week ago i started eating much better / smaller portions, and biking and doing pullups everyday - started physically feeling better, although mentally i feel depressed - but just trying to get my body ready for when the high level insider comes to save us

slow slapping in the background /u/Bruuus stands up "Ahahaha, not THIS is advanced bait. Well meme'd"

I think this is great that you are feeling more positive! :-)

yes. i noticed maybe two days ago my vison has sort of shapend and my intrests have shifted more towerds looking inward.

People are reporting this for revealing personal information. I approved it, but you have narrowed yourself down to a vanishingly small pool of unique humans. You might want to edit put a couple details.

Upvote this. I can relate. I feel this energy that seems to be amplyfing lately. I even meditate. The meditation has even become intense like a trip. Except I am not taking anything to produce those effects. I have had some really eye opening prophetic visions too.