Hello, I am a Canadian graduate student in archaeology at the University of Calgary, and both the university and the govt. are trying to suppress something huge.

108  2017-06-23 by [deleted]




TL;DR: Evidence of Cro-Magnon presence in North America is being suppressed by both the University of Calgary and the Canadian government. I do recommend you read the whole thing though.

Thanks. I probably will now.

Read that shit bro. The guy really seems to know what he's talking about, and it's fascinating and horrible if true.

TL;DR - It's a LARP.

So, 10,000 year old remains are not an issue, obviously, just the fact that they are Cro-Magnon?

Why is this so dangerous that it has to be suppressed?

Cro-Magnon remains have never officially been found in North America. If Cro-Magnon remains were discovered in North America, they're mostly associated with the European Paleolithic, and so that would be very politically incorrect. This is why they want to suppress it, and it's abhorrent.

It's certainly ridiculous. I hope you get your story to an archeologist that can spread it in that community.

Why is it politically incorrect? Because Africa is supposedly the birthplace of humanity?

It is partially that, yes, and there are other findings that have provoked the ire of PC. However, a part of it is the narrative about European settlers first setting foot on North America less than a thousand years ago, when this is obviously not the case.

I thought they uncovered a lot of bodies from a bog in Florida that indicates that Cro Magnon was living on our continant over 7000 to 9000 thousands years ago? They even used sophisticated weaving processes in textiles? Also, from images in space someone says there are deep canals built along the shore of the east coast? Arent these ideas (theories) known by many in the Scientific field and accepted by many? I don't think you have to worry about someone ending your life. Opposition would simply discredit you and you would not be taken serious by other Scientist.

If you want to see a REAL coverup, then there is no need to look any further than the government coverup of the existence of Bigfoot !


Man, you like spamming this link, huh?

Sasquatch..I know your love is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.

I am not "spamming", dude. I only mention my sub, r/SasquatchAttacks, when appropriate. This post is about a coverup. It is widely believed that there is a Bigfoot coverup. Yesterday I mentored my sub, r/SasquatchAttacks, on here in a thread about Bigfoot itself.

This is not spamming. Don't shade me like that, dude!


Hey I have no problem with it. I just notice you do it a lot. Did not see that coming

Sasquatch only loves. He doesn't fight. He is a lover. A mother lover....

Have you tried leaking this with evidence to papers? Make it all anonymous etc

I intend to, but one can never be sure how anonymous they are these days, I want to make sure I have another nation I can claim asylum in before I leak it.

Well there's lots of others who could right? Get everyone else who feels similar to support you

I have actually, as I mentioned in the post, however many of them want to limit their participation when they support me, and they want to be subtle about it, and I understand that as what I'm doing is very risky.

Total bullshit.

You're not an archaeologist.



If Sliders taught me anything, its watch out for the cro-mags

Anyway, as of now, we have excavated about 2.5 meters down, we’re into the very late Pleistocene era, but the middle strata is definitely from the Neolithic time period. What we've found so far includes hand tools as well as a number of the distinctive flat, thin, leaf-shaped Solutrean-style spearpoints, arrowheads, and blades in the level one strata. Of course, we got them carbon dated by the UC's very own Department of Chemistry. The strata that has been excavated so far has been dated to approximately 9,800 radiocarbon years of age, roughly 11,000 calendar years.

You can't carbon-date inorganic material. A grad student in Archaeology would know that, I'd think. Everything else in your post reads like good science, very convincing. But this part leads me to believe you're making this all up. Again, a grad student in Archaeology would know you cannot use C14 dating on stone tools.

This is actually a partial myth, at least when it comes to the metal artifacts we found. You're right that we had to use different methods such as point typologies, not carbon dating on the stone tools. However, when it comes to metal, like the blades, we're not carbon dating the blade itself, but the carbon that is inside the blade.

Carbon is a building block of life, its isotopes can be found everywhere. Carbon atoms tend to bond with almost anything through exposure to the air, which contains carbon dioxide and other molecules plus all kinds of microscopic floating plant and animal particulates. Most metal implements contain a measurable carbon content from the smelting or manufacturing process. Furthermore, if a metal artifact was worked using any wooden tool during the process, there will be residual carbon on it that can be dated.

We have to use very complex and modern spectroscopic analysis as well as other procedures. It's really quite interesting actually.

However, when it comes to metal, like the blades, we're not carbon dating the blade itself, but the carbon that is present in or on the blade.

As someone who is very familiar with the subject, you don't really understand what you're saying here. To my knowledge, there is literally no way to "carbon-date" a metal blade by itself. There would have to be organic material present on the blade to test it....which, after >10,000 years....there wouldn't be anything organic left on the blade, at all. I suppose you could date it by finding organic compounds in the soil from the stratum where the blade was located...but definitely not the blade itself.

Another thing - to my knowledge, the Solutreans came way, way before the Bronze Age. Solutrean artifacts are non-fluted, Levallois technique and overshot-flaked stone bifaces - very advanced for the time, to be sure, but not even close to Bronze Age tech. I will suspend my disbelief for a second and assume you are being truthful....you're telling me they were using stone spears alongside bronze swords? That would be like having F-15s give air support to your musket-wielding regular army. It doesn't add up.

Give me some more details about the dig. Who was leading the dig? Was Pascale Sciotte, the department head of Archeology at the University of Calgary, involved at all? How about any of the Professors? I'd like to maybe see if I can reach them for comment.

Thank you. This is an excellent post.

Am I right in thinking that these 'cro-magnum skulls' were found in a an area where, if the dates OP proposes are correct, they'd have to have sunk through a mile or so of ice to reach the earth below and be deposited?

Depends on where - Calgary would have been on the margins of the ice-free corridor, and ~11,000 years ago I believe parts of the region would have been ice-free tundra.

Entiak Provincial Park is hundreds of kilometers away from Calgary, in the interior of British Columbia.

Not sure why the arch dept at U of C would be working on this, instead of UBC in Vancouver.

I guess we'll never know, he deleted his entire account...

Oh no! The Archaeology Assassins got them!

I guess they milked the LARP as much as they could before the errors got pointed out.

It was a good LARP too, always like having an opportunity to discuss pre-Clovis in the Americas.

Agreed, very convincing to someone like me who doesn't know shit about archaeology. Got me looking into the Solutrean hypothesis.

The Solutrean Hypothesis is certainly plausible, but I would caution that any "fringe" theory especially in Archeology be taken with a grain of salt. Check out Dennis K. Stanford's lecture for a good overview of the topic.

Fantastic post, thank-you.

crosspost: Not an archaeologist (and not believing the story either) but it should be possible to c14 date any carbon inclusions which are to be expected in iron due to the smelting process.

found one: http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0305/Cook-0305.html

I don't believe the tools would have been iron - they would have most likely been made of bronze. So, that paper may or may not apply. Nice to know that, though, I hadn't heard of that before. Even if they were iron, the article you linked basically says "Accellerator Mass Spectrometry is waaaay better than C14 for dating iron artifacts." So I don't know why they would've used it in this case, I'm sure the chem department at UCalgary has AMS dating capability.

I don't believe the tools would have been iron - they would have most likely been made of bronze. So, that paper may or may not apply. Nice to know that, though, I hadn't heard of that before.

Like I said I know jack shit about archeology, I just know that you can't make Iron without a fire and thats all you need for C14 and therefore reacted to your wording ;)

You didn't read his comment. He said there is no way to carbon date the blade and it would have to be on or around the blade.

Ok, this is bullshit.

Complete LARP.

That is NOT how carbon dating works. A metal knife can not, has never been and never will be carbon dated. The idea of carbon dating from residue left on metal by a wooden tool is also ludicrous.

This person does not understand the basic principle of carbon dating - that organic (carbon based) lifeforms take in a radioactive isotope of carbon called carbon 14 while they are alive. Once they die, they stop taking it in and the amount of it begins to decline as it has a half life of about 5700 years. You can measure the amount of it present compared to the amount of regular carbon and work out how many half life's have gone past since it stopped taking in fresh carbon 14. That gives you the age of the sample. Feel free to read the Wikipedia on carbon dating to confirm.

Nobody who's done even an undergrad archaeology course would make this basic mistake. Someone who's watched a lot of archaeology videos on YouTube might well make this mistake.

Nice try, fucker.

He deleted his comment account =]

All that time spent building his story, only for it to come apart on the fine details..,

Sounds like he read an Archaeological paper or two and thought he could pull a fast one on /r/conspiracy

Nah =']

Not an archaeologist (and not believing the story either) but it should be possible to c14 date any carbon inclusions which are to be expected in iron due to the smelting process.

If you could get it out in a form you could test, it just might tell you when that carbon was last part of a living organism.

Carbon dating is only used on organic materials, because it's based on the fact living things take in radioactive c14 from their environment. You'll sometimes see carbon dating reports qualified with a note like 'we can only say that the wood used grew about 1250ad but it's possible the building was made from the wood much later'. That's for exactly the same reason.

So if there were carbon inclusions in a metal object that could be tested, it wouldn't give you the date the object was made anyway...

So if there were carbon inclusions in a metal object that could be tested, it wouldn't give you the date the object was made anyway...

All true but dating objects that old is inaccurate anyway, so even if the tree was already dead for a century what difference does it makes if you have 10000 Ad +-60 or +-160 ? (in this case!! My sister made me crossread a paper about dunno - establishing a timeline for thetimewheneverhammurabiwasathing - where +-200 would have made a difference but not here on this story.)

There are a few things here. We got onto this because the guy clearly doesn't understand how carbon dating works, which is a massive giveaway that he's not actually an academic archaeologist.

You're talking about the margin introduced during the calibration process here. The raw carbon date you get is cross-referenced with a chart derived from dendrochronology sources (basically, counting tree rings) to give your final 'calibrated' date. At some points on the curve, for complex technical reasons, there's quite a broad range of dates that could be relevant, and at others it's extremely specific.

In the case of dating a metal object from carbon inclusions, there's no way you could tell when the carbon was last part of a living organism. So it could be twenty thousand years off the true date.

So it could be twenty thousand years off the true date.

Rather unlikely, or? With a half-life of 5700 years the maximum uncertainty shouldn't be bigger than maybe that (because C14 variations in the atmosphere aren't bigger than that).

hmm, to long past learning about it..

No, it could be several half life's away I'd think?

Wouldn't know why? Production a a function of magnetic field/cosmic activitywhich varies but not more than the factor of two. The only other source would vulcanic CO2 (which has no C14) and weathered limestone (same reason) but in both cases you would need a 1:1 dilution to waltz past a halftime error.


Well, we're talking about the date of a hypothetical metal artefact. Suppose the correct date it was made is 1000AD, but we don't know that.

Now we try to date it from a carbon inclusion in the metal. We're effectively dating the last time that carbon was biomass. Suppose a dark age blacksmith found a piece of ancient bog oak and was using it in his forge and that got into the metal. What you'd get is a date much, much older than the artefact. 20,000 years is a stretch for that scenario but I can't see why the age given by a carbon inclusion couldn't be 20,000 years out, given that carbon dating will take you back that far easily...

we're not carbon dating the blade itself, but the carbon that is present in or on the blade, or where the blade was found.

Guess you didn't read his comment correctly

You can't just date any old carbon that's sitting around. The dating function comes from the fact it was once alive and exchanging carbon with the atmosphere. The cessation of that activity is the point you're dating.

I know someone posted a link to a journal article about dating iron from carbon on or around it but that is really very atypical as far as RC dating goes. It's a very unusual approach and I'd bet it only works occasionally when the circumstances are just right. The vast, vast majority of dating is of organic materials, because they were once alive and the date produced is more or less guaranteed to be relevant to the material tested.

So there's a pretty complex chain of events that has to occur before carbon dating is viable or useful. Even then, there are all kinds of complications that can occur during the testing process and careers have been made and broken on the possibility of sample contamination and dozens of other things like that.

I guarantee you that the OP is not familiar with the process of carbon dating, and has certainly not studied it at university level. That's why they deleted their account when they were called out, instead of defending their position.

That makes sense but you mentioned the blade itself and I was pointing out he didn't say the blade specifically.

Em, I'm not 100% sure, it's late here, but I think he clarified that point in a way that was obviously incorrect in his first response to u/Blomkampf, now deleted, which was what Blomkampf and I then responded to, after which he went all bleachbit on his account....


Great post.....you're doing the right thing....we appreciate it....good luck!!

It's a LARP. This person is not an archaeologist. They do not understand the principle of carbon dating and they've claimed a metal knife can be carbon dated, which is just a massive giveaway that they didn't know what they're talking about.

Well possibly but I don't like to stifle possible whistleblowers,only encourage.

You aren't even curious why he didn't provide any photos of these "stunning" finds? This is a total LARP until I see evidence otherwise.

Well....I'd rather encourage than discourage people standing up for truth...if legit or not will eventually come to light....and LARP is people playing dungeons &dragons with foam swords in the woods so I don't get why people label people bullshitting anonymously on a website Live Action Role Playing.

Because he's literally role playing but didn't realize that actual archaeologists would read this garbage and call him out on his bullshit, causing him to delete the post.

That's why.

Well that's what I meant by if it's legit or not will come out....i for one tend to lean on encouraging whistleblowers than degrade them when it's a subject in which my education lacks.

But he's not a whistleblower, he's a LARPer.

I get that...but at the start,prior to comments...he was a whistleblower...until proven otherwise...my whole premise is that I don't write off anyone out the gate

He said the strata the tools was found in was carbon dated i.e. organic material of the same age was dated. Why are you lying to discredit him? I don't blame him for deleting it with shitty shills harassing him.

He said a lot more than that. But u can fuck off and die if u think u can call me a shill.

I wonder why you spent so much time with a dramatic build up, and stating multiple times how very controversial this is.
Cro Magnon? You mean Anatomically Modern Human? Early Modern Human?
What do you make of the fact that the earliest modern human remains have been found in China? Why then could those same people not have made it across the bering land bridge?
What do you make of recent sites dating back 20000 years in the Yukon and down into South America?

This is a LARP, plain and simple, until pics prove otherwise.


I like your questions. Although most archaeologist/anthropologists do not support the Bering Strait Land Bridge theory anymore.

It's still one of a few likely happenings. My personal favourite theory is that potentially ancient humans used boats to cruise around the shores of the oceans. Of course, wooden ships don't last too long in the fossil record.

It's weird. I had heard a number of critiques of the Bering Strait Theory online, but most people seem to take it as fact. When I was finally able to speak with a physical anthropologists (archaeologist), they were like, "Yeah, Bering Strait is bullshit with no evidence to support it, and no one takes it seriously." Her favourite was the island refugiae (sp?) hypothesis, which sounds similar to what you're talking about.

Thank you for this OP.

You've stumbled upon a legit conspiracy that has been repeatedly covered up by a scientific establishment entrenched in pedantry and paralyzed by compartmentalization.

OP and anyone else interested in alternative migration timelines should read the book "Axis of the World: The Search for America's Oldest Civilization" by Igor Witkowski.

Some reviews:

The apex of classic American cultures is centered in the Central and Southern continents in America. As the glaciers retreated, humans followed the animals further from the Equator as vegetation became reestablished. Witkowski's research and documentation of a pan-Pacific migration route harmonizes with the latest genetic research that debunks the afrocentric evolution of humans.

It appears that Witkowski's tracing of early humans in the America's from the area of the Indus Valley is being vindicated both by genetics and archeology.

Could many of the mysteries of America's prehistoric past lie with an ancient, advanced civilization? "Axis of the World: The Search for the Oldest American Civilization" is a discussion of what may be the oldest American civilization.

Believing that there was an ancient civilization that spread knowledge throughout the pacific coast and gave influence over Easter Island and some of the wonders of ancient America, Igor Witkowski gives readers of speculative prehistory something to dig their teeth into.

the destruction of these artifacts was covertly ordered by the federal administration of Canada

Like what the Jihadi's are doing in the Middle East. Disgusting.

Thank you for taking the time to inform us and to stay ethical within your discipline! There are many scientific and archeological discrepancies with the history that is spoon-fed the bulk of the public. Especially with regards to the Smithsonian and their activities in the early 1900's. One of my favorite rabbit holes is Isis Mount in the Grand Canyon and all the artifacts that were supposedly found there. Puma Punko in South America is also an entirely fascinating site where the "official" explanation makes no sense from a scientific view-point. Even Egypt; Tutankhamun was buried with a dagger made from meteoric iron (not an easy feat even with our tech) and we are supposed to believe the Egyptians only had working knowledge of bronze alone.

Pardon the rant, but you are most certainly correct that the official narrative is not the actual history and that science is being abused to propagate that narrative. It gives me hope that you would rather tell everyone what you've found and not just roll over and capitulate. Keep up the good fight!

If it were determined that there were people in North America before the "Native Americans" swooped in across the Bering Straits, it would mean that modern "Native Americans" had displaced an entire population of people, committing wide-spread genocide in order to be there. Even worse, the people they wiped out would have been related to modern North Americans (white) so it would, in some people's minds validate the extermination of "Native Americans" hundreds of years ago to return the land to the original white occupiers.

Basically, any claims of "pre-Columbian" settlement of North America are controversial in the same way Israeli archeology is always controversial because any evidence of earlier settlement can theoretically invalidate claims of rightful ownership/stewardship of the land.

I believe "Native Americans" wiped out an earlier (more primitive)civilization and it has been covered up to be PC to the traditions of the "Native Americans".

What would be the point of covering this up? It's obvious that more advanced cultures wiped out less advanced ones throughout human history.

It gives "Native Americans" a sense of moral superiority. If we are supplanting a race of people that already supplanted another race of people, that takes away part of their moral argument.

Who cares, though? It doesn't change my life in any way that some natives have a sense of moral superiority. It wouldn't change if they were deprived of it either. Seems utterly pointless to bother covering something like that up. Our species wiped out a bunch of now-extinct human ancestors - neanderthals, erectus, etc. It's nature.

There's a billion dollar tax grab industry in Canada based around the lie that asiatic people who crossed Beringia were the first and original settlers, and that evil white man stole this country

First off, I bear no ill will to North America's native population, so just for the sake of discussion, Natives are so marginalized and "disliked" already. Wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity to basically say "fuck you...the jig is up," rescind all of their (expensive) benefits, and just move on with our lives?

Isn't is a little counterproductive to prop up a population that lots of people seem to wish would "go away"? Who benefits from this aside from the native population?

If it were determined that there were people in North America before the "Native Americans" swooped in across the Bering Straits, it would mean that modern "Native Americans" had displaced an entire population of people, committing wide-spread genocide in order to be there.

Your logic does not follow. We're talking timespans of 10,000+ years. There is no logic conclusion that any specific action (like genocide) led to one group supplanting another. Thats longer than the whole of recorded history doubled.

On top of that, there's also evidence that Native Americans may have also been around a lot longer than we thought. So the presence of an earlier group doesn't mean at all that the earlier group was first.

Why is the find politically incorrect?

If you read the whole post, he tells you why...

Maybe it would impact the race war they are trying to create.

send to graham hancock

Looking for this comment, thank you, couldnt agree more. If there is someone who may know what to do, its that fucking guy.

Why did the department not cover it up right away, and instead let you guys excavate the site for a year?

What happens now with your Master's program? You spent a year supposedly excavating a site that now has it's data being censored. You have nothing to write for your thesis/project now.

How come you don't have a single picture? You're definitely in a position where you would have had many opportunities to save some. So upload them.

Show me the site on google earth.

This is so fake. And the archaeology department at U of C isn't even that big. If this were true and there's a whole coverup conspiracy going on, you'd be found already.

Yeah, all that stuff about not being identified....as if the archaeology department at a university is so big that this post wouldn't narrow it down to a tiny number of people anyway.

That, plus the lack of understanding of carbon dating, says 100% LARP.

Have you got pics of your dig to prove this isn't a LARP or an ARG?

Thanks in advance.

I follow 2 youtube channels that expose old civilizations like the Sumerians and pre dating civilizations. This information would be amazing to them and they would make a video about it. Could be an alternative to you having to go through normal journalists. Leak Project and Bright Insight are the channels.

I read the whole rant, and know nothing about the science,but I do believe that if you have evidence, it should have been at least partially released with your first statement.

Your claims are what they are, but without any supporting information, there's little anyone can or should do about it.

The implications are huge.

Nobody wants to think that "white" people may have been in North America so early.

I wish you the best of luck. It will be very difficult.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but according to your findings, Caucasians were the first people in North America?

Aaaaaaand deleted.

Good riddance, LARPers should really find alternative means of self-satisfaction.

If this is true, you need to put all the documents (test results, pictures, etc...) you can get your hands on online, your words aren't going to stick

One word...


Why did you delete It? Did anybody save?

Yes! I'm leaning towards it being fake, but I'm liking the conversation it has started so I say go for it.


I know that the title sounds a bit clickbait-y, but it's the best title I could think of. These past days I have witnessed what I believe are gross violations of both scientific ethics and ethics in general. I want to make these crimes known, and I think I have found a way to do that. Firstly, I'd like to preface this by emphasizing that I have not slept very much lately, and not really any sleep at all these past couple nights. I want to apologize if anything I says seems incoherent or otherwise seems weird. Please, feel free to ask me about anything that seems off to you, and I'll try to clear things up the best I can. A lot of this is sort of stream of consciousness type stuff that's been rattling in my head, I don't even know where to start.

In the interest of protecting myself and my family, as I do genuinely fear retribution for what I am about to reveal, I will avoid saying things that could compromise my identity or the identity of my colleagues, even if I do genuinely believe some of them have been complicit or outright supportive of the crimes that have gone on here. I would like to think that I've thought this through the best I can, given the circumstances. Eventually, I want to make my identity known, but only when I can guarantee the safety of myself and those I care about. I intend to find asylum somewhere, possibly in the USA or elsewhere.

Now, you're probably on the edge of your seat by now, wondering what the big deal is about. Let's get to it then. I may purposefully be vague about certain parts for the sake of time, for the sake of efficiency, and because I want to have some leverage throughout this entire debacle. I want this to spread as far as possible, and I don't want to just be disappeared. I need this to be spread as far as possible, I want these crimes to be known.

The Site

As I have mentioned before, I am a graduate student studying archaeology at the University of Calgary. I have done a lot of work along with other students working in the field, getting my hands dirty, that sort of thing. I really do enjoy archaeology, it's my greatest passion in life, and even after this is all over, I still want to continue my education in that field. However, because I have such a respect for science and for ethics, I can not, and I will not tolerate the flagrant suppression of real science that I've experienced, and that I believe has occurred on a much larger scale.

Let's start at the beginning of where it all happened. In Entiako Provincial Park, over a year ago, a small group of archaeologists going over the area with Ground penetrating radar (GPR). They detected the walls of a longhouse and tumili (a kind of burial mound) approximately 1.8 meters underground. Multiple hollow chambers with contents that were yet unknown at the time were also detected. Naturally, the University of Calgary's Department of Anthropology and Archaeology got involved, including me, with the permission of the gracious provincial government, of course. I don't think they thought we were going to find what we did.

Over a year ago may seem a long time, but keep in mind that so much dirt is not easy to clear. Even with dozens of students and supervising staff busily working over the course of months clearing out the area into a large patch, digging with shovels, scraping away with trowels, trundling excavated dirty away, filtering earth to make sure nothing is missed, pegging out twigs with twine and metal stakes into one meter grid pattern, and the weather gets in the way, it's really a lot of work.

Anyway, as of now, we have excavated about 2.5 meters down, we’re into the very late Pleistocene era, but the middle strata is definitely from the Neolithic time period. What we've found so far includes hand tools as well as a number of the distinctive flat, thin, leaf-shaped Solutrean-style spearpoints, arrowheads, and blades in the level one strata. Of course, we got them carbon dated by the UC's very own Department of Chemistry. The strata that has been excavated so far has been dated to approximately 9,800 radiocarbon years of age, roughly 11,000 calendar years.

This, on its own would be a very significant find. Something that would demand exposure, and I hoped that it would gain some exposure as I was very proud by this find, and so were other students who worked at the site. However, the department around this time began to engage in sketchy behavior that went against common protocol in these situations that made me suspicious. It was like they were trying to draw attention from the Entiako site. That is not the most dramatic thing that we found. This is where things get really interesting.

The skulls of the site's former occupants were also excavated down at Level 1, about the very end of the Paleolithic era. The frontal plumb of these skulls was straight, with small brow ridges, tall foreheads, and prominent chins. Both computerized and clay facial reconstruction of the skulls showed men and women with long faces, deepset eyes, aquiline noses, thin lips, and straight hair. What residual DNA testing we were able to get revealed that their hair was likely either blonde or red in color. Additional testing on residual mitochondrial DNA revealed that their mitochondrial group was Haplogroup N.

In other words, these were Cro-Magnon remains, the only remains ever discovered in North America, or the only ones that I know about, since I suspect that this is not the only coverup. They are ancient Caucasians, and of course that is very very politically incorrect with the narrative that I have come to believe that the Canadian government and others have been pushing in the West for such a long time.

I'm going to assume you're familiar with the Solutrean hypothesis, a very controversial archaeological theory, for the sake of time I won't go too much into it. This site had supplementary evidence that this hypothesis may in fact be true, which is a very politically incorrect fact indeed. It is for that reason that I think the DA&A and the Canadian government had motive to suppress the nature of what we found on this site.

Anyway, speaking of the site, what I personally think is that we've mostly uncovered is basically a village area. We’ve found postholes and petrified wood slivers from a stockade of almost three acres that surrounded the site at one time, but the ruins are all centered within that area, so there were probably gardens and small grazing plots for livestock surrounding the structures, if they’d gotten around to domesticating animals in those days, which we’re not sure of. We’ve found skeletal remains of dogs, not wolves, which may have been domesticated by then, and we’ve found the bones of pigs and turkeys and pigeons, but there’s no way to tell if they were domesticated or if they were hunted in the wild.

There’s the longhouse and about eight other smaller buildings we’ve been working on, but some of the other structures were probably barns, workshops, granaries, and other storage facilities. Most of the people themselves probably lived in the longhouse. Of course, the site was inhabited on and off over the course of thousands of years. We figure that the area must have been quite a bit deeper back then, so it was a source of water that kept people coming back to settle in the area. There are multiple artifact bearing strata at the site which supports this.

I digress, anyway, what we've uncovered here is game changing, it really is. Not only have we found Cro-Magnon style tumili, but the actual skulls of Cro-Magnon persons is even more of a discovery. However, the ensuing events destroyed my faith in archaeology in Canada and have brought to light many things that I believe have to be changed, that have to be acknowledged.

The Cover-up

Usually what would happen with such a big discovery such as this one is that an Eminent Persons Group would be sent, something like that. The world should know about what we found here. However, that simply has just not happened. I'm going to try to keep this is as short as possible since you've already had to sit through enough of my ranting and raving as it is. I am also really eager to get this all off of my chest.

The main thing, the most important thing that you understand is that they covered it up, what I have seen in the way of the most blatant and violent disregard for scientific protocol and ethics shocks me to my core, it makes me the angriest I've ever truly been, I'd say. That is the most important thing I can impart on to you, there was an intentional effort to stop what we found here from going public. I, and other colleagues at many points were ordered to disregard protocol, to destroy documentation, and to turn a blind eye to what was right under our noses.

The question they're going to ask me is, "Why didn't you go through the proper channels?" I can say with 100% confidence that I, and others did go through the proper channels. Throughout this entire situation, on multiple occasions I approached supervising staff, including the Head of the Department, who was overseeing the Entiako site, about my concerns. I was told that I was being, "Insubordinate" and/or, "Out of line" on many occasions there was the implicit threat of reprisal and the destruction of my career as an archaeologist.

It makes me boiling inside just to type this all out. In my anger, I decided that the only thing to do was to try to document what was going on myself, including documenting the various things that we found and the data that we collected on them. I did not do this without help, and it pains me that my acknowledging their names, I could be putting their lives, and the lives of who they care about in danger.

Sadly, I was not able to really any of the physical artifacts themselves due to a variety of circumstances. To my ever growing shock and something that makes me sick to my stomach, the destruction of these artifacts was covertly

It was absolutely fake, thank you for saving it for posterity.

Why fake?

Why fake?

  • UofC likely wouldn't be doing a dig in BC where UBC would likely be doing it
  • a lack of understanding of carbon dating for a Master's of Archaeology student
  • deleted their account

Sooo just because you think it's fake...

Sooo just because you think it's fake...

Any Master's of Archaeology student would never claim that pig bones existed in North America prior to European settlement. The post is riddle with outright fabrications demonstrating a basic lack of knowledge regarding the topic at hand.

The post is riddle with outright fabrications demonstrating a basic lack of knowledge...

The only thing I saw was the part about carbon dating the arrowheads, but they could have been talking about the surrounding organic material it was discovered in.

What other outright fabrications are there that make you claim it was "riddled" with them? (Besides the pig bones claim, which seems pretty weak to me, as that would be impossible to prove)

What other outright fabrications are there that make you claim it was "riddled" with them? (Besides the pig bones claim, which seems pretty weak to me, as that would be impossible to prove)

I think the lack of knowledge regarding carbon dating and the history of pigs in North America is enough to demonstrate that this person certainly isn't in a Master's of Archaeology program. Like we learned about the history of pigs in the Americas in our first year history class.

A. As I said, the carbon dating error could have easily been that the OP misspoke, and that the dating was determined from the carbon dating of some other organic material associated with the stone artifacts. What sucks is that he post was deleted without being able to respond to the people calling out the error. (And to the people that will say he deleted it himself, I'd ask for proof for knowing it was his decision)

But more importantly,

B. If OP is talking about finding evidence of something that goes directly against the shit you're learning about in that first year history class. Just because we think we know the history of pigs in America, it's really just a complete guess based on what we've found so far. For you to dismiss this person because they said something that you already "know" since your history book said so, it really shows where your biases are coming from. The entire post is suggesting that "mainstream" archeology is trying to cover this up. If true (which it most certainly is in some senses), then we need to think long and hard about what other "Master's" are hiding from us in all the other sciences.

I'm not saying that OP is completely legit and I believe it, but I am saying that the angry mob latched onto two very minor issues and therefore dismissed everything else contained in the post.

How do you know you weren't lied to in school

UofC likely wouldn't be doing a dig in BC where UBC would likely be doing it

This actually could happen, because all it takes is permission from a province for an investigation to proceed - no matter the University involved.

This actually could happen, because all it takes is permission from a province for an investigation to proceed - no matter the University involved.

Absolutely agree, just found it odd.

Another note: pigs were brought to America by European settlers, so claiming they are proof of some kind of early village demonstrates a complete ignorance of something that a Master's student would clearly know.


WTF OP... I read the entire thing, come to comments, and find out you've gone and deleted it all? WHY? I am prepared to re-post the copied text...

Can you tell us exactly what artifacts they destroyed? Cromagon skulls, arrowheads etc?


You can still read the original post here.


I know that the title sounds a bit clickbait-y, but it's the best title I could think of. These past days I have witnessed what I believe are gross violations of both scientific ethics and ethics in general. I want to make these crimes known, and I think I have found a way to do that. Firstly, I'd like to preface this by emphasizing that I have not slept very much lately, and not really any sleep at all these past couple nights. I want to apologize if anything I says seems incoherent or otherwise seems weird. Please, feel free to ask me about anything that seems off to you, and I'll try to clear things up the best I can. A lot of this is sort of stream of consciousness type stuff that's been rattling in my head, I don't even know where to start.

In the interest of protecting myself and my family, as I do genuinely fear retribution for what I am about to reveal, I will avoid saying things that could compromise my identity or the identity of my colleagues, even if I do genuinely believe some of them have been complicit or outright supportive of the crimes that have gone on here. I would like to think that I've thought this through the best I can, given the circumstances. Eventually, I want to make my identity known, but only when I can guarantee the safety of myself and those I care about. I intend to find asylum somewhere, possibly in the USA or elsewhere.

Now, you're probably on the edge of your seat by now, wondering what the big deal is about. Let's get to it then. I may purposefully be vague about certain parts for the sake of time, for the sake of efficiency, and because I want to have some leverage throughout this entire debacle. I want this to spread as far as possible, and I don't want to just be disappeared. I need this to be spread as far as possible, I want these crimes to be known. The Site

As I have mentioned before, I am a graduate student studying archaeology at the University of Calgary. I have done a lot of work along with other students working in the field, getting my hands dirty, that sort of thing. I really do enjoy archaeology, it's my greatest passion in life, and even after this is all over, I still want to continue my education in that field. However, because I have such a respect for science and for ethics, I can not, and I will not tolerate the flagrant suppression of real science that I've experienced, and that I believe has occurred on a much larger scale.

Let's start at the beginning of where it all happened. In Entiako Provincial Park, over a year ago, a small group of archaeologists going over the area with Ground penetrating radar (GPR). They detected the walls of a longhouse and tumili (a kind of burial mound) approximately 1.8 meters underground. Multiple hollow chambers with contents that were yet unknown at the time were also detected. Naturally, the University of Calgary's Department of Anthropology and Archaeology got involved, including me, with the permission of the gracious provincial government, of course. I don't think they thought we were going to find what we did.

Over a year ago may seem a long time, but keep in mind that so much dirt is not easy to clear. Even with dozens of students and supervising staff busily working over the course of months clearing out the area into a large patch, digging with shovels, scraping away with trowels, trundling excavated dirty away, filtering earth to make sure nothing is missed, pegging out twigs with twine and metal stakes into one meter grid pattern, and the weather gets in the way, it's really a lot of work.

Anyway, as of now, we have excavated about 2.5 meters down, we’re into the very late Pleistocene era, but the middle strata is definitely from the Neolithic time period. What we've found so far includes hand tools as well as a number of the distinctive flat, thin, leaf-shaped Solutrean-style spearpoints, arrowheads, and blades in the level one strata. Of course, we got them carbon dated by the UC's very own Department of Chemistry. The strata that has been excavated so far has been dated to approximately 9,800 radiocarbon years of age, roughly 11,000 calendar years.

This, on its own would be a very significant find. Something that would demand exposure, and I hoped that it would gain some exposure as I was very proud by this find, and so were other students who worked at the site. However, the department around this time began to engage in sketchy behavior that went against common protocol in these situations that made me suspicious. It was like they were trying to draw attention from the Entiako site. That is not the most dramatic thing that we found. This is where things get really interesting.

The skulls of the site's former occupants were also excavated down at Level 1, about the very end of the Paleolithic era. The frontal plumb of these skulls was straight, with small brow ridges, tall foreheads, and prominent chins. Both computerized and clay facial reconstruction of the skulls showed men and women with long faces, deepset eyes, aquiline noses, thin lips, and straight hair. What residual DNA testing we were able to get revealed that their hair was likely either blonde or red in color. Additional testing on residual mitochondrial DNA revealed that their mitochondrial group was Haplogroup N.

In other words, these were Cro-Magnon remains, the only remains ever discovered in North America, or the only ones that I know about, since I suspect that this is not the only coverup. They are ancient Caucasians, and of course that is very very politically incorrect with the narrative that I have come to believe that the Canadian government and others have been pushing in the West for such a long time.

I'm going to assume you're familiar with the Solutrean hypothesis, a very controversial archaeological theory, for the sake of time I won't go too much into it. This site had supplementary evidence that this hypothesis may in fact be true, which is a very politically incorrect fact indeed. It is for that reason that I think the DA&A and the Canadian government had motive to suppress the nature of what we found on this site.

Anyway, speaking of the site, what I personally think is that we've mostly uncovered is basically a village area. We’ve found postholes and petrified wood slivers from a stockade of almost three acres that surrounded the site at one time, but the ruins are all centered within that area, so there were probably gardens and small grazing plots for livestock surrounding the structures, if they’d gotten around to domesticating animals in those days, which we’re not sure of. We’ve found skeletal remains of dogs, not wolves, which may have been domesticated by then, and we’ve found the bones of pigs and turkeys and pigeons, but there’s no way to tell if they were domesticated or if they were hunted in the wild.

There’s the longhouse and about eight other smaller buildings we’ve been working on, but some of the other structures were probably barns, workshops, granaries, and other storage facilities. Most of the people themselves probably lived in the longhouse. Of course, the site was inhabited on and off over the course of thousands of years. We figure that the area must have been quite a bit deeper back then, so it was a source of water that kept people coming back to settle in the area. There are multiple artifact bearing strata at the site which supports this.

I digress, anyway, what we've uncovered here is game changing, it really is. Not only have we found Cro-Magnon style tumili, but the actual skulls of Cro-Magnon persons is even more of a discovery. However, the ensuing events destroyed my faith in archaeology in Canada and have brought to light many things that I believe have to be changed, that have to be acknowledged. The Cover-up

Usually what would happen with such a big discovery such as this one is that an Eminent Persons Group would be sent, something like that. The world should know about what we found here. However, that simply has just not happened. I'm going to try to keep this is as short as possible since you've already had to sit through enough of my ranting and raving as it is. I am also really eager to get this all off of my chest.

The main thing, the most important thing that you understand is that they covered it up, what I have seen in the way of the most blatant and violent disregard for scientific protocol and ethics shocks me to my core, it makes me the angriest I've ever truly been, I'd say. That is the most important thing I can impart on to you, there was an intentional effort to stop what we found here from going public. I, and other colleagues at many points were ordered to disregard protocol, to destroy documentation, and to turn a blind eye to what was right under our noses.

The question they're going to ask me is, "Why didn't you go through the proper channels?" I can say with 100% confidence that I, and others did go through the proper channels. Throughout this entire situation, on multiple occasions I approached supervising staff, including the Head of the Department, who was overseeing the Entiako site, about my concerns. I was told that I was being, "Insubordinate" and/or, "Out of line" on many occasions there was the implicit threat of reprisal and the destruction of my career as an archaeologist.

It makes me boiling inside just to type this all out. In my anger, I decided that the only thing to do was to try to document what was going on myself, including documenting the various things that we found and the data that we collected on them. I did not do this without help, and it pains me that my acknowledging their names, I could be putting their lives, and the lives of who they care about in danger.

Sadly, I was not able to really any of the physical artifacts themselves due to a variety of circumstances. To my ever growing shock and something that makes me sick to my stomach, the destruction of these artifacts was covertly ordered by the federal administration of Canada. I know that this a bold claim, and I plan to prove it, all in good time.

Do you remember what I said about leverage earlier? This is what I was talking about. I have set up a dead man's switch, and in the event of my kidnapping, assassination, or otherwise suppression, a sizable leak of all the things that have occurred at the Entiako site. It will go out to many journalists and other pertinent people worldwide who I can rely to spread it as far as possible. That is my leverage until I can guarantee my safety and the safety of my loved ones.

It may seem extreme to some of you, but it is in my sincere belief that it is necessary. I do eventually want to make this entire data dump open to the public, all in good time. I have planned this out over the past couple weeks in great detail, this is how I'm going to do things. The Conclusion

I really would like to include so much more, but for the purposes of efficiency and brevity, this is a relatively short summary. Believe me, this is not the end, a lot more information is going to be coming your way, the entire public's way hopefully. This is basically what has gone on. I need this to be known, I need this to be spread. Don't let this be buried, let the truth be known.

I would like to emphasize, that I do not blame all of the participants in Entiako, as I mentioned before, many of them actively did their best to dissent against the highly unethical things that were going on. Some of them chose to keep their mouths shut and they just did what they were told, no matter how abhorrent. I forgive them as to make mistakes is only human. However, the facts need to come to light eventually.

My main request to you is to spread this around to everyone you know, do it on other social media sites, don't stop talking about it. Let the truth be known. This is not goodbye, additional proof and information will be provided. I have a process for this whole thing, and it will come to fruition if I have anything to say about it.

If the media wants to give me a name, call me Mx. Entiako.

They cover this up so that they can continue to bring you false images of Jesus, who if the son of God, could no way on this planet have cro magnon DNA.

Jesus was a black man!

You aren't even curious why he didn't provide any photos of these "stunning" finds? This is a total LARP until I see evidence otherwise.

The question they're going to ask me is, "Why didn't you go through the proper channels?" I can say with 100% confidence that I, and others did go through the proper channels. Throughout this entire situation, on multiple occasions I approached supervising staff, including the Head of the Department, who was overseeing the Entiako site, about my concerns. I was told that I was being, "Insubordinate" and/or, "Out of line" on many occasions there was the implicit threat of reprisal and the destruction of my career as an archaeologist.

It makes me boiling inside just to type this all out. In my anger, I decided that the only thing to do was to try to document what was going on myself, including documenting the various things that we found and the data that we collected on them. I did not do this without help, and it pains me that my acknowledging their names, I could be putting their lives, and the lives of who they care about in danger.

Sadly, I was not able to really any of the physical artifacts themselves due to a variety of circumstances. To my ever growing shock and something that makes me sick to my stomach, the destruction of these artifacts was covertly ordered by the federal administration of Canada. I know that this a bold claim, and I plan to prove it, all in good time.

Do you remember what I said about leverage earlier? This is what I was talking about. I have set up a dead man's switch, and in the event of my kidnapping, assassination, or otherwise suppression, a sizable leak of all the things that have occurred at the Entiako site. It will go out to many journalists and other pertinent people worldwide who I can rely to spread it as far as possible. That is my leverage until I can guarantee my safety and the safety of my loved ones.

It may seem extreme to some of you, but it is in my sincere belief that it is necessary. I do eventually want to make this entire data dump open to the public, all in good time. I have planned this out over the past couple weeks in great detail, this is how I'm going to do things. The Conclusion

I really would like to include so much more, but for the purposes of efficiency and brevity, this is a relatively short summary. Believe me, this is not the end, a lot more information is going to be coming your way, the entire public's way hopefully. This is basically what has gone on. I need this to be known, I need this to be spread. Don't let this be buried, let the truth be known.

I would like to emphasize, that I do not blame all of the participants in Entiako, as I mentioned before, many of them actively did their best to dissent against the highly unethical things that were going on. Some of them chose to keep their mouths shut and they just did what they were told, no matter how abhorrent. I forgive them as to make mistakes is only human. However, the facts need to come to light eventually.

My main request to you is to spread this around to everyone you know, do it on other social media sites, don't stop talking about it. Let the truth be known. This is not goodbye, additional proof and information will be provided. I have a process for this whole thing, and it will come to fruition if I have anything to say about it.

If the media wants to give me a name, call me Mx. Entiako.

You can't just date any old carbon that's sitting around. The dating function comes from the fact it was once alive and exchanging carbon with the atmosphere. The cessation of that activity is the point you're dating.

I know someone posted a link to a journal article about dating iron from carbon on or around it but that is really very atypical as far as RC dating goes. It's a very unusual approach and I'd bet it only works occasionally when the circumstances are just right. The vast, vast majority of dating is of organic materials, because they were once alive and the date produced is more or less guaranteed to be relevant to the material tested.

So there's a pretty complex chain of events that has to occur before carbon dating is viable or useful. Even then, there are all kinds of complications that can occur during the testing process and careers have been made and broken on the possibility of sample contamination and dozens of other things like that.

I guarantee you that the OP is not familiar with the process of carbon dating, and has certainly not studied it at university level. That's why they deleted their account when they were called out, instead of defending their position.