Why are the elites pushing communism?

0  2017-06-23 by [deleted]



Liberals are pushing communism to create a divide. Republicans/Conservatives are pushing against it to create a divide. While you are worried about communism/socialism, something bigger is happening.

Do you actually know what communism is?

Its about divide and conquer, not really that relevant, whatever drives in a good wedge will work.

Because jews started communism.

Basically, they have the math figured out. And it's not communism, it's a "caste defined socialism".

And it's all about control. They would willingly give up vast amounts of their present fortunes in order to secure control globally.

Their fortunes would be returned x1000 fold.

Class system that ETs use

Elite > Worker

once we are divided, the baddies come as part of the elites, and transition from hidden enslavement to OPEN enslavement

I don't know where the fuck you're seeing this, but its the opposite of true. The "liberal" Democrats have been and continue to push neoliberal capitalism. You can see it in the way that they treated actual left candidates like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, totally marginalized and derided in the mainstream media. Nancy Pelosi's answer to a kid asking about socialism was "Hey, fuck you, we're capitalists and that's that".

As a leftist, I wish what you were saying was true, but its definitely not.

There is a pretty obvious conspiracy to keep real leftism out of the media conversation in the western world. They push capitalists with egalitarian social policies. The only "leftist" (really progressive) policies the media allows are the social ones, which don't threaten capitalism. This way they force leftists to vote for a capitalist who at least doesn't push the conservative agenda, which they think is infinitely worse.

I think if any real economically leftists ideas were allowed to take hold, they may spread to the working class. If that happens, TPTB realize that "the jig" would be "up" so to speak. This can't be allowed. This is why the media talked all day and night about Trump, a supposedly "outsider" candidate, but wouldn't even acknowledge for once the legitimacy of Bernie as a candidate. All press is good press. True opposition is silence.

Thank you! This guy gets it! If they can keep the Overton window as narrow as possible, they can control what people think is possible.

You do know the working class is much smaller than it was?

That's factually untrue, but I guess if you're posting it on reddit it must be. Did you know five men own more than half of the entire world?

It's not, in the UK at least. Look up political analysts, the traditional working class is much smaller

Yeah, if we're talking miners, manufacturers, etc., but why would those distinctions need to be made in this case? Middle managers and office workers are still wage slaves. The only real distinction that matters is that there is a very small group of people that owns the world, and billions of people who own nothing and sell themselves daily to survive.

Because it's relevant to politics. That all depends on ideological perspective of course

I think both sides are corrupt but the liberal side seems to slowly start to pushing communism.

It would be helpful if you clarify what you mean by the 'liberal' side and 'communism'. I see little evidence that there is a push for a society where: the wage, money, and the commodity-form are abolished in the mainstream press. Everything is points to a bipartisan effort to commodify more and more.

No one is pushing communism.

lol this is such a joke. My entire life the elites have been pushing neoliberal capitalism. Neoliberal doesn't mean what people think it means. Lots of conservatives are neolibs. Trump himself is a neo-liberal.


You've been listening to elite American's propaganda against communism so they can keep raping you and your family and the entire country/world while you blame "liberals".

I blame both sides. I'm a independent.

You win the comment thread!

Communism is one way to rob the public blind, captalism is another way on the other extreme of the spectrum. The Illuminati runs both sides.

Communism is one way to rob the public blind

So, the public will rob...itself?

You have to understand that one little alteration in any economic system can be made to rob the public blind. There are thousands of versions of capitalism and communism and socialism ect... The way communism has been run historically has always been to rob the public blind.

We are being robbed right now.

Capitalism is also another trap to rob us. Same with socialism and communism. The only economic system that will enrich us is Sacred Economics. Here is a 12 minute intro to it here:


Makes you wonder if everything we've come to be told was "communism" was actually befitting of the name.

Have you ever read Trotsky?

I have heard many times that there are an infinite amount of versions of communism with some versions that work. Although this may be true, the way communism was practiced was to bankrupt the public. All that really matters is what the public have experienced and what we experienced was a hellish communism system along with a hellish capitalism/socialism. Instead of trying to find how to make these things work, we should just start from scratch with a brand new system like Sacred Economics which would decimate the entirety of the cabal overnight. See here:


I asked you one question. Will you answer it?

I asked you one question. Will you answer it?

Do you think that capitalism/imperialism played no role in the trajectories of the various "socialist" states throughout the twentieth century?

Honestly I'm not sure but there is a variance of effects caused by multiple sources in every single situation of life. For example, in a pie chart examining crime, poverty would hold a huge slice of the variance. The question is the motive of the rulers when implementing the system because enslaving rulers can turn a perfectly good system into an evil one with just a few tweaks. It's very easy.


None of these elites are pushing actual full blown state communism. Communism is the boogeyman the right loves to use to scare people into voting against their own well being.

new slaves

I'll ask what I always ask when people clearly don't understand what communism means. Could define communism for me?

I think then you'll understand how you have no idea what you're talking about

A conversation ender if I've ever seen one.

Why would the elite (top ~1%) advocate that the proletariat (bottom ~85%) take over the means of production and distribution to enable an equitable existence?

Whomever it is you consider to be "the elite", one thing is certain for them in the face of a communist revolution: their demise.

But yeah, the industrialists, financiers, and war criminals of the Pentagon and Wall Street are somehow advocating for their own overthrow. Maybe the burden has simply become too much for them to bear and they want everyone to have a million dollar yacht.

You don't know anything about communism. It's obvious you have never read any socialist literature. Your warped idea of communism comes from lifelong brainwashing the elites perpetrated on you through mis-education in your childhood and propaganda in the MSM in your adulthood.

You can counter this brainwashing by actually reading socialist academics and philosophers. https://socialistworker.org/series/Ten-socialist-classics


It's not, in the UK at least. Look up political analysts, the traditional working class is much smaller