The conspiracy of memory.

79  2017-06-24 by [deleted]



A shame such a well written and thought provoking post has been downvoted here. I enjoyed reading this, thanks for putting it together. The inherent faults of our memory are also the reason 'eyewitness' testimony is heavily discounted during court cases, for example.

I really appreciate your response and you're absolutely right as to the witness testimony, and especially they said/ I said. I personally think from the food we consume to the drugs we take to the things we watch/read all plays a part in how our memory is developed throughout the day and if even one of those mediums as something subversive laced within, it could disrupt the entire memory section of the brain.

Diet & exercise are absolutely tied to neurological health.

This is definitely true, and anybody who has taken the time to modify their own diet/exercise practises will vouch for it. The question is, how many people on this sub are genuinely trying to improve their lives via lifestyle habits?



This is a very easy mistake to make, especially when quoting it because out of context from the movie saying "was" doesn't make sense. Most Mandela Effect examples are simple grammatical or spelling errors that do not imply anything significant.

But shouldn't the following know be the past tense "knew" if he had said "was like"?

Don't really get how that takes away from my point

Are you not arguing in favor of "was?"

The actual line is "was". That is what I'm talking about. Grammatically, yes, it should be knew to match the tense of the rest of the sentence but that has nothing to do with the topic.

I tried explaining the logic behind how 10 people watching the same event could all have completely different descriptions of what happened but he was having none of it.

He couldn't see how different observational factors played a role in recall. These oobservational factors i believe are import to how memory works and then how we communicate what we saw or believe we saw.

As I love to say, there is only One true reality, and none of us are living in it lol

Yeah i feel like that is pretty much how it seems to be. There is no spoon.

How do you remember The Thinker statue? Don't look, just say whatever you remember in this moment.

I saw this thread in chans, forehead for me.

Me too! It's creepy!

I remember a marbled man whom had the build of someone like arnold schwarzenegger, sat lurched forward slightly with an arched back, one foot in front of the other with an elbow resting on his knee and his head resting in his hand.

How was his head resting in his hand? Something tells me you already know this one, lol

The other pose people recall is he has a closed fist on his forehead, and there are a lot of pictures around that copy the pose (forehead fist). Here's this one, this one, and this one. Isn't that odd? There are more but they're getting harder to find for some reason.

This is the most evidence of a ME actually existing. Why would that entire group of people mess up the pose?!?!


What the absolute fuck? I swear on the lives of everyone I know that his hand was on his head.

Haha, I know the feels!

I was really only familiar with the Berenstein/stain thing but shrugged it off as myself and everyone else glossing over an insignificant detail. But this one is really assaulting my entire foundation of reality.

It'll get better over time, you're not crazy and your brain's ok. ❤️

Was his hand on his chin

Yes now it is, but myself and others remember it being different, with a closed fist on his forehead. This is him now, but the way these people are posing with the statue is how I remember it. Isn't that pretty strange? A group of people posing with a statue, doing a pose that supposedly never existed? That millions of people 'mistakingly' remember? I'm willing to accept I'm wrong if there's something that could explain this, but this one is the weirdest atm.

I always remember the hand on the chin but the statue does look quite different than I originally thought. I thought his head bowed deeper and he was more arched. People probably assume his hand would touch his head because they associate thinking with the top of the head?

Well, recently there was a discussion on /r/mandelaeffect about how psychologically you can convince yourself you saw something a specific way even if you really didn't, that may be possible why the pose looks more familiar to you. What sucks about MEs is that the only way they're really influential to you as a person is if you stumble on them yourself; but if someone's trying to convince you something was a specific way, the mind becomes a bit unreliable.

How the people are posing is how I remember the statue, I remember seeing the actual figure that way. It was shocking when I saw it the way it is now, it really makes you question reality or even your own brain. Idk though, your first guess was his hand on his chin so it might be possible that you never saw him with his fist on his head.

There is a bit where Will Ferrell did a skit on SNL and he did "The Thinker" and he did it fist on forehead. I wonder if I should try tweeting at him to see how he remembers it.

Real quick! How many people were in the car JFK was assassinated in?

Oh I love Mandela effects, I just learned about them and I think it's fascinating. About jfk, I feel like I'm cheating because I just looked at that sub and people are debating if it's 4 or 6 people in the car but I am going to say 4 people, jfk and wife in back with driver and additional person in front. I don't know if that's the correct answer yet.

They are, aren't they! I've had some nutty experiences with Cap'n Crunch lately, but I don't remember how it was for sure so I'm just letting it go.

Haha, you are cheating! lol, but I had no clue they were debating about that, I was just checking out the sub too when you replied - the car looks really weird and wrong with 6 people, even the car by itself. There was a documentary years ago on TV about the JFK assassination, and it would do graphics of the bullet projections through the vehicle if varying theories were true; I remember only three other people in those graphics. Like I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about where the bullet had been shot from to be able to do what it did, including how it missed the other people. I have no clue what it was called.

When it comes to correct answers... there's something funky about this. I'm personally waiting to see what comes of this whole ordeal, or what it grows into, before I draw any conclusions. It's so strange!

Have you experienced any by yourself?

Jfk thing probably has to do with the video focusing on the rear of the vehicle. Jfk assassination is one of those conspiracies I've never researched because the abundance of information and conflicting theories is overwhelming but since you introduced the car question I've been watching some footage and it's quite interesting.

What's your Cap'n crunch memory? I'm sure I have several ME memories but I don't usually encounter them until someone else shares it. Ive had instances where I swear something existed but nobody else remembers it. It's funny that some of these involve cereal, I recently got validation that a cereal I loved as a kid did exist, I think it was called sprinkle spangles.

During the documentary I'm recalling, they usually showed within the vehicle in vector-style graphics. Plus everyone I've ever asked always says there were 4 people. But I have no clue. I can say with complete surety I'm remembering correctly.

My Cap'n Crunch situation was when I first discovered it, it was Captain Crunch in 'real' reality, but I remembered it being Cap'n Crunch. I reaffirmed in my mind that "Cap'n" is kind of weird and I guess it wouldn't be good for sales, I attempted to make sense why it was different than what I remembered. So I accepted "Captain" Crunch as real and completely disregarded "Cap'n."

A week later I was in the grocery store, my son was messing with a display and I bent down to pick him up - low and behold, there were "Captain" Crunch boxes right in front of my face. This experience reaffirmed to me that it was indeed Captain Crunch. It served as a confirmation of a real-life experience that it was Captain, I mentally noted it several times because I kept on looking back at it.

Now it's Cap'n Crunch again. ...I don't even know. There's absolutely no reason why I would make that up, I'm a busy person and don't have time to sit around and imagine things happening, most of what I remember are situations that have transpired while I'm observing my surroundings. But I'm going to let it go because there's no proof of anything, I've accepted that there's no tangible way I can prove to another person this has happened, so it is what it is.

It is odd how cereals are all up in the MEs, including Froot Loops, it might have to do with how familiar most people are with them? Idk why they'd change, very odd. With your Sprinkle Spangles, it turns out you can buy them too! That's pretty nifty, you could get a box and relive your youngin' years for a few mornings. :) They're probably packed full of high fructose corn syrup, but your health should be good if you don't eat it all of the time.

People here may also find it useful to look into false memories. Planting them isn't terribly difficult depending on the subject.

This is so true, even now if you were to ask your parents as a cross reference of memories you have from your childhood, you would be surprised how many don't exactly match up or are completely fabricated.

I think it's so fascinating that memory is a funny thing, it, in it's own way, holds you in a position on who you think you are based on your past and how you remember it. in reality your past is like a different stage of life, everyday being a new stage, while it seems you are that same person from stage; :age 14 day 345: the present you right now is someone completely different, having gone through a new day and a 'new' you so to speak.

Hence, tomorrow is a new day, and every moment is another chance to turn it all around. You can literally wake up tomorrow and say "screw (whatever your name is here) Today I am going to explore what other qualities I may have and act completely different today" and your mind will be perfectly okay with it, old you may struggle for control, but you can always take some breaths, focus on the now, and go back to, maybe being more cheerful than you are normally, or more polite, maybe just working out or cleaning the house.

the mind and memory are just amazing.

You should also look at the Google Effect. The millennial generation is indexing our memories differently than previous generations. Our brains are more hardwired to remembering how to FIND the information more so than the actual content of the information. This makes history manipulation way easier and controls the population with greater efficiency. Dangerous times we live in, man.

What an interesting consequence of an increasingly technology-dependant society.

Mandela Effect is ridiculous. It just shows that many people remember things wrong. We all do it from time to time.

The actual line is "was". That is what I'm talking about. Grammatically, yes, it should be knew to match the tense of the rest of the sentence but that has nothing to do with the topic.

I was really only familiar with the Berenstein/stain thing but shrugged it off as myself and everyone else glossing over an insignificant detail. But this one is really assaulting my entire foundation of reality.