Facebook and other tech companies using us as psycological test subjects

38  2017-06-24 by McDuffBSmith

June 22 22:50 Facebook rocket icon is gone for the second time. Prior to this time it came back. The videos once in the rocket section are now in main news feed. No, I did not update the app.

Facebook is testing the public's reaction to the rocket and how many people use it. We're being used as psycological test subjects by Facebook. They are trying to figure out if humans react the same way as animals do when a stimuli is given and then taken away or put somewhere else.

We are lab rats now. Free of charge lab rats who pay these companies to use their services. Advertising money or not, I had to watch that fucking thing.

I'm sure Google has done this, as I'm sure countless other big techfirms have as well.

Soon, they will know everything about how human brains react to certain stimulation. If a given conflict was to happen in any situation, war or emergency services, police and military personnel will soon have a file on exactly how your brain personaly reacts to certain things and be able fight you better while hurting you less. In other words, you will be completely defenseless.

I think this goes far, far deeper: they're compiling this data for the future "robo cops" and other AI/programs for various things. Things that are not so far in the future. The ATLAS robots by DARPA currently in development are quite advanced compared to 5 years ago when robots were strung from 8 point harnesses​ with huge cables coming out their backs. Why so much advancement so fast? What are you going to use these for?

Welcome to 1984. This is probably the last chance we have to revolt and put our governments in their place before things gets really ugly.

The question now: how do we get the collective popular to quit their jobs and start a revolt? Surely they can't kill ALL of us. If it's for the greater good of humanities future, I'll gladly die on the front lines.

Anyone else? What are your thoughts on this?


My thoughts: you're right, but you're understating what's actually going on here.

I've pasted a previous post of mine below to give you a glimpse.

Algorithms have initiated a fourth dimensional attack on a largely unsuspecting humanity. By simulating macro-events and the currents of the future with hoarded data, the masters of the algorithm are able to witness the variables needed for the potential future timeline of their preference to occur in actuality. With the same power, they are also able to close off potential future timelines of collective human progress with the right pieces in place.

In other words, by simulating the flow of time with the enormous amount of information provided to them by our contributions to the virtual realm, they are able to steer time to the destination of their choosing.

Over enough time, this reduces free human agency in creating and exploring alternate timelines to nil.

This is PROMIS. This is PRISM. This is ORDER.

Can you give me a good link to read more about this?


I'd recommend you start here, then go into the history of PROMIS. PRISM is harder to get related links for since it is buried in privacy information, thanks to Snowden.

Follow the history of PROMIS and check out who the American intelligence community gave the software to, and the back door issue which haunted it.

Also worth checking out CERN.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Dimension_Operations

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Remember, one of their greatest weapons is an idea: the cybernetic mind theory.

Before the liberation, how can you live in opposition to them?

Live fully, live truthfully, live passionately, live well.

Wisdom, compassion and willpower will be what get us out of this pickle.

Let's get creative. Create. Something a cybernetic mind is incapable of doing.

I have thoughts on this issue.

Facebook has admitted manipulating people's newsfeeds in a giant experiment to see if they could provoke positive/negative reactions. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Why anyone in the world still uses facebook is completely beyond me.

Dopamine addiction, ignorance, unquestioning acceptance of the status quo of which is presented to them, the dulling and comforting lifestyle of objectifying the world around you and commodifying oneself in a nice pretty package.

I quit Facebook in 2012 and never looked back. I seriously cannot recommend letting it go enough.

I think reacting with violence will only serve their agenda. I suppose they have means at their disposal to stop that easily. Whoever is also not redpilled will see you as an enemy and will pick up arms to fight against you and defend their tyrannical leaders.

How the heck d we break free then?

We must use our wisdom and our strengtht in numbers. We must get loving and creative and start coming together on certain topics. There has to be am education process. People cant start caring if they aren't aware. That's the first hurdle.

On another note I agree when realistically speaking, force is what ultimately what gets people what they need, be it for the better of humanity or even its salvation. However when faced with an invisible enemy we will only end up killing each other instead.

Their narrative does seem to be breaking though and we are learning there are more awake of us then they lead us to believe. We have a momentum now, but what do we do with it? I think spreading awareness and the truth has to be the priority.

I'm from Canada so I'm not sure how it works with militias down in the US in terms of legality.

But the second hurdle would be how not to resort to violence but rather how to come together on important topics as an educated population. How do we not allow them to disperse us while they have social media control at their disposal? Those are the questions we need to be urgently asking and finding answers and solutions to.

It feels our future as a human race and reality as we know it is slipping away from us and we really must start coming up with creative ways to take control back before it's too late. It honestly doesn't feel like there is much time left...

this stuff has been going on for a while, they did some where they would filter your timeline to only show negative posts to see if it would alter yours, and if it made you more likely to click on ads.