What are your thoughts on this whole Elsagate situation?

11  2017-06-25 by macmac360

I have viewed some of these "children's" videos and they are weird as hell, and very disturbing. I am trying to figure out what are the creators trying to accomplish, it's very bizarre.

There seems to be a network of youtube channels and they upvote and comment on each others videos, correct? TBH I can't watch too many of these videos, they give me the creeps.

Just curious what you all think about it, what the purpose is, who is behind it, etc. The whole thing is fucking strange as hell to me.


Stop adding gate to things. That's my thought

do you have a better suggestion?

No, sorry. I'm all out of ideas.

What's the point in even commenting, then?

To end the -gate trend. OP asked what readers thought of Elsa(gate) and I decided to say that I think the name is stupid. I didn't know there were parameters on what we were allowed to say about the subject. But thanks for Elsa-gatekeeping, fam.

To end the -gate trend.

Why, what's wrong with the word?

Pizzagate, elsagate, nipplegate, celebgate, bridgegate, emailgate, fangate, filegate, benghatezi.

I am not feeling it. Every scandal is "blankgate" now. I'm assuming they all stem from watergate.

Again, I just stated my opinion on what I thought about the "conspiracy" and I think the name is stupid. Why comment on my comment that you don't think belongs? Is this what they call "concern trolling"

I was just asking a question, dude. Did me asking you to explain yourself, hurt yo' booty hole or something?

I second this sentiment.

I think we have bigger issues to worry about than "-gate". Who cares what it's called as long as you know what it means?

You can tell it's a legitimate conspiracy because they banned it from here. Even 4chan is banning people who talk about it. Its probably some type of child mind control operation being conducted by the internet elites.

Can I ask why it's a conspiracy? I'm being serious as hell.

is it banned from here? I thought some posts were deleted because of doxxing but I didn't know it was a banned topic. This sub of all places should be open to these types of discussions (as long as we are not doxxing anyone)

I think he means reddit in general

I don't think this has gained traction in any other subs

looks like it doesn't gain much traction here, even... at one point this post had 8 upvotes now it's down to 3, even with over 20 comments

The post yesterday about Daniel Tosh covering this on his show got pretty big. Haven't noticed too much suppression of the topic (yet anyway). Also a surprisingly few amount of shills on the threads too, which is always encouraging.

YouTube is the new television. The good thing is we still have control of what we watch.

This is my deal. Why the hell have people succumbed to giving their kids a device to brain-numb them, anyway, regardless of this type of disgusting content? Are people trying to raise their kids to be adults with zero attention span?

I have children and I can say without a doubt that this happens because parents are looking for anything they can to provide their children with entertainment that can distract them from needing so much parental interaction. Fortunately for my little guy we watch everything he watches.

I commented recently about my own daughter lamenting that she's worried what my grandson is accessing on YouTube. She honestly acted panicked at the thought of taking it away from him. I also have little ones- they have kindles with content I've loaded myself and with a timer that limits them to an hour a day.

Yeah. My kids were really into Minecraft videos and other video-gameplay YouTube channels. Stuff like FGTV and PopularMMOS. I had it on the living room tv, so I watched and can honestly say the recommended videos never lead to any weird shit like the Disney and cartoon character channels do. I eventually had to cut it out for a while because they were watching YT too much, but that's about it.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Link?

I made this comment in another thread, that lead to an interesting comment thread, we're people found actual pedo videos were being hosted on YT via a commenter on one of these "kids" videos. Very fucked up, and this whole thing needs to be investigated, ASAP.

you made a great point in that post, this is so fucking strange it's hard to make any sense of it

Yeah after reading another thread about same topic earlier today, I decided to check it out myself. I think three video recommendations in I got to a bare chested six or so year old vid. There were more too. All in Russian. I noped out and fully convinced these aren't created for kids.

i think some are just in it for the easy views/money and i think some are backed buy Disney(thats just a hunch no proof).

The fact that Disney doesn't call copywrite infringement - especially on the animated videos - is really suspicious.

Disney are 100% aware of these videos, they monitor the tags 24/7.

It's more like disney's pedophile programming.

My wife and I had personally found some of these videos. They're SO borderline for the most part that you might not think you were seeing anything weird even if you looked at the video. Mostly it's more like, why are there 50 videos set to the same "finger family" song, that consist of someone squishing food into a carpet with their hands? But I don't want my kid watching this fucking shit!

Obligatory comment I give out to people who recently discovered this and are digging deep into this rabbit hole:

"Friendly reminder to those who like digging deep, make sure to step away from it every so often. The amount of disgusting, absurd things you will find down this rabbit hole is overwhelming. There are "kid videos" ranging from insanely inappropriate cartoons to actual live children being exploited. The shit WILL make you nauseous and you will need to take breaks if you are a normal, sane person."

With that out of the way, yeah this is a big fucking deal. It is deliberately targeting kids, and unassuming / uninvolved parents are just clicking whatever seemingly kid-friendly video comes up and letting that shit autoplay into the next related video. As you click the videos in the related section, you get into seriously dark themes like severing limbs, using needles to inject things into a child's butt, dealing with pregnancy, etc.

This issue is not only with YouTube, but also has to do with semi-lazy parenting techniques. Speaking from experience, I have seen far too many parents resort to giving a child a phone or iPad just to keep them occupied and not causing havoc in the household. A couple I used to be friends with would just type child cartoon videos (or something to that extent) into the search bar, click the first video, and let that shit run its course while they went off to do chores and such. The videos the child is watching being completely unmonitored. This is dangerous, and we need to spread awareness other parents that they absolutely need to be more involved in their child's day to day activities.

This is going to be a multi-front war. YouTube needs to be held accountable for hosting this content and ignoring all the reports those videos are generating. The users that upload these videos need to go to fucking jail (or some or them at least). And lastly, the parents are also to blame for not giving enough of a shit to make sure the videos their child watches are kosher.

very well said

Yup. Honestly that's my theory on why this filth is going on so much. Too many parents just letting their kids running loose on youtube.

If more parents would just take a bit of responsibility with kids viewing habits, there is a chance that most of the wind could be taking out of these channels sails.

That, and fucking YouTube should maybe monitor the reports on these videos and remove them from the kids section, if not banning the uploader completely. Idk how these vids make it through all the filters.

My guess is the uploaders found a way to bypass filters.

Alrighty, what I've seen which was all creepy seems to be videos on HappyKidsTV was some type of fetish porn lite for children. Either to try to get kids into creepy sick stuff or at the very least make is seem normal. Either way creepy shi.... Stuff.

Personally what I find most interesting about it is the 4chan crusade against it, seeing as how a mere decade ago 4chan was one giant mess of gore fetishists and child porn aficionados.

Disney are 100% aware of these videos, they monitor the tags 24/7.