Roman Catholic Empire

33  2017-06-25 by AhuwahZeus

The word Catholic by definition means universal, global, or all encompassing. The Roman Catholic Church is the continuation of the Roman Empire masked in religion and it is incorporating every single person on the planet into its doctrine regardless of any individual choice in the matter. It was Emperor Constantine the Great who established the beginnings of modern Christianity and built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It was from Constantinople (Nova Roma) that the first seven councils were established and these councils developed the doctrines, laws, interpretations, ordinances, and heresies for New Rome's universal religion which is concealing the ancient pagan mysteries through Christian allegories and Catholic dogma.

The structure of the Roman Catholic Church is based on the Roman Empire. The Pope is based on the Caesar and uses the title of Pontifix Maximus just as the Caesar used this title which means "greatest bridge builder" in reference to building bridges in society that connect back to Rome. The Pope can be seen waving the Caesar's salute today. The Vatican and Holy See use Latin for the official language and official documents just as Latin was used in ancient Rome. The administrative body of the Holy See is called the Roman Curia just as ancient Rome used the term Roman Curia for its court rooms. Ancient Rome used a College of Pontiffs to oversee the various cults and mystery religions just as the Roman Catholic Church uses a College of Cardinals. The United States is also based on the Roman Republic and is covertly governed by the Vatican today.

The Italian Nobility that are involved in running the Vatican and Rome are ancestors of the Roman Gentes. The Massimo family claim to be the Fabii Maximi clan. Massimo and Maximi mean "greatest" or "massive". The Colonna family claim to be the ancestors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty which conquered the Ptolemaic dynasty of ancient Greco-Egypt. When these families conquer their rivals they intermarry with each other. The Colonna family's more recent ancestors from the Counts of Tusculum used the name Ptolemy. The Doria family name comes from De Auria which is the same as the Auria gentile family of ancient Rome. The Giustiniani family of Venice is the modern day Justinian clan. The Italian word Guisto means good or just. The Medici family are the Princes of Ottajano today and Ottajano translated into Latin is Octavian.

The doctrine of celibacy or eunuchism was developed early on by these councils as a continuation of the Cult of Cybele and this is backed up by Matthew 19:12 which states "Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can." The Cult of Cybele was located in Rome at Vagitanus Hill where initiated priests would become literal eunuchs to honor their goddess Cybele. This is a demonic practice directly in reference to male black widows which castrate themselves for the dominant female spiders. This is why the Roman Catholic Church worships the Virgin Mary who is associated with mercy. In modern times Joseph Ratzinger has been the high priest of Cybele and Princess Maria de las Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was their vicar for the "Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy" and Cybele. The doctrine of celibacy for nuns is a continuation of the Vestal Virgin cult that existed all through out the Roman and Persian empires. The word virgin means a young women. The Vestal Virgins were young priestesses that worshiped Vesta or Hestia and took a vow of chastity.

The Roman Catholic priesthoods incorporate various ancient mystery cults into their practices. Bishops govern Episcopal Sees and oversee their districts in society and especially oversee the secret societies in their territory which are the continuations of the ancient mystery religions. Catholic Priesthoods and secret societies incorporate elements from the Druids, Essenes, Hermeticists, and other groups. Druids were seers and high priests during Roman times that practiced forms of sorcery carried over to Ireland and Britain from ancient Egypt. The term hermit comes from Hermes. A hermit is someone that lives in isolation. Members of the Order of Saint Benedict or the Black Monks live in monasteries and isolate themselves from society. The term hermit is often used when referring to monasteries and monks. There were three Medici Popes and there is a statue of Hermes at the Medici Villa in Rome. Jesuits are the modern day Essenes and Cult of Hades. Hades is the underworld and associated with caves and death. The dead sea scrolls were found in caves and were scriptures of the Essenes.

The Catholic Church covertly incorporates many pagan beliefs into its religion. The Cathioino ai Monti is a church in Rome right above Campus Martius or the Field of Mars. Martino is a saint and an allegory for Mars the god of war. The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Ravenna Italy is allegory for the Temple of Apollo. Sant Apollinare is depicted in the basilica with a golden sphere that appears like a sun behind his head. The Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church practice mock rituals of drinking wine as a metaphor for blood and eating bread chips as a metaphor for flesh and this ritual is a continuation of the Cult of Dionysus the deity of grape harvest, ritual madness, and theater. The Sileni were the intoxicated companions of Dionysus and there is a statue of Silenus at the Vatican Museum in Rome. The Italian Nobility which established the Vatican still control it today and have built pagan statues all over Italy.


Holy shit, dude/dudette. You are dropping some major truth in your posts (keep it up, really filling in some minute gaps for me). I have a huge question for you (please give me your thoughts).

What do you think about Christianity being created by the Piso-Flavian dynasty? Meaning that, possibly Jesus was Caesarion, son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, raised by Cleopatra and Marc Antony, who was then sent to the East (by his mother), so his father's assassins could not kill him.

Caesarion, then return to his rightful throne/ruler-ship of the Roman Empire (with learned knowledge of Eastern Mysticism), only to then be killed by the very forces who killed his father, mother, and Marc Antony?

Sincerely, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Well seeing as ceaser died in 44 BC and Jesus was born in 4..

We're talking about rewritten history, here. Get on our level.

If it has to be said, probably won't be understood.

I'm not sure what that means, nor am I sure why I'm being downvoted so much? Kinda seems weird, that this is. This topic is far from fringe, even in the "fringe" world of history... I'm confused, truly.

What do you mean?

If you gotta tell a person to level up, they are probably maxxed out.

You would be interested in the book "Caesars Messiah" by Joe Atwill. His basic thesis is that Jesus was created by the Flavians.

Show me some connections to back up what you are claiming. I know it wasn't, I was just asking you a question, sorry? Instead of saying that, you tried to paint me as a shill or something, which is odd, imo. We're on the same team, here. Well, at least I hope we are. If you don't want to answer, not sure why you post on here, being that this sub reddit thrives on conversation, no just one way information dumps. If people wanted that, they'd just watch TV or something.

Here is a tactic they use. They agree and even compliment you and then add on some false or ridiculous information to subvert your information. If you call them out you look like the bad guy too.

Huh? Who?

Speaking for myself only. I'm generally legitimately interested in OP's material, even though I might not agree with him on all of it. I think he sometimes perceives anyone off message as potentially intentionally trying to game his message, which is unfortunate.

If OP cannot address what I've brought up, I really do not care to address. There is truth in what he/she says, but not addressing things I bring up, is suspicious. OP has the micro, I have the Macro, imo. I'm starting to really question OP, and I hate this, because they are supply really good micro information... OP, chime in, man. We can collaborate... I don't get the hostility... I could be bat shit wrong, I'm fine if I am, lets have a convo.... When people write shit, and do not converse, that should raise some red flags, imo...

yeah I think a lot of people have their piece to add to the picture. fwiw, i don't think it's hostility as much as i imagine it's a learned response to constant attempts to fuck with him. that would be my guess anyway.

You're sweet. Don't let your guard down.

Yeah, it's a little weird how standoffish he gets with even basic questions about his material. He also gets very hostile if you express any doubt in what he's saying, which reminds me a lot of veritas - "just accept what I say and move on, and if you voice any questions about it or express any doubt of what I say, you are disinformation and a liar." Kind of ridiculous logic considering where he's posting and the incredible claims he is making (which I myself believe to be accurate). I think he's either intimately connected to some of the things he's talking about himself, or a guy who has really been screwed with and is wary of any perceived provocateur disinformation agents. Hard not to agree with his caution, secret knowledge and long-hidden information like what he is presenting is a major target of censorship and disinfo on the internet beyond all the usual political bullshit (notice how his posts never get near the front page despite the incredible information within?), and we all know Reddit is fucked with bots and establishment shillery. I want to believe him because almost all of what he's saying is on point, but he's very dodgy.

And....crickets from OP.

For the win.

Agreed. Human nature. Also, where the f did OP come from? Especially with this....this isn't newb material.

I haven't had access to a computer until recently while you have all been accusing me of ignoring your posts.

Unfortunately, it's untrue. It's obvious that something, and I do not claim to know what, is wrong. You don't vibrate like a truther.

Anyone who uses the term "truther" is strange. Its sounds like a gimmick.

To what? You have nothing I want, save for a direct answer perhaps. After briefly scanning your post history, it seems you are either: 1. Full of shit (doubt it) 2. Targeted (possible) 3. On drugs (good for you) 4. Perhaps suffering from mental illness. 5. Bits of all those.

In any case, I feel sorry for you.

u/Putin_loves_cats come here love. S'il vous plait.

Already replied to his reply. We shall see. Just wanted a discussion, sheesh, OP.

He just responded that he wasn't online. See my response.

I've always known you to be evil child.

How am I Evil?

i like putes, he genuinly speaks out against our problems, he's made posts that touch on the same stuff you do, i'd like to hear y u think hes wrong, i'm pretty sure he's open to hearing how of/if he's wrong too, we are all still learnig

putes really does do good for this sub, he advocat3s free speech/anti censorship, and attacks the source, (same sources u speak of), of our problems

I myself read and enjoy all your posts and post genuine follow-up questions to inquire about facets of your information that I might have been misled on. You seem to be genuine and have done an incredible amount of research on this, at least far more than the average, so I'm inclined to believe that what you're saying rings true, but you must be aware of the fact that there are incredible levels of disinformation about this subject. There's nothing wrong with people asking you to simply quantify your story or ask how are you come by this information - it's genuine inquiry for those of us who want to do more individual research, and extraordinary claims require some extraordinary proof.

Well said.

Double agents. Hmmmh.

Appreciate your efforts here to expands people's minds .

keep seeing these threads. can you explain them? plz

I think the thesis statement on this one does a decent job of explaining what you are about to read.

The Roman Catholic Church is the continuation of the Roman Empire masked in religion and it is incorporating every single person on the planet into its doctrine regardless of any individual choice in the matter.

Agreed. Now, how is the State any different, except less $$/power?

Tl,/dr. Yep. Follow the $$ if you want to head down that hole. DHHS and NCSC (courts) funnel federal funds into dioceses and Catholic charities. Pedophilia....Satanism...madness.

I just want to add that I have nothing against average Catholics. My issue is with those running the church.

you needa respond to putes man, he pushes us to research the exact same familys.... it was his posts that got me away from the whole evil jew narrative, so i've been loving your posts, alot of it is easily sourced, but why dismiss his claims of jesus's creation without an explanation, if you don't respond it really only verifys (in a sense) his claims

I'd like to understand the voting in here. I'm pretty sure the regular folks on a Sat night would be voting the opposite of what we're seeing.

i'm sorry friend, i am a braindead roofer (so my fault), but i don't understand what your saying exactly...

but my take on voting, it's basically useless, i don't think legit truthseekers outnumber the bots/shills on this sub, so i have a hard time when considering votes, but my instinct says the less votes the better, but ive been proven wrong there on a lot of threads worthy of their upvotes, so basically, i dno wtf to think lol

I was talking about Putin being downvoted so harshly and early. You notice when things are not quite so totally organic.

I'm with you. I wish we could take voting away in this sub altogether. I mostly use it as a metric for what ideas are being actively silenced, but I worry that "downvotes" and "upvotes" influence folks and shape opinions.

lol hell ya they do, votes are good, cuz wr can always speculate a narrative outa them, if we have a list of who is and isnt insta downvoted for posts and comments, we can be smarter

There are no regular folks anymore. Just us.

I've come to the conclusion, OP will not nor cannot... I've been talking about this for years, and now OP wants to drop in, never comment or discuss? Give me a break... You did yourself in, OP.

like fuckduck said, he may have to be hostile, cuz its the same familys u push, weird how he specifically called you out on ur jesus claims, when he hasnt really ever talked about jesys origins

That's a sign of disinformation, imo.. Research the Church. If you cannot talk about Piso-Flavian dynasty, you are daft (not you - pointing to OP). Something is not right here...

i do wonder, he replied to veritas calling him out on jesuit general not being owned, in the end..... this is just more fuckin confusion, maybe the holy roman empire is disinfo and it is the jews! /s

i know one thing, and that is uhhhhhh

my favourite food is pizda

Idk. I have my own opinions on veritas, and now OP. I go far beyond both... But somehow, we meet in the middle... IDK. no one knows.... TBH... I got a bad vibe from veritas, now I'm getting a bad vibe from OP...

what doesnt make any sense for is, is u push the same familys as op, but he denies you, yet he and you are pushing us towards same enemies, that sounds retarded, but ya confused af

On the limb also. Shitty vibe. I only commented to bring attention to the fuckery.

I knew. Didn't want to piss on the parade. 😔

Lord have mercy. This crap again. Catholic here. About .0001% of this is true.

The rest is batshit rubbish.

Just ramshackling a bunch of historical terms (temple of Apollo, Essenes, Pontifix Maximus,etc.) together into a multilayer word salad does not make any of it true.

god bless the pope!

okay everyone, lets get back to them god damn evil jews! /s

If you leave half the octopus alive, what's the fucking point of fighting at all?

If you leave half the octopus alive, what's the fucking point of fighting at all?

For the peacocking.

About .0001% of this is true.

Out of curiosity, my friend, what it that .0001% true?

Well, the Pope is called Potifix Maximus. ;)

He doesn't hold that title anymore?

He is, we just usually tend to say 'Supreme Pontiff'.

No sources provided by OP at all. It's literally all stretching a finite point within the faith and making up crap all along the way. I don't understand how anyone can take this seriously, not even a post worthy of this sub.

How would a normal Catholic even be able to judge this to be true or untrue?

Though I'm not a practicing catholic for a few decades anymore I was an altar server until about 15/16 which was traditional practice where I grew up. My family is still strongly catholic and my mom's older friends circle also included a normal priest.

Unless you're at a certain position of the hierarchy and/or have contacts with qualified insights you simply can't know.

That catholicism integrated a lot pagan practices is no secret though and that ancient roman/greek practices were somehow integrated is far from far fetched.

As a catholic you usually go to church once a week, maybe you're active in the local/county church/community doing social things, maybe you work for a catholic owned social organisation(schools, hospitals, orphanages,...).

But that still doesn't tell you what is going in the Vatican nor how the Vatican became what it is over the centuries nor would you ever learn these things just by membership. At least I didn't:-)

The idea that Catholicism IS pagan is rubbish. It usurped pagan practices and Christianized them.

Catholicism did routinely usurp or override pagan practices as it spread in missionary work. But in so doing it did not become pagan, it remained Christian. For example, All Hallows Eve was moved from May 13, when it was originally celebrated, to October 31 when a minor pagan feast occurred. This was to show the rulership of Christ over nature and over pagan practices.

This was done to win over people to the faith, to build a bridge using cultural practices. But never was it used to water down, replace or paganize the faith.

It is impossible to paganize what Christ divinized.

The Church is of divine origin. Jesus Christ said as much and if He said it, it is true. Mt. 16: And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

"Never was it used to water down...". You obviously believe that to not be the case but you can't know for sure. Reciting some bible sermon doesn't make it fact but dogma, a mode of thinking which is the anti-thesis of the group we are in. Just looking at the snake design in the Vatican.

should make every christian question what is really going on in the Vatican.

Then there are the luciferian/pagan practices of the elite, the same elite which sent their spare sons into the church hierarchy since the beginning, points to a dualistic nature(Roman God Janus, convenient) of Churches.

I'm aware of that 'snake room' and find it every bit as disturbing as the next person.

I'm not saying that there aren't people who have fallen away from Christ and Christinity who are still operating within the Church. (like Judas still walked with Jesus).

But this post was asserting that the sum total of fundamentals of the faith - doctrines, rituals, practices -- are pagan in nature, which is fundamentally false.

Who cares?


Who told you that? God?

If you don't care, don't respond.

Other posters have also already addressed the woeful lack of sourcing and citation in this post, which makes it a dud from multiple standpoints.

I'm just saying, I read, doesn't make me a literary genius....I'm just asking.

The Roman Catholic Church is the continuation of the Roman Empire masked in religion

No, that would have been the Holy Roman empire.

The Roman Catholic Church is arguably the continuation of the Roman Imperial Cult. Look up "Pontifex Maximus".

It does help to do a little bit of research.

The Cult and the church are pretty much interchangeable at this point. The Church is just the 'respectable' public facade for the other - the Imperial Cult has always been at the center of the Catholic Church.

Anyone remember the site? Really wish there was a catalog of all that information, it's since been deleted and replaced with the stuff.

Found the tiny penis.

The Catholic church is so powerful that ONE US President was even a member of the faith! Can you imagine!