r/conspiracy Should wright a book
0 2017-06-26 by MM_mm12
We as a sub should compile a pdf of all confirmed conspiracies, so that way they are in one location. We can have open souce brain storaming to ensure accuracy.
I think this would be a good project to show the sincerity, credibility, and integraty of this sub, and the conspiracy comunity as a whole, to the masses.
Also it would be another thorn in the side of the powers that be
What do you guys think?
n/a Rockran 2017-06-26
Read the sidebar: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/locc
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
Great Fantastic, thanks for pointing that out!
But what i'm thinking of is a publishable pdf with pictures, one that you could put on a torrent and spread all over the internet. A book similar to what I have in mind is "The Art of Shen Ku - By Zeek"
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
That's a great list, amazing really. But... no mkultra?despite the inclusion of Operation Midnight Climax?
The also missed Operation Gladio. besides those two points it's a very comprehensive list.
n/a HelperBot_ 2017-06-26
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra
HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 84253
n/a IntellisaurDinoAlien 2017-06-26
If you want to write it maybe it could be added, it's a user-led project.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
You mean the sidebar list?
I'd love to!!!!!!!!
You just made my day. I think.
n/a IntellisaurDinoAlien 2017-06-26
Write it out as a plain .txt file with basic formatting and dropbox it (or whatever) then modmail us a link. I'll see what I can do but I'm pretty busy this month, someone will be able to make it happen though. And no, thank you.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Uh, yeah! I'll send it via PM to your Dropbox using text. That's your inbox right? I'll remove the geotags in my EXIF file... or can you do edit that pre post? Lemme boot up my alt RAM and activate my Sim card. /s
In all seriousness can't I just send a PM?
n/a IntellisaurDinoAlien 2017-06-26
You certainly can, but if you send the link to modmail everyone will see it and someone can get on it sooner.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Thanks, man. Admittedly not very savvy...
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Thanks, man. I get confused about Reddit protocols sometimes!
n/a IntellisaurDinoAlien 2017-06-26
No probs, it's all good. I'm just glad someone wants to take on the subject, obviously keep it factual and throw in some supporting links and the LOCC will be one entry better. Nice one.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Mr intelligent Dino grey, I will give it my all! I've a few totally confirmed, well sourced conspiracies to add to the already pretty comprehensive list.
In the next day or two one of you Mods will receive PM with a few suggestions.Thanks man🙏✌️✊️
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Read the sideb... nvm
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
That is great in all, but I am looking for soming more comprehensive than that, somting that will captavate people and won't let them stop reading. Make uncovering the truth like some addictive action adventrue thriller.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
That's my experience daily! When you really get into this shit your mind is blown many times a day. Good luck though!
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
I got you fam, but I think somthing with a little production value will bring in more people.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Something along the lines of They Live or The Conspiracy, or a more documentary approach?
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
Bingo! So that way it is enticing to get people talking.
n/a delelles 2017-06-26
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
thanks, obvious I won't be the one doing the wrighting. lol
n/a delelles 2017-06-26
Seems you have the Wright Brothers on the mind. ;)
n/a IntellisaurDinoAlien 2017-06-26
You can right it if you like, but we'll be the ones proofreading it to make sure you're spelling is write. /s
n/a fuckthisfuckingworld 2017-06-26
If you mean conspiracies which were exposed in this sub and then confirmed as real, it would be an empty sheet.
n/a Terex80 2017-06-26
A book like that would be schizophrenic, there are 'confirmed conspiracies' of Jews being evil, Gays controlling the world, the world being flat, the moon landings being fake, Saudis doing 9/11, Jews doing 9/11, the earth only being 6,000 years old, the earth being much older than we think
n/a MM_mm12 2017-06-26
lololololol /s
n/a Terex80 2017-06-26
I'm being serious, there are far too many people with completely different views on these issues
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-06-26
Something along the lines of They Live or The Conspiracy, or a more documentary approach?