Only 3 Countries Left w/o Rothschild Controlled Central Bank

39  2017-06-26 by flyingfrig

Cuba , North Korea ,Iran.


We need to physically shut down the Federal Reserve.

I don't think Trump wants to end up like Kennedy or Lincoln. They tried and died. Buy them or kill them.

I don't mean Trump. I mean the people. We override Trump.

Anarchy looks good on paper.But in a psuedo police state not so much.

How so?

NWO=OWN Too much power in high places man, us normies let get way outta hand way too long ago.World wide revolution or nothing!

Burn this shit to the ground.

That list of "Currently Owned by Rothschild" includes Cuba, Korea, and Iran.

It's just a list of all central banks.

I've been waiting for more than 5 years for evidence that the Rothschilds control even one central bank.

This hoax was first circulated by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock in 2005. Did he make it up or did someone else feed it to him and he was just so gullible that he passed it on. See if you can get an answer from him where this idea came from.

Makes me wonder what Putin's relationship is like with the Rothschilds

That's fake news. Literally.

Ah a quick down vote a shill possibly, let's not call this anti-Semitic, let's call it the only conspiracy.

Who controls the Rothschilds, though ;) ? Also, this is a common misconception that gets spread around by people who are just "waking up", you should look into this:

Yes I get the intent of the World Bank " World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to countries of the world for capital programs. ...." But who holds the purse strings for all but three of those countries?

Rothschild are Papal Court Jew Bankers to the Holy Roman Empire via the Crown (City of London). So, the Vatican controls it. Now that you know about the world bank, look into the IMF and more importantly, the Bank for International Settlements.

I have been down those rabbit holes.

My first inet search way back in '96 using Dogpile was for... The Illuminati. The 😈 is in the details.Pun intended.

I have been down those rabbit holes.

Which ones?

The ones that lead to the Warren

Sorry dude it a tough watch but found it tied them all together, again tough watch narration was a bit hard to handle.

I've seen/read damn near every documentary there is on the Rothschild Dynasty, hence why I have the information that I have. Do you know anything about the Tri-Sovereign States? What about the Swiss/Venetians Templar Bankers? What about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Black Nobility? Seriously, the rabbit hole goes far deeper than the Rothschilds.

But they seem to be all tied together with the same purpose.

Divide, conquer , rinse and repeat ,until there is no one left but the Elite who live incredibly long lives with what little is left as drones.

and then, there was bitcoin.

The block chain is starting to look like a juicy target for... A. Takeover B. Making illegal

The block chain is starting to look like a juicy target for... A. Takeover

thats what it's going through right now, with the miners and the stall of segwit and bitcoin"unlimited" but you are watching the honey badger fend off yet another type of attack. A fork Attack. it will learn and grow from it.

B. Making illegal

It might be illegal in some parts of the world, but not everywhere. You can't just shut it off. so, it will work in places like Switzerland , Singapore, Japan, even china and Russia and they will become next power-house in technology and finance. Thats like Banning TCP/IP. How is NorthKorea doing by the way? making it illegal will be shooting yourself in the neck.

Think about how many topend AMD video cards you could get for a few Trillion dollars.

Too bad bitcoin doesn't use video-cards for it's mining and it hasn't in more than 5 years. Also, If they did "buy" more than 50% of all the asics in the world, (which you can't really buy, since they go from fab to facility. it's not like you can go to a computer store and get ASIC mines that have been sitting on shelves) they can only attack the future, meaning they can double spend and make the network all clogged up by mining empty blocks but they couldn't change the past. Anything past a few blocks and it's Immutable. Also, as soon as the network notices that, they can just black list those miners. lol great, you spent 400 million and you doublespent a few transactions just to get banned. lulz.

I don't think you -fully- understand how bitcoin works and I'm not trying to be a dick. Spend some time understanding the game theory behind it.

I started mining in '10 on SLI 8800 GTs , pissed around for about a year with it got bored, played Eve and Battlefield instead.In retrospect I kick myself everyday I would be loaded by now.Sorry dude thought vids was still the deal.

Thanks for the explanation. I know enough to be conversant, but not super specific.

Bitcoin is going to go down for the rest of the year. You may be able to buy for a bounce at 2000 but it may tank and tank hard. What they will do is cause and show outrage in the media, then they can implement it being illegal or introduce their own currency that is like it. I don't see any reason a country with the current monetary system to have it be legal since it directly competes against their currency and is untraceable which makes certain taxes unenforceable.

Can anyone link me to the evidence that the "rothchilds" own or control the federal reserve of the United States?

The ADL says it isn't true So it probably is!

That is some incredibly silly logic.

ADL established Oct 1913 and the FED wait for it ...Dec 1913.

Federal Reserve Act was funded and overseen by JP Morgan, whose grandfather was George Peabody, who was heavily involved with the Rothschilds for international trade which is how the family originally made their billions.

Also Syria.

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More bullshit! Just one example why. Q. Why do people continue to promulgate this myth?

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand isNew Zealand's central bank. It was established in 1934, and although not a government department, has been wholly owned by the government ofNew Zealand since 1936. Like mostcentral banks, the Reserve Bank is primarily a policy organisation, and has three main purposes.

Follow the Rothschild s through history dude, might open your eyes but yeah you got me on that one, tips hat!

I feel like this is more of a known fact than a conspiracy theory at this point

True but if you tie it all together, the tech, the money, the sex, the murders

the wars, the lies, the scary Devil etc.what is the end goal and who scores it

What is the point, are we a living in a hologram, is there an afterlife, do we

Reincarnate, are we gone forever, is the world still flat, is mankind several

Hundred thousand years old, are we from Mars or Nabirou it's and endless

Guessing game.

Does Iceland have a centrally controlled bank even after telling the bankers to fuck off?

It would appear not, looks like they tried to pull the same shit with Iceland as they did with Greece.

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Hmmm.... 3 Countries that Trump has called out on Twitter consistently. What. Are. The. Odds.

Well I know this is the most obvious fact, but all countries without a Rothschild bank are considered hostile and will be attacked until a central one is built along with a few minor ones (source : article read long ago).

I don't think Trump wants to end up like Kennedy or Lincoln. They tried and died. Buy them or kill them.

Burn this shit to the ground.