Theory: The whole war between Trump and the Democrats is fake

32  2017-06-28 by LightBringerFlex

What if we are being fooled again? What if Trump and HRC are wonderful friends? Didn't Trump change his attitude towards HRC as soon as he won the Presidency right from the inauguration day when he told the crowd that chanting "Lock her up" isn't cool anymore and that he doesn't want to hurt Hillary by prosecuting her?

Let's back up. The Rothschild family eta al is running this whole puppet show from atop using many countries but Israel in particular. Note; These "jews" aren't jews at all. They "which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan," Revelation 2:9. Rothschild basically made 2 teams and he controls them both. In fact, these 2 teams are on the same team. These teams are on 2 extreme ends: Communism and Capatalism which are really 2 gimmicks to milk the economy for all its worth. Karl Marx, the head of communism, wasn't even Russian. He was a Zionist Luciferian pretending to be a Jew who was pretending to be a Russian. These Luciferians basically use theatrics to confuse us. They are different in each country, but in America they go by the titles Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats like to bankrupt the nation through ridiculous overspending on all kinds of bullshit. The Republicans like to drain the country by destroying all regulations so that the Corporate powers can easy milk the civilization with ease. So, Rothschild runs these 2 teams against each other and people like us simply take sides.

The idea is to always make it seem that one side is saving the people from the other side. When Obama took office, many Americans were in tears of joy thinking he was saving us from the Bush era. When Trump took office, many were in tears because they think he is saving us from the Obama era. It's all a big game and the jokes on us.

Now, lets get back to the very instance of now. We gladly, with open arms, accepted Trump into office. Within a short few months, his actions no longer matched his words. The strategy of saying one thing and doing another is mentioned in the Protocols of Zion world domination guide. His promises were broken when he attacked Assad and actually plans on attacking Assad again. He claims 9-11 was real even though he knows Mossad, W, and CIA did it together. He's trying to have Assange arrested. He's not breaking bread with Russians who are actually the good guys in this situation. He never released the secret hoards of technology, the cures to our diseases, the life changing information, ect... He's out there singing and dancing with the Saudis and Israel with a Yamicah on his head knowing that these people were partly responsible for 9-11. His son in law is suspected of being the anti-Christ or at least a traitor who works in cahoots with Bibi Netanyahu, the world's most dangerous terrorist. He is just holding down the fort while the Zionists loot the country just like every other president before him and we continue to live in artificial shambles. (I say artificial because it takes a lot of hard work to destroy the economy).

Basically, I think we are being played. Not all people are bad guys but a lot of them are. Everyone from the US, Pope. Israel, UK, and Saudis definitely are on the wrong side of things. Sure, they are worried about our awakening but they continue to play us for fools.

I heard a song somewhere saying the only hero people are waiting for is themselves. What this means is that we don't have to wait. We can move at anytime we decide to but if we continue to be fooled into thinking puppet politicians are going to save the world, we are going to be waiting for the next 100 years as we have been for the last 100 years. We control ourselves and we decide for ourselves. Its hard waiting for a politician because they usually take 10 years to make a slight bit of change but they also ruin many things in the meantime setting us back even further. Waiting on us to rise up is simply a matter of choice. Anyone who thinks this is not a choice is simply afraid and making excuses. Who do you think brainwashed the people to be afraid? The Luciferian pedophile Illuminati punks that's who.

We won't know for sure if this war is real or fake because they don't give the people any transparency so that they can hide all the evil shit they do but we can estimate that it is more than likely fake simply by calculated the odds. Since we have been fooled our entire lives, the odds are we are being fooled again.

There is nothing to celebrate this 4th of July. Instead of celebrating a fake independence, we should be marching on the banks demanding answers for all the terror they have brought into our lives. Ultimately, the bankers are the puppeteers.


quite possibly true

My kinda crazy conspiracy theory about Trump is that, if he is a plant, he's being used by the TPTB (CIA, FBI, NSA, establishment, etc etc) in order to increase police state activity. He's a "law and order" candidate who ran on being tough on crime and immigration and terrorism. Being "tough" on those subjects necessarily requires greater government oversight and power. More police/agents, more money for their departments, and more leeway on how they go about their business.

Kinda silly, but it can somewhat make sense maybe. The democrats want increased governmental power just as much as the republicans when it comes to fighting crime and terrorism, so while they make a big fuss in the media about being against Trump, it's just for show.

Every president gives the police and military more power over our lives, and Trump hasn't been any different. The goal of government is to gain more power. Right wingers (who would normally be against government overreach and expanding powers) will go along because it's targeting leftists. Then the precedent is set for future presidents.

Also keep in mind he keeps mentioning expanding our already gigantic military which means he wants more tax payer dollars to do it. That money will just cycle back into the pockets of the weapons manufacturers and the huge American military will simply be used by Zion to kill the Arabs for Greater Israel. The beauty of it all is that it doesn't cost Zion a dime to use the American military other than giving the President a few sheckles like they did on camera with that giant baller chain.

if he truly wanted to rebuild the military, he'd fire every military general, chief of staff, everyone from lieutenant and up. obama replaced so much of our military with incompetence and politically correct hires it makes you wonder if our destroyer command deck actually was incompetent enough to get hit by a japanese cargo ship. but i don't see that. like y'all said, he's really referring to more military funding... scary.

I love your content Light, but I still maintain you're wrong on having given up on Trump. You've lost focus it would seem, he is still playing his role, even though it's hard to see, everything is still falling in place from my point of view.

falling into the worldwide techno-gulag?

Could you explain the plan that's falling into place?

In short, jailing the cabal, crashing the cabal system and rising from the ashes as civilization 2.0 or something

How far into barbarism do we have to descend before you will entertain the notion that this is totally absurd?

The current system is not sustainable, it must break eventually. At this point the question is only when, and how long and difficult the transition will be.

Wake up. You are a small vocal minority on a subreddit. Outside of the conspiracy corner of the internet, its business as usual out in the real world, in the usa & the rest of the world. Pple wake up, go to work.. The system goes on. Nothings changed. Its a revolution thats purely in our heads, played out on the internet over alex jones videos.

I pray your right but he needs to prove himself to us considering most every president suckered us in our own demise. It has been about 6 months now and instead of proving himself to us, he is probing himself to be a Zionist shill.

There's no more time to wait. They are trying to finish off America and profit from its demise. If Trump is truly for us, let's make a move and depend on him to back us up. We can peacefully march on the deep state while raising hell in every nonviolent way possible. We will expose Trumps hand. If he is for us, he will support our movement. If he is against us, he will try to shut us down but either way, we will know for sure who he truly is. A Zionist or an American.

I don't think a march on DC would accomplish anything. When marching you need a clear concise objective, we don't have that here, it's not that simple.

In those 6 months I would disagree he is "probing himself to be a Zionist". This whole shitshow is just complicated and you gotta dive deep to get the real picture, for example, the Syria strikes after the gas attacks.

US: "We fired 59 tomahawk missiles, 57 of which, reached their target" RUS: "We confirm 23 missile hit on the Syrian airbase"

Those are facts reported by media. Don't you find it odd 36 missiles just vanished? 2 of which, did not reach their targets? Yet, nobody talks about them. And they're quite expensive too, you use them efficiently.

Here's the theory I propose of that event: Trump sees the obvious false flag. He's cornered as he can't prove it and a riposte would get the media off his back during that time period. Trump calls Assad/Putin, asks for a target to shoot at. He's given that particular airbase, they give them time to evacuate and tidy it up. He shoots pretty much everything that landed there, on the giant massive concrete hangar and the runway was functioning the next day.

But we still have 36 missiles missing? Where did they go? Most likely ISIS targets.

You fool your opponent into thinking you're doing their bidding while simultaneously striking back 10 times stronger than they did.

Small details like these make me think he's still working for us. If you have not seen yesterday's press conference I highly recommend it. The energy guy went and did a speech. Lots of zero emission nuclear energy (read fusion, not fission) talk.

Did you see how happy he was? I've never seen that guy so jubilant and glowing with happiness. Also there where things he couldn't talk about. That guy Knows something that is making him very happy, but isn't sharing with the rest of us. The current time line is very frustrating to try to figure out.

Absolutely, this guy is screaming to me "hidden technologies" like cold fusion, zero point or whatever we can't imagine.

What's also interesting is he mentions at some point that they are moving forward with the support of others, or not. and I think that was the part where he talked about benefiting allies and stuff like that, meaning pretty much the whole world lol

I'm personally quite excited

Do you have a link to this press conference?

The war between my right hand and my left hand is fake.

I really do think so.
After the leftists/commies got their President (=Obama) now the rights/fasciscts got their President. Thesis and Ant-ithesis all over. I think Trump will do just like all the others.

Well probably. I can't read your theory right this moment, but I can add this. We won't know for real until his presidency continues, but it is looking like he is working for the same old people.

Most voters took a gamble knowing Clinton was the same, but on the off chance Trump might not be (but probably is). If World War 3 is coming and it may very well be with pieces slowing shifting into place - if you are at the top in American politics do you have the first female president pull the trigger on WW3 on a lie or do you get an outsider who already has a legacy outside of politics? Meanwhile dividing the nation totally and tying the ally of our enemies in this future war (Iran and Syria) to the candidate that most young people and women and half the nation despises. Getting that cycle going was important hate Trump now you have a reason to hate Russia, hate Russia maybe the media can give you a reason to hate Trump. The only good thing you can see is some common sense coming alive in people and the media that has played such a part in all of this is taking a hit (though it may have anticipated it). Hopefully people pulling away wont go back and will go to real journalists again.