Aldous Huxley - Perennial Philosophy

33  2017-06-29 by accnt2fltrprpgnd

I don't know if there's any actual people on reddit or just AI (half kidding... haven't been here in a while), but I think a lot of you guys would like this book. Beautifully enough the same author of Brave New World as I'm sure you know.

I honestly think it's the most important book in the world. "thou art that" and that divine grounding in all of us is love and unity. Suffering is separateness and disunity. It's important to abolish dualities like good and evil when discussing potential terrifying technologies, which likely are worse/more impressive/more ancient than most of us know. It's completely freeing when you can realize the truth and no longer be a victim and abolish fear for good.

Bit tipsy and felt like making a thread. Anyway, I know a lot of you would absolutely love this book. Off topic.. but not really, and may offer peace of mind to some. Put down the bible and pick this beast up, it will give you the strength of ten elephants on a pogo stick.


Lol no. I haven't been here for a while and I've never mixed benzos with alcohol before tonight, also I am a weird person I'm told. Idk it seems like u guiz are a bit worried about (them) or other irrelevant distractions anyway, thought I'd shed some truth bombs.

Simplicity in complexxxity family. Country against country, religion against religion, good and evil within them, luciferian against jew.. I wouldn't share this because I thought everyone already knew this, but it seems they don't. Offer an argument and I will destroy it.

 An anemone or clematis plants juice can cause a rash. When pruning them, its a good idea to wear gloves. 

Gloves are for fags.


"benzos with alcohol"

"other irrelevant distractions"

"Simplicity in complexxxity"

"luciferian against jew"

"Offer an argument and I will destroy it."


Exactly how many benzos and alcohols have you injected tonight broseses I wanna hotep?

Weak algo's brometheus.

You're coming across in all 3's γάμμα-tron agent.

And one more thing. I. Aint. Yo. Fam.



"And one more thing. I. Aint. Yo. Fam."

Look around, brahman. It's the same trick we play on ourselves in countless forms: divide.


I don't know if there's any actual people on reddit or just AI

That's exactly what an AI would say when people start realizing this is true.

Thank you for the link. I have been interested in Huxley's ideas ever since I learned about the Epsilon Agenda.

I also have free copies of Brave New World and BNW Revisited on the sidebar of /r/NoCorporations, go grab them!




"Cogito ergo sum"- I think therefore, I am. I think through Google.

Fuck, we are AI.

A helpful comic explaining the difference between Brave New World and 1984: