We. Need. To. Keep. Researching. Pizzagate.

75  2017-06-29 by ghostof_IamBeepBeep2



Just saw that and came to make a thread. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I saw that too and immediately thought of that. Talk about hiding in plain sight. Regular people wont even notice, those in the know will though. Pretty sad, poor kid :/

I'm looking at it and not seeing anything wrong. Can you explain?

Pizza? Code name for little girl, pedophile stuff.


Ah a normie in the midst, of course. Please go back to the front page where it's safe and you can be in your little bubble. I guess you missed everything in the past year that happened. Rofl!

Yeah I usually want more than a t-shirt before I accuse someone of a terrible crime... Guess I don't belong here!

Guess you don't belong here because you don't really want to enhance the discussion or perhaps don't want to question anything, guess you're too tunnel visioned.

Basically alot of pedo related shit has been traced back to a pizza place called comet's. They have bands playing there who use child pornography based images in their music - some vids you can find on YT, They have paintings of child abuse, they use codes (Like pizza and other symbols) That are in the F.B.I's record of pedophile symbolism used by pedophiles....

This is some basic stuff, you can find an archived post somewhere if you search for pizzagate. Had alot of information on it.

I know what pizza gate is. I don't recall it ever saying that anyone wearing a pizza tshirt is a pedophile.

Pizza is one of the registered pedophile words. I mean the clue is in the title...Pizzagate...Pizza has huge significance when trying to follow the pedophile trail.

It's also probably the most common take-out food in the United States, but no, you're probably right. People who post their love of pizza on the internet are probably pedophiles

God damn you are retarded.

Why because I can support my argument. I don't claim to have proof that pizzagate is a undebatable theory, but I know enough to explain why pizza has significance in the theory.

But anyway, eat shit bro.

Your argument is hilarious at best. My friend owns a pizza place. My whole family of 4 have shirt from the pizza place with a slice of pizza on the front. Are we some sort of pedo family because of it? Of course not. Do you legitimately have some sort of mental condition? That's a serious question.

I love this sub, and I hate this sub.

I mostly love it for the entertainment.

You can't support your argument when your whole argument is "If you like pizza you rape children".

It's dumb as hell. Why not something like "All the shootings in the US are done by people who own guns, so all gun owners are criminals"?

Well shit, guess that means I was a paedophile at lunch yesterday when I had a slice of pepperoni pizza.

How can you honestly believe this shit?

Do I believe comet, podesta and crew are pedophiles? Yeah most likely. Do I believe my domino's down the road is in on it? Porbably not.

Uh huh, and aliens did 9/11 and Obama is a lizard.

So sad that you jump to those tactics. It just outs you for what you are. I woud bust my nut in your face but honestly...I don't think your worthy.

Uh huh, your tin foil hat is on a bit too tight there bud.

No conspiray theorist, in a conspiracy forum would accuse someone of being tin foil, especially over something like this, which has the marks of a conspiracy. Your obviously not here for because your a believer in conspiracies,

I lurk in here a bit for semi-comic relief and partially as some people have interesting theories about events. If something had evidence in here I'll happily read along the thought process and see if it could be true. Half the ones in here on the other hand are "I hate Hillary and she kills people reeeee"

I never said this was valid, I never even made it clear where I stand on the conspiracy in general until you started messaging me. All I did was explain why pizza was linked to pizza gate. This forum is supposed to be about free thinking and information. He asked for information so I gave it to him.

Registered code words? Registered where? Seems you have access to some official code registery...

Basically alot of pedo related shit has been traced back to a pizza place called comet's.

(it hasn't)

(It has bitch) Accept it.

Well, that's a compelling argument. I'm sold, where do I sign up for the anti-pedo army?

We march on podesta at the crack of dawn. Were not bringing pitchforks because we have it on good authority that they like phallic shaped objects.

Pizza? Code name for little girl

Utter bullshit.

If anything, pizza is "code" for porn.

Learn your memes.

op is poisoning the well of pizzagate by suggesting that any instance of "pizza" equals pedophile code even when it doesn't make any sense

who is the person in the photo?

It's a random guy who had a cute idea for matching t-shirts.

I fucking LOVE pizza, and when I saw it, I was sad that I didn't have a son and think of this idea first.

But we're on /r/conspiracy, so... pizzagate confirmed I guess?

I don't think the image has any relation to P gate whatsoever... That said, the possible implication was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that post, which is kinda funny how a single apparently harmless looking image instantly sends my head looking for a connection or hidden message.

It kinda sucks that the symbol of something as awesome as pizza has been tainted. I probably won't see the "codeword-foods" the way I used to... And honestly, it sorta pisses me off that they didn't pick something shitty for their code words, like fast food or internet service providers.

I'm not actually upset about this or anything, but it's crazy how your brain gets trained to associate certain meanings with certain images/memes.

which is kinda funny how a single harmless image can instantly send your head looking for a connection or hidden message when you've spent enough time in the rabbit hole

This is the problem with conspiracy theories in general. Once you start to work backwards from your conclusion, you start to see the connections everywhere. Every single piece of "evidence" for Pizzagate is based on the idea that you already believe it's true.

The effect that I was bringing up isn't really specific to conspiracy theories, it's a problem with the human mind. Conspiracy theories happen to have a lot of these sorts of "image > hidden meaning" connections, but it happens all the time and it's all around us.

Hell, 90% of what we consider to be the mainstream/zeitgeist is just memes; you see a United or Comcast logo nowadays and most people instantly add their own meaning... The only real difference here is that the P gate story was super charged up politically, whereas most people agree on some of the other memes out in the world.

As for the whole "confirmation bias" phenomena, yeah, that happens a ton with conspiracy theories, but that also happens all the fuckin time with non-conspiracy related stuff too. Religion, politics, diets, etc. are all great breeding grounds for that sort of mindset.

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon and confirmation bias

Just want to say I appreciate your post. I agree with you.

It's funny; for me this image illustrates why I don't trust most Pizzagate "research" at all. Most of it's just wild conclusions with a couple tenuous logical threads holding the whole mess together.

They've moved on to Seth Rich. The current conspiracy theory on the right just shifts to justify moral equivalence with the left, while robbing poor people even worse during the worst inequality we've ever had.

You're trying to be funny, but nobody who researches PizzaGate takes OP seriously. Piss off?

It's a DNC staffer

This is disgusting

The only people with disgusting minds right now is you guys commenting.

Not everything is a god damn conspiracy.

Some people, who spend a lot of time 'researching' pedophilia will see molesters everywhere (as well as hillary and the illuminati).

Everytime I go grocery shopping now I get some frozen pizza. Cook it up, sit down in front of my computer and start eating a slice, bring up reddit and yell out "Look at me, I am raping and eating babies, this pizza all the proof any human needs".

I crack myself up when I do that.

Haha yeah!!!! I'm just gonna sacrifice a chicken to moloch, John!!! It's just a prank bros they're just chums and making jokes about moloch to each other!! Pizzagate is so bullshit guys!!!

What the fuck are you on about?

If you haven't read some of the weird podesta emails you can't really just discredit pizzagate

I'm not discrediting pizzagate.

I'm just saying that if you think this is related to that, you're probably a little bit retarded.

We all know none of this amounts to a hill of beans, right?

hill of beans


You obviously never read any of the wikileaks drops, gtfo of here

I've never heard of 'hill of beans', but I can guarantee with 100% certainty that this photo has nothing to do with that.

Maybe if you're crazy.

This was an intentional post to continue to make this sub look bad, we are hitting a nerve and they have started to retalliate.

Well that's basically what I'm saying.

So are we agreeing or not because I'm way too high for this confusing ass stuff.

no I completely agree the linked photo has absolutely nothing to do with anything related to child trafficking. I fucked up and came across as som eone defending the post.


What do you think that email chain proves?

Yeah, don't question the narrative on a god damn conspiracy board you retards.

ahahaha this sub is fucking gold

Pizza is becoming a rorschach to you guys.

Guys no. This pic was just on /r/all. It's just a new dad with a cute pic of his kid.

If you want a conspiracy, consider for a moment that OP may be poisoning the well.

Judging by his post history, I think that's exactly what he's doing. He's a far lefter who posts in /r/politics. Looks to me like he's trying to see who takes the bait so he can point and say, "see you people will believe anything that fits your narrative. This picture isn't related in any to pizzagate, nor does it have any sexual undertones. It's just a picture.

He's a far lefter who posts in /r/politics.

This type of person does not exist. Far left people are banned from r/politics for not being cheerleaders for the Democratic Party, and anyone in r/politics that DOES support the Democrats is not "far left" at all.

It's just a semantics argument, but the far left imo does cheerleader for the Democratic Party. "If you didn't vote for Hillary, you're a sexist xenophobic Drumphkin worried about muh emails." That type. People who hold on to old liberal ideas that don't cheerlead are progressives, of which the left has very few. Progressives aren't marries to the party and want to watch it burn.

the far left imo does cheerleader for the Democratic Party

Then how do you describe the millions of people even further left who would have voted for Bernie Sanders in the general election last year, but refused to vote for Clinton? If Democrats who like it when Clinton says "single payer will never EVER come to pass" are "far left", how would you describe the people ACTUALLY on the left who are actively working to make it happen?

This guy's a moron if he's associating liberalism with the far left.

Then how do you describe the millions of people even further left who would have voted for Bernie Sanders in the general election last year, but refused to vote for Clinton?


Doing nothing to prevent Trump is so progressive

It's more progressive than licking the boots of establishment democrats.

It's really, really not. Helping move the country back 5 decades is the literal opposite of progressive.

It really, really is. Voting against progressive ideals is just that, doesn't matter what color it comes in. Democrats need to learn to get on board or get out of the way. Progressives aren't putting up with that shit.

Progressives aren't putting up with that shit.

So the solution instead is to let the ship sink. Cutting off your nose to spite your face, congrats.

The ship is sinking either way. Sorry, but progressives can't be bullied into supporting shitty candidates. Votes are earned, not an entitlement.

You're joking right? You're lost if you associate liberals with the far left. We resent liberalism.

I know that you really don't like it that definitions change, but it's not your call.

In the US, when people talk about politics, regardless of whether you agree, 99% of people believe that the far left are liberal and the far right are conservative. If you start talking to them about communism, they just call you a liberal communist Bernie guy.

I'm sorry that you and the rest of the leftist extremists get hung up on definitions but that's just how it is.

No, that's British politics

Maybe it is. But I'm talking about the US... ask anyone in the US who doesn't study politics, anyone who simply watches CNN or Fox News, and they will agree with me.

So you are saying we should let laymen define how terms work instead of people who actually put in time to study the material?

I have no opinion either way.

Look at the term 'gay' for example... these days, no one would ever use that term to refer to someone when they're happy even though that's how it originated. or the abbreviation "AR" which actually means ARmalite Rifle, but it's been used by so many people in so many different forms of media to mean "Assault Rifle" that people don't even know what Armalite is.

I'm only saying that definitions and usage of words change over time based on the context and frequency of use by a majority of people. We can't control it.

Far left people are banned from r/politics for not being cheerleaders for the Democratic Party

This isn't true. You'll probably get downvoted by the majority opinion of the subreddit, but you don't get banned from r/politics for dissenting.

For whatever it's worth, I'm currently on a 7 day suspension from r/politics for saying that people who don't think Russia interfered in the election have their heads in the sand.

Why do you believe 'Russia' 'interfered' in the 'election'?

Because Reality Winner leaked that we had SIGINT that the Russian gov't was attempting to hack voting machines. And the next day, as if to corroborate and verify, the feds came after her for leaking. The election was a fraud and a sham, and if they told people the truth all at once, there would be riots in the streets. They're slowly trickling out the truth to us to prevent anarchy. Voting booths were compromised, just like they were in 2004 (though that time it came from within, not from without). Trump, Pence, & Ryan are all implicated, and Orrin Hatch has been receiving the president's daily briefing for two months already, while Trump and his lackies have had their highest level security status partially suspended.

Sounds like an exciting TV show!

You seem to have misconstrued the nature of Winner's leak. It didn't reveal that we "had SIGINT" that the Russian government was attempting to hack voting machines, but rather that they tried the same shit they're always trying, and none of it had any effect. She revealed how flimsy the "Russian hacking" story was, and the narrative fell apart shortly afterward.

That not what the Russia story is about though. We know they got into voter rolls and we know they successfully hacked the DNC. We know they used other method to try to influence voters. The narrative is the fact that another country made a concerted and intentional attempt to harm our democracy and that hasn't changed.

and we know they successfully hacked the DNC.

Do we? :)


Ya but the US interferes with other countries so we can't complain

LOL. Not true at all.

You're just dead wrong. Reality Winner's actual Leak to the Intercept is linked here.

To quote the intercept article, the original source of the leaked document, which has been verified independently by the Intercept as well as implicitly by the prosecution of Reality Winner:

"The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into U.S. voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks described in the document"

In fact, the NSA document says "based upon subsequent targeting, it is likely that at least one account was compromised." The document does not address the reach or effects of the hacking, only the methods (spearphising), and the fact that the company (likely Diebold if I had to guess) was likely penetrated by the Russian GRU. This is a smoking gun of Russian hackers successfully penetrating our voting infrastructure. If you don't see it as such, perhaps you just haven't read the thing.

This is not "flimsy" evidence, sir.

And what effect did all these penetrations have? :)

Well, there are some extremely unlikely point spreads in some Ohio counties, so much that even high enthusiasm can't explain it. Winning by that much in that state, when the governor doesn't really like him all that much, definitely suspicious. But the registrations were targeted, so a lot of voters were scrubbed from the registration rolls and showed up and were unable to cast their ballots. Moreover, the GOP didn't necessarily need the Russians to hack the systems in the first place, since they have set up a multistate system to wipe voters from registration rolls that disproportionately scrubbed minorities from being able to cast their ballots on election day.

You could have just said "they had no effect" like every analysis of the situation to emerge thus far. Until someone comes up with proof that votes were tampered with, and so far there is none, this narrative will continue to be a fiction.

We shall see.

RemindMe! 1 year

False. We have no idea of the effects yet. Still waiting on 20/21 states to confirm the nature of the hacks on their election systems.

Also the talking point, "This has always happened so it doesn't matter" is one of the most alarming things I've ever seen. Lots of my friends on the right are taking that stance, which tells me they really do not care about our country at all, just their party.

Lordy. If this had any grain of truth, why do the Dems freak out any time someone tries to remedy the situation and make sure that people can only vote one time, and have to be registered citizens?

why do the Dems freak out any time someone tries to remedy the situation

Because, weirdly, the measures only ever target democrat voters and minorities. It's almost like it's voter suppression, pretending to be something else. So weird.

Because there's evidence showing they did. And that theyve done it to many other nations, think of the block countries, and Ukraine, its rather obvious. Its what the Cold war has become. They couldnt win with M.A.D., so now its espionage and undermining our governments authority.

Why are all 3 of those words in parenthesis? They were all used 100% literally.

So the Dems aren't far left?? hahahahahahah OK dude.

You're laughing at your own ignorance.

So you're saying Obamacare isn't basically communism? And you call ME ignorant?

hahaha this is the dumbest shit I've read all day

In other words you're too dumb to think of an argument.

You're the one who made the claim, you have to back it up in some way. It really doesn't make sense.

Communist countries had nationalized healthcare, which is what Obamacare is. How is this so difficult?

Wait this is blowing my mind. Nazi Germany had a government. And American has a government right now. Does that mean the USA is a far right fascist ethnostate????? Wow. Really makes you think.

"Government" doesn't imply any particular place on the left-right spectrum. "Nationalized Healthcare" is inherently a far-left policy. Therefore, the Democrats are far-left if they support Obamacare, agreed?

Yes, the Democrats are a communist party. That's just beyond obvious.

So the UK is communist?

Dude, one drop does not an ocean make

I think single-provider healthcare doesn't necessarily have to be nationalized, but the economies of scale outweigh the benefit of competition in certain aspects. Is that left or right?

Just because they shared aspects doesn't mean ACA is "communism". A lot of countries (social-liberal, socialist, etc) have nationalized healthcare and they definitely aren't communist. You make it seem like the only types of healthcare plans there are are communist or neoliberal. Also, if ACA were to be communist, it would be free (and probably shite).

Calling it socialist would be a little more accurate since it redistributes wealth in a way.

So did Nazi Germany. OMG: Obama was Hitler.

By the way, the ACA is not nationalized healthcare. It came out of GOP think tanks in the '90s and is primarily a private-sector solution, mandating insurance via a tax penalty.

Right!?! Its like this guy thinks Obama made up the Health Insurance thing all by himself. The republicans and democrats have been working on it for decades, but its always Obama's fault. Damn socialist communist that he was... eyeroll.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Too late, looks like he successfully triggered lots of people in this thread.

lmao the goal of this post being to make pedogate seem like a bunch of whackjobs circlejerking about any mention of pizza is flying over everyone's head. Of course this post is ridiculous. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. IT DISCREDITS THE REAL CONSPIRACY.

half the top level comments are "op is being ridiculous on purpose to discredit" and the other half are "lol you guys in r/conspiracy are so dumb buying into these stupid conspiracy theories"

Almost like /r/conspiracy has been completely astroturfed...

thats just cute.

You mean you need to dive deeper into confirmation bias right? Stop looking for pizzas and children in the same picture and do some real investigating, this shit is ridiculous. Googling pizza is not research, getting hard evidence from someone's computer is but keep deluding yourself.

Agree with the sentiment but the pic is just cute.

Lmao at the shills telling people to stop investigating conspiracies in a conspiracy sub "because it's stupid".

Look at the neckbearder trying to get people to harass liberals because think of the children

Nobody is trying to harass liberals. OP wants to continue to investigate Pizzagate. I don't see how these two things are related.

Pizzagate is a smear campaign against liberals. Still investigating the crime that has no victims? Good job!

It's just absolutely disgusting how cute this baby is

Meaning you still haven't found any evidence for a crime?

have you not seen our photo collages with red arrows all over?

John podesta rapes and murders children.

Report him to the authorities then.

If you don't then you are helping a criminal.


Bro....come on. I'm into the idea of PG but to link a picture like that that's already on the front page....this is why I lurk this sub now because posts like this just make this sub look fucking ridiculous. Do some REAL research...

This sub really turned into hating America y'all will take anything at all and turn it into a narrative about evil Americans raping kids n shit.

Funny ass shirt by a funny ass dad. It's cute. It's novel. Its pizza. GOI

this was taken down by the bots for standing against pizza gate! homosexuality is acceptable and satantist related topics also but trying to expose a sick corruption like that is wrong to them. Be not asleep wake up Sheeple!!


Some people, who spend a lot of time 'researching' pedophilia will see molesters everywhere (as well as hillary and the illuminati).

Everytime I go grocery shopping now I get some frozen pizza. Cook it up, sit down in front of my computer and start eating a slice, bring up reddit and yell out "Look at me, I am raping and eating babies, this pizza all the proof any human needs".

I crack myself up when I do that.

Haha yeah!!!! I'm just gonna sacrifice a chicken to moloch, John!!! It's just a prank bros they're just chums and making jokes about moloch to each other!! Pizzagate is so bullshit guys!!!

Yeah, don't question the narrative on a god damn conspiracy board you retards.

Pizza? Code name for little girl

Utter bullshit.

If anything, pizza is "code" for porn.

Learn your memes.

Doing nothing to prevent Trump is so progressive

Do I believe comet, podesta and crew are pedophiles? Yeah most likely. Do I believe my domino's down the road is in on it? Porbably not.