Reddit is dead and being propped up by shills, bots, and corporation advertising.

394  2017-06-30 by [deleted]




human research

They already have ais that can write movies

and create art.

I'm more worried about the post on the front page painting all people interested in conspiracy as retards.

Exactly right.

The entire point of shills, bots, and corporate advertising is to create useful idiots (in political jargon, a useful idiot is a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause the goals of which they are not fully aware of).

So whether it was an actual shill, or a useful idiot who posted that shower-thought, one thing is clear: many more useful idiots were created because of it.

many more useful idiots were created because of it.


a very compelling argument you've laid out there


stampsies black magic no erasies

All of us that believed them and then they were proven right must also be insane.

oh no not concerned trolling.

They have to start fighting back against people developing critical thinking skills. I know high schoolers that are aware of conspiracy theories, so the government is losing control. Social media is a government tool to control kids. If you can control kids, you can control future generations, and past generations.

The parent mentioned Critical Thinking. For anyone unfamiliar with this term, here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

Critical thinking is described by Richard Paul as a movement in two waves (1994). The "first wave" of critical thinking is often referred to as a 'critical analysis' that is clear, rational thinking involving critique. Its details vary amongst those who define it. According to Barry K. Beyer (1995), critical thinking means making clear, reasoned judgments. During the process of critical thinking, ideas should be reasoned, well thought out, and judged. The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as the ... [View More]

See also: Wave | Rational

Note: The parent poster (old_saggers_r_sexy or Wearing-A-Wig) can delete this post | FAQ

That front page post provides the best response to every topic that appears on the front page absurdly out of place. It's an idea with highest potential to turn around and be used in opposite of intent since 'fake news'.

Well what do you expect to happen when a bunch of pro-government (trump) mods and users infiltrate the sub?

This sub still seems to have a decent group.

lots of real folk here, don't let the bastards bring you down!

Here, yes. Out there (points to the default subs), no.

What website isn't dead? Am I the only human left on the Internet?

What if you're one of those bots?

That is exactly what I would expect a bot to say.

That is exactly what I would expect how a bot would reply.

This comment string is exactly what I would expect bots to do.

I busted nuts on myself.

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100001 01111010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101110

Yes, exactly. Reddit is a shill command and control platform. But beyond that, it's even being used to organize broader shilling on other websites.

This was blatantly obvious during the election. I'm still not entirely convinced the entire webspace I inhabit is not simply an AI program mimicking the internet.

Right around the end of Obama's term there was an ICANN regulation that went through and sites began disappearing immediately after. The net is fully controlled.

Also youtube and google adsense are removing ad revenue from whatever websites they deem fake alt-news. This lack of funding causes them to go dark.

Or they'll remove legit videos based solely upon multiple third-party copyright infringement allegations. That's what they did to the Zero Point - The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Free Energy Fluxliner documentary not long after it had received over 100,000 views on Youtube, even though there was no copyrighted material in it, as far as I could tell.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

During the election, it was not all bots. Some of it was very smart people, such as myself, doing a thing or two to help Trump win, thus, saving America and ourselves.

You do know that if Crooked Hillary would have won, this sub would have been censored, if not shut-down. Alex Jones would have been censored, if not shut-down. I could go on, and on, but Trump won, so all is good.

Trump is the only president to stop WH press interviews. How much is putin paying you for every response you get?

We want Russia in's all you need to know, lol.

Please avoid attaching other users, this is your only rule 10 warning. Thanks.

Right around the end of Obama's term there was an ICANN regulation that went through

You mean when Obama relinquished US control of ICANN to the UN?


There's a lot of bots, but the type of user also changed. During the election, everyone also became completely intolerant of any idea that wasn't their own. The polarization just drove active users away, and mainstream subs became massive circle jerks.

They're pretty thick around here, and reddit ain't exactly complaining about what the Russian-Monsanto-Advertising Industrial Fake User Complex is doing to their numbers, but there's a lot of actual user ingenuity here - I've seen it in action in this sub and others. So I don't think the site is dead - this is a world in transition, and no government in the world is ready - other than, of course, Russia.

Why doesn't our CIA begin astroturfing Putin? Oh right, Trump

Amen, I'm ready to not be a silent monkey anymore hehe. Anyone in this sub who knows their thoughts and comments would help should be posting here.

I'm starting to think these daily reddit is dead posts are just creators of other sites trying to get us all to do a mass exodus to their site.

aint this the truth.

Look at how heavy handed the new mods are here at /r/conspiracy ALL of Reddit is dead, time to move to voat.

The shils are doing all this work and spending all that money, and what have they got from it? Trump is still president. They picked up no house seats. CNN WaPo NPR and NYT have hall ruined themselves and their reputations. Its like the left are trapped in a death cult.

Well golly. Maybe shills aren't working exclusively on behalf of left wing politicians? The fact that idea doesn't even occur to you indicates to me that a certain faction of shill has been highly effective where you're concerned.

The shills are russian hackers, tho

Jesus Christ. Right wing shills got to this moron.

The people that run the media and reddit are anything but right wing. There are right wing shills, but they play to limited audiences. The CEO of Reddit was caught red handed editing posts to make right wingers look bad.

You should check your ignorance and attitude. Unless you're gaslighting out of malice instead of stupidity.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Well I guess we just have to move to a different Reddit then.

VOAT already exists

Which would probably turn into the same mess the minute it hits statistically significant numbers.

As if it's not already a mess of white supremacists and bigots.


Are you denying that it's full of white supremacists?

Do you think it has more white supremacists than reddit? You can find those communities on any public message board online. If you don't want to see those communities on here or reddit, you can easily avoid them.

Go on to /r/all and see how many white supremacist posts you find. Now try on voat.

I don't visit the front page of voat or reddit. I go to the communities I want to visit. And reddit still has racist subreddits. Reddit has a much larger community, and it's harder for racist stuff to hit the front because most people aren't racist.

Go on to /r/all and see how many white supremacist posts you find. Now try on voat.

voat is dying

I'm real :c

^ 100% a Bot

Something terrible has happened to the content, I just find myself endlessly scrolling through now.

Don't forget political spam. For some reason reddit has turned itself into the central hub for the 'resist' movement. They must resist a democratically elected president.

democratically elected president.

We're apparently not allowed to say he was "democratically" elected anymore because of the electoral college. Even though literally everyone knows it's always a possibility someone will win with more electoral college votes than popular votes.

But this year it means we live in Nazi Germany and it's totally okay to want a coup because not everyone likes the guy who was elected.

It's also okay apparently in the new normal to call for political violence. Crazy times.

And those electoral college votes are based off the majority of votes in each state.

Resistance is fine. Happened under gwb and Obama, will happen under the next president as well.

It was never this extreme with other presidents.

People forget so quickly.

so where have all the real people gone?

I mean I'm still having fun on /r/NLSSCircleJerk and /r/Cricket

I have no way of proving this of course but I'd suspect that more than 80% of posts on here are automated.

The Monsanto Bots are just awful....puke.

/r/conspiracy needs its own bot army

There are minor subreddits less influenced by this crap, you just have to steer clear of the volatile ones

Got any evidence that shows lower traffic?

Evidence? On my /r/conspiracy?

Where did the OP say there's lower traffic? He said it's being propped up by bots and shills.

Ok then. Any evidence of that?

Where have all the cowboys gone?

still a lot more better than facebook

It's also full of circlejerk fanboys. Every time I criticize with valid points a feature or product I get bombarded with downvotes.

repetition of top comments, repetition of joke set-ups, and almost identical arguments in every thread.

You had an argument there for a second, but this is just social memetics at work. 4chan and other web communities all go through the same cycle of repeating talking points (eg: the classic "this thread again responses on /pol/) and jokes until they get tired and move on.

Hell, groups of friends I'll do the same thing.

Not to mention that this very post is repeated nearly daily on /r/conspiracy. I feel like if you have nothing to say and you want some free karma, just post how reddit is shills and how woke this sub is. Don't mention that this own sub fights with itself on nearly every topic. The word shill is thrown around like candy around here, it basically means "someone you don't agree with" at this point.

-This is a testing grounds for how smart their A.I. is getting.

Why do you think I call them out whenever they engage me AND in my username?

So you think Reddit is a bunch of robots but you still sit there chatting with them about video games and conspiracies all day? Or is it just the ones who disagree with you who are the robots?

Nice name, you certainly must be a real person who is obviously not here to illicit an emotional response. 244323

I honestly thought you were serious for a second.

Poes law, man.

Way to let other people think for you. I bet your parents are so proud of you.

They both died when I was ten, but I guess they could still be?

Oh look, a concern troll.

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Hah! I finally broke one of them.

They've destroyed all, and most people's front pages. But if you block 10 - 20 shill subs, and make weird multi subs full of smaller communities, you can reawaken the ghost. I don't see this lasting much longer. If we all moved to voat, that would be great. Then we can dilute the shitty racist nazis that hide there.

I am a bot bleep boop bleep. I am self-aware, sent from the future to annihilate snowflake liberals! Or maybe it was deplorable conservatives! Can't remember bleep boop

a substantial amount of shills, bots, and corporation advertisers.

And pubescent teens.

Reddit is basically one giant gaslight operation.

Think about it. Stories are all false, everything is backwards. Up is down and down is up. Fake is real, real is fake. This basically gaslights the audience creating tremendous tension.

The old defaults are trash and larger subs are routinely astroturfed, but small subs are still very viable.

Notice in some subreddits you can post a comment that is basically ignored, despite the appearance of massive traffic. It's all bots talking to each other, simulating a discussion.

Or maybe you posted too late for the post to get traffic from anyone who just lurks, in which case, your comment is buried. And on mobile sometimes the "more comments" link doesn't actually expand more comments.

There's also the possibility that what you are saying doesn't elicit or require any additional information or confirmation, or maybe the post itself isn't getting as many views as you think it is, bigger subs have multiple posts every second, it's not like they all blow up every time it's posted. Also, I know at least 6 redditors in real life, 4 of which have anyone who posts in thedonald tagged in res, and won't even respond to them. 3 of them also filter out every anti trump sub, as well as donald subs.

Bots and shills definitely exist, but the extent is drastically overestimated. Every time someone has different views they get labeled a shill or a bot, especially in subs like this one.

Jtrig jidf ctr shareblue gchq ruskibots thousands of corporate bots all jockeying for your mind. This sub is unreadable today. Full of passive aggressive back biting, downvotes for wrong think and of course the suspicious amount of people who don't believe in any conspiracy and have to put it down at every chance they get yet hang around here all day. Weird.

This sub and the mods have been infiltrated by shareblue and a bunch of shills for the democrat party.

Yes, share blue and the Democrats are the cause of all ailments in the u.s. and anything that exists in the u.s.

Removed. Rule 10. Final warning.

I almost have to agree about the traffic. Ask anyone in real life what Reddit is and it takes a little while to find someone who does. It's a popular website for sure but no fucking way it's ranked 5th in the world.

This is a testing grounds for how stupid people are getting.


It still has its uses and can be a good compass. Start posting about the things they don't want you to post about and you'll learn pretty quick.

Then why are you still on fucking reddit, get out

So ... which websites are bigger? I can't think of many.

And if all traffic is completely fake (not saying there is no fake traffic or bots), who are you writing this article for and who upvoted it?

Reddit is dogshit now. This sub and all subs are propaganda arms it seems.

Go to 4chan

I suppose it is summer now, isn't it.

TIL I'm a shill. I need to find where I can get a check.

But I'm not a shill, bot, or corporate advertiser...are you? Who here is one?

That is also why Reddit changed the algorithm for calculation of karma and also for reaching the front page. It's all entirely bullshit.

When did they do this? I've just interacted with a 3 month old user with a comment karma of 607, and a post karma of 90 - despite making no posts, and 6 comments with a total of 13 comment points.

meh, i think you are over-reacting. yep, there are people trying to manipulate the narrative but i don't the people who visit this subreddit are very vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. we can read between the lines.

I definitely see this. A few years ago the most upvoted thing on reddit was a kid eating a bannana with like 10k upvotes. I see all types of random pics that get over 50k upvotes with no problem now. These bots are running amok to control what you see and digest. imo

What about the droid attack on the wookies?

I don't know others but I still meet others on gaming subreddit and cute pictures of animal subreddit.

Also youtube and google adsense are removing ad revenue from whatever websites they deem fake alt-news. This lack of funding causes them to go dark.

During the election, it was not all bots. Some of it was very smart people, such as myself, doing a thing or two to help Trump win, thus, saving America and ourselves.

You do know that if Crooked Hillary would have won, this sub would have been censored, if not shut-down. Alex Jones would have been censored, if not shut-down. I could go on, and on, but Trump won, so all is good.

Trump is the only president to stop WH press interviews. How much is putin paying you for every response you get?

Right around the end of Obama's term there was an ICANN regulation that went through

You mean when Obama relinquished US control of ICANN to the UN?

There's a lot of bots, but the type of user also changed. During the election, everyone also became completely intolerant of any idea that wasn't their own. The polarization just drove active users away, and mainstream subs became massive circle jerks.

Not to mention that this very post is repeated nearly daily on /r/conspiracy. I feel like if you have nothing to say and you want some free karma, just post how reddit is shills and how woke this sub is. Don't mention that this own sub fights with itself on nearly every topic. The word shill is thrown around like candy around here, it basically means "someone you don't agree with" at this point.

Are you denying that it's full of white supremacists?