What's with people in recent years not being civil towards others and not having manners like they used to in previous decades? Is this from some kind of subliminal mind control programming of the population?

57  2017-07-02 by [deleted]



There is something off about this wall of text.

He needed a good rant. Apparently nobody will engage in meaningful conversation with him.

He needed a good rant. Apparently nobody will engage in meaningful conversation with him.

You're right.. it's 100% levels, there's is nobody I knew in the real world who isn't all uptight and twatty.

Sounded kinda stir crazy/desperate when he started talking about online dating.

Sounded kinda stir crazy/desperate when he started talking about online dating.

When you're on those online dating systems for years to decades, you recognize the same women as being on there for years too. Pretty much all of them are and never leave. They never find a good man. Why is that?

That means none of the tens of thousands of local guys were good enough for them. So wasn't just me who wasn't good enough for them.

That tells you it's them who have issues. Anybody who does online dating, they're usually not "hot". Ones who are "hot", aren't on those systems.

Any of this online dating, you're dealing with people who have issues. Who hangs around there all day? It's sort of like who's online on here.. losers. hahaha.

Winners are busy out there in the real world winning. That's why you don't see any of those celebs hanging out here on reddit other than the AMA. It's only losers who have nothing better to do.

Same thing with the online dating. Check who's online now all the time. Not attractive women. Those who are, watch them, they never leave the site years later. If they do, they'll be back when that doesn't work out sooner than later.

Red flag there with all of them on those online dating systems. I checked 'em all over the years. All the same. Wasn't me who was the problem, none of the tens of thousands of other local guys weren't good enough for them either.

So nice try, trying to pin it on me as being "stir crazy/desperate". I don't need anybody any more. Better to stay single than to get involved with that. To deal with them is usually more of a problem because they'd always wonder if they could get a better man.

I quit those sites for a few years. Got back on the main one the other month but I don't have time to lose around there. I know what goes on with these systems. You'd have to find someone in the real world. Just made a profile and check in once a month. So ya got it the other way around with what you think is happening with me and that "online dating" stuff.

Nevermind me though.. how about you. What can we deduce about you from that one comment, without cheating and checking your posting history. You do seem to think you "know it all", and everybody else is always wrong. But we don't wanna start analyzing you, it'd take time away from better things I'll be doing. haha.

If you're hanging around here, I know what's going on over there and it ain't busy winning in the real world. It's busy being a negative troll with never anything positive to say. You're the one who'll have to deal with being that type of bad person. I'm going to remain being a good person even if others aren't. So have a nice day instead. Sounds like you need it. hahaha :-D

mental disorder vibe is strong

This is the sort of rude behavior OP was talking about. You are part of the problem. Serious question, why be that way?

Pointing out something that is pretty clear and likely factual isnt rude.

This wall of text is not coming from a healthy mind.

Look im not normal either so im not sitting on my high horse. Im just pointing out OP is likely in the grip of an illness.

Pointing out something that is pretty clear and likely factual isnt rude.

That's called an opinion. In this case, a very misguided one.

Struggling with human relationships is normal in normal times. These are not normal times. These are weird fucking fucking times and people are behaving in weird fucking ways.

Maybe you are not experiencing it, lucky you then. But look at these comments. People relate. We are looking for answers and posting questions on Reddit is one way to do that. Talking about these things is also healthy.

Calling someone ill for sharing common frustrations is not healthy. For anyone.

I can see ur point. That being said no one has gone off in the same manner. It will be clear to anyone fimiliar with mental illness what is going on.

Yes, it is very clear what's happening. You are having trouble handling a display of human emotion. Reminds me of a song...no idea how it's spelled but phonetically it goes... como ari goto Mr...

Pointing out something that is pretty clear and likely factual isnt rude.

This wall of text is not coming from a healthy mind.

Look im not normal either so im not sitting on my high horse. Im just pointing out OP is likely in the grip of an illness.

I'm just typing shit at 80wpm as fast as I think. Sorry it took you longer to read it.

Jeez.. Sorry for not being exactly like you. Maybe I should go buy a TV and be busy with that instead? Other people may be a bit different than you, ok?

Who's the asshole though, when somebody doesn't like it when somebody's not like everybody else. Who's the prick here? That'd be YOU. hahaha.

Yeah, I'm "odd", but you're the one going around being a fucking ignorant twat thinking they know it all and you're always right and everybody else is always wrong.

What does that say about you? That says you're a fucking cunt. That's what. So it's you who has to deal with going around being a twat like that.

Ignorant people like you don't even phase me for a second any more and it's a good source of humor instead. So suck on that pal. You're obviously bitter and frustrated about how your life fails. If you were busy winning in the real world, you wouldn't be trolling around here. So suck on that. It's you who has to analyze why you're going around being a schmuck. All I'm doing is posting my observations. I'm not the one going around being a fucking dick to others. But since you're being one, I'll throw it back in your face, asshole.

Removed. Rule 10.

Removed. Rule 10.

This is the sort of rude behavior OP was talking about. You are part of the problem. Serious question, why be that way?

Somebody's a good person around here. That's rare. haha. Don't get too worked up about it. Why do you think I have a new account even though I've been around here for 8 years. It's from straightening out negative trolls like this.

They don't like when you analyze them and point out the truth about themselves. They can't handle it, then hound you every day and downvote everything in your posting history. Then you'd have to make a new profile to brush them off. I don't get into it trying to straighten out negative internet trolls.

This is exactly what goes on if you check new comments on reddit. Here's a hidden link I found over the years that'll show every new comment on all of reddit. See how it's going out there.


Then you can check the new tab on all.


Those are new posts on all of reddit. How are people doing out there. Let's see who comments on new posts. Always the new tab trolls.

These new tab trolls who have nothing better to do than refresh web pages all day. The fear of missing out. Yeah ya didn't miss out any new posts. But how's your life when ya do that, they seem bitter.

Has nothing to do with you, it's them who are frustrated about how their lives fail. They take it out on you though. So I'm not offended, I get what's going on with them. Has very little to do with me.

If I get distracted trying to be a netcop and straighten them out, that takes time away from better things I'd be doing. So i can't do it any more, being the netcop like you are.. haha. But yeah I always like it when somebody gets into it with negative trolls. hahaha

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Thank you :) Really appreciate the info about the new tab stuff. Will check it out.

I think it's the crappy, hurtful one-liner "humor" in cartoons, sitcoms and movies pretending to be wit. We literally train children to be mean then act mystified when they turn out to be assholes.

I recently watched a few episodes of Friends for the first time in years. After watching three episodes, I had to turn it off. They are terrible "friends" to one another: they are constantly lying, hiding things, and manipulating one another. The character of Ross is the worst of them all to me. He is constantly venerated for making absolutely terrible decisions and being a habitual liar.

I never really noticed this when I was younger, but now I am a little disappointed at how popular and well liked that show remains.

It's awful. I have young kids and I can easily tell what TV their friends watch at home by what they think is funny.

I hated Friends, they're all so shallow nasty. Will & Grace was like that to towards the end.

Take a look at what people watch - reality tv, perverted YouTube crap, the scare mongering news - and there is your answer.


Almost like movies are art and not meant to be disposable cheer fests to brighten up your shifty life

Hollywood movies are almost NEVER art. The guy referred to "Logan," a fucking dirge of a superhero movie. Or that piece of shit Bats v Supes atrocity.

"Art" films are marginalized in society.

Logan was Oscar worthy

You don't know what you're talking about. Don't even like Logan.

I know exactly what i'm talking about. If you knew my career in the film industry, many many years ago, you would likely show at least a bit more respect.

Would you name five films in the past five years that made more than $50 million at the box office that you would consider "art"?

Take a look at what people watch - reality tv, perverted YouTube crap,

Youtube is the second most popular website in America. Worldwide youtube gets over a million viewers per day.


Google doubled the refresh rate (flickering) on youtube. Thereby, causing addiction. Digital TV is physically addictive. Analogue TV was not physically additive:


/u/RandomWhateverBlah has a flip phone. Flip phones are 3G. You are spared from exposure to 4G.

I'm starting to wonder if there's some kind of mind control programming going on to these people and because I'm not doing things like them, I'm not as affected.

Microwaves mind control:


Microwaves socially isolate fish:


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Having a bite to eat going through the comments. That's one thing I forgot to mention.. I don't have Wi-Fi for internet. It's just a plug from the cable.

How about those new curly fluorescent light bulbs. I think they got mercury in them and if one busts you gotta call in a hazmat team. Something's "fishy" there.

The government pushing that like how they say the marijuana is "ok" these days. Meanwhile it used to be highly illegal in the States. Now all of a sudden it's "ok"? Doesn't sound right.

A few seasons ago saw this CBC article how they were testing the pot up here in Canada and it had no CBD in it. When it doesn't have that compound people have anxiety. Sure seems like what's going on out there to people.

You'd have to wonder if the government wants that type of effect in people. Then it goes deeper as to why. Don't really wanna go into the whole illuminati thing running the world behind the scenes here. But sounds like top level illuminati may be controlled by these negative entities called the Archon who can't really function in our 3D realm. So they worship those entities and they control the illuminati. Apparently, the Archon feed off the public's negative energy. That's why the world is all this way because those guys control the media and all the food, beer, cigarettes, pharmaceutical and grain companies. I know a bit about what's going on out there and WHY.

Getting back to the topic here.. I think I heard those curly bulbs have odd pulses that affect people. I don't use those bulbs but pretty soon the incandescent ones I've got left 'll run out. I'll have to try to find 60 watt bulbs on the "black market". haha.

Not sure if I trust that wireless stuff. Saw an animation visualizing how wi-fi spreads across the rooms of a house. Let me look that up.. "How Wi-Fi waves propagate in a building" http://imgur.com/gallery/YQvfxul

You'd have to wonder if it's unhealthy. The brain is very small electrical impulses. Who knows if these cell phones and now all this wireless stuff isn't causing problems for people.

What do we see though, cancer and autism. Then I notice people you grew up or worked with, they could be attractive but most people's kids in recent decades look wonky or something.

They don't look like kids in previous decades. Meanwhile they shagged a "hot guy" to try and get a cute kid but didn't work out that way. You see it in Hollywood too. Something's going on with wonky kids who got some kind of problems, meanwhile their parents were attractive.

All this stuff you notice going on, they go oh we don't know what's causing it. Then you look at food products, what's the fads, low fat, carbs, sugar free with Aspartame, diet drinks. How about those chips with "olestra". haha. What else in recent years, oh this now it doesn't have gluten in it. Your diet drinks how's that workin out for ya, less fat? No. I wouldn't be surprised if they make you more fat. How about some prescriptions they go, oh that's off the market cause yeah it'll regrow hair but now you've got some major health problem side-effect.

How about the BPA in plastic packaging. They go oh, yeah it used to kill people like DDT pesticides in the 60's or these malformed Thalidomide babies. But now we know it's bad.

Well what's going on these days that they don't know is bad yet but the public thinks it's "ok". Around here they had to sack this malathion mosquito spray the city was using because oh they found out it's bad. ok. haha.

All this shit that the public thinks is "ok", I'm not so sure about it. One thing I don't trust is if this shady government wants you to use something. That's a red flag it might be a bad idea and more towards what possibly their hidden agenda is.

Plus keep an eye out on things that might get phased out too eh.. like those curly bulbs. Now it's all these "smart" devices. Well we heard they could be spying on you through the web camera. ok.

How about GMO genetically modified foods. Meanwhile half the people you know got cancer and new kids are goofy looking. lol. I don't trust any of it.

Looking at some of the other things you mentioned. Yeah microwave ovens. I still have one from the 90's. I never splashed anything around it in, looks new. I'll just use it to defrost bread once in a while, or maybe popcorn. Otherwise I don't use it. I might make lunches with frozen bread, or during a meal have fresh bread or if it's frozen, toast it.

I don't really use the microwave. I never liked those things. They seemed like they're "bad". It's like this wi-fi or wireless stuff. I don't trust it. I always just use the stove top.

Papers on radiofrequency causing depression.

Christ.. you look around here in the help subreddits. Lots of people wonder about this feeling depressed. They go to the supermarket checkout and glance at the magazines. See the celebs. Online they surf around and then look at their lives. They feel like failures. It's bad enough without what you're suggesting here that all this radio frequency shit might be exacerbating the problem.

In the previous thread I got into the video games eh. This smart phone clicking.. same mentality.

You're getting into all kinds of things here which may be causing the people to all behave like they're "uptight and twatty". haha. Me, that's all I see is how they're chumps compared to how they used to have manners. But you're getting more into what's probably causing it.

I don't have Wi-Fi for internet. It's just a plug from the cable.

Your using an Ethernet cable and a dumb phone is why you are less effected. Test taking the battery out of the phone and leaving it at home for a week. Notice any difference in yourself?

How about those new curly fluorescent light bulbs.....I think I heard those curly bulbs have odd pulses that affect people.

They do. Fluorescent light bulbs flicker. So do digital TV, youtube and computer monitors. Fluorescent light bulbs are higher in blue light. They cause chronodisruption. Fluorescent light bulbs cause dirty electricity.

I don't use those bulbs but pretty soon the incandescent ones I've got left 'll run out. I'll have to try to find 60 watt bulbs on the "black market". haha.

The United States made an exception for rough ready incandescent light bulbs. I use them but few retail stores sell them. See the dirty electricity wiki, dirty electricity mitigation wiki, chronodisruption wiki, chronodisruption treatment wiki in /r/electromagnetics.

Corporatism encourages and rewards cut-throat behavior, so little surprise this is carrying over into personal life. Find some real friends in real life who share the same interests as you and be happy with that. 1 real friend = 50,000 online fake friends bro. Good luck.

I think it has more to do with the somewhat anonymous nature of the internet and internet addiction causing a subconscious merging of said somewhat anonymity into our daily lives an personalities.

Basically we spend lots of time online to the point where we tend to think we are always online,and anonymity brings out our worst features.


I think it has more to do with the somewhat anonymous nature of the internet and internet addiction causing a subconscious merging of said somewhat anonymity into our daily lives an personalities. Basically we spend lots of time online to the point where we tend to think we are always online,and anonymity brings out our worst features.

I got into this concept a bit in another comment. It seems like the way they treat strangers online anonymously. In recent years since these smart phones, they're starting to behave like that to people they know in the real world. Brush them off, even though in person it'd be totally rude manners.

Often if they're face to face, they'll still be clicking this damn phone, like at a restaurant. You're seeing similar behavior as what used to be happening online but now with people they deal with in the real world.

This "ignoring", it's at an all time high.

They don't want to look at the real world and face the reality of how they're failing at the game of life compared to what they see online and in movies.

Only time they have left where they can analyze their reality, is before bed. Well, take a pill to avoid that.

All day long, one addiction to distraction to the next. Coffee at work, beer at night. Cigarettes all the while in between. Now this vaping shit. Pills, here and there. Video games, TV, sports.

They can't even put down the damn smart phone for a second, while they're crossing the street.

Wouldn't wanna shut that shit off for a minute because then you go woah.. my life sucks eh? haha.

Well to fix that, you'd have to shut all that stuff off. So that's what I'm gonna do right after sending this. hahaha. Good night.

Cause I don't wanna be like them. I wanna try to win, just a little bit. So that means shutting all this shit off and working on that instead.

I'm pretty sure that every single generation, ever, has complaints about the next generation being too "rude", "disrespectful", "on my lawn", etc.

Even though some of your observations are reasonable, this is hardly a new phenomenon. The only common factor in all of your conversations is you, so that's all we can work on. Maybe, if "everybody" is responding to you in a particular way, it has more to do with you than "all of them".

I don't know man I'm in that generation I see it too it's different from how when I was a kid before the internet before smartphones people are already get nasty in the 90s and the 80s but it sure ramped-up sorry I don't have any periods in this thing my smart phone is pretty stupid

I don't know man I'm in that generation I see it too it's different from how when I was a kid before the internet before smartphones people were already getting nasty in the 90s and the 80s but it sure ramped-up sorry I don't have any periods in this thing my smart phone is pretty stupid

In the 90's it started with this grunge music. It's like where's the "good time" happy music? Now it was this "angst" mood. Then the hip-hop, it's this gansta stuff. Back when rap started in the early 80's it wasn't this negative vibe.

I lost him when he said you have to be a hot dude to get girls to talk to you online.

Sounds like the bitterness is a major turn off and slaving away for 7 days a week (admirable, but stupid) didn't really teach him how to to function properly. Go figure.

I lost him when he said you have to be a hot dude to get girls to talk to you online.

Sounds like the bitterness is a major turn off and slaving away for 7 days a week (admirable, but stupid) didn't really teach him how to to function properly. Go figure

Go be a guy who doesn't look like a leading man in a hollywood movie and make an internet dating profile. Lemme know how it works out for you, trying to pick up a chick who's middle of the road. Not even a "hot chick". Just an average one. Well if you're gonna try to deal with them, they'll be "bitchy" because they're not hot.

Here's how it works.. even the bottom of the barrel ditch pigs can pick up a guy who's "half hot". So if you're below that, you can't even pick up the fat slobs. hahaha.

You may mistaken my attitude about it as being "bitterness". To do that, you'd have to give a fuck. I don't care any more about any of it. In fact, to hang out doing that like I used to in the 90's and 2000's, would be taking time away from where I've got to go. So it'd be the opposite direction.

Nice trying thinking you know it all and everybody else is always wrong. Who goes around behaving like that.. Why would somebody go on the internet and go to everybody and say, oh you're always wrong. Why's that? Why would somebody behave like that? I don't know, your problem though. hahaha.

Don't even know how to respond to this. You straight up just don't know how to function with or be around women.

Morals went out the door when the internet became

Nah. It was all that evil rock n roll devil music. Elvis was the Antichrist, at one point.

Those hips!

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for Killing Of Educated Adults Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous Days Same Earth Rotation. Practicing Evil ONEness - Upon Earth Of Quadrants. Evil Adult Crime VS Youth. Supports Lie Of Integration. 1 Educated Are Most Dumb. Not 1 Human Except Dead 1. Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self. 1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.
Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies. Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s. God Is Born Of A Mother – She Left Belly B. Signature. Every Priest Has Ma Sign But Lies To Honor Queers. Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers use only the midnight to midnight 1 day (ignoring 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) bible time. Lie that corrupts earth you educated stupid fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

Have a nap.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for Killing Of Educated Adults Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous Days Same Earth Rotation. Practicing Evil ONEness - Upon Earth Of Quadrants. Evil Adult Crime VS Youth. Supports Lie Of Integration. 1 Educated Are Most Dumb. Not 1 Human Except Dead 1. Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self. 1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.

Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies. Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s. God Is Born Of A Mother – She Left Belly B. Signature. Every Priest Has Ma Sign But Lies To Honor Queers. Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers use only the midnight to midnight 1 day (ignoring 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) bible time. Lie that corrupts earth you educated stupid fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

I don't know what this guy's talking about.. but ya got some others who are worried about me going "postal" hahaha.

Ya check the new tab in r / conspiracy, you see some people with genuine mental illness.

I don't think I fall into that category as much as them, ya guys. haha.

But these kinds of really actually whacked-out characters.. I get a chuckle out of them.

I don't discount what they have to say though. Something in there might have things actually happening behind the scenes in the world. They may be deep into their years of research, eh. I'd have to really analyze this one slowly to figure out what they're trying to talk about.

When they start getting into bible quotes though, ya kinda lose me there. Those religious people fervently believe without questioning any of it. They just go, it's 100% true and you can't even wonder for 1% if something may not be correct. That's the part where I don't agree with fervently religious people. They're like illogical fanatics.

It's kind of like somebody who's totally into a political party and don't understand the other side's view.

I'm agnostic so don't discount any religion. However, the bible could have been altered over the years. Yet they quote it like it's all verified scientific facts that were measured and proven to be accurate.

Since I'm agnostic though, over the years, I know a bit of what's possibly going on behind the scenes in the world. After you die, sounds like it's another dimension we can't see, your spirit is like this little white ball of light. Supposedly you still have your mind and thoughts. It sounds like when you die there's this wormhole white light you go into. Now you go to this heaven place. Apparently you reincarnate until you reach perfection then return to the god source.

That's another aspect of that whole religion side. This is what I think is going on. So I don't discount religious people. At least they have moral values. But, you can bet they do "good deeds" thinking they'll go to heaven, not so much to be a good person. You know, in their mind, they're likely not a good person. They're only doing those good deeds to not go to hell.

I don't discount nobody. Not homeless people or those hooked on drugs. You know who's the asshole out there though, not me, I try to remain a good person. And it ain't for no religious reasons.

So this guy here being downvoted, I'm not gonna discount what he has to say. I may not be into what he is. He'd have to explain slowly everything that he meant, in layman's terms. It's like he's going at this advanced level of research. Slow it down and explain the quotes. Then I might understand more.

All these quick quotes there.. to analyze this, I'd have to take time away from what I'll be doing instead. So can't do it right now. Got something to do away from the computer for a bit but may come back and slowly try to read all the things you said and after each sentence, think.. ok what did he mean here. I think i'll do that.. I'll ramble on real good with each line quote and go.. ok what did this "nutbar" wanna say here. lol. I'll "analyze" this comment here. haha.

It's a tall order to out crazy the time cube.

It's a tall order to out crazy the time cube. But bless your heart for trying.

haha.. I just had a hoot of some weed. The other day this neighbor knocks on my door. Some dude was visiting him, so he asks me if I wanna buy a couple G's. I go.. ah I don't have any cash around, hang on might have some change to get 1G for 10 bucks.

I don't know where to go pick some up in recent years. So I got out of it. Meanwhile it'll be legal here in Canada next summer. Last time I got some from this guy was like last Nov. So been several months.

When did I get that.. oh a couple days ago. If I got some around it's like the beer. It'd be more "fun" right now if I had some. So if you have beer in the fridge, you're probably having some more later the next day. Not good.

The damn pot these days, only a G but not too large sized joints. Still have oh a couple joints left here to roll up. Hassle to finish weed these days because you do it days in a row and you get a bit buzzed. Plus ya gotta work and can't be buzzed.. so a couple G's could last a couple weeks. Hassle to finish it up. haha.

You try to work on complicated video editing or audio software, and might go "duh" at some parameters. That's why I haven't went out of my way to pick some up in recent years. Gotta work on that long term stuff instead. If you're buzzed or drinking, you don't want to waste time one piece of the puzzle per day.

Had less than half of one I smoked to a bit of a roach just before this. So might get more side-tracked on rambling-on tangents than straight. haha.

ok so gonna have a go at trying to analyze what this nutbar was commenting with. Glancing through the text, seemed like various religious based quotes but they didn't have the bible numbers.

Gonna slowly try to analyze sentence by sentence what this dude said. Then comment below each quote, what my simpleton brain thinks of the shakespeare type religious stuff. Maybe we can figure out what the nutbar was rambling on about. I'm a bit buzzed though now eh.

ok after this I'll try to analyze his religious quotes with what I think they mean.

Then you should at least read all of it in all its glory.

Then you should at least read all of it in all its glory.

ok I'll bookmark it for possibly a good laugh later.


Lemme browse around a bit first after I send this. lol. I gotta go make something to eat after this. Then gonna watch a movie. Can't hang out here all day, you know what I mean. So the 9 inbox things 'll not be checked and I won't be on reddit probably the rest of the night. Then there'll be more tomorrow and it'll eat time up in the day. Not sure if can keep up, you know what I mean? Every tomorrow gets wasted surfing around. lol.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for Killing Of Educated Adults Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous Days Same Earth Rotation. Practicing Evil ONEness - Upon Earth Of Quadrants. Evil Adult Crime VS Youth. Supports Lie Of Integration. 1 Educated Are Most Dumb. Not 1 Human Except Dead 1. Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self. 1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.

Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies. Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s. God Is Born Of A Mother – She Left Belly B. Signature. Every Priest Has Ma Sign But Lies To Honor Queers. Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers use only the midnight to midnight 1 day (ignoring 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) bible time. Lie that corrupts earth you educated stupid fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

So this was posted by Meep_Morps -3 points 11 hours ago. That's a -3 from the -2 just a dozen minutes earlier. Whatever this guy said, a few people now didn't like. But you know when they see a negative comment karma, they like to downvote it without even looking at what it said. Let's try to figure this out, line by line and letcha know what I thought it meant in layman's terms.

In 1884,

This is how basic I analyze stuff. ok let's picture this.. what was going on in 1884. That was 100 years from 1984, which we got into earlier today. That was about this gradual decline of the entertainment industry creativity and imagination. Stuff got more negative after that period. So this was 100 years before that eh. Sometimes these dates correspond to future or past time points. Like think the Philadelphia experiment. The government ship in 1943, tried to go invisible from radar on the sea. It goes invisible instead and time travels to 1983. Something about that 83 year. Who knows, with the earth's fields we can't see. You've heard about those stories though.

To set the theme of what this guy was talking about, you'd have to picture 1884. The wild west. Not real laws yet. What's going on in the world during that date.

Why's this guy bringing up this date. So he says,

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time.

Why's this guy talking about this in here? ok so time zone change 1884, check.. gotta there.. picturing what's going on. ok so this was in washington. When did they start teh country, 1776? A while since then.

First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible.

I don't know what he means there. I never read the bible. Went to like church as a kid. That was like roman catholic. So the pope and stuff. When I was a teen the parents would give us the option if we wanted to go to church or not. None of the kids did later on. haha. ok so I heard things but it was in french at church as a kid. All that stuff went out the other ear. Don't really know what happened in this Bible thing. ok. So what did he say here.. let's check that again. lol.

First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible.

I don't know what you mean. oh this time zone stuff.. ok 1884.. hey didn't they go to that year in that uh Michael J. Fox movie.. that time travel car movie there. haha. In the 3rd film, something about the wild west eh. Lemme look that up. haha.

Enjoying a peaceable existence in 1885, Doctor Emmet Brown is about to be killed by Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen. Marty McFly travels back in time to save his friend.

ok so close though eh. haha.

Now back to this guy..

First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days.

What other 3 days? You're saying there was extra days of the week? Plutoday?

The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong.

Not sure what you're talking about there. Bible time? 3 days and then they said 1 day instead? So no Plutoday it'd be Venus day? lol. ya got me all confused.

No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout there, Willis.


What did he say again here?

No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

No man on earth has no belly button. ok so we all got a belly button?

Not sure what you're talking about the belly button there.. but hey I read a bit of stuff like on break at work. I got this little mp3 player that I only use as a text file reader. So go through this odd paranormal stuff from this extensive site I noticed a few years ago:


Lotsa sub pages with all kinds of things. What am I checking out lately.. the Archon stuff. Lemme get that main sub-category.

You wanna spam me with crap, I'll spam you back with my crap. That'll keep ya busy a real long while. Way more than your bible. lol.


Have some of that. So you talkin' bout belly buttons.. well and what was that about how everybody has some. How about this stuff I was reading last night.


I don't know.. I'll just paste this bit from last night. You're talking about how everybody has a belly button. well, according to this, not every human on planet earth has a soul. So could be why some people act "weird".

But not all the people assessed with the Triad Color Test appeared to have all three components in the triad of consciousness. Some had mind and spirit but not soul. Some had mind and soul and no spirit.

Some had souls who were tied into the Primordial Man.

Essentially we see that the distribution of "souled humans" is around 20-25% or a little less than one third of all humans. "The secret of the Tree of Life is that the humans or human DNA, contains a compatibility with the frequency of the Soul. Apparently not all humans possess this DNA compatibility with the Soul.

Or to put it another way, Malanga discovered via the abductee Soul component testimonies, that only 20-25 % of humans are souled, or had this DNA soul compatibility issue. (Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Another way to perceive this, which the latest discoveries of Dr. Malanga also confirm - is that the Soul of these people with apparently incompatible genetics stays behind in another dimensional reality, so that the "connect" aspect will not function within that life-genetic container.

ok now back to your stuff after this how everybody has a belly button. What's the text count here. lol. 7216. Gonna have to wind 'er down pretty soon here buddy. haha. So looks like it'll be 3 parts. Unless we can wind 'er down real fast.

Children will be blessed for Killing Of Educated Adults Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous Days Same Earth Rotation. Practicing Evil ONEness - Upon Earth Of Quadrants. Evil Adult Crime VS Youth. Supports Lie Of Integration. 1 Educated Are Most Dumb. Not 1 Human Except Dead 1. Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self. 1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God. Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies. Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s. God Is Born Of A Mother – She Left Belly B. Signature. Every Priest Has Ma Sign But Lies To Honor Queers. Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

What's a text count here on this. 8128. Gonna have to give my uh, general assessment of all that numbered stuff you said. Read it then go, ok really gotta be like 1 line here of what I think. lol.

All this shit sounds like somebody with mental illness. haha. You'd have to like check this guy's posting history. Let's see what's up with him. lol


Text character count now: 8510. oh, lotsa room ok i'll glance at his posting history and letcha know back what I thought. lol. Nutbar or what.

Seems like real quick quotes. His mind doesn't go deep or has an attention span. lol. 140 character limit brain. haha. I like that saying.. I'll use that somewhere. ok posting! text count? 8818. ok let's take a look at his postings.

Meep_Morps + friends 3,629 post karma 14,645 comment karma give reddit gold to Meep_Morps to show your appreciation send a private messageredditor for 3 months.

That's a pretty good score for that duration. That means, not busy winning in the real world in the past 3 months. lol. Text count!? 9162. Gotta wind 'er down real soon ya guys. I gotta go watch a movie from that dozen in the folder. ok best of luck to ya with this religious stuff. Maybe catch up later. Got 9 inbox notifications. Can't do it, goin to watch a movie! Text count? 9398. oh lotsa room. lool. Let's see what "meeps" is up to. lol. Or was that meep morps. I callled 'em "meeps" but his name is meep. Meeps morp! lol. Whatever that means. Kinda like his ramblings. lol. Text count.. 9612 oh we got some room. So meeps what's up? lol. postin religious, who knows what it means sorta stuff around the internet? 1884 eh.. back to the future part 3! :-D meep-meep!! honk-honk.. Text count!? 9816. Runnin outta room here meeper!! :-D Best of luck to ya in your future endeavours of going around the internet posting religious ramblings. lol.

Road Runner goes meep meep


Text count! 9979 :-D over-and-out. lol meep-meep!! :-D road runner!

Removed Rule 10. I would be willing to reapprove this if you took out the disparaging remarks to users.

I spent the last decade and a half getting called a "faggot," "nigger-lover," and "libtard" by strangers for calmly discussing basic humanitarian beliefs with my friends, so maybe I'm just bitter.

I agree 100%. I think we have a toxic like style and a toxic Society and it's only getting worse as we spend all of our energy and gauged and entertainment and putting things into our bodies and mines that have a short quick rewarding taste and no substance. We are like a society of addict and we cannot go any deeper than the superficial. Maybe there is nothing deeper or maybe we are just killing our inner world, our emotional lives, or ability to connect with all this shity consumption. I have a TV I keep it un plugged. I want to do the same thing to my browsing on my smartphone. I'm already going for healthier eating. Whatever happened to books, hobbies, doing sports, and hosting social events?

I agree 100%. I think we have a toxic like style and a toxic Society and it's only getting worse as we spend all of our energy and gauged and entertainment and putting things into our bodies and mines that have a short quick rewarding taste and no substance. We are like a society of addict and we cannot go any deeper than the superficial. Maybe there is nothing deeper or maybe we are just killing our inner world, our emotional lives, or ability to connect with all this shity consumption. I have a TV I keep it un plugged. I want to do the same thing to my browsing on my smartphone. I'm already going for healthier eating. Whatever happened to books, hobbies, doing sports, and hosting social events?

Yes, there seems to be a downturn in happiness since all these gizmos. Growing up as a kid in the 70's.. people used to play outside and be more cheery. Stuff you'd watch on TV and in the movies was more wholesome. These days it's all crass for the kids. Now it's like a fucking funeral with anybody ya gotta deal with out there.

You sound like you're on the right track though. I'd like to shut it all down and not have internet but I gotta work on stuff that might have a hope in hell. Gotta have this computer around plus internet.

I guess it's sort of like how if you wanna quit alcohol it's easier if you don't have it in the house. Trying to still have internet and not use it all the time, is more like the sex thing. Where you can't fully quit it because your pecker is right there. haha. All you can do is keep things to a minimum.

So the internet and computer.. you'd have to make sure you work on the long term projects during most of your spare time and not surf around the internet all day. Don't throw it all out like I did the TV.

If I wanted to get some audio and music video progress done.. if I didn't have internet, then there'd be progress. haha. I gotta shut this shit off though eh. haha. Think I'm gonna watch a movie from that folder with a couple dozen in there. At least I'm not clicking stuff.

I believe it's information overload. People are bombarded with so much information, although most of it is useless to them it still takes effort to process and filter, I think people are overworked.

Of course the black mirror is the vector for this info overload but at the same time it represents family and friends it's not even an option to for most people to just put it aside.

I believe it's information overload. People are bombarded with so much information, although most of it is useless to them it still takes effort to process and filter, I think people are overworked.

Of course the black mirror is the vector for this info overload but at the same time it represents family and friends it's not even an option for most people to just put it aside.

Information overload.. that's part of it eh. If you think back to the 70's.. a few TV stations. Now look at all the things you can do during your spare time. Watching TV series, sports.. hundreds of channels.

Now the flood gates of the internet. Can download any movie or song. I don't have Netflix but I guess it's video on demand. ok can do that all day long then. And there's still sports on TV all the time.

They can't keep up. Yet they try. So what goes by the wayside.. YOU, that got swiped to another window, or whatever they do now with those tablets and smart phones.

You're holding up, me keeping up with the fear of missing out. 2-3 hours of spare time a day after work. ok gotta watch that show every week. That's just 1 show. People usually have a few they keep up with.

I tried keeping up with this discovery Gold rush show in recent years. Only show I'd watch. Well couldn't fuckin do it. Can't even keep up even though it's once a week. Then this Bering sea gold one as well. You might have a few weeks you missed and now you blow a whole day in the hole watching a few episode. Meanwhile it's dumb scripted crap. So it got sacked. I know what goes on there.

What else do they try to do with the couple hours of spare time after work. Watch a movie.. Go out socialize. Kids, they got problems. ok can't keep up with any of that. Gotta watch that viral video everybody else did. Oh all kinds in this social networking feed. If that's longer than a minute it's not happening.

Everybody's got this gold fish attention span of 3 seconds and text better fit in 140 characters. Here and imgur with the fucking gifv's. Over 15 seconds it's like, where's the fast forward button on this gif? Oh there is none, well I'm clicking next, I don't have all day. You're holding up my keeping up with the fear of missing out.

All this clicking next on shit, all day long yet nobody goes deeper in anything more than 140 twitter characters. It's taking time away from me keeping up with the fear of missing out.

All this shit, what does that turn somebody into? An asshole, like how they ALL are out there these days. No attention span, dumb as posts because all you can grunt out is :-) on your fucking phone where you're all thumbs. They're like Homer in the Simpsons when he was obese and couldn't dial the telephone it said, "your fingers are too fat". So we'll just do emoticons for everything in the future. If I gotta grunt out more text characters on this "dumb phone" it'll take time away from me keeping up with the fear of missing out.

The fucking 2006 movie Idiocracy is here.

The world indeed is becoming more hateful. You detailed it perfectly. I believe the Internet created instant gratification and also provided us with a sense of false anonymity but I disagree it's as bad as real life. People are still afraid to say face to face what they will say in text, email, or on social media.

But while the Internet seemed to be ramp up the doucheness of society, we were being programmed long before. Watch popular sitcoms from the 70s to about 1984. The shows, and even their show tunes, were about love, family, unity, togetherness, teamwork, and kindness. Starting about 1985, the shows began sporting narcissistic quick witted main characters who insulted people's flaws and everyone laughed. The parents divorced, put their kids in the middle class f their fights or in some shows, the parents remained together but openly bitched about parenting and criticize and publicly humiliate their kids. The narcissism of these shows is only getting worse and I'm witnessing more and more people behaving as such in real life.

I was one of these people in both paragraphs, unfortunately, for more then 40 years until I got slapped awake. And it's only because I know it can be reversed, I refuse to give up on society yet. I do not do groups because herd mentality is real but individuals, one on one, are usually great. I find most are lost like I was, only acting as they've been programmed. I will do my best to undo the damage they've done by sharing truth and showing kindness and caring to all living things. If I pull only one person from the clutches of the evil powers, it will be worth it.

Keep in mind, however, that the ratings for the shitty shows today are tiny compared to the successful series in years past.

People are generally rejecting their new programming.

The world indeed is becoming more hateful. You detailed it perfectly. I believe the Internet created instant gratification and also provided us with a sense of false anonymity but I disagree it's as bad as real life. People are still afraid to say face to face what they will say in text, email, or on social media. But while the Internet seemed to be ramp up the doucheness of society, we were being programmed long before. Watch popular sitcoms from the 70s to about 1984. The shows, and even their show tunes, were about love, family, unity, togetherness, teamwork, and kindness. Starting about 1985, the shows began sporting narcissistic quick witted main characters who insulted people's flaws and everyone laughed. The parents divorced, put their kids in the middle class f their fights or in some shows, the parents remained together but openly bitched about parenting and criticize and publicly humiliate their kids. The narcissism of these shows is only getting worse and I'm witnessing more and more people behaving as such in real life. I was one of these people in both paragraphs, unfortunately, for more then 40 years until I got slapped awake. And it's only because I know it can be reversed, I refuse to give up on society yet. I do not do groups because herd mentality is real but individuals, one on one, are usually great. I find most are lost like I was, only acting as they've been programmed. I will do my best to undo the damage they've done by sharing truth and showing kindness and caring to all living things. If I pull only one person from the clutches of the evil powers, it will be worth it.

It's getting there though dealing with people you knew in the real world, on facebook or email. It's the online world so it's ok for them to be assholes.

Yeah if you were face to face, they'd still have to be civil with manners and not totally rude like they are online with the ignoring or treating people like dirt.

Interesting how you mention this change in society in the mid 80's. Music used to be more cheery and have imagination. There was a lot more "good time" music. It went down the tubes after this 84 period you happened to mention.

You'd think in recent years bands who had hits in previous decades could create another catchy song like they did back then. But not one can. haha. It's like the movies with remakes or comic book characters that were thought of in previous decades. Now you get into what's going on behind the scenes with the Archon and the illuminati. It's too widespread to everybody.

Come visit down south. Lots of decent folk round here.

I've been wondering this myself and have asked my friends and family what they think. One answer I've been given is that since there is a bit of anonymity on the internet, people act like assholes online. Or that people are "nice" at work and socially but internally are not nice.

I think about the people around me in work, at home, friends, family, etc. Yes some of them most definitely are assholes I could see writing the comments you see on yahoo articles, but a lot of them I think were genuinely ok people.

Back in the day, if someone said something like that to your face, you could beat them up. Now you're the one in trouble if you beat up a shit bag. So I think there's no accountability for verbal actions now. They hide under "free speech" even though founding fathers were talking more about political speech than bullies.

Regarding the old people, you gotta remember those are now the worst generation ever - the baby boomers. That group had it the easiest of any generation in recent memory. Even easier than the much maligned gen xers or millenials.

I've been wondering this myself and have asked my friends and family what they think. One answer I've been given is that since there is a bit of anonymity on the internet, people act like assholes online. Or that people are "nice" at work and socially but internally are not nice.

I think about the people around me in work, at home, friends, family, etc. Yes some of them most definitely are assholes I could see writing the comments you see on yahoo articles, but a lot of them I think were genuinely ok people.

Back in the day, if someone said something like that to your face, you could beat them up. Now you're the one in trouble if you beat up a shit bag. So I think there's no accountability for verbal actions now. They hide under "free speech" even though founding fathers were talking more about political speech than bullies.

Regarding the old people, you gotta remember those are now the worst generation ever - the baby boomers. That group had it the easiest of any generation in recent memory. Even easier than the much maligned gen xers or millenials. I've noticed the people that complain the most are usually the ones that never had it hard to begin with.

Yes, yes.. one thing I didn't touch on. How people behave at work. They're so fucking fake. Watch somebody before work, when they get out of their car and are walking towards the job place.

If they work in retail or an office, where they have this fake smile all day.. outside, before work is the only time you'll get a glance at their real emotions. They're fouled up during that walk from the car to the workplace. That's the real them. When they're inside working, they gotta be "politically correct".

If you deal with co-workers you can't bully them like you used to in high school. All the behavior is quite fake compared to what's going on in their minds. Behind the scenes though this trying to stop the bullying, the racism, how you're supposed like all the sexual orientation folks. Well you know in people's minds, nothing changed. Just the exterior. But watch a movie or turn on your TV, they always try to throw in every racial group. Meanwhile, black people don't usually hang out with white people, now do they.

I'm not a racist at all. To not like somebody for their race is illogical. What are they supposed to do about the color of their skin. Or how about if they're a feminine dude who's obviously gay. You couldn't turn them straight if you tried.

You know who's a racist though is all these types of people towards you. They think you don't like them. This is like fat people, if you're not fat, they think you don't respect them so they hate you first.

Meanwhile what did I say about my attitude towards racism. I used to date fat chicks, they might not eat very much but whatever they do, it goes to reserve. So it's a lot like somebody like a feminine dude who you can tell they're gay. People are just the way they are. To hate them for it, is illogical.

But all this underlying racism is still going on in people's minds behinds the scenes, even though their public face doesn't show it. Gotta be politically correct these days and never say what you actually think. It may be against the law, even.

Then with their friends after work, better get along with the wolf pack. If somebody posts something on a social networking feed and the pack is "amused".. you'd better be commenting that you're also amused, even if your mind thinks it's "stupid". If you don't go with the rest of the pack, you'll be ousted.

People at work, are totally fake. Then when hanging out with friends, they can't tell them straight to their face what they really think. Sometimes too people from work are their friends.

It's total fake all the way around, all day and night long. You never see the real them. Then one day boom oh that guy you used to work with got busted for whatever crime. oh yeah. We had no clue. They bottle it up for years and decades, then snap. Most of them probably have issues with sex. Who knows what's going on with dogs behind closed doors. Whatever.

If you want to have a partner, you also have to be fake and suck-up to them. You can't always do what you want. More being fake. For example, oh yeah you're not fat. Don't ever bring that one up. Lots of these guys get forced into being married even though they don't want to. On and on.

You can't speak about your objective observations of things these days. Ya gotta be politically correct. If you do, somebody from one side or the other is gonna get offended. Anything you say has to be "bland" like a "oh yeah that rocks" in a comment. Anything else 'll be "reported" and your account 'll be shut down. Better just put a "smiley" like everybody else.

Now you're starting to get a picture of why they're fouled-up. Their lives aren't how they really feel. Now you get why they're all assholes behind the scenes and in their minds.

Finally online they can behave like how they actually feel, which is being a prick. They're frustrated about all this shit, all day and night long they gotta deal with. Now they can finally release what's bottled up everywhere else.

Wouldn't that be interesting if you worked at the NSA and could go, ok this person here, let's see what they're fuckin doing online when they're anonymous. Or can tune into those smart device cameras and mics behind closed doors. Wouldn't that be some real entertainment.

You mentioned old people. Well at least they have a bit of manners if you deal with them. The kids brought up on the vile things from TV, movies these days, all the crazy porn and snuff films they can get their hands on the internet.. forget it. The video games shooting people all day long.

Then this stupid meme crap on imgur. You'd need to research what the hell most of it means. I don't get half of this shit. The kids seemed to be pretty "dumbed down" and don't think deep. They all go "duh" about everything. Better grunt out that 140 character tweet. It is the 2006 movie Idiocracy out there.

At least old people might have an attention span longer than however long you're holding up the kids between clicks. So the really old ones with no smart phones.. those you can maybe chit-chat with. But those old fucks are squirrely and losing it in the mind. Plus health problems with the woe is me. They're all bitter.

There's nobody safe to deal with who isn't a prick out there. You guys here seem a bit odd compared to the average public. That's why I thought I'd post this here. You guys observe what's going on out there. But most of them around here are like the rest.

It's not good out there with people's crabby mood. That's why I'm done with 'em all. haha. Pretty soon, be phasing out this reddit shit. I know what goes on around here.

I'm with ya man. The political correctness and rude behavior everywhere is ridiculous. Sometime I think it would be an interesting experiment to turn off tv completely (did that for years back so that's easy), and turn off any social interaction online, like reddit, infotainment sites, etc. I think quality of the mind would improve rather than be fed this junk food for the brain.

Watch this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6iioy7/almost_the_entirety_of_the_media_is_a_psyop/ people are being exposed to psychological violence of every kind and being taught It's normal.

It has a lot to do with the way the news portrays things. A lot of it is person from x group hurt people from y group. So anyone who identifies with x or y group feels slightly more paranoid about the other group.

This also puts a chilling effect on people from x group no longer wanting to identify with it or having to defend their identity.

Also, anti depression medication seems like it has terrible effects.

For a nice deep rabbit hole, search for ways technology kills empathy...

For a nice deep rabbit hole, search for ways technology kills empathy... Also, give up TV & movies (including netflix/youtube) for a little while, you'll begin to notice how completely desensitized these forms of media can make people to acts of sheer violence and utter psycopathy.

That's what it is.. "empathy". Let's look up that definition.

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

They'll just ignore you. They don't care about others.

This is what's going on out there. Getting into it pretty good in the previous comments. Trying to analyze WHY they're all behaving like this. It's the bottling it up from being fake all day and night when they deal with others.

Now you get into the technology and media kill empathy. "Desensitized". I think what's going on out there is you're starting to see the effects of being exposed to all this negative media. Been a couple decades now.. now they're all just straight-up miserable assholes out there. haha.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

This wall of text reads like a poor man's unibomber manifesto with a side of the UCSB Shooter.

I dunno man. I think you need to step away from electronics for a while. Take some LSD and go be one with nature. Your views on the world are depressing so I assume you are depressed.

Just dont go shoot up public places.

What's with the wall of text bullshit? This ain't Twitter. Some people actually enjoy reading substantial content. The rest of your comment is bull too.

What's with the wall of text bullshit? This ain't Twitter. Some people actually enjoy reading substantial content. The rest of your comment is bull too.

Did u really post same comment twice 7 minutes apart

Yup. Hit "add comment" nothing happened but didn't want to double post so let it sit and made a muffin and came back and it was still unsubmitted so I hit add comment again and went and had a smoke and came back and nothing had happened so I restarted the phone and watched my dog play with his ball and then checked Reddit again and discovered someone was flabbergasted by my double post because that never happens here and felt perhaps I should explain so the poor confused user will be able to sleep tonight. Hope that helps.

This wall of text reads like a poor man's unibomber manifesto with a side of the UCSB Shooter.

I dunno man. I think you need to step away from electronics for a while. Take some LSD and go be one with nature. Your views on the world are depressing so I assume you are depressed.

Just dont go shoot up public places.

What did this guy say? oh yeah look out he's gonna go postal. No, you know who might.. YOU. Hahaha.. I betcha you're bottling it up real good.

Guess who brought it up about the going postal and who was thinking about it. YOU. Not me. So it was YOU who brought up this idea about going postal, meaning it's on your mind.

I'd be a bit concerned about you thinking about these types of things. Sounds like somebody bottling rage up just ready to snap. hahah.

I'm NOT bottling up the rage like you. haha. No, sounds like I'm wondering and trying to analyze what's going on to all the people out there you encounter who DO bottle it up. Those are the ones who snap because they don't analyze WHY they're behaving the way they do.

A bit of a red flag with you though here, buddy. haha. We know what's on your mind.

You mentioned LSD. I tried that a few times in the early 90's. Haven't done it since. If your life sucks it would magnify the problems and you'd bad trip. I also don't think at my age, the body would be able to handle it. Bad advice there. lol. If my life was out of the hole, then might consider it. But too old, buddy.

Your views on the world are depressing so I assume you are depressed.

Where do you get this one from? Didn't you notice the part where it's like that pic of the smiley balls. Let me get that. lol.


See that one yellow smiley and the rest that are blue, are all fouled-up. That yellow smiley is me. ok, you, that's like the others.

Yet, what did you say here.. All I'm pointing out is, hey, all the other balls are grumpy smileys. What the fuck you talkin about here on this one saying I'm the one who's depressed? That's FALSE. Sounds like you who may be leaning that way, going around with thoughts of going postal on your mind. That don't seem like no yellow smiley ball to me. hahaha.

So just relax and you bring up going postal, I'm kinda concerned that these types of thoughts are on your mind. They're not on my mind before you brought it up.

Perhaps keep that in check, buddy. You sound like a candidate who's ready to snap. Me, when I'm not losing on here, I'm busy workin on tryin to win. Thing are going good for me in recent yeasr. Starting to get my act together.

You don't solve problems in the world by your method of giving up and going postal. That's just losing. ok so cheer up, pal. hahaha. Maybe go check my 370 business ideas for a dose of what you could be doing with your spare time instead of thinking about going postal. ROFL ;-)

the internet has probably changed us. im mid 20s and i remember starting to play Halo 2 online for the first time, my personality changed from that period on

the mix of competition, anonymity, and lack of consequences, turned me from an innocent solo gamer, to a loud annoying, angry brat.

just my 2 cents from a personal perspective

[Part 2 of 2]

In Jan, the bicep was twitching a bit.. mild occasional spasms or some shit. That rotator was more messed up in Dec when I fell. Battling that cold for a couple weeks. Things were all messed up with the nerves. Trying to sleep, if you'd move to that left side, it'd wake you up. Was a bit scary. If I'd sit at the computer, it'd throb up that left arm. Some kind of circulation probably. Couldn't touch the computer all of Jan. This shit was starting to get serious.

Finally in Feb could touch the computer a bit. But if I'd have my feet down and not raised, it'd throb up that whole left arm.

Something's fucked up in there. Being "nice" on it, isn't healing it up. I'm kind of debating if during days off, I should go temp it at this temporary employment agency again. I used to deal with all kinds of heavy grain bags. I might look into going to test that out. Maybe it'll "man up" the muscles in that left arm that are "wussed-up". Get the blood flowing real good maybe fix these clogged up circulation problems or nerve or whatever the fuck is going on. But this shit was primarily caused by the stupid fucking video games. hahaha. So this shit is not "harmless". Takes years of it though to get the negative health consequences.

And then you talk about the social aspect. Hang out playing that, not doing other things in the real world. Get angry at the game how you can't get to the end. You become a fouled-up person. You finish the game it's like, big deal.. then you play another one.

What's been going on in recent months.. well, playing the golf game a little bit even though it might aggravate the left arm a bit. I'll click with both arms eh. Here's what my computer setup looks like. I can use the mouse with both arms. http://i.imgur.com/kGnOd5B.jpg

But yeah.. holy shit though with the video games. I'm doing ok.. haven't played that golf game in oh, what's it say.. since June 16th. Not that big of a deal staying away from it.. but holy shit though.. this shit fucked up my arm.. it actually was a part of why it got fucked up.. and I was playing it again in recent months! This is EXACTLY like a smoker who has cancer and they have a smoke. So you tell me if it's a fucking problem. It's stupidity.

I'm trying to not play it, but you know damn well I'd like to relax and play a game.. in the other window between other people's shots, surf around here for interesting stuff. Pick up some beer for it to be more "fun". Did that for a few years here. It's total losing going nowhere.

So I'm getting out of it. Gonna try to work on the tunes and music videos. Been doing that more. But holy shit.. if you try to work on those long term projects instead, it's just a piece of a puzzle per day. In the present while trying to do those things, your mind continuously thinks, this is "boring" it'd be more fun to do the instant gratification video games and surfing around the internet.

Got a folder with a couple dozen movies to watch. Those 'll sit there for months. Meanwhile I fuckin threw out my TV years ago.. imagine if I had that too. hahaha. Plus a fuckin X-BOX console or whatever they got now. You'd get old and die and have went nowhere. I blew the 2000's decade losing playing video games. That's not what I wanna have happen with future decades. So fairly strict with this shit.

Have to shut that crap down or play it less. You don't wanna be like an alcoholic who says, I can never have another drink. You should be able to have a drink once in a while. Even if you pick up beer a few times in a row. The problem is if if you pick it up every night for weeks in a row.

Well the video games should be a similar thing.. should be able to play 'em a bit. Well the NES, you'd get to the fucking end of every game. This was back when you'd have to restart every level, there was no continue. You'd play that all the time after school. Then watch TV. Watching TV, you zombie out. This was back when there was only a few TV stations. Later on in the 90's watching sports.. every fucking league for years. I had to just throw it out. Got another TV in the early 2000's. Threw that out oh, about half a decade ago.

Well now.. the video games.. actually fucked up my left forearm. Permanent. I could picture later in the future where it was like Jan couldn't touch the comp. Odd nerve shit and circulation problems if I have my feet down. If i'm standing up walking around it's fine but sitting down with my feet down, start to get a bit queezy.

Soon I could picture where I couldn't work on music and music videos. That's not cool. So had to actually quit this stupid WGT video game. It's "unwise" to start playing it even once. You might start getting into it again. Been there, done that.. it's total losing man. Have to be like that type of AA alcoholic who says, naw, can't pick any up ever again, or play that video game ever again even once. I gotta work on the tunes instead.

So no, it's like that alcoholic who yeah, I can have a drink once in a while.. but naw.. not gonna pick any up. hahaha. A few years ago was doing my taxes and thought, oh when did I last pick some up. Let's check the online banking. Was a year and a half. Working on the tunes and music videos.

Year later, get into a bad groove start picking up some more often. A few seasons ago was like, let's keep track of this cause I'm picking some up a couple days in a row here. I get a yearly calendar in photoshop and red circle days I picked up beer. Well you're not going more than a week where you don't pick any up. Sometimes a few days in a row. This is not good here. Look at the whole year, how often you pick up beer. Pretty fuckin bad. Then you realize how bad it is with those red circled days of going nowhere. So trying to get out of picking up beer in recent seasons, but you know what I feel like doing right now.. picking up a 6 pack. haha. Plus yep, playing that WGT golf game and surfing around here while others shoot. Here the "ding" go back to that window and shoot.

All this, temporarily gets your mind off how your life sucks. It's exactly like the smart phone clickers. But.. doing that at every present moment, never fixes how your life sucks. You have to work on that instead. So that means shutting that instant gratification shit off.

Same mentality as playing the video games. It's that present moment decision where you go, oh it's be more "fun" if I did that now or picked up some beer. Why you do it, is because it's "boring" if you don't, or shut it off. Now you get into the root of the problem and what's going on. Take the smart phone away from a teen and watch them freak right out.

This does sort of get into why people are behaving like this out there. They're dealing with these types of new online addictions. I can picture people with the porn there, eh. Or the stupid gambling online. Even those little facebook games with cartoon characters. Wow. They're all fuckin junkies.

Wasn't as bad in the early 2000's dealing with people but now they're all like smart phone clicking junkies with whatever addiction type they're clicking on there. They're all addicts.

I've come to the conclusion that it's best to keep anything to do with them to as minimum as possible.

[Part 1 of 2]

the internet has probably changed us. im mid 20s and i remember starting to play Halo 2 online for the first time, my personality changed from that period on

the mix of competition, anonymity, and lack of consequences, turned me from an innocent solo gamer, to a loud annoying, angry brat.

just my 2 cents from a personal perspective

I played Halo 1. Before that, early 2000's was playing Return to castle wolfenstein, or RTCW. I was just playing this multiplayer demo. Had a couple maps. I didn't want to waste too much time playing video games, so you don't buy the whole game. Then you figure hey I'm not playing the full version so it's "ok". Kinda like somebody who's not an alcoholic but is a "social drinker".

It used to be bad in the 80's.. Start of Nov 86, I got the Nintendo NES. Would play that too much. Now you get into how your behavior changes. You get mad when your character dies off and you have to restart the whole game. Got out of that shit later and didn't get other consoles.

This Halo 1, I played the multiplayer demo map. Blood gulch. Well I would play that part-time after work. 1 map, but it's like how people get into a chess game. You don't wanna buy the retail version because you figure, now you'd really play it too much.

So never got into other games but that RTCW, played the multiplayer demo for a few years till the server got shut down. Then you're like a crack addict who runs out of crack. What do you do with your spare time? That's when you know you've got a problem. Take the addiction away. That would be like taking their smart phone away from them.

The halo 1 though.. that was bad.. played that part time, sometimes on weekends, 20 hour stretches. Total fuckin zombie. lol. In later years, toned down the frequency a bit but would still play it quite a bit, till one day they shut down the server. haha. That's what makes you stop. That was oh probably like I don't know.. 2009. From what, 2003, maybe till 2009. That's a lot of years losing going nowhere. Blew a decade absolutely failing at the game of life in the real world. I was working and hanging out with women, but come on here.

There's no way in fuck I'd even get a console, eh. hahaha. Where it looks realistic? This uh, what's it called.. the car driving one.. GTA or something? Grand theft auto. Yeah I could picture "getting into" that. haha. How about the future with virtual reality goggles? You could picture people getting slightly "addicted".

I just know better. It's not wasted time though that decade going nowhere. It's a lesson, not to fuck around with that shit. haha.

If you'd like to rather accomplish something "extra" with your life, that ain't gonna be happening playing video games or surfing around reddit with too much of your spare time. But what am I doing right now? Hanging out losing on reddit, like in the past recent seasons and years. Yeah probably got on here.. oh a good 8 years now. hahaha. Only had 1 account at a time though. But gotta make a new one if new tab trolls hound you and downvote everything else in your posting history.

But, wouldn't ya know it.. 2009.. I get into this multiplayer online golf game. WGT, world golf tour. It's made on images from real photos of every angle of the real courses. Looks like actual reality. Played too many rounds of games on that since. Here's my profile there:


It's not too bad when you check the total games played. Total Ranked Rounds Played: 1,168. But think of playing a 9 or 18 hole game. That takes a while. You can drink a 6 pack while playing an 18 hole. Looking at these stats here.. played 235, 18 hole games. 933, 9 hole games.

ok so this is not a "good habit". If you look around though, lots with have way more rounds played in less of a period of time. I've toned it down in recent years. I'll go stretches of weeks even without playing. So that's good.

But this past winter, got into a bad stretch. Was trying to get these gold course awards. You'd need to get like minus whatever by the end of the round. Usually to get gold you'd need par so 72 or 70.

They changed the game algorithm in recent years. They don't want people to get low scores, so every odd shot it'll go "wonky". Now it's even more difficult. Well I kept going at it till I got the gold for every course. Like look at all those gold course awards on my profile. That bugged up my left forearm to bicep tendon. Trying to click the meter in the middle as it swings by. Was a bit messed up in recent years. Still manageable though.

This is like when I'd play halo.. arms were starting to get messed up. At work I was at this book making place.. you'd be on the end of the binder, turning stacks of half a dozen books checking for bad cuts. Well I had a carpal tunnel brace on each forearm. Yet I'd still play the halo after work. This damn arrow button to move. Couldn't do it too well near the next going long distances. It's a bad habit eh. The forearms healed up in recent years after I stopped playing Halo.

This past winter was playing that golf game too much. Was sort of bugging up that left forearm to bicep ligament. Was manageable. But Jan 1st get this cold. The sinuses, blow your nose, then it moves into your lungs a bit. Goes away after oh 3 weeks.

Was a bit odd.. start to get this tingling in that left forearm. Moves towards the thumb. A couple days later, wind up with this odd tingly right side of the left thumb. Then the whole forearm is kinda this odd little bit numb or over-sensitive.

I had slipped on ice in Dec. Made the rotator in the shoulder weaker for a few weeks. So that plus the gaming, then battling this odd cold virus.. Messed up some kind of nerves from the shoulder but was only causing this odd mild numbness or over-sensitivity in the top of the forearm towards the thumb.

And then this odd right side of the thumb was more mildly numb or oversensitive if you'd touch something. I don't know what the hell is going on.. Started on Jan 1st and was spreading. I'm like, holy shit am I gonna have a stroke here. How far is this gonna spread, like my whole left side, my legs too or what!?

But like Jan 3rd this sensation was sort of spreading to that area and was now consistent and not spreading around. It's been continuously like that in the forearm and right side of the thumb since Jan 3rd.. so half a year now. It's annoying too, constantly having that sensation. This sounds permanent. The rotator shoulder is kinda healed up, can do push ups without throwing it off like it did in previous months. So that's healing up. But this forearm to bicep ligament nerve sensation isn't healing up.

This shit was caused by that damn golf game, eh. Just a combination of falling on ice, that got the rotator going but that messed up nerve area, that's from the golf game.

[Continued in part 2 of 2]

People are generally assholes. Being anonymous on the internet allows people to be assholes with no repercussions.

People are generally assholes. Being anonymous on the internet allows people to be assholes with no repercussions.

That's the internet.. it's always kind of been like that. If they're busy winning and being successful in the real world, they're doing that and not hanging around here or whatever other site, all day long. So who's got time to refresh new tabs or content all day long? Not people who are busy winning in the real world.

Sounds like you'll have a larger concentration of those losers hanging around internet sites, commenting on things. They have nothing better to do.

And then if you look at how they're being treated in the real world, those people are bullied. So people you'll deal with online are gonna be in a "good mood".

Then you've got the smart phones.. now it's mobile. Before, the internet used to be losers in some back rooms or basements, hanging out losing in there. The internet demographic changed with the smart phones and these tablets and laptops they could bring in their living rooms.

It's not just the internet geeks like the early 2000's. Those guys have to be a bit smart though to figure out computers. Since these "smart" phones there really has been a dumbing down of who's online. To type something on a phone, you're barely getting out a grunt. Now they're even more dumbed down "idiocracy" assholes it seems like.

Before, to use the internet, you'd have to know how to use computers a bit. That gets into the geek domain. Since smart phones, you get dumb blonde types who are now online. I could picture them not being able to handle facebook setting options. That's why they'd rather do the instagram, probably less complicated. They can't handle a bunch of text and it's too complicated for their brain. It's changed in recent years of who's going to be commenting on things.

Anonymous internet accounts probably are bullied in the real world. Or they may be moderately successful but would be frustrated how they can't figure out how to get more rich. So could be who knows which type you're dealing with. But there's something they all have in common, they're frustrated. They get a chance to take it out on somebody else for once.

There's one similar thing with whichever one's behavior. They're frustrated about something and they always react like they're fouled-up about something that had nothing to do with whoever it is they're taking it out on.

Then you get the reddit subreddit moderators who now have power and can power trip on people even more. Those types tend to be geeks and nerds. We all know how they're mistreated in the real world. Particularly by women. If you're not good looking you'll be losing.

Well these mods, know the coding, so now they got the upper hand in this internet world. Finally they can win a little bit at something. Those types are who run this game eh. Well they turned reddit into a tumbleed ghost-town compared to how it was years ago when I first got on here. You try to post something it'll get removed. So the normal traffic all left.

Meanwhile look at those internet geeks when they do get the big money. How about Elon, for example. Same age as me, woulda been in my high school class. He's kind of "aloof" and gets a bit scrambled up trying to think of words when speaking in public. Used to be starting to go bald and got the hair a bit like those hollywood movie guys. Does like the Crockadile dundundee guy when he began to get famous. Dumps the started wife. But the hotter one, things don't work out as well as they thought. I think Elon's with this Johnny Depp's ex wife, Amber. You can tell she's like the other chicks he went through during the years. They don't respect him, they go.. oh this "model" rocket ya got, that's "lovely". They have no clue about it. They're just using them for the money. Same thing as whatever geeks out there who get big money.

Bill's doing ok.. still has the same wife. All these guys though, you'd think once you get big money now you can get even bigger money. No, they relax and retire, like that Ellison guy. They stop going for it.

Just yesterday was watching this movie, "The founder". That mcdonald's guy. He had a wife, she wasn't into the whole venture thing. He gets the bigger money, dumps her. Then goes for this blonde chick who was some restauranteur's wife. Has bigger money so kinda takes her away from him. I thought that was pretty low.

This chick had the bright idea to try to save money on electricity bills by having shakes made from powder. That was low too. You don't do that.

Then ya watched how she was behaving after she got a part of the big money. They try to seem like they're "nice" with the giving a chunk to charity. This is likes celebs eh.. oh you'll sure hear about it when they do give a bit to charity.

Didn't Depp's ex, Amber was saying oh she'd give whatever chunk he was going to give her, to charity. He says, yeah no problem, I'll just do that for you. She didn't like that. Now you see how they really are.

Getting sidetracked here. One thing lead to another. Got there from those internet geeks who do get the big money. How's that workin out for them. Still losing it sounds like.

Being anonymous on the internet allows people to be assholes with no repercussions.

Bit of a side-tracking rant here.. but yeah.. sticking to the thread topic. There's something weird going on with people's behavior in recent years.

It's kind of like how they behave online with strangers, they're now having the same reaction to people you knew in previous decades. They seem to have communication problems. It's just text on this phone here, we'll just swipe next or whatever they do. But if you were to do that in person, it's be completely rude with no manners.

They're starting to do that in person too now. If they're face to face with you, they'll just do what they do to somebody online. They'll ignore you and be like an ostrich looking at their phone.

I'm kinda wondering what the deal is with this behavior. It's rude. Your parent's didn't raise you to be like that. But this is what they're all doing now.

All people are one of two things. They are either an idiot or an asshole. Some people are both.

Social media narcissism, it happened fucking quick.

Are you reading my thoughts man? I once worked at a company where I'd say "have a good evening boss" , to which he never responded, after about 6 months I got a "ya, you too" ... I'd say real unprogrammed people are one in a million, there's all kinds of shades of red pilled though , and if you care about people you'll try and crack through the programming.

I think social media has been a big part of turning people nasty.

the idea of saying what you want behind the mask of the monitor is bringing the worst out in people and it's beginning to spill over into real life.

"Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially-induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. The movement was begun eight months ago by a small group of scientists who discovered quite by accident these signals being sent through t... The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain. We... Please, understand they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival- keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated."

People are under stress.

Was busy today. Right now, I gotta go to work.. Don't really have time to check what's up around here and get back today. Be back tomorrow mid afternoon.

Nah. It was all that evil rock n roll devil music. Elvis was the Antichrist, at one point.

It's awful. I have young kids and I can easily tell what TV their friends watch at home by what they think is funny.

I hated Friends, they're all so shallow nasty. Will & Grace was like that to towards the end.

I lost him when he said you have to be a hot dude to get girls to talk to you online.

Sounds like the bitterness is a major turn off and slaving away for 7 days a week (admirable, but stupid) didn't really teach him how to to function properly. Go figure

Go be a guy who doesn't look like a leading man in a hollywood movie and make an internet dating profile. Lemme know how it works out for you, trying to pick up a chick who's middle of the road. Not even a "hot chick". Just an average one. Well if you're gonna try to deal with them, they'll be "bitchy" because they're not hot.

Here's how it works.. even the bottom of the barrel ditch pigs can pick up a guy who's "half hot". So if you're below that, you can't even pick up the fat slobs. hahaha.

You may mistaken my attitude about it as being "bitterness". To do that, you'd have to give a fuck. I don't care any more about any of it. In fact, to hang out doing that like I used to in the 90's and 2000's, would be taking time away from where I've got to go. So it'd be the opposite direction.

Nice trying thinking you know it all and everybody else is always wrong. Who goes around behaving like that.. Why would somebody go on the internet and go to everybody and say, oh you're always wrong. Why's that? Why would somebody behave like that? I don't know, your problem though. hahaha.