I Have Additional Data Regarding The Biggest Conspiracy

7  2017-07-03 by [deleted]



ok, so why do we exist? What is the purpose?

Why we were created in the first place I am unsure. At this point though, we continue to exist to help the entity who created us figure out why/how/etc. it was created.

That seems futile, doesn't it?

Yes it does feel that way sometimes.

So why do we exist?

Please see my comment to all-ur-booby-R-2-me.

I guess I should expound a little bit. The implications of my answers, present much more fascinating questions to be asked. Some I can answer, some I can't.

Did you edit your comment or am I really insane?

I edited because I typed the same question as the first one. Sorry

It's quite alright. Your question literally changed on my screen when I hit save on my reply. So for second I didn't know what had happened. I appreciate you clarifying for me though. If you have any question you would want answered I will try. To clarify on that, when I met the creator I didn't ask what I would call small questions. What I mean by small questions for example is this. Why would the creator allow the Holocaust to happen in WW2...or Why would the creator allow a World War to happen...or even better why is there even War in the first place? Now those may seem like good questions, but they only scratch the surface of the base problem. See I've through out my whole life have only been able to see the big picture. I can't figure my own life out for shit. But I can easily figure out say...the problems in the country that I live in or I can even identify problems with the entire planet. How to solve them is the hard part. Either way, what I'm trying to explain is that for most of my life I have only been able to think about huge problems. Not small ones. So when the entity that created us allowed me to ask any questions I wanted I swung for the fences. Hell my first big question was "What is the purpose of the Universe". Once you fully understand what our Universe is about, everything else is much much much easier to understand. So if you have any questions for me think big. I truly hope you have some questions. Take care.

So....if the entity created and is utilizing human beings in order to fully understand itself, then the entity's quandary is its own self awareness.

Let me explain, I can take a walk down a path and encounter many different forms of life. If I see you walking down the path opposite me, both you and I know that we both exist. I know you exist because I am observing you, I know I exist because you are observing me and vice versa. Same applies for other animals and forms of life.

If the entity truly created all of the human beings and their souls, then our quest, purpose or destiny is to all collectively stare right back at the entity with our awareness in order for the entity to realize what the entity is.

That is a profound thought. I have never thought anything like that in my life. Thank you for your comment. I have reread your thought a few times. All of your data coincides with my data except for one thing. We can not (meaning human beings...I am unsure about the other entities in the universe) in any way observe the true it. It has no form of it's own. It only copies what it creates for a form. It has never been able to be seen in its natural state by any being it has created to my knowledge. I agree with you on all of your thought on a personal level, I just can't seem to be able to match my data with yours in its entirety.

With respect, I disagree.

Human emotion and intuition allow us to 'know' any and everything we need to know instantaneously. Maybe not piece by piece, or in a pragmatic scientific way of 'knowing'.

I may be wrong but I believe this to be true.

"Human emotion and intuition allow us to 'know' any and everything we need to know instantaneously. Maybe not piece by piece, or in a pragmatic scientific way of 'knowing'. "

I am unsure of what you exactly mean, so I am going to try a reply, if my reply makes no sense it's cause I don't understand. I apologize.

Thing is though it isn't human. It created humans. In its mind it thinks it looks like us to some extent. Thing is we can never see it. It tried multiple times with humans, every time appearing before us in its true form, we were "destroyed". I don't exactly know what "destroyed" meant in that context though. It could have meant killed.It could have meant literally destroyed like blew us into pieces or some crazy shit like that.

I'll try to clarify my odd language here so maybe I could be better understood with these weird answers. Yes they are weird to me. Meaning the entities that exist in our Universe and the creator do NOT speak the English language like we do. All of them literally speak weird as fuck to me. I mean it's technically English, but the way they construct their sentences is highly frustrating. I think it has something to do with the time differences between us. So I am using exact words and phrases where I can, but most of this is somewhat translated. I am NOT taking any words out or putting words in, I am just trying to clarify the data.

Let me try and tie my beliefs to your words, btw I am enjoying your thread and the comments.

You said we have gifts that aid humans in decision making:

1.Gut instinct. I was told this was a "gift" from the entity who created our Universe.

This is part of intuition and emotion. How did a 19 year old me 'know' that I shouldve left that party before it was busted by the cops? My gut told me something bad was going to happen, although I was experiencing emotions at the party my real emotional intelligence told me to go. Low and behold, party gets busted, Friends get citations/put in the paddy wagon. It's a juvenile example but illustrates my point.

2.Heart.If you don't have a "Gut instinct" (which most of us don't the majority of the time) make the decision from a place in your heart.

Idk if the heart relates as much to my thought but the heart is apart of human emotional content and intelligence I think.

3.Mind.If you don't have a "Gut instinct" or there is no emotional investment in your decision (like say you're deciding on which TV you're gonna buy) then use your mind logically to come to your decision.

This is the scientific, pragmatic approach.

PM me bro or let's go fishing or some shit 😂

"PM me bro or let's go fishing or some shit 😂" Awesome man. Thanks. Hopefully someday our paths meet at some point.

Answering your question brought some things to the front of my mind about language. While I was speaking with the two entities before I spoke to the creator, I was able to get some interesting answers. One of the entities hasn't been down to Earth for thousands of years. It hated man. So I told it to go to Youtube (yes they can access a form of the internet...actually thinking about that...maybe thats where lost packets go...that's wild). The entity went on Youtube and the most hilarious thing happened. I can't make this shit up. It had gotten addicted to watching cat videos. Hilarious right? I tell you this because over the course of our conversation it started to warm up to me. It finally decided to answer questions. These are its answers regarding language. English is basically disliked since in their opinion it is too simple. So I asked which language it prefers. It said I wouldn't know it. I said let me take a guess, so it said its name in what I would describe as proto-arabic. So I guessed Sanskrit. I was wrong but she was impressed and asked me if I spoke Sanskrit. Ya....so I told it I am lucky to have a grasp on English let alone Sanskrit. Then she clarified it wasn't classic Sanskrit. But a dialect of her people that used to live in a valley.They named the dialect the same name of the valley. I asked if that valley still existed. It said it didn't think so. So I asked what is the best language in the minds of the elevated people. It said that there is an original language. One created by the creator and once known to man. I asked the name, it said a completely unintelligible language. I have heard most major languages since I used to travel for work. This language sounded unlike anything I had ever heard. Apparently the name of the language translates to "Gods words". I don't know, this had nothing to do with your questions or comments, it just reminded me of little weird bits of data I have floating around.

I would love to find out what that language is!

However, your comment brings me back to psychic awareness, body language and things related to these.

To my knowledge, language is fairly recent advancement for humans. So before we were Homo sapiens sapiens we communicated through some verbal communication but mostly through body language. Take that back further and all you have is body language and


As in the story about the Tower of Babel? Well I had to go reread that story. I mean it makes sense with the data I have, but it isn't confirmed by it. Though personally I do believe in the great flood. I never asked about it directly, but when there are historical accounts from different religions that have nothing to do with one another, but they all repeat the same basic story, there is probably some truth in there.

What got me thinking was when you said 'unintelligible language' because babel the noun means confusion or a host of voices. Plus I know that the ending 'el' in etymology related to god (angel, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael).

Isn't Sanskrit related to ancient Semitic languages like Chaldean, Akkadian, etc?

I honestly do not know or have any personal data about older and/or ancient languages. Ya know I should go research Sanskrit more. I may find some connections to something I didn't know about. Good heads up man.

Post your data.

Too much. Just ask a pertinent question and I will attempt to answer it. If you are asking for physical proof, I can sadly give you none.

You said you have data. Post some of it.

I have data. Meaning I have data in my mind. I have too much data to type out. So please ask a question. That is all I am here to do.


  1. Why do we exist?

  2. What is the purpose of life?

  3. What is the goal?

  1. To help the entity who created us discover what the entity is and much more. What "much more" is in it's entirety, I do not know. I could take guesses, but I'm just some dude.

2.Well it is different depending on where you are in existence. For where humanity is at (meaning you and me and everyone alive) it's to love and accept love and believe that the entity who created us does in all actuality exist.

  1. The goal is to move all existence towards a universal and positive path forward.

1 could be interpreted as everyone realizing they are all a piece of the source consciousness, if you follow that line of thinking.

That is an interesting thought. It may not be too terribly different than the reality of our situation.

If you have any questions I will be happy to try and answer them.

Do you think we're all part of one ultimate source, manifesting in these individual bodies?

What do you think of the /r/holofractal theory?

I'm no expert in it, but I dabble in it and I have a few buddies who are well versed in it.

"Do you think we're all part of one ultimate source, manifesting in these individual bodies?"

Yes we are from one ultimate source. We are technically manifestations yes, but we are a permanent one. We are on the seventh revision. Meaning that this is the entities seventh revision of this universe. The entity has created many universes. All of them have nothing to do with one another at this point in time to the best of my knowledge.

I have no knowledge of the holofractal theory so I cannot comment on it's validity.

I could read up on it and see if that data coincides with the data that I have and see if they match up in any ways. I don't know if I will get around it today though.

Should we go toward the light or away from it?

This is one of my favorite questions too.

It isn't really up to you.

Why isnt it up to us?

The shortest answer is this. The entity that created us at one point decided that it would delegate certain entities the job of running this universe.All these entities at one time were no different than us. They are different now (no better and no worse...just different). They are the ones who decide the circumstances of our existence in many ways. I have never had an experience like those ya read about where folks see the light and their ancestors. It makes sense though. I have just never experienced it. Long story short, the elevated human beings decide when it is time for our stay on Earth is to begin or End. Sometimes before we come back we are actually given the ability to choose our next life. We know before we live it EVERYTHING that is going to happen. All the pain...the love...the have...the have not...all of it. It's just we purposefully are not allowed to remember while we are down here. For better or for worse that is how it is basically right now.

Why would people ever choose to be a poor child who is sexually assaulted and then dies?

I asked the same question. Well not that literal construction of words, but the same basic thought. The gist of the answer is this. In order to know more you can't just read about or watch it, you have to live it. So say your soul has lived many different lives here on Earth. Your soul has male or female or rich or poor or all awesome or all negative...etc. You could go on damn near forever. AAAAAND that's why our souls take a long time to get elevated. We all have to live positive and negative to truly know and understand positive and negative. BUT I actually disagreed with the entity that created us. Kind of pissed that entity off that I had the hubris to question it's decisions. I thought my idea while imperfect, was possibly better for everyone involved. I had the thought, why not separate the soul into two souls. So when the child gets sexually assaulted and dead....is actually sexually assaulting and killing itself. Sounds fucked right. Well at least that soul would only be hurting itself and not some other soul that has nothing to do with that souls issues. But o well

I also have this data

If you do...I guess you can tell us what Earth is.

Heavenly 'body'

Technically you could call it that. But the entity that created it thinks of it and calls it a "soul factory". Meaning that the Earth helps the entity by creating souls. How it does that exactly I do not know.

What is the shape of the Earth?

Well I didn't ask that question since I thought that wasn't in dispute anymore. Maybe I am wrong. But all my personal data points to the Earth being shaped in a rough circular shape. Maybe I am out of the loop and there has been a new discovery.

Are there other worlds that create souls?

I didn't ask that exact question. Though I did ask one similar. The question I asked was this "Are there Aliens?". No. Not how we think of aliens. Man I was soooooooooooo disappointed and still hella curious. I have scene some strange ass shit in the night sky before, so while I was skeptical, I never thought it impossible. But as of 4 years ago no there are no aliens in our Universe. Life has sprung up on other planets in our Universe I do not know exactly what has become of it though. The exact word used in conversation was "quarantine". Basically the human race is in quarantine right now so nothing else can contact us and we cannot contact anything on purpose.

BUT. The entity that created us and our universe HAS created "countless" other universes completely different than ours. I found and continue to find that fascinating. In the same conversation I found out why humans are so special to it. We are his FIRST successful creation. We are also out of all creations the ones with the highest capacity for love. Though it did kind of wash its hands of us for a while. Understandable though.

Holy shit me too. I have three more datas as well

Please share your data

Okay I will try. What data are you interested in?

No. Just trust that I have datas to share

Why should we think you have any more inside knowledge if you have no physical proof and you could be that religious psycho that posts here every day?

I never said you have to believe what I say. I'm just saying I have more data and you can come to your own conclusions. How is having more data a negative thing?

You dodged his question. You keep using this word "data", yet I am not sure you know exactly what it means

I apologize that I didn't precisely answer his/hers question. I will attempt to know. Then I will attempt to explain what I mean by "data".

"Why should we think you have any more inside knowledge if you have no physical proof and you could be that religious psycho that posts here every day?"

I would never in my life or in the next tell anyone what to think. There is no correct or incorrect way to think. I am just trying to spread the data I have come across. It is true I have no physical proof, but please think about this. There is literally only a HANDFUL of extremely improbable things that could happen to anyone that would prove anything that I say. I'll list two examples that I would think would change any ones mind. You would either have to be visited by an elevated ancestor of yours or by the actual entity that created all. The odds of that happening to you are so small. I don't think they should be, but no one really gives a fuck what my opinions are so I usually don't give them. I did ask the creator if it would try to create a plan with our ancestors to convince us all at one time,but then it brought up revision 3 or 4 and here we are. Is something going to change where we can all have concrete proof? I hope so, but I don't truly know.

"You keep using this word "data", yet I am not sure you know exactly what it means"

Well I use data because personally that is how I think. It's weird I know but data has no weird connotations associated with it. I could use words like "fact" or "truth" or "reality"....but for some reason those words hold some negative connotations so I don't like to use them. Data is a completely neutral word and describes exactly what I am trying to convey.

What kind of data do you have? Are they just thoughts?

They are just thoughts. But everything in our mind is by definition a thought.

To answer your question, they are memories.

A piece of data is solid and concrete. A thought is vague and fleeting. Stop saying you have data. Learn what data is.

Okay. Thank you for your thought. Do you have any questions you would an answer to?

Everything is a memory. Our ability to remember is what defines our vibration....right?

Well our memory in a way helps us define ourselves. We try to navigate through life using our memories to help us. I have no idea about vibrations though.

1) Move to India

2) Preach said data

3) Become Guru

4) ????

5) Profit

I have no drive to profit from what I know.

Stop trolling. You're not even answering the questions people ask you. You keep saying " let me expound in that" and then you don't. People, don't feed the trolls.

I am just trying to understand what people are trying to ask.

So then say that instead. Formulate your post as a question, asking people what their biggest concerns and questions are, because you're curious, not because you have the answers because clearly you don't.

I apologize to you. I am not very good at communicating on the internet.

If you would like to ask a question I would be happy to try to answer to the best of my knowledge.

How did you get this informtation? And what name does this entity go by?

"How did you get this informtation?"

I got this information through complete happenstance. It was quite literally an accident. Our reality is partially controlled. It has a plan. What that plan is I do not fully understand. To help with that plan Humanity is around to help with that plan. So are other entities. As far as I know every entity in our Universe at one time or another was a human being just like you or me. As time has gone on some of us (meaning human beings) have been "elevated". What being elevated means to the best of my knowledge is existing on a different plane of existence. That different plane of existence isn't better or worse I think. So now with that data in mind I can tell you how I came into this data. Apparently MOST not all people do have entities that interfere in their life for the purpose of moving humanity in a certain direction. What that direction is I do not know. I came into contact with entities that had been elevated. Their stated purpose was to protect two different people I had come into contact with. One thing led to another and long weird fucking story later I was allowed to be in the presence of the entity that created everything. So I did the best as I could do and asked as many questions possible.

"And what name does this entity go by? "

I do not remember what the entities name is unfortunately. I did ask but I do not remember if it ever gave me a name. What I do remember is that it has many many names, all given to it by the entities it has created. I wish I could remember. Either way I am pretty sure it wasn't in English...if that even matters.

How can others come into contact with the creator?

I asked that question. I felt it shouldn't be just me. I'm not even a good human being really. There are many more people out there that could great things with what I know. So I implored the entity to change the contact rules. I have no idea how it would set up a system like that. But the entity that created us said that it would think about it and discuss the idea with the other entities in our Universe. The entity that created us can be quite reasonable sometimes.

As I read through your comments, it comes off to me in a very religious way, and as someone who was raised a Catholic but more so aligns myself as Atheist/Agnostic after about 2 decades of Catholicism to the point where I could minor in Theology, I try to look at things from a scientific and rational perspective.

But your idea of entities interfering with our lives for the better or worse, one would assume its all for the better but at the time it occurs it might seem like the worse, resonates with me even though I feel it shouldn't. There can only be so many coincidences in our random lives before we stop viewing them as coincidences. One small anecdotes from my life that happened recently.

I am 19 yet I have the ability, without a college degree, to make an above average pay from a skill I possess, selling, specifically cars. I sold cars the summer after I graduated high school before I went to college and made $10k in 2 months. At 18. My previous job paid me minimum wage and I would have been lucky to get 10-15 hours a week. I dropped out of college halfway through the first semester. I applied for a job selling BMW's and got the job, still only fucking 18, passed the drug test miraculously because your around weed a lot when your my age, even went through the orientation, but on my first day I come in and they find out that due to their car insurance, they can not insure anyone under the age of 21 as a salesmen. They even offered me a different job there but it wasn't commissioned but I had another job at a different dealership lined up. BMW told me if I wanted to come back at 21 I was more than welcome. Other place did not drug test but I came onto a lot of about about 200 cars but I was the 12th salesmen there. For comparison, the previous place I worked at over the summer barely had a 100 car inventory and I was the only salesman. I was A 19 year old now among people who's kids where as old as I was. It was also an hour and a half commute compared to BMW's half hour. No base pay, and stuck picking leftovers I left after month making less than if I had worked full time at minimum wage. I got a job lined up as a service writer for Toyota, which is surprisingly lucrative if your good at sales, and it was with the largest Toyota dealer in the state. Biggest automotive retail company in the nation, so long and lengthy hiring process, passed the background and drug test again, got hired, signed all the paperwork, even got my work shirts. I settle in to sleep the night before and I set my alarm clock on my Iphone. Instead of waking up at 8am the next day to go in for my first day at work, I wake up 1pm naturally. I look at my alarm clock app on my iPhone, the fucking thing was slid to the right, which is the on position, but for some reason the slider was grey instead of green. I could not get it to redo that either. It was on but it wasn't. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me but I was completely lucid. I panic and call my supervisor and to try to cover my ass and say I got rear ended that morning and my phone screen got cracked in the accident and thats why I am calling so late. He just asks for me to send a picture of the accident. This is where I messed up. I took the picture off Google by searching for one vehicle type and then picking a different type off the results way down, but I should of doctored the photo to make it untraceable but I was sloppy and in a panic as well. Once the photo is sent off he says he will get back to me. I wait. Next day and still hear nothing. Decide to just go in and talk to him face to face. Sit down in his office and he asks me point blank what happened and I doubled down but he called my bluff and said he found the picture on the internet. I was let go. I was so mad at myself because it wasn't my fault but at the same time it was. Then 2 or 3 days later I get contacted by none other than the original BMW dealership informing me that they had just switched insurance companies and I could now be insured as a salesman. I was in shock. Had I not been late my first day and let go, Im not sure I would have quit Toyota to work for BMW. I take my drug test in 3 days, and will start very soon hopefully.

If you read this far, thank you. I have literally not told anyone this because I like to think there are rational explanations for everything, yet it seems that someone is watching over me and I cant explain it. A rolling stone who will hopefully keep rolling for a long time, out.

"As I read through your comments, it comes off to me in a very religious way, and as someone who was raised a Catholic but more so aligns myself as Atheist/Agnostic after about 2 decades of Catholicism to the point where I could minor in Theology, I try to look at things from a scientific and rational perspective. "

I was raised Methodist. At the age of 6 is the first time I realized I hated God. That conviction grew. I learned a lot from different religions and different older cultures as I have grown up and came to the conclusion that either there was no God or if there was I was gonna throw one hell of a shit fit if I ever met it. Well in a way I got my wish. I'll never forget when the entity that created all proved to me it existed. The first thing I did was fall to my knees and uncontrollably started crying. I mean was drooling and shit. I started apologizing profusely. It wasn't angry in the slightest. So disbelief isn't the end of the world.

"But your idea of entities interfering with our lives for the better or worse, one would assume its all for the better but at the time it occurs it might seem like the worse, resonates with me even though I feel it shouldn't. There can only be so many coincidences in our random lives before we stop viewing them as coincidences."

I actually did ask this exact question. "Are there coincidences or is that just crazy happenstance?" It was answered that it is about 50/50. Which are pretty fair odds to me. Half the time you lose your car keys, some entity gets involved and helps you find them. Yes it can be as mundane a thing as that. Sometimes the most beautiful things in the Universe happen on accident or out of the entities control. That is one of the reasons the entity is so fascinated. So is it 50/50 that our creator helps us or the creator of the creator is helping us? Mind blown. Who knows. At this point nothing does to the best of my knowledge.

Also thank you for sharing that story. I completely understand how hard it is to share stuff like that to complete strangers.

Why do I keep thinking you are talking about the archons when you talk of these entities. Is that the correct term for them?

"Why do I keep thinking you are talking about the archons when you talk of these entities. Is that the correct term for them?"

Well at one point or another humanity has come into contact with every one of these entities that exist. We have given them names. The names have changed over the years and they are different depending on which culture they were observed from. I do not know what these entities true names are. I can tell you what we would call them in English though. I think for every entity except the creator we would call them some type of "Angel", whether that is correct or not I do not know. I do know that some of them refer to themselves as "fourth dimensional beings". Yes that is a quote from one of them. In English most would refer to the creator entity as "God". I don't use those terms usually because they themselves do not use them, and also because they themselves, do not like religion, so I try not to use any religious terms. Sometimes it is unavoidable though.

After reading a bit about Archons, I would have to say those are most likely what we would be called Archangels. From what I gather they were among the first elevated humans or maybe they were even created above humans from the beginning, I do not know the answer to that.

This 'entity' which is attempting to understand itself through us, would you deem it benevolent or malevolent? "Good" or "evil"? If it lacks reference points for understanding itself, how can it know good from evil? Is the answer the same as everything else, that there is no good or evil but rather only the 'value' we prescribe it?

Given that you are 'downloading information' or whatever you want to call it, how do you know this information is not corrupted or tampered with, that you are not being led on? E. g if there were forces which have since long known about this information/memories and even come so far as to being able to manipulate them?

"This 'entity' which is attempting to understand itself through us, would you deem it benevolent or malevolent? "Good" or "evil"?"

I personally I had a really tough time with this thought myself. I truly never believed it was good if it could allow all this fucked up unnecessary bad shit that happens on Earth. The only way this entity convinced me of it's true nature is it allowed me to feel the emotions it does. Holy shit. It dropped me to knees. I had never felt any emotions as powerfully as it does. I then asked the entity show me how it felt emotionally towards ALL of us. Meaning not just Humans but every living thing in the entire Universe. It was pure love in a way I have never felt. I can never fully explain it. It truly has to be felt. So I begged the entity to let ALL of us (meaning the lowly insects to all the entities that exist out of our understanding) to feel it's love. So I hope one day that happens.

What surprised you most about your data?

That at one point all of humanity had the data that I have and they refused it.

This is no surprise. it is the 'program'.

Apologies for the delay but I appreicate your response. I'll have to think on that. I hope that your awarenss of this data brings you some sense of purpose or fulfillment. Blessings

I hope it does as well. Thank you.If you ever think of a question, I won't be taking this thread down. If it ever disappears it won't be because of me.

Worst Larp EVER!

I know right. Trust me, I'd rather it would be you than me that knows all this stuff.

i bet.

You seem burdened by this data. What were some of the more difficult truths to swallow?

The hardest one was that we were and maybe still being judged on our actions and possibly even our thoughts by entities other than the one who created us. I personally hate the idea of that. No man can ever judge me. I can never judge another human. Who the fuck am I to ever judge anyone else. No human is truly evil or truly good. We are all differing shades of both. So first off every entity that has ever been elevated has been a human being in our Universe. So that means that we are being judged by elevated human beings. FUCK THAT. If the entity that created me wants to destroy me or elevate me or give me a fucking water-slide okay, so be it, there is nothing I can literally do to stop that entity from doing that. But any other entity that had NOTHING to do with my creation accept to manipulate me into existence, doesn't in my mind have the right to judge me. That's the hardest pill for me to swallow personally. Your results may vary.

I personally always accepted that as inevitable, but that may be leftover sentiment from a Catholic upbringing. I can understand the difficulty in accepting this.

Beyond having an open heart, open mind, and continuously seeking knowledge and understanding, is there anything that needs to be done before we are deemed eligible to move up to becoming an elevated being?

I asked the same exact question. The answer is the bar is really fucking low in reality. I mean doing the task is difficult, but it is only difficult because we purposefully are not given enough data to do it in any meaningful way.This shortest way to elevation is this....Love Everyone.Accept Love.Know or Believe that there is an entity that created all.

This might be the worst post I've ever seen here. You have data in your head... okay. We all have data in our head.

If you want to say something compelling, just do it then. Why should we have to figure out what you're trying to tell us. This is like when your girlfriend is mad at you, but rather than telling what she's upset about, she expects you to figure it out... give me a break dude

Would have been 100x more apt and interesting if he titled it

"Ramblings of a High mind" or some shit.

Atleast that would have been worth discussing.

Yes I agree that the title could be better. Your thought on the title is interesting. I don't understand how talking about being high and having a thought is any better or worse than asking a random guy on internet what his thoughts are on our reality. I'm just offering you some thoughts.That's it.

Thank you for your thought. I apologize that this sounds so stupid. I really don't know how I would write it all down here to have it be as accurate as it should.

I'll play.

What is the reason behind all of our unique individuality? How does diversity "assist" the entity?

You know I didn't ask that question. That is a really good question. I would think it has something to do with our soul. Because as far as I know all our souls are unique. Which is a shit ton of souls. I mean I'm talking hundreds of billions at this point. So I would think that is a design feature and not a by-product. But as I said I do not have the definitive answer to that. Sorry.

As for the assist part, I would say diversity would be a need and not a want. Say you have a near unsolvable problem, what would be the fastest way to solve it? More AND different entities working on the same problem. More eyes on a problem is generally a good thing.

What similarities are there between the data you have and world religions?

I had really hoped someone would bring this up. Holy hell Batman is this about to get divisive.The only data that matches religions is some of the HISTORICAL things that happened. Like when and where. The why and how is almost all false. Now the entity that created us understands religion since that is how it tried to teach us things in the past. As you can see it has not worked out the way it wanted things to work out. So according to the entity there is no religion on Earth that is wholly correct. Some religions got some things correct but other things wrong. No one religion is correct. I am sorry if this upsets anyone.

How does one achieve freedom from pain?

I am not sure that is possible. The entity that created us still feels much pain. So even it has not figured out how to escape pain. Though from what I understand all the pain it feels is what we would call mental. That is one of the things it would like our help with.

Their stated purpose was to protect two different people I had come into contact with.

Do they know who these two people are, or are they still searching? Do you think these people know who they are, or that they are being protected? What would you say if one of these people came into this thread and started asking you questions? Would you have any questions for them?

"Do they know who these two people are, or are they still searching?"

Sorry that I didn't explain that better I will try to clarify. They weren't searching for anyone. In fact I am unsure exactly what their purpose was. They contacted me in an attempt to protect their "charge". They attempted to manipulate me. They somewhat succeeded. See when they manipulate situations it's really weird and I don't fully understand it, but I will try to explain. When they change a situation they don't erase memories. What they do is BLOCK memories. They can literally see everything inside of us to a point. If given permission they can see absolutely everything about you, even things about you that even YOU don't know about yourself. So after they manipulated me and these two other people, we had no idea about it. I am almost positive that if asked separately asked the 3 humans that were involved would give different stories to the same experience and none of us would be lying. The thing that went wrong with the whole situation actually went right for ME. Hurray me. What happened? I remembered. So I did exactly the opposite of what the entities wanted me to do. I contacted one of the two people that they wanted me to leave alone. And lo and behold boom they were back. That's where shit started to get super fucking weird. I mean as if all the stuff leading up to it wasn't unbelievable in the first place right?

"Do you think these people know who they are, or that they are being protected?"

No they don't. I understand why though. I mean if you were being protected by something that could change reality, wouldn't you try to take advantage in some way? Not even an evil way. Say you wanted to make the entire a better place for all. Some one some where isn't going to want that for one reason or another. And some one like that some where will kill you for even attempting it. So you could roll the dice and try to change the world for the better without getting murdered. Will they stop every murder attempt against your life? I don't know. But that is thought behind not letting people know they have "someone" looking out for them.

"What would you say if one of these people came into this thread and started asking you questions? "

I would say hi. If they asked questions I would answer them. I do not believe they would know I was talking about them though.

"Would you have any questions for them?"

Probably not many. I would certainly ask how life is going for them. Hopefully things are going good in their lived.

You say you don't know what the plan is, but that one of your first questions was "What is the purpose of the Universe". You say the creator is a one of a kind and is trying to understand what they are "and much more". What if the "much more" was that the creator is trying to recreate the circumstances of it's own creation? Not just trying to understand itself, I mean the goal was to figure out how to make another like itself. It would be lonely being the only one of your kind, wouldn't it?

"You say you don't know what the plan is, but that one of your first questions was "What is the purpose of the Universe""

Well, that was a difficult thing for me to accept in the beginning. See I know the purpose of our Universe. I don't know the plan for all universes. I know what the basic plan is, but not every detail. The creator apparently has discovered many interesting things outside of our universe that apparently could help our universe in some way. I didn't ask much about the other universes to be honest because I was sad. Why doesn't and why hasn't the creator contacted any humans like it used to do back in the day? Because it burnt the fuck out on us for a while. Seriously bummed the shit outta me. Literally our ancestors drove the creator entity to such frustration that it left. So that's about as deep as I got regarding the bigger picture. At that point I may have actually been crying. So I turned my questions back to our Universe in particular.

"You say the creator is a one of a kind and is trying to understand what they are "and much more". What if the "much more" was that the creator is trying to recreate the circumstances of it's own creation?"

You know what. Before I answer that question I would just like to say one thing. Whoever you are I like you. Because you are apparently smarter than me. That is exactly what it was trying to do with our universe. At this point though so no one else gets sad like I did, yes the entity has returned its attention back to this universe.

"Not just trying to understand itself, I mean the goal was to figure out how to make another like itself. It would be lonely being the only one of your kind, wouldn't it?"

That is precisely what it tried in the beginning. It said the first thing that drove it to creating other entities was out of loneliness. It has only snowballed from there. To the point it is trying to figure out what/how/why/for what purpose was it created? If that entity created all that we know...wouldn't you want to attempt to figure out what created the creator? I do. Though a hilarious thought I had the other day. What if it is creators all the way down just trying to figure shit out in their own universe created by another. Rinse and repeat forever.

I wasn't sure if you knew the purpose and didn't want to say, or if I would be connecting the dots for you by asking that. I know what you mean about having too much information to be able to just type it all out, it wouldn't make any sense to people if you just said everything anyway, it's better to ask the right questions and let people come to the conclusions themselves.

I have been told all my life by many different people that I am smarter than they are, and not only do I not like hearing that, I disagree. I am smart in my own way, in that I do the best I can with what information I have available, but I do not feel like I am any better or any worse than anyone else.

How about this, imagine if every single person you met would do anything they could to help you and make you happy, within the limits of their own morals and beliefs of course. You would live like a king right? Imagine if everyone would help everyone else in any way they could, we would all live like kings. Well we can't have that, and to figure out why we can't answers a lot of questions about what is wrong with this world.

You said you tried to contact one of the people, how did that go? I can imagine not well, if they don't remember I don't see how you would have been able to explain it to them. As you said the memories are not gone, but if they are blocked they might as well be.

"I wasn't sure if you knew the purpose and didn't want to say, or if I would be connecting the dots for you by asking that. I know what you mean about having too much information to be able to just type it all out, it wouldn't make any sense to people if you just said everything anyway, it's better to ask the right questions and let people come to the conclusions themselves."

I just want to say thank you. Thank so so so much. That is exactly what is happening to me. Once again thank you for understanding.

Edit:I will comment more as I read the rest of your comment.

You say if anyone figures out how to use human nature as a positive force for change it would change the planet, that is true. I figured it out awhile ago, but I'm not even sure if I would want to explain it even if I could. The problem is, not only would you need the approval of the ones manipulating us, you would need their help. You would have to convince them it is in their best interest to help everyone help themselves, and they are of the mind that the more they let you have the less they keep for themselves. If you are already in charge why would you want to change that, even if it was to the benefit of everyone? That is the question I am still working on, the how isn't very hard, it's the why that is the problem. If you have any questions for me go ahead and ask, I won't be going anywhere for the near future.

On the subject of quarantine, I can explain that fairly easily. Lets go into the realm of science fiction, I am a big fan of Issac Asimov, L Ron Hubbard, Douglas Adams and the like. Lets say hypothetically we found a probe in space with all the details about another intelligent species. It told us how to find them, what kind of people they are, and what to expect when we meet them, lets say it was a message of peace. So to contact them we send an ambassador, the best people we have because it is a one way trip. We wait years for the report back, and when we get it we are shocked, the ambassadors we sent said that regardless of being able to send us a probe, they decided they are not an intelligent species and they would rather die in orbit than land and make contact.

Why would be the obvious question we would ask, how could someone send us such a peaceful message and not be intelligent? Well, our ambassadors discovered they have thousands of space capable nuclear weapons, more than enough to destroy several planets. Well the question we would ask is, who are they are war with? We get back the strangest answer you could think of, no one. They haven't met any other intelligent species, all of these planet destroying weapons are aimed at their own planet, they are at war with themselves essentially and always have been as far as their written history. No matter how peaceful the message, it is too dangerous to contact them and let them know the message has been received, as if we let them know we exist we risk destruction at their hands.

People have told me many times I should write a book. I am thinking about it, I just want a positive ending to the story and I haven't figured that part out yet.

"You say if anyone figures out how to use human nature as a positive force for change it would change the planet, that is true. I figured it out awhile ago, but I'm not even sure if I would want to explain it even if I could. The problem is, not only would you need the approval of the ones manipulating us, you would need their help. You would have to convince them it is in their best interest to help everyone help themselves, and they are of the mind that the more they let you have the less they keep for themselves. If you are already in charge why would you want to change that, even if it was to the benefit of everyone?"

You know I thought almost the exact same thing. That with the human beings that were elevated they would still be stuck in (their now ancient beliefs) an old system that they believe is "right". I guess you could call it a religion at this point. As a lot of us down here have realized already that religion is nothing more than a "Sadistic,Sacred,Whore" (thank you Lemmy I hope to meet you some day). Now I am not trying to put ALL the blame on the ones who watch over us...but it is certain that they have to share the blame. Hell it could be that they were following the "plan" exactly, but human beings have advanced so rapidly in the last hundred years that maybe the "plan" has completely broken down at this point. I did ask if the entity was going to adjust or fix anything. The exact answer was "Done". I asked for clarification. I was told that there was a modified plan that would involve EVERYTHING working together. Meaning at some point the entities that manipulate us daily will instead be working WITH us. What that exactly means I can only guess. But it makes me anxious. I don't know how it's gonna work. But if what I know is true, something somehow is going to change, and I hope all of us have knowledge of it.

Edit: I will be answering as I read and editing in data.

"On the subject of quarantine, I can explain that fairly easily. Lets go into the realm of science fiction, I am a big fan of Issac Asimov, L Ron Hubbard, Douglas Adams and the like. Lets say hypothetically we found a probe in space with all the details about another intelligent species. It told us how to find them, what kind of people they are, and what to expect when we meet them, lets say it was a message of peace. So to contact them we send an ambassador, the best people we have because it is a one way trip. We wait years for the report back, and when we get it we are shocked, the ambassadors we sent said that regardless of being able to send us a probe, they decided they are not an intelligent species and they would rather die in orbit than land and make contact.

Why would be the obvious question we would ask, how could someone send us such a peaceful message and not be intelligent? Well, our ambassadors discovered they have thousands of space capable nuclear weapons, more than enough to destroy several planets. Well the question we would ask is, who are they are war with? We get back the strangest answer you could think of, no one. They haven't met any other intelligent species, all of these planet destroying weapons are aimed at their own planet, they are at war with themselves essentially and always have been as far as their written history. No matter how peaceful the message, it is too dangerous to contact them and let them know the message has been received, as if we let them know we exist we risk destruction at their hands.

People have told me many times I should write a book. I am thinking about it, I just want a positive ending to the story and I haven't figured that part out yet."

When I was listening and asking questions of the entity that created about other intelligent life it had created, it told me that it had never introduced two different forms of intelligence to each other because they were so vastly different. I asked if there were any better designs than us. It said yes. Which made me hella sad but that is way it told me why we are special to it. This next part will probably make most exit this thread, but to me it is supremely important. The creator has only created ONE creation that it thought of as a piece of itself. Meaning how we think of family here on Earth. ONE.Ever.In any Universe.Yep you guessed it. Jesus. No fucking lie. I couldn't believe we weren't lied to completely about that. I mean there are more religions who say he was just a man compared to the ones that actually believe he was the son of God. But he was. I asked him to clarify about what being the son of God means. I mostly couldn't comprehend, but what I understood was this. Jesus wasn't born just a man. Before he was born the creator put a piece of its own soul inside of Jesus body. That must have been weird as a motherfucker. Having two separate souls in one body?Fuck me....Jesus is a much better man than I would have been.Especially at that time in our history. I guess what I am trying to get at is the basic premise of not losing hope. Ya humanity as whole has done some fucked up shit. But we also created some shit that the creator never saw coming. So think about that for a minute. We live in a semi-planned existence, but we continue to surprise (in a good and bad way) the creator. That's progress in my book. I like to think of the Churchill quote about the US "Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.". That is somewhat true. But it most certain when it comes to humanity as a whole.

human beings have advanced so rapidly in the last hundred years that maybe the "plan" has completely broken down at this point.

Bingo. The methods of control don't work anymore, at least not as quietly as they used to. The only way to go back to the way it was is to undo all the progress we have made, and nobody really wants that.

Dude. Thank you so much. I was hoping to have some interesting conversation here and you provided. Thank you.

"Bingo. The methods of control don't work anymore, at least not as quietly as they used to. The only way to go back to the way it was is to undo all the progress we have made, and nobody really wants that."

Exactly. When I spoke to the entities that watch over us they were so out of the loop it was insane. It was legitimately scary to me. I asked them what they thought of computers. This is no shit...the exact words were "it is an interesting toy". My head exploded. I told them that if all computers were to blink out of existence tomorrow we would be set back a hundred years, easy. Not meaning we would live like 1917, but if you count all the loss progress of spending the resources to get back just where we were. Easily 100 hundred years. They didn't understand and I couldn't explain it well enough so I asked them to look into my personal data (all my memories) and see if their data matched. Now the next part was and still is frightening to me. The data didn't match. My reality was different than the reality they were experiencing. That is why and how the creator got involved. Shit totally and completely hit and then shut down the fan. What all that means I do not know and I personally asked them not to tell me. That is too big for me right now. The implications of that are way way way to scary for me to think about so I don't.

So yes I agree with you. Shit broke. It can't be rolled back, the only way is to adjust.

I was hoping to have some interesting conversation here and you provided.

No problem, I am always starved for intelligent conversation. Any time you want to chat let me know, you can PM me another way to reach you if you like.

It's hard to believe that something could be so spiritual as to ignore the technological, but I guess it makes sense that they never had use for such things.

I disagree with the statement that it would set us back 100 years. Maybe if everyone had 10 years warning to prepare to go back to the old style of doing things it would only set us back 100, but if it happened tomorrow with no warning it would probably set us back thousands.

As to the mismatch, I can explain that as well but not in so much detail in an open forum. Suffice to say, people have been using technology to manipulate our reality on fundamental level.

And again, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am in the same boat where there is so much to say I wouldn't know where to start, I have to know what you want to know more about to guide the conversation.

  1. what drugs you do?
  2. why are your answers broad?
  3. does the 'entity' look at humans collectively or individually?
  4. what is the meaning of life and what is after death?

1.Well I guess I intake caffeine, nicotine, and marijuana.I ain't a saint.

2.Time is very different in the other states of existence. The conversation I had with the creator was at most 15 minutes. I think it was years for the creator though. So time was a major factor. It offered to let me know more,but I would have had to give up this life to do it. I said fuck that. That if the creator wanted to let me know more data after I died, that was fine, but I was not willing to let my life go at that very moment.I don't think any parent should have to bury their child.

3.When I had the conversation with the creator it was very strange. It felt like I was in a lifeless void. I had no body. It felt like I was just existing in a nothingness. When it spoke I couldn't "see" the entity I could just "hear" and "feel" it.

4.The meaning of life is to Love everyone and accept love.While also knowing or believing that creator does exist. After death to my knowledge one of three things will happen. A)Your soul may be immediately returned to Earth in a different body.B)You get to hang out in what we would call Heaven for a while, then at some point we would choose a new life, then return to Earth as that new life.C)You get elevated. You become more than a human. How much more or even exactly what that means I am unsure.

So basically you are saying that life is cyclical in nature or is there more to it that you could expand on?

"So basically you are saying that life is cyclical in nature or is there more to it that you could expand on?"

I guess it would be cyclical in nature. Meaning that we perform some things repeatedly until we have enough data. I mean we aren't forever stuck in some loop. Yes we lead many lives here on Earth, but once we are elevated that somewhat stops. We only have one soul. The only time we are unaware of our soul in its true nature is here on Earth. Earth is the lowest form of existence for us. There is no Hell. If there is anything that could ever be remotely like Hell, we are already in it. It's called Earth. Earth is the only form of existence where we feel this much pain. In a way though, Hell only exists because we allow it to. Meaning, if humanity chose, together, we could make Earth as good as, possibly even better than what we would call Heaven. We have just collectively decided against it for many different reasons. I have identified some of the reasons we choose not to, but I have NO idea how to fix or adjust anything.

Is the entity simply something that contains the complete and total psychic awareness of the universe?

If yes I think that would explain much.

"Is the entity simply something that contains the complete and total psychic awareness of the universe? "

Yes. I will explain the best I can. When the creator became aware of its existence there was nothing but void. Literally the absence of everything.No light...no dark...just nothing. From what I understand it spent "eons in madness". Yes that is a quote. Imagine a feeling like waking up, except when you wake there is nothing. No objects no self nothing. So much nothing you don't even have the idea of self. Pure fucking madness. So after a long ass fucking time, it figured out how to create. In my mind the creator is a scientist of the highest order. It created the math that allows the universe to work the way it does. It created everything. Ever. It has what we would call a perfect memory. It cannot forget anything. It feels emotions more powerful than anything I have ever felt. So yes total psychic awareness if it so chooses. It can choose not to be aware as well. Which actually happened here. Why do you think the creator hasn't been around for thousands of years? It used to speak to many humans long ago. It got frustrated with us and left. For it, it was only week. For us it has been thousands of years. It's back.

Let me try and tie my beliefs to your words, btw I am enjoying your thread and the comments.

You said we have gifts that aid humans in decision making:

1.Gut instinct. I was told this was a "gift" from the entity who created our Universe.

This is part of intuition and emotion. How did a 19 year old me 'know' that I shouldve left that party before it was busted by the cops? My gut told me something bad was going to happen, although I was experiencing emotions at the party my real emotional intelligence told me to go. Low and behold, party gets busted, Friends get citations/put in the paddy wagon. It's a juvenile example but illustrates my point.

2.Heart.If you don't have a "Gut instinct" (which most of us don't the majority of the time) make the decision from a place in your heart.

Idk if the heart relates as much to my thought but the heart is apart of human emotional content and intelligence I think.

3.Mind.If you don't have a "Gut instinct" or there is no emotional investment in your decision (like say you're deciding on which TV you're gonna buy) then use your mind logically to come to your decision.

This is the scientific, pragmatic approach.

PM me bro or let's go fishing or some shit 😂

Sorry for the many questions, but this is fascinating whether real or not.

1) Are you able to contact this being again, if so, how easily?

2) Is it the demiurge or the true source or an angel or archon or what?

3) Why can't it negotiate or discuss things with humanity (or at least relatively kind hearted reasonable humans)? There are many needlessly suffering people and if we were more active (not passive) with how we're "helping" this entity, it would help BOTH parties. Humans AND this entity. How would we be able to help this entity anyway? Does it need our creativity? (Co-creation? Pyschiatry?) I'd rather be an astral philosopher and chill with God than suffer the B.S. of life man. :/ (Especially if this entity is a scientist. :D)

4) Could the entity put an end to silly human evil? Stop the psycho elite and bring happiness to Earth? That would be much more efficient in getting anything done compared to Earth being a toxic psychotic hell hole.

5) Is the entity male, female, both, neither?

6) How do we ascend and is it recommended over this crappy 3D human life full of suffering?

7) Is the light at the end of the tunnel an archon trap of reincarnation?

8) Is the Bible literal or not? Any truth in the Christos oil theory?

9) Any advice from the entity in what to do next, that would benefit the entity and humanity simultaneously?

"Are you able to contact this being again, if so, how easily? Would we be able to do it? (Have any instructions?)"

No I cannot contact any of these entities at will. Honestly, from what I understand though one way contact happens everyday. I will try to clarify. Everyday thousands maybe even millions of times a day our perception is altered without anyone knowing. Scary right. Well that is what I mean by one way contact. They contact us everyday. At the time of my conversation the rules were that was what is allowed. The entities were not allowed to have conversations with us. The creator would not and did not allow it. I implored the creator to adjust that rule. It said it would discuss that with the other entities. So I am hoping that sometime in the future ALL entities in our universe are working TOGETHER with the knowledge of one another towards a positive goal for all.

Edit: I will answer questions one by one and update this post.

"How can we get our spiritual memory back? (I feel it's quite strange that if we knew what we were getting ourselves into with the whole human life on Earth thing, that many people regret it because let's face it, life is full of bullshit misery for no good reason. If life is a game, I want a refund.)"

I am unsure whether we will ever be able to keep our true memories while we are living a life on Earth. Though I think there will be an adjustment of some sorts, where we will be in constant contact with our ancestors. Which I think will be a huge improvement on the plan. Meaning if that were to happen, anyone at anytime would be able to contact what we call Heaven. How that would work, or what the final rules would be I have no clue. Trust me, I wanted a refund too. I was even offered one. Then I thought about it. Why give up? Fuck that. I never completely gave up in the shitty existence before I had the data I have now, why the fuck would I give up now? I know there will be more pain in this life, but hey, we never truly get away from pain, our perception of the pain just changes.

Interesting. Thank you for taking the time to write this. If you need a quick intro into the Christos oil thing, (take your time, my friend, I'm in no hurry) I made a topic a while ago.


It may or may not be useful. :P

What is the universal truth that all people should live by according to the creator to help us succeed as a species. Like the animals have the survival of the fittest rules that they live by. What are ours?

"What is the universal truth that all people should live by according to the creator to help us succeed as a species. Like the animals have the survival of the fittest rules that they live by. What are ours?"

I do not know. But I think that is one of things the creator entity would like our input on figuring out. What would not only be good for our species, but all species. Even species that you and I don't even know exist.

This is one of my favorite questions too.

It isn't really up to you.

Okay. Thank you for your thought. Do you have any questions you would an answer to?

So basically you are saying that life is cyclical in nature or is there more to it that you could expand on?