Why CNN is doomed: Trump lures his enemies into public Wars of Words and proceeds to make them look silly and ruin them. Not necessarily by eviscerating them but by them engaging him it makes them look weak, and when it comes to trading insults no one is going to beat Donald Trump at his own game.

0  2017-07-05 by [deleted]



Would Trump tweet as much if the press treated him a bit more fairly? Interesting to think about.

I still think he'd use twitter but no to the extent he does now to air political grievances. Like when he said he supports Charlie Gard and agreed to help if The British Government allows it.

Do you think Trump actually tweets or there is a team that does for him?

They say he carries his person cell phone in his own pocket so it's tough to say. I would say most of the attack stuff he probably does on his own.

Ya I feel it's 50/50. Some him some his staff. Probably the more incoherent stuff is him lol

Yeah I would agree. I think It could be Kelly Anne Conway who oversees that stuff. He and Trump have very similar personalities and communication styles.

All the tweets do is decrease the public's trust in this impulse control-lacking President we have. His disapproval is at record highs even within his own party. But impeachment is a pipe dream with a Republican Congress so we can only hope he can learn humility or least some class because we're stuck with him.

Says CNN and a bunch of people who are already against him... and all the polls said he was gonna lose the election big time also. So I don't put much stock in that.

The only people who think it's cool that the president uses Twitter to shit post disses to people are his 14 year old fanboys.

No one is saying it's cool reread my comment.

You said the only people that think the tweeting is stupid are CNN and people that already hate him. I've talked to republicans who don't watch CNN that wish the president would stop shit posting memes like a 15 year old.

That's not what I said...

My comment was in response to the idea that his tweets are hurting his approval ratings and the public's trust in him.

After doing some research, it's clear the low approval ratings come from the left leaning media and high comes from conservative. So it's really hard to tell who's correct if both sides hold a bias.

Sad that most liberals fail to realize this. They read those poll numbers as scripture

You need to quit listening to the same people Trump is trying to put in jail.

The same polls told us that Hilary would win in a landslide lol

The moment Jeb Bush was finished - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MdIri5ji68

The sad part is that Jeb Bush thought he won the exchange. Jeb and Hillary were both low energy and had not really strategy or clear agenda.

LOL. Trump winning a war of words. LMAO.

He doesn't have to actually win to make his opponent lose.

So it's an "alternative win"?

Yeah basically. Trump and his team will just continue to play the who me?" game. While his opposition wastes its time trying to have a rational argument with people who's objective is to take any response they give and spin it and try to make them look stupid.

It's sad watching people create alternate realities like this to avoid admitting Trump is just an idiot.

"In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness." Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Sad, when did American suddenly start worrying about how "The World" views them? That is something that was started by Barack Obama and 8 years later we have more problems in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia then we did before he took office.

European Countries have started every major War and needed American to bail them out and now suddenly Trump as the President is the worst thing ever? Yeah right now who's living in an alternate reality.

That's good for him because he'll never win a war of words unless he's battling six year olds.

Yeah six year olds and Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, everyone from the Republican Primaries and like every CNN Talking Head but yeah I see your point.

Hillary Clinton won the most votes. If it weren't for the antiquated Electoral College, Hillary would be president.

I'm not even talking about the election...

Three things that came back to bite Hillary big time. She took the bait opened her mouth and wound up looking dumb.

Basket of Deplorables

50 Points!

You'd be in jail

Yes Donald trump won the zinger-contest in the debates and rallies. But honestly it was painful to watch him mumble gibberish at the actual policy questions.

That's the point. No one is watching the entire debate taking notes. People remember sound bites and headlines, something they can retweet or make into a meme.

It's a shame. But hey, I guess we got the guy we deserve.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." GB Shaw

Downvoted. Ave this for political subs like t-d. Him getting beat up by CNN 24/7for months, glad he was able to finally hit them back. But this wasn't 16d chess here.

I think the Conspiracy is that Trump sets traps and most people think he is just flying off the handle or he can't control himself but I think what he does is very calculated. Everyone who has tried to take him down has failed yet people keep stepping up to take their shot. He slowly but surely wins every exchange and people are starting to grow tired of the whining, complaining, and lies by the left and their MSM drones.

He might. Who knows. I feel bad for the guy and the constant media assault.

I don't I think he likes it, and I don't think it bothers him, what's happening right now is what drives him. The man has lived in controversy since he began his polo all aspirations. He knows what he's doing and he is highlighting everything that's wrong with American Media and American Politics.

Maybe you are right. He does seem more calmer about things. Who knows.

Wait... MSM has been doing this for years and you think CNN is the victim now?

No not at all. I'm saying they are dumb they take politicians down all the time but something tells me if they keep going after Trump they are going to ruin themselves. They should cut their loses and move on.

Gotcha.. Maybe they should just report the news and stop trying to spin the narrative to direct outcomes. People might actually appreciate it. Crazy thought huh?

So is this what I have to look forward to in my main Controversial section every day? 100 links about CNN, or more cultish behavior supporting the shittiest, dumbest, cruelest, most fucked-up retard to ever hold the office of President?

Trump is a fucking moron who can't concentrate longer than 3 minutes on anything that isn't about his own glory. He's not an "artist", he's a rich bully, and I will pop a cork when he's being led from the white house to spend the rest of his natural shitty life behind bars


Go back and read the comment in this thread is not supporting Trump this has been a discussion on his relationship with the media.

I'll post on Flat Earth later will you be happy then.

Yeah I would agree. I think It could be Kelly Anne Conway who oversees that stuff. He and Trump have very similar personalities and communication styles.

So it's an "alternative win"?

He might. Who knows. I feel bad for the guy and the constant media assault.

That's good for him because he'll never win a war of words unless he's battling six year olds.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." GB Shaw

Go back and read the comment in this thread is not supporting Trump this has been a discussion on his relationship with the media.

I'll post on Flat Earth later will you be happy then.