The Backlash against /r/Conspiracy is hilarious, here is why.

655  2017-07-07 by Flytape

The Backlash against our subreddit /r/Conspiracy from the greater Reddit community is hilarious.

You guys are really going to troll this subreddit and post all your little drama clique circles accusing us of being underhanded while the default mod crew is using tools like to have secret blacklists that their communities can't even know about?

/Conspiracy addressed the community before we made any decision about CNN, and we publish our mod logs for all to see. So while you folks are coming over here to criticize us because you don't like how we manage our community, perhaps you should look at your own favorite community first.

If they don't have public logs then they are doing things you wouldn't approve of, you just don't know it. If they are using meepsters tools, then they are blacklisting domains and you just aren't allowed to know about it.

Reddit even had to change their policies because of mods who were managing dozens of popular reddit's and using their position to ban users globally from all their subreddits because they don't like their speech.

At least Conspiracy talks to it's users about what we are doing, we publish our logs and don't use our community as a launch pad to destructively force ourselves on other communities who don't want us there.

We didn't single out CNN for doxxing, we also don't allow links to voat's pizzagate community because of all the constant doxxing going on there. We tried to manage it, we tried to allow voat's pizzagate links and check them each individually but it proved to be an impossible task. What CNN did was worse than to dox someone, CNN published an ultimatum to what seemed like one person, but in reality was an ultimatum to everyone on the internet who wishes to remain anonymous.

/Conspiracy is hardly the example of "censorship" (even though we still allow archives of CNN) on Reddit.

Look at /r/videos which disallowed anything political as soon as SJWs started getting documented and embarrassed, yet still let the occasional political post slip through. They disallowed police abuse videos but you sure as fuck can watch the police slip-n-slide with the neighborhood kids.

Look at /r/news which uses automod to maintain a blacklist of users they don't like to automatically remove their comments/posts.

Look at /history which bans anyone who speaks of inconvenient histories for the infamous mod davidreiss666. A mod who also was organizing the "global ban list" among default mods to keep unsavory users from being able to use hundreds of subs where they never even broke the rules.

Look at the #modtalkleaks where the actual admins of Reddit were rubbing elbows with default mods who were creating fake accounts to post racist material to /Conspiracy just so they could sit back and point at how we allow racist material.

Look at bipolarbear who took over the restorethe4th movement to make sure that it was ineffective.

Look how the admins won't let the_donald link to /politics but they let dozens of drama subs and "I hate this sub" subs constantly troll subreddits that aren't as precious to them as their dear /politics.

It's absurd that you're wasting your time complaining that we asked our community if they would support a CNN boycott. And then followed through on it.


What's up with all of the new rules? Are mods trying to create a safe space here? 10 was bad, but now we have 11 and 12 too.

11 and 12 are easy enough to follow

Rule 10 needs to go imo. Let it become a free-for-all. The ones who can't defend themselves intellectually will be exposed quickly.

I dig rule 10. It might be because I have kids, but I could see every tough conversation around here tuning into an argument that sounds like my kids in the backseat of the car- "he's on my side! Well, she was on my side first! Yeah, but he was on my side for longer!!" The car gets pulled over, everyone's in trouble, nobody wins.

This place will turn into chaos.

Actual shills will abuse it, and our sub will be slid off the face of the internet.

Isn't that happening anyway?

It is, but it could be so much worse.

At least we still have a place to take, even if it's crowded...

Yeah. Are you saying there's pressure from on high to keep it civil here?

Yeah, I'm sure they're looking for any excuse to delete us.

you want people to be allowed to attack individual users here why?

Attacks within the reddit content policy should be allowed. It's silly to argue about fringe topics and not be able to tell someone they're full of it.

I find that 9 times out of ten if i think someones full of shit it's because i don't have enough information at that moment to comprehend. I'm here to learn and teach not sling shit.

But when you come across an agent provocateur you can't even express it. Debate is stifled. Hard to learn and teach without debate.

Whatever, I'll see you on the next reddit and have some choice words.

You are right, let's attack the ideas, not the person.

/r/C_S_T is leaking

Well when theres astroturfing and super agenda accounts popping up purely for disinfo and confusion i do believe their previous actions and histories (or lack thereof) are pertinent.

No we are trying to create a safe space. Those rules aren't new.

This content is inherently upsetting and inflammatory, but I guess a whitewashed sub is better than no sub if that's how it has to be.

Safety is an illusion. No need to ban, boycott is more effective, ąs it requires individuals to be active in the decision of posting and reading. CNN links would look a lot better downvoted to hell with negative comments than not appear. Shun them, don't ban them. A 5 year shun, like Dwight from The Office.

  1. Misleading, fabricated or sensationalist headlines are subject to removal.

YES, Clickbait killer!!!

Too much judgement by mods is involved, especially with rule 12. Mods are prone to groupthink like the rest of us.

If a misleading headline is removed, you have the right to resubmit the link again with a realistic headline. You are not banned, right? No harm, no foul.

Let's look at an example.


The link above is misleading, fabricated and sensationalist !!! So, it gets removed. So then the user can then repost the actual link in an honest way.

Time crystals—how scientists created a new state of matter

What are we a for profit institution that will later cut a book from these posts? Freedom is of more value.

As a long time member of the community, the problem that I saw is you banned CNN based on T_D talking points that were mostly incorrect. For example, it was a total lie that they forced to him apolize or else they'd release his name. The records show he apolized first and then reached out to CNN. He wasn't a teenager. The whole story was breaking and the mods made their decision based on all the right-wing talking points.

Instead of trying find out the truth, they tried to stir up the mob with memes that aren't even supposed to be allowed around here.

"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."

I bolded the threatening parts.

Sounds like lawyer talk and not a threat. My guess is journalist wrote that CNN would not published and their legal told them to put that in at the end. It's definitely not an ultimatum.

Sounds like lawyer talk and not a threat. My guess is journalist wrote that CNN would not published and their legal told them to put that in at the end. It's definitely not an ultimatum.

It is lawyer talk, and it is a threat.

They're come full circle. A few months ago every corporation was evil and they would die on the tracks to support internet privacy and free speech. Today they are begging CNN to unmask them if they step out of line.

Wouldn't that be half circle? As in 180 degrees from their previous position?

Who's "they"? Anyone who thinks this is right-wing fan fiction designed to deflect from real danger happening in government?

Yeah CNN is an ally of freedom if I've ever seen one

Yeah CNN is an ally of freedom if I've ever seen one

Yeah CNN is an ally of freedom if I've ever seen one

Yeah CNN is an ally of freedom if I've ever seen one

Yeah CNN is an ally of freedom if I've ever seen one

You are 'they'

You are 'they'

Right. Lawyer speak for how to threaten someone to not say anything bad about CNN again.

Look, I'm not even 100% convinced that CNN didn't fabricate this Hans guy and his racist account history just for this debacle. Regardless, CNN sent out a pretty broad warning that they can and will doxx you if you say anything bad about them. That should make you very uncomfortable.

Actually, I'm not cool with it either. I'm also not cool with this sub censoring information. Especially if the justification for that censoring is based on misinformation, a T_D fantasy no less.

Nothing has been censored. All of their content is welcome. We've just banned their corporate presence because they broke ToS. The same would be done to any one of us.

I'm also not cool with this sub censoring information [emphasis mine]

I asked this yesterday: what information could you have posted to this sub two days ago that you can't today?

Links to CNN. What if is down? Then what?

A hyperlink in itself doesn't really contain any information; it simply points to it. An archive link points to the exact same information,

What if is down? Then what?

Then use If both are down, we have a far more serious problem on our hands then banning CNN links, but if it makes you happy, I'll vote to unban it then.

I honestly hate direct links to archived pages over the actual pages. Archive links dont change and you are going to have to give them a click to verify that the original matches the archive. Use them as backups but not the main source. So I still dont understand why its banned at all. The other mods have been citing falsehoods as reason for the ban. One cited Junlian Assange as an authority on the US Code. Hell they even went as far as in this thread and the sticky that they got with the community about this when they didnt. It went from a sticky on the top of the main thread on the CNN story saying they were thinking about it to a sticky about how CNN links are now banned. No discussion thread. If you had not clicked on that CNN story and read the sticky you get blind sided by news that /r/conspiracy is now banning links to CNN.

Archive links don't change.

One of the primary reasons to archive.

As a back up.

Good luck getting your CNN content seen then.

Screen shots. Clip tray. Paint.

Which runs into the problem of "is this photo-shopped" and having to go to CNN to verify if the image file matches the CNN article. Because people have faked crap using that tactic before.

Maybe we should worry about that when it happens. Anyway, in the rare case that CNN actually has anything newsworthy, they just lifted from the AP. Anything "original" will also be lifted and released by an affiliate.

They should just buck up and apologize.

There are laws against blackmail and coercion. CNN effectively did both. I don't care what your political beliefs are, you should be furious that a corporation would have the audacity to pull such shit. If this was FOX and it was a "lefty", how would you feel then? This who left/right - my side/your side, is utter bullshit and needs to stop. We are all getting fucked here.

I'm not totally cool with it. But I'm also not cool with this sub basing their attacks on lies. Cuomo's tweet was shady as fuck, but that was not what I was talking about. Two wrongs don't make a right.

What lies? It's plain and simple. A corporation threatened, coerced, and is holding black mail material of a private citizen, simply because their feelings were hurt or did not approve of their content. Their wording and intention(s) are plain as day. That's not right, could be illegal, and we should all be equally pissed off about this. Polticial sides do not matter anymore, they are all equally corrupt. Two sides of the same coin.

And before you or others bring up "don't say stuff you wouldn't want your family to know", tell that to the people who lived in East Germany under the Stasi. Different content, same concept.

What lies?

Re-read my post. They claimed he was a teenagers. He was a middle-aged man. They claimed that he was blackmailed into deleting his post. When the truth came out, we learned he first deleted his post, then he reached out to CNN.

Re-read my post. They claimed he was a teenagers. He was a middle-aged man

Okay? Just like how the MSM reports multiple shooters, but then it ends up just a lone shooter?

They claimed that he was blackmailed into apologizing and deleting his post.

No, blackmail was the "we hold this information as long you do not post similar content. If you do, we will release it". That is blackmail.

When the truth came out, we learned he first apologized, then he reached out to CNN.

See my comment above.

Lol, they actually doxxed a 15 year old kid on a different forum and manufactured Hans. Open your eyes.

Lawyer talk?

Wtf do you expect CNN to say "this bitch ass motherfucker better not talk anymore shit or else we're releasing his name."

What Cuomo did was illegal..but of course nothing will come of it.

Our information, aka comments and posts are public information, and that basically makes this a social media website. What ever happened to being personally responsible for keeping our anonymity anyway?

You are either daft or disingenuous

His identity is already published on reddit. CNN would just be re-hosting it.

don't act like this is the only bullshit cnn as pulled. We call them a death cult for a reason.

Their statement that they reserve the right to publish his identity is the problem here. Not talking points from the Donald.

Why exactly is that a problem, if you leave a paper trail, that is on you and you alone.

CNN has the resources of a international media conglomerate with connections and methods that the average person can not defend against.

It's entirely unethical to use these resources against an individual because the POTUS tweeted a gif he made and because they don't like the POTUS.

It's entirely unethical to use these resources against an individual

I agree to disagree there, what he posted was public information, and while CNN should be reporting more note worthy stuff, I don't see the problem of them trying to find out the source material of what our president tweets out, since Trump is supposed to speak for all Americans.

How would the average anti-Trump people feel if they were hunted down by a news organization for expressing their feelings about the president? Especially since the average left winger believes that Trump supporters are armed and crazy?

Wouldn't that make you feel the least bit threatened or endangered? Being anonymous in the internet is a right that you should fight for.

How would the average anti-Trump people feel if they were hunted down by a news organization for expressing their feelings about the president?

I think they would be fine with it, assuming they don't have any blatantly anti-Semitic and racist comments.

That's a deflection if I've ever seen one.

You just sandwiched an issue into this that's completely irrelevant. In totalitarian regimes the people are forced to tow the company line and support their dictator under threat of bodily harm to themselves or their family. There's no difference here.

Publishing names, whether it's one individual or a list, of people who don't cow tow to the power elite is a threat to those people and a form of censorship through terrorism.

How many times have you received private messages from individuals threatening yourself or your family due to your political views? Obviously not as many as I've had.

Again, this isn't about the original user's post history, it's about retaliation against a person for creating political content. You wouldn't have known about their post history if CNN hadn't published their user name. It's irrelevant.

You just sandwiched an issue into this that's completely irrelevant.

I take it you didn't read the same article that I did?

Are you going to bite into the meat or continue chewing the fat?

That depends, are you?

Are you going to keep miss seeing the forest for the trees?

Keep trying bud. No one here agrees with your manufactured opinion

How would the average anti-Trump people feel if they were hunted down by a news organization for expressing their feelings about the president?

I think they would be fine with it, assuming they don't have any blatantly anti-Semitic and racist comments.

What people who "don't have any blatantly anti-Semitic and racist comments" might look like.

So, if you say shitty stuff about McDonald's or Monsanto they are welcome to publicly air out your internet history? And you are giving permission?? Your address, your porn, your Facebook likes? Are you serious?

Assuming they figure out who I am, then yeah, that is the risk that we all take on this website.

You are carrying a torch for a terrible reality.

How am I carrying the torch? I'm just stating the facts. You are reading way to much into my comment.

You are arguing that it's right that a corporation can control expression with doxxing. That is fucking insane.

No I'm not, I'm saying that they can legally do that right now because of how Reddit works, nothing less and nothing more.

Committing federal crimes and breaking Reddit's ToS is legal? You have no idea what you're talking about.

And when Monsanto has you by the balls, would you appreciate r/ conspiracy coming to your defense?

Or you'd rather us watch as they sic the dogs on you?

If Monsanto did that, there might be a post but it would get down voted to oblivion.

If planned parenthood did it, this sub would have the pitchforks ready.

This is not a rightwing sub.

I understand the backlash, I get what they want as their endgame and it is eye opening and a little frightening. On the bright side, I think we are on the right track.

I totally agree with you. It is definitely frightening seeing the end game that is being set up here, but it also means we have kicked the hornet's nest and we have them flying about in the open. All we need now is the hornet spray ...

I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, as it is an unpopular opinion; but I legitmately believe we have all put a greater dent in their plan than we think. We have to keep being civil, and spreading truth. I'm a firm believer that truth never loses.

I think we should hold out until they admit what they did, apologize, correct their past internet history and promise to be honest and truthful going forward. That was all they asked of their manufactured scapegoat. It should be easy enough for them to do the same.

I legitmately believe we have all put a greater dent in their plan than we think.

Shills are downvoting this article like crazy in all subs:

[](Why CNN’s Downfall May Be The Most Significant Thing In The World Right Now)

Solid post. Just laying out the facts, no pulling punches, couple of bombs. Well said.

I second this.

Fully support the mod team on this decision and their overall transparency.


Help me see my err.

If they are using meepsters tools then they are blacklisting domains and you just aren't allowed to know about it.

If they are using meepsters toolscomma then they

what seemed like one person but

what seemed like one personcomma but

The disallowed police abuse videos

TheY disallowed police abuse videos

actual admins of Reddit we're rubbing elbows

actual admins of Reddit were rubbing elbows

I love your stuff. Great post, and well said.

Thanks for the extra eyes.

I dont know Flytape. I dont think we need extra eyes. We need extra dicks. You know, to fuck the pussies and assholes. And to keep the assholes from getting shit all over our pussies.

Wins the "don't show this post to your granny" award.

At least Conspiracy talks to it's users

And while we're at it:

At least Conspiracy talks to it's users

its users.

Those commas are completely unnecessary and would actually make it grammatically incorrect.

I thought separate sentences within one sentence were supposed to be separated by comma.

He used "then" and "but" which make commas unnecessary. Generally you don't use a comma ever if you have a "but so and so" added onto a sentence.

If they are using meepsters tools

Not a complete sentence.

What seemed like one person

Not a complete sentence.

If-then clauses generally use a comma. A but clause that's dependent would typically not need one, but it can be helpful in breaking up larger sentences.

I think it comes down more to style at this point; either choice is fine and in general the post reads quite well.

It appears you're correct. I'll go eat a bag of shit.

Not necessary, my man!

That's archaic and is no longer followed this side of the pond.

Which part are you addressing, and which side of the pond are you on?

They aren't separate sentences.
If <clause> then <result> is one sentence.
You use of a comma in your sentence in this post is not correct either.

I don't know. I'm not entirely wrong here if I am reading this right. The disdain and downvoting is kind of strange.

I don't see any.

Sounds fair to me.

Honest question, where was that discussion thread asking the community about censoring sources?

A source is not censored, it is boycotted. CNN content can be posted through archiving sites.

A boycott means CNN won't profit from links. Why should we pay them to threaten us.

Voting with the wallet, directly or indirectly, is the most effective form of communication to companies that exists to date. Hell yeah we're using it to make a point.

CNN won't profit from links

If you don't have Ad-Blocker you are individually responsible for enriching criminal organizations (CNN being only one of them). You shouldn't need systematic/coercive measures to be imposed on everyone for you to do the right thing.

A boycott group effort is volunteer, this is not, this is being forced on everyone.

A boycott group effort is volunteer, this is not, this is being forced on everyone.

This is just a hyperbolic statement with no content. It is not being forced nor is it on everyone. When an organization decides to boycott...say a University decides not to invest in Israel, that decision does not reflect the wishes of every member, but decision is made on an organization level, and is bound on the members of that organization. That does not stop it from being a boycott.

In other words a collective decision does not change something from being a boycott. Moreover, you are free to share content. You think CNN wrote some amazing piece of investigative journalism - by all means share it. Just archive it first and share the archived link.

It is not being forced

Can or can't I post links to CNN? If I can't, then t's forced, no matter how you want to twist it.

If I can't, then t's forced, no matter how you want to twist it.

There is no force. Abiding by norms in any community is not force. Especially ones where participation is voluntary. You can of course submit links to CNN all you want as no one is forcing you not to, but if you want to share content then archive it.

"WTF I need to protect CNN's online ad revenue stream now! I love the mainstream media now!!!"

It isn't though. For one if you really cared you could still visit the website. Secondly the mods asked for the community's opinion on it first and most people came out in favour of it.

most people came out in favour of it.

So? That still isn't how a boycott works.

Also, since when did t_d invaders give a shit about a popular vote?

go fuck yourself

Rules 4,10.

boohooo, ban me, who cares

No problem.

So? That still isn't how a boycott works.

Yes it is. If you don't like the boycott, you have the choice to unsubscribe from this sub. Nobody will even know you've gone.

But but muh opinion!

t_d invaders

don't be so moronic, people from here are t_d subscribers as well as other subreddits.

there was crossposting during the election, to be expected due to the nature of the HRC farce.

most people came out in favour of it.

I am on this sub A LOT and the entire thing was decided in less than 12 hours IIRC so please don't gaslight us on how many supported it.

Be honest, do you actually know what gaslighting is?

Do you know how to carry on an adult conversation? Downvoting someone you are responding to is childish.

And yes I do. Pretending that the vast majority of the sub supported the boycott isn't factual so your attempts to created that narrative that it had mass support could be considered gaslighting. Using more descriptive words to describe this behavior would put me in violations of this subs rules so I can not do that at this time.

Do you know how to carry on an adult conversation? Downvoting someone you are responding to is childish.

He says, downvoting the person he is responding to.

And yes I do. Pretending that the vast majority of the sub supported the boycott isn't factual so your attempts to created that narrative that it had mass support could be considered gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a very specific form of disinformation where constant contradictions are used to make the target doubt their own sanity. Making a concl based on available evidence isn't that.

He says, downvoting the person he is responding to.

Nope. I actually upvote people who talk to me if they are below 1

That screenshot proves absolutely nothing

Like trying to get everyone to believe a decision made by the few was supported by the many despite the many not having a say in it at all.

No, because even if that was the case the end goal would simply be to push the decision through, not to make you think you are going insane, which is the goal of gaslighting.

That screenshot proves absolutely nothing

You have ran with evidence of far less substance in the very near past.

which is the goal of gas lighting

Words change and you know it so your use of the word the isn't applicable here and hasn't been for some time.

CNN content can be posted through archiving sites.

What about rich/javascript content that is not parsed or displayed by archivers? What if CNN bans the archivers from downloading content (as Vice did)? And what about "the list of excluded threaten to doxx" sites that is likely to grow?

why is it likely to grow?

this is an unsubstantiated opinion of yours - nothing more.

I second this, where was the thread? I am undecided on the whole thing, but I never saw any discussion and I frequent this place.

Crickets from bddiddy.

So no thread just a sticky that could have been missed if you didnt click on the thread about something else.

I agree with you, as it in now an official conspiracy theory it should have its own thread 😜😎

Everyone should be responsible enough to install Ad-Blocker in their browser. It's free, open source, easy, and extremely effective. Authorize ads on a case-by-case basis only on domains you deem worthy. It will change your web experience for the best, and you'll be doing the right thing.

Also do not link to CNN directly in case it is not absolutely necessary, in case some fool doesn't have adblocker.

The problem I see with this boycott/ban of CNN (apart from the fact it is a collective measure which negates the individuals' own responsability) is that it entails a list that is likely to grow in the future. It is a dangerous precedent.

Curious about this statement...

it is a collective measure which negates the individuals' own responsibility)

Are we differentiating here, between someone who followed the story, understood the motive and joined the boycott vs. just seeing "Hrng, CNN baad" and boycotting?

I meant you don't need for a ban to be hard-coded for you to be able to individually avoid linking/clicking on CNN domains.

So the ban is meant for people who 1) don't agree with it 2) are too stupid/lazy to use despite the numerous and regular posts here explaining why it is always preferable not to link directly to the MSM.

It de-responsibilizes people also. Like laws that force you to wear a helmet on a motorbike, or a seat-belt in the car; rules protecting people from theirnown idiocy.

Also I dislike this collective emotion/outrage about something we don't know is real, and if it is, which pales in comparison with the war crimes CNN is an accomplice of. It seems trivial and ephemerous, even manufactured.

Helmet and seatbelt laws are not to protect from idiocy, just easy way to collect more $$$ from people.

Also to train you into submission; much like mandatory TSA "screenings".

Bu bu but your shoe might be a bomb!!!/s Line up sheep.

That's dumb. Everyone knows shoes hide the phones that trigger the bomb. Get Smart taught us that :p

You mean via fines? Or via selling seatbelts and helmets?

I respectfully disagree with either.

When I get in a car, I tend to put on a seatbelt in order to improve my chances of surviving, not to avoid a fine. Are you saying that the stats on accident injuries that I've read are untrue / part of this conspiracy?

In reality most people wear helmets and seatbelts to protect themselves. That's not saying police don't get extra revenue from it. However most times my towns police stop you for a seatbelt, they just make you put it on and send you on your way. they don't want to waste their time just as much as you don't want to waste yours.

I agree, I wear a helmet to protect myself. I also want to reduce the chance someone may have to live with killing me if I were to be hit in an accident. Where I live helmets are not required, but I don't leave home without it.

Tou read into my post too much. I too use my seatbelt and helmet to improve my chances, but that should be my choice and not some local govt money making scheme.

They like to say it's because they care about your safety but it's all bs they don't give two shits about you, but they will gladly suck you dry with bs fines.

Red light cameras and dui checkpoints are two more of my favorites. "We are doing this for your safety citizen." Yeah sure whatever.

You are a fucking two-brain-celled Neanderthal-equivalent idiot.

Please tell me you are not a USAer so I can sleep easier about people like you having a vote.

I see sime people are easily triggered around here lol. Do you work for the local money collectors?

Okay, I thought originally you were saying that individuals' actions (not going to CNN w/o adblocking, not linking directly) were devoid of "individual responsibility".

But you were referring specifically to the subreddit rule/ban.

Carry on.

The "war crimes"? You're an idiot.

So CNN is not accomplice to war crimes, in your estimation?

Let's hear your superior, surely "non idiotic" judgement.

You obviously don't know what war crimes means. Look it up, then you supply the burden of proof, because I'm not the idiot here.

I'm not the idiot

Well at least you have a sense of humor :)

"..dissimulating authentic information which would have aided in their prosecution, and by purposely lying about the war criminals' intentions, objectives and modus operandi." You mean by reporting news. How does reporting news negate "their" ability to be prosecuted? (Considering you haven't even said who the supposed war criminal is, if you're gonna make a case, may want to start there). Not even going to touch the lying part until you put some actual facts out there.. you definitely sound like you belong in r/conspiracy though :D

The war criminals are obviously the ones who engage in unprovoked foreign wars of aggression wihtout a UN mandate. I thought that part was self-explanatory and didn't need reminding, but I don't mind going over the basics with you.

You're the one building the case, or total lack of one.. considering you still haven't named anyone or given anything that supports your idea.

Well I didn't sign up to be responsible for your whole political education.

If you aren't aware that the US regime is the successor to the 19th-century British maritime empire, if you haven't noticed illegal wars of aggression being started and prosecuted, whether overtly or through proxies, under false pretenses against Afghanistan, Irak (twice), Lybia, Syria, Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan (drone war), Somalia, and others... you have been paying too much attention to the Kardashians.

Also, if you keep regurgitating the preposterous state-peddled conspiracy theory about bearded acrobatic pilots who pulverize 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum airplanes (not without remembering to throw their passports out of the cockpit window)... well in that case you should probably start with the very beggining and go back to elementary school (where I suppose you should have learned about the fundamental laws of nature).

I would happily recommend a book but I'm afraid there'd be no picture for you to color ;)

What ya got buddy?

Aawww looks like u/KnowledgeBroker (what a pretentious handle) got sick of playing with someone who actually has a narrative grounded in reality.

No surprises there...

"Narrative grounded in reality" 😂😂😂

No, he's still named no names, but he's finally said enough to prove he's one of those deep conspiracy nuts, which means anything I reply with will be wasted time.

On top of that, he got away from the original point, of why reporters should be charged with war crimes.

Really, read what he's saying.. lots of words, but none that have anything to do with what was originally asked.

Removed. Rule 4.

Even with adblocker, CNN still gets traffic stats/info which is useful to them. They use it to gauge reactions to certain topics.

Give them nothing.

I really doubt it. We have seen some spectacular jackassery from news outlets in the past, yet only CNN was stupid enough to get banned. You have to really screw up.

the list would only grow if other "news" organizations continue in the lying footsteps of CNN and then threaten to dox someone who posts a silly video.

This hasn't happened before... the insane threats to a private individual or the "ban" you speak of.

It's not even a ban for fuck sake.

I don't see a slippery slope here at all. It's a reaction to steps taken by the MSM. They can't keep getting away with it.

The problem I see with this boycott/ban of CNN (apart from the fact it is a collective measure which negates the individuals' own responsibility) is that it entails a list that is likely to grow in the future. It sets a dangerous precedent.

"Muh slippery slope."

I have heard this same post worded almost exactly the same posted in different threads on this subreddit, all with different user names. Weird!

The subreddit can do what it wants. No information is being censored. If you want CNN to get ad clicks so badly, feel free to go to their website and click on as many clickbait fake news headlines as you want to.

Absolutely nothing is stopping you.

And there is no censorship here. CNN has not been "banned." You can still post CNN links, just archive them first. If you don't want to follow the rules or don't agree with them, make your opinion known and stop posting on this subreddit.

Why wouldn't this get its own thread for discussion? This "discussion" had a huge selection bias because people who don't see this as a conspiracy (because it's not) wouldn't bother to go into that thread.

I think you answered your own question; yes, the question to ban is not a conspiracy theory, so it should not get its own thread. The question was pinned to what caused the question.

People who did not click on that thread would have NO WAY to know that the sub was considering censoring submissions.

I agree with you, as it in now an official conspiracy theory it should have its own thread 😜😎

Where is the post that this was discussed with the community before the mods made their decision?

Admittedly, I wasn't online yesterday so I might have missed it.

You didnt miss it. It started as a sticky in the main discussion thread on the CNN story. The mod that put the sticky on that thread said he debating on doing this and thinking about asking the community. Next that happened was a Sticky on the front page saying they had banned CNN.

There wasn't a post, it was a comment. The mod pulled a fast one and claimed to be open about it.

Well said.

I think we should ban all direct links to MSM. They are anathema to what we are about here, and should generally only be needed as a reference. Archive links would be sufficient. We definitely don't need to give them revenue.

I really don't feel like defining who is MSM and who isn't will go very well.

All major television network domains. And it wouldn't go well, I just think it would be a good move on principle and am hard pressed to think it would be less popular than our current decision.

I could deal with all news being archive before posting, but I think thay muddies the waters around why we are boycotting CNN. It's not about their content, it's about the actions they took that are counter to the spirit of the sub.

I agree with you that it muddies the waters. I just hate MSM and think it is detrimental to society.

I feel you. I really do.

Does Free Speech TV fall under that category?

CNN published an ultimatum to what seemed like one person, but in reality was an ultimatum to everyone on the internet...

This is at the crux of the problem. CNN attempted to make itself the arbiter of what can and cannot be posted on the Internet, while its own content is often false and/or misleading. Such chutzpah.

It looks like a trial balloon that was expected to fail, but initiate the hypernormalization process. The next time, it will be a pedophile that they doxx, which will meet far less resistance. Then a white supremacist. Within two years, we will have daily Doxx the Nazi segments on CNN.

I expect hyernormalization is not in my dictionary, but I think it means when it's normal to be hyper vigilant and paranoid a bit around the edges, Yeah, after a few years of more doxxing, anyone awake. will be easy to spot: sunken eyes, jittery and always looking around, lack of aspects of personal hygiene. Pi**agate is a trap, so they can easily find malcontents like us.

Actually, I was referring to the trend where something considered bizarre or impossible quickly becomes the norm. For example, look at electronic surveillance ny the US government.

Person of Interest was a second-rate TV drama whose actual purpose was getting the US to welcome the surveillance state.

quickly becomes the norm.

And the iPhone, google, or android are perfect little devices that give them everything about us.

The dirty dozen. Also ban neonnettle, yournewswire, and other tabloids.

Not a ban. A boycott. We aren't censoring information around here.

Yes, my mistake.

This feels more like a ban on certain information.

This is the end of conspiracy. Red pilled? What a fucking joke. Lets ban what our president hates.

What information has been banned?

Not sure how. We're still able to post CNN content, just via an archive.

Someone posts directly, post gets removed, they don't go find the archive.

A certain view is then taken away. It is just an added layer of inconvenience that keeps a certain viewpoint off the board.

This guy gets it. Make it harder for people to see what isn't liked. This is an end around attempt at censorship.

While you are at it you should be also be banning breitbart and infowars who doxxed a reddit user who was supposedly trying to get help deleting hilary emails

Wasn't that part of a criminal investigation? Also wasn't that done by 4chan and published because of the public figure status of Hillary's IT guy?

I'm fairly sure that working for someone famuous doesn't make you any more or less of a public figure than being retweeted by the president.

It does when you've been subpoenaed by the government to testify about something.

All the best posts seem to be in the 10 to 30 points area.
I see mainstream surface politics crowding up pages of Top, before finding normal conspiracy conversation, about 4 pages in.
My favorite topic, that used to be well discussed here, is auto downvoted out of sight, no matter who posts about them.
I'm avoiding the bots by not mentioning them. They're in my submissions.

That gets talked about all the time around here though. Everything is downvoted haha.

If they are using meepsters tools then they are blacklisting domains and you just aren't allowed to know about it.

If they are using meepsters toolscomma then they

what seemed like one person but

what seemed like one personcomma but

The disallowed police abuse videos

TheY disallowed police abuse videos

actual admins of Reddit we're rubbing elbows

actual admins of Reddit were rubbing elbows

I love your stuff. Great post, and well said.

Already getting downvoted to hell

I have to say, I really appreciate the honesty in this.

/Conspiracy addressed the community before we made any decision about CNN, and we publish our mod logs for all to see. So while you folks are coming over here to criticize us because you don't like how we manage our community, perhaps you should look at your own favorite community first

Um you guys didnt address the community. It was a sticky on top of the CNN thread where they the mod was thinking about it. Then the sticky saying it was banned. There was NO discussion of this at all.

that was my feeling too but I'm not sure if I missed the discussion. but I found it ridiculous when some mod said it was a unanimous desicion, which in itself has to be wrong. I also think flytape should think about stepping down as a mod of this sub.

Agreed. On a side note, the Earth was a flat inside job that made Hillary fake the moon landing so the alien pedophile ring would be hidden from CNN

so far, this is the least useful thing posted and thats even after me posting about pussies, dicks and assholes.

Removed. Rule 5. First Warning.

I've been on r/conspiracy for years. The backlash isn't just from outsiders it's from people in this community as well. This sub MUST reverse this decision if it wants to remain credible, unbiased, and without censorship.

The backlash is from "people".

That's funny.

Yeah this sends a clear message about the way this subreddit leans, this will cause those that lean left to leave and those that lean right to pump the sub with more garbage. Look at the front page right now for evidence. Arguably the best thing about this sub was the different points of view, this will fuck that up.

u/flytape for president

Reddit is a giant pile of shit outside of this and a few other subs. Those mods can all suck a dick. Fuck those cunts.

This is a great post Fly and I appreciate the information provided.

However, reddit sucks corporate cock. This sub will eventually bend the knee or just get banned.

The world is going to shit guys. We are on a shit train headed straight to shitsville and our illustrious engineer is full of shit himself and so are all of his shitty friends and helpers and they are driving us faster and faster down this shit track.

Honestly, I really hope it gets much worse because I see what technologies are being developed for both, public (open source) and private use (I consult a few of them and, ironically, one company is located in Russia and they pay me with bitcoin), that will make censorship obsolete. Right now it seems bad but it really isn't. Once it becomes literally intolerable, you can be sure as hell these technologies will roll out and take over. There are a few issues that must be ironed out across the board but the concept is there and it's damn good. I'm currently negotiating with a few companies to let me create a decentralized intranet in their premises and educate on the type of content they must put out and how to structure it. As of right now they seem very open to the idea.

However, technology can only do you so much good and none of them can address the vital issue - social aspect. New generations have been indoctrinated into compliance and you can trust me on one thing - echo chambers will only get worse because they will become even more niche.

Western ideology is dying and people don't even know it. We are forced to concentrate on petty issues that don't stand near the systemic problems. Open up a 20+ year plan of your country and compare it to what you read in the news. 2 and 2 don't add up. We don't know how to think anymore because everything that doesn't support the popular narrative is a conspiracy. Our language is being fucked with. Literally the single most important tool that makes all other tools useless is becoming endangered. People are getting worse at long term thinking. If I recall all studies I've consumed, the average is 4 days. 4 fucking days!!! But it makes sense because it's not good to have a nation of people who can say "Stop! How does this help our long term plan?" It's better to have a nation of useful idiots that will seek confirmation from their authority. Sadly, parents and teachers are one of the main causes of this.

There is a sad story for my last point. I met a few friends from high school and they had their kids with them. They were at the ripe age of 4-6. The age of questioning. Once they started asking questions, they were given incorrect determinate answers. I couldn't stand it anymore and sat down with the kid who seemed to be having a spaz attack because the answer didn't suit him and he was told to shut up. I asked him, "Tell me what do you think is the correct answer." He went on to explaining his reasoning with the limited amount of vocabulary he had and he did a good job. Meanwhile the parent made a remark "What does he know? He's just a child." Apparently the child had a fucking theory that was quite good. The irony was that he saw the news and asked why did people go and protest. Sure, he struggled and it took him probably 15 minutes to say 4 coherent sentences but that's because he wasn't trained to do so. I ended up having a conversation with the child for an hour because his parents seemed preoccupied talking about petty bullshit. Oh, the irony. Right now I try to meet with the parent and the child each month or so not because I like the parent but because the child asked me to. It's been a year now and the kid seems to be coming up with a philosophy that's similar to stoicism. He just doesn't know it yet and I won't put any words in his mouth. He will be brilliant when he grows up.

A few things you can do?

1) Stop consuming news of any kind. They don't matter. News will come to you if you are where you need to be. If news are relevant only for a day or two or maybe a week, those aren't news. Yet we are told from the college years that we must be informed. Why? To hold a meaningless conversation about how you feel about the news that you don't know anything about. Yes, I reddit and sometimes open up a news article and make a comment but those are rare occasions when I feel bored. Most of the news I get from conversations with people I know to be intelligent. It was a shock to them when I asked them "Tell me in a few sentences what was reported last month across the board." "But don't you want to know the details?" "No, because it doesn't affect the big picture." Now we've taken all industries, divided them up among ourselves, and now we conduct meetings every month about it. It's damn effective and my mind has never been clearer after distancing myself from the everyday news.

2) Read relevant books on the topic of your interest. Yes, it significantly limits your ability to be informed about other topics but again, why do you care? You shouldn't. You have no practical application to the consumed information whatsoever so why do you even bother?

3) Talk to people you know you're going to disagree with initially. If you've determined both of you can hold a conversation for longer than 30 minutes, go ahead and pick apart each other. Learn about logical fallacies and abstain from using them. We all do it at some point in time because we all are flawed, but that doesn't mean you can't minimize the usage.

4) Stop following the herd and I'm looking at you college students. Do not get an MBA, for example, right after graduating. Get a fucking job, work for a few years and then see if you really need an MBA. Right now it's the other way around and it's especially prevalent in parts of Europe with the highest youth unemployment. Ironically, your chances of getting a job are much better without an MBA because once you have that degree you will be severely limited physically and psychologically when looking for a job.

3) Talk to people you know you're going to disagree with initially. [...]


this is - imho - the best advice there is out there. This will help you to grow a bigger picture, help your debate-skills (not in the sense "ha, i win dis debate!" but more "we actually both gained something out of this, because we could reflect on each others logical mistakes") and much more. Be tolerant and patient. Don't just "u suck" and move away, if you disagree. If you heavily disagree with a claim, ask for the reasoning behind the claim. (shills won't provide reasoning, they will jump to another topic. look up the gentleman's guide to forum spy's)

Don't just "u suck" and move away, if you disagree.

This doesn't apply while playing Rocket League.

Thanks for this. A lot of the folks in this sub need to read this post, then read it again.

You're welcome.

This is one of the best (serious) reddit comments that I have seen so far.

People simply do not think, and are trained from a young age not to. It sickens me to see parents have that attitude with their own kids (and with themselves, honestly). Kids should be treated like the future adults they are, and encouraged to go with their natural inclination to question everything and think things through.

Thank you.

It saddens me as well but we can't do much about it at scale. Yes, I talk to the kid each month for a few hours and we both have a blast. He learns new, complicated words with the correct meaning he came up with and I learned a few new ways to describe actions and processes. The parent recently divorced and is beginning to slip into a depression and his family has a history of alcoholism. I try to help him get his shit together but I don't feel it's working. If it comes to it, I will adopt the kid right away. Anyway, even if I talk to the kid for a few hours, he spends the rest of his time with his dad who isn't a role model.

Feel free to disagree with me, in my opinion the only thing you actually can do is find a group of like-minded people, bond with them, have as many children as it's possible, create a sense of belonging, and for the love of God don't let outsiders in unless it's planned. Adopting kids is a tricky thing because genetics play a big role in child development and you might end up with unexpected results unless you spend a lot of time with the child before adopting. Yes, it's possible your own child would become a monster when he grows up but at least you get to control more aspects of his life. The only way to beat the elite is by becoming the elite. I see no other way.

good stuff!

Very well said. Would your consulted ideas be blockchain-based and focused on intellectual property rights and origins? PM me if you don't mind...I have a feeling I can learn a lot from you.

Nicely done ✅

Not allowing someone to do something =/= censorship. CNN have one of the largest platforms to say whatever (often politicized) things they want. The reality is CNN actively censor anyone that falls outside of their beliefs or agendas, whereas this subreddit simply is trying to stop their ability to do so by not supporting them.

It's pretty simple.

What is funny is that CNN broke reddit rules, so reddit themselves should be blocking links to CNN.

This was my original point that led to our banning their literal presence here. I want an apology from CNN, and a promise that they will never print or act in a harmful way again, just like they demand of manufactured Hans.

cnn didnt violate the rules on reddit tho, reddits rules only apply on reddit.

They threatened to doxx a reddit user account unless he changed his expression of ideas. Test the theory. Pick a reddit account and publicly threaten to identify him and see how quickly your ip is banned.

no one would be paying attention enough to me to ban me i dont think lol, but fair point.

They would if you used twitter to threaten a doxx and were reported to the admins. Your IP would be banned sitewide.

yeah... imo this shows double-standard.

you are doxxing? well, that is against our rules, but let us first check, if we like you or not, to determine if we take action...

It isn't doxxing, if they reveal the identity of the person who created a meme. It is called crediting..

I think accrediting would be publishing the name the maker signed to his work - in this case, his Reddit username.

They threatened to doxx a reddit user account unless he changed his expression of ideas.

No they didn't, he agreed to do so in the first place and CNN said if he backs out of the agreement, they would reveal his identity. This isn't a 'threat', this is holding somebody accountable for an agreement they entered into.

How about banning Breitbart and Fox News since they identified the Reddit user who asked for help deleting Hillary Clinton's emails?

there are some sites and subs that actually only allow archived links to news organizations.

i prefer archived links in every case anyway. preserves the actual content the poster wants to show - no news-sided in-between editing or deletion possible

I also think it's a great idea, but looks really sketchy when it's only applied to CNN and after Trump starts a feud with CNN

Hear hear!

fox doxxed the woman who accused trump of sexual assualt published her name, phone number and home address. where are the restrictions for fox? fox has doxxed countless people. whats hilarious are all the morons who think their broken logic actually works on people who can think critically.

This assumes reddit is not completely a Corporate mouthpiece posing as a fair and balanced user driven aggregator.

The admins were probably in on it given their track record

I don't usually post here but the CNN thing has had me super pissed.

To get to you comment didn't Reddit ban links to Gawker back in the day when they doxxed the guy that ran Jailbait?

Wouldn't this be somewhat similar?

Which reddit rule?

You might as well have just linked me to

Flytape you beautiful being!

Truer words have never been spoken.

Thanks for bringing our attention the likes of 'Layer 7 Solutions.'

is the source of these layer 7 bots publicly available? or are the leaks of the source?

would want to look into the actual stuff...

What's fascinating is 2 of their 8 person team at Layer 7 are self identified paid shills. As if that is a badge of honor. Scroll to the bottom of the site to see for yourself.

I don't participate in many subreddits in the way I do here, and I appreciate how open r/conspiracy is in all ways. Users are free to post about a wide range of topics, and others are free to contribute (positively or negatively) as they wish. The rules are cut and dry and there isn't much room to interpret them differently than how they're written.

wah fucking wah fucking wah fucking wah "look what we do for you idiot shitheels" jargon fucking jargon fucking jargon....fuck offffffff. do the single brave thing: remove this sub from your cia jacked parent fucking website you lame pathetic teenage nerd wannabes

disgusting sniveling scumbags


Only real comment.

It's time for college. You have potential.

u/Flytape I know we don't always agree, but hear fucking hear for this post. Give em hell.

I don't expect anyone to agree with me! Thanks for being civil about disagreement.

I love how they come in calling us conservative right wingers when this sub has a wide spectrum of users with different politics and many more who don't subscribe to any

These mods are nothing but trouble makers... I like it😈

I'm only here because of that list of worst sub reddits that Reddit had posted.

Please link.

Look how the admins won't let the_donald link to /politics but they let dozens of drama subs and "I hate this sub" subs constantly troll subreddits that aren't as precious to them as their dear /politics.

^ why is this relevant to r/conspiracy? Oh thats right all you asshats from T_D decided to commandeer as many small fringe subs as possible, ruining all of the communities you tried to astroturf, and now you have the gall to bitch about reddit not tolerating your pro-trump propaganda.

Let this sub go back to criticizing government, and im sure r/all will go nack to not giving a shit about r/conspiracy

Firstly, I existed before the_donald and I hated the MSM before the_donald existed. This is not a subreddit subservient to the_donald.

Secondly, everyone can plainly see that the government is basically in revolt against POTUS Trump, the intelligence agencies, the Republican party, the Democratic party, the deep state, the media etc etc. So pretending like Trump represents the entire government and everything wrong about it is naive or disingenuous.

It's not hard to imagine why many people in this sub (regulars) would have some hope about Trump considering that we have been critical of all these groups who are trying to undo Trump. All this existed before the_donald, so again we aren't a subreddit subservient to the_donald.

There is an obvious paradox here when supporting the government could mean you Support all these agencies who are rebelling against Trump or that supporting the government could mean you Support the current executive branch.

Denying that this paradox exist is fallacious. You must speak in more clear terms than "government bad". That being said, there is no rule against supporting the government here, in fact I think we all want a government. We just want a government with much less corruption! Preferably no corruption at all!

The majority of reddit users are suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. That's why this sub gets brigaded so much. Post anything about President Trump and here come the trolls. Even if you are talking about an organization as awful as CNN they will still defend it because President Trump doesn't like them. They are leftists and leftists put party above all.

How mentally ill do you have to be to actually defend CNN at this point?

Do you believe that Trump is above reproach?

I believe CNN is very fake news, propped up by the deep state to spread the deep state's propaganda and both the deep state and CNN are an enemy of the people of America.

But you're okay with how Trump is running his office? How he has pushed to give tax cuts to the ultra rich, has place incompetents and the ultra rich in his administration, has time after time bent over backwards for Putin, who by the way has been doing deep state shit a long time, and who has pushed a white nationalist agenda since day one? Are you cool with that?

Everything you said is a lie except the white nationalist part. I absolutely love the way President Trump is running the nation and I'm happy we're focusing on white nationalism. Europe abandoned white nationalism and now has multiple muslim attacks daily. Did you hear President Trump's Warsaw speech? America is getting greater and greater every day and it's all thanks to President Trump.

Fuck. You have thoroughly deluded yourself.

You just spouted talking points from CNN. You even brought up Russia, that conspiracy theory has been debunked dozens of times. And you think I'm the deluded one :) This is why you people always lose.

This will be the last time I respond to you since you won't believe anything I say and you'll respond in the cowardly way of downvoting my comment. Good luck with your insanity.

You're a CNN drone, why would I believe anything you have to say?

You are happy that white nationalism..... I am not sure why we would be happy with the return of the KKK.

Rather the KKK than muslim invaders.

He said he was going to cut taxes this isn't a surprise. We don't all that money anyway we just need to stop fucking going to war but congress won't let that happen. Income tax doesn't effect the rich almost at all anyways capital gains does come on know your stuff.

He also said he would do it for everyone. So far its just been for him and the other rich of america.

You didn't answer the question

As a 'leftist', I think CNN is disgusting because it's corporate propaganda. As a 'leftist', I think the Democratic Party is a right-wing authoritarian shit show. As a 'leftist', I think Trump is the epitome of authoritarian capitalist insanity, wrapped in the American flag. Where do I fit into your categorization?

If you're not on the Trump train, you're CNN/DNC. They don't allow anything other than black and white thinking.

I've nver seen a site with more propaganda and outright (and obvious) manipulation. This is actually a good thing, because it's waking a lot of people up to the shenanigans on here...

Have you never been on breibart? Or actual fake news sites?

LMAO triggered over a yawn...

I will give it to you, Breitbart can have a huge slant as well...

Look at bipolarbear who took over the restorethe4th movement to make sure that it was ineffective.

Could you expand on this? Sounds interesting.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

This is the kind of redditor that the admins have hung out with in the default mod IRC chat. Impressive list of corruption.

Backlash? This sub isn't serious enough to get backlash.

Yeah keep dreaming.

ok, I will.

But seriously, you don't think a sub named "conspiracy" is actually on par with say serious factual information? Not that there aren't conspiracies, of course there are, every day, it's just that the whole "sheep/awake/woke/monsanto/thimersal/ depopulation stuff gets woven into it all and makes it cringe worthy quite often.

Especially the obvious gaffs where people choose youtube as their original source instead of scientific journals etc and also playing the distrust game is kind of lame.

Anyway, see you in the funny pages.

Which sub has that serious factual info? /r/politics, overrun with corporate shills?

Conspiracy isn't restricted to factual information. Speculation is part and parcel of any Conspiracy community and nobody should be shocked or outraged to find it here.

There are serious factual discussions that happen here everyday. People discus possibilities and alternate theories. Not everyone in here believes every conspiracy or even many. /r/conspiracy is about entertaining a possible theory and discussing it while not being required to 100% believe in that theory on blind faith. I don't know what you are going on about scientific journals. Which subs on all of reddit even posts those? However if you are wanting scientific journals there should be a huge study with extensive modeling of WTC7 collapse being released this August and I am sure it will be all over /r/conspiracy.

I just found this in /r/All

Is not the first post against this sub that hits r/all.

There is a lot of people mods and subs that hate this place. If you don't carw about it, why are you even here?

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I just wish the mods would let us call out the obvious shills, but some of the mods are shills themselves.

The problem with calling out "shills" is:

1) It's a cheap way to just shut down any debate. Someone disagrees with me SHILL, someone has an unpopular (or popular) opinion SHILL, someone is skeptical of your narrative SHILL, etc....the list goes on and on. Just engage (or don't) on the argument or disagreement. If you don't have the ability to point out obvious inconsistencies or made-up talking points, that's on you.

2) You don't know if they are a shill or if they just have strong beliefs in something you dislike or think is stupid

3) everyone can look at a users posting history, it's not secret stuff

tl;dr the merits of a discussion are better than just calling everyone who disagrees with you a SHILL

It's more efficient to point out 7 day old accounts with thousands of karma and sole agendas than to let them distract us all day.

Ignoring that is the most efficient thing to do.

Everyone can see what you see. You're not doing some public service by pointing it out. If you think they're a shill just ignore them and move on...literally nbd. Calling them out brings more attention to them and highlights their points more than just ignoring/downvoting

I disagree, because they work in numbers and upvote in numbers. Do you look at everyone's post history to see if someone has a week old solo objective account? Me neither, I don't have time for that. I appreciate it when someone points it out though.

I point out hypocrisy, sometimes in ways that are painful to the other person. I've been called a shill plenty of times for criticizing Lord Trump. Rule 10 is a good rule as it encourages debate of the issues.

This post should be stickied, or the explanation put here included in the stickied post (perhaps as a stickied comment).

/u/flytape Due to Rule 10, quoted below, we aren't able to discuss actions of /r/conspiracy mods without rising our posting abilities. We can't even say if posts on /r/conspiracy are removed for political reasons even if we have proof. And since one mods promises are not binding on the others you saying that posting them would not protect us from doing so.

Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.

You absolutely can, you just have to be reasonable about how you talk about it.

You can't discuss a mod in the context of "flytape is literally Hitler! Omg OMG the worst thing that ever happened to this sub!". But you're more than welcome to discuss it in the context of "why did flytape do this thing? I don't understand and I would like to discuss it"

There is a major difference.

You absolutely can, you just have to be reasonable about how you talk about it. You can't discuss a mod in the context of "flytape is literally Hitler! Omg OMG the worst thing that ever happened to this sub!". But you're more than welcome to discuss it in the context of "why did flytape do this thing? I don't understand and I would like to discuss it" There is a major difference.

That isn't what I was told when I posted a document showing that the tactics used against the CFC ban are the exact same tactics used when talking about global warming. It was removed and when I appealed the ban was upheld. The reason for the ban - too political.

The rules we have to follow are not fully documented, enforced in a totally opaque fashion, and are not fairly enforced.

Side note. I have received two private messages saying they are going to downvote your response to make it look like it was me. It isn't. This sub is getting worse every day and nothing is being done to stop it.

That isn't what I was told when I posted a document showing that the tactics used against the CFC ban are the exact same tactics used when talking about global warming. It was removed and when I appealed the ban was upheld. The reason for the ban - too political.

I've never seen a removal like this here, care to link me to it? I would be fascinated to see which mod did such a thing.

Just another reason every other sub is shit compared to this one. Fuck those brainwashing assholes at Reddit. Hope they get bone cancer and rot from within.

Easy that hate will rot you from within.

Look how the admins won't let the_donald link to /politics but they let dozens of drama subs and "I hate this sub" subs constantly troll subreddits that aren't as precious to them as their dear /politics.

Why not also call out TD for banning everyone who doesn't worship trump? Remember the TD ban wave when they banned people who supported trump but got upset when trump authorized military attacks despite promising not to?

Are you really complaining about a sub about sucking Trump banning people that don't do it?

Really? I mean, what do you think subreddits are for?

Are you really complaining about a sub about sucking Trump banning people that don't do it?

I can not explain myself in detail with out violating Rule 10 which is strictly enforced.

Are you only in this sub to be annoying?

I am amazed that those on a conspiracy sub who get upset about people who have a different opinion then they do.

I find it very strange.

Dude look at your comments haha

Please provide examples.

Dude look at your comments haha

It's weird how you're trying to censor someone on a conspiracy forum.

Because I have those powers

I spoke out against military action at the_donald and didn't get banned. Maybe because I'm a mod of a large sub and they didn't want the trouble or maybe people were doing more than just speaking out against military action. I can't know about everyone else and the experience they had. I do know that we ban people here for calling someone a shill and they immediately claim they were banned for their political opinions.

People aren't very honest sometimes and other times they are intentionally deceptive.

Absent your explicit authorization that my response will not cause me to be banned via rule 10 I am unable to reply at this time to this specific message.

As I explained to you here, you can easily question or criticize a mod without calling them names and they will probably be more than happy to talk to you about it.

Some people seem to think they only way to respond to something they don't like is to go full scorched Earth and call them every name in the book and basically start a witch hunt.

But let's play, you have my explicit permission to say what's on your mind, I ask that all other mods do not take any punitive action based on this user's next reply.

There ya go cowboy, you have one free comment to say whatever you want. Call me a Nazi or a Jew or whatever is on your mind. Don't waste this moment. Carpe Diem!

One of the primary ingredients to a deep state and unanimous control is self policing. Whether it's an individual not speaking out due to fear of social repercussions or, in this case, individuals protecting their world view at all costs. I will tell you, as an individual probably older than most on here, self policing is much less prevalent than it was 20 years ago. Keep up the good fight everyone!

here here. well fucking said.

Listen fuckface, you say "we" as if I support you. I don't. This forum is infiltrated with a tonne of nonsense and distraction from real, current news and coverups.

When the top 5 posts on any given day are about Hillary Clinton or Seth Rich, then I smell a fucking rat because those aren't the most pressing, serious coverups happening. They are distractions from the people who actually have power and what they're trying to do with it.

What would you say should be the top post instead? Keep in mind that this is a genuine question. Don't try to treat me as some enemy. I'd just like to sincerely know what you think is a more important topic going on right now that we should be discussing?

Please don't call people names here. It is a rule 10 violation, however I forgive you.

Fair enough. I apologize for calling you "fuckface." You're not a fuckface, whatever that is. But my original criticism still stands:

When there is an army of posters who are attempting to pull emotional strings about people who are of little or no consequence in the American or international power structure, one thing is clear: there's an agenda. Who sets this agenda? I couldn't say, but it's telling that members of the current WH are nowhere to be found in the r/conspiracy sub. This is especially alarming when we have continuing corroboration of extremely suspicious contacts.

Where is General Mike Flynn on the board? Nowhere in sight. It's not even in dispute that he had to retroactively register as an agent of a foreign country. Nor is it possible to deny Flynn was in fact in contact with Russian hackers through intermediaries. This stinks to high heaven as the biggest political scandal in US history, yet here it's brushed away as if it's unsubstantiated or inconsequential. There are serious amounts of money exchanging hands in efforts to undermine democracy in many Western nations by what appears to be a group of rich assholes. At the same time, cryptocurrencies are making waves in the banking world, massive pedophile rings are being uncovered in Europe, the biomarkers of fascism are everywhere in the political organism, and the sub here supposedly dedicated to uncovering nefarious/illegal power plays has nothing better to do than flood the board with irrelevant nonsense about Clinton. Give me fucking break.

I can't say what the top posts should be, but I can say what a concerted effort at distraction looks like. It's happening here. This strategy of distraction may work against some people, but it's clearly a strategy of coverup by red herring us to death.

Very well said. Its truly amazing how many come here to complain about "this sub lately". Its so fucking obvious it more then a few people and its a clear systematic effort of trying to destroy this sub because i guess the truth just hurts to much for these sad people.

Funny how you don't mention the ridiculous censorship at t_d and how you justify censorship here by comparing conspiracy to subs that most conspiracy users HATE.

I'm not a mod of the_donald, I can't realistically speak about what they do. But they don't have public mod logs so as I said... They are probably doing stuff you wouldn't approve of. That was an all inclusive statement.

Saw a guy saying the eye can only see 38 fps, that was the moment when i decided to make fun of this subreddit.

Saw a guy say something stupid, that was when I decided to make fun of all of reddit.

You should just go participate in a different subreddit that you like. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.

We have become a joke exactly because the mods let /r/the_dumbass come in and take over.

It is simple as that, half the fucking frontpage for us is bullshit Seth Rich and Pizzagate memes.

Until we take back our sub and kick out the undesirables, we're going to be even more of a laughing stock than usual.

I don't recognize you sir but thanks for the advice.

Absolutely hilarious coming from you...

You make no sense, at all.

In this post-truth world, who does?

/r/conspiracy becoming a drama center, yeah right that something the mods can't do anything about, sure.

we don't need accusations, we don't need instructions, just stop being such a drama karma bitching sub, thanks.


Its simple. Hillary supporters don't like us.


If-then clauses generally use a comma. A but clause that's dependent would typically not need one, but it can be helpful in breaking up larger sentences.

I think it comes down more to style at this point; either choice is fine and in general the post reads quite well.

no one would be paying attention enough to me to ban me i dont think lol, but fair point.

A hyperlink in itself doesn't really contain any information; it simply points to it. An archive link points to the exact same information,

What if is down? Then what?

Then use If both are down, we have a far more serious problem on our hands then banning CNN links, but if it makes you happy, I'll vote to unban it then.

Screen shots. Clip tray. Paint.

If I can't, then t's forced, no matter how you want to twist it.

There is no force. Abiding by norms in any community is not force. Especially ones where participation is voluntary. You can of course submit links to CNN all you want as no one is forcing you not to, but if you want to share content then archive it.

It isn't doxxing, if they reveal the identity of the person who created a meme. It is called crediting..

They threatened to doxx a reddit user account unless he changed his expression of ideas.

No they didn't, he agreed to do so in the first place and CNN said if he backs out of the agreement, they would reveal his identity. This isn't a 'threat', this is holding somebody accountable for an agreement they entered into.

You're a CNN drone, why would I believe anything you have to say?

Wasn't that part of a criminal investigation? Also wasn't that done by 4chan and published because of the public figure status of Hillary's IT guy?

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Saw a guy say something stupid, that was when I decided to make fun of all of reddit.

You should just go participate in a different subreddit that you like. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.