Why would the us do 9/11? I understand that it's a inside job, but I never saw why they would do it.

5  2017-07-07 by Pastoss

Is it war between the higher ups and one punished the other? Or so there is an excuse for war in Muslim countries?


To start a war.

War is good for business (military, then construction) and increase State's surveillance over the citizens.

Oh and for oil too?


Doesn't hurt while you're there already

-Larry Silverstein personally made billions of dollars.

-Afghanistan opium production has returned to pre-Taliban levels

-Vast mineral deposits in Afghanistan

-Oil pipelines proposed to run through Afghanistan

-Haliburton got the Iraq rebuilding contract

-DOD budget increased again.

-Neocons gained influence and power.

-To destroy documents.

-To kill certain people at the Pentagon.

  • To cover up $2.3 Trillion missing from the pentagon

Yes, and I heard that fake bonds were given to the Russians that were due on September 13, 2001. Or something like that...

I think it was all used on black projects and the SSP.


I am sure that some of it ended up in a Rothschild bank account...

Secret Space Program.

TR-3B's and who know what else.

Ok. Gotcha.

Project Hammer was the name

I will look!

You could list dozens of things in the Middle East we are doing that can all fall under just "Justifying Reentering the Region", including all the opium/oil, and even ancient sites.

Wouldn't it be easier to do something else besides knock down two buildings like that?

smells like a layered setup



Multiple reasons that are layered together to hide the true motives?

It all goes to the New World Order globalist agenda, in my opinion.

no 2 different agenda/actors. i still haven't gotten my head around it and making silly speculation on this subject without knowing what the deal is could damage a lot of people who don't deserve it.

I see. My understanding is that the New World Order globalists control all. It seems like only they could pull this off.

I know what certain transactions in the stock market were destroyed to protect the identities of people who made a killing off of shorting airline stocks. Only the top of the top could pull this off.


If you spend all your money on weapons, then no one can force you to buy food and shelter for the veterans and homeless people.

To destroy and control sacred treasures/artifacts/lands in the middle East. The oil, poppies, and money were just the cherries on top.

Also some satanic ritual stuff involved...

They do these things on specific numerological dates

I am now wondering if they want the US military to be Christianized so they can more easily sacrifice Christians by creating conflicts.

I assume people know who "they" is.

My opinion is: Satanism is just a tool to get people to do evil shit. Just like Christianity was used as a tool to go after 'witches', gays, pedos etc it might just happen again.

I think Christianity as a religion can be used as a tool.

If people actually read the bible for themselves though...

to seize power and demolish the contitution via patriot act.

steal gold in the basments earsed a bunch of CIA debts that were all tied up in business or departments with in the WTC

also there was a handfull of wistle blowers scheduled to testify that day at the WTC

when examining the the strange numbers and dates connected to 9/11 some say that it was some sort of massive ritual blood sacrafice.

Endless war. Man if you weren't very old pre-9/11 you have no idea the American people would have never stood for an invasion of so many other countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, .... look up the rest we have invaded since 9/11) without a major reason. 9/11 was that reason. Also, defense contractors make hella $$$$ since 9/11. Look at everything John McCain, for example, has done in his career and you will see he's just a weapons salesman. And on and on it's about $$$ for them and none for you and I and, even worse, death and destruction for civilians in the invaded countries.

Endless war. Endless profits. Endless suffering.

Who benefits the most from these things? That's who did 9/11.

See you soon in the FEMA camps. ;)

To pass the Patriot Act, enstate more beauracracy, let current beauracracies engaging in emergency powers, such as the SEC and Federal Reserve, allowing 240 billion dollars of bonds dating back to 1991 to be passed under the radar, the millions of dollars made on put options on the stocks of UA and AA...

Oh, also Zionism

For an excuse to declare blanket war on anyone threatening the petrodollar system we rely on...look up Wesley Clark, "7 countries in 5 years." What do Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran have in common? Oil. While you're at it, look up Operation Northwoods- a declassified plan to stage false flag attacks on US soil in order to justify an invasion of Cuba...the entire joint chiefs of staff signed off on it before JFK nixed it

Just some oversensationalized remodelling. NBD

Watch this and you will get it https://youtu.be/CdE1Cwnymzc

i believe a lot of gold was stolen from the WTC vaults.

also, larry silverstein and investors made billions form insurance.

"the us government" didn't do 9/11 -- people did 9/11

I heard there is a stargate in iraq.

But really, they're evil. Whatever runs the US hates Americans, no, humans. Perpetual war for profit, the Patriot Act, control... there are a lot of reasons they would kill us.

For the authoritarian powers that it subsequently granted to the office of the President, for public support of a war planned far in advance, and for the money to be gained by the major players involved.

Petro dollar