Someone archived user pages of r/conspiracy posters during December 2016 - specifically ones that talked about Pizzagate

95  2017-07-07 by [deleted]

Just by chance I discovered this. It seems like all of these users posted about pizzagate, fake-news, or similar stories. The time a lot of this archiving occurred was between the 9th and 12th.

For example here are some random archives I have found. My own:

u/CassiusMethyl999 :

u/zyklorpthehuman :

u/teamsotirous :

u/wolfmannic :

u/Gadfly_on_the_Wall :

u/islandofdelight :

u/SomehowIveBeenBanned :

u/mrgrippa :

u/Hazzman :

u/Ethyl_Mercaptan :

u/themeanbeaver :

u/clovize :

u/9000sins (was a mod) :

u/rabbits_dig_deep :

There are probably more. I am manually checking from archives of the front page:


The likely culprits for these are the JIDF/Eglin losers over in /r/TopMindsOfReddit, /r/isrconspiracyracist, and other harassment subs. They do this for both trolling and other nefarious reasons. Reddit Inc doesn't seem to give a fuck.

When I check users who don't discuss pizzagate, they are not archived. It is all rather creepy....

It's not just people who talk about pizzagate, it's controversial users here as well. Mainly the vocal regulars who they vehemently disagree with or are paid to harass.

There are so many archives I wonder if someone made a bot or was doing it manually

Done by bots and archiving software, I'd say. This is low level surveillance for a bigger monster.

They do this for both trolling and other nefarious reasons

As someone who both has archived users histories and reads r/TopMindsOfReddit, naw I just like to lol at you and if you delete your histories, I can't milk you lol cows for all you're worth

Must have a lot of time on your hands.

Not really. A script to archive a users history and dump it into a sqlite database takes all of a hour to write.

pretty creepy man

no idea

fuck those people

Yeah, they are the lowest of the low. Devout volunteers or paid, in my opinion.

Nah, I remember people encouraging others to archive sub posts for the record, at least I thought that was the case could be wrong on that

Heh, I notice on the most recent capture of my user page, I actually mention Eglin. So, yeah, those posters here claiming the "air force doesn't care about Reddit" are lying.

Why bother. Assume many groups of shills categorize those that discuss and their leanings. As this is not an organized hierarchy, to attack it, they would have to strategize a hit to many parties at once.

It is all part of the cost of doing business these days.

I don't understand. Does that mean they purposefully archived each post? Mine has several of my motorcycle posts in it. But here is a PG post.

I think there must have been a bot active archiving user who posted in this sub.

Honestly, I don't know who did this or why. We can only speculate.

not just PG, my anti-flat earth comment got archived too.

I checked and I am archived, is there any way to remove that archive?

I don't think so

December 10th, wtf

They have me there. I was archived the 11th.

I was archived on the 11th as well


Looks like you've made a list.

Let us know if any weird shit starts to happen.

You might find my stalking story interesting.

Link to comment

Stay strong, man. You are on the right side of history.

Ehh, we moved to a tight-knit gun-toting community and beefed up our private security.

Private mailing, private trash collection, vpn, security at the gate.

someone archived my anti-flat earth comment. hmmmm

I'm archived with an israel criticism, there are a whole bunch of us archived for that too. I'm probably archived in this as well. Oh well.

How did you discover this by accident? Is there any evidence as to who did this?

Some one made a post about a suspended user, putin_loves_cats. And they had an archive of his user page. So I checked to see if mine was archived. And it was, when I was posting about PizzaGate. So I checked other users who were posting at that time. And they were archived too! I though I should share this info because people would probably want to know if they are being archived.

I have no clue who did this, it seems like a non-random event during December 2016, between the 9th and 12th. This was shortly after Comet Ping Pong had the issue with the gunman, but the dates don't match up that well. I honestly don't know what triggered the archiving or who did it.

I wasn't aware you could check to see if you're archived though, which is where my confusion set in. I doubt I'm archived, but now I'm curious.

It's easy. You just put the URL of your profile into

Good to know, thanks. I'll check later when I'm out of work.

LOL Dammit! I just went to see if my page was archived and accidentally archived it myself. :p

At least you weren't archived for a reason...

I had an ADHD moment.

As for the others being archived, I'm wondering if it was the same group who campaigned to get the whole Pizzagate sub reddit banned. Or is it exclusive to r/conspiracy users?


It was right around when the Norwegian pedoring was in the news, and then strangely scrubbed...

Ooh, I remember that!

Thanks for the heads up. It creeps me out, too, but I would rather know than not.

How do we check to see if ourselves have been archived.

What happened to Putin_loves_cats?

No clue. No clue who he was either.

How do you know he's suspended? I can access his account.

I'm archived for criticizing Judaism. I don't think /r/isconspiracy racist knows what racism is. I personally don't give a fuck, but this kind of thing is what causes people to self-censor.

Mine was archived in october.

My most recent comment there is

There's the same amount of Kiddie fiddlers, if not more, in the US Government. We need MANDATORY FMRI LIE DETECTOR TESTS for all Government employees. If you want world peace you first need to purge the pedophiles.

My guess? It's probably someone like u/aphexmandelbrot doing it for an article on "muh russian shills"

Oh hey, it's been a minute. How have you been?

Not up to much. Bought a ELF emitting device. Ya know, even though mind control is supposed to be impossible, they sell them now.

Seen any glitches bro?


As for gliches -- eh. I always see weirdness.

Such as?

If you keep seeing twins for example they're hacking your facial recognition "software" in your brain.

If you keep seeing people standing really still they're either paid actors or they're hacking their nervous system and producing a catatonic state, as outlined here:

Note the Simpsons meme in that article. If you read "pre-suasion" you'll realise its a persuasion tactic to get people to reject valid info.

attempting to influence them is kind of a dice roll in a lot of different ways.

According to who? Academics with CIA connections and low budgets?

Real CIA/MI5 scientists say they can turn people into assassins within 3 days. Here's a documentary on how they can interrogate people in a dream like state using the LIDA machine:

You really think it's a coincidence that "mentally ill" people claim they're victims of testing of technology which the academics reproduce decades later? How is it these "mentally ill" people are so good at predicting technological developments?

Gimmie a few to respond back. At a shitty dive with a shittier band playing. I remembered your username and you remembered mine, so I'll just assume I was a raging prick at some point.

But if I respond, I'd like it to use citations and me not be balls deep in my phone.


Oh btw do u know who is archiving their posts?

I guess now would be a really solid time to go dark since weird shit is starting to happen and a residence I lived in previously had a break-in with nothing stolen.

You know if they start leaving clues they have been in your apartment such as dismantling safes etc. let me know.

I'm still kind of processing and percolating that information. While it fits a pretty solid narrative of someone attempting to disrupt, the information also came from an ex's best friend that sort of loathes me and has a father with stocks in building materials. Since little else has happened that was weird since then save a number of individuals representing building PR attempting to add me on FB: I'm pretty OK shrugging that info off as probably bullshit. It may not be, but the source has a negative gain when it comes to providing a truthful narrative and knows I'm not about to ask my ex to verify.

Here's a useful link of Private detective firms gaslighting targets:

A lot of posts about the CIA.

Someone must have hacked my account...

My anti-flat earth comment was archived. uh-oh

Wow. Spooky. Some dude I didn't know at all started replying to old posts of mine, with death threats telling me he's going to find me and kill me... The two comments he replied to were part of the archive that was made in Feb of this year.

I never really post anything mean or demeaning, I generally don't try and start pointless fights online.

Should I be worried? Am I getting doxxed? Is this why my boss stopped talking to me? What the fuck is this, lol.

Was it a throwaway account? You should report it to the admins regardless.

I did. It was not a throwaway account. Was about a year old with maybe a hundred posts, even a few submissions.

Some people are deranged.

Making me paranoid, lol. Now one of my dogs are missing, a strange bunch of coincidences I guess. Maybe I should stop posting.

There needs to be a serious effort to take the real conspiracy members over to a new website which isn't funded by advertising and owned by a corporation

Mine's in there from the 15th (December 2016).

Are we sure it's p-gate and not Assange-related? Most of my comments were regarding the latter.

I want to be archived! I am a thought criminal too goddammit!!!

Don't understand what this means but I can confirm many posts and coments are on that archive page made by redoubtable1, none to do with pizza G. but plenty of anti cia, global warming hoax. What is it?

One of my archived comments was questioning the CIA's potential involvement in p-gate/human trafficking. I'm really curious as to what the exact trigger was for archival.

I was archived:, most likely because I discussed the Clinton's criminal involvement in a scheme that knowingly sold HIV infected blood (Factor 8) while in Arkansas, SRA, Pizzagate, Comet Ping Pong, DOJ pedo sympathizers, Podesta/McCann, and the obvious 2016 Dem election fraud.

Ya'll sense a theme?!?

I think there must have been a bot active archiving user who posted in this sub.

Honestly, I don't know who did this or why. We can only speculate.

not just PG, my anti-flat earth comment got archived too.

I'm still kind of processing and percolating that information. While it fits a pretty solid narrative of someone attempting to disrupt, the information also came from an ex's best friend that sort of loathes me and has a father with stocks in building materials. Since little else has happened that was weird since then save a number of individuals representing building PR attempting to add me on FB: I'm pretty OK shrugging that info off as probably bullshit. It may not be, but the source has a negative gain when it comes to providing a truthful narrative and knows I'm not about to ask my ex to verify.