The Kingdom of Hawai'i...

30  2017-07-09 by AnswerMeNow1

In the 1800s, the Hawai'ian (or, as they were sometimes known then, Sandwich) Islands were unified. Soon after, the United Kingdom invaded them- in that case, it was plain old colonialism. But US intervention stopped that? For the good of the Hawai'ian people? Fat chance. They began to trade increasingly with Hawai' stop the UK and Japan from doing so. When Hawai'i's king wanted the nation to be more independent? They threatened to kill him unless he limited his powers. In 1891, when the next queen tried the same, she was forcibly deposed and her nation annexed by the United States and her people enslaved. Such things like this in the modern age, for example, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait or Gaddafi's Libya's invasion of Chad, were met with international condemnation. Yet, despite protesting, Hawai'i's absorption into the US was quickly recognised. They proceeded to dilute the Hawai'ian population by shipping in thousands of Asians and Whites. The Hawai'ian example, is, sadly, one of many, where powerful nations can get away with anything, and weak nations must stick to their borders.


That's kind of like nature though? It sucks, but it's true. The gazelle feels the same way about the cheetah.

Good point.

There is a bright side though. The gazelle has something the cheetah does not and that is longevity and agility. The cheetah has speed and power, but as long as it doesn't strike within x amount of time, it's forced to retreat. Cheetah face death in order to take down their prey, they literally cook themselves chasing at the speed that they do. We can truly learn a lot from nature if you understand where I'm going with this.

I do, and it is said very poetically.

Something being natural doesn't make it okay or preferable though. You could use this survival fittest mentality (as many others have) to justify practically any atrocity.

Nature doesn't have the systematic destruction, rape and genocide of a people. The Cheetah and Antelope live in equilibrium with nature. It is colonialism that seeks to manipulate, extract and enslave people, nations, resources and the planet.

Needs more upvotes

You are right. And even though colonization was outlawed after WW2, international law doesn't seem to apply to "the axis of goodness" including a rogue statelet west of the Jordan river whose name I forget.