TV networks are purposely misspelling show names to avoid bad Nielsen ratings- PROVES they have no ethics, what other numbers/topics are fraudulent?!?

75  2017-07-09 by CivilianConsumer

"TV networks have figured out how to game the Nielsen ratings system. It’s as easy as playing dumb, literally. On days when programmers know their viewership will drop, like on holiday weekends or during sporting events, they “accidentally” misspell their show’s name on the nightly Nielsen lineup, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Over the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, for example, NBC aired NBC Nitely News instead of its usual NBC Nightly News so the holiday drop in viewership didn’t affect its ratings standing. Nielsen’s automated system counted that misspelled show as an entirely different program. By doing this, NBC managed to actually gain ratings against its main competitor: ABC World News Tonight.

NBC apparently misspelled its shows 14 times since the start of the 2016 to 2017 TV season, and it’s not the only network to pull this tactic. This season, ABC did so seven times with its Wrld New Tonite, while CBS replaced The CBS Evening News with CBS Evening Nws 12 times. Clearly, this method isn’t much of a secret, although The Wall Street Journal points out that advertisers are catching on and are fed up with paying more for potentially disingenuous viewership counts."



I'm afraid the networks are innocent on this one. This is the Mandaela Effect switching in and out of existence on certain dates when people are not paying attention.

Im from a tealine where the prussident of Russia, Macronsky, is desperately trying to fight cobalt warming but hes facing sancions from Fronce presidens Poutain over his allegiance to the Eskimo Union policies, which seem to only serve 1% polar bears families.

(I dont think this is needed anymore, but /s)

Uh, actually you need to work on your /s game because it wasn't clear to me.

Unfortunately the level of shilling lately makes it difficult to distinguish sarcasm from the mental gymnastics the shills perform to defend their employers

You need to work on your comprehension of sarcasm game. This /s bullshit wasn't needed 'till a year or 2 ago. Needs to fuck off

Wow, easy there cowboy. I could have just downvoted you, but replied instead. Lesson learned for me I guess.

You're dumb, that's a different person

Fuck you, shit stain

Damn girl u sassy

It's always needed.


Why do we need Nielsen anymore? Can't the cable companies just report on what everyone is watching? There's only 4 or 5 cable companies left. I'm sure they can tell what channels their customers are watching.

Because why would an advertiser trust them to give accurate numbers?

Why do they trust them now?

They don't, they trust Nielsen, an independent third party.

That has always been done on holidays all the way down to the local level.

Noticed this with one of the WWE Raw shows near a holiday. My dvr didn't record it due to the changed name. The following week, the show was spelled correctly.

NBC owns USA network which shows WWE programming.

What's nice is Nielsen can just create one update to autocorrect show titles or work around it. Sounds like a pretty simple thing to me! Though the relevance of Nielsen ratings is probably declining over the years as more people switch to internet as a primary source of consumption.