Money is the secret power of the Illuminati

38  2017-07-10 by LightBringerFlex

They control it, they produce it, they use it to hire desperate citizens for despicable jobs, they drain it from the community to ruin the quality of life for everyone, and they use it to justify terrible consumer products such as nicotine, chemotherapy (we have the cure for cancer), and addictive white sugar products.

Even if we were to make new laws to prevent corruption, they would just find new loopholes to abuse.

The only solution is Sacred Economics which is a model that has never been tried but it looks like it would lead to a seriously lavish lifestyle for us all.


With money everyone can be corrupted.

People can be corrupted by whatever is of value to them.

That's why we have to change things around using the Sacred Economics model.

In Sacred Economics:

  1. People can consume as they go so they aren't desperate.

  2. We all own everything and use the caretaker system to share. If you are using it, its yours. If you aren't using it, donate it. This way, everyone has potential access to everything.

  3. Trade it taken out of the picture since everything is essentially free. No more worship of funny green paper or pretty gold.

Our quality of life would be entirely in our own hands. We would move up and down together meaning we would all be focused on the same exact thing which is improving planetary wealth. (IE we might create robot workers to do the manual labor jobs). Right now, the Illuminati is using robot workers to save money even though they are often billionaires. We would all be on the same page more or less. It would be a cooperative economy.

So who enforces all of this?

We, the people, need to run our own government from now on. I already figured it all out. It's a long explanation but the idea is to merge people and government together so that we, as people, use humane systems to govern ourselves.

In a nutshell, it would be an open source government where we have nothing to hide and where anyone, at anytime, can inspect anything to make sure its all moving along legit.

People running their own government would take 1,000 years to accomplish. We haven't gotten rid of racism yet, in 1 country. How will we get rid of it worldwide?

You'd have to quell the human urge for the 'hunger for more'. That may be what has humans keeping other humans down.

Racism has been promoted by the Illuminati as a way to divide us. Its simply not natural but a learned process.

Keep in mind that if we all run our own government without money, we will all have the same quality of life (more or less). That means, we would all team up together to improve that quality of life which would unite us like nothing we have ever seen with the current system. It would break up the racism. There's a psychological experiment where a man created racism and then destroyed it all in the same experiment. I forgot the name but when we unite for a common goal, racism will quickly melt away.

The billion dollar question is, how do you convince the worldwide population to ignore TPTB?

By empowering the poeple. How do you empower the people?

First, understand, 2 types of power exist:

  1. Light power - The power to build

  2. Dark power - The power to enslave.

The 1 secret to light power is UNITY. Unity is the secret to empowering the people. This is why they put so much effort into dividing us between capatalist/communist/black/white/gay/straight/republican/democrat. The idea is to divide us up into independent groups so that we feel like our group is our family and all other groups are our competitors.

So... First thing first, we need to unify. How do we unify? We do it in our own minds. Each person is individually responsible for only 1 mind and that is their own. Its so easy but a lot of people always wait for others to act before they do and this is our downfall. Now is the best time to act. As more and more people do this, the more empowered we become.

Once we are unified, we can utilize ourselves like a giant centipede where we are all on the same page. Look how many good arms, legs, and brains we all have. If we put this to use together, we would be insanely powerful. Once we unify, the next step is cooperation. Cooperation is bigger and more noble than pure competition although we can still compete while cooperating.

The formula for cooperation is N(squared). If 3 people are cooperating, they have a power of 9. If 10 people are cooperating, they have a power of 100. The more people we get to cooperate, the more power we have. Eventually, that power is put to use (IE a bunch of volunteers just posted up 70 million trees).

Unity + Cooperation = Success

Another, more advanced technique is to blindy forgive all people and love everyone equally. This alone solves many problems but one would have to try it to understand why its so valuable.

I like your optimism.

It's easy to be optimistic when everything is all figured out. The brainwork is done. We only need to apply it now. :)

Looks like a mix of communism and hippie stuff.

Have you seen the Venus Project? It seems to have very similar ideas to sacred economics.

The only secret is their identity. Money enslavement is not a secret

When the SHTF, people who have survived will "barter". The so-called Illuminati do not know how to barter. Their money is a trap for them.

The actually elites do not keep their wealth in currencies. Their wealth is diversified in physical assets such as gold, silver, natural resources, jewels, land, buildings, etc etc.

The sad reality, is that many of them don't physically own their gold/silver and many other commodities, other than on paper. So, in a SHTF situation, that warehouse holding gold for you doesn't help any more than that land or building half way across the country that you cannot securely defend.

I'd bet "old money" is better about such things, but "new money" is more likely to own a lot merely on paper.

Right, that's what I was saying with "actual elites". The elites among the so called elites.

Where I can agree with you that money is the power of those in control. I think the simple answer here is to disband the federal reserve. You'd be surprised at how fast all the worlds problems would disappear.

Side Note: good video, i agree peer to peer is going to be a change in the way payments are transacted. it's just not there yet

To me money is a path to power, but not power itself.

Real power is beyond money.

Real power is within the human being. We are the ones who move the world using free will. As of now, we are waiting for someone to give us green paper to make the world go round but we can easily make the world go round without green paper.

The only solution is Sacred Economics which is a model that has never been tried but it looks like it would lead to a seriously lavish lifestyle for us all.

Does your plan still rely on the use of punishments and force to get people to do the jobs no one wants to willingly do? If no then how do you suggest those jobs get done?

A lot of people ask this question and no force or punishment is used.

  1. We will encourage each other to follow our passions, change jobs occasionally to avoid boredom, and to occasional volunteer for honor jobs such as trash pickup man.

  2. We need to bust our the robots to do a lot of the manual labor jobs.

  3. We need to utilize our employee finding companies, craiglist, advertising etc.. to encourage each other to fill certain jobs in times of emergency. For example, Dallas needs 200 emergency trash pickup men. We can use all our resources to encourage others to join and the best thing about it is that anyone can use these resources since it's all free.

How can i help make this a reality? Ive been working hard to improve my body and mind and been religiously keeping up with KibBitzLaw and various conspiracy forums.

Im tired of reading about how bad my species is getting fucked. Something needs to be done

First thing first, we all need the right perspective and stance if we wish to succeed. To accomplish this, we need to forgive all people including the self and love all people equally including the self. This will instantly trigger opportunity to make cooperation work. Cooperation should be elevated to top priority because each of us act like ingredients and when ingredients are combined, flavor is made. Also, real building power comes from cooperation. The formula is N(squared) with N being the number of current cooperating participants.

Once the inside is fixed and a dedication to cooperate with all humans is set, the human centepede becomes more powerful.

Finally, each of us have friends and family we can redpill and encourage.

The beauty of it all is that all we have to do is a little bit of work because when each of us put a small bit of work into it, mountains are moved because there are so many of us. We are already doing this subconsciously with our families but it's time to expand into all of society and treat them like family too. The idea is that if everyone put some in a slight bit of work, the output will be so insane that nothing more is required. Basically, we either all put in a little work or we all individually put in a whole lot of work. This is why we can immediately lower work hours to 5 hours/5 days a week right off the bat since most Americans will work instead of just 65% as we have now.

Another way to think of it is by imagining robots. How would one arrange robots to be most efficient? They would set it up so each robot runs a job its body was designed for and with all the robots working, the strain of work is kept at a minimum. The only difference is that robots are soulless operated by humans and humans are driven by love. Love means wanting to do good things for other people. Love is the single most powerful quality of life raiser in existence.

Money is ok in theory lol, but not in practice.... You say we have the cure for cancer? What is it then?

The actually elites do not keep their wealth in currencies. Their wealth is diversified in physical assets such as gold, silver, natural resources, jewels, land, buildings, etc etc.