Illuminati's "Divide and Conquer" technique unraveled.

95  2017-07-11 by LightBringerFlex

The reason the governments want us divided in the first place is because we are insanely powerful when united. Many of us have no idea what this feels like but some older people might have a small understanding since we were more united 70 years ago than we are today. That was the time when people hitchhiked and were always perfectly safe.

I can't prove this, but I think the formula for cooperation is N(squared) meaning if 3 people are cooperating, they have a power of 9. If 100 people are cooperating, they have a power of 10,000. The breakdown of this is that each person is like an element on the elemental chart. When elements combine, they can make new elements. Another way to look at it is when ingredients combine, there's a new, improved flavor. Each person has their own gifts and own specialties. Combining these gifts increases the power of the cooperative group. Obviously, the best option here would be an entire planet full of cooperative people as that would lead us directly to a higher quality of life. People can see this "power to build" in well functioning families. Family members can come together and combine their own skills to help each other whenever needed. If the whole world was to cooperate, the power to build would equal 7billion(squared). If this world was to be "every man for himself", then the power level would be at 7 billion.

The Illuminati deals with dark power (the power to enslave). Because of this, they need slaves. They also want it all. They want the 1% to have everything while the 99% suffer. They know that they will never be able to make this happen in a united world and so they collaborated together to divide the world as much as possible to weaken the population. A weak population won't be able to fight back if the Illuminati were to take full advantage of the world and profit off everyone's misery. If they tried to do that with a united world, the world would laugh at them and have them replaced.

The first way they divide is by divided the world. As of now, they have pitted Arabs against the West. Many people are afraid and hate the Arabs because they think the Arabs did 9-11 because they were "jealous of us." They frame the Arabs in every bad light imaginable and they also frame the Americans in every bad light over in the Middle East. They idea is to pit 2 giant groups against each other when there's no real beef to begin with. The West end up hating the Arabs because they are brainwashed that Arabs are violent terrorists (in reality, ISIS is a bunch of mercenaries paid for by Israel and the US), and the Arabs hate the West because they are brainwashed that the West is destroying the entire planet for profit (In reality, its just a few bad apples that hijacked the government of the West doing all this).

Before they divided us between West/Arabs, they had divided us between Capitalists and Communists. They made Communism look good on paper but when they applied it, they changed a whole bunch of the rules to ensure the USSR would eventually be bankrupted. Capitalism was designed to eventually bankrupt the West as well. They used the flaws between these 2 models to divide the world and start the Cold War which was only designed to increase military spending thereby making the 1% big profits.

The big picture is currently West VS Arabs. (In reality it should be the World VS The Illuminati). A lot of people are brainwashed but they take this many levels deeper to fully divide us.

Every country is different so I will speak on America. The first thing they did was to divide men and women using all kinds of tricks. Media is the #1 brainwashing tool and that in itself has an endless amount of manipulations designed to separate men from women.

The next big separation trick was between the races. At first, they fully focused on pitting Whites vs Blacks. They really wanted a civil war between Whites/Blacks but it never happened. They wanted to brainwash blacks that the Whites not only fucked them over royally, but that they still fuck them over with racism, ect.. In reality, the people of the Illuminati are responsible for enslavement but they will make it seem like all Whites are responsible. They also focused on brainwashing the Whites that blacks were natural born criminals which is just more hocus pocus brainwashing to create fear among the Whites.

The Blacks and Whites were pitted against each other since day one but they also pitted the Chinese, the Irish, the Mexicans and many other against each other as well. It's easy for them to divide humanity in ethnic groups because of the fact that each ethnic group has a certain appearance.

They go further to divide people through political groups, sexual preferences, religions, lower/middle/upper classes, ect... The idea is to chop up humanity in as many small groups as possible and then pit these groups against each other so that they are constantly fighting and bickering among themselves. This would give the Illuminati a perfect opportunity to jump in secretly, loot the economy/destroy the world, and make it seem like its the fault of the 99%. They have Whites blaming Mexicans for stealing jobs when in reality, the government can easily create enough jobs if it really wanted to. They have women brainwashed that men are somehow inferior people. They have republicans bashing democrats as if they were an inferior people and vice versa. There are Arabs left in shambles who hate the West for all the misery they inflicted on them when in reality, it wasn't the West but rather the Illuminati who made this happen. There's even Jamaican/Haitian beefs all because of their separate backgrounds. The Illuminati basically divides and divides some more. Once all the divisions are made, they pit groups against each other and use all kinds of techniques to do this such as media brainwashing, framing groups, physical separation of male/females, educational institutions, ect..

The Illuminati's 2 worst nightmares are exposure and a united people. Exposure makes them look like the "Big Bad Wolf" and nobody wants to be around a dangerous "Big Bad Wolf" so exposure weakens them pretty well. Unity weakens them too because they are 1% and we are 99% so we naturally have a lot more power than they do (power in numbers).

The only way the 99% can succeed is through unity and they know this very, very well. Unity can basically be dubbed as the key to ending Illuminati rule although many other things, such as exposure, are also very important. Once people realize this is going on, the magic trick falls apart. At this point, the Illuminati can't really use this age old trick and will have to figure something out to counter us and hope that it works.

Edit for examples:

  1. Movie advertisement in Detroit pits whites against blacks:

  1. Trump promises to build wall to "protect" us from Mexicans.

  2. Israel creates a mercenary army of Arabs who are poor and desperate using Syrian oil profits and then uses media to brainwash Americans that Arabs are violent animals. This increases fear which then increases hatred for the Arabs.

  3. Government agents on 4chan keep posting racist stuff to enrage people and encourage would be racists to do the same.