Just a reminder that the 'hacked election' is a bullshit CIA concocted story to distract us from the fact that Clinton stole the primary and was supposed to win the election against an obviously unqualified Trump.

425  2017-07-12 by sweetholymosiah

The DNC rigged the election for the chosen corporate Candidate Clinton. Leaks happened, the DNC was shown to be even more corrupt than people realized. Now we have Trump.
But now, instead of an inquiry into how the Democratic Party can rig a primary, we're encouraged to investigate Russian 'hacking', totally ignoring the facts on the ground regarding corruption at home. It's classic misdirection. By jumping on the Russia train, you're allowing the military industrial complex to take charge of our 'resistance', and ignoring the many valid reasons to unite against President Trump.


Still don't think the DNC rigged the primaries?

I told you three months ago, and it was common knowledge then because it was in the leaks. Now it's all coming out.