Do you support jail-for-profit?

15  2017-07-13 by PlayStationVRShill

One of the biggest concerns I've been fostering therough the last year is the insane amount of people, in both major sides, entertaining SICK fantasies of locking up those they disagree with. Lawyers are held in some high regard, as well as police forces. Too much cop/lawyer drama pushed by Hollywood, and you fucking assclowns who eat it up.

We can't fight against profit oriented justice system then throw political opponents in jail and fix anything that way. Sadly, we can't yet just exile them to the moon, and Australia is their own thing now. I understand the need for detterent, this topic is NOT about abolishing all jails, it's about the mentality of people DESERVE life in jail. Nearly no one deserves that. Stripped of assets, holdings, made to do shitty jobs, etc, ok. But we cannot break or fix the system when both side just want to arrest everyone in the other and keep the jail safe full and the populace screaming for retribution.