Ringing in Ears, Anyone Else?
17 2017-07-13 by jaydwalk
Just curious, from time to time I have a sharp ringing in my ear. You know the kind that theorists say might be intentional and targeted? My question is it just a biological thing that happens from time to time or does anyone else experience this as well, and what it might mean?
1 Greendaysplenty 2017-07-13
Cause from being a malnourished phsyically weak gamer
1 jaydwalk 2017-07-13
Not much gaming going on, on this side...
1 Greendaysplenty 2017-07-13
Hard to believe
1 jaydwalk 2017-07-13
u/greendaysplenty seems to have a problem with me and following me and commenting on my older posts. Seems to me he's just a loser troll that doesn't have kids, so no other dad should play any kids games with their kids. I don't play video games any longer, so hence no gaming going on other than with my kids...
1 Greendaysplenty 2017-07-13
Right 1 month post = months ago so basically you are saying your kid doesnt play video games but you do.
1 jaydwalk 2017-07-13
That makes no sense...
1 Greendaysplenty 2017-07-13
Yes clear memory lost but you want to blame your kids for it