How many of you guys think NASA is full of shit?

96  2017-07-15 by [deleted]



no i'm heavily interested in flat earth theories despite knowing they're completely stupid

buy a telescope lmao

true enough, If I discovered or stole anything like that id probably use it to try and become a 'god' and arm a faction of my choosing to take over the world....

But at this point... would it really be any worse?

idk, its not that the math isn't sound in explanation necessarily all the time. a lot of the controversy I've seen has to do with things that could easily be faked with modern technology.

a lot of the footage we have could easily be faked even on a desktop gaming PC or with old school movies even -- especially like industrial rendering PCs.

the fact that it would be so easy to provide explanations that perfectly fit in with current mathematical theory that is correct, and that it could so easily be faked should immediately call into question it's validity.

without scrutiny, how could you possibly prove everything related to this is true without a shadow of doubt cast on it? even if all the math was correct, even if almost all the evidence could appear to be true, does not make it necessarily true.

to me it looks a lot like the footage is very fake that we have. I could have made the first video of the 'earth' from 'space' in my garage with a bunch of cardboard boxes and a video camera. and the shadows, lack of explanation, and violence when things come into question for key individuals is very telling.

I think people who over-rely on science and math without some serious backing in philosophy today are suffering a sort of critical logic failure, as if these rock-steady beliefs, however accurate they may be, has become a religion in and of itself.

I'll never forget philosophy class when the professor asked a simple question: what if tomorrow we discovered another trace element in water, could that be possible in any reality? could you still say you definitively knew it was H2O if you knew that was a possibility?

a science major refused to answer anything other than "I knowz teh scyanse but it IS h2o." over and over like a broken record.

failing to realize that was never the question, if we have accurate enough means, but whether we could certainly determine that.

such logic is very important in critical thinking. moreso than engineering smarts. its like intellectual street smarts, so to speak, and often goes further and is more applicable to multiple trades and skillsets.

its not that I don't comprehend it, so its either magic or fake,

its that I totally comprehend it as well as the state and potential of technology, and also a bit about human nature and observations about the world in which we live.

and that. that is what scares the living fuck out of me.

id say you cant actually be sure what it is, or if there were people there, unless you could see it yourself up close.

lol I told all the kids in class santa and the tooth fairy weren't real obviously

nah man, herman the crack hobo is all over that job. have you seen the rocks he's been slangin' ever since he started making trips to the white house? /s