20 examples on how suffering is artificially manufactured by the Illuminati.

130  2017-07-17 by LightBringerFlex

  1. Control the flow of money so that no controlled country gets too much. If any one country has too much money, lift it out of the economy using sneaky, back-door methods. In the meantime, use interest (usury), inflation, and taxes to keep the people broke.

  2. Utilize media to project every vile thing imaginable into the human mind so that they can repeat the behavior in public (monkey see, monkey do).

  3. Get the public's hopes up and then crush them with stooges, like Donald Trump, who fool people into thinking the world is going to change under their rule.

  4. Poison everything that is used on the body, inhaled, or ingested (ie fluoride in toothpaste, Monsanto poisons in food, chemtrails, nicotine, alcohol, ect..) so that the people are constantly sick. This also increases healthcare costs to keep them poor.

  5. Make all public services as shabby as possible so people avoid using government help. (IE Obamacare)

  6. Utilize sneaky frequencies in the air to to control the minds of the masses and guide them into negative feelings.

  7. Create a rat race to keep people busy so they can't think.

  8. Withhold all technology (ie cure for cancer, worker robots, ect..) and release it only when it is necessary.

  9. Keep the hoards of resources hidden so that prices can go up artificially making the Illuminati richer and the people poorer.

  10. Import drugs and use people to distribute them to create addicts and future prisoners who will then be used for slaves.

  11. Run a grueling educational system where teachers teach everything except how to work a real job.

  12. Inject people with long term-poisons and tiny electronic trackers to ruin their health in the future using vaccines.

  13. Trick citizens into joining the military and dying in battle to reduce the population and enrich the Illuminati.

  14. Run and promote every profitable criminal activity including drug dealing, human trafficking, child prostitution, and murder for hire.

  15. Invade, destroy, and abuse any country that is independent from the Illuminati.

  16. Mix certain groups with others to create volatile situations (ie Aids infested Africans mixed with Western countries to spread aids, old school Muslims in new school Europe to create friction).

  17. Create a people desperate for money and then hire them to do despicable jobs.

  18. Gaslight and lie to the people at every corner to keep them confused.

  19. Reduce the money in the population so that people cannot afford to leave the house.

  20. Slowly eradicate the rights of the people.

The bottom line is that all this suffering is unnecessary.