opioid crisis: question about fentanyl

19  2017-07-19 by atlanticcity93

Recently (in the last year) near where I live there were people who were arrested for selling lethal doses of fentanyl to people who thought they were buying heroin and then died. It's been on my mind because it just seems strange and doesn't make sense to me. Fentanyl is something like 4x stronger than heroin and therefore lethal if someone uses the same amount as they would heroin- and a dealer theoretically knows that, so:

  1. wouldn't it be economical for dealers to alert customers that what they're getting is the stronger fentanyl, so they can charge more to sell less of it, rather than selling it as 'heroin' and essentially charging less for something that's 'more potent'?

  2. is fentanyl being targeted at certain people, considering how lethal it can when mistaken for heroin? if the dealer conveniently doesn't tell the person that they're buying something so strong, there's something sinister there I feel.

anyway it's an open question- what do you guys think about this?