I just got gang-downvoted to -114 within 7 minutes of posting a clip showing the Apollo astronauts staging a shot of Earth.

0  2017-07-22 by aaaaa2222



There were multiple comments from people who watched and refuted. Even on this post. You are just ignoring them conveniently and then lying about it.

Sure thing, Scoob. Aren't you the guy that follows admins around, uses many accounts, and maybe sees one of them eating a hotdog somewhere--so now you think they're now your pals or something? "Yeah, bro, I seen Eric at the 'poop and shoot'; he said wussap".

You're a big-mouthed poser with too many subs. All talk, no action. This sub is abhorrent, yet here you are passing blame to outsiders and acting like everyting is swell.

Here's that proof, Gatsby:
