Pedo empire under fire. Nukes incoming. "You have 48 hours to comply."

432  2017-07-23 by LightBringerFlex

Note: Oddly enough I had to repost this in the description instead of a direct link because direct linking to the letter which is in the form of an image is claimed to be a "meme" although it's a letter which is the farthest thing from a meme. Weird but here's the original post if anyone wants to see:


Looks like swordfish69 is a big researcher on VOAT. Here is the original thread:


Nothing but history repeating itself....lets demonize the artists, academia,science,press,elite.... Cambodia 1970's? Germany 1930's? Probably dozens of historical examples exist.

Someone please message him and tell him to be careful for his life.

As long as it's not my nigga Kendrick, do your worst bro

This is another one of the billion things that will do nothing

The fact that he's even giving them a chance seems fishy to me. "Oh I'm giving the authorities the chance to act because they didn't before." Very, very sketchy even if he's a perfectly legit researcher over at voat.

Oh shit, he's a VOATer?

we gotta badass over here.jpeg

I know you don't realise, but you're part of the problem

If by problem you mean mildly annoying and easily ignored, then yes. You make the problem worse by giving attention to someone like that.

You think up/down votes make a difference on reddit? lol

No bbw grill, the problem is people like you. People who are stupider than a fucking dog, lapping up whatever is put in front of you without even one second of critical thinking. At least a dog is smart enough to not drink poisoned water, they'll smell it and decide for themselves, but people like you lap up poisoned water the same as regular and can't even tell the fucking difference. Worse still you then proceed to go around tooting your own horn for being smarter than all the others who aren't stupid enough to willfully poison themselves. We're truly sorry that your mother smoked crack while she was pregnant with you but please get help rather than deluding yourself further.

Ok buddy

lol nothing will happen

RemindMe! 2 days

/u/RemindMe! 2 days


I don't see that

I see an attempt to discourage people from looking into it.

You act as if we have yet to find anything substantial to justify an investigation. First off that is wrong.

The Pizzagate deniers are going to great lengths to sway your from pursuing the crimes of John podesta and James Alefantis at the least. Keep digging.

in every context I've seen SRA used it's satanic ritual abuse, not serialized

I agree with the others. Don't give any warning. Just out them all right now. Anything can happen in 48 hours.

Like hanging himself after shooting himself in the head three times

We can store this one right under EMP at Inauguration. If you gave a shit about the kids you would do it right away.

RemindMe! 3 days

I will believe it when it happens

How are pizzagaters going to spin it when nothing happens?

"He got threatened"?

I'll take "He was silenced by the Clintons" for 500

I care about him . Whether it is legit or not, it's obvious that he's in danger. Identifying his location is easy to them , so I think this declaration is enough to endanger him. And a narrative that PG allegation is hoax will go through after his missing. I hope he's safe and truth will be revealed.

I'm tired of all these dipshit fabois and their manipulative behavior. We aren't here to LARP, you fucks.

"you have 48 hours to comply!" said the worm to the devil, and I'm sure he gives a fuck.

Put up or shut up.

It is almost as if he is trying to get suicided....

This is hilarious. He has evidence of a world-wide pedophile/organ-trafficking ring, but if a famous person turns themselves into the police he'll withhold it. Wow must be pretty compelling evidence!

Fucking hell just do it. All this letter does is give the person attention.

And from history, people threatening to leak such and such after x hours/day/etc just means bullshit

Paging u/AhuwahZeus and u/ModernDayTJ, any comment on this?

We're behind this.

thanks for confirming, I was wondering the same.

remindme! 1 day

so is this your guys' last hurrah? is this your final blow?

It's a phase of the last hurrah.

Well? What now?

This is going to be good...

It's a fake / larper / false-flag.

They called SRA (serialized ritual abuse). Pizzagate is real, whoever posted this ultimatum is not.

How do I do the remind me thing?

RemindMe! 50 hours

I'll be extraordinarily surprised if anything at all comes of this.

Bull as always with these kind of posts.

I was interested until he tried to connect it to ISIS.

Just a dude screaming for attention. If he actually cared as much as he claims he would dump all the "evidence" so it would actually make an impact.

$500 says that on Monday he claims someone has come forward and is going to help him or whatever so they won't be releasing the "evidence".

I'll believe it when I see it.

Lol of course he names himself swordfish.

I hope he does it. If he reads this, please, do it, man. If you have proof, post it. Do it for the children, no meme here.

If they were actually interested in "Ending it now" and not self-promotion, they'd release it instantly instead of "It ends in 48 hours...the kids can wait, right?"

So, what happened with this?

There were drops on voat and one other place but can't remember where it was.

The police arrested several prominent artists for organ trafficking, didn't you see the news? Banks were taken down, several dozen art galleries were shut down for human trafficking.


edit: nevermind he just posted a list of musicians that give him weird vibes.

Soooooo, it's been 48 hours.

Check voat. Some released there plus more incoming.

He's provided absolutely none of the things he's promised, even the threads on Voat are calling him out on this shit. Why would you stand behind this guy? If I were a pizzagate believer I'd be pissed at this retard.

I would put every dime I have on this being total bullshit that leads to exactly zero arrests, probably because police don't arrest people for referencing pizza or having spirals in their fucking music videos.

Has anything come of this?

Yes and lots of things are happening right now. Tomorrow should be a real big day too.

But it's 3 days since the statement already, I only see that one journalist scrambling, was anyone else 'hit' (I still think it's a coincidence)?

There was a big post on Voat by swordfish69. There was another website that offered bits of stuff like calling Phill Collins a pedo, something about 9-11, ect..

Also, tomorrow should be a huge day.

So... was it a huge day..? Or was this just more larping around.

It was still pretty big but they said the plan was derailed.

How was it big? What happened?

If they've got evidence about human and organ trafficking and child abuse - why aren't they just releasing them..?

Decent people don't keep that information back in an attempt to hold to ransom police departments who would never ever give in to such ransom demands.

Soooo.... how'd this work out?

Are you going to keep believing this bullshit? Or did you learn a lesson about getting fooled?

It's an unfolding story. We were just don't tom de Lange from Blink 182 is swordfish and that he was told to make a run for it. He was friends with the recent 2 musicians that died.

Agreed getting busy with it.

Pressure is more than zero.

Who said he was a hacker?

Well it's not "pedos are everywhere" but there are big time pedos and traffickers let's not forget the reality.

Mods with narratives?

This surely doesn't look like an automated message

Tell that to the man outed by CNN. They didn't even get the right meme creator. Such standard's.

you have a terrible attitude

It is

Don't overreact. It's a fucking joke.

Gotta say I'm inclined to agree with him.

I think I'm the only one though so if you feel like taking a shit on me too go for it.

Give the guy a break. Who cares if it works for you or not?

The guy's a good mod. No joke.

Totally undeserved?

He's done well in the role the times I've seen him interact.

This community is generally kind of snarky. Why be oversensitive?

It's something I've posted about before. They often suffer from delusions of grandeur, they're lonely people that have found a purpose in life. They can be heroes. Anti-heroes maybe, "redpilling" all the normies on their favorite celebrities. They know a truth that no one else does and they can save the world. You run into this shit all the time in the world of conspiracy theory.

RemindMe! 2 days

Though, somehow I doubt this has any grounding.

That's a bullshit insinuation. You just painted everyone here with a pretty broad brush dude...

We're just conspiracy theorists, pursuing a conspiracy. God damn..

No just human trafficking.

In b4 the Flippening.

I see your sentiment and can agree to a degree, but consider this; things like pizzagate and Seth Rich damn near shut down the internet. If you were around for things like twittergate, Pegasus museum, 0hour1 twitter anon, etc you would know that there was a period of shock even among the non believers at the cover-up.

The reasons why ppl joke about it now is 2-fold Atleast-and your synopsis of disingenuous "hobby" trollers is one of them.

But because of the effort, the evidence, the cover up, and the very nature of the horrible subject: humor is the only way to deal after the months of ignoring the problems. Ppl make jokes about it now because it's almost like a group all experiencing a traumatic experience and bonding over it.

Who's lives?

Why would he be like, " You have two days to comply?" What purpose dies that serve

This could be just a tactics to flush them out... if this is legit i'm sure there is more at play here and this swordfish (doubt its just one person) are thinking few steps ahead...

Here's a 9 hour old post that's been on the front page for several hours and is relevant to the issues you say we should be talking about. Did you talk about anything in there yet?

Could be to increase visibility ...

While I agree, a reasonable explanation to be increase interest prior to dropping the hammer ...

What if this wasn't a LARP but a con by those implicated? Another disinformation campaign. Psyops. Create a hysteria, give it some exposure, release some bad evidence that further discredits the PG theory.

Or a disinfo campaign.

It'll probably just be a re-re-re-re-re-release of the same Podesta emails.

yep.. nobody that has said they'd deliver a 'nuke' in X days/hours has ever actually given something that lived up to the hype. Another letdown incoming.

Okay but everytime something like this comes out, all the pizzagaters fall prey to extreme confirmation bias and when things dont play out how the person said they would, the people who defended them are very quick to say some dumb shit like your partial information play. The thing is...maybe he does have info, maybe he doesnt, but constantly saying "huge bomb dropping soon" and never fucking dropping a bomb is doing way more harm to any real investigation into elite pedo rings than people who shit on pizzagaters on Reddit.

What credible media and journalistic standards are you talking about precisely?

Exhibited by whom or what media org.?

Did you missed Jimmy Savile, the history of the Catholic Church, Cardinal George Pell, Boystown, The Presidio, gay call boys to the Whitehouse since Reagan, Rolf Harris, Jeffery Epstein etc....

You look up the rest.

You appear to know more than a lot of other people.

Who's lives have been destroyed?

Please fuck off.

Don't hope too much. Focus on contingencies.

His demands would never be met.

Ah, thanks. Knew it as arty; music is a new angle to me.

just look at the long ass list of rings that have been broken up since january actually. ive seen at least half a dozen or so 50-100 person rings get busted since the election.

is any of it connected to this? are there always this many busts happeneing just no one paid attention before? im not sure but seems to be a big uptick in busts or at least the coverage of them.

Hanlon's razor applies. In a post about this yesterday I saw one of these people talking about how a twitter user had defeated some aliens so and that might allow this disclosure to happen. Might have been OP or another name starting with L.

Pizzagate was a smear campaign that turned into the gift that keeps on giving as it prolongs division. Proponents and trolls alike will keep on with the same tactics for years to come because it hits the right triggers in enough stupid people.

kind of difficult when any victims names would be under total publication bans, you know because they are children...

?? Have you been living under a rock? A crap ton of peso rings have been busted in the past year. The problem is there's been no link to a bigger network yet.

Why are you responding in that way? You've done it to one Redditor, and now another? Your comment isn't representative of the community I've come to know over the years.

Didn't you see, this poster is legit on Voat.

Like hanging himself after shooting himself in the head three times

Judging by the responses there, most people think he's full of shit.

Dennis Hastert

Hastert became one of the highest ranking politicians to ever be incarcerated when he entered prison last June. He served 13 months in prison befroe being released by paying 1.7 million in hush money to a former sexual abuse victim.

Corey Feldman

Even Wikileaks will wait for a period of time before a release. Look at what's come from those.

Jack Human

Journalistic Standards

I find your continual vague references to "Journalistic Standards" to be vague.

Can you explain in a succinct manner which standards you feel CNN violated?

Perhaps, you could provide an example of how an ethical news organization would have covered the event and then contrast that with how CNN covered it to illustrate the violations.

To be clear, the story was "Trump tweets link to anti-CNN video and a guy on Reddit claimed credit for it". I understand you keep saying it wasn't the right meme creator, but the guy who CNN talked to, took credit for creating the original, so that's really irrelevant, the story was that a guy was claiming original authorship of something that went out on the Presidental tweet line, so, take it away, how would an organization with Journalistic Standards have covered that story.

PS: What are your favorite news sources that adhere to strict Journalistic Standards?

Exactly. Like, "let me put a bullseye on my forehead, intelligence gang! Now you've got two days to find me and kill me before I ruin you all."

This isn't a James Bond movie, people.

Pizzagate is mostly not credible, but cases of elite pedophilia are widespread and well-established. A great introduction is Nick Bryant's book The Franklin Scandal, which amasses extensive documentation and corroboration of a CIA-linked interstate child sex ring used for blackmail.

I'll take "He was silenced by the Clintons" for 500

Her best role. /s

Yes, look at all of your supporters!

I've not heard of any of those people - looks like I have a few rabbit holes to jump down on this lazy Sunday.

Of course aliens would get drawn into this.

And I agree Pizzagate began as a smear campaign and you're right - it hits all the right triggers.

The willingness of others to doxxx adults and kids without any evidence is far more disturbing to me than any other aspects of it.

can you expand on the gun club part?

There are some gun clubs that are semi-secret societies that work in support of Mystery Babylon.

what "credible media" would that be?

you dont have to "fall for it" to explore the possibilities. Come on man, It takes a wise man to be able to entertain an idea without completely accepting it. -Aristotle. You need to be more open minded on a conspiracy forum.

oh that must be why this is being censored everywhere all over the internet.... reddit(attempted), twitter, ATS, google.... etc. Not suspicious at all.

Nothing going to happen

Bear with me here, but I remember an episode of King of the Hill when Dale goes to Marfa to see the 'Marfa Lights'. It's this the same Marfa?

marfa has become the getaway town for artists and wealthy artist types

Not at all, no

But that is essentially what you just said.

I've been monitoring the situation from the day the Podesta emails were released. Pizzagate is the result of internet people sifting through thousands of emails and very gradually piecing together a disturbing puzzle. There are a lot of people who come here now just to attempt to discredit the disturbing finds. Anyone who's been here long enough has noticed.

Then again we saw what happened last time Wikileaks made a dump with plenty of evidence about child trafficking

im not familiar with this. what happened? can you give links?


i'm thing the russian federation is setting aside the bear for a new mascot!

Still believe he's legit?

So! Don't suppose anything actually came of this?

Who was swordfish would be a better phrasing. If he existed and had the info he claimed to have he is dead by now. How could he not be?