My theory (a theory likely shared by many of you), is that TPTB routinely "stage" and fabricate events to steer the populace's thoughts in certain directions. Regarding 🍕gate, the "Shooting" by Ed Welch was entirely fabricated. They needed to stage an event, to demonize the people investigating.

28  2017-07-24 by gonnaluvya

This gives ammo for the MSM and I've noticed the shills often use it as well....

They'll say shit like,

"This "investigation" is dangerous and has already led to a shooting. Good thing nobody got hurt! Grow the fuck up!"

Anyone remember the 60 minutes bit on fake news?

James Alefantis was interviewed on 60 minutes talking about the dangers of how "fake news" has real consequences, and referenced the gunman who supposedly entered CPP. It was totally all in favor of James, the measly vulnerable pizza shop owner, (also happens to be a millionaire and someone of status in DC somehow?),whose parlor is being harassed by "Internet sleuths". They were basically sucking him off and treating him as royalty.

They needed some bullshit reason to demonize people looking into this. Since we're dealing with pedophilia and uncovering child abuse, it's kind of hard to make us look bad because we're trying to expose a dark and devious abuse of power, a non partisan issue.

So, they decided this "lone shooter" scenario which seems to be quite popular as of lately, made sure nobody got hurt, just to make a point of how, "dangerous false stories can be and how much of an impact they can have on people".

It's all staged and fake phony. Hell, most of us were just waiting and expecting what they were gonna throw at us next after they banned our entire subreddit, r/Pizzagate.

Smoke and mirrors. And the shills use this as ammo against us constantly.


The tell is that they had just switched the traffic cameras that would have been pointing right at the crime to ones pointing away.

Wow I remember that!

Also didn't their bullshit story say that the one Bullet that was fired, shot the computer Harddrive through the door?

the old "magic bullet" theory.....

Why not go there yourself and report on it for us?

If CPP was where "actual" shit was going down I doubt they would stage a false flag there. I think it was just like a hub where they could meet.

Then tail them and follow them. Or hire a private investigator.

But if caught wouldn't that be ammo they would use to discredit it?

Kinda a hands-tied situation

Better than doing nothing and just hoping someone else is going to do something about it

The whole Welch incident did not really help, that is the kind of stuff they would want us to do so they could claim the victim narrative for themselves

Then hire a professional private detective at least. At least he could do it professionally and safely

Who's to say there isn't one? I'm not the authority on the matter by any means or the conspiracy king. The problem is any attempt to organize (i.e. Kickstarter, gofundme, reddit, VOAT, paypals of prominant PGers, etc) was banned, censored, deleted, or shilled to all hell.

Surely that's no excuse for not having a PI, but idk what a PI would do that the internet hasn't already done. Honestly s lot of the PI type could be the users doing the initial research...

Even voat?

Especially VOAT

Once they got PG off reddit and isolated it to a site hardly anyone used, it was a lot easier to infiltrate.

Lots of drama with mods. Remember that it's essentially like the Wild West on that site compared to reddit. Infact, it's like a half way house between reddit and 4chan. Accusations fly all over the place, bs is called out with proof often there.

If you were a sociologist, VOAT would be a crazy case-study. As would 4chan.

Huh, didn't know that. I always thought voat was a dream place for pizz gate investigators

Of course the news is fabricated. George Orwell told us as much straight-up 70 years ago. But people want to trust their beloved TVs. The TV makes them feel 'connected' and 'informed'. must normies trust the TV more than they trust their own family members. That should tell you all you need to know.

the 9th mortal sin of denial.....

You are correct.

I vaguely recall William Burroughs doing a spoken word piece, probably from some text in the cut-up trilogy, about Mayan priests developing the calendar (as an invention) as means of controlling the thoughts and actions of the populace.

In other words, I think there is ancient historical precedent for the idea you're espousing here.

Huh, didn't know that. I always thought voat was a dream place for pizz gate investigators

the old "magic bullet" theory.....