User support for Parsingsol Earthquake Prediction software-

40  2017-07-25 by [deleted]




If you mods have anything you want to add. I'd be honored:)

You want money to buy a house? Are you serious?

I am not /u/julianthepagan?

Although I do plan to obtain a home. I've worked a year without pay in hopes to earn that benefit. So the choice is upto those that support me and my efforts. Their donations are personal donations. Which I will use to meet my personal and professional expenses.

I feel its ultimately their decision to make a donatuon. Hence why I stated what they would be donating too.

Life expenses this minimal for tasks this complicating seem trivial in comparrison.

Can we marry your GF if you reach your goal? Seems like there's more in it for us that way.

In all seriousness, this is awesome. I'm glad the mods agreed to let you do this, and I hope that for all our sake you're able to get the funding and help you require.

Real quick, and I apologize for shoehorning this in, what's your take on the 2010 Haiti quake? Did it line up with solar activity? Do you at all think that it's possible for something like that to be man made, using nukes or some other method?

I'd like to see his historical data overlayed with his predictions. His stuff is all text based so it's hard to understand what he's predicting and based on what easily.

While I intend to marry her myself...

She will be starting a chick drummer channel soon, and has mentioned becoming a redditor. If we get married I will do my best to ensure you all get to know her as I progress upon this journey. Shes also brilliant, and I am truly looking forward to introducing her to this community. She has an outstanding and complimentary interest in e.t. conspiracys as well.

Okay well, fine. As long as ONE of us gets to marry her. Haha ;)

Definitely do share her channel, I'd love to check it out once it's up and running. Looking forward to "meeting" her.

Taken from the 2010 Haitian quake's wikipedia page:

The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake, with an epicenter near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 kilometres (16 mi) west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010.


SUNSPOT RESURRECTED: Old and decaying sunspot 1035, declared to be "a corpse" just yesterday, is showing signs of renewed life. Pete Lawrence sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Selsey, UK:

1/09/2010 SOLAR ACTIVITY: Today has brought an uptick in solar activity. Sunspot 1040 (a.k.a. old sunspot 1035) is crackling with minor solar flares and seems to be gathering itself for something more. Just hours ago, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory captured this C1-class eruption:

Backyard astronomers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.

a movie: "The plasma crawling around inside AR1040 made me think of the head of Medusa. It was exciting to watch!" says amateur astronomer Michael Buxton of Ocean Beach, California. "I made this time-lapse movie at 1 minute intervals from 2045-2215 UT on 8 Jan. 2010."

"A welcome view of the sun on a cold January day reveals the remains of AR11035 still alive and kicking," says Lawrence.

Beneath the waving filaments and bright magnetic froth ("plage"), a dark core is coelescing in the heart of the active region. That makes it a genuine sunspot again. NOAA has re-numbered the region "1040," but we will continue to refer to it by its original name, "1035." It is, after all, an old friend.

1/10/2010 BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 (a.k.a. old sunspot 1035) is growing again and is now at least four times wider than planet Earth. A blink comparison of SOHO images shows how the sunspot has expanded in the past 24 hours:

Backyard astronomers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.

1/11/2010 BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 is busy growing again. In only 24 hours, it has expanded from a barely visible "sun-speck" to a planet-sized active region with 15 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. Steve Riegel sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Santa Maria, California:

"On Sunday, the clouds opened up for some fantastic viewing," says Riegel. "I photographed the active region using a Lunt 60 solar telescope."

Sunspot 1040 is a member of new Solar Cycle 24. Its appearance continues a recent trend of intensifying solar activity. NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% chance of M- class solar flares during the next 24 hours. Stay tuned.


ACTIVE SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 is still growing. During the past two days it has doubled in size--and then doubled again--to produce an active region with more than 25 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. Dennis Simmons sends this picture of the behemoth from Brisbane, Australia:

"Sweltering under the Australian sun at over 31o C, I had to wipe the perspiration from my eyes while attempting to obtain sharp focus through Earth's shimmering atmosphere," says Simmons. "It didn’t help that I had my head under a blanket to block out the bright sunlight that was washing out the display on my Notebook computer! In the end, technology and software allowed me to obtain some reasonable results. It is an impressive sunspot."

Sunspot 1040 is a member of new Solar Cycle 24, and its appearance continues a recent trend of intensifying solar activity. NOAA forecasters say there is a 15% chance of an isolated M-class solar flare during the next 24 hours. Readers with solar telescopes should be alert for eruptions.

Solar winds began at a low 291km/s on the 08th. From beginning minima calm. New sunspot introduced to lens emitting gamma / beta M class activity. Most active the 09th. Average time to eartg 1-3 days.

Could likely have lead to a sizeable quake. (imo). Wind speeds doubled by the 11th. At 490km/s.

Unaware of coronal holes via solarham archive. Although this ch was spotted on the 01st of January 2010

Which was likely geoactive on the 10th. Being the sunspot was behind the CH. Which likely lead to increased geo magnetic storm levels. Prior to the forthcoming Sunspot.

So both coronal holes and sunspots were geo active on tge lens. My guess is this was at the very beginning of cycle 24. Post minima. Which increased the general threat from solar upticks.

Thats my 2 cents.

So it ties in then? Looks that way.

I feel the worlds largest earthquakes always have. I've done my best to areange records on /r/parsingsol

These are the first events I hope to use as tracers in my future model :)

You're full of it. Good luck with your scam.

Scams have illicit intent.


Well since this money is being used to finance a potential relationship with PREDPOL. (predictive policing). I seriously doubt you have much to worry about. Being Ive already mentioned their system multiple times as a potential partner. Hence my wishes to move towards their headquarters. I've also already attempted to contact them. So I don't see your point-

Darn, I thought you were going to be asking for development help not money.

I am always asking for both. But if I can meet these obligations. I can also pay those that dedicate their time to the project. So I hope that works beneficially towards your personal preferences eitherway?

/r/parsingsol to join the team.

Just wanted to note. I truly need your help guys and gals. For every campaign reddits assisted on and in. From personal emergencies to bad luck and poor form. This campaign has an ultimately positive goal which I feel is manageable.

We may end up with a highly sophisticated prediction system. We may not. But for every 6, 60, or 600. Donation we recieve; we will at least have an answer to that question.

I have no other life purpose at this present moment. So please help me to ensure I can make this my priority with your blessing. If not because it helps me personally, then for the cause that it may help you or someone you know in the future. Thanks again for reading and all the support. /u/parsingsol -

I've been a fan of you for a while global hell, and I'd like to help. But 600k is way too high of a goal and for you to buy a house? 600k will get you a really nice home just outside of Seattle, and probably an enormous mansion in Ashland. Why not get a condo or rent an apartment for a bit. 100k is probably too high too, let alone 600k.

With 50k you can move to Ashland and rent a house and live expense free for about 2-3 years. By that time your software will be flourishing and money should be easier to come by.

The goal is to Produce a POC. The home will be merely an expense out- (I'm not intending on placing much into that expense.) Its merely a responsibility to state that its an upcoming foreseen expense. I imagine I will spend less on the cost of living then on any aspect of this project.

The budget will be reported weekly and funds can be held by the choosen project lead. With a small proportion going to overhead costs and their significant collaborations;

Developer's and programmers can range upwards to 200.00+ an hour.

My cost of living is nothing more then rent or purchasing if I can find something near 70k- (in terms of buying)...

Ashland was choosen due to its vicinity to california- +lower cost of living; I imagine I will be travelling alot to complete this goal. Hence the location being as cheap as I can accomplish...

I intend to utilize a known predictive analytics agency in CA. (Mentioned before). So its my primary location of interest to adapt the model. (Hopefully they join the project)... I've already began / attempted to contact them with little feedback at this time. So I am just going to make my way there. (hopefully allowing for a contract to be enacted).

Essentially the model, taxes, and overhead are what we are addressing. We are working with sequences and data sets in the millions. So a significant cost out is likely in terms of programming this software. I assure you 100% that the bulk of these resources will be towards the model itself. This is not a small scale project, and the less shortcuts we take, the less mistakes and more accurate model will be.

This is likely far under budget compared to anyone elses given attempt at, or in what I am attempting. I will have to learn a vast amount of material, and information.

So its not a main cost out. Just one which should be mentioned to Anyone prior to making a payment. Because I felt it was wrong not to outline that Id be living as cheaply as I can off these very contributions...

Basically I merely wanted to outline the home being a future cost. It will not be a niche expense- I promise-


It doesn't mention your intention to use the money to buy a house on your gofundme.

Why did you delete /u/GlobalHell?

I don't promote with the gofundme. It's a landing page.

Saved, will donate when I get paid next week :). In my opinion your hypothesis is spot on and the magnetic effects the sun and other planets have on ours is complete underestimated by current scientific culture.

I absolutely agree, and am very thankful for the help you've decided to offer on this project.

You have my ultimate respect and promise that I will do my best to provide users a working system. With the highest level of accuracy we can manage to deliver, while working with the limited tools we have.

Its a good goal, and I personally think the POC will change the world. So TY entirely for your support. All my love kind stranger :)

$600k is a very large amount for any project to ask for. You might as well have just said a million dollars

You will have much more luck fundraising in smaller rounds. As you show progress and achievements it will be easier to raise funds for each next step. It will also help get more people on board making fundraising easier.

If your goal was $10,000 I might throw in a hundy - and you'd only need 100 other people to do the same to reach that. But when you're asking $600,000 you'd need 6000 like minded people to reach that goal so people like me end up giving nothing as there's no point if the goal is unlikely to be reached.

I do get that $10k won't buy you much, but it might fund an interested developer for a couple of weeks and you'd have something to show to convince people that further funding is a worthwhile investment. Then, curious people like me might chuck in another hundy in the next round a few weeks later, and another and another, as long as that investment can be seen as achieving something worthwhile

Honestly while I respect your commitments. Id completely argue the price I am hoping to recieve as being well under the factual cost of this projects overall budget-

Making a poc which determines seismic episodes in advanced isn't an easy nor cheap venture.

I've attempted to do this without finances for a year now. The programmers I've talked too are 200 an hr.

Thats 50 hours (1 week) at 10k. This will likely take two years to design without a major firms help.

10k wouldn't even pay my friends rent in new York. My rent in denver was 2200+

I also don't expect it from a single user, and am happy to take my time. The way I see it is I can do it right, or I can waste peoples money delivering a b.s. product that I myself wouldn't trust my life with-

Were not making a simple program, and users should head to /r/parsingsol to see the gist of what we are attempting. Plotting every seismic and solar event on a 10-20 year timeline and assigning them multiple values is not a simple task in the slightest. Nor is funding said project.

Were not making a simple program, and users should head to /r/parsingsol to see the gist of what we are attempting. Plotting every seismic and solar event on a 10-20 year timeline and assigning them multiple values is not a simple task in the slightest. Nor is funding said project.

Why don't you just do a year or 6 months first and see if any of your predictions are actually statistically relevant? As far as I can determine from your long wordy posts, you have yet to achieve even that.

You are welcome to scour both mentioned user accounts to judge the validity of my attempts.

Some people just push forward, in spite of these requests. If its your primary concern to assess my work. You're welcome to doing just that. The planets 5.4 million square miles. Id argue Ive hit 75% or the earths largest seismic upticks from nov 2016 to now with a 3500km accuracy. Within a 48- hr timerange of my initial assessment. Thats over 6 months.

I am not attempting to build that system up. That system is a mere demo of my proposed utility.

Another point is that I can only work when a solar uptick occurs. Which greatly makes my task more difficult in terms of consistency.

I don't have the time to just dedicate my life to this without pay. I don't want to dedicate my life to anything else. I can't find a job in this field. So I am just going to press on doing this how I can- which is by asking others for small contributions....

if it's your primary concern to assess my work

It should be your primary concern.

I like your overarching theory, which is understandable. Solar wind affects plasma tubes affects mantle. I get it. But your expounding on that is where you lose me, it's not that I don't understand, it's that your scientific method breaks down.

Constant references to an iflscience article also begin to stretch credulity.

I need to assess the system not myself. Locating modeling agencys, potential partners. Learning json plugs and building algorithms. Thats where I am leaning my work and time towards.

I feel I am mapping an invisible system. I feel if we get past asking why the system functions. And simply extract the values of said system we will recieve more effective results. If we prove a unique value exists between the two fields then researchers can assess the meaning and function. That has little to do woth proving its validity and using it to our advantage.

I admire your points, but I am just one tragically disadvantaged person attempting a very pure and difficult thing with my lifetime.

I need to reach a point that I am permitted to move forward, or have reached the point where it becomes entirely impractical. (which is where its headed).

I don't have the resources to be parsingsol much longer. Maybe write usgs and nasa and ncar and various experts giving them everything and not even recieving a reply to assess the likelihood of my success. As I have and as far as I know, no one will be assisting me in my endeavor. So I can either ask a user like you to do tgese additional tasks or spend weeks spinning oyt my tires hitting yet another wall, in spite of my time being taken. I choose the easy route, not because its fair; but because its practical in dealing with those circumstances.

I just feel like your missing a vital component here. Diagrams.

You say you have roughly 75% success rate. Show me it on a diagram I can understand and identify the correlation and I'm fucking donating to you tonight.

Its not worth the effort. Thats exactly my point-

Take it to /r/wedidthemath and make a donation if the results merit your expectancy. I will pm you to touch base on that...

Ok, my credulity has expired. I'll be around.

I realise the significant amount of data to analyse in order to produce a fully working product/system will cost millions of dollars and man-hours. That's not the point.

As I've said in one of your prediction threads, I live in a very high risk earthquake zone. Earthquakes have been a part of life since I was born. They are damaging, dangerous and anything over a 6 can be pretty scary (especially if you're in the shower or on the shitter when one happens) so I'm very interested in your theory.

After you appeared to be reasonably accurate beyond random chance, I looked in to the theory myself. I read the papers from other academics and also did my own rudimentary research, comparing earthquake data from signifcant events I've personally experienced and the solar activity at those times and also found a correlation. Looking in to larger international events, again, a correlation was found. I very much like your theory. I'd like you to continue to work on it, but this request for funding will fail and not allow you to do so.

To most people you are just some random guy on the internet. And here you've put up a post essentially asking random strangers on the internet to buy a house for you, a random stranger on the internet.

That's not going to happen. Ever.

Those of us who see potential in your theory are put off by this odd and illogical request. "Buying a house closer to developers" is completely absurd at this stage of the project. Buying a house is odd enough. But the need to move closer to developers is incredibly strange; You don't need to be near developers. Everything is online; You can skype, you can share documents and ideas without ever meeting face to face. In the rare case you may need to meet, you can book a flight for a couple of hundred dollars. Once the project is established and you have a team working on it, then moving closer to them would make all the sense in the world. But it's certainly not step one. You don't need to move house.

I also question your $200 per hour cost for a developer. As someone in the IT field myself, I agree, dev's can cost $200 an hour. Don't use those dev's at this stage of the project. I'm very certain you could find a willing developer to accept $2500 a week to get a relatively basic program together to scrape and collate all the data from USGS and NOAA and highlight events of significance. Shit I could spend a month learning python and probably do that myself. A competent developer should definitely have enough together after just one month and $10k expenditure to present something tangible to a wider audience and justify further funding.

You are approaching the project from too high a level instead of breaking the project down into smaller achievable steps and requesting funding for each goal. As a potential investor/supporter/ and beneficiary of the technology this approach deems the project unattainable and therefore a logically poor investment of mine or anyone elses money.

You need to write a business plan and a rudimentary project management document identifying milestones, expected outcomes and a general indication of the order in which the steps need to occur and what the cost for each step is liekly to be. Also find a cheaper source of labour. I know there are many websites where you can hire a developer online for whatever you want. There's even a subreddit for programmers seeking projects.

I, like you, am just some random guy on the internet though so can you take my advice or not. I will continue to follow your project and warnings and hope that you do one day succeed in your objectives. Good luck.

I think more over you're significantly right. Yet you simply overvalue my general understandings of how I am to go about this...

I don't know what to do, that in itself makes the task more expensive. Let alone im struggling like you couldn't begin to fathom. My fights almost done my friend, and Ive taken down my own campaign. Call this nothing more then a last ditch effort to prove my worth to the world...

As successful as the entirety of the idea seems. Its the last thing id ever expect is to see that in my lifetime.

Thanks for the thoughts love and support. I just feel its users like you that will take this to the next level in its entirety. Users like me aren't on that spectrum of influence and trajectory... I only see a spiraling down vector from here-

Don't get down about it. This is an immensely large, complex and overwhelming project and as such, the only way to attack it is in small, manageable parts.

As you see success in smaller steps you will be motivated to continue towards your final goal. You have been reasonably successfull so far - don't let that go to waste. Your further successes will draw increased attention to the project and like-minded individuals will eventually, motivated by your progress, join and help you and your project succeed.

Don't give up.

I'll try to keep my head in the game. Thanks for the support /u/ifrikkenr

If /u/julianthepagan would touchbase I'd probably be feeling better about this projects future making progress. Were lost in translation atm. So im slightly feeling perplexed on the next steps to take...

You are right. Ive just got a lot going on atm. Debt is like a weight on my chest suffocating me. My gf has to fly home soon, and users attacking me lately is tearing into those wounds like broken glass post / car accident.

I updated my last post and am watching as usual. Hopefully we will see yet another hit? In terms of progression via the model. (not so much in terms of damages). Idk. Just been a really really really stressful year and the bottlenecking seems to be in my relevently near future.

Honestly while I respect your commitments. Id completely argue the price I am hoping to recieve as being well under the factual cost of this projects overall budget-

Making a poc which determines seismic episodes in advanced isn't an easy nor cheap venture.

I've attempted to do this without finances for a year now. The programmers I've talked too are 200 an hr.

Thats 50 hours (1 week) at 10k. This will likely take two years to design without a major firms help.

10k wouldn't even pay my friends rent in new York. My rent in denver was 2200+

I also don't expect it from a single user, and am happy to take my time. The way I see it is I can do it right, or I can waste peoples money delivering a b.s. product that I myself wouldn't trust my life with-

Were not making a simple program, and users should head to /r/parsingsol to see the gist of what we are attempting. Plotting every seismic and solar event on a 10-20 year timeline and assigning them multiple values is not a simple task in the slightest. Nor is funding said project.