Want to get downvoted in this sub? Talk about the global warming scam

17  2017-07-26 by Mrexreturns

If you want to get downvoted like dogs in this sub, speak about the global warming scam; You will never be disappointed.

While the earth's temperature DOES change and this affects the world's climate AND this is perfectly natural, i believe that the elite is using this fact to promote all sorts of lies related to global disasters caused by temperature rises in order to obtain more money that will be used in war and more war instead of actually improving the environment.

CO 2 is targeted because it is easily produced from factories and can be easily taxed, while worse greenhouse gasses like water steam and methane are more difficult to tax so they are not affected.

And just speaking of this fact gets you downvotes and callings in this sub.

Even Pizzagate and Anti-Trump/Anti Hillary posts don't gather as much hate as a post about global warming.


Telling people to ignore other conspiracies and focus only on yours is pretty suspicious.

You missed the point. I was saying that Pizzagate and anti-trump/anti Hillary posts don't gather as much hate as a post about global warming.

worse greenhouse gasses like water steam

oh come on

He actually has a point, hear me out.

Water vapour IS the most abundant greenhouse gas.


However, the water cycle is an intrinsic part of the earth, the climate is driven by the water cycle but more water in the atmosphere would also condense to form clouds and reflect the sunshine energy so the system is balanced at a "background" level.

The addition of industrial CO2, methane etc is an additional layer on top which is causing climate change as we know it.

So while OP has a vaguely valid point, the nuance of the explanation negates the thrust of his argument.

To piggy back you, people should also heck out Methane, https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/monitoring-references/faq/greenhouse-gases.php?section=watervapor. It's a short lived 10-12 years are due to being absorbed in wet soil and broken down in the atmosphere into mainly water vapor.

But there is also a lot of methane which was previously trapped in permafrost and undersea clarates (that word may be wrong) which is increasingly being released due to the warming climate.

This is what's causing some of the massive exploding sink holes in siberia, no shit.


Siberia is the shallowest, last I heard 5-10% of its 1400 gigatones is vulnerable, with a 50gigatonne worst case scenario causing a twelve-food increase in atmospheric methane, causing warming twice as potent as current CO2. Other methane beds are deeper and aren't as problematic.

I was mainly referring to standarrd methane release where a significant portion is broken down in soil and trapped there.

Water vapor is the most intense and abundant green house gas lol, have you ever taken a higher education class on general science?

Water vapor is more abundant, and unequivocally not worse than CO2

Don't make excuses for his ignorance

It is worse than CO2, perhaps you should fact check before you make rash statements such as that.

Heightened CO2 levels in the atmosphere amplify water in the atmosphere which increases warming. Without heightened levels of CO2 in the atmosphere the good news is that the water cycle is fairly quick in reaching equilibrium

Too bad that CO2 screws that all up, isn't it

So I was a huge believer in global warming. In high school I wrote a huge research paper about the dire predictions for the next ten years.

Now im not saying I know the truth now. I really don't. There is so much disinformation and misinformation that it seems nearly impossible to figure out what is going on.

I wonder if global warming is a distraction from other issues?

I can't figure it out but feel free to share your conclusions.

Also the downvotes are annoying but keep speaking the truth!

I definitely think we are having a devastating impact on the environment.

I'm just not sure how global warming will ultimately play a role.

And I truly don't believe taxing us will have an impact regardless of the cause of climate change.

Yes perhaps global warming is real, but the trick is this:

They are placing the blame on regular people, when ultimately THEY (the 1%) are at fault.

When they had their tool Leonardo Dicaprio talk about global warming at that fake awards show, I was laughing.

He was there to convince the world that us, the commoners, are destroying the planet, while he heads home to his 5 billion dollar mansion island and contributes nothing of substance to the world.

I think the resemblance of this tax to tithing to the church for salvation is chilling. An it's ironic that it's often the most devoted atheists that think the tax is a good idea.

Great connection! : )


Heh, some of these people are the "useless hoarders" that have the arrogance to call us "useless eaters" (and whichever variety of that term.)

Hollywood in essence (imo) is mostly this pretentious platform for highlighting political issues through people that are idolized and borderline revered as half-gods by some, for taking insane amounts of money for the art of pretending in front of a camera.

Not gonna claim acting or the lifestyle itself is easy, but surely there are people in this world who should be paid the same amount for what they do based on merit and usefulness to the world.

.. and ..sometimes the occasional movie with actual depth to them are released. Usually that means it's less reliant on car chases and alien robots.

The agenda for global warming is a one world tax ie one world government

who cares about votes?

Those who want visibility.

The most obvious shill account shown on this sub, of a user who spams a topic mon-fri, spams about climate change and is on the frontpage all the time. I have never seen one expose of the hundred trillion dollar scam even get to no. 1 on this sub, even though it is clearly funded by the Rockefeller's and Rothschilds.

ah, true. I sort of meant who (organic user) cares about votes. :)

Well, I am an organic user whose family contributed $3000 tax dollars towards creating the most expensive electricity my province has every seen, after contributing $4500 tax dollars so that we can have more expensive electricity and will now be paying a carbon tax of $500 starting next year and $2400 a year by 2022 for the sole purpose of reducing my ability to buy things.

This is of course after I pay nearly 40% income tax and 15% tax on all goods and services, 50% tax on fuel, property tax, among other things.

So, yes I would very much like the scam to be exposed as much as possible, as an organic user.

So, yes I would very much like the scam to be exposed as much as possible, as an organic user.

The typical 'conspiracy theorist' wants to see more people 'wake up' and start asking more questions of their authorities. The climate change scam (and accompanying carbon credit scam) are far more likely topics to get people to question authority than fake shootings or fake aliens. If this sub ever spent even 10% as much time talking about fake science like climate change, it would become a force to be reckoned with.

ABSOLUTELY!!!! If your in this sub Votes are the last thing you care about. If you want votes hang out in cuteanimals.

votes seem important in t-d but yeah.

The most astroturfed topic in history and the clearest example of shilling we have is the climate change agenda.

living up to your user name every single day

What citation are you asking for?

The Ted talk expose on astroturfing featured climate change propaganda and this:


Anything else? How about you look into Climate Action Network.

George Soros pushes the the Global warming agenda, that should be all one needs to know.

The funny thing is the real conspiracy is that oil companies have paid Republican senators and congressmen to push this idea that global warming is a scam so they can have free reign to pollute the earth while raking in billions of dollars.

Global Warming is a scam.

Thanks for spreading this. The gigantic oil companies truly appreciate your service.

Got it all figured out, doncha?


The trees of the forest appreciate my service more so I assure you. But let's suck all the CO2 out of the atmosphere and starve them to death, super awesome plan man.

Ignoring the fact that there's no practical way to get back to 280 ppm, if the greenhouse effect was significantly reduced from the baseline, it would be as catastrophic as the expected increase. Bad faith argument.

Absolutely, the problem is that it's clouded under the continuous onslaught of people spouting the "~97% of scientists agree that climate change is real" argument rather than actually communicating the science that we know. Instead of constantly reciting that number, assuming that people will automatically be convinced.

A much better strategy would be to explain different carbon ratios and unsequestered vs. sequestered sources of carbon dioxide ... instead they keep repeating "97%" which isn't exactly a scientifically sound argument.

All of that then results in threads like these ...

I would love to see a panel of 5 or 6 experts on either side debate climate warming. One site says ice is melting and other sites say ice is expanding. All seems like a confusing divide and conquer technique used by religions for years.

Scam. sure it is, but what isnt?

My biggest issue with your idea is that the ones spreading it want money, and don't give a fuck about pollution and sustainable shit. They don't want self sustainers at all, which no one should be against. Even if global warming is crap, damage to our planet and the lack of concern for water sources etc is very harmful, and goes hand in hand with corruption and environmental deregulation, etc.

What percentage of scientists would have to reach a consensus for you to think that it's perhaps not a scam?

I was a militant global warming advocate up until about a few months ago. Now I'm not so sure. There is conflicting scientific data thrown around everywhere and the people propagating the idea of global warming lie about almost literally everything else.

I used to think we were all cooked, now I think it's all bullshit and just a device to get money out of people and have them voluntarily give up their land and freedoms.

Back in 2000 I studied Environmental Chemistry under professor Stephen Lincoln of Adelaide University. Of all the academics I studied under, this man impressed me the most with his intellect and teaching ability, and he taught that the whole global warming thing was simply part of a natural process, various reasons why CO2 couldn't be to blame, etc. We were examined on our understanding of that, too.

So, fast forward to recently and I was reflecting on that experience. I looked up the old prof to see what was up – surely, if he was still employed, he would have capitulated to the 'consensus' narrative. But, to my surprise, not only have his opinions remained intact, he's now dean of the Environmental Chemistry faculty (previously inorganic chemistry) and has authored a tome titled Challenged Earth: An Overview of Humanity's Stewardship of Earth.

It was rather incongruous, so I went and searched to see what the environmentalists were saying about him, and they are basically invalidating his opinions by calling him a 'nuclear shill'. I.e., his belief is that nuclear is the way to go. That seems smart to me, especially in Australia where there aren't ever any earthquakes and there's plenty of geologically inert earth where nuclear waste could be stored safely.

Anyway, that's my 'cool story' :)

Why not reach out to him and catch up?

Can you atleast give us some evidence to show why you believe global warming is a scam? Instead of making a claim and not backing it up.

I do believe that the people who believe that "global warming is fake" is people who live way up the equator line and they probably have all seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and they clearly doesn't notice the same climate changes that we do. For example, where I live I have NEVER seen snow and the most low temperature i have ever felt is 5 C. Climate change is real, every year have been hotter. Last year one of the cities from my country hit 50 c. is that not fucking climate change to you i don't know what would be.

Water vapor is more abundant, and unequivocally not worse than CO2

Don't make excuses for his ignorance

I think the resemblance of this tax to tithing to the church for salvation is chilling. An it's ironic that it's often the most devoted atheists that think the tax is a good idea.

Heh, some of these people are the "useless hoarders" that have the arrogance to call us "useless eaters" (and whichever variety of that term.)

Hollywood in essence (imo) is mostly this pretentious platform for highlighting political issues through people that are idolized and borderline revered as half-gods by some, for taking insane amounts of money for the art of pretending in front of a camera.

Not gonna claim acting or the lifestyle itself is easy, but surely there are people in this world who should be paid the same amount for what they do based on merit and usefulness to the world.

.. and ..sometimes the occasional movie with actual depth to them are released. Usually that means it's less reliant on car chases and alien robots.