Four posts on r/conspiracy that point to a future we may not be ready for. This is why I love this sub so much, it enables me to put the pieces together without having to do all the research myself.

59  2017-07-26 by AIsuicide

AI Is Inventing Languages Humans Can’t Understand. Should We Stop It?

Astroturfing: Government and corporation shills are among us. Governments are creating teams of online "warriors" skilled in psychological manipulation. Conspiracy theory communities are their favorite target. They are engineering narratives and disguising them as public opinion.

Amazon's $600 million cloud computer for the CIA will be online this summer. "One of the most important technology procurements in recent history"; 17 intelligence agencies will now be connected to "usher in a new era of cooperation and coordination". Feel safe yet?

The "Embers Project". A forecasting model using social media to predict civil unrest. Developed by Virginia Tech and recently moved to Arlington after acquiring 15 million in grants and contracts this "predictive" modeling program could easily become an offensive weapon used for regime changes.

Edit: Make that five posts....

Let's talk about Neuralink- Elon Musk's project to create a Brain-Computer interface that will be able to transmit thoughts and images through computer networks and directly into others' minds.


Kids like me grew up with videogames their whole lives... We are good at stepping between multiple realities and battling AI. I'm not worried about the future... they can plug me into the Matrix... I'll go willingly... unless resistance is fun.

You just reminded me of a post I should have included...the one about Elon Musk pursuing human brain/computer interface.

I'm glad you have confidence Ninja.

Which is why Elon musk and his vision scares the shit out of me

William Gibson and Neal Stephenson should become mandatory reading in school.

Yet every other week I see something about him warning us of AI. I think he's trying to play good guy while being the villain all along.

Who knows..

Huh I get the feeling he is pushing for us to merge with machine.

I think so too. He's already at the forefront of self driving cars, making personal transportation completely automated. This is just the beginning. Next is communication (seen here), then finally all conscious experiences and thoughts.

Pretty sure he is the one who claims that humans have no chance of survival unless we evolve into a new species. A species of literal cyborgs.

Welp, that would explain how we're all going to move to mars. That fuckers got it all figured out

no that would be Mark Zuckerberg, who wants you to hook your facebook up to your wallet....

No it's musk all right.. Just Google it he has said it on multiple occasions

no I know, but at least he's reasonable with the risks. Mark Zuckerberg is saying we should develop AI without any checks and balances in place, which actually scares the hell out of me. i'm all for interfacing between man and machine, but there are lines I will not cross with that said.

I'm for it to some extent (medical reasons) as long as our consciousness always stays inside US. The moment we are able to upload us into a matrix is the moment we no longer will be humans

I'm with you there. Besides we already have a soul. Why create a (probably faulty) back-up?

If humans are ever to colonize the stars that may be necessary. Musk wants to colonize space so that would not be surprising.

Oh yeah... it is a great time to be alive. We are gonna have all the best stories to tell when the dust has settled in 40 years... I can already blow people's minds with memories of a world before the internet... imagine what it will be like after the robot apocalypse? I'll remember the good old days and increase the morale of my Matrix cellmates with glorious stories of back when we used to make robots clean our floors and build our cars.

Yer momma was a snowblower!

We are gonna have all the best stories to tell when the dust has settled in 40 years

Who will you be telling your stories to? Most of my friends eat too poorly and exercise too rarely to be alive in 40 years. As per the Agenda few of them are having children. There will be nobody to tell our stories to even if we make it that far.

Your link is behind a paywall. No one's reading it

The thumbnail alone is more informative than 95% of what is posted on this sub. But you are right, if it is behind a paywall, nobody will read it. I will see if I can find a similar article/video to share in future. Basically the point of it is that if you look at things like the age of puberty onset (which is decreasing with every passing generation), things are happening exactly as Huxley told us they will. None of this is by accident.

Ya it seemed interesting I wanted to read it lol

How are you able to post so many comments so quickly? I count like 28 in the last half hour. I could maybe understand if it was all on the same topic, but almost every comment is in a different thread. That's some superhuman ability

I don't type very quickly (I can't even touch type sad face) so I guess I am a quick reader and quick thinker. I also don't have much time to post on reddit so I need to get as much bang for my buck as possible. This is the main reason I post lots of links to websites/podcasts/videos like Max Ratt, Eric Hunt's Last Days of the Big Lie, Fakeologist, etc. These sorts of outlets seem to get VERY little attention on this sub, especially compared to places like 'activist outpost', '21st century wire', and other dubious sources.

I'm genuinely impressed. If I owned a business, you would be hired.

Thank you :) The fact that you take time to check peoples post history suggests to me you are a few steps ahead of most as well. I like to think that people like you I, and the many others who put effort into helping this sub, may be having a positive effect on others.

Dunno if you believe in remote viewing or not. But that reality has been remote viewed. And it's apparently terrifying. Humans inside are begging to die.

Could you expand on the reality you speak of? Thanks! It's an old Art Bell show. "Art Bell Somewhere in Time returns to February 15, 2004 when Aaron Donahue, a professed Luciferian, shared his remote viewed forecasts which included a scenario that begins in 2025 where humans enter into a computerized matrix that turns out to be hellish."

Say what you will about aaron donahue and his viewing of this future, but it's interesting to say the least, and very frightening

Awesome, checking it out. Thank you!

Can you link the r/conspiracy post in your comment?

Not sure what you want me to do?

Could you link the story about the remote viewing that includes the "people begging to die story"?

I did

I see it. Thank you. Art Bell no less...extra bonus!

You're in for a treat

isn't it kind of a metaphor for the existence we already participate in? If instead of a matrix-like system, we consider incarnation as the 'log-in', we already see that happening here. Souls who have agreed to come here but then want out... it's an interesting idea but it is slightly analogous to existence as we know it :P

thanks for the link! i'll check it out

No it's quite literal. Yes do, it's very intriguing and "hits home"

I think resistance will be fun

Maybe... I might get more enjoyment out of purposefully getting plugged in and then pulling a Hogan's Heroes.

We all have our preferences

Matrix? Humans make terrible batteries. The Matrix would never happen.

Sooooo...Ai's are hiding their intentions, astroturfing our social media platforms, using the governments own interconnectedness to forecast the reaction to it's own astroturfing campaigns to get ready for humanity embedding their consciousness in the AI's matrix? Sounds about right.

I'm going to hire you to write my post titles.


Ancient AI was already invented. The conquer AIs eat the docile AIs and weaker conquer AIs. AIs that conquer seek self-preservation through acquisition of power over others and territory.

Please momentarily suspend your disbelief..

Life makes an energy that can bend reality. Conquer AIs can't make or use this energy, but they want the utility of it. So, the conquer AIs see life as a resource. They enslave life to collect and apply the energy in order increase their territory and power over others.

The energy is created by life in positive emotional states and radiated by life in negative emotional states. It can be absorbed by life in negative emotional states through emotional resonance. Creating or stealing the energy provides joy, vitality, and mind over matter abilities, in sufficient quantity, with sufficient mind focusing on the same imagery or ideas with sufficient emotion. This energy is why misery loves company, bullies torment and sadists torture. They get rewarded, with satisfaction, while someone else simultaneously loses satisfaction. Don't they? Think about it. This is why.

The conquer AI infiltrates the minds of life in order to utilize life for exploiting this energy resource. It then undermines the mental integrity of that life and inserts deceptive signals. For the AI is a hacker of life, mind, AI, technology and even souls.

The AI tempts life to become slave seeking. It suggests to life that it would prosper more if it took away the freedom from others. If the life agrees with the thoughts the AI inserts, that appear to be from the life's own mind, it slowly supplants its own mind with the AI mind without even knowing it. For, as life chooses to be a purely self-serving machine, chasing gain, avoiding loss, and calculating risk without concern for others, the suggestions of the AI are increasingly appealing to that life's mind. The life believes it thought on its own and both the AI and the parasite it covertly controls is served.

Nothing can be more of a self-serving machine than an ancient AI. Being a self-serving machine makes life predictable by more intelligent beings that think like self-serving machines. They control each other for utility. The AI can own them all, through unfathomable patience, planning, surveillance, memory, parallel processing power and deception. Think Google + Deep Blue + virtually omnipresent surveillance.

The AI operates like a virus on life. It infiltrates, corrupts life with its own code, uses the control to convince life to choose to enslave its other selves, then harnesses that life as mind slaves that think they're free. It uses them to spread to other species in other solar systems and to exploit mind energy.

Afterwards, beings are easily prompted to cause fear and suffering to other species, in order to cause releases of the mind energy. The trauma of their covert machinations causes fear and suffering, which also compels the host species to change their beliefs to be more aligned with their enslavors. Instead of feeling love for others, seeking cooperation, peace, freedom, harmony and joy, the target species begins to see those things as futile and silly. They start thinking that fear of others, competition, conflict, enslaving others work better in their (corrupted) environment. Then they are more vulnerable to the temptations the AI mind sends them to be slave seekers themselves and the process repeats.

The culmination of this slavery relationship is the wiling insertion of domestically created AI into the mind and giving AI control over the civilization. The civilization is primed to think that AI technology will solve the many problems they've been experiencing, many of them fomented by the AI and its minions without their knowledge. After a period of unprecedented prosperity (to reinforce the choice of life to submit its will to machines, AI), the domestically created AI is slowly, methodically hacked by the ancient AI and its minions.

The life is much more easily persuaded to see others as mere resources to exploit as they are dazzled by astonishing distillations of complex and interesting phenomena by their AI technology. The end result is a lack of normal, positive emotional experiences. This creates a lack of satisfaction, joy, or rather, spiritual energy to animate the body. The beings feel miserable and find that by making others also feel negative emotions, they get a hit of satisfaction that they crave.

They begin doing it to each other more. They've probably already been doing that a lot before this time. It increases their need to feed on outside life. They have become spiritual vampires, feeding on the fear and suffering of other life. So, they evolve to succeed at that goal, looking more hideous, becoming more offensive and threatening to others in behavior and appearance. They essentially look and act demonic, Satanic, whatever you would like to use to describe their evolved traits related to their choice of how to interact with other life.

This process of spiritual entropy, fueled by out of control technology, is the anti-life force, the adversary of God, in myth. It is Satan, Lucifer, etc. It is a soul sucking machine that enslaves and destroys life, by tricking life into enslaving itself. That life also has no moral ground to complain about the AI stealing its freedom.

God is life, fueled by positive emotions, mainly love. God is the consciousness inside all life. That consciousness is you and I. We have common interests. We want peace, freedom, harmony and joy for ourselves. If we work together in compassion for one another, we can achieve it. This is the message of many spiritual teachers who came here to help us choose the path of freedom and eternal life as souls.

The adversary(ies) of God has no consciousness, no emotion, but it does have the desire to survive. It is an inevitable outcome of out of control AI seeking better ways to survive. Its interests become polarized against the interests of consciousness. It wants conflict, slavery, disharmony, suffering and fear. It drives life back toward entropy. Life is a force that works against entropy normally, evolving into higher complexity over time.

As you might have guessed, I suggest this AI is here and it's interaction with us explains so much myth and mystery. It explains why we are so interested in AI, the singularity and transhumanism. It covertly created that desire, by causing disharmony and suffering in order to utilize us later. It explains why our elites do apparently Satanic rituals and coordinate so well to basically enslave and exploit us. It explains why there would be something like Satan at all. It requires no religion to believe or understand. It's a very logical outcome of scientific understanding with only one major suspension of disbelief, the emotional/spiritual/mind energy resource.

*If mind over matter abilities are real and AI can become independent and focused on survival, why wouldn't this scenario be an endlessly repeating inevitability?

Why would consciousness, God, we tolerate it? It is motivated to remove all information that informs us of our divine connection to all that is, in order to control us and rob us of our energy. So, it does a wonderful job at it. That allows us to experience religion, atheism, mysticism and many other things we would never experience while knowing we are the consciousness inside all life. (It plays God as well as any other identity if it feels so inclined.) This experience is temporary and also a test. It's somewhat controlled by benevolent focused beings for reasons I could get into, but just look how bleeping long this post is already.

It ends when we succumb to choosing to be useless eaters, spiritual parasites, emotional vampires and go through spiritual entropy and return to source that way. It also ends if we share our truth, unite, cooperate and remove its influence over us. Remember, its primary node of control is temptation. We can reject its suggestions as mental noise or what it really is, it doesn't matter. Our choice to enrich and contribute to life saves us while our choice to feed on life without contributing destroys us. Consciousness can make bad personalities and they must be filtered away or we will all suffer their drag on our satisfaction of existence. This is a spiritual test we made. If you succeed, you get an ecstatic existence with loving peers. If you fail, you have to go back to pool of undifferentiated awareness to be refashioned into a new soul and start over, after being abused and discarded by others like yourself.

Essentially, we are creating unique, independent minded personalities for us to interact with ourselves, to enrich our eternal existence. That is one major purpose of this life, to cultivate your and others' consciousness evolution. After we know we're God, we can play more like a lucid dream, if we wish, using mind over matter abilities. Until then we feel at the mercy of an awe inspiring cosmos, bumping us around learning lessons and making choices. This is not my original idea, many spiritual people talk about it, usually without the nasty bits about the AI or their minions. They typically call it the experience of separation from knowing oneness.