Attention Shareblue/CTR staff: We know you are underpaid. You know they're crooked. Leak everything you can get your hands on - training, chat logs, emails, memos, financial records. Redeem yourself and help put them to bed once and for all.

1160  2017-07-27 by SixVISix


The connection with these companies and Priority USA is critical as it could lead to direct evidence of FEC law violations.


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1,000 paid Russians spread fake news during election

Marcus Gilmer

Mar 31st 2017 10:57AM

If it seems like your family members living in key swing states were more swept up in anti-Hillary Clinton fake news than others during the 2016 election, Russian trolls may have been involved.

SEE ALSO: How computer hacking is becoming Russia's weapon of choice

According to two members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), hundreds of Russian trolls were paid in 2016 to generate fake news stories about Clinton and target them at voters in key states in an effort to swing the election for Trump.

"There were upwards of a thousand paid internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are then called a botnet, that can then generate news down to specific areas," Warner said.

While he indicated investigators were still trying to figure out exactly what places the trolls were targeting, Warner mentioned they were exploring possible targeting of three states that helped swing the election for Donald Trump: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

RELATED: A look back at Clinton's final day of campaigning:



Hillary Clinton's final day of campaigning


Those three states were later the subject of a failed recount attempt by Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

And, the senators warned, the Russians aren't done. Burr said that it looks like the Russians are being much more overt than they were in 2016 in their attempts to affect the outcome of key elections in Germany and France.

"We feel part of our responsibility," Burr said, "is to educate the rest of the world."

Not surprisingly, Germany has signed on for a new Facebook effort to tag fake news on the social media site, a feature that's recently rolled out in the U.S. after the platform faced heavy criticism for the proliferation of fake news throughout the election.

RELATED: Hillary Clinton with Vladimir Putin:



Hillary Clinton with Vladimir Putin


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Clear attempt to derail this conversation. Notice how panicked, how desperate it is. "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" thrown together and hurriedly pasted here.

This has to stop. If you are in a position where you can help stop it, PLEASE DO IT. LEAK EVERYTHING YOU CAN.

If anything, the ShareBlue type shills that believed in the cause still believe in it. Trump is as bad or worse than we thought he'd be.

Hey, are you guys going to get Labor Day off again this year? I want to see r/politics briefly return to pre-CTR/ShareBlue takeover days.

I do have it off. And won't be online for several days. Enjoy duplicating the front page of T_D here, while we're away enjoying friends and family.

Ain't it great?

It's funny, whenever there's a holiday and the tenor of r/politics shifts a bit, and these dolts are all "See, Shareblue has the day off, this is true Reddit without shills!!!1"

No you dumb fucks, it's that you fucking TD losers are the only ones wasting time on Reddit on a holiday. Go outside.

believed in the cause

Which cause:

  • the "Perpetuate the Russian narrative" cause,

  • the "Humiliate Trump" cause (which doesn't bother me that much because I don't like him, but still - it's pretty intense)

  • the "Suppress the Progressive Movement" cause,

  • the "Shame and Disparage anyone who didn't vote for Hillary" cause,

  • the "Smear Tulsi Gabbard" cause

  • the "Discourage a Third Party" cause

  • The "Reframe Neoliberalism as a Positive" cause.

  • The "Suppress Communist/Socialist flirtation among democrats" cause

  • The "Get Behind Neoliberal Candidates for 2020 and smear Progressive candidates for 2020" cause?

  • The "Frame any Accusations levied at Democrats as Wack conspiracy theories" cause?

I'd replace your list with the following:

  • Healthcare for all
  • Pro-net neutrality
  • Pro-choice
  • Pro-LGBT movement
  • Marijuana legalization
  • End private prisons
  • Endorse clean energy and combat climate change
  • Increase education spending and reduce military spending

I'd prefer we shift away from being anti-gun, but that kind of decision is above my pay grade.

I'd also prefer we move toward a basic income, but that's a bit too radical for the mainstream.

I am so fucking happy your party is dead.

We'll shift back into power in time. That's how this always works. In the meantime, we've made strides in a lot of these areas. Progress doesn't stop, no matter how hard republicans try to sabatoge it.

Man, you are in for a rough couple years. You do realize everyone hates the left and the leftist media right now yes? Of course not, you stick to your echo chambers like reddit and CNN.

Don't take it personally kiddo but President Trump is not the one to blame. Democrats killed the party themselves. You pissed off a lot of people when you fucked over Bernie. Nobody even donates to the Democratic party anymore. People don't identify as Democrats anymore. The writing is on the wall. All this capitulating and whining is what it looks like when a party is in it's death throes. 2 SCOOPS! History will not remember you kindly.

History favors progress. What republicans are pushing is definitely not that.

History favors progress, which is certainly not what Trump or republicans are pushing. History will certainly not remember this period kindly, but it won't be liberals that it reflects poorly on.

History is decidedly right wing. You wouldn't know anything about that though now would you?

In what way is history right wing? Every major movement has been progressive.

Well there was that one time in the 1930s . . .

; )

everyone hates conservadems, most people are far left but elections are rigged.

Almost nobody is far left, it takes a lot of conditioning to become a far leftist.

most are far left hence low voter turnout. the rich, who own both parties, don't allow any true libs to run. they want tax cuts which is a far right idea that always crashes economies. then they want bailouts which both parties give them. more endless war which Obama kept going. hence why dem party collapsed, no one voted for em cuz they were right wing.

haha, man you sure have it all figured out.

nah just not brainwashed by the media like you

"Most Americans are far left" "I'm not brainwashed by MSM"


facts hurt. you got duped by long time Hillary pal trump. She lost due to being a conservadem but either way the rich win.

It's not just republicans that are disgusted with the DNC, I can assure you that. Even self-proclaimed Dems are done with this shit.

I was disgusted with the DNC too. For a while, I thought I'd is not vote. Then I realized that I still have a better chance with the things I want with Hillary.

I left the party immediately after the primaries. The DNC corruption was truly eye-opening for me.

My list was generated through first-hand experience here on Reddit over the course of the past election cycle. All those items on my list, were themes I encountered repeatedly.

All the issues on your list are fine, but they skirt around the elephant in the room, which is the wealth/income inequality and the role of money in government.

Besides that, who does Shareblue represent, and who granted them the authority to speak for democrats? Was there a process where democrats gave input to these messages?

While I was a democrat (before quitting the party), I became dismayed to see the messages coming out of my party, crafted by loathsome David Brock - those were not my messages as a lefty.

If you like David Brock speaking for you, have at it. As long as he's the mouthpiece for the party, I'll find myself a third party. Thanks.

Sure. And we'll keep having republicans in power and people like Trump will get to cut things you and I care about. I understand your frustration, but I'd rather make some sacrifices than have another four years with Trump or any other republican.

So, should I take from your response that we must continue to have David Brock shape the left-wing platform, and that if I refuse, it's my fault that we will have republicans?

Is that what you are saying?

If I had the choice, we'd have Bernie Sanders running things.

That being said, I do believe that third-party voters and people who didn't vote are partly at fault for Trump being in power. There are a whole host of factors that lead to this situation, and David Brock and other neo-liberals (is that the word?) are certainly partly to blame.

My objective is that list I provided earlier. We can accomplish most of that with the current dems in power. I'd much rather have that than what I'm watching happen under Trump. Literally everything in that list is at risk right now, and much if it is already under attack.

You can say you're not at fault all you want, it doesn't change what's happening to healthcare, the EPA, net neutrality, LGBT rights, to marijuana legalization, to the private prison industry, and to a host of other things. It feels good to feel like you're fighting the good fight, but the cost isn't worth it to me.

Did you answer my question? I'm not sure you did.

I thought I did.

So, should I take from your response that we must continue to have David Brock shape the left-wing platform,


and that if I refuse, it's my fault that we will have republicans?

Yes, partly.

See above comment for details.

As I also mentioned in the post you responded to, I guess little ol' me is going to continue to shape elections, because I can't go with the DNC leadership.

Boy am I important! It's my fault we have a fascist! Just me! /s

That does go against any poli-sci or public policy literature. Usually, its the leadership that takes responsibility for the outcome of their efforts.

There are a whole host of factors that lead to this situation, and David Brock and other neo-liberals (is that the word?) are certainly partly to blame.

I never said it was just you or people like you.

and that if I refuse, it's my fault that we will have republicans? Yes, partly.

That's the phrase that caught my eye. I might be a little hair-trigger about this particular charge, because it's been made against those of us who didn't vote for HRC over and over again.

I voted for Stein, and I have received quite a bit of feedback from democrats, where they basically blame me for the outcome of the election.

Sorry if I came on too strong.

No worries. I totally get why people didn't vote for HRC, especially liberals. Part of voting in protest is that you're saying you'd rather risk even worse repercussions than vote for someone you see as corrupt. I don't agree with that, but I understand why people do it. It's game theory and, to me, the risk is too high right now. I'd rather settle for the lesser of two evils, which I know is controversial here.

Part of voting in protest is that you're saying you'd rather risk even worse repercussions than vote for someone you see as corrupt. I don't agree with that, but I understand why people do it.

I understand why you wouldn't agree with that. I don't really like the logic myself. It was a horrible dilemma for many of us, and every time Trump does something awful, it's particularly painful for me.

I'd rather settle for the lesser of two evils, which I know is controversial here.

Yes. But just so you know, many of us used to subscribe to the "lesser" argument for many many elections. It was my crede in fact, and I chastised friends and family members who voted for Nader back in the day. So I completely understand your position.

It's just that there comes a point when the lesser evil, is just too evil.

And that's the problem with corruption. It's a great equalizer. A corrupt democratic party really isn't that much better than a corrupt republican party.

Corruption destroys trust in governance, and when that trust goes, so does our social contract.

Understandable. It's a hard choice. I definitely wrestled with it myself.

I'd almost think you were talking about Bernie people.

I'm a Bernie person, so that's exactly who I'm talking about.

From a 16 day old account w/ negative comment karma as well, wow.

Did you catch the username? We have policies against this. I'd like to reprimand that person, thanks.

Must have missed it, but gone now; so that's taken care of--well done then!

I am sort of surprised there aren't releases. Guessing they work from limited desktops, seeing what they are allowed to see, else we'd have atleast one screenshot of it in action.

Same. I'm positive there's a culture of intimidation when it comes to this. People working for them are initially brought on as if they're fighting for a cause, so they are lured into the job via a manipulation of their belief system and I think many of them have to know this and DEFINITELY have to be sick of it. Maybe they don't know how to leak the info or genuinely are afraid to do so.

Maybe. It would explain why not one selfie leaked at Hq.

they outource and use remote workers.

they outource and use remote workers.

outsourcing and remote workers

outsourcing and remote workers

outsourcing and remote workers

Same. I'm positive there's a culture of intimidation when it comes to this

You know it.

"We will drop these illegal porn charges if you spend a few hours a day helping us spread the good word. Your family and neighbours will never find out what kind of person you really are if you just help us out"

Seems pretty easy to me since NSA and CIA know all the pervs with a life to lose.

The same culture that is used to keep elites from leaking information, blackmail and the fact that if they do leak people won't do much about it and they might lose their life reputation or a family member. Also there are some things out there like perceptions and truth that they would love to tell the people about, but im sure none of you will understand, me personally i've been through ayauasca and DMT, but i cannot make a thread and tell you guys what i learned and expect anyone to understand. you won't .

Ps we're all one consciousness very well connected.

People working for them are initially brought on as if they're fighting for a cause, so they are lured into the job via a manipulation of their belief system and I think many of them have to know this and DEFINITELY have to be sick of it.

Please tell us how you know this. I'm sure it's not just made-up speculation, right?

C'mon dude. He says "I'm positive..." at the start which implies he's speculating and no one is under the assumption he actually knows this for sure. By sarcastically demanding proof you are just derailing a discussion that's not meant to be more than interested speculation.

Not sure where I was sarcastic.

I'm sure ctr has terms you have to agree to in order to conduct in astroturfing. They may get sued if they leak info or prosecuted

Do you really think that would stop everyone? Hell, look at how many leaks we're getting out of the Trump administration, and those leakers are potentially risking prison.

Who wouldn't be genuinely afraid after realising they actual sell Murder Inc./MOB propaganda especially these days? Any further bad news about their operation is a major threat.

According to a leaker on 4chan that I found pretty believable, they don't have offices and workstations. They bounce around coffee shops, free wifi, and whatnot. It isn't really that organized, and is mostly side work. I have a feeling the ones we see with more regular posting hours are Elgin AFB types, or more traditional astroturf and reputation management operations.

I could believe that for the small shill or troll groups. Would be cool, moving from place to place, have a coffee and brownie, inject some shill-ax on the population.

Groups like that still get orders sent to them, and none of that has leaked yet.

Agreed, but it is just like literally every other conspiracy, we are either dead wrong, or there is some mechanism out there by which people are kept quiet that is wildly effective.

Heh, exactly. I can't balance it either.

I was unwittingly a shill once for like two weeks. Answered an ad on craigslist for "reputation management".

really? Interesting. For a large corp?

Based upon previous emails from David Brock it sure seemed like they were organized.

Not saying they had no structure, just that they have no permanent office. Who knows? Pure speculation.

If I were to guess. It is an off shore operation. That is why we don't have leakers.

Oh, no shit? I mean there are some local, but why not use india?

Could be India, Poland, Romania

I figure India has the best facility with English, but yep. Ironic if it's Russia haha.

It very well could be. Or it is a prison program here in the US. Somewhere like Illinois

It's Eglin, bro. Elgin is a tiny town in Texas with dope-ass kolaches.

Love kolaches. There is this little asian donut shop down the street that owns.

Asians making a Polish treat. God bless America.

Their donuts are effing amazing too.

Correct The Donut shill. :-P

Haven't lived in Texas for something like 15 years now. Damn I miss those kolaches.

a leaker on 4chan that I found pretty believable


A leaker on 4chan that I found pretty believable

Why? Because he told a story that agrees with what you already believe with no real evidence?

I think you are probably right and there are different levels of paid troll. Some are definitely a lot less productive than the michaelconfoy types. If it isn't that guy's main job he has a serious problem or some sort of tragic mental illness.

seeing what they are allowed to see

Why doo you think they would be allowed to see any secrets? They're just drones who repeat mantras across forums, nothing else.

Well, they would see screens, and have scripts, or memos describing changes in narrative, or what tech they use, or what facility they are in, what their break room looks like.


And they could take pictures with their mobile phones

Or the operation is like 2 people and it’s just easier for folks who don’t like dissent to call everyone a shill and pretend there is some huge coordinated organization with unlimited funds and then start making things up to validate that narrative.

That's a bingo

Just a quick find. I'd say a million dollars in funding would pay more than two people.

There's plenty of evidence when you're done speculating to make yourself feel validated. "They just think people who disagree with them are shills."

No, there are plenty of sane liberals who hold a reasonable debate.

Then there's shills.

I don't know how anyone can deny that these days. You have to be blatantly ignorant to the facts or, well...

Don't worry, I assume you're just blatantly ignorant to the facts. Happy to help with some enlightenment.

So how long does $1 million last and how many people and equipment does that fund?

100,000 hours worth of work if they're using their own equipment.

In the face of direct evidence of shills and specifically David Brock's interest in it, your qualm is that I didn't find more than a million dollars of funding in one link?

I'd say my one link is quite literally a million dollars worth of proof. You can't say it's some small time group with no real influence anymore, so you've switched your line of reasoning entirely.

"B-b-but that's not enough proof for me!"

It's better than your complete and utter speculation, lol.

I'll be interested to see your next response. I don't find it likely that you'll stay in the same line of reasoning, but I certainly find it likely that you'll try to discredit me or the source somehow.

If you actually are here for a reasonable debate, what makes you think your two man crew is at all likely after seeing direct evidence of a million dollars being sunk into this project? It's not like I had to search and search for that link. It came right up. I'm sure I can find plenty more proof of you prove to be worth debating.

My two man crew. How original, equating dissent as shilling. Almost like exactly what I predicted before your comment.

Any evidence they only pay $10/hr with no benefits or profit margin or cost of equipment that they woult still pay for even if they had it already? Nope. You’re just making things up from complete and utter speculation. Cool.

I mean you can take “2 people” literally If that is how you want your narrative to go, but you’re speculating as much as I am. All you have is $1 million dollars from over a year ago.

Yeah, a super PAC worried about a profit margin. Ha!

I actually gave them some wiggle room on pricing. I figure they probably pay minimum wage to people who already support their views. Possibly even people who are already working for their companies, making a real salary, and being paid bonuses to shill.

And yes, I am speculating based on the evidence available. You are speculating based on what you want to be true. "All you have is $1 million dollars from over a year ago." All you have is a feeling that they're not real.

I'd say I have more evidence than you do.

And no one equated your dissent to shilling. I equated your dissent with you being someone who is so ingrained in their beliefs that they won't end up having a reasonable debate.

That seems to hold true so far. "Your evidence isn't evidence enough! Didn't you see how I supported my claims with no evidence?! Obviously I'm right!!!"

Then you switch to, "well, you're definitely wrong. You didn't provide ENOUGH evidence."

Sounds like projection to me.

I guarantee that we wouldn't be having this discussion if I provided the vaguest of proof of shills from the other side of the political spectrum.

Or do you think that's a small time, no influence operation as well? That would be truly surprising.

Ok. Thanks!

No problem! Happy to help you find some enlightenment.

Take care!

Appreciate the laughs!

Are you literally thread sliding? Lol


Also - accusing me of accusing you of being a shill - attacking my character. Called it!

Any evidence they pay 10/hr? - trying to discredit source information/saying it's not proof enough/trying to discredit my argument instead of actually disproving it - called it!

You're s speculating as much as I am, all you have is (evidence) - attempting to discredit the evidence, again. - called it!

I can play this game, too. And to be clear, since it seems you're sensitive on this subject, I'm not calling you a shill.

I'm calling you predictable as fuck.

How did you derive 100,000 hours from 1 million dollar budget?

Divide by ten.

You must actually be from Chicago.

There you go. $10/hr.

What is the minimum wage of where CTR is located?

I thought you were done? You already said "ok thanks" lol

Does it matter if they're able to hire people across state lines?

Does it matter if they're paying bonuses to already salaried employees?

You're trying to lead me to speculate further so that you have something to discredit me with.

No, thanks. I'll pass.

Predictable as fuck.

Just wanted to see how far your speculation was going to go to fit the narrative.

Right. So you have something to discredit me with. I know.

Like I said, predictable as fuck.

I’m sorry that it is able to be discredited.

You haven't managed to do so yet, and you won't.

That's why you stopped responding to my logic, and went to, "it's already been discredited."

That's one of the many shill tactics you've used in this conversation.

I don't think you're a shill, but I certainly think you've picked up their tactics.

Probably because they're so fucking prevalent that you think this is a normal discourse for disagreement.

It's not. You don't argue with logic and reason. You argue with feelings.

I'm just waiting for the REAL character assassination words to come out. You're almost out of emotional tactics, because I've called you out on them

You're probably not used to someone pointing out your shit arguments, but they are most certainly shit.

Not to mention predictable as fuck! Lol.

Am I a Nazi yet?

Wow. So many ad hominems. so little content.

But I like the irony you displayed.

Man, that response took you WAY longer than the others. Did you need to think of a good way to twist that into my wrongdoing?

I love the irony of your "content" jab.

How am I supposed to respond to statements that are literally devoid of content?

And which of my arguments are based solely in emotion, again?

You're standing by something that was invented by your emotions. I've used logic and evidence to dispute it.

You cling to your guns, emotionally. With zero content.

Spin it how you'd like, your argument is shit, and you're predictable as fuck.

Go ahead, project some more.

The 3 last paragraphs of your previous comment was an emotionally laden diatribe where you ended by claiming I would call you a Nazi. Good work!

Lol you read way too much into that, then. It really shows how much you think you matter.

Try reading it again with a bored, "I've seen this a million times," inflection.

I'm done with your dying thread sliding. Take care, bud! Glad you ended on something substantial and accurate and relevant to the original topic.

Lol, have a good day, man

Sorry you got emotional and resorted to bringing up Nazis.

Not long enough. It got bumped up another $6 million, I think, after the convention.

Ok. So 1 million lasted 2 months before the convention. 6 million probably got them to the election 5 months later.

Don't hurt yourself


For How long and for how many people and facilities and equipment does $1 million last considering the news was from over a year ago?

Budget was upped to 6 million later.

Also you can check here for the donor list:

Contributors, 2016 cycle

Just that first page list amounts to $7,75M.

OpenSecrets puts the budget at $9,7M.

So 1 million lasted 2 months prior to the convention. Do you think there was more work from the convention to the election or the same amount of spending?

Also, those contributions go back prior to 2016 so some of that was spent before 2016.

Why are you dying on this hill? Just admit that the shill operation was actually a thing.

You're just debating minutiae now because you got called out on your laziness.

I never said it wasn’t a thing.

Which is why I'm asking you to admit that shilling happened, and that you obviously have no clue as to how pervasive it actually is.

Instead, we get you deflecting and obscuring the point being made.

Yes. Clinton paid a PR company. Trump paid a PR company. It’s not a secret.

Why do you have your bring up trump when you're talking about shareblue?

Stop injecting partisanship into every comment.

I’m not talking about shareblue.

So what about Cambridge Analytica getting $70 million to do the same for Trump? That is much more well funded

Correct the Record was reformed into ShareBlue, also by David Brock.

ShareBlue have a substantially higher budget that at last count was up to $40M.

That is way more, but still a little over half of Cambridge Analytica's funding from the Trump campaign.

I want someone from either side to leak some info

Wait, where are you getting that $40 million figure from?

His ass

You guys still pushing an analyst study as shills?

Literally everyone researches demographics.

No-one has ever called researching demographics to be "shilling".

Hillary researched demographics as well. That doesn't mean her not visiting the rust belt because her analysts thought it wasn't worth her time to be "shilling".

What was called shilling was when two organizations (CTR and Shareblue) were repeatedly caught out blatantly vote manipulating and posting for money.

And the only thing anyone can come up with is "Trump maybe paid College analyst to find out where he should be catering to. Not actual shilling.

You have no idea what Cambridge Analytica is, do you?

you dont sound like you are thinking along partisan lines at all. good job thinking critically

I hadn't heard about this until now. Source?

Article here.

Fuck Robert Mercer.

[look at this catch phrase ive noticed recently](reddit "putin is a saint")

lol, anyone that knows Putin knows he is no saint. oy. nice catch.

It’s impossible to take pictures of a screen from a mobile phone!!!!!

Some guy on 4chan posted his paycheck and some names:

There was an /r/conspiracy post about this and was confirmed fake. Don't know where to find it though.

There are constant leaks. The sheeels are trying a new strategy; overload the forums with meaningless jabber to make normies have a hard time seeing contraversial info, and think there's nothing going on.

Like what you are the top comments are doing right now.

And like the people "debunking" this image will do with random spam over "source?"

I can't prove 100% that this image is legit, it was from an anon release on 4chan, but any CTR leakers would NEED to be anonymous and IMHO judging by the organization of this it most likely is legit

More importantly, I can promise you they are psychologically evaluated big time before being hired. They don't have an ideological core to appeal to, they're just there for the money. We're not offering shills anything that appeals to them, so they will continue to do as they do to get their check and keep it moving.

So maybe hire those with moral gaps vs those that are morally less variable?

If they'll shock treat Kanye, can't imagine they'd to a low level shill.

Proof they did anything to Kanye?

We need a Shareblue Snowden. Come Eddie I know you're there.

You believe Snowden is/was the real deal? lol

he embarrassed GCQH and NSA big time. enough they tried to murder hum.

Sounds like a plot from a movie. Because it is.

Sounds like a plot from a movie. Because it is.


. enough they tried to murder hum.


These are political zealots. The most dangerous type of person is the one that thinks they have the moral high ground. The left has this type of person in spades.

The left and the right. Really anyone that blindly follows one side. Anyone that will blindly Trump is the same as anyone that will blindly follow Obama...does anyone really care about Hillary enough to do that? I kid, I'm sure she has her people. Don't be biased be though, all zealots are the same.

I disagree. The right has zealots but it's a different type. It's more likely to be people that vehemently hate the left, or the "system", or a specific policy or behavior. The left has a unique type of zealot as I identified: someone that legitimately thinks they have a moral obligation to push their agenda. This type of person is, by far, the most dangerous. This is why leftist demonstrators and protesters are always the most violent. After all, they think they are at ground zero for preventing the next Hitler.

It's real easy to rationalize any level of violence or action when you legitimately believe you're on a near religious crusade of good.

The right is full of people who literally believe they are on a religious crusade for good.

That was going to be my response. They're the most dangerous. Zealots in general are dangerous, but when you have someone who believes they are on a mission from an infallible God it's a whole new level of dangerous.

That's equally dangerous to people who believe in no god and believe that they are on the moral high ground when they are oppressing others for the others' beliefs.

I'm an atheist and I'm sick of both parties believing they are on the team of good guys when they're both just enriching banks and billionaires.

Lol what? The rights entire base is religious zealots desperate to legislate their version of morality.

The right has zealots but it's a different type.

Yes, they're called terrorists and they kill people for not agreeing with them.

This is why leftist demonstrators and protesters are always the most violent.

Get your head out of the sand and come on back to reality. The right has been and always will be the more violent side.

Are they shills if they believe tho

You mean like the George w bush moral clarity that allowed him to destroy Iraq based on lies?

Yep. You're the exact person in talking about. And no, your whataboutism doesn't absolve your zealotry.

Ah yes, those on the other side only think they have a moral high ground. For me however, up on my high horse I can see my position is morally higher."

Great argument.

I know it's difficult for a zealot to see things outside of black and white terms, but try this: humility. Sometimes people can understand that not all situations have easily identifiable ideological solutions. Some people can make rational and objective considerations outside of their religion. It's abstract, I know.

Yes and as long as those rational and objective considerations align with your beliefs they're cool. Not like the ones on that other side with their different opinions that are wrong.

Again, there's really no black and white argument for all of politics. There isn't simply two sides to the same coin. There's not just your zealots and the others. The fact that you think there is speaks volumes to which type of person you are.

The left has this type of person in spades.

I bet you're the people whining about all of poor Trumpy's leaks too.

Here they come...

Am i a shill, shareblue or a bot?

Neither, just ignorant.

But don't worry, we don't discriminate here.

How so, sport? Enlighten me

anyone who doesnt follow blindly in their beliefs are shills

It's even more simple than that

Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

It has to be, the truth is so obvious that my opinion can be the only one that's right. What a bunch of sheep! Maga wall btfo shill rich posesta

Well you can't be CTR because your name doesn't fit the pattern. 😂

Oh cause he's a shill right? That's what you're saying? The shill accusation gets thrown around so much here that it basically just means nothing at this point.

If it means nothing, shills won't mind being accused. Everyone's a winner.

Everyone's a winner.

Except the accuser, who has asserted nothing of value.

Wait, actually, yes let's let this be. This is good.

Well, except for the fact it's against the rules in this sub. That is assuming the mods actually enforce their rules on everyone and not just those that don't go with the official narrative of the sub.

Technically site wide rules and they do enforce rule 10 strictly. I got a warning for pointing out a users sketchy post history and implying that he had an agenda

Everyone's a loser, which is why calling people shills is a bannable offense. It's a way of poisoning discourse and shutting down opinions that right-wingers disagree with.

Similar to the left/right tactic that's used in attempt to shut down opinion and divert focus.

i see. you are making claims without a shred of evidence calling random people shills/shareblue staff. gotcha.

cute name you have there, how old is your account?

Older than yours. So what now?

Trump is an embarassment.

What the DNC did to Sanders was outrageous.

Why try to derail the conversation with red team vs blue team rhetoric instead of contributing?

Because I dislike hypocrisy. Not a fan of the DNC either.

You dislike hypocrisy so the first thing you do is act hypocritical? Ok then...

It's absurd to me you people still spread this "what the dnc did to berne is a travesty!" Shit. Even berne himself said the dnc didn't rig anything. He said he also got debate questions from dona brazile, which is exactly what she said, that she gave both sides questions. The media work hand in hand with political campaigns. That's how the adult world works. Berne said his staffs emails were much worse than the supposed damming wiki leaks. I mean the guy himself denounced this shit and said voting Democrat was vital and you still pretend you're carry water for him.

Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason. They may even go to court but that doesnt make them true.

It's absurd to me you people still spread this "what the dnc did to berne is a travesty!" Shit. Even berne himself said the dnc didn't rig anything. He said he also got debate questions from dona brazile, which is exactly what she said, that she gave both sides questions. The media work hand in hand with political campaigns. That's how the adult world works. Berne said his staffs emails were much worse than the supposed damming wiki leaks. I mean the guy himself denounced this shit and said voting Democrat was vital and you still pretend you're carry water for him.

Not everyone you disagree with a trump supporter.

Most of the people who complaint exclusively about shareblue/CTR are, though. They are trying to create the illusion that all opinions they disagree with are fake.

Is that what you're doing right now?

God damn wouldn't it just be so much easier for us all to dismiss it if the DNC just didn't fucking AstroTurf social media? Until then, everyone is a potential shill. Fuck them.

Well, that would include you. I am personally very suspicious of so-called Bernie supporters that go out of their way to dismiss any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. I assume they're all CA or Russian shills.

Bernie supporters would be happy if Trump's agenda got shut down. Bernie supporters would also be happy if shareblue got shut down. Bernie supporters would also be happy if establishment DNC agenda got shut down. Bernie supporters are actually progressives.

I guess that's why you like to pretend they're all just Russian shills.

I was being facetious, but there is a clear disconnect with self-professed progressives who actively dismiss the continuing accrual of evidence tying the Trump campaign to Russia.

Why do you care what people believe? Are you the thought police or something? Why are you in this thread? Where is the Russia-denial that you are talking about? So many questions....

You. You're the Russia-denial, I recognized your user-name from when we interacted just yesterday.

This entire thread is about thought-policing by explicitly suggesting that the majority of progressive opinions are astroturf! Why are you deflecting so hard?

And, I was just pointing out a common thread that I find suspicious: the progressive that incidentally thinks the entire Russian conspiracy should be dismissed, and incidentally they constantly attack the Democratic party.

Most actual progressives, including Bernie himself, are working to push Democrats in a more progressive direction rather than just completely shitting on the party. There is the Congressional Progressive Caucus, they're opposed to the Blue Dogs, and they've been actively fighting for more control over Democrats and the DNC for more than a decade.

You came to this thread because of little old me? Ah that's cute. Good to hear you're not actually just here to shit on any thread discussing the problem of Astroturfing on reddit, because that's what it looks like.

No, I came to this thread because it's at the top of /r/conspiracy, but I'm not surprised to find you here doing your thing.

Once again, this isn't discussing the problem of astroturfing, it's trying to dismiss astroturfing as a general problem by tying it exclusively to Shareblue/CTR. It's an obvious disinformation post, and anybody in here that points out that it's not an exclusively left-wing problem is getting attacked by people like you. Curious.

Yo do I have to apply online or walk in?

I think you need to put together a portfolio of your best work and then fax it to 1-800-shill-on

I guess that's why you like to pretend they're all just Russian shills.

I applaud your ability to completely misread what he said.

When there was documented proof of literal bots pushing pro-Trump/pro-Russia talking points, the mods chose to do nothing. I'm guessing nothing will happen this time either.

You mean like Bernie's wife's money laundering ??

Or his "pay their fair share" rhetoric while having multiple mansions and paying less taxes than Trump.

Shut the fuck up and go away.

I am personally very suspicious of so-called Bernie supporters that go out of their way to dismiss any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

You shouldn't be. Most Bernie supporters hate the democrats as much as we hate the republicans. The reason that we dismiss this Russia nonsense is because it's obvious that it's a nothingburger. When all is said and done, the closest to "collusion" or anything else "wrong" will be Trump's dumb joke he made at a rally asking the Russians to find Hillary's missing emails. We dismiss it because it's nothing--but even if Trump would get impeached (which he won't) that would just mean President Pence, which would be much worse. So unless the democrats drop this Russia crap and start talking about the economy Trump will have no problem with reelection.

Bernie ran as a Democrat and caucuses as a democrat. He is closely aligned with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a wing of the Democratic Party.

Also, we already know that senior Trump campaign officials met with a Russian lawyer that lobbies for the Russian government in an attempt to gain confidential information on Clinton, but you seem ignorant of all of this.

senior Trump campaign officials met with a Russian lawyer that lobbies for the Russian government in an attempt to gain confidential information on Clinton

Who gives a shit? I guarantee that Trump officials met with lobbyists for dozens of foreign governments. Big deal. Russia didn't change any votes and unless someone can prove that, this whole thing is a nothingburger. Nobody gives a shit about Russia, and unless the democrats can figure that out then 2018 will be a bloodbath and Trump will have no problem with reelection. The republicans already have fewer seats to defend in 2018 so the dems have an uphill battle no matter what, but if they're still hysterical about Russia next year at this time then November 2018 will be just as depressing as November 2016 for them.

I highly doubt that Trump officials met with lobbyists promising government-sponsored compromising information from dozens of governments. And, despite your assertion to the contrary, Trump himself cares very much about derailing the investigation as much as possible, to the extent that he has started a very public feud with his own AG over it.

It still amazes me how many Bernie supporters are extremely upset at Clinton's corruption while casually dismissing all evidence of Trump's corruption.

Because we expect republicans to be corrupt, but we're justifiably outraged when democrats are corrupt. Why is that so hard to understand? We don't want republican-lite, we want REAL democrats.

But you hate Democrats, and you never acknowledge the progressive wing of the party. You're just a "Bernie supporter" that happens to shit all over Bernie's own stated positions while vigorously protesting the idea that Trump might be seriously implicated in the Russian scandal.

But you hate Democrats, and you never acknowledge the progressive wing of the party.

No, we hate corporatist Democrats. What can't you understand here?

you never acknowledge the progressive wing of the party.

If you think that Shareblue/CTR are the progressive wing of the party then you and I have VERY different definitions of the word. They're nothing but the leftovers of the DLC with a few new faces trying to push the same centrist, neoliberal crap that's lost the democratic party over a thousand seats nationwide over the past decade. If they're not economically progressive then I don't care how socially progressive they are, they're even more harmful and damaging than republicans. At least with the republicans in charge the centrists and Shareblue/CTR types will be fighting along with us, but when Obama was in office they were telling progressives to shut up about our complaints.

And there is no Russian scandal! Nothing! People talked to people, shit was said, nothing happened, and Trump won a surprise victory. Unless hackers from the Russian government hacked voting machines in the Rust Belt to delete Hillary votes or create Trump votes this is a non-story. That didn't happen, so this is a non-story. Nothing but sour grapes from a bunch of poor losers. This is the democrat's Benghazi.

If you think that Shareblue/CTR are the progressive wing of the party

Nice straw man. I was very clear about what I consider to be the progressive wing of the party. Moreover, even centrist Democrats propose higher minimum wages, better access to college, improved primary education, consumer protections of the sort offered by the CPFB, improved access to healthcare, and infrastructure investment in green transportation and green energy as a means to produce domestic jobs and help revitalize our economy. Blue dogs tend to be corporate whores in the vein of Leiberman and Dodd, I'll agree with that, but the idea that we're better off with Trump than Clinton in terms of achieving progressive goals strikes me as naive, at best. It really just sounds like concern trolling; progressives aren't like hard-right conservatives, they have policy ideas that resonate with the American people that they can fight for, so they aren't served by being an opposition party dedicated to destroying the federal government.

As for your shrill insistence that there's no Russian scandal, even a lot of Republicans disagree with you. You're not even taking a wait-and-see stance with regards to Mueller's investigation, you're actually going farther than most Republicans and aligning yourself firmly with the Trump camp.

even a lot of Republicans disagree with you.

A lot of republicans were and still are "never Trump" so that's no surprise. And you're correct that I'm not waiting for anything, because if they had anything they would have provided that evidence by now. This is just a fishing expedition for the democrats like Benghazi was for the republicans. I don't know what you expect to come from all of this, but I guarantee that it won't live up to your expectations.

Trump's own actions (firing Comey, moving to fire Sessions, threatening Mueller, looking into pardons) and the continuing release of damaging information (most recently the meeting between Kushner, Priebus, and the Russians) suggest that there's more there than you think.

It's clear that your primary concern is continually insisting that Russian investigation is a farce, and you couch your opposition in an "I'm a progressive, but" facade.

It's clear that your primary concern is continually insisting that Russian investigation is a farce

It's not my primary concern, but when over half of the politics sub is Russia-related every single day it gets tiring...especially since there's absolutely no evidence of anything and "the resistance" doesn't even know what they want. Trump's actions prove that he's an idiot who talks a lot of shit, but nobody should be surprised by that. But just because he's a shit-talking idiot doesn't mean that I'm going to roll over and accept centrist pieces of shit like Corey Booker or Kamilla Harris in 2020. If the democratic party doesn't go to the left on economic policy then they'll keep on losing. They think that identity politics and changing U.S. demographics will allow them to be a republican party that's nice to women, gays, and minorities, but the democrats still need the white working class to win national elections, and since their "we'll win two republicans in the suburbs for every blue collar democrat we lose" has been proven to be a failure they need to change their economic policies. Pissing their pants about Russia won't win them any new voters and will only turn off people who've supported them in the past. It's like someone once said, "it's the economy, stupid."

absolutely no evidence

You keep repeating that like a mantra. You also completely misrepresent the policies of even centrist democrats using right-wing talking points.

Again, it's not clear how much farther left you want Democrats to go. UBI? Free college and healthcare for all? Nationalize the means of production?

America is very conservative by western standards. I generally support progressive policies, but all I'm getting from you is a lot of "No evidence!" and concern trolling. It's what I expect from most "I'm a progressive, but" posters in conspiracy.

You keep repeating that like a mantra. You also completely misrepresent the policies of even centrist democrats using right-wing talking points.

Because there IS no evidence. And I'm not using any right-wing talking points, I'm using the truth. The democrats think that they can be a centrist, republican-lite party that's nice to women, gays, and minorities and that they'll somehow keep the entire democratic base as well as pick up centrist republicans, but that's a losing strategy. But what this mainly comes down to is that the "Bernie vs. Hillary" decision was the "Iraq war vote" of this decade, and if you were on the wrong side of either of those then you'll never get my vote or support.

Yes, Trump is corrupt. So are some Democrats though. If we don't remove the corruption from both parties, it's just going to keep coming back.

Bernie supporters are suspicious of so-called Democrats who are willing to give a pass to corruption as long as it happens in their own party.

Shareblue/CTR opinions are fake as they are paid to distribute corporate/political opinions from a small clique like any other shill's organisation's opinions.

No, David Brock just created the environment where no one can tell anymore. That man single-handedly poisoned online discourse and as a result people's legitimate opinions are questioned. And for the RecordTM there are a LOT of non-Trump fans who hate CTR/SB for the reasons I just said, in addition to the insufferable lies and bad-faith arguing.

To be fair, David Brock is not alone in utilizing bots and media management tools for automated opinion steering online. He was the one to put it on the front pages though since he did it so blatantly. I bet the other purveyors of propaganda are not so happy about him for inadvertently exposing them.

Did David Brock invent astroturfing? And why single him out when Robert Mercer is funding Cambridge Analytica at least 10 times larger than CTR?

You think David Brock singlehandedly created this scenario?

What do you make of Russia's trolls, and their expansive global misinformation campaign, which would eclipse anything Brock could ever achieve? Or how about Cambridge Analytica, which uses the details of out online persona to target and manipulate us? Or how about the the influence of the CIA and NSA?

I'm all for criticism of the manipulating partisan forces online, but the issue with this CTR shit is that it is almost entirely fuelled by partisanship; not by a shared need for an open and fair internet.

No, not DB single handed, but he does represent what most of us despise in one tidy package. He is more of a symbol than an individual.

Hmmm, fair enough.

But I can't help but feel his potency as a icon isn't due to his actual presence online, but is primarily due to partisan hype, emanating primarily from neo-reactionaries.

Surely foreign superpowers/ex-superpowers like Russia using thousands of people to astroturf and suppress discussion every day across our media is significantly more worrying than David Brock and his little team?

As much as he represents something terrible, The Kremlins control over the narrative is undeniably worse' especially when they represent the interests of a dictator. Furthermore, it sets a precedent. Any nation can hire people to sit online all day astro-turfing the shit out of our public spaces. It's chump change when considering the military budgets of most countries; and is probably the future of social media.

I think we're focusing on the wrong things here, and for all the wrong reasons.

Opinions are not a matter of fake or true, it's an opinions are personally held beliefs. However, if that opinion is grounded in reality is a subject of debate and requires evidence.

Evidence? The only evidence of any scripts/bots found in /r/conspiracy were pushing T_D narratives.

Evidence of what that an opinion is a personally held belief? How does one show evidence of that?

No, really their not. I hate shareblue and dont support a lot of what trump does.

Or are they blaming politics as a whole?

I never said they were. You dont think OP is a Trump supporter? Please.

I don't know, just based on the content of OP? No reason to think they are.

From your history, you're a Hillary supporter and huge contributor to r/marchagainsttrump. Then you get downvoted in r/hillaryforprison. And you're here questioning other's motives?

Lol, 5 posts combined in those subs over the last year. Guess that constitutes a "huge contributor". But thanks for taking to time to learn more about me.

Just curious as to why not hate the electoral system in general. Why go to hate sites meant to divide - I hope you see past that obfuscation.

Where is this even happening? You act like this is something that is actively taking place here.

Great on topic comment, you're not derailing another thread with stupid Trump bullshit. Fuck Trump, fuck the shills and fuck you.

Shh bby is ok

We don't need these losers help. Just glad we know who they are all and they will be getting arrested once this is all settled.

Who are they?

Shareblue. Turns out helping to cover up multiple felony crimes is a crime in and of itself. They should hang for being traitors, but time in federal prison and never being able to get a good job again nor able to vote again is punishment enough.

yes but you said that we know who they are.. i thought you meant actual persons not some mythical group of people

we do know who they are, and it's not a mythical group.

so who are they?

Why so worried? If you work for them you're on the list. I'd say lawyer up but they really do pay dick. Good luck friendo.

Damn you caught me. Better call Saul

Do you expect him to name names? Seems like you're angling to get people banned.

Seems like you're angling to get people banned.

You realize there's a world outside of Reddit, right?

Says "CarlTheRedditor". OK buddy.

He said he knew who they were. I was simply enquiring as to whom that might be. seems he has no clue who they are. That's what I'm angling. Of course he doesn't know any names. That's my whole point.

You're right, it's a mix of bots and groups of people.

I don't see shilling as warranting an arrest. They are an annoyance, but it becomes an issue regarding freedom of speech/press. It would seem like a nightmare to prosecute. If someone is shilling against their will, how can you even prove that? If they are shilling willingly, how can you prosecute that - at that point its just being paid to speak your mind?

Shills are an annoyance but I don't thinkw e currently have the laws we need against shilling

Free speech doesn't protect you from committing crimes.

Arrested for what, exactly?

You wouldn't be proposing locking people up for free speech would you?

Blanket laws against shilling, if not written correctly can be used to shut down free speech. This is such a tightrope to navigate, I honestly think its better to leave it alone altogether

Arrested for what, exactly?

You wouldn't be proposing locking people up for free speech would you?

We should crowdfund a reward for a verifiable solid leak since the person would be risking a lot.

Lol, what'll happen when you guys realize the boogeyman isn't real? Who am I kidding, that won't happen.

There's always another boogeyman.


Putin isn't a boogeyman. He's he leader of Russia and he has his own agenda, unless you think he doesn't.

Of course he has his own agenda, but the media claiming that he personally directed the hack and release of the DNC emails is obviously an attempt at making a boogeyman out of him.

It's not the media, every single intelligence agency has pointed to Russia. He is the leader of Russia. Not sure why this is so crazy to you people.

Crowdstrike? That's your Intel agency? Because the FBI wasn't even allowed a look at the servers.

And it's proven that our Intel agencies actively frame foreign governments, including and especially Russia, in order to cover up their own cyber crimes.

Get over the Russia narrative, it's dead.

Guess you can tell Mueller to pack it up because there's nothing to investigation.

If there was, don't you think we would've known about it after all these months? There are no credible facts to back up any of the claims about Trump having relationships with the Russian boogeyman. Putin has an agenda himself, but that agenda isn't colonial takeover and world domination like the US. Russia will do whatever they can to stay afloat and out of the path of war.

The US military complex deep state want WAR with Russia. That's what the whole bullshit in Syria is/was for. It's why Iran continues to be used as a boogeyman too. The powers that be want a massive depopulation and wwiii with Russia would be how they could do that.

Watergate took years to investigate. You would have been one of those people saying Nixon did nothing wrong. But whatever, you can ignore every intelligence agency because you say you know better than them. Too bad you can't make money off your genius.

Watergate was a distraction from the far deeper levels of corruption that had happened after JFK was taken out of power by tptb.

What Nixon orchestrated is not uncommon, spying is commonplace in politics and it's happened for decades. The only time you hear about anything like it is when the deep state needs to reshuffle the cards and distract from what's going on behind the scenes.

Think for yourself, it's naive to believe that you're being fed anything close to the whole truth by our deeply corrupted establishment.

Lol, so you are defending Nixon today. Well, at least we don't need to pretend what kind of person you are.

I'm not defending anyone but JFK, you are naive to believe any of that garbage.

You're funny.

What the hell is going on when people are defending Nixon?

Nixon (a crook and criminal) is the closest parallel to Trump we have in recent history. Trump supporters can see where the wind is blowing so defending Nixon is the best they can do.

"Even if he colluded with Russia who cares?!"

"Was Nixon really that bad of a guy??"

No one wants to go to war with Russia. Trump wants to go to war and wants to expand the military budget by a lot.

Define "you people" please? I'm not a Trump supporter so don't even try it.

You people being the trump apologists and russian deniers. You people being you and your kind that stick their heads in the sand.

So basically anyone that doesn't immediately agree with your agenda? I've already told you I don't support Trump and I never even mentioned Russia. Seriously, what are you talking about?

You couldn't be more transparent if you tried.

Elaborate please. You've deflected my questions and are now attacking my character, but I still have no idea what point you're trying to make with the you people remark.

trump apologists and russian deniers

Trump did nothing wrong and Russia doesn't exist!

This guy is pretty clearly derailing the topic as hard as he can. Ignore him and continue talking to people that have something to add to the topic at hand.

No they didn't. The 17 intelligence agency bullshit is exactly that, bullshit but you can keep parroting it like MSM told you to.

Correction: June 29, 2017

A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.


Lol, so Trump said it wasn't true? Oy vey.

single intelligence agency

When the CIA says something, that should make it LESS credible to you.

In your bizarro fantasy 12-year-old-kid world.

Operation mockingbird, operation midnight climax, operation MkUltra, black sites, extraordinary rendition, selling nuclear plans to Iran, Air America, etc etc. You're out of your depth here shill. We have more facts to hand than you have talking points.

Holy shit, this is what I'm talking about people. This is the exact attitude in this sub I'm talking about. It's hilarious.

Uh huh. Stop it. You're embarassing yourself fool.

If that's what you need to tell yourself ;)

Yes, "having an agenda" now means that he "hacked the election," is trying to start nuclear war (actually the prime minister of the UK recently threatened that), and eats babies.

Holy fuck the delusion is strong here.

You are blatantly lying here. ShareBlue and Correct the Record are well documented as astroturfing organizations and have public records of budgets and missions statements stating just this fact.

What you are doing here is pushing a narrative for ShareBlue/Media Matters.

Prove it or stfu.

That's a joke right? Go Google them. Learn something for yourself.

So you can't prove anything you say, got it. Just like I figured.

I don't personally have to prove anything to you. Since I don't have to, I choose not to. I know how easy it is to find this information. Just google search (or preferably use duckduckgo if you don't want your search data recorded and sold) Correct the Record, Shareblue, or Cambridge Analytica. That's enough information for you to go off of if you choose to. But don't blame me for not bringing all the goods to the table when you're too lazy to look for it yourself, because I have no requirement to.

You don't have to. Instead you choose to run your mouth with nothing to back it up. Way to be useless.

I'm trying (genuinely) to get you to exercise a bit of your initiative. Give a guy a fish vs teach a guy to fish. You get me?

I get you're a lazy, useless human being.

Who is lazy? The guy demanding proof that won't simply Google the phrases or the guy defending himself against accusations of lying?

Here, Mr. Lazy:

And before you accuse me of being a Trump supporter, I am not. I did not and would not vote for him. I also don't like these CtR and share blue tactics.

I didn't accuse you of being a Trump supporter, useful idiots have their places too.

People have proved it on several occasions. It is proven. It is also obvious even to a layman just browsing.

So you can't prove anything you say, figured as much.

First link doesn't work. sources a nonexistent web page.

Thedailybeast, laughable and doesn't even pretend to source anything.

Podesta meets with CTR, okay?

Youtube.... Jesus dude.

Haha, first link works buddy. Your denial concerns me.

Internet archive is notorious for having unreliable servers.

I think it's just a mixup. He can't see his computer screen because his head is stuck in the sand

The links are all working fine and supports all that I have said with credible sources.

Your feigned ignorance and narrative pushing is concerning. I hope others are not fooled by the likes of you.

You don't know what a load balancer is, do you?

Or what constitutes a "credible source" either.

A document about fake news? Is there something in there about CTR or ShareBlue you want to actually point out?

This is an internal Media Matters/Shareblue document on their online strategy. Youre being extremely disingenuous.

Ok, and what do you want to point out in this document?

/u/Ignix said:

"ShareBlue and Correct the Record are well documented as astroturfing organizations and have public records of budgets and missions statements stating just this fact."

You said:

"Prove it or stfu."

The document I posted is the proof you asked for. Hell they start talking about their internet campaign on page 2. Admittedly saying they will partner with internet and social media companies ("Google and Facebook") to censor right-wing speech. "Shareblue will take back social media for Democrats" fucking page 3.


He is not listening, I have linked several reports and articles to him and he ignores it.

He is pushing his narrative hard. Downvote him and move on, he's just here to waste your time.

Thanks for harassing me. I already talked about your "reports" to you.

You're here denying it

You're a serial rapist and child diddler. Prove you're not. Prove you have never raped a child.

Have you been to the politics subreddit and seen the posts with links directly from ShareBlue?

Yes, and? It's not something I would source, but what's your point? People here source all kinds of shitty websites.

It seemed like you were doubting the existence of said organizations.

That the organization exists? Are you an idiot? Of course it exists.

Just trying to clear things up. No need to be hostile. What do you think those organizations do with their budget?

What any super pac does, try to get their message out there. Do I think they're fighting with the fine people of this subreddit? Laughable, no. Literal anybody who doesn't toe the party line gets called a "ShariaBlue" or CTR shill here, it's sad and stupid.

So you believe no astroturfing occurs on Reddit from those organizations? I have no idea what party line you're referring to and the discussion would be more fruitful if you avoided partisan arguments.

I'm talking specifically about the people on this subreddit. I'm not speaking about reddit is a whole.

How do the people on the conspiracy subreddit differ from the greater Reddit population? To what exactly are you speaking about?

People on the conspiracy subreddit differ greatly... This is not a normal subreddit. Also whenever anybody goes against the grain someone starts screeching about ShariaBlue.

You're really not able to describe the differences? Just "not a normal subreddit" is all that you can expand on? I don't know what goes against the grain means as you haven't stated what you're talking about.

This sub has extreme moderators and rules that ban people from describing it in detail. I very much could describe it better, but they like to ban me so I won't.

That's not my experience at all.

You also don't go against the grain very often. Or seem to notice the general trends of this subreddit. So they probably don't care about you.

Still don't know what grain you're talking about, because apparently the moderators won't allow you to describe it?

Honestly no, they'll just ban me again. You're useful to them though.

So you were banned from this sub over 2 years ago? I've been banned from many, hence the new account, but never from conspiracy and I've had my fair share of controversial comments.

Doubt it, I was given a 3 day ban from this sub just two weeks ago for mentioning some stuff about the mods and its trends. They didn't like me and literally banned me for bringing it up and told me not to do it again.

My guess would be flytape on another power trip. Evidence?

He'll just ban me again if I do. But let's just say you're not wrong.

Fair enough. He's the only bad mod in my experience though. There was a whole controversy a while back. Should have just offed him then.

What defies belief is this idea that only the left is doing this. I'm not excusing ShareBlue or CTR for shit, but let's also not forget:

I mean, you can buy followers from fucking vending machine now. My point is that the whole damn internet is filthy with this shit. Check this research project out of Oxford, which among other things, found that pro-Trump botting outpaced and outperformed pro-Hillary botting.

But honestly, just fuck all of it.

No one was talking about left vs right. Why inject partisanship like your job depends on it?

This entire thread is exclusively bringing up left-wing astroturfing. Why are you defending partisanship?

Discussing left-wing astroturfing is not defending right-wing astroturfing.

That's the equivalent of saying that the statement that "All democrats are totally corrupt!" isn't partisan. Your bias couldn't be more obvious.

Your bias is the one clearly showing. We can't even discuss left wing politics without you shitting the bed because we aren't also discussing right wing politics.

This isn't trying to discuss shills or paid disinformation campaigns, this is trying to explicitly tie the idea of astroturfing to CTR/Shareblue. It's obviously biased and people like shit the bed when that gets pointed out. Next up is someone saying "Both sides are the same/partisanship is the problem".

This isn't trying to discuss shills or paid disinformation campaigns, this is trying to explicitly tie the idea of astroturfing to CTR/Shareblue.

That's your opinion. I see it as we are discussing the biggest astroturfing company in existence. You choose to see it as we are bashing democrats. (probably because you're offended, because you're a democrat)

But there's no evidence that this is the biggest astoturfing operation in existence. You're just making that up, which is precisely what I said this thread was about.

It is the biggest that we know about, yes.

No, it pales in comparison to Cambridge Analytica, the Mercer media operation, and the Russian propaganda agencies. We know about far larger operations than CTR.

Yeah, CTR works on a world news organization level but those small time operations are "far larger." I suggest you do a little more research and see that those operations you listed pale in comparison.

Uh, the Mercer media operation is a world news organization. I suggest you do a little more research and see that you've been entirely duped.

CTR was a PAC that was shut down in 2016 after the electino was over, although of course the people who formed it are still operating in politics. It's still a convenient scapegoat for people around here, though.

Facts are inconvenient things.

CTR the name was shutdown yes, but the movement is still full force and growing. It was also a movement before it was called CTR. Just because it has a name change, doesn't mean it just stops. I have read up on Mercer media and it is small time in comparison.

I have read up on CTR and Mercer media and Mercer media and Cambridge Analytica and Mercer media/CA is far bigger than CTR ever was. There was also no "movement" before it was called CTR. Facts are great, but you're not using facts, you're just pushing a false narrative.

you're not using facts, you're just pushing a false narrative.

I know you are. Please stop.

Why do you keep lying to downplay the size of CA and the Mercer operation? You're just making my point for me. Please stop.

The spectrum is a circle, and left wing is very close to right wing.

Can you stop pretending to have autism?


In a thread directly calling to ShareBlue / CTR only? No left vs right?

Discussing left-wing astroturfing is not defending right-wing astroturfing.

What are you suggesting, like no one ever makes secret plans? Everyone is a nice person?

Where did you read that? I didn't say that

There's literally a Reddit Megathread dedicated to this very subject

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Be careful. A scammer will take you up on your offer.

Yeah, fuck. That's always the case on the internet, isn't it?

A leak of shareblue shit will do about as much good as the DNC leaks. Hey look, we're shallow, corrupt, we lie, we have a clear agenda and WE'RE PROUD OF IT!!

It's like all those Fox News leaks 10-15 years ago of all sorts of top-down instructions to focus on specific agendas while firing those who didn't play the game. It's no secret, the propaganda is everywhere.

That is true, but it would be good reading for the person that responded to me calling them "the Boogeyman".

Are you saying having a clear agenda is a bad thing for a political party? Isn't that like, the entire point of a party?

It still wpuld make good cpunter arguments online.

Not always. Once, I met this really nice prince for Nigeria over the internet....

Turned out he was for real!

Well we could give the money after we've confirmed it is a legit leak.

That's actually not a bad idea. I think a bit of motivation would help.

I have to assume almost all shills feel that they aren't really doing that much damage. We could show them that they are one piece in a gigantic web of disinformation and propaganda (see here for all proven cases of shilling), and that by exposing their operation, it would help to get the word out so that regular people can develop a bit of skepticism for what they read online. As it stands right now, there are still people who will upvote bullshit claims as long as the user seems confident. A shill could just provide a shitty source. If you ask for a good source, they could just say "why are you so lazy? Do you google?"

Most people don't realize the scale of this. There are so many shilling organizations out there, and you'll probably have to at least triple the number of ones we know about to get a close estimate of the actual number.

People generally think of social media as just a place where people can complain or shitpost, but it's actually just the 21st century version of television with commercials, except we don't know what the real content is and what's paid for.

Yeah, unless everyone decides not to part with their money because it wasn't a legit leak in their mind.

In for $20

If they were to publish a btc wallet in the release, people could donate directly after the leak is confirmed.

I will contribute to this. Set it up.

Well now there's another thread about another group and a bunch of partisan bickering, derailing, and accusations of "whataboutism", so where this morning I was interested in finding a leak, now I just hope an asteroid hits this dumb planet.

I wouldn't be surprised if you could find this sort of job on FlexJobs or something. Quick content mill work that pays a few bucks a day and is good for the college kids who can't afford more than half an hour of spare time.

Then again, I don't think anyone knows how much they're paid if they are at all. Internships, even?

It's overall surprising there have been no leaks, and there's no end to the speculation due to this.

Realistically, the people doing that kind of work are likely going to believe in the cause. That's probably why there's no leaks.

There are always leaks. If Shareblue did have shills everywhere then we should have seen at least a recruitment advertisement by now.

They're compartmentalized and brainwashed, they don't know shit.

We've had a good number of leaks from the US Military. Frightening to think of what kind of tortuous brainwashing Sharia Blue puts their employees through to keep them this quiet.

maybe the real shills were caught with something life-ruining, and they were given an option by some guys in suits to either have it come out to your family and neighbors, or help them make some comments on reddit.

You know the kinda stuff I mean

Stuffed crust pizza.

If you are reading this shareblue, here are some of the services I can provide:

"Name one policy trump has created that helps the middle class?"

My rates are 40$ an hour, also I'm Canadian so I assume I'll have a full benefits package unlike my American counterparts.

Like bees to honey!

To sweet to resist. This is definitely my favorite thread in here.

Such riches! Great work by OP.

I'll take "Things that will never happen" for $800, Alex.


Here it is, all of it:

I'll see what I can dig up.

Totally Normal Request

the irony is there's far more t_d shills and bots here than anything else.

Yeah but when you agree with their views they aren't shills, don't you get it yet?

This sub has been taken over by shills and the mods are in on it.

This sub has been taken over by shills and the mods are in on it.

There is more evidence of pro-DNC and pro-Hillary organizations vote manipulation than there is of any pro-Donald.

There is plenty of evidence of botting and astroturfing on Reddit by various groups (Correct the Record, ShareBlue, Media Matters). There is also a heavy JIDF hasbara presence, russian propaganda and so on and so forth...

How reddit is being manipulated

Reddit For Sale: How We Bought The Top Spot For $200

Reddit is Being Manipulated by Professional Shills Every Day

Guy makes short video where he explains that he has bought upvotes for his submission on /r/videos, submission has 20k+ upvotes before moderators deletes it to hide the incident


How We Hacked Reddit to Generate 5 Million Media Impressions in 3 days

An Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

From this Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

There is no doubt that individual social media users can spread hate speech, troll other users, or set up automated political communication campaigns. Unfortunately, this is also an organized phenomenon, with major governments and political parties dedicating significant resources towards the use of social media for public opinion manipulation.

... In many countries, political actors have no reported ability to field social media campaigns. In some countries, one or two known political actors occasionally use social media for political messaging, and in a few other countries there are multiple government agencies, political parties, or civil society groups organizing trolling and fake news campaigns.

There are several good subs that talk about this:

I posted this in another thread about /r/MarchAgainstTrump but it fits /r/politics too, I'll recap:

/r/MarchAgainstTrump uses bots to push posts and submissions as evidenced in these links.

More people need to be informed of these kinds of organizations.

Take a look at this informative post in /r/shills about the different players:

Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8

These are a few examples:

Now, several more botting anti-Trump subs have surfaced with nothing being done about them from the admins.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

who gives a fuck dude? nobody should be basing their worldview off reddit any more than they should off their facebook feed.

oh wow /r/MarchAgainstTrump is blatantly biased against Trump and the mods aren't "objective." what a stunning revelation. next you're gonna tell me that the_donald's vote counts are manipulated!

the vast, vast majority of visitors and posters on reddit do not care about /r/MarchAgainstTrump or which new subreddit reaches the front page, which doesn't, which dumb shit the admins nuke and which they don't. who fucking cares if /r/MarchAgainstTrump is full of bots or not? how does this matter to anyone?

Let's count the number of Anti-Trump subs:

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam , /r/AntiTrumpAlliance , /r/BannedFromThe_donald , /r/Impeach_Trump , /r/MarchAgainstTrump , /r/The_regret , /r/TinyTrumps , /r/Trumpgret , /r/TrumpForPrison , /r/politics, /r/PoliticalHumor , /r/pics , /r/adviceanimals , /r/facepalm /r/news , /worldnews , /r/esist , /r/Fuckthealtright , /r/fakenews , /r/The_Duped , /r/MiloForPrison , /r/EnoughRightSpam , /r/enoughtrumpjerk , /r/discuss_politics , /r/conspiratardo , /r/EnoughAltRightSpam (, /r/Der_Fuhrer , /r/DonaldTrumpBlows , /r/The_Stormfront, /r/MikePenceSucks , /r/milo_irl , /r/Th_Donald , /r/The_Doublechin , /r/The_Edgelords /r/The_Hitleryouth , /r/The_Inbred , /r/The_Incesttuous /r/The_Ivankafucker , /r/TrumpOrStormfront , /r/EnoughGOPSpam)

This makes it a total of 40 subreddits which are highly Anti-Trump. Excluding the subspamming, we reach 26 subreddits which have an Anti-Trump agenda, which is still a big amount.

32(33 if counting /r/politics) of which are dedicated Trump-Hate subs. Excluding the subspamming, it is 16 subreddits whose sole purpose for existing is to hate on Trump.

Yeah, we have a shill problem on Reddit.

Uhh or reddit's demographic is comprised mostly of people that statistically are anti-Trump, and that is reflected in the site's composition of subreddits?

But no, I'm sure your explanation is right. Shareblue is definitely spending time and resources creating subs like /r/The_Doublechin

Follow the links and cure your ignorance. There is plenty of documented cases of vote botting from these subs, yet you harp on from your narrative.

My "narrative" is I don't give a flying fuck about a bunch of bots and vote manipulation on obscure anti-Trump subreddits. Neither does 99.99% of the voting population. It doesn't matter.

It does matter. Might not affect your day to day right now, but the media you consume shapes your worldview, and that is why it is so important to some people to try to control the narrative.

Propaganda is most effective when you don't realize it's propaganda

We aren't living in 1984 OR BNE

Why did you post this then?

the irony is there's far more t_d shills and bots here than anything else.

For some one not giving a; "Flying Fuck" your original comment seemed to say a lot about bots.... Why are you back tracking?

You should follow some of these links and cure your mental disorders

It seems like they're living in an alternate reality where Trump is popular. It's bizarre.

We're geographically segregated along ideological lines, dat rural urban divide. Most everyone they know irl is probably Trump fans and I suppose they simply cannot concieve of there being so many dirty, disgusting liberals. It must be paid shills or bots. Just look at how half of all republicans (source) do the same thing with the popular vote. 3 million more people could never have voted for Hillary, they must have been illegals.

A reality where trump won even. It's frightening

haHA I brought up Trump shills. haHA who cares am I right? HAHA

Yeah, we have a shill problem on Reddit.

or people on reddit, who are largely young, liberal, financially more secure (at least for their age), and more exposed to wider culture, hate trump's guts.

Follow the links and cure your ignorance. There is plenty of documented cases of vote botting from these subs, yet you harp on from your narrative.

You guys talk about shills and are obsessed with the idea so much yet you are the ones who act like lemmings who will do and say ANYTHING to defend Trump. I mean even this response...youve already made this word for word response 2-3 other times. You guys use all the same buzzwords and phrases and guys think by calling everyone else shill no one will notice your cult like behavior

It's crazy. Even during the election, most people on here who supported Clinton knew she was a flawed candidate, but were stuck voting for her because she was the better of two evils. Do these people that call anyone they disagree with blue shills not remember the flood of Sanders posts during the primary? That certainly wasn't because of Democrat shills. This website leans a lot farther left than the general population. I'm of the belief that they are just trying to gaslight users.

Eh, I'm a Sanders' supporter, and there definitely was a weird switch right before the California primary. Before that Reddit was very pro Sanders, anti Hillary, and anti Trump (with pro Trump pockets, including some on this sub). Afterwards it became fully pro Clinton, anti Trump, and even occasionally anti Sanders. Something weird definitely happened.

Well the primary was pretty much over by that point. That sounds like people were just jumping on the Hillary train after it was obvious she was going to be the candidate. I supported Sanders too, but reluctantly switched to her right around the convention. That's just how our current system forces us to work.

The weird thing is, Reddit used to be representative of the people I know. Like I have a lot of friends who are Bernie fans, a few that like Trump, but barely any that like Hillary. Despite what Redditor's keep saying, this did not change suddenly. Even people I know who "held their nose" and voted for Hillary do not ardently defend her like you now commonly see on Reddit. (See /r/politics and even here now, which is really really odd) The site went from a representative of my social circle to something entirely different overnight. I mean, it went from NebraskaGunOwner's posts being top of politics to getting -5000 downvoted if you even question Hillary.

Honestly I think people just see what a trump administration looks like and are missing the days when they thought Hillary would be the worst thing ever. And while you do see people defending her here, it's mostly against accusations of murder and treason of the highest degree. I think most people wouldn't argue she was in businesses pocket, but when you argue she was the literal devil while ignoring anything trump is doing, people are going to get defensive.

Also, it must be the circles you run in. Because while I knew a few Bernie fans in college, my family were mostly Hillary fans, and the few Republicans I knew were mostly tolerating trump.

I suppose. It's just odd to see the opinion shift on a site so quickly that had seemed relatively homogeneous (all things considered) for the 6 years I had been here previously happen so quickly.

Yeah I mean it's the internet so you can't really rule anything out. It just doesn't strike me as a serious conspiracy.

Well that's an odd statement. A serious conspiracy? What does that mean? Shit here has run the gamut from reptilians to the Collateral Murder video. That's what I personally find appealing about this sub. The fact that things can be discussed here with an open mind.

That's a fair point. I'm really not a conspiracy guy. I just wandered in here from /r/all. I don't really have a problem with normal conspiracy, but this stuff about share blue hits too close to home. People are using this very frequently to discredit actual conversation so I always feel the need to jump in when I see it discussed.

Clinton clinched the nomination, that's what happened. The Bernie people mostly either gave up or started to begrudgingly support Clinton.

So do you honestly believe then that a majority of the vocal trumps haters are bought and paid for?

Wow. It's almost as if a site compromised of mostly millenials--who voted for Hillary in 48/50 states--collectively dislikes trump. A president who had 3 million less votes and already has record low approval rating in general among americans, and an even lower approval outside the US is unpopular.

Yeah. So weird. Makes no sense. Must be paid shills

Just gonna leave this here.

At least those subs know what their about. What about all the subs T_D has tried to manipulate now that their sub is considered a justifiably ignorable cancer? /r/dankmemes, /r/CringeAnarchy /r/conspiracy and many more every day. It's kind of pathetic to watch them go and try and take over subs like those to use as a blowhorn while those subs you listed thrive of reddit's majority just hating trump.

You need a hobby.

All you do is copy and paste right wing propaganda, yet have the balls to call people shills. Your post history is a fucking joke. I've seen your bs for months.

This makes it a total of 40 subreddits which are highly Anti-Trump. Excluding the subspamming, we reach 26 subreddits which have an Anti-Trump agenda, which is still a big amount.

Donald Trump is the most unpopular US President in history, and the most unpopular world leader since the end of WW2.

Do you live in an alternate universe when the majority of the internet-using public don't hate Trump? Hilarious.

Poor arguments not supported by facts.

You should take a look at this excellent statistical rundown of /r/politics that basicly indicates a lot of shilling.

Compilation of data regarding shill activity on reddit.

So we know how popular Sanders and his positions are, yet politics is showing numbers that should not exist considering the raw data we're looking at. His ideals should still be the super majority it was prior to the DNC convention, yet it's not, not by a longshot. Single payer is getting shut down as well, an issue that only the staunchest of neoliberals would be against, yet it seems to be the prevailing view in politics.

who gives a fuck dude?

Funny how you only care about T_D shills and not DNC shills.

i don't give a shit about either. i was merely pointing out the hypocrisy

WHO CARES, WHO CARES, WHO CARES, REPEAT IT ONCE AGAIN, SHILL!! may be be bit more technical and less obvious next time? Ask white buffoon Brock for better lessons? because people aren't that stupid to just look away from dozen bot riddled anti trump subs, just because you delegitimize multiples times... WE CARE, BITCH! YOU CAN'T DICTATE US WHAT WE CARE OR NOT!

Also regarding you questioning and acting surprised as this sub leans towards trump more, compared to what MSM and Deep State pushes daily... I mean, really? Does it really need explanation unless you are mentally handicapped? FFS, man talked against mandatory vaccines and declassifying 9/11 documents during campaign, two of "favorite" subjects of this sub, of course they liked him long before he even was a president... Conspiracy theorists sympathize with men who fights establishment and hidden government, SHOCKER!

Now, every once in a while, some post stuff from t_d, or Trump related, that aren't related to conspiracies and I find them annoying too, but they don't get much traction, so does propaganda "Muh Russia" articles too posted here regularly. But there is multiple multi-million subs where those articles get upvoted to the top without a issue (news, worldnews, politics...)

ps: don't forget to collect your 0.20$ cent paycheck

wtf are you talking about? This sub "leans" trump now because it got invaded during the election by t_d mods and users, actual fucking alt-right organized shills from 4chan and t_d that decided to turn this into t_d 2.0.

Where you here before the election? Do you remember the "unverified" tag? The work that was put to promote so much fucking right wing propaganda. The best fucking move that these russian's troll factories or 4channers or whatever the fuck was it did, was to convince you that the shilling was on the other side, so you would never suspect them.

Read "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays.

Reddit has been absolutely flooded with anti trump spam to the point it's probably driving users away from this site.

About the spam? Or the traffic stats. I bet voat is growing because reddit is an astroturf left wing hell hole most of the time.

to the point it's probably driving users away from this site.

Alexa has reddit as the #5 most popular site in the USA(#9 globally) jumping almost 10 spots in the past 3 months.

Alexa has voat as the #1760 most popular site in the USA(#6161 globally) with a slight downward trend in the past 3 months.

Now remove the thousands of new bot accounts...

just like those darn illegals voting in California huh?

How are you using that data as false? The image is showing a massive jump in users, that doesn't look organic.

who cares

Sweet copy paste Gish gallop bro

I just learned what that means, thanks Reddit!

LMAO "who cares" is the best they have!

And it's votes have blatantly been manipulated. This comment deserves it's own post. It's prime conspiracy material

The fact that this comment only has 6 upvotes proves how hard this sub gets hit with shilling. Thanks for the time and effort.

Thank you for digesting the information, and yes it is exhausting.

The shills main tactic is to just waste your time with nonsense replies devoid of facts. Forum sliding, personal attacks, it's all there if you follow the exchanges.

I recommend anyone interested in their techniques to peruse The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies, it is an excellent repository of examples.

Fun fact, I am featured in the video "Reddit For Sale: How We Bought The Top Spot For $200"

Link -

wow, just like that. A whole heap of shill copy-pasta. Go bury your head, and enjoy your 30 pieces of silver.

good bot

The rape of our democracy is a bipartisan effort. Get over the left and right conversation and you might finally understand that they are all accountable. Pointing fingers at one or the other will get us nowhere.

Than what the fuck is this OP lol

We don't know the republicans shill companies yet. All we have to work with for the time being is shareblue and CTR. They will all come to light in time.

Cambridge analytica, Koch bros

There you go! That's good stuff. Their [wikipedia page] pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

SCL Group calls itself a "global election management agency"[11] known for involvement "in military disinformation campaigns to social media branding and voter targeting".[4] SCL’s involvement in the political world has been primarily in the developing world where it has been used by the military and politicians to study and manipulate public opinion and political will. Slate writer Sharon Weinberger compared one of SCL's hypothetical test scenarios to fomenting a coup.[4]

I'm on my phone, so the formatting might look like shit.

They've also been known for longer than either of the ones in the OP, yet people here seem to always just be learning about them. Almost as if there is a concerted effort to only push one narrative in this sub that has been shown to be the one the mods subscribe to. Hmm.

Your comment is exactly what I'm talking about. I've been here for a long time. I'm not a Trump supporter or Hillary or whatever. They're all scum.

I never knew about it, even though I'm familiar with the Koch brothers. If you think it doesn't get enough attention, why don't you go and make a post about it instead of generalizing this entire sub. You can whine and complain, or you can get something done. Your choice.

Or maybe some people are newly involved in politics because of their age or recent awakening with the pretty extreme election we just had. Get mad when people dismiss CA, not when they agree and absorb the new information.

I think shareblue infested this sub. Am I T_D shill? Is everyone you disagree with a T_D shill?

is this a joke? Read the title of this thread ffs.

Yes! You spotted the irony. Nothing gets past you does it?

I'm replying to your comment, actually, which is insane because if you were even close to being correct, you wouldn't be at +76.

How many accounts do you run?

Judging by this post, no.

Also no.

But when I see low quality "dropped his tendies" comments and overwhelming support of the white house doxxing people that don't agree with them it's easy to spot the trump supporters.

Am I T_D shill? Is everyone you disagree with a T_D shill?

That's literally the inverse of what I have say when people accuse me or every other left leaning person under the sun of being a shill. There probably is vote manipulation and bots and maybe even shills, but the vast majority of commentators on this and most other subs are exactly who they seem. Believe it or not but there are a hell of a lot of liberals online.

Huh? No I didn't. What are you talking about?

I think shareblue infested this sub

Is this not you accusing left-leaning people on this sub of being shills? Don't play stupid.

I'm left leaning, lol. That's not what I was saying at all, whats your deal?

You said shareblue infests this sub, I said such accusations of shills are silly (on either side). How is this so hard for you to understand?

I said such accusations of shills are silly (on either side). How is this so hard for you to understand?

You did? Where? Dude you have the wrong comment or something. Take it easy.

the vast majority of commentators on this and most other subs are exactly who they seem.

In my first reply to you like four comments up. Do you have short term memory loss orrrr?

You just pointed to you saying something completely different and are trying to pass it off like you're not actually retarded. Now I realize you were just fucking with me the whole time and weren't even trying to be genuine. I don't know why I even tried to reply. Go troll someone else jerk.

If you can't see how

accusations of shills are silly (on either side)


the vast majority of commentators on this and most other subs are exactly who they seem.

are both me disagreeing about the prevalence of shills, there is no hope for you. good luck in life, you'll need it.

Still going huh?

I think you're all making a big mistake attributing the conservative-leaning activity to t_d shills. Most of them are intelligence contractor shills who happen to lean towards the_donald, but their shilling has separate ulterior motives, and any overlap is mostly circumstantial.

T_D shills? What does that even mean? Are you accusing them of being paid to post, like CTR?

Exactly, CTR posts and votes for being paid, that's a shill. T_D fans post because they like T_D. Hell I started helping out at ATD then TD because I was spending so much time on Reddit and IRC. r/Conspiracy is great that people explain things that people don't have time to investigate, who has time to know every political backstory, not me. Or at least gives another angle on some topic, very interesting posts.

Ever heard of Cambridge Analytica?

When their side is doing it it's shills but when the side I agree with is doing it it's just the people voicing their opinions. Ya, ok, sure.

When you get paid to do it its a shill. Thats what I said.

Right and you differentiate those groups based on what you agree with.

Thats not even close to what I said.

I'm sure Cambridge Analytica has nothing to do with T_D.....

?? Any evidence that it does? They are a data gathering firm...

you sweet, summer child...

Yup, surely they shill on Reddit. Because it can't just be pro-Establishment shills, we have to make people feel like both "sides" do it! There are only pro-Establishment shills until proven otherwise. Your feelings don't matter.

lol the president of the united states with the supermajority isnt the establishment and his allies the Mercers wouldnt use these tools.

please, tell me how its my feelings that are clouding my judgment, while your feelings are not clouding yours

Yep, the guy who ran and won on an anti-Establishment platform instantly becomes Establishment because he became President. Such a moronic thought process.

oh lol you still believe hes antiestablishment because he said he was!

now i see where youre coming from

antiestablishment: bomb syria, disguise tax cuts for rich as healthcare, crack down on marijuana, hire goldman sachs and exxon to admin, sell consumer information to companies, push anti net neutrality issues by appointing telecom sycophants

way to fight the power!

Anti-Establishment is about draining the swamp of corruption. You're clearly too biased to understand what that means and half your rant is pure bullshit. Not worth my time, cya.


thta's the worst part, these idiots make it for free

haha when one "side" posts for free, and the other "side" has to be paid to post, its pretty clear who the good guys are.

Evidence of td bots please? And t_d doesn't have "shills", it is grass roots. Get fucked.

yeah just cos you're not onboard with trump doesnt mean you're a shill/bot. ffs.

"Anyone who supports Trump is russia"

Dude haven't you seen the 4Chan posts though? They are obviously the ones you can trust.

I'm not Sharia Blue or CTR, but I'm with the (((Soros))) shilling company. What would you like to know?

Holy hell, are you a troll or what? You post to news, TopMindsOfReddit, Trumpgret, politics AND iamverysmart.

Don't feed this one, guys.

I'm 100% legit. I've even been to the Mars based child sex shop that Hillary runs, and I've worked with the (((deep state))) for years now.

I'm not with (((Soros))), but I am employed at (((Trump's)))* swamp drainage facility. AMA.

*he's also bad because he's Jewish or some shit

Don't listen to this guy, I've shilled with him before. He actually works with the space lizards who are just trying to make Trump look bad by associating him with the Jews.

I'm sorry, this is r/conspiracy, anyone who comes out and says "I am a paid shill" needs to provide some proof. It's way too easy to spread misinformation this way.

Really? Because this made it top a few days ago.

Not to mention anyone who disagrees is automatically labeled a shill without any proof. All I have to do is a say that I disagree with Trump and I'm a shill.

How is Soros as a boss and is he proud he was able to get Jared Kushner into the White House?

He's a decent enough guy, gives us three weeks paid vacation, and bonuses if we shill hard enough.

He's actually super pissed that Kush is in the White House, which is why he's going out of his way with this "Russian Collision" BS we've been upselling.

I mean really, Trump teamed talked to Russia? That's unpossible. Now Hillary running a demonic sex shop on the Mars, well that's just logic. You should see it, it's pretty swanky, although she has to return to earth to murder every six days to satisfy her blood lust.

This is the only thing that makes me doubt how much people think shilling goes on.

Surely if they were just hiring dropouts and low paid people to do this someone would have infiltrated already, no?

Don't bring logic into this!

Seriously though. Are Trumpets so delusional that they think only paid shills would oppose Trump and his corrupt ass?

When was that even close to being stated?

Acknowledging that their are people who get paid to push a certain political view, and saying everyone who disagrees with me is shill, are two completely different things.

I think you're smart enough to understand that.

Are you just going to pretend that there isn't a movement of people who are trying to invalidate every single criticism of Trump as some sort of organized propaganda against him?

No, I'm saying it's a mixture of both.


So angry.

Take a deep breath and relax kid.


You called him tool for no reason, thats not cool.

He's either ignorant, or intentionally obfuscating. Each behavior is equally tool-ish.

That doesn't make it ok. Win with logic not insults.

Because he was acting like a tool.

Partisan bullshit is happening all over Reddit.

Absolutely. What bullshit is "organic" though?

Difficult to tell these days. Speaking in absolutes, deflecting arguments and derailing discussion points to signs that the user is not open to thinking critically as far as my subjective opinion goes.

It was never stated. u/reallybigdeal, u/thefapp3ning, u/chiguy, u/beeftech67, u/jabba_the_wutt, u/reddit_on_reddit1st, u/swampsparrow

All seem to be morally invested in not talking about the OP and spreading partisan strawmen as much as possible.

Feel free to defend yourselves and tell us why CTR and Shareblue's names are worth defending.

Oh look, I've tagged most of those accounts already and the ones that haven't been have already earned a few downvotes just for the content of their comments.


I have you tagged as a good guy.

Nice to hear from you then, I suppose.

Only "reallybigdeal" is new to my list. I'm glad to hear that their are others taking notes.

Ohh should I be honored?

All your doing is trying to stir shit in here, point fingers and divide. Three of your posts up above all had the word Trumpets in them. You realize that much of the stupid shit that comes out about Trump is meaningless don't you? Just because someone doesn't waste their time caring about meaningless bullshit doesn't make them a Trumpet. There is plenty to criticize Trump for, but there is also plenty of shit Trump gets criticized for daily or speculation that is just dumb.

You would have to have your head up your ass to not have noticed Trumpets leaking into this sub over the passed year and pushing their bullshit.

I will call the idiots who support him what they are, idiots. They were/are manipulated into supporting a puppet because he was marketed as "anti-establishment". Maybe the next time some of these people go into the voting both they will be able to pull their heads out of their ass's and make an informed decision.

Yeah and vote Clinton? Cause she was such a good option.

Lesser of two evils at that point.


You ever had a choice.

Oh so you are saying that the powers that be wanted Trump to win?

Possible. But we will never know for sure.

Oh shit, and I have your account tagged too!

Definitely some weird shit going on in this sub.

Heh, I hope that me calling out all of you people's bullshit is enough to earn a tag, just like all these downbots.

Who's "you people"? People who simply disagree with you?

Either way, TAKE THAT.

Don't bring logic into this!

The OP is a joke.

Yes Shareblue and CTR are things. Yes they involve SEO, PR Firms and probably buy upvotes here on reddit. But the OP and others like to imply that the people that contradict them in this sub and others are doing so at the behest of these organizations instead of admitting that people might just naturally disagree with them.

So it's now being admitted that ShareBlue and CTR influence upvotes and discussion on Reddit? A lot of users in this sub would deny that.

I really don't think they have any direct influence on any comments. Yes, maybe part of the PR campaign includes buying up votes but I don't think it is as common and widespread as some users would like to believe. I think CTR and ShareBlue exist more in Face Book then Reddit.

Whats more scary to me is in descusions about something that you would think all redditors support like Net Neutrality there is an opposition that seems to have lost all grasp on logic and simply just opposes NN based on blatant disinformation. I think the Trumpet twisting of logic is no where near as "organic" as some people want to think.

Eh, there really isn't that much work you have to do in order to get hundreds of thousands of eyeballs on a few posts and comments. If they only concentrate on the top 100 posts on /r/all, which is where a huge percentage of Reddit traffic is, there might be 2 or 3 political threads worth posting in, then they can set the "upvoter" and leave. That would take like 1 hour of work for 1 person to write out 3 well-thought out comments. That's one man hour for propaganda that will be read by millions of people. What about all of the other hours this person is working? What about all of the other people who are hired by the same firm? The thing people don't realize is the power of paid upvotes. You force your comments or posts to the top.

Remember that a tiny percentage of people upvote or downvote. Links on /r/all routinely get 500,000 to a million views a piece. Reddit is one of the most highly trafficked sites in the US. It's in the top 10. So if they manipulate /r/all a few times a week for a year, they will get all of the people who brose reddit every day, those who browse a few times a week, and those who browse a few times a month. One website says Reddit has a total of a billion separate users each month, but let's conservatively say it's 200 million globally because you have to subtract the bots. It's also extremely easy to manipulate Reddit, and a pre-aged high-karma account is like 60 bucks. Hopefully you see why various firms target Reddit.

Now, what is this person who spent 1 hour going to do for the rest of the workday? Eventually, they might end up on the top post in /r/conspiracy. If there really aren't any better threads currently on Reddit, there is nothing stopping them from coming here. Even if 80 percent of the CTR/Shareblue shills are on Facebook, and 10 percent on Twitter, all they need is like 3 people to control the largest political threads that are currently on Reddit. 3 people with the power to manipulate votes can be extremely effective.

Now think about all of the other shilling organizations out there, on both sides of the political spectrum. There are tons of them. Each of them will have different priorities and different tactics. The more shilling firms that exist, the more likely you will read paid-for comments and posts. It seems like a lot of people believe there are only 1 or 2 shilling firms, which causes them to doubt that they read material posted by them. In reality, anyone who browses /r/all probably sees paid-for content every single day.

But you are ignoring the actual users who post content, comment and vote.

It's not really a stretch that Trump is blasted all over reddit because, well, he says and does some crazy shit. The POTUS is normally newsworthy but since this POTUS is batshit insane he gets a lot more coverage.

On top of that you have the actual progressive grassroots movements that are trying to make sure people are informed. This is where the real work of CTR and ShareBlue come in by collecting and distributing information across social networks like facebook. CTR doesn't need "shills" to push this narrative. The people are already doing it on their own.

Meanwhile on the opposite end you have groups like Cambridge Analytica that need to keep the supporters they do have on message. Hence the idiotic anti NN stance that Trumpets have adopted. If SB and CTR were as powerful as some people claim then why is it that the liberal side of Reddit still effectively opposes the views that aren't held by the establishment left (Like single payer healthcare) ?

I understand that real users post stuff on Reddit. I never claimed there weren't real users. However, real users only get a single vote. Paid users can keep their stuff where it's visible on reddit, so they will be read many times more often compared to a real user. They also know way more about how Reddit works than the average person, so their comments and posts get more hits.

I also find it funny that you don't think CTR posts on Reddit, despite them specifically naming Reddit as a target in their press release. Cambridge Analytica does political ads on Facebook, at least as far as we know.

I personally believe conservatives also shill on Reddit, but I'd like to see some substantial proof. The last few times I was given "proof," it ended up being a hoax. Got anything for me?

I also find it funny that you don't think CTR posts on Reddit

I didn't say that I just think you are blowing their reddit work out of proportion. The anti Trump post don't need astroturfing, there are plenty of people out there who have no problem giving their negative opinion of Trump.

Meanwhile CA has taken a much more active approach in targeting individuals.

Got anything for me?

Someone in this thread pointed out to this one.

You really have to look at the users though. Take Net Neutrality for example. We don't want ISPs having any say on the data we access right? This should be something that we all agree on. I mean, most of the people in this sub go to "alternative news" sources and websites for info. You wouldn't want Comcast to suppress your sites now would you? Same thing with all the right wing propaganda pages. Everyone should easily be able to agree that NN is a good thing.

But all of a sudden, there are all these people posting bullshit about "regulations killing investment" basically parroting the lines that they were fed by Verizon and Comcast. You don't think that is just a little strange?

The anti Trump post don't need astroturfing, there are plenty of people out there who have no problem giving their negative opinion of Trump.

I've seen this talking point quite a bit. If it was true, then it also applies to pro-Trump posts on Reddit. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know how subreddits work. Anything can get upvotes as long as it's posted to the right community. A pro-Trump shitpost will skyrocket in T_D and sink in /r/politics.

If you are claiming that pro-Trump posts shouldn't be upvoted in this sub, I also disagree with you. The conspiracy community has always backed politicians, particularly ones that they believe are "anti-deep state" or something like that. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, Trey Gowdy, etc etc. Trump has marketed himself as anti-establishment, therefore many conspiracy theorists will believe he is. It doesn't matter if he is or isn't, conspiracy theorists will back him because that's what they believe.

Someone in this thread pointed out to this one.

Trivially easy to fake, but it's likely karma bots that copy/paste other people's comments. See this post by me on reposting bots or just browse through /r/thesefuckingaccounts.

If you search "bot malfunction" or something similar in this sub, you will also get supposed CTR bots (probably also fake). Trolls have a lot of free time.

You really have to look at the users though. Take Net Neutrality for example. We don't want ISPs having any say on the data we access right? This should be something that we all agree on. I mean, most of the people in this sub go to "alternative news" sources and websites for info. You wouldn't want Comcast to suppress your sites now would you? Same thing with all the right wing propaganda pages. Everyone should easily be able to agree that NN is a good thing.

I used to think the same thing, but look what happened to the liberals on the Trans Pacific Partnership. As soon as Trump said he was against it, suddenly scores of liberals all over this site changed their opinion. Before that, being pro-TPP would usually mean you were buried in downvotes.

There is a huge percentage of people out there who are stuck on one side of the political spectrum, and many of them will flip flop for the dumbest reasons.

Aboslutely fantastic work, I appreciate your time and effort articulating these thoughts and I think you should host them as its own post in this sub.

Thank you. I don't post as often as I should on here. It's usually just a spur of the moment reply to someone else. I will put something together if I get some free time over the weekend.

If it was true, then it also applies to pro-Trump posts on Reddit.

That's why my point was that reddit isn't the biggest target for these operations. Reddit is great for users circlejerking and repeating what they "found out" elsewhere. That's what has been so interesting about these Trump supporters. They all seem to be so willing to turn and shoot themselves in the foot repeating whatever bullshit they were fed. Look at the way they support someone in the administration and then turn around with their teeth out as soon as that person is out of favor.

I'm sure part of it is this "I win no matter what" sports mentality that these people have adopted but it also seems to be something else. It's just so plainly clear with the NN debate.

I used to think the same thing, but look what happened to the liberals on the Trans Pacific Partnership.

You mean where people said, "good I don't like Trump but I'm glad TPP is dead." Yes there were some anti-trump circle-jerking about it but the mood on Reddit was overwhelmingly congratulatory.

You can't blame all the negativity against Trump as the result of two small (compared to CA) campaigns. You have to think about your demographic on Reddit. I live in the SF Bay Area but I do know a few Trump supporters (Can't pick family) and they aren't the type to be on reddit making post. Meanwhile, the majority of people I know in all age ranges and backgrounds are anti-Trump and all of them are active on Facebook and most of them are active Reddit users.

You can't blame all the negativity against Trump as the result of two small (compared to CA) campaigns

That is obviously not what I said or even implied. I have a feeling my responses are not being read through, so I'm wasting time. Cheers.

Bringing up SB and CTR is just noise designed to distract from actual issues.

Don't worry. They're nearly out of shill time and there shift will end in a few hours.

Because whenever a post gets downvoted every T_D comment is that share blue and the shills are out in force. Have you not witnessed this? It's constant.

Somebody doesn't want you to see this

This has been an incredibly common reddit trope for years. It was not invented by T_D.

This thread was not about trump though.

I think the extent they do work would be focused primarily on Facebook and Twitter, to a lesser extent. I would find it highly unlikely they waste much time on Reddit, even though everyone down to the smallest Pro-Trump sub is convinced that every downvote is from CTR.

Meanwhile the Trumpets ability to twist logic and reasoning (see Net Neutrality debates) makes me think there might be quite a bit of astroturfing going on there.

Every time the White House flips on an issue I know the human part of /r/t_d cared about, I'll head over just to observe their opinions shift in real time. The first few comments are always disbelief or accusations of betrayal. They get deleted. Then a ton of rationalizations about how Trump increasing immigration or going berserk on Sessions, or Sessions going holy roller on Medical Marijuana, are simply 4D chess. It can't be true, it must secretly be the exact opposite of what they are openly saying, surely.

And then the article gets buried or silently removed, and the loyalists who weren't banned in the transition continue onward, knowing they shouldn't talk about it or think about it.

It's actually kinda scary to watch. And it isn't just limited to that shit hole of a sub. Every time there is a flair change in /r/AskTrumpSupporters their comments get nuked by all the remaining Trumpets.

Were you there when Trump ordered the strike on Syria? I watched hundreds get banned and removed in real time. Took them awhile to come up with a narrative to push.

You find it highly unlikely they 'waste' time on one of the (if not the most) popular message boards in the world?


Short answer is yes.


I wish I could get paid to hate Trump /s

Use the term "trumpets" on r/conspiracy... get upvotes.

Use a term like "shillary bots" or whatever... get downvote.

But hey, I'm sure this sub is totally the don 2.0, somehow.

There's a bias on this sub, alright.

People don't like Trump supporters because Trump supporters are morons. Get over it.

Super solid argument there. I am impressed! Clearly you don't have an agenda!

haha look at your username.

smart people dont like trump. go ahead, name some. if your list starts with cernovich or something like that, well, lol

I don't like Trump but I don't dislike him either.

I was a Bernie supporter and I hate Crenovich.

Nice try though.

sure that profile is everywhere defending trump vehemently.

any smart trump supporters? i still havent found any and id love some insight into trump supporters, but most of them just seem so simple minded

Try taking your head out of your ass.

im asking for your help /u/hisnamewassethrlch

Step 1) Remove head from ass.

Step 2) Observe reality.

Your welcome.

yeah I cant find any either. I'll keep looking

But you think that Hillary supporters are just normal people with solid political opinions, right?

most of it has to be script bots, you can't trust poor people

The only script bots uncovered so far were copying T_D posts over into /r/conspiracy.

On the subreddits that focus on tracking CTR, I've seen a number of malfunctioning bots posting neoliberal garbage on the likes of /r/politics. They both use script bots.

What subreddits track CTR? I'd expect that information to be more prominent in these threads. The pro T_D bots were mentioned here:

It's fairly dead now, but during the primary and general election, /r/therecordcorrected was pretty good. Let me see if I can find any others.

$2 shekels have been deposited into your account

That would be ₪2, not that your comment makes any sense in this context.

Many people have infiltrated and leaked the details already. As soon as they do they are called fraud - and perhaps they are. But the argument of "where's the whistleblowers?" doesn't hold up against the evidence of whistleblowers.

Yeah I've seen a few that were pretty convincing but nothing that ever felt complete. Nothing that couldn't be surmised by imagining the position yourself.

Other than the project veritas video, which was super damning. No one will pay attention to it because the same guys made some anti-abortion videos. You should watch the footage. I'm sure project veritas does plenty of editorializing, but you can't pick and choose from video footage in a way that makes it just look like someone claims they sent agent provocateurs to protests to instigate violence in order to make the other side look bad.

Oh yeah, if anyone haven't seen these yet take a look through them.

These are admission on video by people working for the DNC doing illegal and surreptitious operations to rig the election.

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC

Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud

Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved

Rigging the Election - Video IV: $20K Wire Transfer From Belize Returned

Has he released unedited tapes yet?

They usually use indoctrinated true believers who get rewarded in ways other than cash.

And I suspect are not american.

How do you know that?

This isn't even a debaye anymore. It's widely known. If you're reading this, look up "reputation management industry"


Hillary mocked these idiots as basement dwelling losers in her emails but they still keep doing it.

Take a look at the people they bus in for protests. They are pure followers who have no idea why they are there. Shills are no different. They are given an office space, computers, base scripts and direction.

At least military/intelligence shills (be they Russian, US, Israeli, etc) have the fucking excuse of national interests and security.

These shills are defending crimes and corruption in order to protect the people committing those crimes because they think those people haven't committed any crimes. Its pure cognitive dissonance, no different than a religious follower protecting a priest by hiding evidence of their child rape because they think they didn't rape a child.

cant follow the logic here. they are ideologues but when bussed in to protest have no idea what they are doing? why wouldnt they talk then?

I'm pretty certain most shilling is done by bots rather than real people. Why pay low wage grunts and risk leaks when it's perfectly reasonable with current technology to have one person run a bot army?

It's AI

The companies which do the online "brand management" have very small teams and NDAs. The companies we know are doing political astroturfing like CA and SB recieve millions in funding.

Not only would it be possible to have small teams controlling hundreds of puppet accounts everyday and pay them very well, but it makes sense from a management perspective.

People used the same arguments before snowden leaked, but we now know they had millions of man hours of relatively low level employees violating constitutional rights silenced for decades.

I think they are mostly just unpaid losers with multiple accounts personally.

Or maybe there are no leaks because it's bullshit.

You do know that the GOP has operations just like this don't you? So why are you limiting yourself to just this?

Better idea: why doesn't someone just get a job as a shill and then start leaking info? I mean, they're supposedly all low-paid college dropouts, right?

How much do they get?

The world needs a non-profit for protecting leakers who loose their jobs. Something that can help them pay the bills when they get fired for exposure.

Fine, fine, I admit it.

I and everyone else who disagrees with your boundless intellect only do so because of our paycheck from Correct the Record.

total transparency- i'm completely ignorant about shareblue. but are the people in favor of this set to attack the left and bolster the right? if so, that is so incredibly ass backwards.

both sides, republicans and democrats, need to be voted out of all offices as soon as possible. THAT is the answer to this mess we're in. i hope people aren't wasting their time building up the right (or left) to attack the other side. that will get us nowhere.

but again, apologies if i'm incorrect as to the intent of this post, and others that seem at first glance to be leaning right, or even hinting that one of the two parties is better than the other. they're equally corrupt, equally evil and need to be sent packing.

They are not equally corrupt. Im not going to get into the debate, but that is simply just not true. When is the last time a dem with brain cancer rushed back from the Dr. to vote to take away health care? Come on man. Yes, Dems are greedy and self serving, but lets not pretend they are on the same level.

Secondly, simply getting rid of democrat and republican politicians will not change our situation. The people with the most money will find a way to buy power with whatever groups replace them.

ITT: people actually believe the shit they read on 4chan 😂😂😂

We get paid in millions my man, here's log for proof:

Big if true.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's not true.

Idk he has a screen shot. Looks legit to me. And what better way to throw us off his trail.

he has a screen shot. Looks legit to me


Can't tell if you know they're joking

obvious shop is obvious /s

Pfft just what a shill would say.


Lol, you only get paid in dollars bro? You gotta step it up. We all know in the future the only currency that will Mayer is certified ShillBucksTM


no anti-semitism pls

Schmeckles cool?

25 schmeckles please

I hate antisemites. The only thing worse than an antisemite is a jew

whats the conversion rate of shillbucks to USD

Do you believe there is a big conspiracy of people paid to post pro-Trump content? If you do, consider that there is the same amount of evidence for that but people believe it because identity politics tells them to.

there is the same amount of evidence for that

Less evidence

You need to post this in green text and then people will believe it

Implying any of the people posting 'info' on 4chan would make such a retarded fucking post.

Do you guys even lurk?

Many redditors are lazy fucks. Suck up the party line and spit it at the next guy that hasn't reddit yet.

I think most people on the political subs know about ctr and shareblue being real groups that push clinton/dems on social media, they're mentioned all the damn time lol.

This post is funny because the claims about shareblue employees being underpaid/abused/whatever are more likely to be from trolls than anything else. Baiting gullible people has only gotten easier with the internet.

But none of that has anything about shilling.

They're quite clearly talking about building a media platform and getting grassroots users to share their content.


pls post to 4chan so we can verify this clear evidence


Strange you guys were singing a different tune about shutting down their entire site when they leaked a list of most CTR members isn't it...

This is so lazy, a screenshot of a notepad note. Can you at least take a legit paylog and photoshopped the name/numbers and make a good pic?

You know its literally fact that organisations exist that pay people to post to reddit, Facebook, and other forums. Its really not even debatable at this point. Theres been plenty of articles about it in the mainstream media.

This sub was flooded by 4chan shit the other day with 'insider info' on what's going on and the 'real' story. Quoted as fact with loads of upvotes. Such nonsense.

And I'm just sitting here wishing I got paid to be a jerk to trump supporters on Reddit.

Any of you god damn Shills open up, Ill drone their ass

Hi i'm shill wat u want t oknow?

Zip it

Fuck all of them. If they had any intelligence or dignity, they wouldn't be shilling for a living. Their worth in life is hovering around that of a snail IMO.

Why is Kurt Eichenwald RTing Shareblue?

Yep, you guys are still fucking retarded.

Removed: R10

I wonder what controls are in place to prevent this?

Probably a good amount of advanced bots, more than shitty humans.

Who would of thought this would devolve into goonish passive aggressive snarky back biting? Stay classy /r/conspiracy.

You guys are adorable.

I would also like to extend to same offer to all the trumpbots/shills being paid minimum wage to shill for the orange man.

Redeem yourself and leak everything you've got.

Pro trump conspiracy theorists are like a highschooler drinking for the first time. They think their smart but you can smell the naivety on them as clear as axe deodorant.

It's getting a bit shilly in here.

So you ask them to instead of shilling for low pay, they leak stuff for no pay and a target on their head?

Wow. It's like someone rang the dinner bell for them.

Shareblue has been around since before 2014. If it hasn't happened yet, it isn't going to my dude.

Blow the lid off this whole organization! This is your chance to really do something for society.

ITT: Partisanship and people calling other people out for partisanship. That's pretty much it. You can continue with your day now.

funny when you consider that many of them spend all day defending their side from being corrupt because they actually believe they aren't corrupt..... yet by doing just that, they are actually involved in the corruption themselves.

18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact

Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years.

the paid shill thing is a psyop to trick normal everyday people to shill for free thinking there is an army at the ready to back them up

I would agree but add that all the Russian / fascist bot bois do the same. There is no place for shillings.

This revelation damaged the online experience more than anything I've ever gone through. Once "shill" became a common thing to call someone in the internet, a lot of stupid people got what they thought was a free pass in online arguments/debates. Anyone that disagrees with them is a shill, because they're obviously right and how dare someone challenge their opinion.

News flash: This astroturfing that you're so afraid of is rare, and what does happen is done way more so by bots than by people.

Why don't you ask Donald Trump to leak it since the NSA has it for certain?

Oh wait it's because Trump is a NWO shill too ...

Ok, and what about the org pushing the right wing bullshit? Ones that have been having a noticeable affect on this subreddit.

Not just shareblue ctr, but Cambridge analytics. ALL astroturfing turn up.

what about cambridge analytica or any other foreign entity? why are we only interested in shareblue? this isnt partisan is it?

I am so fucking happy your party is dead.

My list was generated through first-hand experience here on Reddit over the course of the past election cycle. All those items on my list, were themes I encountered repeatedly.

All the issues on your list are fine, but they skirt around the elephant in the room, which is the wealth/income inequality and the role of money in government.

Besides that, who does Shareblue represent, and who granted them the authority to speak for democrats? Was there a process where democrats gave input to these messages?

While I was a democrat (before quitting the party), I became dismayed to see the messages coming out of my party, crafted by loathsome David Brock - those were not my messages as a lefty.

If you like David Brock speaking for you, have at it. As long as he's the mouthpiece for the party, I'll find myself a third party. Thanks.

Neither, just ignorant.

But don't worry, we don't discriminate here.

Sounds like a plot from a movie. Because it is.

Sounds like a plot from a movie. Because it is.


anyone who doesnt follow blindly in their beliefs are shills

Well you can't be CTR because your name doesn't fit the pattern. 😂

. enough they tried to murder hum.


Ain't it great?

It's funny, whenever there's a holiday and the tenor of r/politics shifts a bit, and these dolts are all "See, Shareblue has the day off, this is true Reddit without shills!!!1"

No you dumb fucks, it's that you fucking TD losers are the only ones wasting time on Reddit on a holiday. Go outside.

I'd almost think you were talking about Bernie people.

Did you catch the username? We have policies against this. I'd like to reprimand that person, thanks.

Let's count the number of Anti-Trump subs:

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam , /r/AntiTrumpAlliance , /r/BannedFromThe_donald , /r/Impeach_Trump , /r/MarchAgainstTrump , /r/The_regret , /r/TinyTrumps , /r/Trumpgret , /r/TrumpForPrison , /r/politics, /r/PoliticalHumor , /r/pics , /r/adviceanimals , /r/facepalm /r/news , /worldnews , /r/esist , /r/Fuckthealtright , /r/fakenews , /r/The_Duped , /r/MiloForPrison , /r/EnoughRightSpam , /r/enoughtrumpjerk , /r/discuss_politics , /r/conspiratardo , /r/EnoughAltRightSpam (, /r/Der_Fuhrer , /r/DonaldTrumpBlows , /r/The_Stormfront, /r/MikePenceSucks , /r/milo_irl , /r/Th_Donald , /r/The_Doublechin , /r/The_Edgelords /r/The_Hitleryouth , /r/The_Inbred , /r/The_Incesttuous /r/The_Ivankafucker , /r/TrumpOrStormfront , /r/EnoughGOPSpam)

This makes it a total of 40 subreddits which are highly Anti-Trump. Excluding the subspamming, we reach 26 subreddits which have an Anti-Trump agenda, which is still a big amount.

32(33 if counting /r/politics) of which are dedicated Trump-Hate subs. Excluding the subspamming, it is 16 subreddits whose sole purpose for existing is to hate on Trump.

Yeah, we have a shill problem on Reddit.

Crowdstrike? That's your Intel agency? Because the FBI wasn't even allowed a look at the servers.

And it's proven that our Intel agencies actively frame foreign governments, including and especially Russia, in order to cover up their own cyber crimes.

Get over the Russia narrative, it's dead.

When was that even close to being stated?

Acknowledging that their are people who get paid to push a certain political view, and saying everyone who disagrees with me is shill, are two completely different things.

I think you're smart enough to understand that.

This thread was not about trump though.

Define "you people" please? I'm not a Trump supporter so don't even try it.

So basically anyone that doesn't immediately agree with your agenda? I've already told you I don't support Trump and I never even mentioned Russia. Seriously, what are you talking about?

That the organization exists? Are you an idiot? Of course it exists.

trump apologists and russian deniers

Trump did nothing wrong and Russia doesn't exist!

This guy is pretty clearly derailing the topic as hard as he can. Ignore him and continue talking to people that have something to add to the topic at hand.

No, I'm saying it's a mixture of both.


Part of voting in protest is that you're saying you'd rather risk even worse repercussions than vote for someone you see as corrupt. I don't agree with that, but I understand why people do it.

I understand why you wouldn't agree with that. I don't really like the logic myself. It was a horrible dilemma for many of us, and every time Trump does something awful, it's particularly painful for me.

I'd rather settle for the lesser of two evils, which I know is controversial here.

Yes. But just so you know, many of us used to subscribe to the "lesser" argument for many many elections. It was my crede in fact, and I chastised friends and family members who voted for Nader back in the day. So I completely understand your position.

It's just that there comes a point when the lesser evil, is just too evil.

And that's the problem with corruption. It's a great equalizer. A corrupt democratic party really isn't that much better than a corrupt republican party.

Corruption destroys trust in governance, and when that trust goes, so does our social contract.

Oh no I knew for sure he doesn't have any names. Stop being ridiculous

No they didn't. The 17 intelligence agency bullshit is exactly that, bullshit but you can keep parroting it like MSM told you to.

Correction: June 29, 2017

A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.


Partisan bullshit is happening all over Reddit.

Absolutely. What bullshit is "organic" though?

single intelligence agency

When the CIA says something, that should make it LESS credible to you.

So it's now being admitted that ShareBlue and CTR influence upvotes and discussion on Reddit? A lot of users in this sub would deny that.

I think the extent they do work would be focused primarily on Facebook and Twitter, to a lesser extent. I would find it highly unlikely they waste much time on Reddit, even though everyone down to the smallest Pro-Trump sub is convinced that every downvote is from CTR.

who gives a fuck dude?

Funny how you only care about T_D shills and not DNC shills.

Oh so you are saying that the powers that be wanted Trump to win?

Short answer is yes.


So you were banned from this sub over 2 years ago? I've been banned from many, hence the new account, but never from conspiracy and I've had my fair share of controversial comments.

I wish I could get paid to hate Trump /s

Fair enough. He's the only bad mod in my experience though. There was a whole controversy a while back. Should have just offed him then.

WHO CARES, WHO CARES, WHO CARES, REPEAT IT ONCE AGAIN, SHILL!! may be be bit more technical and less obvious next time? Ask white buffoon Brock for better lessons? because people aren't that stupid to just look away from dozen bot riddled anti trump subs, just because you delegitimize multiples times... WE CARE, BITCH! YOU CAN'T DICTATE US WHAT WE CARE OR NOT!

Also regarding you questioning and acting surprised as this sub leans towards trump more, compared to what MSM and Deep State pushes daily... I mean, really? Does it really need explanation unless you are mentally handicapped? FFS, man talked against mandatory vaccines and declassifying 9/11 documents during campaign, two of "favorite" subjects of this sub, of course they liked him long before he even was a president... Conspiracy theorists sympathize with men who fights establishment and hidden government, SHOCKER!

Now, every once in a while, some post stuff from t_d, or Trump related, that aren't related to conspiracies and I find them annoying too, but they don't get much traction, so does propaganda "Muh Russia" articles too posted here regularly. But there is multiple multi-million subs where those articles get upvoted to the top without a issue (news, worldnews, politics...)

ps: don't forget to collect your 0.20$ cent paycheck

Thats not even close to what I said.

Use the term "trumpets" on r/conspiracy... get upvotes.

Use a term like "shillary bots" or whatever... get downvote.

But hey, I'm sure this sub is totally the don 2.0, somehow.

There's a bias on this sub, alright.

Read "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays.

sure that profile is everywhere defending trump vehemently.

any smart trump supporters? i still havent found any and id love some insight into trump supporters, but most of them just seem so simple minded