Occult symbolism found throughout Tool's Lateralus album - trivium, quadrivium, kabbalah, Fibonacci, archons, entities [x-post /occult]

26  2017-07-27 by ryanpeverly

Thought you guys may be interested in this, Tool fans or otherwise. This is based on The Holy Gift of internet lore, and obviously this is all the guest's interpretation, but I enjoyed this chat and think there's some great messages to take from it.



Well yeah, every one in the band is an occultist. Thats what makes their music so incredible and deep. Almost my favorite banc ever.

Not sure how this is a conspiracy, but this is amazing nonetheless.

This isn't a surprise. Bother to read their monthly newsletters, or really, anything about them and you'll learn this is intentional. For god's sake they use a clip from a famous Art Bell episode on that album.