Trump Urges Police To Use Brutality -- Bang suspects' heads on police car doors.

68  2017-07-28 by [deleted]



sensationalist article

It's simply quoting Trump.

Trumpets hate that. WTF I love the police state now.

"the president suggested...." is not a quote from trump actually

I'm actually really confused. I hate Trump and I went into the video thinking "alright, here we fucking go, gimme some good shit," but... This headline is lierally fake news. Did anyone even watch the whole video?

It's the same shit they've been doing for the last year. A lot of people who hated Trump started hating him less when they started listening to him directly and realized the media was completely misrepresenting everything he said and did.

I don't have him any less, my beliefs about him continue to hold true. I just hate these outlets blowing everything about him completely about of proporation for $$$ and the narrative.

I agree, but definitely not in this case. This is blatant.

Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody. Don’t hit their head? I said 'You can take the hand away, OK?’

Yep no misrepresenting here. He said it was okay for police to assault suspects.

Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody. Don’t hit their head? I said 'You can take the hand away, OK?’

This is what he said.

Thank you.

Apparently you didn't watch the video

Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody. Don’t hit their head? I said 'You can take the hand away, OK?’

Donald J. Trump telling officers its okay to rough up suspects.

No, I watched the video. Trump is calling for brutality against gang members. He's saying if someone that's arrested must be guilty. That should be scary to everyone. You might be next.

You said "It's simply quoting Trump" which it wasn't. Don't pretend like you watched the video before to save face.

Innocent until proven guilty eh?

I tried to warn you dumb shut cultish motherfuckers this would happen. Here it is bitches, day late and not what you wanted to believe at all.

And the crowd of police went wild. If you can't afford a shirt, wear a brownshirt.

I say please be the person who inspires courage and respect in others for you

I say please be the person who inspires courage and respect in others for you.

I am now sure I can be a better leader than the one now

Conspiracy is where?

I tried to post it on the news subreddit but they don't allow text...didn't know where else to post it. Open to suggestions!

You could've posted the link? Not arguing that you shouldn't have posted it here. Just replying to the logic aspect of it.

In the cheers. In the silence. In the blood.

(Here is a comment posted on Facebook): He's literally encouraging the police to violate the constitutional rights of suspects that haven't even been convicted of anything. This will increase tension between cops and the public and could lead to more deaths. The ACLU should sue him for this as well.

Trump has always had these views. Let's not forget that late 80's full page NYT lecture he posted: WHEN THE ATTACK BEGINS, CIVIL LIBERTIES END. It's fucking terrible.

Yep, for some reason people seem to think there is a hard-on for Trump but this type of rhetoric is very typical and is what most of us expected. The headline is not in any way accurate if you watch the entire video but Trump is not a "good hombre."

“For years and years, [laws have] been made to protect the criminal,” Trump said. “Totally protect the criminal, not the officers. You do something wrong, you’re in more jeopardy than they are. These laws are stacked against you. We’re changing those laws.”

Police officers need to be held to a higher standard than criminals and civilians.

If anything police officers have not been properly punished, they don't need any more protection. This doesn't sound good.

This is coming from your president a couple of weeks after a police officer shot a fellow Aussie in pjs. Get out of that country soon.

That was another issue entirely. The cop was a Somalian immigrant, with a background of aggressive behavior, never should have been a cop. and he is rumored to have been protecting his friend, the rapist the woman was reporting. Look up jody harpstead and Lutheran social service. This monster is importing Somalian to minnesota under the guise of being a holy Christian while getting rich off the taxpayer.

And I'd love to think trump is referring to career criminals/gang members that take advantage of innocent until guilty rules and should have their heads bashed, but giving power to the police/state/police state always ends with the everyman losing liberties :/

What about all the other incidents of police brutality? You can't blame his immigration status for this. If it was such a problem how'd he even become a cop? There's underlying lack of training throughout the USA.

He was rushed through training for diversity quota's. You do realize almost every White nation does this? It's completely illogical and has awful consequences as seen here.

Wasn't he talking about MS-13, an extremely fucked up gang?

And? You aren't guilty until you have a trial. You can't allow police to beat up suspects because they may be a part of a gang.

He said not to put their hand on their head when putting them into the police car. That's not police brutality.

It's implying that they bash peoples head as they put them in the car, you must not have understood it.

They put the hand there so that they don't bump their head. If they take away their hand the criminal gets their head bumped. How is getting your head bumped police brutality?

That can't be a serious question ...

I'm happy Trump said this and he is 100% correct and justified. The US Army should grease the wheels of their tanks with the guts of fucks slammed against police car doors.

Fuck you in advance you downvoting fuck. Kiss the door of a crown vic.

What are the odds this dudes gone to jail or has family that has lol

You don't belong here.

Yet they are super common, the amount of authoritarian shilling on this sub is simply insane.

Insane and terrifying.

lol love his sarcastic ass

lol love his sense of humor , also love how it scares people

Go fuck yourself

No conspiracy here. This is out in the open and obvious.

Not a conspiracy, just the truth of what he's always been.

If you're going to trash trump, please don't use a highly edited and produced video from huffingtonpost.

this is how British cops do it.

I had a half day at work yesterday, I drive through Cincinnati to get to work. On my way home I stop for gas as I'm getting back onto the highway I'm pulled over, the cop opened the door told me to put my hands behind my back hand cuffed me frisked me then put me in back of the car. They tore my car apart searching for whatever. 20 minutes go by the cop opens the door takes the handcuffs off and hands me a ticket for a small crack on my windshield. They tell me to get out of the city and they leave. WTF if you think you're free you're kidding yourself! I'm going to the court for my ticket and fighting this. Any advice would be appreciated.

xpost to r/legaladvice