Abstract conspiracy On North Korea

0  2017-07-29 by lolix123

My theory is - When Obama found out trump became president he decided to feed them a ton of intel to fuck over trumps presidency.

Does anyone else believe this?


False intel about what

How to create nukes and missiles more efficiently? I mean they sped up their production 2 years quicker than expected, now it's looking even sooner.

I think the pentagon has been lying to us about their capabilities. They said they were two years away from an icbm last year and now look where we are.

No. They're all the same side and US watches those fucks through their windows 24/7.

Why do you hate Obama but love Trump?

Because he did everything he could to destroy our country. Maybe by pure ignorance or by sjw stupidity but he did not love this country like President Trump

I've always despised the huckster, only in the last year has it become political. Seriously, how is Obama evil.. if you say the jews i'll lose it...

If not Jews I am sure another generic answer can be found.

Because the talking heads that he listens to tells him that Obama is evil and hates this country. Oh yeah they told him that he is stupid and ignorant too.

What did he do that was purposely trying destroy this country? Would any other president not do the same?

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.

These are all statistical facts and hard numbers that I can send your way.

"Statistical facts" that Obama "did not love this country like President Trump"?

Sign me up! I'm very curious to see your empirical love metrics.

That was not on the list of ten I sent you.

Here it is again if you want to look them up

Lowest rate of economic growth in American history Lowest rate in home ownership in decades Record numbers of people on foodstamps Record high medical insurance rate cost Record high national debt Eight years of war Highest poverty levels in american history Opening up the military to mentally ill individuals to extract medical cost for cosmetic surgeries Record number of mass shootings Helping to further destabilize the middle east by killing Gaddafi and trying to do the same in Syria

Yeah but he also pulled us out if the recession and got bin laden.

The jews!

Just kidding. I just think he falls in the stupidity factor that most millennials suffer from . That everyone is good and can change with love and kindness. That why he embraced things that go against western values and traditional American spirit

Historically speaking after a president ends his run he breaks away from bipartisan idiocy like this. People need to look at the big picture and stop squabbling over day to day politics. That's why the people who are really in control of the world play the patient game and don't care about your democrat versus republican bullshit.

Lowest rate of economic growth in American history

Lowest rate in home ownership in decades

Rocord numbers of people on foodstamps

Record high medical insurance rate cost

Record high national debt

Eight years of war

Highest poverty levels in american history

Opening up the military to mentally ill individuals to extract medical cost for cosmetic surgeries

Record number of mass shootings

Helping to further destabilize the middle east by killing Gaddafi and trying to do the same in Syria

Yup that's true!

I think a better question is how can we know FOR SURE NK is the bad guy? Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria.... Just saying...

They have no Rothschild central banking, so they're bad guys for sure

Do you have anything at all to support this "theory"?

3 Banks left, Russia, China, North Korea. Rothchilds will pick them off one at a time, China will be last. So, if Un is dumb enough to launch a ICBM at us, we will take them back to the Flintstones. I'm Sorry, The Frintstones.