What if we went "contest mode" for a day?

26  2017-07-29 by RecoveringGrace

Seriously. What if we hid all votes for a day? The honest users don't care about votes.


Why wouldn't the honest user care about votes?

Votes = Top and Front Page.

Votes also = validation and swaying of opinion.

The only time I use voting...


Upvote= it's conspiracy related

Downvote= it's not conspiracy related.


Upvote: it applies to the conversation about said topic

Downvote: it doesn't apply or is out in right field having nothing to do with the post.

That's how you are supposed to vote but what ends up happening is

Downvote = I don't agree with you or you said something dumb.

Upvote = You confirmed my biases!

i swear that a long time ago, reddit displayed all up and down votes.

mandala effect maybe.

I thought so, too. Like five years ago?

It absolutely did. They made a documented change though. People were pissed for a few weeks about it, but most people didn't care.

I wish I had paid attention and thrown a fit, but I didn't realize back then what the impact would be.

You used to be able to see them with RES, but that creepy pedocannibal spez decided that that was giving the plebes too much info.

Spez did not work at reddit at that time.

Maybe you should learn about something before talking smack.

Ok, my mistake. Whatever creepy pedocannibal admin then.

It wasn't a mistake, you attacked someone without having accurate information, probably because you don't care to be truthful anyway to research if you;re right or wrong.

They took that away about 3 years ago. I remember the vote comparison. You're not the only one. Haha.

The day they took away the ability to see downvotes is the day reddit died/got sold out.

So a highly controversial comment(+500/-500) would appear the same as an uninteresting one (+0/-0).

Way back then, I made a comment about the time I had to use my gun to protect a girl that had been stabbed in a carjacking. I didn't think it was a big deal comment, I just made the comment, went to bed, and woke up to thousands of up and down votes, and probably three hundred conments, most calling me a liar. I was so freaked out that I abandoned the account.

In Reddit account settings you can choose to have a little cross next to comments' scores if that comment has been "downvoted and upvoted by a large number of people".

This cross thing is a poor alternative to the actual number of up & downvotes that used to be displayed. (Btw read this if you want to understand why they really stopped showing them).

But still I wonder how many people know about it (it's not enabled by default).

That cross doesn't let you know which side is winning though.

Reddit never showed up and downvotes on comment/post, but it was in the API so things like RES could show it, but they removed it because people focused too much on those numbers and it interfered with vote fuzzing.

As an honest user I could care less at this point , besides who am I to stop anyone from turning a buck (vote manipulation, opinion swaying , views ,what have you) I'm here for multiple outlets of information, so I can get a clear view of what is really happening in the world, instead of being spoon fed tid bits of a narrow view.

If the honest users don't care about votes then what does that make you, OP, the person who made a thread to change the way the subreddit works because you're so concerned about the votes.

It makes me a person that is curious about what would happen if votes didn't count for a day. Aren't you curious?

I'm more curious as to what label you would give to yourself since you seem to care about votes.

The honest users don't care about votes.

Yet here you are, caring about votes. So what are you? "Honest user" is obviously out by your own standards.

I really don't care, personally. I do wonder how many folks are out there that are afraid to express their thoughts because they do care, and am genuinely curious what would happen if the votes disappeared for a day.

You don't care so much that you made an entire thread about changing the way the subreddit displays vote counts.

You see how that makes no sense? You obviously care. So back to my original question: What label do you give yourself?

Because by your own words:

The honest users don't care about votes.

And I'll state it again, you very obviously care. You would not have made this thread otherwise.

So please tell us what label we should give you.

You should give me the label of "curious", as I've previously stated.

As opposed to "honest users?"

So you're saying there is "honest users" and then the people who care about votes are "curious users?"

That's just weird. That doesn't sound logical at all.

Here's the thing. I've no desire whatsoever to make you understand what I'm saying. You truly aren't worth the energy.

Here's the thing, you know you can't answer the question, so you'll try and deflect off with an insult directed at me.

So you're saying there is "honest users" and then the people who care about votes are "curious users?"

That's just weird. That doesn't sound logical at all. Help me make sense of this, will you?

Go ahead and try again.

I insulted you? Crap. I reported my insulting comment. Better now?

I'll feel better when you address the very topic of the thread you made:

So you're saying there is "honest users" and then the people who care about votes are "curious users?"

That's just weird. That doesn't sound logical at all. Help me make sense of this, will you?

For someone who is judging the "honesty" of users you don't seem to very forthcoming in your answers. As a matter of fact, you don't seem to be answering at all.

Don't even take the bait. You're too valuable of a user here.

I couldn't even figure out what he thought he was goading me into this time, lol. Just trying to get me to say the sh*** word?

I was asking you what the opposite of an "honest user" was.

You said "honest user's don't care about votes." You made a thread where you put on full display how you care about votes.

So you yourself are openly stating you're not whatever an "honest user" is, so what is the opposite of that? What are the other users who aren't honest?

Don't play stupid, comment vote ranking steers the narrative in a discussion.

Contested mode scrambles the comment thread order so the users can follow threads unencumbered by the voting system.

Please implement it, moderaters!

I'd like it if we could see which users voted on what way. Guessing that would be some invasion of privacy.

I like this idea. This could be used in other ways too.....like a big trampoline. See how many people we can get on here to jump and see what kind of an effect we can have.

Like being able to test the shill effect for people who don't see it. If there is no response, it would be abnormal compared to other certain topics. If there is a kickback, it can be easily identified.

Just a thought.

r/conspiracy is not a safe space

Doesn't stop OP from hoping it will be.

Dude, just stop. I even comment in TMoR, regardless of how I'm downvoted.

This isn't your safe space, OP.

Thank you for doubling down on showing how much you care about votes though.

The honest users don't care about votes.

Crazy how you need to keep bringing up votes when "honest users" aren't supposed to care about them.

regardless of how I'm downvoted.

^ Like right there.

Yes, several of us has asked for this. Let's make it happen! Set contested for all political submissions please.

Shoutout to /u/mastigia, /u/axolotl_peyotl and /u/Flytape. (Three are the max you can ping at a time).

I would vote in favor of, temporarily and experimentally, setting all politician centric political posts to contest mode just to see how it effects things.

I am weary of overly general wording such as "all political posts" because once implemented there could be an argument made that just about everything ever posted in Conspiracy is politically relevant somehow. You then get into shit fights about "why isn't this pizza gate post in contest mode, it's obviously just trying to make the DNC look bad" or "why isn't this post about opium fields in Afghanistan on contest mode, it's obviously just anti-trump propaganda".

These are the kind of details and technicalities the mods must consider, and probably a lot more of them, when trying out a new policy. We don't like any of our rules to affect one subject unevenly than all the other subjects. I think that tends to slide towards censorship.

However contest mode for politician centric posts such as "Trump did this!" "DWS did that!" might thin the crop to a manageable level and make such an experiment worthwhile.

The vote brigading we see is happening right now and censures comments daily. Contested mode solves much of this, that is not very difficulty to see.

Who do you think would oppose this change? I can't see any reason it would effect discourse in any way but positive.

The vote brigading and manipulation is happening on the threads themselves, not the comment chains. The vast, vast majority of it anyway.

Putting threads into contest mode does nothing to solve that problem and only serves to censor community discussion.

Not to mention I actually agree with Flytape. Almost everything conspiracy related is directly related to politics, if not roundaboutly so. The only way that such a rule could be implemented would be to have it as a forced default for every single thread.

That's just plain false. We have a huge problem with brigades that only come here to shit on the sub, the discussions and it's users and their comments are somehow voted to the top in the majority of the cases.

Anyone that wants that trend to continue is not here for the discussion and instead has questionable intentions.

I can't speak for other people but I accept that they are free to have opinions different than mine. What seems obvious to you or me might not work out the way we imagine it will, that's why experimental exercises are useful.

Honestly, it's really only the top post in the sub that ever gets targeted in a big way...my thought was that we automatically have #1 threads go to contests mode.

No, I've seen it on several political submissions. It is not only the top submission, it is any submission that gain traction and votes.

Fair enough...I do anticipate a lot of calls of censorship if we start enabling contest mode at our own discretion. There would need to be guidelines.

What on earth are you talking about?? What censorship?? Censoring of astroturfing?

Axolotl, they will cry about it even if there are guidelines. Exhibit a.

It may be time to start asking whether the future of the sub is more important than the whining of shills. Are you enjoying this? People are moving on, no longer commenting as much, and the content is starting to mirror politics, or brigaded to hell. How long do the mods plan to "ride it out" while the users have to engage with those that are only here to harass real users? Can you walk me through the current plan for dealing with the problem?