i am lost spiritually.

5  2017-07-29 by [deleted]



Meditate. Smoke weed.

Meditating through the vibrations of music.

I'm not of legal age to smoke weed yet.

I'm not of legal age to smoke weed yet.

Who cares?

through the vibrations of music.

Sit silently and empty your mind. If thoughts attack you while meditating, keep a notebook nearby - write down whatever you start thinking about and put it aside until you are done.

Try a breathing meditation: http://how-to-meditate.org/breathing-meditations

Listen to the music of your body.

Thanks for this, sir.

Honestly I was feeling much the same as you when I was a teenager and these are the two practices that brought me back to sanity and in touch with the universe and myself.

Really??? Quit telling a 13 year old to smoke weed. Shut the fuck up with that nonsense.

I'm explaining my experience. Go fuck yourself.

Well: there's part of your problem.

Keep in mind that most measures of IQ measure compliance with authority.

Uh huh.

Rule 4

fixed. sorry.

I don't disagree when it's an adult. At least once but not when the OP is only 13. Independent research (meaning not paid for) says it can have adverse effects on those whose minds aren't fully matured, about age 23. This poster is only 13. Please don't make sense ch recommendations wildly nilly.

That said.. OP, you're quoting the secret gospels of Mark yet you say you don't believe the rest. That's contradictory.

I was raised Pentecostal. That religion did a number on me. I no longer subscribe to it - none of it. In my own research, I've come to believe Jesus was in fact a good man, who studied under Buddha, but he was exploited for a rich man's game.

Don't give up faith that something greater than ourselves exist. I have no definitive proof but plenty of experiences which have reaffirmed as much for me. But don't stop searching for answers until your soul feels content.

Still clinging..thank you ever so much.

Kids all over the world have been smoking it for hundreds of years. Stop fear mongering.

Spirituality is delusion.

I'm not bound on quitting just yet. Before I go Atheist, I just want some clarity behind all of this. When I have enough evidence, I'll go rogue. But the simple idea of burning alive (and a belief of chakra) is haunting me. So I'm clinging on to the rope for now.

It's good that you're starting to realize that you're mentally ill, keep trying. I know from personal experience that it's possible to get well.

Religion is some man's agenda. Create your own agenda. If you live in the United States, and you want to live with good mental health in a pristine environment, encourage your family to move to Patagonia, or Uruguay. They will go unmolested in the coming crisis. Save yourself and your family.

Wish I could, and I've spoken to them about this. My mother says she's not living this city, and who's to blame her. Her roots are here.

But for me, I don't want to leave this country until I graduate high school and can afford a plane ticket.

You actually sound incredibly grounded for a 13 year old. The teenage years are tumultuous and confusing for everyone, but you have a good head on your shoulders and will come out on top. The main thing to remember is that no one has all of the answers, and seeking the truth is a lifelong process. Don't feel discouraged. Instead, keep asking questions and it will lead you down your own unique path in life

You called Jesus a rapist. Got any source on that? I only ask because that is something I have never heard before. You are 13. Ignore the irresponsible person suggesting you smoke weed.

Trust me, not going to smoke weed. My country already expressed their opinions on that. I don't want to be caught.

And here you go.

Also, here's an objection to the argument.

Good head on your shoulders then

Make your own choices, but I recommend ignoring nation states. Corporations are the only real power in the world.

Secret Mark says Jesus slept naked with the boy he had resurrected:

"But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the kingdom of God. And thence, arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan."


Gimme a break. The so-called "Secret Gospel" of Mark is TWO Passages that somehow just happened to survive out of the entire "Secret Gospel" and those two short passages just happen to be the ones that show Jesus was gay or bisexual?

Gimme a break. Pretty much everybody sees these as a fraud of some kind; either a recent one or one concocted many years ago.

As for the OP, the best advice you got here here was to read the CS Lewis stuff. The problems with Christianity are not Jesus's fault.

i think he meant Cesare Borgia.. who is the face behind the "modern day jesus"

Yes we know the famous face of Jesus is not Jesus. We don't worship the face we worship the person who gave us the teachings... To throw away the teachings of Christ because of a false portrait makes no sense to me.

most of the teachings in modern day Christianity is like mental slavery. nothing Jesus ( Isa ) spoke about! and what do you think the stuff whit Jesus on the cross, drink my blood and eat my flesh is about? .. non of them has anything to do whit Christianity.. thats mystery schools in the working..

I don't go to church. Being a Christian to me means following the teachings of Christ and accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. My Christian belief structure on the nature of reality is more Gnostic.

you should see your self as the lord and savior. people are suffering and you can do something about it. thats the core of Christianity

No. I should be humble. Everyone can help others and they should. You don't have to consider yourself lord and savior to do that. I have been down the god complex messiah road before. It wasn't pretty. Being humble is key.

to be humble when the priest are mostly pedophiles.. yeaa! be humble..

What does being humble have to do with pedophile priests?

Nothing just ignore them... The priests in today's time are the same as in Christ's... not teaching the word, sacrificing children, killing etc...

What would you have me myself specifically do about the corruption in the church? I don't think we are in disagreement about the state of organised religion. Baby with the bathwater kind of deal though for me. The earth is ruled my satanic pedophiles so shall I denounce earth and build a rocket ship and leave?

Speak the truth. Always. Be kind and help those you come into contact with. Take care of children that need it. To woman who can't defend themselves. We can't save the world. But we can help all those that we come into contact with.

Christ knocked over the money changers tables in the temples. Slept with the homeless and destitute. He showed us the way. And yet we fail daily at it. We all do.

Christ taught us to stop sinning not to pray for forgiveness. (John the baptist taught repentance through forgiveness and Christ was that fulfillment. We now have the brain capacity to recognize the sin that eats us alive and correct that lifestyle. Most of us are too possessed with emotions and worldly things to pay attention or care).

With that being said people around the world are awakening to the Word. Not the word of the church but the word that created the world. TRUTH. Truth is exposing everything. Cutting through the veil like a sword. People are starting to stand up for one another. Of course because in nature there is duality there is a push back to that. That's what we are seeing. We just have to get healthy and help heal others.

Well said. No disagreements here.

Read Asimov. Read Sagan. Read Pratchett. Find your own path under no control of any god or man.

Thanks for the recommendations and the final point. Many thanks!

You write very well for someone your age. I'm quite impressed. I normally wouldn't recommend these books to someone your age (only because comprehension could be an issue,) but you should check out:

(1) Mere Christianity & (2) Screw Tape letters by C.S. Lewis. Once you get through those two books, come back, post an update, and tell us what you have learned. At the least it will expand your vocabulary.

As a side note, don't get distracted by man-made things and organizations OR by what people think of you. As you get older your views might change multiple times, and whatever your views are, there will always be someone who disagrees. Listen to their point of view, but don't let their definition of you define who you are.

I hope you the best!

Thanks for recommending anything that'll help in the slightest. And I'll take those final notes to heart. πŸ™πŸ½

However, where can I turn?

Maybe the question should be, why do you need an external entity to worship in the first place? Why can't change come from within you?

Have you read the Law of One? Give it a try. The answer you seek is not outside of you, it's inside you. For every 2 lies the Bible has it does have one truth. Religion was made to control people out of fear, so they would all (or most) work together in the era of the city state. That era is over. It's time to look not at religion, but at spirituality.

You're 13. Naturally you are just beginning to find out the horrors of Christianity, like:

  • Spanish Inquisition, where the church leaders encouraged torture.
  • Witch hunts. A suspected witch was forced under water. If she drowned, she was innocent and they claimed the soul went to heaven. If she didn't drown, she was burned at the stake.
  • Decades long coverups of child sexual abuse since the 1960s, in the US and Ireland.
  • Converting tribes to Christianity via force, in Central and South America by Spanish missionaries mainly.
  • Extreme greed and vanity at the Vatican, where nearly everything is gold, and homeless people starve nearby.
  • Television preachers in the US just cashing checks gulilible people send in and living a life of luxury, for themselves. Look on Youtube for the "farting preacher". He actually went to prison for his "ministry".

Only because, like you said, I'm afraid of burning to a crisp for rejecting faith. I'll stop clinging on to the rope once I gather more evidence for myself.

Also, I will absolutely give the link above a try whenever I have a try. I will come back with updates upon what I've read. Thanks πŸ™πŸ½

This all has nothing to do with christianity lol. What you just named is catolicism.

Lol. You don't even know how to spell Catholicism, and Catholics are part of Christianity.

Catholics arent part of Christianity. Yes they do believe in the same God, but they have different beliefs and habbits.

Yes they are and their beliefs overlap with many other belief systems, hence they are considered "Christians". I was raised Catholic.

Read the Kolbrin Bible. It's the god you're looking for.

"I am the Voice of God Who is the God of All Men and Ruler of their Hearts. I have many aspects and come differently to all men, I am the God of Many Faces. To you, My servants, I give these words, that they may be carried to all men. Obey My commands and I will be Your God. I will enlighten and instruct you, guiding you along the way. I desire your love and loyalty, and your adherence to My plans, but I do not desire your servility. I am not only your God but your Commander as well, and so I expect obedience and discipline, as befits those who prepare for harsh and grim battles such as those which lie ahead".
"My desire is for love rather than futile sacrifices of burnt offerings, but it should not be a passive love but one expressing service in My Cause. A certain knowledge of right and wrong, with free choice of the former, is of greater value in My sight than pointless ritualistic worship. I derive no pleasure from the wasteful shedding of blood from bulls and lambs. I gain nothing from the fat of sheep and the flesh of goats. I am the Creator of All, so what can men give that would increase My greatness? Men are misled if they believe that their sins can be purged by vain rituals. Only active goodness can obliterate the stain of sin".
"Men approach Me in fear, they come to me with servility. They beg forgiveness for their sins and request My help in worldly matters. To sing My praises is their excuse for coming into places made sacred unto Me, but they come wanting something, be it only reassurance. With this attitude towards Me, do you wonder that I remain mute before their pleas? Bring Me no more vain offerings of flesh and blood, for such wastefulness of life is an offence to the God of Life. What benefit do I derive from all your feasts or festivals? Give me dedication and effort, that is all I ask. Above all be true to yourselves, for I abhor the face of hypocrisy, the face now all too familiar when men approach Me".

"I do not manifest to man through his mortal senses, for these are bounded by earthly limitations. I manifest through the great sense which is of the spirit, the sense of the soul. As pure light hides many colours, so am I hidden in the hearts of men".


I'll have to look into this more. Thanks

We all go through the rebellious atheist stage. I was a hardcore atheist for a while.

One thing I used to hate was Christians in general. They are all hypocrites.

But why was I judging Christ through the actions of those people? It didn't even make sense.

I now know my standard should be based on Christ, not the shortcomings of humans.

It's good you're thinking and keep questioning!

Just don't get dogmatic about atheism either.

There is something more there. Don't look at the hypocrites for guidance though.

PM me the story, I'm just curious

I'm just lost in general. I was one to get my news from CNN, just kind of believed what was told then I come on here and my eyes are opened and I find myself frustrated with those who just eat the lies they're made to believe. My family, friends, even fiancΓ©e doesn't see things for the way they are or they way I see them and it's hard to deal with. It's not even like we know things they don't, it's that they don't want to believe what is right under their noses. I've noticed my anxiety is worse and I come off as more negative to people, solely because of all these revelations I've been having lately. I don't really want to be the person to force my opinions on other people, because I too was in a place where I knew things were not what they seemed but I wanted to be in my safe little sheep bubble.

I'm too exposed to these times. Sorry this is coming from a young guy, but try taking breaks from this subreddit, and come back when you feel you're alright. It works for me, except I take breaks a little too often. Also, I wouldn't know if it would work for you, just because it's a strategy I use.

Basically, for me, it's a cycle of "waking up", then sleeping, usually in intervals of one week. Just don't deep sleep. That'll be a loss.

Someone, please correct me if I wrong about this strategy.

Time to turn your angst into a skill that will unchain yourself from your current illusion.

There is nothing wrong.

i will give you the short version of the story. the biblical flood happen, its the same flood that Plato talks about in his stories about Atlantis.

it was probably a meteorite impact on the north american ice sheets. some 12-10k years ago

we hade a globally connected civilization before the impact, and remember that the humans spoke one language before the destruction of Babylon by "god" ( mystery schools talking about them self as they where gods)

and after the flood, humanity lost its order, the social structure was all shattered. fall of man if you wanna say so.

the religions ( all of theme, pagan or non pagan ) where created by the mystery schools to civilize humanity once more. in the beginning they acted in the best interest of humans. but whit time greed took over and the master & slave narrative was born. the history we are presented in school is there history. it all started whit nimrod and his take over of Babylon.

i dont want you to lose all hope.. what jesus did was pretty heroic ( the real jesus and not Cesare Borgia ) and this, is the fundamental stuff that all the prophets have been talking about true history ( even jesus,mohammed and many more before and after them ) they where all against the master and slave narrative,

look up the church of the east.. there have always been a resistant to this master and slave narrative


I can't say thanks enough for the suggestions πŸ™πŸ½

You're reading it wrong.

Can you give me your point of view, out of curiosity?

At this point, I'm open to anything.

Yeah absolutely. Going for a walk right now with the family but I will message you some stuff and thoughts. Good luck in your path. It's a tough one. Just know where you end up is where you're supposed to be.

Thank you.

Sent you a message. Sorry it's a lot longer than I anticipated! Keep seeking truth!

Maybe Christianity isn't the right religion for you?

Excuse me sir, do you have minute to talk about or Lord and Savior Odin, Father of Thor?

How is Jesus a rapist? Seriously.

The one in the picture.

I don't consider real Jesus a rapist.

Okay. :-)

How does anyone really know what happens when we die? Answer, they don't. So how can we know what religion is right and which one is wrong? I honestly don't think any of them are 100% right. How can they be?

All I can say is what I believe. I believe there is something more (meaning afterlife and other universes). But I can't prove it.

Also, I believe it all comes down to Good and Evil. Again, I can't prove this either.

But I firmly believe Good will defeat Evil in the end! :-)

The teachings of Buddhism are universal. Check it out, you might like it.

overcome your fears. sit and be quiet stop your thoughts.stop thinking in words and listen to your soul. let that guild you.

About when I was your age, I started to fall away from Christ. When I was 28, I wished I would just die in my sleep. Not existing seemed better than existing. Nothing horrible has happened to me in my life. My life was empty.

I remembered that suicide is a destructive rather than constructive act. Many of my loved ones would have suffered. At that point, I thought, might as well just live the rest of my life giving my life to others. At that moment, I felt a surge of positive energy flow through me. One that was outside my control. To this day, I feel that it was God giving me energy and revealing his presence to me.

I prayed to God, "If it is your will, reveal to me the truth." One day, someone mentioned Pizzagate to me. I thought, "What kind of major scandal could involve pizza." That eventually led me to this sub. I am still here to this day with God still at my side. :)

One of my main reasons for being here is to hopefully help truth seekers like yourself find light in this world. It is tough in your school years. There is a lot of peer pressure. I try to live one moment at a time. I believe in an eternal afterlife so I remind myself that our time here is infinitely small. I can feel completely different from one day to the next. I remind myself of that when I have a rough day.

I recommend researching Pizzagate if you have not already. It made me believe that if elites in our society do such evil things, there must be something to it. The Wikileaks emails also seem to be a reliable source of information.

From there, I would watch Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series if you haven't already:


He predicted his own death and 9/11. You will learn about how, in my belief, the Luciferians have ruled, controlled, and influenced the world. Their aim seems to be to lead you away from God and Christ and to create a utopia for themselves: the New World Order.

As noted, you sound grounded for a 13-yr old. As such, this is likely irrelevant but you noted fixing your diet... your age is often when eating disorders show up as an avenue through which one may control the outside world. Just a heads up.

Not just physically....mentally.

Daily, on TV, on social media, all you see is drama, propagandized GMO, and idiocy. I don't want to consume this negativity anymore. It has an influence on me, and I learned this firsthand.

And while it may be funny to see someone slip on a banana peel, I realize that too much of it has an influence on you. "You are what you eat" could've never been clearer as of last year.

Christ meant it when he said that you are the temple. He meant "screw the church. Screw the politicians. Screw the bankers. I'm in your heart and I've always been here. Look no further, you are God."

I think you know deep down that there is truth to the story of Jesus Christ the son of God, but you are having trouble seeing through the many lies that have created false images in his name. No one ever called him "Jesus" when he walked this Earth as a man, the pictures we have do not represent what he really looks like, and there is a long list of other lies and corruptions that have crept into the false religion of Nicene Christianity. An easy way to root out the people who don't have the truth is that their lives do not match up to the life of Christ. If you listen to a sermon from a pastor but that pastor doesn't spend his free time helping the poor or telling unbelievers that there is salvation and eternal life available, then why should you look up to them and expect them to have truth? When you find someone who has love radiating out from them, then those are the people you want to pay attention to, because they know something others do not. I believe the first three gospels in the New Testament are not about the true Jesus, I believe the gospel of John is our best source of truth about who Jesus really was and this book tells a completely different story, there is no virgin birth, there is no temptation in the wilderness, no 40 day fast, instead there is a very human Jesus who isn't worshiped as God but instead he claims to be the son of God who is one with the father through the indwelling holy spirit. Jesus gives us an example on how to live our lives and gives us a new commandment to live by, to love one another as I have loved you.

If you reject one religion and chose another or parts of some others you are still deceived. Atheism is the lack of religious belief. There is no fighting about it (though you can if you want). Walking a "spiritual" path is just a replacement for a path rejected

You are very strong to recognize the folly of religion so young. Spirituality is much more individual and complex than any one religion can encompass.

I read the Conversations With God trilogy when I was a little older than you and it resonated profoundly with me. We are all pieces of the same god-source, experiencing existence separately.

And remember...puberty/teenage years really fuck with your head. It's a lot to come into adult awareness. You are doing amazingly!

Thanks for this, sir.


I can't say thanks enough for the suggestions πŸ™πŸ½

Good head on your shoulders then

What does being humble have to do with pedophile priests?

Sent you a message. Sorry it's a lot longer than I anticipated! Keep seeking truth!

What would you have me myself specifically do about the corruption in the church? I don't think we are in disagreement about the state of organised religion. Baby with the bathwater kind of deal though for me. The earth is ruled my satanic pedophiles so shall I denounce earth and build a rocket ship and leave?

Speak the truth. Always. Be kind and help those you come into contact with. Take care of children that need it. To woman who can't defend themselves. We can't save the world. But we can help all those that we come into contact with.

Christ knocked over the money changers tables in the temples. Slept with the homeless and destitute. He showed us the way. And yet we fail daily at it. We all do.

Christ taught us to stop sinning not to pray for forgiveness. (John the baptist taught repentance through forgiveness and Christ was that fulfillment. We now have the brain capacity to recognize the sin that eats us alive and correct that lifestyle. Most of us are too possessed with emotions and worldly things to pay attention or care).

With that being said people around the world are awakening to the Word. Not the word of the church but the word that created the world. TRUTH. Truth is exposing everything. Cutting through the veil like a sword. People are starting to stand up for one another. Of course because in nature there is duality there is a push back to that. That's what we are seeing. We just have to get healthy and help heal others.

Make your own choices, but I recommend ignoring nation states. Corporations are the only real power in the world.