Mcains "no" vote on healthcare
2 2017-07-30 by TheGreatOni19
We all know that was uncharacteristic of him. And his reason why was just bullshit. We also know that shortly before he is vote he had a phone conversation with trump. I suspect the reason he voted no was because of the things trump said about mcain on the campaign trail. Remember when he mocked mcains warhero status? This was a case of the chickens coming home to roost. If this is the case, it may open up a floodgate of people undermining trumps agenda since one high profile person already has, and trump talked a loooooooot of shit on the campaign trail and since getting elected. Welcome to politics cheetoman.
And for the record I hate them both.
1 d3rr 2017-07-30
I figured it was because McCain is a RINO like the rest of them and voted with the insurance lobbyists. That an actual repeal was too extreme for him.
1 outtanutmeds 2017-07-30
Even when the guy has brain cancer and will soon be dead he still puts the lobbyists ahead of the American people.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Why force people to pay for something that goes against their moral beliefs and/or religion? Do you want to be forced to pay for clinics that use shock therapy to "un-gay" someone?
1 d3rr 2017-07-30
I agree it's just so divisive that they shouldn't tie it up with any other issues. Pork barreling complicates everything.
1 InfectedBananas 2017-07-30
Abortion is not funded, it's hasn't been for decades.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Keep telling yourself that. What ever helps you sleep at night...
1 InfectedBananas 2017-07-30
1 HelperBot_ 2017-07-30
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1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
I bet you probably think your tax payer dollars only go to regular ammunition and not depleted uranium...
1 InfectedBananas 2017-07-30
Why would I think they don't use depleted uranium?
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
So your cool with that, but think planned parent hood is just about gyno exams? You're ignorant as fuck...
1 InfectedBananas 2017-07-30
I just said that abortions aren't funded, I didn't say they didn't perform them.
Learn to read.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
They are, though.
Fuck Trump. I don't give a shit about him or you idiots "against" him...
1 TheGreatOni19 2017-07-30
Post proof that federal funding goes to abortions.
1 TheGreatOni19 2017-07-30
It's not. Never really has been.
1 --o-o--o--- 2017-07-30
Some of that shit is sickening but... who gonna pay for my girl's birth control pills now? Lmao
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Why doesn't she pay for it? Why do I?
1 --o-o--o--- 2017-07-30
Because she doesn't exist :( In all reality though, I wish we had a government that's actually interested in helping it's citizens, so none of us have to pay for them and other health related issues.
1 TheGreatOni19 2017-07-30
You should want to because you're a decent person, but I see the all mighty dolla is on your mind. Money is the mark of the beast. How do you not know that now?
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Whether you agree or disagree with abortion Planned Parenthood does a great deal for communities with STD testing, checkups whatever. Communities like them and are useful to those around, abortion rates litteraly go down the more PP there are due to access to their resources
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Abortion is murder, and that is where the money is... Plain and simple.. Why do you support Eugenics?
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
I support people choosing when to have kids. Ideally abortions wouldn't be needed if people were safe all the time but mistakes happen.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
So, you support murder?
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Still not murder, unborn fetuses are not people, weird to argue sounds cold but it's the truth because they are literally UNBORN not people. I believe in bodily autonomy abortion is control over your body. Outlaw abortions and deaths rates from coat hanger procedures will rise, close PP and abortions will rise
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
I don't consider you a person, can I kill you?
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Are you retarded?
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Nope. Answer the question.
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Doesn't matter what you consider to be a person. I am a person, sadly you are to. Imma put it in caps UNBORN FETUSES ARE NOT PEOPLE. Can't change that no matter what you believe dumbfuck 🤣 bye
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
So... nothing. Just going to run away. Typical..
1 creq 2017-07-30
Rule #10
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
You didn't address my comments, unborn fetuses are not people no matter what you believe
1 Putin_loves_cats 2017-07-30
Evidence? I could say you are not human, therefore I could hunt and kill you... :) So what is it? Also, it takes a man and a woman.. The woman does not "own" the baby... Now... Can I kill you, based on "subjective" beliefs? My gun is loaded...
1 modtrigger3000 2017-07-30
Let's be fucking real here ppl. A life is a life when it has self sufficient biological functions. If something is not.. it's a fucking paper weight object
1 TheGreatOni19 2017-07-30
Dude! Chill! You're getting riled up over something that has very little to do with us due to our being male.
1 ReptilianDystopia 2017-07-30
Based on what? What lying medicine faggots say? The same people that don't validate their studies or experiments? The same who say flouride good for you and I and filling a baby with mercury is good for the immune system?
I used to think like you, but then I grew the fuck up and realized that everything in this world is about PROFIT and thus POWER.
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Mercury in my body ?!?!?! Noooooo, you need to grow up and realize your not special in this world, and that there's no big cover up on vaccines I'm glad they exist so I don't get fucking polio
1 ReptilianDystopia 2017-07-30
1 creq 2017-07-30
Again, super close to a ban.
1 modtrigger3000 2017-07-30
Down voted for your moral beliefs I see. Such tolerant SJW
1 Sabremesh 2017-07-30
Rule 4
1 Uniqueusername121 2017-07-30
Because people take care of other people on earth.
Ya know, like Jesus did?
1 Uniqueusername121 2017-07-30
I'm glad I am able to be certain now that reading comments from this person is a waste of time.
1 mastigia 2017-07-30
McCain would have no issue with defunding planned parenthood. Except he probably likes the idea killing babies, so there is that.
1 LightBringerFlex 2017-07-30
This is how psychopaths think. It does not matter to McCain that 300 million people's heath is effected by his vote. All that matters is him seeking revenge on Trump who hurt his feelings earlier.
His feelings are more important to him than the health of 300 million people and he sees nothing wrong with that because our entire political system is designed to cater to psychopaths.
1 TheSalvation 2017-07-30
In his speech he made it clear, he just wanted congress to return to the old ways. How does this follow for him voting YES for the 2 procedural votes and NO for the actual bill? He said in his speech that he would not support any bill that had not gone through the traditional open hearing/committee process like the original ACA went through. This bill did not, and thus he kept his word and voted no.
1 LightBringerFlex 2017-07-30
Is that the excuse? Oh well it all makes sense now. Meanwhile, everyone I know is complaining about the Shit healthcare. Many of them refuse to even participate with Obamacare or can't afford it.
The bottom line is that our healthcare system is like the Flint water crisis. It needed to be fixed yesterday but it some how magically drags on year after year while the government claims to be working on fixing it. If this fucking government can't do their jobs, they need to hand the keys to our lives back to us so we can take over the job.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
Actually, the primary reason for voting against the repeal is many thousands of people, especially the most vulnerable, would use coverage.
1 LightBringerFlex 2017-07-30
Hehe, that sounds like an ad straight from the DNC.
People want coverage but not this kind of shit coverage. It's so damn expensive and frustrating, people are taking a risk and going without insurance because having Obamacare is simply not worth the costs.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
There was nothing in this bill that would have lowered consumer costs. They never claimed it would. It would have cut back on Medicaid that many depend on. Along with planned parenthood.
1 LightBringerFlex 2017-07-30
Weren't they about to repeal Obamacare?
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
1 LightBringerFlex 2017-07-30
What was the vote for then?
1 d3rr 2017-07-30
The most vulnerable have always been covered, even before Obamacare
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
If you had a pre existing condition you were never covered before the ACA.
1 yellowsnow2 2017-07-30
You have fallen for false talking points
Republicans want to roll that back to 100% of the poverty line.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
Are you responding to me? Because I was saying the same thing in reply to someone claiming Medicare covered a wider group of people.
1 yellowsnow2 2017-07-30
I was responding to the comment I responded to. I haven't read all the comments on this post, so I apologize if it conflicted with something else.
1 d3rr 2017-07-30
Well CNN is telling me that the skinny bill wouldn't have touched medicaid unless PP is considered part of it. But yeah PP is a wedge issue, they shouldn't have muddied the waters with it.
1 IbnKhaldune 2017-07-30
Fuck you to Trump and he wanted bipartisan input on a healthcare bill instead of just one side writing it. Dems wrote the ACA on their own and GOP with their own he wants both to work together
1 kanye5150 2017-07-30
McCain and his butt buddy Graham are obviously in lock step with the globalist agenda...anyone can see that.
1 voodoohoodoovoodoo 2017-07-30
"Globalist" = zionist.
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-07-30
It is so obvious what the agenda is. It's Kabuki theatre! The republicans want to just repeal the ACA and replace with guess what - NOTHING!
I am not excusing the Democrats at all because Obama got us that disaster of Obamacare. This is because he listened to the ex-IDF soldier Rahm Emmanuel who called most of us 'Fucking Retarded'. The now mayor of Chicago is a disaster.
Sorry to go off subject but I can't help it.
1 mastigia 2017-07-30
That floodgate has been open aince January, I'm surprised there is any water left.
1 bloomettle 2017-07-30
Break the AMA's monopoly on health care. Do an anti-trust investigation into the link between big pharma and frontline medicine. Ensure actual competition, and maybe an MRI will cost $50 like it does in mexico, and asthma puffers will cost $5. Cut out the outrageous price gouging that only a monopoly can inflict, and maybe everyone won't need insurance.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
This bill would not have done that.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
He didn't vote "against healthcare", he voted against a repeal with no replacement. Hundreds of thousands of people would have lost their coverage.
1 Mogul1776 2017-07-30
Just like when I lost my coverage when Obamacare was passed ???
1 yellowsnow2 2017-07-30
The skinny bill was BS anyways.
1 ElCaminoSS396 2017-07-30
If you had a pre existing condition you were never covered before the ACA.
1 ReptilianDystopia 2017-07-30