Reminder: Reddit powermod who recently died /u/Carmac was named in the CTR dox by /pol/ and was a heavy user in Shareblue run subs. Also, be warned that this thread is going to HEAVILY brigaded because "don't speak ill of the dead!"

515  2017-07-31 by [deleted]



Damn he's as ugly as you could expect! It's not surprising he was a /r/Liberal mod and /r/politics poster. Hahaha.

Grow the fuck up.

What a shitty thing to say

Do you have a link to what /pol/ found?

Literal dox. Their addresses, personal phone numbers, etc. A quick search about CTR and /pol/ will bring up their archives.

But not posting, admins will already be raging that this thread exists and a genuine dox will be their excuse to perma ban now (rather than a month later quietly).

Then take a screen shot and edit out his info besides his name, we already know his name from the Worldnews mods.

I think I found the CTR dox thread, and I don't see his name on the list.

need to allow doxxing when it's for a good cause. benefits of the many outweigh benefits of the few

Who gets to decide if it's a good cause or not?

Doing bad things to people for a "good reason"? Where are those brown shirts when you need them...

But remember everyone, what CNN did was literally the worst thing ever but this was okay.

Why am I remembering some anon saying (paraphrasing), "Oh and CTR and ShareBlue, your time is coming to an end. You have been warned."

Anyone else remember this or am I gonna have to go try to pull it up somewhere?

I vaguely remember. There has been so much anon stuff lately I can't keep up (and I try to ignore it until it's substantiated, lol.)

I'm pretty sure that gets said every day.

Pretty sure that was WHanon or alien larper on 4chan

was it the proven wrong anon who lied and nothing happened on 7/27?

...except that tiny, minor, little detail of calling for an investigation into the Clintons by sneaking it in as a trojan horse in the Dems' own bill. But other than that, nothing.

From 4chan:

Remember what I said about the slingshot effect. They are pushing so hard and we are leaving nothing but breadcrumbs so they can pull harder on that slingshot. On the 27th of July, everything will backfire.



Hello again /pol/

Just stopping by with another happening. Tomorrow sometime you will hear about Bob requesting 2-3 people for interviews within the Clinton Camp / DNC for a separate investigation which will be the happening of the weekend. Everything within the next week will be making a 180 in regards to the Special Counsel. I really hope you guys can read between the lines as to the true purpose of the investigation and why exactly particular people got hired for the job.

I wish I was able to give a down to the hour time frame on this, but it is almost impossible for me to do that. It will however be announced tomorrow for sure. As before you will of course see it on Twitter and other social media before you see it on the television. That's all, thanks guys!

None of the above happened.

fake news unfortunately

Can't come soon enough.

Removed. Rule 5.

You wanna completely re-evaluate that and put the thread back?

Those links are directly what WorldNews mods have posted AT THE STICKIED THREAD AT THE TOP OF WORLDNEWS.

100% no private information/doxing/family.

This information has been posted by mods in the top stickied thread on a default sub.

So no, it doesn't break rule 5.

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Yeah, I get your point, but Reddit Admins are hardcore when it comes to PI and Doxxing - and the info in the obituary has names and locations of family.

Also, WorldNews is not constantly in the CROSSHAIRS of Admins - Conspiracy is.

I have asked for second opinions in the ModMail, and in any case, I will not ban you or note your account for any infraction.

Thanks for your understanding.

You should also remove the tag from the top of the thread, where it is still visibile to all people just now seeing it.



When the obit is published it becomes public record. linking to the obit is not doxxing anymore than saying the president lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

He is just being cautious people. When you start investigating a lefty idol you absolutely are under the reddit administrations microscope

Muh lefties!!

Um... this thread is supporting the doxing of users. Did you miss this part of the title

/u/Carmac was named in the CTR dox by /pol/ and was a heavy user in Shareblue run subs.

Need I remind you that you guys banned direct CNN submissions because they DIDNT dox someone. But this thread that supports /pol/ doxing is alright?

If the information is viable I don't care how it is obtained.

Fortunately, others do care.

Um... this thread is supporting the doxing of users.


Need I remind you that you guys banned direct CNN submissions because they DIDNT dox someone.

No, the reaction was to CNN's intimidating/ blackmailing/ strong-arming a Reddit user by threatening to dox them.

Do you support Thug tactics?

But this thread that supports /pol/ doxing is alright?

To my knowledge, neither this sub nor Reddit has any prohibition against "supporting".

marked down for the bad move

Which one was the "bad move"?

Deleting or re-approving?

Thread's been linked by TMOR. Doesn't that mean it gets removed? Or is that only for threads that cast a negative light on Trump?

Thread's been linked by TMOR. Doesn't that mean it gets removed? Or is that only for threads that cast a negative light on Trump?

LOL! We don't remove threads because of anything those impotent bottom-feeding clowns do.

TMOR links to many threads here EVERY DAY. If we removed every thread that TMOR linked to, this sub would be empty.

Removed - Private information / Doxxing / Family

Thou Shalt Not!

You wanna completely re-evaluate that and put the thread back?

Those links are directly what WorldNews mods have posted AT THE STICKIED THREAD AT THE TOP OF WORLDNEWS.

100% no private information/doxing/family.

This information has been posted by mods in the top stickied thread on a default sub.

So no, it doesn't break rule 5.

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You wanna completely re-evaluate that and put the thread back?

Those links are directly what WorldNews mods have posted AT THE STICKIED THREAD AT THE TOP OF WORLDNEWS.

100% no private information/doxing/family.

This information has been posted by mods in the top stickied thread on a default sub.

So no, it doesn't break rule 5.

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Default subs don't exist anymore, fyi.

Dude you shouldnt be posting shit about doxing at all. I dont care what the mods say this shit coming from /pol/ isnt something you should be spreading or discussing.

Yes. Censor all the things.

When it comes to things doxing related, yes. Absolutely. 100%. Doxing is how subs get shutdown.

Also doxxing is not cool

It's not doxxing to link to obituaries. That is the purpose of obituaries. It's a public notification.

You've actually convinced me. Thanks.

didn't convince me since it's not doxxing.

Wasn't reddit just up in arms because CNN allegedly "doxxed" a guy for the Trump wrestling gif?

But now its cool when OP does it? That's low

Shut it down!

never censor painful facts

Burn in hell, cunt. I'd piss on their grave or snort their ashes if I could.

You need Jesus lol

Everyone needs the good lord.

Some more than others...

You need Buddha lol

Yeah, people should burn in hell for deleting posts in a subreddit they moderate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?



agreed they should have not covered the NICE terror attack. He did us a service.

Yep, all car crashes are orchestrated by the deep state. This is a well known fact.

So can I send them a bill for curb rashing my new HRE CCWs?

Holy crap I would cry if I rashed HREs. Wouldn't go near any curbs with those!!!

Im kidding.

i feel for you

Yep, all car crashes are orchestrated by the deep state. This is a well known fact.

None by /pol/?

man this is fucked up. You think he is guilty of censorship so you spit on his grave. The links you provide show me that he was a good man who cared about others and his country. You provide no links to prove he was guilty of censorship.

He seems to have been a great man but once again the rightwing here is convinced there's some conspiracy to censor anything negative to do with Muslims, which is just ridiculous.

I guess they hate him because he's progressive, a member of the ACLU and a community leader.

I guess liberal tears are not enough for them anymore; now they want to celebrate a liberal man's death.

and devils advocate here, even if he was guilty of censorship, that doesn't undo the good he did. There so many places to get news from, one shouldn't rely on one source only. Not one of us is perfect. But this is very crass and tacky.

Gotta love when the lefties start circlejerking themselves to avoid a debate

No, actually if anything they are starting a debate.

The worldnews thread is only a couple hours old and people like OP are already politicizing it with implications that the person who passed away was a shill for ShareBlue.

Not only is it in poor taste but it shows how willing some people are to push an agenda.


Are you claiming you arent a leftist?

Are you going to continue avoiding the discussion with red herrings?

I think i have my answer but in case im wrong... you dont see how your comment that implies you are an impartial non-leftist might be troublesome if you are a leftist? Especially as i was addressing leftists...

Nope you're just an asshole

Debate about what? OP has provided no proof for his claims. This is right-wing circlejerking.

Are you denying he was a powermod? rainbow push partner? ACLU member? progressive activist?

There is no proof that he shilled for CTR or ShareBlue.

rainbow push partner? ACLU member? progressive activist?

Oh, so you just don't like him because he was a liberal. Again, this post is nothing more than right-wing circlejerking.

"Let's demonize this dead guy, because he had a different political orientation than me!!"

do you agree that he had a bias that may have interfered with his moderatorship?

A bias? Yeah, the guy obviously had strong political stances. Who the fuck doesn't? You obviously do too.

Did it interfere with his moderation? I have no clue, because nobody has provided any proof.

As I said before, this whole post is nothing more than a right-wing circlejerk trying to smear some guy just because he donated to the ACLU and moderated a subreddit.

is it confirmed he moderated the subreddit? and is it confirmed he removed "unfavorable for the left" but relevant posts that otherwise followed all their official rules? not being sarcastic or anything i didn't see an actual confirmation of the dude being the mod.

I was just asking the questions myself... there seems to be a very active group today that is strongly opposed to even posing the question

is it confirmed he moderated the subreddit?

Worldnews made an announcement about it this morning.

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Why are you cursing and overreacting like this? I simply asked a question

ugghh.. this comment was super cringe.


Same ones as usual :) Makes it easy to spot their bullshit threads, though!

I don't believe he was censoring anything. I can't tell you how many threads I've been in where people say "too bad no one will ever hear about this because the reddit mods will remove it because they love Muslims."

I don't either. But its not an argument I wish to have.

unbelievable you got to those messages before the censors arrived

I know! Sometimes I felt I must be a time traveler.

You're clearly not paying very close attention to events transpiring..

I don't believe you have any idea of what I'm paying attention to.

i also don't believe you have a clue why anybody disliked him, let alone to lump them as "right wingers". they disliked him because he "was a community leader"?? yea right. you're clueless to the actual complaints raised and trivializing others makes anybody reading your comments the wiser

Yes, you have this bizarre idea that anyone that says anything anti-Trump must be paid to do so, and it's so ridiculous. Trump's approval rating keeps getting lower and lower, and you guys still keep saying the same thing over and over.

sun tzu said to understand the enemy, you've failed to understand who you criticize. trump supporters aren't identity politics

Of course they are. Trump supporters are the epitome of identity politics.

trump supporters aren't identity politics

sure... okay...

Please, the least OP could do is link to the POL dox of CTR to support his claim.

This is a platitude if I ever read one

unless that liberal suits their agenda, like seth rich

Seth was more progressive than liberal.

Progressives are liberals.

Not necessarily. There is a clear distinction through core beliefs.

The differences between classical and progressive liberals can be illustrated through how they believe the government should respond to a number of socioeconomic issues. Consider income inequality. A classical liberal who wishes for a more equitable income distribution would encourage the wealthy to donate their money to those in need.

On the other hand, a progressive will use the state to forcefully confiscate, via confiscatory taxation, money away from the wealthy individuals who earned it and then redistribute to the poor while congratulating themselves on their selflessness and castigating the person they stole from as greedy if they raised any objections.

Seth rich was a Bernie supporter.

That is right wing propaganda and it's pretty obvious bias nonsense. The end quotes are a dead giveaway as to a clear bias and lack of any sort of intellectual honesty.

Try using something like Wikipedia or any sort of dictionary.

How about some left wing propaganda.

An op-ed on from liberal propaganda doesn't make nonsense any less nonsensical. Once again:

Try using something like Wikipedia or any sort of dictionary.

Here, I'll even help you educate yourself.

Words have meaning and they aren't subject to your personal opinion.

From Wikipedia about progressives

The term is also now often used as shorthand for a more or less left-wing way of looking at the world.[4]

Be sure to tell Wikipedia "words have meanings and they aren't subject to your personal opinion.

Also, be sure to look at the source(4) for that where it states

So what is going on? Why are British politicians from all sides so keen to be seen as progressive (it is a different story in America, where the right tend to use "progressive" inter-changeably with "liberal" as a term of abuse)

Funny how Wikipedia works.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 96595

You realize Wikipedia is agreeing with me, and not you, correct? I said progressives are liberals. Liberals are left-wing.

"More or less left-wing way" is in complete agreement with my statement. So I have no issue with Wikipedia. Maybe you should read it again?

And once again, your second quote does the same thing. You're also once again quoting someone's opinion, which is amusing in itself, but you're quoting the opinion of someone who isn't helping your argument, which makes it hilarious.

in America, where the right tend to use "progressive" inter-changeably with "liberal" as a term of abuse)

Fine, use it interchangeably, doesn't mean it's the same thing. It's like combining conservatives and libertarians.

You were just shown you're wrong and you still refuse to do any reflection or learn anything new. I feel sorry for you.

Enjoy the rest of your day though. I hope you'll eventually come around to learning rather than refusing new information. Maybe then discussion will be worthwhile.

You clearly missed the point where Americans can redefine words. Only in American are these 2 words interchangeable by the right. Everywhere else, not so much. And then you wanna talk about personal feelings when the rest of the world sees it as two different things.

I hope you see the irony. Cheers.

Words have meanings and they aren't subject to your personal opinion.

sadly that is no longer the case in the time of Trump

Which is why we need to stop allowing these people to get away with their bullshit and doublespeak.

"Progressives aren't liberal."

"Socialism and Fascism are really both leftist ideologies." or "Nazis were really socialists/liberals/leftists." (This one is just fucking ridiculous)

And the never-ending LARPs on top of that.

"Nazis were really socialists/liberals/leftists."

it's not entirely ridiculous, it just misses the whole point. the Nazis were literally the party named National Socialists, but to call them "socialists" by the terms that we understand today is quite different. Their emphasis on nationalism (and fascism) really overshadowed their interest in seizing the means of production for labor.

This is what a lot of people on the modern right do. They take a tiny grain of truth and then use it to extrapolate into their fantasy land, in order to craft their narrative. It's far more devious than just lying, as you have to admit that they aren't entirely wrong - which to many stupid people, is conceding the whole point.

I think you got it the other way around man. Some liberals are progressives, but not all liberals. Not all progressives are liberals either.

"Progressives" as a term is used for liberals. It's even in the definition of the word.

I'll specifically quote a couple:

making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.

And another:

noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increases with certain increases in taxable income.

Nobody celebrated the death of Seth Rich.

I'm banned from world news. Never said anything warranting a ban. I just acknowledged that Islam requires reform and has no means of self reform at the moment.

As an older progressive liberal, I find that the younger generation will go out of their way to support anything that could potentially get them viewed as a racist if they didn't support it. At every turn I see younger people reading race and bigotry into the most inane subjects. This is not a good thing. It's a barrier to truth. Which should be everyone's ultimate goal. To find the truth.

Grow up his. His grave is somewhere in Alabama and OP can't spit that far.

don tell me what to do, or assume Im immature because I think its tacky to talk shit about people that just died. Im grown, that is why I understand it isn't cool or edgy to be disrespectful.

So if Donald Trump were to die, there would be nothing but praise? At least in your world right?

no, lots of people would be celebrating. It would still be tacky and crass. And these are two different people. One is a very controversial public figure. The other is a private citizen. I guess you could call him a controversial mod.

It was a joke, so maybe grow up a little.

Also, don't tell me what to do also.

should have been clear from my first post I wouldn't find your "joke" funny. again, Im grown, I know the difference from a joke and being an asshole. Do you?

Sentences start with a capitalized letter sonny.

this is how people get blocked. You have nothing to contribute.

I contributed to you getting that post 50% grammatically correct.

fuck his grave.

All mods are guilty of censorship

Its kind of their job. Some take it to far and push their agenda, granted that. But its hard for me to call it censorship.

Seriously, this post is disgusting. The dude just died, have some respect.

Also, be warned that this thread is going to HEAVILY brigaded because "don't speak ill of the dead!" (self.conspiracy)

It more like OP knew he was being an asshole. Its pretty easy to predict downvotes on this one.

My eyebrows raised when i went through that thread. it was enlightening.

Any links to the /pol CTR dox? Hadn't heard of it before.

Not here

his best role

So what's the conspiracy here?

the conspiracy is that your exact comment appears in every thread that criticizes or merely questions the liberal narrative

That's not a conspiracy, then.

Thank you for telling me what is not a conspiracy

Sure, you looked like you were struggling. Saw the smoke from here.

russians hacked my brain

Thanks for bringing your brigade too

Oh yes, all the users from r/eve I'm sure followed me. Don't be so condescending next time and maybe you too will get some upvotes.

you were pretty condescending... on the conspiracy sub!

Okay, thanks for the input. Glad you disputed his claim of brigading, champ.

there was nothing to dispute. pretty obvious what you have going on here. oh and yes i am a Champion*.

What do I have going on here? I'm sure you would know a thing or two about brigading, huh

This user:

"what do i have going on here?"

"you must know about brigading!!!"

Whatever you say internet person

You made a claim, now prove it, other random internet user.

prove i'm wrong

I don't have to guy, have you not debated before? Person A makes a claim, Person A had to prove it.

I swear, you t_d'ers have ruined this sub.

i thought you were an r/eve guy... or are you a conspiracy guy? the original comment you replied to said a certain string of words always shows up in certain threads... which (if you're confused) you replied with one sentence merely questioning not providing any evidence how you came to the conclusion. SO let's see your claim where you debunk the original commenter... in the mean time: how you don't understand the conspiracy shows that 1. you don't really understand the point of this sub 2. you aren't really an eve guy because all your old posts are about politics.

you won't get anywhere with me because i'm a champion (or champ as you say)

so which is it: debunk the original guy and practice what you preach or disappear?

Wow okay, where to start: I frequent r/eve a ton. It's the majority of my posts. I believe the original post in this claimed this isn't really a conspiracy, which it's not. I then I got accused of brigading because apparently people enjoy witty comments?

What am I supposed to debunk here, besides your lack of proper grammar and sentence structure?

Do you even know what eve is?

I'm glad you embraced your title though, it's usually a title of endearment for young children, which fits your style of typing and posting perfectly!

show me how you came to the conclusion it's not a conspiracy? prove it. you're just saying words. you understand the conspiracy because you say brigading in the same breath.. now show it's not. should be simple Mr spreadsheet simulator

Yes because spreadsheets equal words.

It's not a conspiracy because the guy died. It's a fact. Its also a fact he was liberal leaning. Nothing in this posts deviates from the idea that he was anything but those things

The only conspiracy I see was somebody taking a post from 4chan as gospel. Only a fool would believe the tales there.

What does brigading have to do with conspiracy? A user complained about downvotes and blamed a brigade. That's pretty typical.

You're making little sense.

see that wasn't so hard? you could've avoided all this by typing your thoughts and feels out. i have nothing else to say internet guy

Awww trying to deflect from your initial claim? How cute. You never refuted yours.

But that's how you tders work. Change the argument until convenient

well you were being extremely condescending so you can prove that yourself.

Already called it too, don't be triggered snowflake.

the conspiracy is that your exact comment appears in every thread that criticizes or merely questions the liberal narrative

And there aren't even any threads criticizing or questioning the conservative or Trump narrative, it's almost like they are the one's brigading/shilling the most. I have yet to see a single thread or comment chain about the PACS doing the same shit for Trump that worked for Hillary, but I see Shareblue and CTR commented on CONSTANTLY. Biased much?

Literally one, and it's rare, but while there are occasional threads assaulting those around Trump, where are the threads attacking Trump himself? We are CONSTANTLY barraged with threads about DWS, the DNC, the Clintons, etc., but less than a thread a day hits the front page about conservatives.

You also completely ignored my second point, where is the outrage about TRUMP's shills, they don't get a 10th the attention of Shareblue or CTR, and we BOTH know it.

Sprry there isnt the "right amount"

Mate, it doesn't exist. If you don't see the insane level of bias in this sub about shilling and "media collaboration" idk what to tell you. The vast majority of people on this sub aren't upset by "media collaboration" or "paid shills" they are upset by "Democrat media collaboration" and "paid DNC shills."

Please go through my comments and tell me where you see this, or would you rather just throw out random BS and look silly

You're aware I said your comment and not you, i hope

Where's the conspiracy?

I read it personally, not as a generalisation. But still, the conspiracy is that people have different political leanings, and they speak out?

Was your question political? It seemed like you were questioning the conspiracy aspect

Yeah because a lot of stuff that gets posted here isn't a conspiracy and instead is just regurgitated from T_D

new rule, no one can post this every time on obvious conspiracy threads.

Well then explain the conspiracy here.

Some people conspired to kill him with a fake car crash for being a corrupt reddit mod? /internetisseriousbusiness.

brb, going to post a LARP on 4chan connecting him to Seth Rich and insisting it was Hillary who issued the kill order.

Why always Hillary? Can't we give Trump some credit once in a while?

trump?? credit?? cunt doesn't pay his bills or his employees and you'd given him a line of credit?

Good, there's quite a few other worldnews mods who need the same treatment.

Do you have any proof of him being a heavy user in shareblue?

do you have a source for this request?

'shareblue subs' = liberal subs. t_d members cant believe anyone who isnt paid can have liberal, anti trump opinions. soros payroll now rivals the GDP of the United states

I mean I saw on 4chan that actually trump got 50 million more votes than Hilary one you take out the illegals and communists who voted for her.

so you mean everyone that voted for her? :P

nope your forgot the dead. The vote heavily democrat.

I'm willing to bet that you've never actually used 4chan

False. Who else do you think is bogpilling people?

Can I get a quick rundown?


Sounds exactly like what some slowbrain on 4chan would say.

Some of us actually remember when the pool had aids. Now it's the entire forum.

I used to love 4chan, but the entire site is just an extension of pol and b at this point. The turning point was when the site started taking itself seriously.

Are people still scared of communism in America

Yep, but they know Communism is dead so now it's anything that remotely sounds like communism. Socialism has an ism at the end as well, so it's the new fad to hate.

It's not 50 it's about 5 Million estimated.

I'm pretty sure they mean subreddits that regularly post ShareBlue links. It's the Brietbart of the left doncha know?

sure. feel free to treat share blue like liberals treat breitbart, infowars and all the shitty "ROGUE" right wing news sources that are constantly plastered on this sub. It definitely has a slant and a perspective it wants to get there.

A cynical mind can get stories on either one of those sides of the spectrum that arent being covered by the other. they serve a purpose, though minor, and id really advise against using any one of those sites solely or even mostly

feel free to treat share blue like liberals treat breitbart

No, you don't understand. David Brock literally said he wants ShareBlue to be the Breitbart of the left.

so we're going to pretend that the 200+ anti trump subs that make it to the top of the front page individually with 500 subscribers and the baffling levels of astroturfing that happens in politics (remember, a civil and neutral forum to discuss all relevant politics) is completely organic? right...

it is exaggerated, same as the "Russian trolls paid to share conservative propaganda on reddit" but it's pretty blatantly true in some places on this website.

im sure theres some influence, but i really think its overstated

most young people posting actively on the internet are liberal, and trump is pretty goddamn unpopular, so its not exactly shocking. its like saying the kitten lobby is astroturfing the front page with cute pictures to push the feline agenda. actually most people like kitties

name a liberal sub that isnt infiltrated by sjws

name a sub that isnt infiltrated is the question you should be asking

shareblue/ctr has become a right wing talking point, yet they never mention cambridge analytica or their "friends" over at 55 savushkina st (friends in quotes because the second that right wingers dont line up with russian interests they will turn on you)

there are some centrist subs that arent infiltrated by agenda pushers, eg, KiA

what sub is that

ok 1 month old accont

hardhitting, quality investigative work youre doing there, kid! youre just the kind of kid to keep a watchful eye on ethics in videogame journalism!

Do you have any proof

You must be new to this sub. If you go into any /r/conspiracy sub looking for proof, you're gonna have a bad time.

How was he on kennedys medical detail at 16 years old?

I saw "campaigned for Kennedy".

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Ah, in the OP it says campaign. The obit is probably better.

He was born in 1946, Kennedy died in 63'... HUH

we didn't used to have this self imposed arrested development.

This guy was the driving force behind the exclusion of reasonable points of view from worldnews. His censorship is repugnant and I'd spit on his grave.

He was ban happy. If you disagreed with Israeli policy he'd ban you.

was he jewish?

You guys this was three legit users commenting in a row without a shill inbetween. NEW RECORD 2017!! :D

Hey, pal, are you calling me a legit user? I resent that remark!

No, not at all. Sorry to have offended! I intended to suggest the opposite.


Its just a joke. I am a frequent flyer here, but I dont think I post anything of importance.

Hey, a voice of reason is a voice of reason :)

well thank you :)

Lots of Zionists aren't Jewish. And lots of Jews aren't Zionist.

Tired of having to explain this to people. Refreshing to hear it from someone else, anywhere.

You don't have to be a zionist or jewish to be one of the Christian wackjobs that believe not only in an upcoming armageddon, but that they need to actively work to bring it about.

Weird, I've been banned in worldnews a ton of times for anti-Israel views but I never had any interactions with that specific mod.

Are you admitting to making multiple accounts to subvert a ban?

I'd spit on his grave.

No you wouldn't.


Let's take a trip. I'll let you take the pictures. If the mood strikes, I may just move from bodily fluids on his grave, to bodily solids.


If you want to document your crime, I'd be happy to help out and deliver the evidence to the appropriate law enforcement agency. But of course this all academic because you're just a phony internet tough guy. A paper tiger.

Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-7-23.1:

(a) Any person who willfully or maliciously injures, defaces, removes, or destroys any tomb, monument, gravestone, burial mound, earthen or shell monument containing human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts, or other structure or thing placed or designed for a memorial of the dead, or any fence, railing, curb, or any enclosure for the protection or ornamentation of any tomb, monument, gravestone, burial mound, earthen or shell monument containing human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts, or other structure before mentioned, or for any enclosure for the burial of the dead, or any person who willfully and wrongfully or maliciously destroys, removes, cuts, breaks, or injures any tree, shrub, plant, flower, decoration, or other real or personal property within any cemetery or graveyard shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

(b) Any person who willfully or maliciously desecrates, injures, defaces, removes, or destroys any tomb, monument, structure, or container of human remains, burial mound, earthen or shell monument containing human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts, and invades or mutilates the human corpse or remains shall be guilty of a Class C felony and upon conviction the person shall be punished as provided by law.

hahahahahahahaha oh man plz, stop, my sides. I can't take all the delicious writhing..

hahahahhahahahaha okay great chat you're fun i bet you're well-liked irl

I do alright :)


You are a disgusting human being.

It's a fucking website. Get a life.

He was 18 when Kennedy died. He might have just been there for the last few months.

Air Force veteran

So many of these people are in air force bases

Given how many of the mods of this sub are mods over at The_Fuckface it's amusing to see them crying about censorship. Most of you run and or participate in the most heavily censored subreddit on the entire site.


How is saying "I find x amusing" whataboutism? Pointing out the massive hypocrisy at play here isn't whataboutism either.

Don't play dumb. You know the difference between a self professed circle jerk and an ostensible clearing house for news.

playing dumb is their last tactic left

T_D influence seems to only show in controversial posts, or in the height of something big. (Pizzagate, Newtown/Orlando shootings, etc.)


We share zero mods.

When I saw the post in world news about a mod dying, I'm not going to lie. My split-second Second reaction was "GOOD".

After that knee-jerk emotional response my humanity kicked back in, but it's like the same thing with John McCain, bad people are bad people and if they die.... Well let's just say worse things in the world could and do happen all the time and those other topics are way more worth crying and shedding a tear over. I would say this sure as hell isn't worth anybody's time grieving about. I'm not saying people should be vile and celebrate it either, but let's put things in perspective people.

You're fucked in the head if you celebrate the death of a person just because you believe he was deleting reddit posts.

lol you literally didn't even read their comment

I did.

My split-second Second reaction was "GOOD".

He then goes on to say that maybe we shouldn't celebrate his death, but we also shouldn't grieve over it.

Because he was a reddit moderator.

if they sell out they deserve to die.

I don't know why this is being downvoted.

This is messy /r/conspiracy.

TIL: /r/conspiracy is full of really poor human beings that have the emotional range of an angry teenage.

Congrats, you make my faith in humanity sink even lower.

and yet, here you are...

And you too. Really makes you think...

I like that you took this account out of retirement just for me. 😇

Or maybe it's full of investigative journalists who explore connections and links before making assumptions.

What does that have to do with being insulting and immature? Someone just died and you're worrying about up-votes more than common decency.

investigative journalists

Bumbles into a pizza restaurant and stutters about "the b-b-basement" then hipfires and gets arrested.

Quality investigative journalism. Unless you mean the time this sub all thought a kindergarten was a covert hideout.

HA! What a fucking idiot. Quote of the day.

This place has many people who think Sandy Hook was a hoax. You shouldn't be surprised any longer.

and 911, and jfk. I mean pfff c'mon guys official stories are always right.

didnt used to be until the election. there was a time when this place was actually enjoyable to pull up

if anything i miss the Bush Obama years here for that. Trump/Clinton race really changed reddit as a whole. way more vile now.

Most probably the death is a diversion and he continues under a different name because the heat got to be too much.

i hope when you die people say this about you, and maybe theyll call your loved ones and give them the whole sandy hook "crisis actors" treatment.

Good. Let the hate transform you.

Nothing hateful about it, just calling out a ridiculous theory for what it is.

What is ridiculous is that you believe in the narrative with zero evidence.

whats ridiculous is assuming when somebody dies they faked it in order to, lmao, dodge reddit heat

Whats ridiculous is assuming someone died. Got any proof?

are we talking about the clinton body count or what

good point

That means they need to remove the thread right?

So your proof is:

  1. Something from 4chan where everything is made up

  2. He was active on "Share Blue" subs even though you've got no proof of ShareBlue working on Reddit or on those subs. But they talk about liberal things and you don't like that, so that's good enough for you.

This is incredibly weak. Embarrassingly weak.

ugh i fell for this. I thought there was a literal shareblue sub, he just meant liberal subs? fuck off partisan.

Take a look at the mercers and their social media budgets

so robert mercer hires shills?

Just more hypnotoadies pushing the hive-mind of the month.

Leave it to /r/conspiracy to attempt to smear and defame a recently dead guy for no reason other than "but muhh liburals!!!"

Your whinging is obnoxious. Grow the fuck up.

yup if they are playing damage control here, that proves it to me. you guys shoulda just stayed silent.

Rule 10, removed.

Only warning you'll get.

My comment crossed the line, but you're okay with OP and others directing users on how to obtain dox on mods they are politically opposed to?

My comment crossed the line

nothing past this point is important.

Wow. You guys banned CNN for what they did, but you're fine with enabling people to find alleged dox on mods.

worldnews posted all this information on their sub, its a stickied post.

You're done here.

You're the one that needs to be done here. You're more biased than the imaginary bias that this doxxing post is accusing someone else. I love that you're always downvoted though. Have fun being a giant hypocrite on a power trip who bans people who disagree but not those who blatantly call for doxxing, I'm sure that's really making the world a better place. It at least gives me hope that every time I see your dumbass pop up in a thread you're downvoted to oblivion.

His name was posted by mods in world news. Ots public information. The doxing that happened to CTR was done on 4chan. That list had this guys name in it.

At least he is honest about his bias. Like him or hate him, you know what he is. I respect that.

Why are so many of the mods here openly bias? That's not how conspiracy users typically act, and they are the majority here.

This may be the most ridiculous comment I've read all week. You get a gold star.

I'm sorry, what? I asked a question, not to be antagonized.

I'm not antagonizing you about your describing our users as non-partisan mr. CulturalMarxist69 :)

At least they haven't been since this new crop of users started showing up about 8 months ago, that coincidentally all just want to argue partisan viewpoints and pick fights.

You were being antagonizing.

since this new crop of users started showing up about 8 months ago

Are you talking about T_D? They showed hard about a year ago, and now we get lovely crossposts from them all the time. Somehow, it gets voted higher than other stuff on the sub. Coincidence, I'm sure.

There's two reasons there are so many new accounts here. 1) The mods banned most of the long term users (3 years +) who go against the narrative. They continue to be ban happy, and users make multiple accounts. 2) Sockpuppets. People here obviously use them.

This is not just happening here, but on every conspiracy site on the web. Strange.

Yep, and trust me when I say that actual /Conspiracy users rarely to never (mostly never) buy gold from Reddit to pad their egos.

This sub helps make the world a better place, for example look at Hillary Clinton's failed campaign. Nobody trusted her ass because of the wonderful people who continuously highlight the shit person she is, people that participate here and elsewhere all over the internet. People who don't believe the bullshit the MSM rambles about 24 hours a day. Ahem, people who aren't buying gold to feel more correct than others.

Nobody doxxed shit in this thread, enjoy your damage control brigades.

I'm sure you'll blame it on outside forces,

Because it's obvious as fuck and the reason you had to add that disclaimer to your comment.

Yep, and trust me when I say that actual /Conspiracy users rarely to never (mostly never) buy gold from Reddit to pad their egos.

I have. On multiple accounts, multiple times. Including my account that was banned here. And I do it because sometimes these people have the best comments in the thread, and are downvoted by an obvious bridgade, which is almost always right-wingers.

Because it's obvious as fuck and the reason you had to add that disclaimer to your comment.

Lots of people feel the way he does. Sorry.

Tell us, on the mannequin, where did radishman5000 rip you a new a-hole?

Salty, snowflake?

nothing is as weak as what you chose to do with your life

that's this whole subreddit

whats the deal with the lefty-righty retards in this thread? is there really two pools of braindead shills going at it here?


Dude, it's been like this all year, driving me fucking mad.

So could you call that a...


Can't tell if you're asking about /r/conspiracy, Reddit as a whole, the entirety of the USA or the world at large.

"everyone who doesnt have my opinion is a shill"

Wait what is the conspiracy here?

Be careful -- that question is causing some here to get their panties in a wad.

i thought the conspiracy was that he was a mod who often removed articles that look bad for the lefts agenda, while under pay roll at a leftist politically charged company? (i don't know what to refer to Shareblue as, wouldn't want to say Propaganda but pretty much that).

Could be seen as companies paying reddit to place favorable mods at the largest formerly default communities to filter what is submitted/makes the top by their likings? is that not the obvious conspiracy OP is implying?

He was a liberal. That doesn't seem fishy to you?????

yeah you'd think everyone knows certain subs are completely modded by a liberal political advocacy firm. But they dont so this comes as a surprise to some.

This thread is going to be a blast!

BRB, I have to refill my popcorn.

TMoR has already started the push to get it to all.

attacking the character of a dead man, well done everyone, a new low.

i know right, lets all stop with the hitler references...oh wait

Interesting find.

Wouldn't somebody with such an obvious political agenda be the exact opposite kind of person than you'd want moderating /r/worldnews?

Most decent people don't let their bias interfere with their ability to be reasonable.

There is something to be said about the people who can't understand that.

Most decent people don't let their bias interfere with their ability to be reasonable.

You're lying to yourself if you believe that - especially when discussing political radicals - especially those on the political left (who are prodded by a sympathetic media/entertainment industry/education system.)

Most decent people don't let their bias interfere with their ability to be reasonable.

True, but naive to think most people are decent who are becoming mods in certain subreddits.

not on reddit they don't

Most people without opinions on world news would not be interested in moderating a sub about world news.

And ironically would also make the best mods.

No, they wouldn't, for since they have no interest in world news, they wouldn't be able to force themselves to spend their free time reading about world news.

yes they would. thier job is to make sure rules arent broken. thier job has nothing to do with actual worldnews at all - just to keep the rules from being broken

It's not a job. It's an unpaid hobby. And no one chooses subjects in which they have no interest for their hobby.

It's not a job. It's an unpaid hobby

you know wtf im saying

And no one chooses subjects in which they have no interest for their hobby.

Agreed, but an ethical person would put biases aside... According to many here he did not do that....hence a nonpartisan would be a better choice for mod


I don't like this post at all. Can you share evidence that supports your theory of his censorship efforts? What does his death have to do with anything?

The obituary post on r/worldnews is essentially a dox since it reveals his name, location ect. A while ago 4chan doxxed CTR and apparently the details given through the r/worldnews post match the details of a CTR employee from the dox, meaning he was manipulating the subreddit for CTR this whole time.

Of course, there's nothing linked to match the two together because linking to a dox would violate Reddit rules, so you're going to have to look that up yourself.

Ah thank you for the clarity. Makes sense and this post should stay.

Lol there is so much push back in this sub. So much defense.

Making a thread to celebrate and slander the death of a person because you don't like their politics is about as tasteless and classless as you can be.

that's not whats going on though

Yes it is.

You realize you're in a fucking conspiracy sub Reddit right?

You realize you're in a fucking conspiracy sub Reddit right?

You realize that has nothing to do with anything I said.

I was wondering why they made a thread for him as if the average user would give a fuck. Especially if he was probably a typical worldnews mod censorship faggot. Makes sense now that they made the thread to drum up sympathy for him amidst the fact that news like this would inevitably come up against him in the wake of his death.

Good riddance!

Run over by a truck on the one year anniversary of the Nice truck attack, an event he heavily censored on /r/worldnews. Coincidence?

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Karma's a bitch.

This is /r/conspiracy . It could also be conspiracy to commit, and commission of, murder in the first degree. I think that's a capital offense in Alabama.

synchronicity is a hell of a thing.

So, /r/conspiracy is just calling things coinky-dinkies now and not looking for a conspiracy?

Respawned with a different name probably.

So we like doxxing now?

Hard to keep track cuz when CNN did it, it was literally murderrape but apparently now it's perfectly condonable

CNN was fake news and deserved to be banned.

It's not anymore fake than any of the other news sites and stations

this is true, however i feel like the "You are not allowed to read Wikileaks; we are allowed to read it and tell you if it is true or important but only because we're reporters." pushed a lot of people against CNN around conspiracy boards anyway.

Since apparently half the commenters here are too fucking stupid to understand this post and are asking "Whats the conspiracy?" Ill explain what this guy is alledging

/pol/ doxxed the shit out of all the CTR employees back during election season. Huge list of names. Anyway OP is alledging the dead WorldNews mods name was one that was doxxed, meaning that a prominent reddit mod was literally employed by David Brocks astroturfing Super PAC.

Judging from the response this has drawn from the "Top Minds of Reddit/SRD/Type of person that would mod on here" crowd, theres probably something to it.

Thank you for this comment

If the allegations are made without proof, isn't it just a lie?

great logic on r/conspiracy, username checks out

You'd have to find the proof yourself since posting it would break site wide rules.

Nope, its a scientific theory

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Do you even English?

al·le·ga·tion ˌaləˈɡāSH(ə)n/ noun plural noun: allegations a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

Seems like a very convenient excuse to be able to make shit up about someone who died and can't defend themselves.

"It's not a lie, they're allegations. Proof? Can't show it"


I mean there is proof its just against site rules to link to it.

I'm not getting banned just to win an argument against you lol

Judging from the response this has drawn from the "Top Minds of Reddit/SRD/Type of person that would mod on here" crowd, theres probably something to it.

That is really faulty logic.

If anybody criticizes us, we must be right.

it's classic /r/conspiracy thinking. "if you don't have anything to hide, why won't you let me strip you bare, while telling me all of your secrets?!?"

it's classic /r/conspiracy thinking. "if you don't have anything to hide, why won't you let me strip you bare, while telling me all of your secrets?!?"

Except when it comes to the FBI investigation of Trump and assoc. Then its 'He doesn't have to say anything, he is the POTUS'

Was that the one with the payrolls and all very similarly priced payments?

Yep. There were multiple doxxes of CTR/Shareblue people. Since CTR and now American Bridge are super pacs they have to make their expenditures public, and /pol/ found it and doxxed all the people on the list.

That's not really what doxxing is. It's more like harassment.

Well they took the names from the list then did research and posted their full names, addresses, phone numbers, social media etc.

It was a pretty textbook dox imo.

Info was public though. Thought doxxing was about unmasking a person's private info.

How much does a "PowerMod" earn for being a "PowerMod"?

If there is no money in it, can one of the top minds tell me what the incentive is for being a "PowerMod" then? Fame? Glory? Pussy?

Pussy. Powermods are knee deep in pussy 24/7.

thats some loose pussy if they can go knee deep.

for all we know there could be money in it.

think about it. if you're a publisher or an activist or a politician or even an HR person in a large company, wouldn't you pay some cash to have one of "your people" in some of the largest forums/communities on the entire internet? reddit gets millions and millions of views across its entirety every day.

i'm not saying it's a sure thing, but it's something i'd want if i was in a position to want one. Because of that it leads me to believe others have wanted one too, and could have tried to make an offer.

Is there anything illegal about a mod "selling out", so to speak, or profiting from their position? I would have thought that /r/The_Donald users would admire that kind of entrepreneurship.

bro, i just said i'd want one lol i kind of am admiring it.

definitely not illegal. but kind of unethical if you selectively remove what your company/boss wants you to. Also pretty badass, you're like the lamest kind of secret agent. but still a secret agent.

I wasn't talking about you specifically, just that quite a few T_D people really seem to dislike him. I didn't even know you were one.

not often do i comment, but i have. probably one of the funnier subreddits i browse. i come to this website to be amused.

This is an avenue that needs to be investigated and really, reddit should practice full disclosure and make people aware that "PowerMods" are being paid and who they are being paid by.

Surely Reddit would not mind transparency and full disclosure because surely Reddit has nothing to hide right?

reddit is far too open and honest to ever do something like that.

Acces to fag kingdom

so all the mangina a guy can have?

When i saw announcement, i was hoping it was maxwellhill

His children took his wife's last name and his son's took their wives last names? This guy and his spawn are the definition of cucks

We owe nothing to the dead but the truth, it's the living who deserve compassion.

This guy was Filth. Fuck em.

Fuck TMoR.

fuck that cunt

This thread has been brigaded to death

This thread is stuffed full of r/politics regulars.

No surprises here, worldnews is so ban heavy whenever anything goes against their views.

don tell me what to do, or assume Im immature because I think its tacky to talk shit about people that just died. Im grown, that is why I understand it isn't cool or edgy to be disrespectful.

I think i have my answer but in case im wrong... you dont see how your comment that implies you are an impartial non-leftist might be troublesome if you are a leftist? Especially as i was addressing leftists...

Are you denying he was a powermod? rainbow push partner? ACLU member? progressive activist?


Oh yes, all the users from r/eve I'm sure followed me. Don't be so condescending next time and maybe you too will get some upvotes.

whats ridiculous is assuming when somebody dies they faked it in order to, lmao, dodge reddit heat

didn't convince me since it's not doxxing.


Damn he's as ugly as you could expect! It's not surprising he was a /r/Liberal mod and /r/politics poster. Hahaha.


agreed they should have not covered the NICE terror attack. He did us a service.

Dude, it's been like this all year, driving me fucking mad.

Is there anything illegal about a mod "selling out", so to speak, or profiting from their position? I would have thought that /r/The_Donald users would admire that kind of entrepreneurship.

This is an avenue that needs to be investigated and really, reddit should practice full disclosure and make people aware that "PowerMods" are being paid and who they are being paid by.

Surely Reddit would not mind transparency and full disclosure because surely Reddit has nothing to hide right?

So could you call that a...


Can't tell if you're asking about /r/conspiracy, Reddit as a whole, the entirety of the USA or the world at large.

I like that you took this account out of retirement just for me. 😇

so all the mangina a guy can have?

"everyone who doesnt have my opinion is a shill"

I mean there is proof its just against site rules to link to it.

I'm not getting banned just to win an argument against you lol

i know right, lets all stop with the hitler references...oh wait

Yes it is.

"Progressives" as a term is used for liberals. It's even in the definition of the word.

I'll specifically quote a couple:

making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.

And another:

noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increases with certain increases in taxable income.

Are you admitting to making multiple accounts to subvert a ban?

You realize you're in a fucking conspiracy sub Reddit right?

You realize that has nothing to do with anything I said.