Discussion on r/topmindsofreddit mod working with r/conspiracy mod, and why totesmessenger bot is banned in this sub

79  2017-07-31 by ArchonFall4All

This post discusses a topmindsofreddit mod previously working with a current conspiracy mod. It doesn't appear that this relationship still exists

It's not much of a secret that brigading has become a problem in this sub. Crossposting in various subs helps contribute to this problem, yet for some reason the totesmessenger bot is banned from notifying us when something does get xposted. My first question is why this is the case when it could potentially help clean things up to a degree?

Next, we know that r/topmindsofreddit is one of the most prolific subs in crossposting from here, and their primary purpose is to mock conspiracy theorists. This alone is enough of a problem, but one of their mods admitted to working with a current mod here. They deleted the post, but I was able to archive it first: http://archive.is/uwKbn

This seems suspicious, and I'm wondering if that mod would be willing to come forward and explain the reason for this partnership.

Edit to clarify: the archived link shows a discussion at r/conspiracyII, but the comment by the TMoR mod admits to working with a mod in this sub.

I'm only here to help out where I can. I've worked with several former and one current r/conspiracy mod in the past so I don't see it as much of an issue.


I've worked with several former and one current r/conspiracy mod in the past so I don't see it as much of an issue.

OP, don't you think the past tense is a significant qualifier here, and that your title is therefore misleading? I don't know who the mod is incidentally, but there is no collaboration between this sub and TMOR.

It is certainly an important qualifier, and I'll add a clarification to the beginning of the post. I guess I could've worded the title better, but I still don't think it's misleading

If one of the mods has been working with TMoR in the past, don't you think it would be a good idea to find out who and demod them? I mean, just from browsing the mod log I can pretty much narrow it down to 3 mods...

I think NewJerseyFreakshow is full of shit - and tossed out that little gem in the hopes of creating suspicion among the mods in a Divide and Conquer ploy.

It isn't gonna' work.


But there was. Why?

All he says is that he worked with a current conspiracy mod in the past. That mod may not have been a conspiracy mod at the time, and/or NJFS may not have been a TMOR mod at the time. In fact, it seems more likely that they were both mods of some other unconnected subreddit. I don't know.

I'd like to know the answer. Wouldn't you?

I don't know who the mod is incidentally, but there is no collaboration between this sub and TMOR.

If you don't know who the mod is, then you don't know if there's collaboration. Anyone on your mod team could be working with them. It would be much better to say "I'm not aware of anyone" working with topminds.

made a post about the numbers on this sub not adding up that nobody seemed to have a problem with until it got linked on top minds and then suddenly it is removed

I do not have a problem with this.

Look, we discuss some pretty far out things here and we should not mind when skeptical people point out some of the stupid bullshit that gets posted here (looking at you flat earthers, looking at you directed with a big ol stink eye).

We have to be reasonable and accept the reality that not everything we discuss here is 100% accurate and true. We have to understand that is impossible for everything we discuss her to be true because there are conflicting theories discussed here and they both cant be correct.

The way I see it, the truth has nothing to hide and is easily defended.

And remember, OP, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

There's a difference between skeptical counterpoints and outright mocking. The latter doesn't contribute to uncovering the truth and only impedes meaningful discussion

You are correct and I agree with that. But lets be honest. Most people do not know how to offer reasonable, skeptical counterpoints because there is no reward for it in this type of forum. We get rewarded by making snarky, sarcastic remarks that belittle. So thats what we get.

But what is TMoR other than snarky and belittling comments? They merely add to the noise. I respect satire and I don't oppose the existence of that sub. But having a mod in cahoots with them while also blocking the totesmessenger bot seems counterproductive to what the real users here are trying to achieve

To me, it's like living with nosy neighbors who gossip behind your back. It doesn't matter, and truly means nothing. I'm not thrilled mods are collaborating and it makes some sense when you see some of the BS posted here, but why try to fight it. This entire site is overrun with people trying to alter opinion and discredit things they don't want discussed. Trying to fight it is futile and pointless.

I agree to a large extent, but I still think it would beneficial to know when things are getting crossposted

If something's presented with a degree of cogency and evidence then no one's going to mock it. Some people won't listen to counterarguments and debate though, and expect their totally baseless assertions to be treated with respect.

The trouble is that some people (flat earthers, etc) post the same, easily-rebutted nonsense over and over again, and refuse to listen to reason. I've tried being patient and teasing apart their misconceptions, I've tried genuine engagement, but they just double-down or post total non-sequiturs.

There are also a not-inconsiderable number of OPs that are so disjointed and garbled that they genuinely read like the result of a schizophrenic breakdown.

(This isn't even getting into the sub being flooded with political currant-affairs stories...)

N-body problems aren't bullshit, but posting a link to them and claiming they prove some sort of conspiracy definitely is.

so you don't believe scientism is a problem?

No, I trust the scientific method.

there is a difference between believe the method has value and blindly believing everything you are told just because someone with "credentials" said it.

Big excluded middle there mate.

we're in a conspiracy forum and the person i replied to originally was trying to say that this isn't the place to question the shape of the earth. I then offered a very mainstream example of a solid reason to question the mainstream. Welcome to r/conspiracy have a look around.

Maybe if you pointed out where the conspiracy was?

ball earth model has problem. people are systemically ostracized for bringing up the obvious. yeah nothing to see here

Present cogent, articulate evidence and I promise no one will ostracise you.

oh sweet summer child

I know, right

You have been banned from /r/asoiaf

Oh no how will I ever survive lol

I do not have a problem with this.

Look, we discuss some pretty far out things here and we should not mind when skeptical people point out some of the stupid bullshit that gets posted here (looking at you flat earthers, looking at you directed with a big ol stink eye).

That is not what TopMinds is about. Never has been.

Sure, they like to mock this sub - and they point to (or post under pseudonyms) some of the fringier topics discussed to belittle and mock this sub, but their motives are and always have been Entho-Political.

What am I talking about? Have a look at the TMOR Mods and see where ELSE they mod. Cross reference, and it will become clear soon enough.

Conspiracy II was has not "formed an alliance" with TMOR, they were CREATED by the boys at TMOR, and there is clear evidence to demonstrate the truth of this statement.

This is not to say that ALL of the mods there were necessarily in on "the game", I'm quite certain that SOME of them were sincere.

Anyway, the cat's out of the bag now, so we'll soon find out who is who, won't we?

Conspiracy II was has not "formed an alliance" with TMOR, they were CREATED by the boys at TMOR

I'm starting to believe this myself. The mods there do nothing but gatekeep and belittle.

This is why we are here. Big questions like, "what is life?", "what is reality?", "what is consciousness?". Figuring out the "why" of conspiracies rather than the "how." The day to day political game should be of little concern to us.

Yet most users are not capable of digesting, or interested in such things.

Why would you want to participate in a community that thinks most of its users are too mentally inept to ask those questions?

Why would you want to participate in a community that thinks most of its users are too mentally inept to ask those questions?

I do it for discussion and updating the wiki with many topics.

Hey Amos, can you cite some items of proof regarding this? Genuinely curious.


I don't like that word. Proof is always subjective, never objective.

Evidence? That I can cite. But evidence pertaining to which one of my statements, exactly?

My bad. I was in a rush but did mean evidence rather than proof.

Specifically the connections found when cross-referencing the mod's different subs.

Conspiracy II was has not "formed an alliance" with TMOR, they were CREATED by the boys at TMOR, and there is clear evidence to demonstrate the truth of this statement.

Also, I added your post to ConspiracyV.


Specifically the connections found when cross-referencing the mod's different subs.

I did that several months ago, it needs to be updated. I think I saved it in image form, I'll have to dig

Conspiracy II was has not "formed an alliance" with TMOR, they were CREATED by the boys at TMOR, and there is clear evidence to demonstrate the truth of this statement.

Yeah, I'll get that to you. Some of it is in screen shots, some in archived posts, and I put together a nice timeline. Some came from a modmail conversation, and that is sacrosanct - so I'll have to make redactions if I share it at all.

Very busy for the moment. I'll try to get to it ASAP. Feel free to PM me later in case I space it - too much going on in real life at the moment.

I'll do some digging myself but would appreciate any info. you've got. Thanks buddy, appreciate the help.

That's fucked up, disappointing to say the least

We need to have the totesmessenger bot active here. Can we get a response from the moderators?

The totesmessenger bot is active here, but only the mods can see the posts. I think the reason for that is that we don't want /r/conspiracy users following the totesmessenger links and creating a reverse brigade, which the admins could sanction us for.

Come on now, the bot uses no-participation links and is used ALL over Reddit. Why this constant resistance for any type of illumination of the brigading?

NP links don't stop brigading, they just show the admins who is brigading. And this sub has been punished in the past for doing just that.

I disagree, have some faith in the community.

I don't get that, how is TopMinds still a sub reddit then? All they do is link to other sub reddits. All they do is brigade.

If I recall correctly there was a leak from admin chat logs showing mods in tmof are very good pals with admin people.

It was a while ago so I can't recall the specifics.

Because they are intel agents, lol.

Don't piss off the three letter agencies and their psyops.

A large percentage of subs are designed to make fun of other subs; to ban TMoR you would then have to ban them all....including T_D.

How is T_D designed to making fun of other subs? The sub is for Trump fans. Go to TMoR.. All you'll see is links to other subs.. How is that remotely the same thing?

There are plenty of examples of T_D harassing other subs, so much so the admins had to warn them of possible punishments multiple times (but I will admit T_D is not "designed" for this practice....but they still do it).

those twelve year olds need some kind of fun.

Serious question, how the hell can TMOR brigade if they have a rather small userbase?

Someone could create a sub for totesmessanger bot that only posts r/conspiracy stuff. You could do it manually, but that get old fast.

Ctrl+F "in conspiracy"

In 30 pages (about a days worth) there are 45 comments to r/conspiracy from the bot.

Yeah, /r/conspiracy is brigaded hard these days.

The moderation here is definitely infiltrated. Hence the ever expanding list of bannable and removable offences. It echoes the police state quite poetically. SWIM got banned and called a "marxist freak" by good old flytape for questioning the rules. Even the mods who disagree with banning people for political reasons find it's pefectly reasonable to ban someone for insults, particularly if they're directed at a moderator.

They're petty little judges who think that just because they volunteered to moderate everyone, we endlessly indebted to them for their services.

You have been banned from participating in r/conspiracy... rule 10 lol

This is why I hesitated to make this post, because I knew people would use it as a way to attack whichever mod they don't like. I think it's pretty obvious though that u/flytape does not have the post history that aligns with topmomdsofreddit

You're talking about /r/ConspiracyII, not /r/Conspiracy. Jesus Christ people.

This discussion began on conspiracyII, but the TMoR mod mentioned working with mods here in the past

Well the sub ConspiracyII is now openly working with TMOR so anything said there is bullshit.we had one mod solidwhetstone try to work with conspiratard and they got booted pretty hard by the community.

These small details are annoying. They're preventing my speculation and wider generalizations based on emotions dammit. I wasted 15$ on a pitchfork.

there are 3 different trump supporter mods AFAIK that should scare everybody that there is 3 establishment cultists.

Why does it matter if a mod supports Trump?

Well, typically it doesn't. But in a conspiracy sub it seems kind of strange that "we hate both sides" has dramatically changed to "my side is right, you're banned." in the last few years.

Well, another mod here is a Bernie Sanders supporter, does that disqualify them, as well? I get what you are saying, but there is far less of that going on from what I can tell.

but there is far less of that going on here from what I can tell compared to other places on reddit.

Is there? I don't think that's true at all.

I'm all over reddit, and this place is the most ban happy non-curated sub I'm aware of. I can say a lot of shit on most subs before I'm banned. Gotta tread carefully here unless you want to be using another alt.

You know that though.

I gotta disagree. This sub seems to Allow a fair amount of.....Attitude??? I got banned today from TD for Nothing. Really. Not that I give a fuck. If you've been there you know what I mean.....

It's not the Trump mods who are collaborating with TMoR, I can just about guarantee that. Spend an hour or two browsing the mod logs and you can narrow it down to three names I think.

I don't have an hour.

Give me a link to a youtube video that's no more than 5 minutes long blaming SWJ's, only then will I believe you

Read their reasoning on the thread. It's disgusting to be honest.


And they want to bring that here?

No one is happy with the decision other than the mod who made it. In my opinion, _Ph03niX and Spider_Jerusalem are essentially shills from TMOR whose job it is to discredit conspiracy subreddits.

He's not a conspiracy mod, that Phoenix person is a mod of conspiracyII, and is a total dick. Cant stand that sub.

Yes, this discussion went down on r/conspiracyII, but look at the comment from the archived link I provided

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted this, I misunderstood what was happening here. I see what you're talking about now

You're confused. The sub in question is /r/ConspiracyII, not this sub. The mod in question created that sub and the post is still up and is in fact stickied as an announcement.


While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Did you not look at the archived link I provided?

Sorry, didnt check through the comments. Figured you linked to what you wanted us to see.

No worries, I could've been clearer in explaining it

I think it's more of the RES image viewers fault. It looks like it cuts off the archive site so it looks more like a pic. Actually cut off the comment you are referring to.

It's from conspiracyII, you can see that in the link bar at the top.

/u/NewJerseyFreakShow said "I've worked with several former and one current /r/conspiracy mod in the past..."

I think the key thing here is the past tense. FreakShow is banned from this sub, as are all regular haters from /r/TopMindsofreddit. This sub has zero connection and no collaboration with TMOR.

The real issue is that /r/conspiracyII really is collaborating with TopMinds. /u/Phoenix is deceiver, and his joining the modteam at TopMinds should be a wake-up call to any genuine conspiracy minded people who use /r/ConspiracyII.

We'll see. You guys are pretty shit yourselves. Constantly spamming, and abusing the rules. Hell, you have a rule about criticising the rules. Its kind of insulting that you think we'll be distracted from that because of some mod on a tiny sub being a "deciever"

Rule 10.

Yeah, that's the one I was talking about.

For anyone interested, this was my comment:

We'll see. You guys are pretty shit yourselves. Constantly spamming, and abusing the rules. Hell, you have a rule about criticising the rules. Its kind of insulting that you think we'll be distracted from that because of some mod on a tiny sub being a "deciever"

Looks like I'll be banned from both conspiracy subs today.

No. The real issue is that this sub is about completely destroyed and no one is doing a damn thing about it who is in a position to do so. i.e. Moderators. That's the real issue.

It's all good if all they do is make fun of some crazy or stupid shit that gets posted here. They can do whatever the fuck they want.

Just as long as they keep to their own board and make sure everything is Non-Participation mode. If the mods collaborate with each other to make sure that's case, go fo it. Who cares.

Come at me TopMinds.

I am very suspicious on the numbers of my most recent post.

I'm not saying that I expect to get 100s of up votes on everything I post, but it seemed to just stagnate making me suspect it was hidden

One of my pieces of evidence is that it received way more upvotes on /r/c_s_t. That has never happened no matter what I have posted. It's a simular crowd and they have way less numbers.

Anyway people might think it's lame to obsess about stuff like this but I feel there are posts that are messed with, hidden, or brigaded (not just mine).

Also a big fuck you to the topmindsofreddit crowd. They are so worried about bigotry yet they have no problem harrassing and humiliating people. Disgusting.

I've noticed the same thing as well with many of my posts, which I usually duplicate over at /r/AlternativeHistory. Pretty much a bleed over in the user bases and there, it always receives way higher vote counts. Not that I care about points, it just bothers me because I know many people here would like to see many of the posts, but they essentially get buried. Granted I do post more "fringe" type topics.

Yeah I completely understand! It is kind of annoying when you see the low effort posts they put on the front.

And again I know there are many factors involved in what gets upvoted and what doesn't, but I have no doubt that something else is up.

What was suspicious about my last post was usually I at least get a handful of comments explaining why they down voted me or didn't like my post. Not that time because it wasn't even really seen.

I'm tired of being linked on that topminds sub too.

Also a big fuck you to the topmindsofreddit crowd. They are so worried about bigotry yet they have no problem harrassing and humiliating people. Disgusting.

Not trying to start a fight here, but I'm curious if you really think something should be done TMoR.

I know, I don't like the linking here either but I can't find anything in the ToS that says what they're doing is illegal. Besides, they're not the only sub that goofs at other subs and compiles drama.

More importantly, it's not like your opinion suddenly becomes invalid when they have laughs over it while eating their Cheese Pizza.

So two users from there just completely made up lies about me.

The sub can exist I guess but how is it any worse than a sub like fatpeoplehate?

I think they do damage to people.

Whatever you guys can defend them all you want.

I think my time on Reddit is about to come to an end.

Maybe they won. Maybe I give up.

:( I hope you don't leave reddit, but you have to do what's best for you. So I hope you find peace. You could always start with a few days' break and see how you feel.

Your posts have helped me a lot, so I want to say thank you!

Isn't it strange how a few negative comments can outweigh hundreds of positive ones in our minds?

Yes I have to remember that the majority of what I receive is kind.

It just can drain on you. I think I won't let it bring me down - isn't that what they want?

And if all these people think my posts are so stupid, then why are they even bothering? Lol

Rereading: who the hell is defending this?!

Unsubscribing. That sub is a piece of shit. They mock and humiliate people.

Must everybody sell out?


I'm only here to help out where I can. I've worked with several former and one current /r/conspiracy mod in the past so I don't see it as much of an issue. Plus maybe I can bring some skepticism to the sub.


I suspect that POS said that in the hopes of creating conflict and suspicion among the mods here.


I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Interesting name for a bot. Doesnt sound nazi one little bit.


There's a difference between skeptical counterpoints and outright mocking. The latter doesn't contribute to uncovering the truth and only impedes meaningful discussion

You have been banned from participating in r/conspiracy... rule 10 lol

This is why I hesitated to make this post, because I knew people would use it as a way to attack whichever mod they don't like. I think it's pretty obvious though that u/flytape does not have the post history that aligns with topmomdsofreddit

there are 3 different trump supporter mods AFAIK that should scare everybody that there is 3 establishment cultists.

The totesmessenger bot is active here, but only the mods can see the posts. I think the reason for that is that we don't want /r/conspiracy users following the totesmessenger links and creating a reverse brigade, which the admins could sanction us for.

I do not have a problem with this.

Look, we discuss some pretty far out things here and we should not mind when skeptical people point out some of the stupid bullshit that gets posted here (looking at you flat earthers, looking at you directed with a big ol stink eye).

That is not what TopMinds is about. Never has been.

Sure, they like to mock this sub - and they point to (or post under pseudonyms) some of the fringier topics discussed to belittle and mock this sub, but their motives are and always have been Entho-Political.

What am I talking about? Have a look at the TMOR Mods and see where ELSE they mod. Cross reference, and it will become clear soon enough.

Conspiracy II was has not "formed an alliance" with TMOR, they were CREATED by the boys at TMOR, and there is clear evidence to demonstrate the truth of this statement.

This is not to say that ALL of the mods there were necessarily in on "the game", I'm quite certain that SOME of them were sincere.

Anyway, the cat's out of the bag now, so we'll soon find out who is who, won't we?

Yeah, that's the one I was talking about.

Oh no how will I ever survive lol

Someone could create a sub for totesmessanger bot that only posts r/conspiracy stuff. You could do it manually, but that get old fast.

Ctrl+F "in conspiracy"

In 30 pages (about a days worth) there are 45 comments to r/conspiracy from the bot.