Please always check the source and look beyond the headline. In the released audio from July 11, Hersh says that Seth Rich was shot in a botched robbery. NOT murdered by the DNC.

6  2017-08-02 by ermanito


But it confirms that Seth was the leaker and that the whole Russian hack narrative was made up by the DNC.

Also I will believe that Seth was murdered in a botched robbery only when the perpetrators are in jail.

So why believe only part of the story?

Either Hersh is right and then Rich might have been the leaker but wasn't murdered by the DNC or it's all bullshit and we don't know.

But just arbitrarily declaring one part to be the truth and the other part to be false makes no sense.

Even if he wasn't murdered by the dnc, he still confirmed that rich leaked the shit for cash. Don't step around that. Stop with the bull shit concern trolling.

Yeah but the whole narrative got pushed so hard here because the DNC is getting accused of murdering here.

Are you telling me that's suddenly not relevant anymore?

concern trolling

Well, it's obvious where you are coming from.

Yup just keep dodging bro

Hersh never said He had proof of the botched robbery, only that it appeared that way.

He did however see for himself the FBI report stating Rich sent Wikileaks a substantial batch of emails.

I thought he stated that his FBI source never gives him documents but sometimes reads them to him.

Because the fact that Asange has retweeted it again confirms that Seth is the leaker,this can be known because Asange had contact with rich.

As to the killer of Seth ritch this can't be known until the killer is apprehended.

We can speculate as to if its a botched robbery or a political assignation but until the killer is caught a tried then this will remain speculation.

Whereas Assange knows for certain who the leaker is.

What are you talking about? Assange makes no mention of this in his tweets:

WikiLeaks Retweeted the Hersh Audio.

This is confirmation that WikiLeaks and Assange are on the same page as Hersh.

WikiLeaks agree with Hersh thatSeth was the Leaker and they would know.

Assange is not tweeting on the Wikileaks account.

Please get your story straight and then try again what you want to say.

Wikileaks is Assange and Assange is wikileaks.

The two are unavoidably intertwined.

You are mightily confused. The only fact that Hersh is confirming in this tape is that Seth Rich was in contact with wikileaks and had a drop box set up to give them files. He is stating his opinion when he says "I don't think" he was murdered because of that. And I can't imagine a highly reputed journalist would conclude or state Seth Rich was killed in a conspiracy without the proof

You're forgetting the feelz, my man.

Not exactly. He says "I don't think he was murdered because of what he knew". This could be Hersh covering his ass or he could genuinely believe he was killed in a botched robbery. Either way Hersh doesn't know exactly what happened to Seth Rich, he specifically says "I don't THINK he was murdered".

What we can confirm from this audio tape? That Seth Rich was leaking DNC files to wikileaks. And I say we can confirm that now because Assange and Kim Dot Com have been alluding to this for a year

What we can confirm from this audio tape? That Seth Rich was leaking DNC files to wikileaks.

How? It's hearsay.

As I said Julian Assange and Kim Dot Com have been alluding to Seth Rich being the source of the DNC leaks pretty much since his murder. Now a year later we have a pulitzer prize winning journalist corroborating that story based on his FBI source.

for reference : article dated August 10 2016 about Assange alluding to Seth Rich being the leaker

The truth (Seth giving DNC files to wikileaks) is out there for everyone to see now. Why are you so intent on denying this

Kim Dot Com

He was just shilling his shitty techno music. How anyone can take that narcissist idiot seriously is beyond me.

Since Seth Rich is dead there is absolutely no reason for Assange to not disclose his name if he really was the leaker.

But we already know by now that Assange is a Russian stooge so what would it matter what he says? He's compromised.

You sir, are a master of the ad hominem. Well I can't really argue with someone who's as reluctant as you are to accept a pretty blatant truth. I'm not sure if you are really that dumb or you have some fundamental reason as to why this truth is so uncomfortable for you to accept. Or if you're just being dishonest and arguing against it for another reason. Anyway all the best. I think in very near future you're going to feel pretty dumb about your take on all this

I think in very near future you're going to feel pretty dumb about your take on all this

Any day now, right?

Ya assuming you have a brain and an ability for self-assessment. Tomorrow morning I'd say should be enough time


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So, what changed since yesterday?

Let me answer your question with a question. Do you find it expectedly concerning or just expected that these Hersh quotes were entirely ignored by mass media? A day after mass media was all over the topic of Seth Rich. Honestly, I'm curious your view on just that: how this audio clip has been completely ignored

Why should the mass media report on an video that was anonymously posted a month ago and whose provenance is completely un-established?

If Hersh himself would post and acknowledge it, that would be different. Has he?

Fair enough. And funny enough, assuming that's really the reason, that standard seems to be selectively upheld by the same media outlets I feel should be at the very least acknowledging this audio tape's release.

Well you can take the W, I concede. But believe I'll be reminding you of this interaction when the times right

Lol Assange a Russian stooge. There goes any shred of credibility you had. Muh Russia will never end

Do you know when was the last time he said anything critical about Russia?

He has literally been paid by RussiaToday which is run by the Kremlin.


Removed. Rule 10.

So censor me because I said share blue? Lol

Stop calling people shills lol

What he said is pretty verifiable incorrect, though. My bad should I just say liar? Lol

You can try talking like an adult here and see how that goes.

Seth Rich has a family. There is absolutely reason to keep his identity secret, or they risk discouraging future leakers.

Denying this is nothing short of willful ignorance.

He might be wrong about botched robbery

A serial killer is likely behind the murder of North Carolina Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, according to forensic-psychology students and instructors, who spent three months investigating the homicide. 

The report states that Rich’s July 2016 “death does not appear to be a random homicide” or “a robbery gone bad,” as police had suggested. Instead, the report says, the “death was more likely committed by a hired killer or serial murderer,”

A serial killer is likely behind the murder of North Carolina Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich

So the Klintons then? /s

Maybe for who he knew? Was he not shopping the info for money? Does Wikileaks commonly buy its leaks? Or would JA have requested a third party?

Or did a third party buy them, off him, and strong arm WL?

Hersh doesn't know who killed SR. He says he thinks the DNC didn't kill him. His opinion.

What he does say though is that the Russia collusion narrative is utter bullshit.

Well thats the story he was given or part of a story or a dodge.


Not helpful for you to be talking about audio without a link to it. How can you be sure we're discussing the same thing?

There are like 4 links right now on the frontpage and the rest or the threads are talking about it.

I thought it was obvious what it was about.


Thanks. I wonder if there is more audio of the same conversation out there.

The funny thing is that we don't even know if this is Hersh. He hasn't confirmed that anywhere.

Sounds like him.

He died in the hospital after doctors assured his family he would be fine. It wasn't the bullet that killed him.

Ah yes. Doctors are never wrong. I forgot.

Life isn't like in the movies you know?


Removed. Rule 4.

Says who?! That part is just speculation on Hirsh's part.

He physically saw an FBI report which said Rich sent a substantial batch of emails to Wikileaks.

As far as I can remember he never claimed to have seen physical evidence of a botched robbery, only that the signs pointed to him trying to fight off his attackers.

Are they leaks if they are for sale?

Mueller covered uo The Spetember 11 attacks with Bush cheney obama clinton, clinton, holder, rumsfeld, pelosi, bonner, etc. How interesting is that? BTW, the Dems killed Seth Rich for being a traitor.