/r/conspiracy Round Table #3: The Moon, Phobos & Solar System Anomalies

348  2017-08-02 by axolotl_peyotl

Many aren't aware that there isn't solid scientific consensus on the origin of the moon, although the "giant-impact hypothesis" is currently the most popular mainstream theory.

Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov said it best:

We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of the strokes of luck almost too good to accept.

Ever wonder why the sun and moon fit so well together during an eclipse? Asimov did too:

There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.

In the 1970's, two Soviet scientists proposed an alternative theory: Earth's moon may be a hollowed out spaceship.

Similar theories have been offered for the origin of Mars' strange moon Phobos.

Saturn's moon Iapetus (the "Death Star") has also been the subject of some of this high octane speculation.

Feel free to share your thoughts about these solar system anomalies...believers and skeptics are all welcome.

Round Table #1

Round Table #2

Thanks to all who voted and happy speculating!


I put this thread together for /r/conspiracy a few years back:

A Little List of Coincidence in the Solar System: Space, Geometry and the Golden Section. Do the planets hide a secret Harmony of the Spheres?

Thanks for this! Should be a great lead up to the eclipse in three weeks!!

Laziest President in American History Departs for 17-Day Golf Resort Vacation

The only ABSURD explanation here is that Trump probably believes in astrology . He is hiding from a solar eclipse. August 21st, 2017б. Now exactly 17 days before the eclipse.

Astrologers predict his death. Politicians too.

Trump can even imitate the disappearance a week before the eclipse.

is there any fucking thread I can read on this website which doesn't descend into an anti-trump circlejerk?

Yeah man, I was just enjoying some kooky dooky arguements about the Cloud People, and wherever the fuck the moon came from.

Now its ruined by some asshole shoving his randomly quoted text down my throat like it's a 'balloon' that Bill Clinton expects on his birthday.

I can bring him up because hes a mind controlled puppet of the Illuminati hell bent on keeping their position of slave masters on this prison we call 'Earth'

Upvoted for the kooky dooky

Whilst the eclipse conjoins his Ascendant/Mars conjunction, Saturn at 21.11 Sagittarius is exactly on his Moon at 21.12 Sagittarius. This eclipse, which so exactly replicates Trump’s chart, and which casts a shadow over the whole of the USA was a clear, unequivocal indication that he would win the 2016 election, but I don’t think any astrologer spotted it at the time. But now that the eclipse darkens his chart, and the USA, will this be good or bad?


I think it was just a sign that This eclipse was for winners only

This post and your coincidence post are incredible. Thank you!

This post and your coincidence post are incredible. Thank you!

This post and your coincidence post are incredible! Thank you!

Simulation theory confirmed!

The secret is the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Look at Tethys and Minas's heat signatures, what does pacman eat? Ghosts.

I'm interested in space and ghosts both so please elaborate if you can on these two moons. :)

It does look pretty strange I have to say: http://imgur.com/a/WFmC2

Yeah it's because that's the side that gets heated by the sun. If you heat up a large spherical rock and leave it in the sun it will have the same heat map.

Would have thought it would be more even lol.

Different make up of the moon, some parts hold heat better. But the overall Pac-Man shape isn't strange at all.

What other celestial bodies that you know of, show this type of heat signature? Just curious.

The Earth is a Black Dwarf Star (burned-down star) and all the elements present here were home-grown.

13 minute video from Bill Gaede

Interesting hypothesis.

Never heard this one.

That other physicist that people post here theorized that everything is a black hole and all we see are the event horizons

This makes a lot of sense. If you look at our daily routines we are largely circling other objects

This makes a lot of sense

It's possible.

anything is possible

So I've thought about this some and I have an admittedly probably stupid idea. Mainstream physics: the edge of the universe is similar to an event horizon, and the schwarzschild radius of something with the mass of the estimated mass of the universe would be about the radius of the observable universe my madness: we are inside a black hole, collapsing. The reason we see an expanding universe is simply that we perceive time as the direction where entropy increases. It's arbitrary whether we are collapsing or expanding.

Makes sense to me

I think this one is from the Stellar Metamorphosis theory.

Basically, the universe is a lot older than 13.8 billion years... possibly eternal. And all planets are formed from the eroded leftovers of stars.

According this this theory, the sun would be the youngest object in our solar system. Jupiter would be a fair bit older. Earth would be a lot older and Mercury is absolutely ancient.

If that's true then what is Cosmic Background Radiation?

Holy shit. That was fucking amazing. I was expecting some sort of stupid Hollow Earth calibre idea here, but that... kinda makes sense...

I was interested, but I couldn't handle the presenter. I'm a little disappointed.

He definitely has a chip on his shoulder. You are right, he is hard to watch. He is genuinely brilliant, though. He is responsible for giving Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties....

He definitely has a chip on his shoulder. You are right, he is hard to watch. He is genuinely brilliant, though. He is responsible for giving Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties....

He definitely has a chip on his shoulder. You are right, he is hard to watch. He is genuinely brilliant, though. He is responsible for giving Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties....

You are right, he is hard to watch, he definitely has a chip on his shoulder. He is brilliant, however. He is smuggled Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties....

You are right, he does have a chip on his shoulder. He is brilliant, however. He is responsible for smuggling Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties...

You are right, he definitely has a chip on his shoulder. He is brilliant, however. He is responsible for smuggling Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties...

You are right, he definitely has a chip on his shoulder. He is brilliant, however. He is responsible for smuggling Pentium computer chip tech to the Soviets early nineties...

Corporate espionage?

Yup. Total backstabbing employee. Late eighties, actually.

It's cool seeing hypothesis that go against the mainstream. It's less cool seeing hypothesis that argument against an imaginary theory, because the author do not understand the mainstream theory.

He claims "mathematicians" claim that heavier elements formed in DISTANT random supernovaes. The actual idea is that they formed on the supernova that originated our system, using the atoms of a single supernova to build the current sun and planets.

Thanks for commenting!

There is also the theory that Zecharia Sitchin puts forth, that the Moon was actually a satellite of a different planet. To parallel the Tiamat vs Marduk story. http://www.sitchinstudies.com/the-sumerian-solar-system.html

That's a very interesting thought

Here's Richard Hoagland's article on Saturn's moon Iapetus:

A Moon with a View

Other researchers have pointed out that the massive and mysterious "equatorial ridge" around Iapetus has yet to be fully explained or understood, not to mention the abundance of seemingly organized geometric shapes on its surface.

I heard the ridge was a result of a ring like Saturns collapsing after formation.

Even the Wikipedia page for the equatorial ridge is pretty explicit:

It is not clear how the ridge formed. One difficulty is to explain why it follows the equator almost perfectly. There are at least four current hypotheses, but none of them explains why the ridge is confined to Cassini Regio.

It's easily one of the most incredible unexplained things we've discovered in our solar system.

The ring "Chicken Little" theory was suggested by Discover Magazine:

The Discover article points out that the theory has not yet been "peer reviewed", but there it is. We're being asked to believe on the basis of a computer-claptrap model that the ridge "fell from the sky" after "rings" were formed around the planet, rings which were unstable, and which fell into the surface of the planet.

Uh huh. What about those three parallel grooves? Were there three neatly parallel ring unstable ring systems?

There's actually another theory that "Iapetus may have possessed its own moon that became tidally shredded to create a ring system that eventually fell to the moon's surface."

OK...a moon with a moon which became tidally shredded to form a neat ring, which was unstable, which then fell to Iapetus' surface and formed that neat equatorial ridge. And, presumably, became shredded in such a way to form three closely bunched parallel rings in three planes which were all unstable and then fell to the planetary surface?

Would Iapetus have had sufficient force to be able to shred its own moon? Can we see what the possible mass of that moon may have been? Would it have been enough to create the equatorial ridge?

"But whatever the source, it seems scientists are agreeing that Iapetus couldn't have created the mountain range without some help from up above."

I don't know about you, but that strikes me as yet another tongue in cheek remark. "Help from above?" Help implies helpers. Helpers implies intelligence. Intelligence implies...

...on yea, we can't go there. The ridge has been "explained." Perfectly natural.

Nothing to see here...move along, it fell from the sky after a moon was tidally shredded to form an unstable ring system which collapsed and fell on poor Iapetus....

Yup! Several folks have drawn comparisons between Iapetus and the Transvaal spheres.

I wanted to look into this more as I e never heard of it and I found this.


I seems those rocks are still really cool, but not all that mysterious.

Im a skeptic but I had fun going down this rabbit hole for a bit. I like to read about oddities in space but I dont seek them out much.

The wall is certainly interesting

There are strange hexagonal shapes on the surface of Iapetus as well.

Kinda hexagonal shaped. And there are other shapes that look like they could have been buildings. But this sounds like a very harsh environment, to harsh for life to exist. The spaceship theory was fun too, but I think we know enough about the make up of Ipateus to know that's not very likely either.

But Im open for discussion, whats your theory if you think these were built? Why? or what purpose do they serve?

Iapetus is the Roman name for Japheth.

Japheth was the eldest son of Noah, and his sons were the first to be taught by God how to bury their dead, and the supposed progenitor of the Caucasians.

Japheth was a Roman way of saying someone has Greek blood (i.e. a bloodline from time immemorial).

Expanding on the "spaceship moon" hypothesis, writer Don Wilson has written several books on the subject.

Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon is available to read online (I highly recommend it...I spent over $50 for a physical copy), as well as Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon (pdf).

Another popular book on this subject is Who Built the Moon?

Bright Insight video. People claim to have seen lights coming from the moon. Moon Express is launching a mining operation to the south pole of the moon. Moon rocks from the moon contain unnatural (artificial) isotopes. It goes on and on!

David Icke talks about this in his books and even mentions some of the work shown here. Starts around the 51:00 mark https://youtube.com/watch?v=VJorKZEbQsA

The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun while being 400 closer to the earth than the sun, giving us perfect solar eclipses. That's pretty convenient.

The chance of that occurring by accident is much more incredible than most people realize.

Never tell me the odds!

That's no moon!

Star Wars overload!

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

I am the Senate

-John McCain

The moon used to be closer to the Earth though. It's moving away from us at consistent pace.

Thought to be fair, just because something has low odds of occurring doesn't mean it can't occur.

Yes, this is pretty similar to theists saying that the low odds of our planet being in the goldilocks zone is proof of a designer.

How is that? Firstly, the odds aren't really that low, and secondly, that would mean that even if it is low, it's still probable.

I don't think it's a valid argument, I was making the comparison to say that I don't think astronomical coincidences (size and position of Earth, of the moon and so on) are very meaningful. It's like a lottery in which each ticket has an equal and vanishingly small chance of winning but there must be a winner. Given that we have a moon it has to be one distance from the earth or another. Seeing its current position as somehow too "perfect" to be accidental is a very human-centric position.

But how is it too perfect? Why would it being seemingly the same size as the sun in our sky bare any real significance? What does the fact that solar eclipses happen sometimes actually change in our lives, other than a few moments to go "oooo".

Maybe it was created by people for people to wonder at, to block out the sun and show a display of power. IDK why you would involve religion/creationism at all unless that was your own special neuroses

But what I'm saying is why would anyone who would create the moon need to make it so eclipses are present. It has no real baring on how life came to be.

Blocking out the sun is a pretty badass thing to do? There's different degrees of significance between Complete Coincidence and Created by God.

Stick your thumb out and cover the sun, are you now a badass?

Well no because it only effects me from my perspective lol. If i had a giant thumb and blocked out the sun for this hemisphere it would be seen as badass by some people.

Well no because it only effects me from my perspective lol.


Yes, exactly, putting my thumb out to cover the sun does only effect my perspective. Are you using that as a metaphor or something?

Everything is just relative to where you are. Just like you and your thumb, that's sometimes the moon and the planet.

Yep, nice metaphor.

Yes, but to be fair, I was a badass before doing so.

Well their argument, which I think is fallacious, is that if quite a few of the conditions on earth weren't exactly as they are, we wouldn't be here. That may be true but all it means is that something else would be here. There's obviously no basis to believe someone or something arranged it this way to suit us. The argument seems to be assuming that there is something essential about human life and a universe without us would be a pointless mistake.

Not to further an argument that I also find fallacious, but it isn't just conditions on earth. All of the constants in the universe (Speed of light, etc.) are so perfectly tuned that if they were changed by on millionth of a percent matter itself could not exist. It's pretty mind blowing.

There are so many "coincidences" that it almost feels natural, you know what I mean. The fibonacci sequence and Pi happening so often in nature is mindblowing.

I think these things tend to lend credence to the idea of us living in a simulated universe.

It's a bit tautological too. If it wasn't "perfect" (e.g. close enough to evolve life that can get intelligent), we wouldn't be here to realize it.

It's not tautological at all... cogito (or in this case, typito) ergo sum.

I'm here, and no matter your belief in a fancy-shmancy CIA holo-projected universe, I really did type this, and this planet is a goldylocks planet.

And the chance that non-pernicious info is folded into every single species' DNA quadrillions of times, with a way to circumvent RNA's non-conforming-therefore-discarded policy is a number so large that it would require every molecule in the universe to count it out on a cosmic abacus.

the fact that we have DNA is statistically slim? What? I need more info.

If a higher dimension entity isn't a designer that how is this being created, by our own minds? Lol I wonder if Mario and Luigi are atheists.

Eh that's different though since life should only likely observe itself to be in a place that is suitable for life to be. The eclipse lining up at the same time humans start recording history has no obvious necessity.

This kind of stuff more or less cherrypicks in various ways, both between the planets being compared, the grounds for comparison, and the relationships being found.

If you examine all things, the chance of there being no coincidences is zero.


The moon is actually drifting away, what's "convenient" is that we get to see it at a time when it appears to be approximately the same size as the sun.

Are we, like...the chosen ones?

Only as far as solar eclipses are concerned.

Well, we and the people a couple thousand years before and after us...?

It is also ludicrously unlikely!

They're not that perfect. Only for those right in the path of the shadow.


Well no one complains about the odds of evolution which is just as unlikely.

Evolution doesn't happen by chance. Evolution is the result of natural selection. For your comparison to be true, there would had to have been many different shaped and sized moons orbiting Earth, yet now only one remains due to its specific shape and size.

Perhaps even evolution isn't happening by chance. It could be that all of reality, including all of nature is communicating with itself on a quantum level in closed systems - thus creating grounds for an intelligent evolution, with intelligent mutations, not entirely random ones. One where "Intelligent design" isn't done by a Deity, but by nature itself.

This is supported by the /r/holofractal theory of the Universe (not yet validated by mainstream science and probably missing some parts and connections to make it so, but I do feel it is a step in the right direction).

I think it's pretty likely. The variety of breeds humans have been able to produce just by selective breeding kind of shows how we can make animals change to have certain traits. Now just do that but for millions of years and eventually the DNA will be so far apart that breeds won't be able to produce viable offspring anymore.

All this comment means is that you don't, or don't want to, understand evolution.

I do understand evolution. Be honest, the odds of life evolving on this planet or anywhere else in the universe are just as improbable as the uniqueness of our planet's moon. Improbable but not impossible.
You should learn to appreciate that.

People like you and the ((not fully)hollow) Moon/Earth deniers are like chimpanzees from 2001: A Space Odyssey that see the black monolith and don't react at all. A monkey that continues their primitive fight or flight stare racking the monolith up to a mere natural stone that was crafted by some mathematically and environmentally impossible circumstances that aren't compatible with known laws of physics but at the same time the monkey believes that numbers are god and believes the chaotic odds alone will create testable and visible perfection with only ruin all around it.

You appeal to the immensity of the known universe saying that shear probability will make anomalous geological features and intelligently designed structures be build up out of the dirt against the forces of nature by the forces of nature? That doesn't make sense. Evolution is based off of improbable but logical assumptions based on understood science that even though life is rare it is abundant across a sample size as big as the know universe. Where the solar and lunar eclipses are like a spit in the eyes of science almost saying that non-thinking astral bodies of immense proportion will seemingly make visually appealing phenomena and for us to witness even though they were allegedly thrown there by chance.

Life is an amalgamation of amino acids and microscopic life that grow, multiply and spread everywhere because of abundant chemicals that are found across the cosmos where these are are lone, one of a kind monuments left standing in barren cosmic landscapes that have nothing else like it even on a massive scale. We all appreciate pagans for erecting the massive Stonehenge that mark astronomical features but you don't think it's strange that entire planets have geographical tattoos and are placed in such a way that just Humans can understand and see them in a purposefully artistic and scientific fashion?


The usual argument for this is like the anthropic principle. The planets where it didn't happen there is no one to complain about it, the odds of us being on a planet where we evolved are 100%. The moon isn't like that. Some aspects of it might be, such as stablizing the axis of rotation and the climate stablity that comes with that. The convenient eclipse size is just fun though. It's proportionally much larger than moons around other planets. And it's not a uniform density either, attempts to orbit probes very closet to the surface failed due to anomalies in the gravitational field much larger than anywhere on earth. I don't know about the "moon wave" thing, this is the first time I saw that.

Let's try to factor in those moon "wave" anomalies in here also. Because to me, it looks like a hologram that's refreshing or something.

And no, it's not the camera or an artifact, that's been debunked multiple times.

What the fuck

search youtube for moon wave, there are plenty of other examples. It's really weird, looks like a video that's refreshing

Can you explain what you mean by a video refreshing?

the entire "sky" is fake. there is no "outer space" in this simulation.

No, not that. I literally mean what do you mean by video and refreshing. I think you've heard something and repeated it without understanding what the terminology means.

If we live in a simulation, why would it be limited by our own primitive video technologies?

I fully understand what the terminology means. The Matrix is way over populated. It is also not mega advanced tech wise. Some people who have a NDE can clearly see the "White Light" at death is completely staged and somewhat synthetic and even crappy. People all over the world have been experiencing "Glitches In The Matrix". From identical people, cars, locations and objects completely respawning, to the projection actually freezing and the characters and objects around them staying in place for numerous seconds.

I think you've been watching too many movies - that was just noise. Sorry.

Part of the fun of r/conspiracy is entertaining the possibility. Or at least it used to be.

Agreed, that's why I'm living these threads. It's a nice break from the almost constant shitfest.

Agreed, that's why I'm living these threads. It's a nice break from the almost constant shitfest.

seriously , people get so angry

Didn't really seem like anger though.

I'd love to see the footage but without it I'd have to agree that in this specific instance it's likely noise, and I'm saying this as someone that's experienced things that could be called a 'glitch in the matrix' multiple times, usually with other people seeing the glitch as well.

This isn't supposed to be fun this is a fevered rush for the truth

You don't have to agree with it, but it would be unwise to outright dismiss what this particular user has to say.

You don't have to agree with it, but it would be unwise to outright dismiss what this particular user has to say.

You don't have to agree with it, but it would be unwise to outright dismiss what this particular user has to say.

its a bit far-reaching for me, but there are footage of planes stopping in the middle of air for a brief second before continuing. or planes simply vanishing like someone turned off a hologram

Got any links?

Been fun larping w/ u

Here's a real explanation for your question: It means the scanlines (see VSync in PC and console games), or image/video 'screen tearing'. The weird lines that go up and down your screen sometimes if the game or movie animates faster than your TV, monitor or screen is able to keep up with.

Googling "VSync" will be the easiest to get it if this explanation still doesn't help. Just look at the image and video examples etc.

So what they're saying is the moon wave thing looks like a video projection with screen tearing. "The refresh rate of the screen is not in sync with the video projection itself".

It doesn't do that through a telescope. I've tried many times. I don't know if it's the atmosphere or the video camera but it isn't the moon. I know that for sure. It's real and round 100%. I know this is /conspiracy but I have a lot of friends with big telescopes.

I think the people who capture the supposed waves are monitoring the moon for hours every night to catch one. I'm not saying they are anything, but whatever they are, they seem to occur pretty rarely.

I need to get a USB camera. Mine hooks up to my laptop and I can get it on my screen. I'll definitely record hours of footage. I looked for aliens for years and all I've ever seen is satellites. On my space forum 1000's of people who are experts (with telescopes, ones 30 feet tall some have built) all say they have never seen anything weird about the moon, any planet, or seen any UFO's.

Sad, wonder why there used to be so much activity and now almost nothing.

There are some theories saying they camouflage themselves somehow, need IR camera and stuff like that.

But I suppose who knows at this point, you could make a bunch of theories up from that, maybe they're grouping up somewhere, preparing?

Wishful thinking I know, besides we have those who believe they are demons.

I'm highly confident the "aliens" are fallen angels/demons. I've had a lot of contact with them since age 14 when it started. I brought a demon back from Peru and it will tell me it's name if I ask. It possessed me and I started stabbing myself with the Peruvian knife (turns out it's the Peruvian God of war carved on the knife and they pray over it).

I'm still open to entertain that idea, but there's also the possibility of that kind of thing being a "distraction" or "misinfo".

I just honestly don't know what to give more credence to. The beings could be friendly and trying to help, but "they" don't want that, so they're demons or malevolent aliens.

But on the flip side, they could be evil aliens or demons sure, and the people shouting the benevolent aliens idea could be trying to get us to trust these beings who mean harm.

I'm just anxious about the future and hoping this is all coming to a culmination, but I know there have been others like me waiting for an "event" as well and they've died with nothing occurring.

Let's hope there's something to this "Great" Eclipse and the 23rd that follows.

apparently people have only captured 11 waves so far on footage. and some occur near equinoxes or during lunar eclipses

Cameras are the root of all conspiracies.

Yes... "what the fuck"

These guysdo live feeds of the moon, I'd like to see it in action

Sweet! I do that too! I just need a better camera to mount on my lens. Right now it's decent but maybe half the quality as these vids. It's really cool to have a telescope with GPS hooked up to a camera recording on your laptop.


Can't watch the video, but had this shower thought: could it be a Schlieren effect from a plane passing by?

Or an illusion caused by temperature change, shifting air masses, water vapor or any host of atmospheric event- especially if the waves move from the bottom upward?

Also- does it only happen in digital recordings or is it ever seen with the naked eye or recorded with on film by a camera without an electronic lens? I'm leaning toward it being a digital artifact. The camera refocusing is not evidence of anything.

Also- does it only happen in digital recordings or is it ever seen with the naked eye or recorded with on film by a camera without an electronic lens? I'm leaning toward it being a digital artifact. The camera refocusing is not evidence of anything.

perhaps, but what intrigues me is why the wave seems to follow the curvature of the moon rather than just traveling over

Tbh I think its most likely an artifact of digital recording. It would constantly be refreshing the contrast between the white and the black- i.e, the edge. Does anyone have footage of this shot with a non-digital film camera? Have these things been seen with the human night or is it just something that happens if you aim a digital camera at the moon long enough ?

Good point

if it were an artifact of digital recording the wave would likely move or change in state if the camera panned. If you look at the video here he shows footage of the wave not moving with the camera as he pans quickly, and follows it's original trajectory as if unaffected by the camera itself.

It doesn't follow the curvature. It's more pronounced on the vertical side of the moon and by the time it gets to the top horizontal line it's gone. That's exactly what I'd expect if a ripple was moving from down to up in the atmosphere between the observer and the moon.

It is fraud, plain and simple.

"Admit it, Obama's only crime was being black"

-Slay_Ride_fun 2017

Why do you insist on misquoting me? LOL. Cospiratards will tell any lie to support their delusions.

its word for word what you said bro

Word for word? Read it again if you can actually read, whichnis doubtful.

many people are now seeing the moon glitch and change shape as well as refresh like a computer projection

Any video of this?


Any video of this?

Many. Go up in the thread I'm on mobile

Hologram theory is interesting, but people need to remember it's not the government, it is some other intelligence or "creator" who is showing us that hologram, this is part of the theory that we are essentially in a prison planet, zoo, or some type of ant farm/sim city project.

The other about moon waves is more simple, and biblical, which is that space is water, and we are lied to about it. As above, so below. God separated the waters from the waters.

I've always liked the water theory because it explains a lot. Look at space, planets, stars in a telescope and you see it all looks like it's lights under water. Astronauts train in water, their suits are built to exist in water. The deepest sea dive ever recorded that they found water within water, a shore with waves underneath the ocean and they simply bounced off when trying to submerge in the secondary pool.

well space isn't a true vacuum anyways, it has material that floats around. though if applying the holofractal theory, space is considered a type of matter

What's the holofractal theory? I try visit that sub but can't understand anything posted there

Try visiting the website. I think it's holofractal.net

Near vacuum.

I want to find that video of the water in watet. I remember seeing years ago. The water had a current and waves. It was so wierd. I don't recall the part where they bounced off it though. It was some time ago.

It's so hard to find the real video with the researchers talking about it, it was intentionally deleted I believe by the BBC and they were able to have youtube delete basically all the uploads.

That's one of those things where you have to wonder what is so damaging about that account from a scientist that they went to that much effort to erase it entirely. Much like antarctica, there is much hidden about the deep ocean for unknown reasons, very little is allowed to be released to the public.

Yea, and I can't find decent information on it. I want to study the virtual reality aspect of reality or at least things like the moon.

I don't know anything about Antarctica other than they seem to be pretty secretive over that place.

I can't figure out what the reasoning would be by tricking people it's round if it's flat though. Even if it is flat, what does that really change or matter?

I can't figure out what the reasoning would be by tricking people it's round if it's flat though. Even if it is flat, what does that really change or matter?

Well while I don't believe in flat earth, hiding God, if God really existed , is a great reason for elites who worship themselves as God's, hiding land, hiding the fact that we are trapped here with no way out which would certainly raise a lot of questions/panic.

There's plenty of reasons to convince people that the world is not what it really is, we see it everyday.

Nonsense. BBC licensing agreements with YouTube doesnt mean shit. You can still read the papers these scientists wrote. Why not just send them an email?

"The deepest sea dive ever recorded that they found water within water, a shore with waves underneath the ocean and they simply bounced off when trying to submerge in the secondary pool" - Dude you got any source for this, id love to know more about this, ive had a googly but cant find anything

Search for 'Underwater brine pools'.

'Underwater brine pools'




and they simply bounced off

They bounced off because it wasn't water, it was brine and of a higher density and buoyancy than water.

It's the atmosphere, dude. Gas is fluidic, just observe the behavior of air above pavement on a hot day.

Too bad the heat waves coming up from the ground are in a randomized chaotic pattern, not a formulated straight forward line like on the moon. Riddle me that.

This is hardly meant to be a conclusive argument, but the reason the waves appear chaotic above asphalt is the proximity of high heat makes a lot of displacement waves in the air, which collide into the chaos we're used to seeing. At higher altitudes, few waves would be generated and are less likely to collide, so it's possible to see it keep a consistent angle and velocity.

Source: B.S. in physics and a lot of recent experience with wave/sound mechanics

I don't believe anything anymore

Seems like the safest route for now.

Believe in things that can produce results. I 'believe' in many aspects of science because they produce direct, observable results. As for the moon being a hologram? Makes no sense, how could we predict tides if the moon didn't have mass. Moon bases and moon settlements/cities? I doubt it just like everything else. Extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence, etc. but I don't dismiss it, because I have no way to know one way or the other.

consider things as probability/possibility. belief is a tough one. you can have faith in a thing. apply the sceintific method to a thing. things are harsh. learn as much as you can. it always pays off.

Either this guy is close to the 'source' or a mad man. Either way, massive respect.

But believing that you don't believe is itself a belief.

true, i don't even really believe that

That is the dumbest thing I've read in awhile. Hot damn you must be a helmet wearing retard.

essentially in a prison planet, zoo, or some type of ant farm/sim city project.

You are referring to Gnosticism. The ancient religion that the Matrix movies are based around.

I've always liked the water theory because it explains a lot

Literally impossible as red/blue shifting wouldn't be a thing and at a certain distance away from us stars would just not be visible (like just about any source of light not in our solar system).

I think if this was proven to not be atmosphere (as it's definitely not equipment related) then it would serve as proof that we're living in a simulated reality.

Don't you dare fucking bring god into this, that ruins any shred of credibility.

You dont seem to know how to use your telescope.

My vote is refraction from shifting air density in Earth's atmosphere.

The wave spans the entire moon and stops at the edge of the moon.

You didn't look at the evidence.

I watched the video. What evidence do you mean?

Looks to me like it's only on the moon though..if it was an atmospheric phenomenon, you'd see that wave in the space around the moon too

That's assuming the wave covers the entire length of the cameras POV, which translates to thousands of miles.

No, we wouldnt expect to see it on the dark area atound the moon -- there is no light from there reaching our eyes.

My guess is that the moon is there and that this wave anomaly is from a cloak that hides whats on the moon.

now this i can get behind. perhaps its a cloaking device that keeps amateur astronomers from seeing the cities and bases built there

This is actually one of the better theories out there. Thank you for a very fresh alternative perspective.

The moon rabbit hole is deep and one of the most disturbing, because dealing with the implications of all the strangeness having to do with the moon is so far reaching it can shake the foundations of everything you think you know.

I love the idea of flipping everything we know around, because all I feel they need is hidden tech, and they can tell all the lies they want.

I know it's not healthy to always think the world is against you, but it helps when you remember it's all of us regular (if you don't want me grouped with you that's cool) people against the ambiguous "them".

But I take breaks here and there and enjoy time with friends to solidify myself here and not lose grip.

Strange times ahead for sure.

Not gonna lie this is kind of unnerving

Crow is a fraud that manufactured those "waves."

Did the 10 other people who caught them manufacture the exact same thing also?

No, because there arent ten other people.

Thousands of years of Astronomy and one dude observes this phenomenon and no one else? Lol

Try thinking. Maybe the wave wasn't there thousands of years ago. Maybe they didn't have high def cameras.

Try checking before making a blatantly false statement. This video shows 10 wave captures by people around the world.


Why do you need a camera?

Ok you have no idea what you're talking about. It's been captured over a dozen times, from multiple states and countries. But you stay ignorant in your brain cage of rigid skepticism so closed off you cant even learn anything new.

Then why is your only evidence a single video?

LOL I am still laughing about this. Where are the source videos, Crow? I cant believe you took that video seriously.

You are thinking of Phobos, a moon of Mars.

The Soviets sent 22 probes, none sent back useful info - one is even rumoured to have filmed a rocket leave the surface and impact the Soviet's probe.

Phobos is little more than very large rock. It's about the length of Manhattan. Gravity is near enough to nil that anything living on it would be better off just living in zero-g.

There's a great video of (amateur?) rocket equipped with outer camera going from surface of the earth to zero gravity. It's almost as if it hits the water. Google it.

There are many good leads but this is probably not one of them. Look up how they "de-spin" rockets which normally spin in order to maintain some orientation.

I'm late to reply, but if it's the video I think he's talking about it not only stops spinning but stops gaining altitude as well. I would have to watch it again, though. All this stuff is very interesting, for sure.

maybe what we think is a rock in space is something else entirely

Like an alien observation station and its off limits for humans.

interesting, it could also be waves caused by a change in temperature in the layer between moon and layers of atmosphere or there is a layer of water between us and the moon layer.

Could a shockwave or something in our atmosphere cause that kind of effect.

Yes. This is the same reason stars twinkle.

you win the award for the worlds most ignorant response

Do you know if anyone has measured how fast these waves are moving, if possible?

Another video that shows 10 waves and discusses them from someone who shot one.


Great channel actually was watching some stuff on there before I found this thread.

Yea, after binging on his videos I'm reeling from now questioning everything.

I'm going to go with the simple, scientific explanation for the phenomenon: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Scintillation_(astronomy)

Doesn't even come close to explaining it but whatever makes you feel better.

I think it's a similar effect like asphalt on a hot day. The ground looks wavy and moving.

The atmosphere has an amount of heat I'd assume but since it's at such a large scale the waves aren't as extreme

Too bad the heat waves coming up from the ground are in a randomized chaotic pattern, not a formulated straight forward line like on the moon. Riddle me that.

except its not a hot day on the moon.. ever..

He's saying that since the camera is on earth (and in Florida in this particular video), the heat in earth's atmosphere may cause a visible ripple.

no the moon but OUR atmosphere here on Earth. we are looking through it to the moon which distorts its image slightly. thats my take on it. Not that the moon is hot

Not that the moon is hot

the temperature on the surface of the moon hit by the sun can reach over 250°F

Some think these make the moon look holographic, but I think the moon is hollow, and that vibration is like when you ring a bell and the surface vibrates. NASA states that when they landed on the moon it rang like a bell!

I think you're talking that a good ways out of context.

Since they're talking about seismic activity it reads as if he's referring to long, continued vibrations and shaking. Something like a handbell or even the vibrations felt after striking a bell.

That doesn't necessarily mean it's hollow, just that he was describing the very long time frames of the tremors.

way to take what they said out of context. seismic activity needs shifting plates. considering NASA previous statements about the moon, I think "rang like a bell" has a literal connotation.

Really? I read an in depth explanation on how this "wave" anomaly was caused by the camera. I'll have to dig for the post.

Sure it is a good explanation but that doesn't mean that single comment discredits the entire thing, and what helps back my thought up is the comment below it blindly accepts it so quickly https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/26sby2/hologram_visual_wave_covering_the_moon/chuegx9/

If the equipment causes the phenomenon, why does the 'wave' go out of shot in one video that pans out of frame, then reappear in the frame without having changed speed or angle?

I don't see how this detail is compatible with that guy's explanation.


that's also explained.

He rotated the camera with respect to the 'field' and corrected the image with editing software or a field rotation prism in the telescope

You are probably right on and in one of his videos he says he done exactly as you say, rotating the camera then turning the image back right with editing software.

I'm unconvinced.

How does field rotation correlate with a phenomenon that appears to track across the visible moon both before and after the field of view pans?

If you feel field rotation is enough then perhaps you can break down how it caused the specific observed effect even after the pan, addressing each of these points:

  1. The telescope captures a "wave" apparently between the moon and the telescope lens propagating at a constant speed and direction.
  2. The telescope is panned such that the "wave" is out of the visible frame.
  3. The "wave" catches up with the visible frame, re-entering from the bottom edge where we would expect it to be if the camera had not panned, and then continues at the same constant speed and direction until reaching the top edge of the moon.

Because it is fraud by Crow77. Make your own observations and you will never see one.

I thought a chap in Germany had independently verified his observation?

This is a relatively new phenomenon. I'm open-minded about waiting for more evidence. I'm not saying it's real, but to say outright that it's a fraud is a conclusion without evidence too.

Millions of astronomers over thousands of years and the first dude to observe this is a flat earther?

Gimme a break. Obvious fraud.

It doesn't matter what he believes. The video evidence stands on its own, until it is properly debunked. His personal views don't change the footage, and trying to discredit that evidence just because you disagree with him on other things is pretty closed minded.

Do you really think that after thousands of years of observations only Crow77 has ever observed this phenomenon?

Dude, think.

I'm not saying you're wrong. You could be right.

Where is it implied or suggested that this phenomenon is "thousands of years old?" For all we know this was first observed in the last few years because that's when it started.

What evidence do you have for a fraud, other than an absence of evidence for it being a real phenomenon? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I'm not suggesting anything, just pointing out what we can all see on the video. If you can explain how to achieve these effects within the constraints and also explain how a third party independently observed them from a different location, with separate evidence for it, then we can call it debunked and carry on with our lives.

sorry but that's not the same effect. your example shows the entire image effected. like when you take a pic when your phone vibrates. the moon wave is completely different bc the entire photo doesnt vibrate. there is clearly a wave anomaly that is happening on the moon. the wave on moves across the surface. it pulses and is not constant as your effect describes. space above it not effected. its a sweeping wave that moves consistently across the surface and wraps the curvature of the moon.

That's not an explination. I've never heard about this stuff until today, but if you watch this video about a third of the way through it he shows how the camera will pan and the wave will not pan with it, which clearly shows it's something external to the device.

The only explination that makes any sense in light of that information is that it's atmospheric.

Or Fraud. That would explain it. It would also explain why no one else has observed.

Following Occam's razor, it's much more likely to be atmospheric.

This video was shared with the fine people studying atmospheric optics over at /r/atoptics and their opinion was that the video was fraud. No one else observes this phenomenon.

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Ah interesting, I thought you meant fraud as in the moon is a fraud. He claims some of the videos are from other people but who knows if that's true

It is t true. No one else observes this phenomenon.

Good to know, thanks!

WTF Clouds behind our Sun and Moon ?


Argument for a locality. These kind of pics cast doubt on their actual distance... This is part of how I startd to wonder if things are different than our education teaches us.

stfu. no one cares to entertain your flat earth idea

The moon is an astral body. And we are dreaming. Our Physical reality is built with a template that reflects our state of what we call dreaming. So in a sense everything is from that template and it's product though it seems solid, is actually the dream manifest.

Especially light bodies in space. These bodies receive influx of energy to maintain their form. Just like we do. Only we don't analyze how our own energy field ripples. It does, just like the moon's energy field. It's template reality.

Ok so if we're dreaming, what and where are our real bodies that are currently sleeping?

Hmm, let me try to be as clear as possible. The body you are in now is actually a physical projection from a different state, ..though it's not so much a state as it is a different area of our consciousness. The only difference between your waking and dreaming self is that while waking we separate from that area of dreaming. And in doing so project a dream reality apart from it.

The key to understanding our planets and moons and space in general is that it is a reflection of our focus. As we are projecting into this dream we agree on a focus. A template. A model. And this 'entering into' as a focus here, during that the entering the focus adopts the model and projects it as a reality.

So when most think of planets having an effect on us, or that they were the results of God's or scientific Theories... that is the complete opposite of what is actually happening. The human consciousness is reflecting itself as a layered reality. Dense physical waking self in one area, and then light astral body dreaming self, or space, as another layer of consciousness.

well said.

So who or what are other people? If their real, why doesn't their dream focus affect my dream too?

It does. We all ripple out. Everything we do or believe , our thoughts, mental energy travels invisibly all around us, and we are in a sense biological antennae receiving it, and projecting it.

Collectively we agree on what objects and forms will hold all the energy constantly overflowing from each person in this reality. The Sun is powered by us ,by our energy. The moon itself is a symbol of night, of dreams. we all agree on what we dream together, and the forms this will take.

Other people are their own consciousness. You or I are individual. You talking to me is your creation. Me talking to you is my creation. We each create our reality, but we cooperate. Just like we are doing. Only we also cooperate in ways we take for granted. Like we agree to agree there is a sun over our head and a moon trailing behind it. It's automatic, the stuff we take for granted is an automatic agreement.

what in the actual fuck !
its like someone turned V-sync off on the moon lol, on a serious note though, any scientific explanation / debunking to this ?

ive looked and i cant find any scientific article even mentioning it.

Where else have you seen a "hologram refresh" , what makes you believe that?

Why do you believe that "camera artifacts" can be debunked, but not that it being a hologram be debunked, because that has been debunked a thousand times over

Could those waves be something closer, a part of our atmosphere?

They are cool, though.

Is there footage of said anomaly taken from space?

Not, being a dick, but can you provide link for debunks, curious.

Why could this video not be faked, just like NASA faking theirs?

And no, it's not the camera or an artifact, that's been debunked multiple times.

I'm gonna go with the explanation that it's definitely either the camera or an artifact.

My god that is terrifying. I got actual chills watching that, and the feeling that I...shouldn't have been seeing it. Like something out of Lovecraft. Never even heard of this before either, thanks man

Those are fraudulent. Observe the moon with your own equipment and you will never see one.

I don't believe this enormous 'tower' photographed by the Soviets in 1965 was ever explained https://www.reddit.com/r/UnexplainedPhotos/comments/47upry/the_mysterious_tower_on_the_far_side_of_the_moon/

Is it a glimpse into the far side of the moon?

the far side of the moon would, in fact, be the face of the sun. I believe they would align perfectly.

That's not right

Check out "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth...". It's available on Netflix.

I can't help but wonder if it's a property marker, much like these....


Nah.. I was expecting for Gobekli Tepe..

Suggest it for the next one!

Better yet, compile some info and make your own post! I think a more general "anomalous ancient sites" topic would be a great future round table. For example, here's some stuff I found out about Puma Punku, an amazing site in Bolivia.

tbh, the civilizations associated with these sites and the origin of the moon might be more related that you might think (we're supposed to be going high octane, right?).

After all, Aristotle wrote of an ancient people called the "Proselenes" who lived in Arcadia and who were said, by the very nature of their name, to have lived "before there was a moon in the sky".

Some writers (ie the authors of Who Built the Moon?) think future humanity literally went back in time to put the moon there.

Is it possible that because of the sheer size of everything, that there is a "zone" in which the moon could reside to give us the same eclipse effect? I've heard astronomers describe it like if the moon were 100 miles nearer or further it wouldn't give the same effect.

No, it would have to be much much more than 100 miles. 100 miles is nothing.

Also the moon doesn't stay the same distance all around the earth, just as the earth isn't always the same distance from the sun. During a perfect solar eclipse, the moon doesn't quite cover the whole sun as we still see a kind of halo around the moon. If they were the exact same size in the sky we wouldn't get that.

The moon doesn't orbit in a perfect circle around the earth. Sometimes it's closer, some times it's further away. In fact, the difference between the closest and farthest points is about 30,000 miles.

This does have an appreciable effect on how big the moon appears, and can even make it appear noticeably smaller than the sun. An annular eclipse is when the moon eclipses the sun, but is close to the far point in its orbit. This makes the moon smaller than the sun in the sky, allowing a ring of sunlight to pass around the moon (this ring is called an annulus).

Why are we trusting science fiction writers to put something in the "best" way about a real celestial body?

In the 1970's, two Soviet scientists proposed an alternative theory: Earth's moon may be a hollowed out spaceship.

How does that explain it's density?

The moon is less dense than earth, which actually supports the hollow moon theory.

If the moon was formed by material ejected from the earth in a collision, then that material would have come from the crust of the earth, not the earth's denser core. The collision formation theories are most accepted, but vary from what objects collided with the earth to form the moon.

Seismometers placed on the moon in the 1970's, though, recorded the moon "ringing like a bell."
By this time we'd landed on the darn thing and still weren't convinced the moon was solid.

Of course, the argument can be made that a society sophisticated enough to craft a moon sized space station could sufficiently camouflage it to fool the primitives who live on the host planet.

The moon is less dense than earth, which actually supports the hollow moon theory.

How? If it were hollow, how could it have a density of 3.34 g/cm3 ?

If the moon was formed by material ejected from the earth in a collision, then that material would have come from the crust of the earth, not the earth's denser core. The collision formation theories are most accepted, but vary from what objects collided with the earth to form the moon.


Seismometers placed on the moon in the 1970's, though, recorded the moon "ringing like a bell." By this time we'd landed on the darn thing and still weren't convinced the moon was solid.

The reason it 'rings like a bell' is because it's composed of more solid, rigid materials, unlike the Earth, which is composed of materials that have far more moisture. Not because the moon is hollow.

Of course, the argument can be made that a society sophisticated enough to craft a moon sized space station could sufficiently camouflage it to fool the primitives who live on the host planet.

Certainly, but that could be said about literally anything around us.

Dude, I am not a physicist. I got that from Wikipedia.

After reading some of the material linked, I gather the difference in density between the earth and the moon despite them being made up of the same material as the earth (theoretically, same materials would have the same density) tends to support the theory that the moon is hollow in the center.

But, if the moon was formed from less dense crust or mantle material and not the more dense iron that makes up the core of the earth, that could account for the difference in density. Rather than a compact planet with a solid core surrounded by spinning molten metal, the moon is a loose collection of dust and debris held together by loose gravitational bonds making it less dense than earth.

Doesn't make it hollow. Makes it less dense. I'm not arguing the moon is hollow. I'm just sharing information about the theory.

It's possible that all planets are hollow.

Check out the book Hollow Planets by Jan Lamprecht, it's pretty stunning actually.

I second this. I watched a presentation of his a few years back, thinking that it'd just be some more hollow earth ridiculousness. I did not expect to be convinced, but it was solid, well reasoned, and not full of the esoteric imaginative gibberish that most hollow earth stuff has.

yeah, i researched hollow theory quite a bit and did a presentation on it for my chemistry class for a pseudoscience assignment. it actually stirred my curiosity on to look into other "conspiracies." my conclusion is that until we have the technology to dig past our crust, we'd have to rely on assumptions given through how the seismic data is interpreated

I'm reading this after I finish my current book, pretty excited for it haha

After reading some of the material linked, I gather the difference in density between the earth and the moon despite them being made up of the same material as the earth (theoretically, same materials would have the same density) tends to support the theory that the moon is hollow in the center.

Here is a more scientific analysis of what the moon is made of (pdf warning):


non-pdf: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/281/5382/1476.full

But, if the moon was formed from less dense crust or mantle material and not the more dense iron that makes up the core of the earth, that could account for the difference in density. Rather than a compact planet with a solid core surrounded by spinning molten metal, the moon is a loose collection of dust and debris held together by loose gravitational bonds making it less dense than earth.

There is a good quora article about it, but keep in mind that primary sources are far better, but less accessible:


Doesn't make it hollow. Makes it less dense. I'm not arguing the moon is hollow. I'm just sharing information about the theory.

Fair enough, but there are people who actually perpetuate the nonsense that it is hollow.

"but there are people who actually perpetuate the nonsense that it is hollow."

Thought we were discussing "theories" here? In discussing the theory we need to look at the origin of the theory and what information supports that theory. Then analyze it, talk about how or why people may use it to support their belief.

I know what the moon is made of. I can Google scientific papers all day long. That's not what I want to do. I want to find new rabbit holes to run down and look at the origins of some of these more "nonsensical" theories.

But no. You come in here all Logical and link all your "peer reviewed" research from accredited publications.


Thanks. You've ruined this for me.

Thought we were discussing "theories" here? In discussing the theory we need to look at the origin of the theory and what information supports that theory. Then analyze it, talk about how or why people may use it to support their belief.

There is no evidence that supports the moon being hollow, that is my point.

I know what the moon is made of. I can Google scientific papers all day long. That's not what I want to do. I want to find new rabbit holes to run down and look at the origins of some of these more "nonsensical" theories.

Again, that's fine, just don't pretend they are legitimate.

Thanks. You've ruined this for me.

Good, people need to spread actual knowledge rather than nonsense, otherwise we'll keep coming closer to a modern version of the Dark Ages ...

During the Dark Ages they burned people as witches because they believed the earth circled the sun and not the other way around.

It was literally a period in history where discussing science, alternative theories of evolution, cosmology and mathematics could get you killed. New ideas, new belief systems were harshly and violently suppressed. If anything is dragging us back to the Dark Ages, it's people like you who refuse to even discuss a different point of view.

During the Dark Ages they burned people as witches because they believed the earth circled the sun and not the other way around.

Yup, and people today are still stoned to death, and there were death camps in the 1990s ... we're not so far from history.

It was literally a period in history where discussing science, alternative theories of evolution, cosmology and mathematics could get you killed. New ideas, new belief systems were harshly and violently suppressed. If anything is dragging us back to the Dark Ages, it's people like you who refuse to even discuss a different point of view.

A completely discounted, illogical and nonsensical point of view. It's this kind of 'science sliding' that leads to the coal lobby and other anti-scientific scam artists to hold so much power, they take advantage of people who just want to "discuss a different point of view" and allow it to grow into a powerful minority which ultimately profits only a select few ...

Ohhh, son, that's a big leap to suggest discussing reasons why people might believe the moon is hollow will lead to an unregulated coal industry.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think you stuck the landing there.

He's a troll, ignore his disinfo because he is here to kill the conversation, he's moving goalposts and acting like a cocky moron while only addressing his own strawman points. He is clearly the least intellectual person here and it shows.

Ohhh, son, that's a big leap to suggest discussing reasons why people might believe the moon is hollow will lead to an unregulated coal industry.

I think both prey on the same types of mindset.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think you stuck the landing there.

Certainly a stretch, but I do believe there is a significant 'trickle-down' effect when it comes to believing things for which there is no evidence.

If we continued to simply accept what is known and proven, there's no impetus to discover new things.

Liiiiike, alternative fuels that might replace coal and other polluting fossil fuels.

If we continued to simply accept what is known and proven, there's no impetus to discover new things.

I'm not saying that we should only accept what is known and proven, I'm saying that once a theory has reached a point that there is zero evidence to support it and there are mountains of evidence against it, then it should be treated as such.

Hold on. Are you seriously comparing the hollow moon and other "out there" conspiracy theories to global warming skepticism?


The reason it 'rings like a bell' is because it's composed of more solid, rigid materials, unlike the Earth, which is composed of materials that have far more moisture

You seem pretty certain of that, would you mind explaining where you get that from? Because the moon ringing is established fact. The composition would be based on a handful of moon rocks brought back. One seems far more reliable than the other. Don't take this as a personal attack but it sounds like you aren't willing to entertain the idea the moon is hollow despite compelling evidence that it is.

You seem pretty certain of that, would you mind explaining where you get that from? Because the moon ringing is established fact. The composition would be based on a handful of moon rocks brought back. One seems far more reliable than the other. Don't take this as a personal attack but it sounds like you aren't willing to entertain the idea the moon is hollow despite compelling evidence that it is.

The moon ringing is actually proof that it isn't hollow:



That's no moon...

Astronomer Tom Van Flandern and others have argued that there used to be a large planet between Jupiter and Mars (where the asteroid belt is today).

Mainstream science doesn't entertain this possibility because there isn't a natural mechanism for the literal "explosion" of an entire planet.

Van Flandern, undeterred, traced back the paths of scores of comets in our solar system, and discovered that many converged at the same time, and at the same location, at two points in the history of our solar system, with the most recent being approximately 2 million years ago.

Other writers like Joseph P. Farrell (in his book The Cosmic War) offer a technological explanation for this major event, namely that this large, potentially earth-like object was deliberately destroyed, and even more hypothetically by a weaponized moon in our solar system.

Van Flandern took it even further by speculating that "the origin of the human species may well have been on the planet Mars, which he believed was once a moon of a now-exploded "Planet V"."

In support of this theory, some ancient cultures have lore that tells of ancient humans originating on Mars.

If this interests anybody, I highly recommend reading Dark Matter, Missing Planets & New Comets by the late Van Flandern. He has an entirely new approach to gravity that honestly is quite stunning in its simplicity and implications.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing, but I somehow doubt it will.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing, but I somehow doubt it will.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing, but I somehow doubt it will.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing, but I somehow doubt it will.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing, but I somehow doubt it will.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing.

Or is there no solar system and universe, and is earth not that old? You are supporting the heliocentric and rotating, globe-earth system which may be completely false.

Now that's a possibility mainstream science really doesn't entertain, yet would be fascinating if true. And the possibility is certainly there to keep something like that hidden, since the 'powers' in charge now have been in charge since the advent of rockets.

I personally don't like having to rely on NASA for my view of the heavens. We will see if civilian space travel ever becomes a thing.

Glad to see someone mentioning Van Flandern. Also important to mention that he hypothesized that planets & moons are "born" out of a fission process:


This is the only theory I'm aware of that really makes sense with Velikovsky's conclusion that Venus was ejected from Jupiter (the red spot).

I find this CIA experiment with Ingo Swann to be interesting and relevant:

The CIA would use psychics to focus on and describe a time and location inside a sealed envelope. They tried to trick a psychic by making the location Mars and the time a Million years ago. This is the result. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf

The Mars coordinates the CIA psychic was asked to focus on (in the newly declassified reports) are less than 10km away from "The Face on Mars", and Google Mars has a strange chatbot there.

The Mars coordinates the psychic is first asked to focus on are 40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west.

Here is what it looks like on Google Earth (Mars): http://imgur.com/a/TL4m9

The mountain there is the famous "Face on Mars": https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast24may_1/

Google has an easter-egg chatbot there on the mountain (called MELIZA): http://googlesystem.blogspot.ch/2009/02/chat-with-martian-in-google-earth-5.html

More CIA docs on psychics:

An Experiment into the Psychic Magnification Effect: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1.pdf

An Experimental Psychic Probe of the Planet Jupiter: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/NSA-RDP96X00790R000100040010-3.pdf

Research in Human Paranormal Capabilities: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8.pdf

An Assessment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00791R000200070001-9.pdf

A dossier discussing Project GRILL FLAME. Which is described as "a planned three year joint program which is in its first year between DIA and Army to investigate in detail certain paranormal phenomenon, such as, remote viewing and psychokinesis that have potential military applications.": https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001100210002-6.pdf

It was Joe McMoneagle. Ingo Swann did right an amazing book (That you can find for free online as a pdf) called 'Penetration' In which he remote viewed the dark side of the moon. And what he found was amazing. He also talks about the strange but proven facts of the moon such as how it has an atmosphere, Wind, Greenery, Water, ect.

If you guys are interested in this stuff please check out my sub r/projectstargate

I also have a video interview posted of McMoneagle talking about that "Trip" to mars.

What do you mean by

strange but proven facts of the moon such as how it has an atmosphere, Wind, Greenery, Water,

I have a pretty damn good telescope, and I can tell you for a fact there is not 'greenery' on the moon.

But not the other half of the moon.

So you think there are green (read about chlorophyll) plants on the dark side of the moon? You understand why that wouldn't make sense, right?

Huh. Fair point. Now can you suggest any reason why only the side we can't see would have vegetation?

Well, that's probably pretty unlikely. It has been shown that our moon has a trace atmosphere, iirc from impacts and outgassing, but it's pretty close to a vacuum. There is ice on the moon, and a trace of water vapor, and the moon is capable of holding a breathable atmosphere for (I think) thousands or tens of thousands of years. And there are Apollo images that look like liquid water, and are kind of tough to explain away, but I would bet they are something else like impact glass or some other substance. The moon is a trippy place.

But do I think the other side has air and vegetation? No.

I just like to pipe up when someone is thinkng the moon has a perpetually night side. Space is so freaky and counter-intuitive that I don't judge ignorance or superstition or conspiracy theories.

I just like to pipe up when someone is thinkng the moon has a perpetually night side

Yes, this was a pretty stupid assumption on my part. I can easily model it in my mind and see why it isn't the case. I just always took the name at face value I guess. It was an interesting lesson in my own ignorance.

Pink Floyd didn't help much. ;)

Apollo? We never went to the moon

Ha ha looks like fun

Supposedly pretty crappy, but I like the idea.

I don't think so, but no one from earth's perspective ever sees the dark side of the moon.

Those are indeed strange facts. Since most think the moon is a dead/natural satellite.

But all of those things listed have been proven as fact. Most back in the 70s. But you see them crop through the news now and again as they are "rediscovered"

But all of those things listed have been proven as fact. Most back in the 70s.

Any sources? Proven facts are documented.

Sure. I will only use new sources found from Google. But if you read his book, you will find many more sources from years ago.

Atmosphere: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LADEE/news/lunar-atmosphere.html

Proof of atmosphere, means proof of Wind.

Greenery: I can't find anything on Google. Please read the book for that one.

Water: http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/832872/alien-WATER-discovery-moon-colonisation-nasa-space

There are many more strange, yet provable occurrences on the moon as well.

um, can you show me any of those 4 things?

Sure. I will only use new sources found from Google. But if you read his book, you will find many more sources from years ago.

Atmosphere: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LADEE/news/lunar-atmosphere.html

Proof of atmosphere, means proof of Wind.

Greenery: I can't find anything on Google. Please read the book for that one.

Water: http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/832872/alien-WATER-discovery-moon-colonisation-nasa-space

There are many more strange, yet provable occurrences on the moon as well.

Uh I'm reading the book and so far all I can find is that he's citing other books, namely

Jessup, Morris K. (1957). The Expanding Case for the UFO. New York: Citadel Press


Strange World of the Moon - 1962 (by VA Firsoff)

Neither of these are in print.

Swann refers to Firsoff as a top scientist and authority on the moon. This seems to a be a pretty strong embellishment base on what can be found about the man.

MK Jessup is a better known ufologist who was at one point a PhD candidate but it's not clear that he ever finished his degree or worked in science in any capacity after that point.

I'd say this is a pretty weak source overall.

The Mars/Jupiter papers are both great. Page 6 of the Jupiter paper discusses solar & planetary fission... something I hadn't heard of outside of Van Flandern. Thanks!

Thank you very kindly for this information. Wonderful rabbit hole to delve into. And thanks for making sticky threads on topics that are considered as "fringe" as this one. Very refreshing to see on this sub.

You said it brother

It could have been destroyed by a gamma ray burst or perhaps an extremely temporary collisiom with strange matter that caused its annihilation.

Literally the plot of "Inherit the Stars", ca 1977.


Isn't it established that a planet was supposed to be there but Jupiter's gravity kinda prevented the accretion?

Quick wikipedia:

The asteroid belt formed from the primordial solar nebula as a group of planetesimals.[7] Planetesimals are the smaller precursors of the protoplanets. Between Mars and Jupiter, however, gravitational perturbations from Jupiter imbued the protoplanets with too much orbital energy for them to accrete into a planet.[7][8] Collisions became too violent, and instead of fusing together, the planetesimals and most of the protoplanets shattered. As a result, 99.9% of the asteroid belt's original mass was lost in the first 100 million years of the Solar System's history.


The Hollow Phobos Hypothesis has significant evidence to back it up, which is a problem because, paraphrasing Carl Sagan, there isn't an accepted natural explanation for a hollow planetoid.

The Phobos Monolith is also the subject of significant speculation.

There has also been a curious history of failing equipment each time we get close to this enigmatic moon...


hmm.. couldnt find the equiptment failing part, but in the wiki said:

The density of Phobos has now been directly measured by spacecraft to be 1.887 g/cm3.[57] Current observations are consistent with Phobos being a rubble pile.[57] In addition, images obtained by the Viking probes in the 1970s clearly showed a natural object, not an artificial one.


The ancient time on Earth without a Moon.. A Moon either being brought here or built here (by an advance Creator(s)) could explain the Great Deluge and the numerous underground dwellings and cities, among the other anomalies of the moon (ie size ratio to Earth, and the pefectness of all proportions - not to far, not to close - just right distance to the sun, etc etc).

I have a wacky thought that maybe the souls of Humans (who do not ascend) pass through the hollow Moon, and those who do ascend pass through the Hollow Earth. Hence why they call people "lunatics" and why people act freaky during a full moon in the night (ie. the freaks come out at night).

Thank you for this. A very interesting read, like most of your posts and the links you share. Thanks for being a light in the darkness!

Is this the round table? Or is this the announcement for round table coming?

This is the round table.

Sweet. I'll be checking in on this one. I hope it's a hallowed out space ship. That's crazy cool.

Spoiler Alert: It is ;)

You may fire when ready.

actually the table is a sphere

I was always curious as to why we could see the blue sky through the Moon. Almost as if it's semi-transparent.

It is too a coincidence we never see the 'dark side of the Moon'

As it's a coincidence both the Sun, and Moon appear the same size during an eclipse despite the Sun being 400x larger, and 400x farther away.

Money, Us and Them, Brain Damage, Eclipse.

I wonder what inspired Pink Floyd to write Dark Side of the Moon?

Why wouldn't you see blue sky? You don't see it through the moon so much as you see the bright part of the moon reflecting sunlight through the blue sky.

Having said that, it is interesting that the moon ans sun appear almost the same size in the sky.

It is too a coincidence we never see the 'dark side of the Moon'

It's the inevitable result of gravity.

If you nudged the moon and made it spin a bit faster, it would eventually go back to how it is now.

Why don't planets stop spinning then, as they are like moons to the sun?

Do other planets moons not rotate?

I was always curious as to why we could see the blue sky through the Moon

You don't see the blue sky through the Moon, you see the Moon through the blue sky.

Imagine a crescent moon at night. The dark side of it appears black, much like the space surrounding it. Now imagine the same crescent moon during the day, the "dark" side appears blue, much like the space surrounding it.

Also, if it were semi-transparent, then how do you explain Earthshine?

you can see the dark side of the moon during the day (or at night) with a telescope. its not transparent. the sky is blue and you see the bright moon through the sky not the blue sky through the moon.

The moon fits perfectly into the sun. How could that be? Very simple, the thinking about the moon needs to change, stop assuming it is a giant rock, planet, or whatever. Think of it as 'the back of the sun' or a projection created by the sun. They are, in fact, the same entity, but that doesn't mean the moon doesn't have unique properties, such as the ability to cool objects exposed to moonlight. It is not a "place" you can visit, but the sun itself reflected, somehow.

lol what? just what? the moon doesn't cool objects in its light. what? the sun and the moon are not the same thing. you can see them both in the same sky at the same time. what kind of primitive thinking are you using here?

Well since Nasa mostly exists to deceive, I think we should really be discussing what the moon and sun really are if they are not what we have always grown up believing.

And on the same subject, where do the rockets we launch really go and what are they really studying? No rocket launch has ever benefit the public in any fashion whatsoever.

Is the sun only a few hundred miles up? That is certainly in range of these rockets - maybe that's what they are headed to study? Same with the moon?

How do you go forward and live life knowing you might never be able to know some of these things?

The easy answer is to just blindly accept what we've been told, but there are way too many oddities. Nasa doesn't do science, they just do press releases and "tell" us what they've "found" or what they are doing. 99% of their pictures, including every picture of earth's curvature, all the pictures of saturn and other planets etc, looks like a photoshop job. We know CGI can fake anything now, just look at the movie Gravity. Everybody believes the earth is a sphere, yet no one has ever seen it unless you trust those in the hands of the guys that control everything. On that subject, what does SpaceX know?

One of the most interesting conspiracies by far is that the earth is not the rotating, floating globe we have always been taught.

What on earth is it then? Where do we really live, if not this endless black void of space? It is unfortunately very tough to find good information on this subject, and deniers are ridiculed, hallmarks of any real conspiracy.

If earth not a globe, all the alien crap can go out the window (just look at the articles all over the media today about NASA looking for an alien defense person), and it explains why there has been no true venture into space ever. Star Wars, Star Trek, most science fiction is barking down the wrong tree if earth not a globe.

Where are we?

The earth is flat.

Wake up sheople

Before It Was Brought Here. The Earth Without The Moon:


When the Earth was Moonless:


That's cool I didn't know the thing about the moon meteorites. Thanks

There's a lot more interesting things about the moon's dimensions as well, much of which was known by ancient monument builders who made the pyramids at Giza as well as Stonehenge and many other sites.

For example, the ratio of the Earth's diameter to the Moon's diameter is 11:3, or 7920:2160 miles. This ratio produces a phenomenon known to ancient geometers as squaring the circle. If you made a circle with a radius of the Earth's radius, plus the moon's radius, then that circle would have the same perimeter as a square drawn around the Earth:


Basically, if the Moon were touching the Earth, then you could draw a circle with it's center at the center of the Earth, and it's edge passing through the center of the Moon, and that circle would have the same length around it's edge as a square perfectly enclosing the Earth. This relationship is illustrated in the great pyramid at Giza in the ratio of its height to its square base, and in the concentric rings at Stonehenge.

This relationship would not be there if either the Earth or the Moon were a little bit bigger or smaller, and is even more amazing when you realize the significance of measuring these dimensions in miles. The ancient approximation of pi≈11/7 is reflected in the radius of this large circle encompassing the Earth and the Moon with radius 5040 miles, or 7! (7x6x5x4x3x2x1) and the diameter of the Earth (or one side of the square) with length 7920 miles, or 11!/7! (11x10x9x8). So whoever came up with the measurement of the mile clearly had this relationship in mind.

There's even more significance when you start to look deeper into the cosmic patterns of the universe, but the moon is just the start. Our ancient ancestors who designed not only the length of the mile, but also the foot, meter and cubit had these cosmic dimensions and ratios as their basis, as explained so well by Alan Greene, who recently did an AMA. True, the moon is amazing, but once you start to study the deeper patterns in the cosmos and the sacred geometry all around us in nature, it becomes clear that the moon is simply one of many amazing "coincidences" of proportion that seem too perfect not to be designed. My personal feeling is that the underlying structure of our universe itself is beautiful, fractal harmonic relationships, and as a result, everything in the manifest world reflects that.

Whoever built the pyramids had a clear understanding of the size of the earth, the moon and the sun. But what is astounding to me is that the sun, the earth and the moon are all so perfectly balanced. Why did these ancient cultures know the shape and size of these celestial bodies thousands of years ago? And WHY do the Earth, Sun, Moon and other planets have these perfect mathematical relationships?

Considering the moon is the ONLY moon that is perfectly round, faces its planet with the same side always, and is the PERFECT distance and size from the earth to eclipse the sun, it seems like the moon is the most likely candidate for an artificial satellite. But it still blows my mind as to HOW and WHY??

That there are harmonious mathematical relationships between many of the other planets as well. Here's the astounding relationship between Earth and Venus.

And here's another video that shows the relationships between all the other planets in the solar system.

Whoever built the pyramids had a clear understanding of the size of the earth and the moon.

That's not proof they understood the size of the Earth and Moon, just that they were able to produce a pyramid with a set of dimensions that squared the circle. The Earth and Moon do the same "coincidentally", but someone on Earth could figure out those proportions and admire their mathematically elegance on their own without ever looking up at the sky.

The dimensions of the Giza pyramid correspond dimensions of our planet at a scale of 1 to 432,000. The sun has a radius of 432,000 miles.

original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet

481.3949 feet * 432,000 = 207,962,596.8 feet = 3,938.685 miles

3,938.685 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 11 miles, or an error of about 0.2%)

approximate diameter of the sun = 864,000 miles 432 * 2 = 864

approximate diameter of moon = 2,160 miles 432 / 2 = 216

With all this in mind, I suspect that they understood exactly how big the earth, the sun, and the moon were.

original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet

A) how the hell would you know the original height to such a specific degree and B) I find no source saying it was that height, it just seems to be convenient to your next equation rather than a representation that's accurate. According to wikipedia it was 480.6 ft.

Did they use miles and feet at this time? I like your theory but i wonder if this would still work in the measuring units of their time.

This is a sadly underrated critique.

no they used cubits

They used cubits and other things I can't remember the names of... furlongs? Idk, but the thing is, the units weren't standardized; like a master mason might have his set of measuring sticks, passed down from his father who he apprenticed under, and maybe even his grandfather etc, but his would be slightly different than another masons tools although they would both measure a cubit. It wouldn't really matter, as long as they stick with one per structure so it has unified units of measurement throughout; it would be a pain in the ass to renovate a building you didn't originally build though... Anyways, my point is that it would be damn near impossible to align structures to true north or whatever down to the last micrometer like people insinuate when they talk about these things when everyone is essentially using a unique measurement unit, I'd assume that they're pretty damn close but not perfect.

the distance of 1 KM is still the same amount of distance if measured in Miles, but the numbers are different because each unit of measurement is in comparison to a control. Every measurement is just measuring the variance from the original control object.

The dimensions of the Giza pyramid correspond to dimensions of our planet and the moon at a scale of 1 to 432,000. The sun has a radius of 432,000 miles.

How does the pyramid correspond to the the Earth and the Moon at the same scale? It doesn't.

original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet

Best idea for the original height is 480.6 feet or 280 Egyptian cubits

480.6 * 432,000 = 207619200 = 39321.8181818 miles

3,938.685 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 11 miles, or an error of about 0.2%)

39321.8181818 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 35372 miles or an error of about 90%) you'll probably have to add some crap about ratios or factors in there.

You might as well use the real numbers

Fun fact / Maybe we're going too far : the A note used to be 432 hertz before we set it up to 440 relatively recently

Aliens, aliens gave humans that knowledge. Also possibly fallen angels enamored with human women.

Yeah...a satellite. Arabs before being Muslims were venerating the Moon...see 3/4 of muslim countries featuring quarter moons.

So you're saying there was a a satellite of the moon in the 7th century?

Considering the moon is the ONLY moon that is perfectly round, faces its planet with the same side always,

Both of those statements are wrong. There are plenty of perfectly spherical moons in the solar systems, name just about any moon of a jovian planet and its likely to be spherical. Also, Pluto and Charon are tidally locked (which is the term for when a moon orbits at the same speed of its rotation so one side is constantly facing the planet) to one another. I think there are a few other cases of tidal locking in the solar system as well.

This is an interesting relationship that I hadn't seen before. It's interesting except for one small detail. Pi is approximated as 22/7, not 11/7. 22/7 ≈ 3.1428...

I realized that right after I made the post, thank you, it's 22/7.

Funny how some people put effort into finding patterns between numbers everywhere, yet don't put any effort into remembering (or even checking) for arguably the most know value of all, Pi. Says a lot about what their true aim is.

Maybe if one would invest more time into understanding and less time into explaining, the world would be a better place.


I love this subject! There is a whole bunch of anomalies with the moon from its density, its size, its position, its gravity. The moon isn't naturally occurring as far as I'm convinced and is a construct. I suggest people read 'Who built the moon' by Christopher Knight if you want a more in depth elaboration :)

I love this subject! There is a whole bunch of anomalies with the moon from its density, its size, its position, its gravity. The moon isn't naturally occurring as far as I'm convinced and is a construct. I suggest people read 'Who built the moon' by Christopher Knight if you want a more in depth elaboration :)

I love this subject! There is a whole bunch of anomalies with the moon from its density, its size, its position, its gravity. The moon isn't naturally occurring as far as I'm convinced and is a construct. I suggest people read 'Who built the moon' by Christopher Knight if you want a more in depth elaboration :)

If people are interested in the moon not being legit (I'm convinced it is naturally occurring and is a construct) I suggest reading 'Who built the moon' by Christopher Knight :).

One thing I often wondered about was the difference between the Earth's 24hr day and our biological 25hr clock (put people in a room containing no natural light nor clocks, and they will naturally have 25hr sleep/wake cycles.) What if some time ago the earth had a 25hr day, and some astronomical event slowed it down. That would explain why our clock is off. But when did it happen, and was the moon involved?

and some astronomical event slowed it down

Which would happen when the earth has grown since.

That's a lot of growth. If that's your theory, where'd it come from?

Not really my theory, just a thought I love to entertain, simply for the beauty of it (the continent coasts don't only fit where the Atlantic is, but also where the pacific is). "Expanding Earth" gives nice search results on YouTube, and it seems to overlap here and there with "Electric Universe"/"Plasma Universe" approaches to cosmology. Interesting trivia: it precedes Wegeners plate tectonics theory by almost a century :)

The Earth spun faster in the past.

Is that the prevailing theory in cosmology? Is it just the assumed natural evolution of the solar system? i.e. What would happen if nothing dramatic occured astronomically to affect the earth's motion? Or, is there evidence of this rate of rotation decreasing?

Anyhow, it doesn't explain the biological clock.

Or, is there evidence of this rate of rotation decreasing?

Yes, we've measured it decreasing

unfortunately for that theory, the old days were shorter.
length of the day is increasing over time. hence the leap seconds.

my internal clock goes on 36hs, but neither my wife nor my boss want me to sleep 12hs longer each day ;-)

Length is increasing over time, perhaps, but that ignores my suggestion that an astronomical event dramatically decreased at some time in the past.

The cardiac cadence/circadian rhythm and biological clock conform almost precisely to the Martian day.

Dun dun dun

Or maybe humans are originally from another planet that has 25 hour day and has much better ecosystem for humans. Who knows maybe Atlantis or Garden of Eden are not places or cities on Earth in the past but actual Planets in our Galaxy or beyond...

It seems as though newer studies put it back closer to 24 hours:


interesting thanks!

Love this song.

Electric universe theory

I love space related conspiracy. Great topic.

If the big bang theory is true, everything must have collided at some point.

The Moon is an artificial object that was flown to it's current location.

Go on

hahah like really go on.

I can elaborate on this. The moon's distance and size relative to the earth is almost too coincidental to be naturally occurring. There is a fair amount of evidence to suggest the moon is either hollow or severely honeycombed. There are records in some extremely ancient cultures of certain peoples being around 'before the moon'. There is no theory for the formation of the moon that makes sense, the impact theory is something championed by most people but they don't read the next paragraph of that theory which states that an almost equal impact would have been necessary directly after to correct course and spin. The is a very compelling case that the moon isn't naturally occurring. If you're interested read a book called 'Who built the moon' by Christopher Knight. Very interesting, although their conclusions leave something to be desired.

The theory that it was flown here has risen from a combination of these different anomalies. It would make sense to place a large body like the moon around a planet a species was interested in interacting with, sort of like hiding in plain sight. The notion that the moon isnt naturally occurring gives credence to this. Of course it's just a theory, there is no conclusive proof it is a type of space ship. But then again, if there was conclusive proof this topic wouldn't be in the conspiracy subreddit ;).

I love moon mythology.

I remember reading this YouTube transcription of Stichens Sumerian tablets, and how the Anunnaki were always enamoured by our moon. Perhaps they were amazed because they knew it was fake but they themselves didn't build it? Whoa dude. Aliens upon aliens!

That said, let's be scientific. If the moon IS FAKE, how can we test and prove it? Is it falsifiable? If we trace time back, can we figure out when the move actually arrived? I posted a thought earlier to wondering when our lunar eclipse used to PERFECTLY eclipse the sun? Is there something interesting about that date? If it was designed to perfectly eclipse, why? What technological advantage would that present? Perhaps it needs constant reorbiting to keep it in the perfect eclipse range but after its creators/operators left, it has been spiralling outwards ever since?

The Moon is a pretty deep rabbit hole :). And it leds you down the path of realising that we know almost nothing about cosmology, and that most of our theories on it are at odds with new data almost on a monthly basis.

Personally I'm convinced the Moon isn't real in the sense it is an organicly occurring satellite, I believe it was very much put there, by whom I can't be sure. A shower thought I had the other day was that if there is a malignant alien presence exerting an influence over our species, and IF there is a galactic council or something similar trying to do something about it, it would make sense that the Moon being the craft the malignant aliens came here on would give them some sort of insurance against the tampering of their affairs but other species.

"Hey you, stop messing with the humans and leave their world!", "Sure bro, we'll just take the Moon with us", "But that would be catastrophic!" "Then I guess stay out of our business."

Not saying that's what I believe, just a thought I had ;).

This is the shit that keeps me going

We are developing plans for catching asteroids and placing them into orbit around destination planets/moons for use of a depot station and middle ground in expeditions and resource harvesting.

When I read this the moon made sense. It's designed. Perfect distance and rotational speed: always one side facing us.

Pink Floyd must have known something.

The topic of moon landing validity falls at the feet of the video proof.

My grandfather was a mathematician for NASA and worked on the mission. We definitely went there.

My theory: the video is the original fake news. What we discovered about or on the moon, it was decided, did not fit the narrative.

If the moon was placed there... possibly as a depot station... by who?

Anyone else got anything on this?

The anunnaki and their desire for gold come to mind.


The moon has incredibly irregular gravity, which makes having this orbit it quite difficult. So the grand plans of towing asteroids into orbit of the moon are much harder than people think. The gravity is irregular because of discrepancies in the density of different parts of the moon. There is quite a wealth of evidence to suggest the moon is either hollow or severely honeycombed.

Orbiting the moon is certainly impractical. For parking asteroids for mining purposes, the earth-moon lagrange points L4 and L5 would make a lot more sense, though I'm not sure how practical "landing" something the size of substantial asteroid into those points would be.

I love that you swing both ways ;-)

So, if you mentioned Pink Floyd, is it a coincidence they were friends with Douglas Adams, creator of HHGTG?

Now, that was a book that made my thought juices flow!

Check out "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth...". It's available on Netflix.

Things are clearly created by intelligence. I believe it was Jesus and others believe aliens. But we aren't alone and we are being watched.

Does anyone know for what purpose would people lie about the Earth being round? I look at a lot of conspiracy theories but the flat Earth one kind of shows how easily it is to convince people of whatever you want.

I too am interested in the purpose, other than completely undermining everyone's reality. IMO globe-earth shows how easy it is to convince people of whatever you want, just stick a globe in every classroom of every child and they will always grow up thinking they live on a rotating ball in space without wondering.

Maybe they don't want people thinking this land here is all we've got? Who knows, but I'd welcome answers as well. Who benefits from lying about the true nature of earth, and for what purpose? There's money in it for space agencies, but that's just a drop in the bucket. Must be something far deeper.

If true, the concealment of what and where we really live is probably one of the most interesting conspiracies out there. Any thoughts welcome.

I have the same attitude towards the flat earth theory as you do. If it were flat, I don't think it just be so NASA can rack in cash. I believe it would be hundreds of years before NASA was even born, that the deception would have started. But then we have People like Newton who would also have to be a lie.

Too me, as a guy who's only watched like 20 mins about it, maybe the earth is simply bigger then what they tell us?

And the logo consists of a snake's tongue (which they try to pass off as a "wing").... the serpent that deceived Eve? Strange stuff for sure. All the proofs for a round earth involve trusting others you'll never meet or doing things you can never do yourself. Other proofs rely on believing the current mainstream model of the universe. Meanwhile most everything can be explained on a still and flat earth, just with a different model. It's enough to make one wonder in this age of mass deception.

newton was a mason and masons started it because they worship the sun and want you to too, whether you know you're doing it or not.

also: the nasa logo features a forked snake tongue lol

Religious reasons, they think the earth being round is the number one thing in history that leads people away from god, and a flat earth would absolutely have to be designed

That's true, a spherical earth eliminates the concepts of up and down, heaven and hell. It also opens the way for evolution, big bang, and everything else that comes with the current model we are all taught. Mainstream science certainly does lead people away from God, as it basically says in the beginning nothing exploded, creating everything, which then evolved into us. No creator necessary.

However I don't know if leading people away from God would be the main reason for 'global' deception.

That's pretty much the only reason I have heard

So because the Bible says the Earth is round even when everyone else thought it was flat. So the Catholic church figured if people realized it was flat they wouldn't believe in God so it started a conspiracy to this day to get more church members? Clearly all of this is created either way. Either we are creating this reality, or another entity is.

I mean the flat earth has to be at the most likely to not exist out of 100's. I doubt 10% on /conspiracy believe it's flat. There's just so much evidence from pictures of the Earth from space. I don't think any of it has to do with religion. The Roman Catholics did get very corrupt just after a few hundred years though so I wouldn't put it past them to lie to scare people into giving money.

the pix r fake tho ... 3d imagery

So because the Bible says the Earth is round even when everyone else thought it was flat. So the Catholic church figured if people realized it was flat they wouldn't believe in God so it started a conspiracy to this day to get more church members? Clearly all of this is created either way. Either we are creating this reality, or another entity is.

That isn't my understanding. My impression from speaking with flat-earthers is that the bible says the earth is circular, but not "round" in the way you mean it. They all believe that the bible strongly implies that the earth is flat and round (circular). They believe that the push towards thinking the earth is a globe and could have formed naturally is specifically to make people believe that a god isn't required for the earth to exist, while a flat earth could not form naturally and is proof of gods design.

Not that there aren't flat-earthers who aren't religious, but that's really been the only motive I've heard for this supposedly huge cover-up

I don't mean a perfect circle. I need to check that thread on how many people do believe the Earth is flat.

We can go to the "edge" if that's the case ourselves. No one is guarding the entire edgle. It's just 1000's of years this conspiracy has gone on with no one messing up. We go into space and take pictures of the moon, and from satellites. I hope we all know even if we didn't go to the moon we were in space near it. I think they walked on the moon.

nobody goes to space, all photos are fake

A common thought is that Antarctica is actually a seawall all around the flat earth that is a circle shape. This would explain the reason why all countries have forbidden Antarctic exploration on a mass scale. Then a dome, "the firmament", encloses our atmosphere. The firmament is in Genesis.

as a christian, that sounds absolutely ridiculous. you might as well say the Earth is actually a square as "proof" of intelligent design

The is really no photographic evidence of earth from space. Go ahead google earth from space. Be warned, you will encounter tons of logos or obviously fake images, a few that look like they could be real, and some from nasa itself that don't even have the continents at the right scale. Photographic evidence in the case of earth from space can not be trusted whatsoever as it comes from the opposition, but even if you do trust it you can clearly tell most of it is fake. There is simply too much variation for it to be photos of the same thing.

No, the Bible supports a round Earth that isn't at the center of the Universe. I can get the scripture. I just went through a lesson on this.

Link please.

The purpose is to hide God. Read your bible,the sun wasn't made until the 4th day and it was made to give light to the earth. There is nothing in the bible that supports a spinning ball earth rotating around the sun. Please dont point to Isaiah 40:22 and tell me that proves a ball earth,it literally says circle. A circle isn't a ball. Satan rules the world right now (Luke 4:5-7) and we are in the age of deception. Pray for discernment and read your bible.

I read the Bible 3 times a year cover to cover brother. I've only seen support for a round earth over and over and over in the Bible.

There's nothing in the bible that supports airplanes either, but I rode in one just the other day.

3 min video: https://youtu.be/qYW4rTrAA5I

Tl;dw There is water on the moon.

The moon also has an atmosphere. Google it.

There is also greenery.

Read Ingo Swanns book Penetration. You can find a free pdf online. Or check out my sub r/projectstargate to lesrn more.

The moon is an artificial satellite. There is overwhelming evidence for this.

The moon also has an atmosphere. Google it.

Too thin an atmosphere to support liquid water or greenery as we know it.

Too thin an atmosphere to support liquid water or greenery as we know it.

What is you PhD in? Where do you base this on? When accredited scientists have proven otherwise.

There is not.

Prove to me that the moon is an artificial satellite. I can, and will debunk this. History books on the moon are, and have been re written. New evidence trumps old theories.

What is you PhD in? Where do you base this on?

You don't need a PhD to check the vapor pressure of water.

When accredited scientists have proven otherwise.

Cite your sources, this would be the news of the century in every scientific journal, I've yet to see it.

Prove to me that the moon is an artificial satellite. I can, and will debunk this.

So you're arguing against yourself now?

it has been, mainstream science has blacklisted alien/religious theorist's and tons of these theorists have said this, any evidence they find is usually laughed off, and often only published on websites like this or personal websites, and if you ask most informed people, which I've done, and probably shouldn't have because it's done wonders for my reputation i'm sure, they'll tell you how obvious it is that most mainstream scientists won't even humor alternative science, only doing so when it gets popular.

That's nonsense and you know it.

if i thought it was nonsense, i wouldn't have said it, and if your counter is just calling me delusional or crazy that's not an argument. Call me stupid all you want but mainstream everything, from politics to science is constantly caught cheating, lying, stealing, and blackmailing as well as blacklisting things they don't like, only people who don't like the truth blindly believe they don't exclude narratives they don't like.

if your counter is just calling me delusional or crazy that's not an argument. Call me stupid all you want

I didn't call you any of those things, but if you insist let's go ahead and put this to the test.

Show me one of these papers published on a website that was rejected from peer reviewed journals, which has empirical evidence of the Moon's atmosphere supporting liquid water and greenery. All it would take is a few spectroscopic measurements, anyone with access to a telescope and some basic equipment can carry that out and publish their data, so where is it?

oh, i don't believe the moon is hollow, or supports greenery, i'm insane, not delusional, yet, and it's fairly well admitted i believe that the moon has ice on it, you can literally just type in 'moon has ice?' i'm too lazy too bother, and drunk, but the liquid water thing is probably bull, although looking it up on google search brings up lots of times mentions of water vapor, so there might be a little. don't see what difference it makes.

Liquid water and greenery was the specific claim that I was refuting at the top of this comment thread. You were seemingly defending that point when you responded to my request for a citation.

yeah, i'm slowly getting more drunk, and honestly i don't really care about this anymore, i had to go over this statement like 3 times for errors, so have a good night, don't go to bed angry


jesus... I wish there was enough funding to send all of the moon deniers or people who think it is a hologram or has an atmosphere, up to the moon so they can check it out themselves.

Commercial spaceflight cant come soon enough...

What about the 3 Apallo spacecraft that were fuelled, and ready to bring men back to the moon, that were left to rust.

We have the money to go back. We already spent some. But TPTB refuse to.

Why is that? You said "If only there was funding." Like our fiat monetary system couldnt establish that. We dont go back to the moon for a very exact reason.

We dont go back to the moon for a very exact reason.

Which is?

Our grandchildren will laugh at our presumptions the same way we laugh at our grandfathers.

Absolutely. I'm 35 and I'm already becoming a grumpy old man :D

The one that I find most interesting is John Brandenburg and the evidence for prehistoric global nuclear warfare on Mars.

Death on Mars by John Brandenburg

Gordon White interviews Brandenburg on the skeptiko podcast

The first sentence on the Brandenburg page at rationalwiki: John E. Brandenburg is a plasma physicist who went somewhat off the rails in 2012 and started proclaiming that he saw clear evidence of a thermonuclear war on Mars in the distant past.

if there is a civ that able to make nuclear, of course they would able to make bunker as well, and to debunk those prehistoric nuclear warfare on mars, someone simply need to find those bunker in the future or mars exploration

that's flawed, the nuclear war he talks about apparently gouged out massive canyon's and is singlehandedly responsible for the fact mars is a desert wasteland now, hell it used to have oceans, to assume anyone beyond the very rare bunker or statue or temple, and i mean VERY rare, is absolutely absurd. Although i like the way you think.

Can someone smart tell me how rare it actually is that our moon fits in the sun? I personally am agnostic due to the insane amount of coincidences like this but I'd like to know this, because space is a very real and fact (math)-based science.

Regarding this:

There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.

All the planets in our solar system. I'm sure in the billions of galaxies there are more that have this rare feature. Maybe not.

not just that it fits in there but that it fits in there while humans are on earth. a few million years ago and it was too close for a perfect fit in a few million years from now it will be too far away for a perfect fit. the fact that it is a perfect fit in the time when humans can use this to better observe the sun and space and it is all so damn perfect it is Ludacris.

Can someone smart tell me how rare it actually is that our moon fits in the sun?

Not that rare. 100% of the Earth's moons behave in this manner.

I certainly don't think it's coincidence that the Moon is, visually, pretty much the exact same size as the sun in the sky despite them being completely different sizes and distances; so much so that the Moon can almost perfectly eclipse the Sun.
It appears to have been put in place to reflect sunlight to the dark side of the planet, or block sunlight to combat global heating.
However, it was, at some point, knocked out of intended alignment/orbit and therefore no longer serves its intended purpose.

Why not though? The universe is ginormous and strange and rare things happen all the time. The moon was once closer to the earth and its getting farther away each year, meaning one day it won't appear the same size as the sun in the sky. We are just fortunate enough to be alive at this time to witness this.

Mainstream academia mouthpieces (assuming you have some reason to believe them) claim that the Moon is moving away at an extremely slow rate; about 4cm per year.
And even they don't claim to know how long that's been going on for or whether or not it will continue, or even reverse.
And I'm not on board with your 'strange and rare things happen' view when it comes to the Moon.
That's enough for me to consider the possibility that it's coincidence but it's not enough for me to think that it's probably a coincidence.
I think that it's far more likely that the moon (which is exactly 400x smaller than the sun and positioned exactly where it needs to be in order to have the same shape & size as the sun from our POV) was put there intentionally.

But its not always the same shape and size of the sun. An annular eclipse will show this.

Shower thought..

Moon is artificial

Moon doesn't perfectly eclipse

When did it?

Answer this and we know how old the moon is.

Why was a perfect eclipse necessary?

Someone needed a window against the Sun's direct energy? Then again, night would solve that...

Literally just crazy thoughts about something I've never really thought about

this is a fascinating topic, thx for bringin it up. I have nothin new to add to it but will read everything. Thanks again, this is an A+ /conspiracy thread :)

How come this was chosen when another post with most votes on the vote thread didn't? /u/axolotl_peyotl

The other obviously hits too close to home. How to deal with shills and disinfo.

was it the Alex jones and David Ich one?

I see 38 votes for moon anomalies, 5 for phobos anomalies, and 10 for hollow earth which easily puts this topic at #1.

doesnt your soul get sucked to the moon when you die to be "recycled" ? whatever you do when you die dont agree to anything or go into any white light

Not exactly.

thats the craziest thing I've ever heard that gets thrown around a lot. Don't believe that nonsense, it's to instill fear.

Lemme elaborate on this since ive read about in on the internet, when you die your spirit, not your soul, releases its grip on the body, causing a release of heat, this heat will carry your spirit to the moon where the moon will absorb and digest it, your spirit will cease to exist, BUT, if you managed to develop a soul from the seed that is your spirit in your lifetime you will be able to choose wether to stay in our solar system within the ifluence of the sun as a soul, to feed the moon consciously, or to travel straight into the sun and become one with our creator, that is what ive read, yes what a crock of shit

Here is something relevant I posted a couple weeks ago:

The following evidence represents an extremely important moment caught on camera that I believe has never been adequately addressed by NASA or any NASA supporter. In my opinion it is equivalent to what the “WTC7 collapsing” footage is to the 9/11 truth movement.

It comes from the documentary “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” but I am not trying to convince anyone of anything from an obviously biased documentary. Be skeptical of all of it. I encourage that. When this clip plays in the documentary there is a narrator but, again, I am telling you to completely ignore that voiceover if it pleases you.

Simply use your eyes and use your brain and look at what I am about to show you. I am purposely separating the most important footage from the documentary and its bias, muting the narrator, and breaking the clip up into very short digestible gifs.

Lets start.

Does this look like the Earth to you? Would you assume that this is a shot from the far reaches of space, looking back at Earth from a distance?


Pretty convincing right? Lets look at more footage of “Earth at a distance”:


Zooming in the camera which we can only assume is pushed up against a shuttle window, pointed out at the Earth in the blackness of space:


Okay, this shot is even better. Notice that you cannot really make out any continents? Notice that you see no stars? But for the sake of argument, lets just completely ignore that for now. Take a look:


I mean, thats definitely the Earth right? And you would have to be far beyond Earth (on the way to the moon) to get footage like that, correct? Again, no recognizable continents, No stars. But again, for the sake of argument, lets allow science to explain that.

But wait, how exactly does this happen?


Wait, isn’t the camera pressed against the window and zoomed in?

Because they are far from Earth right, at least this far, correct? If they zoomed that camera back out.


But wait a minute, wtf is that? Is that the sun?


Hold on. Wut? Here is a longer gif just to make the strangeness very clear.


Is that a… work light? Of enormous size and floating in space?

Wait a minute, whats going on?


Ready to have your mind completely shattered? Look:


So wait, what? Yeah, that “Earth at a distance” was a clever camera trick. They used the circular shuttle window and the small part of the enormous Earth showing through that small circular window. Camera tricks and the illusion of a little “Earth ball” at a distance.

As you can see here, they are very close to Earth. Like “Low Earth Orbit” close. And yes, that was a work light. You can now see it clearly. And that blackness was a darkened shuttle interior. Again:


Or… I don’t know. I am willing to entertain any ideas or thoughts on this.

And let me set the record straight once and for all:

Do you personally subscribe to any “Flat Earth” or “alternate Earth models”?— NO

Do you believe in the ISS and Mars rover missions?— YES

Do you believe that you can shine a laser at a retroreflector on the moon?— YES, because the unmanned soviet Lunokhod program left retroreflectors there.

What about the other evidence: moon rocks, etc…?— I am not sure honestly, I do not feel like I have studied enough to make a decision.

So what are you trying to prove then?— I am simply pointing out that there is unusual footage of what appears to be the astronauts filming a disingenuous “Earth”. I find the footage fascinating and would love to know more about it. I would love to see the unedited footage and I would love to see the extended footage.

How do we know this is real NASA footage?— Because NASA included it in their Apollo 11 DVD set. Why, I don’t know. But people definitely thought that pointing that out would somehow make my brain stop comprehending what it saw.

As a matter of fact, here is a website that appears to be trying to debunk that footage, scroll to the bottom.

This is their explanation:

What Mr. Sibrel supplies is footage of the astronauts practicing for an upcoming telecast. Because television was added at the last minute, they hadn't had time to practice much with the equipment. So they were experimenting with different camera positions and exposure settings. Someone on the ground recorded it. Mr. Sibrel notes several observations which he can't explain in terms of his expectations, therefore he concludes the astronauts "must" have been faking it. That's it. That's his "smoking gun."

And finally, here is the TIMESTAMPED section of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” if this post piqued your interest. Once again, take everything said by the narrator with a grain of salt. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything other than what their eyes see and the conclusions their brain reach while watching that particular footage that I made gifs from. I personally have a hard time wrapping my brain around what form of “context” could possibly explain it.

Great post.

perhaps they did fake the Moon landing in order to prove to the public that the Moon is uninhabited when in fact it is settled by other civilizations. William Tompkins stated in his book that when Apollo 11 landed in Tranquility, there were huge alien warships circled around the edge of the crater. later they used other films to show to the public broadcast instead. then with the alien's permission the apollo program sent several other missions before being barred from coming back again

Kudos to whoever came up with these round tables, they're great.

Breath of fresh air isn't it.

The moon is what causes tidal forces on the oceans and gravitational pull in the earths core thus keeping the planet alive. I wouldn't be surprised if the moon was the original Noah's ark. Sounds fucking crazy lol

So what's the deal with this force field I keep hearing about? A friend in person told me there might be a force field trapping everyone on Earth? Something about the Anunnaki using humans to try and break out of it

The Moon has 100% been a part of (or in the vicinity of Earth) since the formation of Earth. The decay of the Helium isotopes matches up which means that the Helium atoms on Earth and the Helium atoms on the Moon have been close to each other since just about their formation. Another way of putting it is that both sets of Helium have experienced the same amount of time in the universe, which can only mean that they have travelled together.

This is all pretty concrete and is the reason why the impact hypothesis is the currently accepted theory.

This is a great comment, it should have responses.

The UNLESS is very intriguing here.

Why thank you. And to add, I do believe the moon landings happened and that the Moon and Earth were once one body but you never know! There is definitely a lot of fishy stuff about the Apollo missions but that doesn't translate into them being staged.

Other planets have moons, both in our own solar system as well as in others in our galaxy but none of them have a moon that is anywhere as big as ours is in relation to the size of the Earth itself.

So that presents a curious anomaly as well as raising an interesting question about how the Earth could have initially attracted and held on to such a large moon when we have no other planets with moons that come anywhere close to being as big in as they are as our own does and most likely shouldn't have been able to in light of that.

Lunatics... Interested in the moon!

Well at least you understood my small effort to inject a little humour. The original meaning of "lunatic" actually meant being under the spell of the Moon or "Luna" which is it's ancient name, like ancient one for the Sun being called "Sol". The French word for the moon still is "la Lune" and there were of course people who worshipped "Diana" was the goddess of the Moon and was believed to live on the Moon and was worshipped by dancing under the light of the full Moon in their outdoor ceremonies and rituals.

And the Moon is very strange and mysterious and we really don't know very much about it and whole lot of people are utterly fascinated... almost to the point of being under a spell by it, wouldn't you say?

You do relatise that Pluto has a moon, Charon, that's quite similar in size to Pluto itself? I know it's been desclasified as a planet, but it's a celestial object with another just as large as itself in orbit around each other.

You do relatise that Pluto has a moon, Charon, that's quite similar in size to Pluto itself? I know it's been desclasified as a planet, but it's a celestial object with another just as large as itself in orbit around each other.

The astronomers no longer consider Pluto to be a planet for a number of valid reasons and it's difficult to say what either Pluto and Charon actually are at this point.

If I'm not mistaken Charon is the much larger of the two and they both actually orbit around a point in space between them that actually traces their path around the Sun. It's unusual because that point between them is closer to Pluto giving Charon an outer orbit around that point and Pluto taking an inner orbit on the opposite side of it as if they were rigidly connected through that point.

So it isn't any typical planet/moon arrangement but two bodies orbiting an invisible point as if they were both moons going around it. Their combined orbit around the Sun as they wheel around together is also highly unusual and bringing them even closer to the Sun than Neptune through parts of it.

If I'm not mistaken Charon is the much larger of the two

You are mistaken.

they both actually orbit around a point in space between them

That's because Charon is so large relative to Pluto, that it's fucking with Plutos orbit

none of them have a moon that is anywhere as big as ours is in comparison to the size of the Earth itself.

Pluto isn't a planet anymore, but it is an example of a big moon relative to the primary body.

Pluto's moon Charon is half its size - Larger than the Earth/Moon relationship.

I just had a random thought, what if the total eclipse on August 21st will be used to implement some form of Project Blue Beam? EVERYONE will be looking at the sky in the states...

cool, might as get this over with

hollowed spaceship ? that doesnt move from its orbit for thousand years, so much for being a spaceship..also where's the protection from the meteorite ?

Who Built the Hollow Moon a African Legend:


Is the Moon a Soul Recycling Center? Ancient Texts Discovered “The Earth without a Moon"


I don't usually comment here, but I will in this instance.

It is a spectacular coincidence that total solar eclipses can happen right when humans are alive.

Millions of years from now, the Moon will be further away from Earth.

It gets about 4cm further from Earth every year, so millions of years from now it'll be so far that it'll look smaller in the sky and won't be able to block all of the Sun's light.

If you run this in reverse, that means the Moon was closer in the past. In the distant past it was in the same place as Earth, meaning it came from Earth.

Giant impact is really the only logical explanation to these observations

I've seen this several times. If by "millions" you mean 10 million, or less, then at the rate of 4 cm/yr, the distance (thereby the moonly occlusion in an eclipse), will be in the neighborhood of 0.1%, no?

Yeah. I've heard the distance increases the rate of recession, so it's 4cm/year now, but a million years from now it could be 1km/year (just making up numbers to explain)

But yes right now the sun and moon share the same apparent diameter. In the distant future that won't be the case anymore, making total solar eclipses impossible.

What are some good (space) conspiracy forums that go into this?

I really like this article that explains the craters on the moon:


Electric Universe all the way.

Okay, I read the link.. I get the basics in reference to the crates and whatnot, but what, exactly does this whole theory express? I don't want to buy the book.

pic is down. Mind reuploading?

Here's a conspiracy that will be hated. Maybe there is a god/creator of the universe. And this planet is perfectly designed to support life?

ironically, nowadays that in itself is a crazy conspiracy theory to a lot of people :P, but one i agree with, although i do hope other planets with life exist and that god didn't decide to stop with us for some reason.

i believe A god made it. or rather a very intelligent being and we are the product of a large science experiment and we aren't the only ones. and other planets in our solar system have undergone the same testing. mostly mars

now I know a lot of Christians don't believe in aliens due to not being explicitly written in the Bible, but my theory is that if God designed the Earth to be so full of all sorts of diverse lifeforms, why would he leave the rest of the Universe barren of other life? Surely he would populate them with all sorts of unique life as to reflect His glory. After all, human curiosity has taken us to journey out of the Earth. What good would this curiosity do if there was nothing to find out there?

I follow suit with the ship hypothesis with a way out their notion. I think it is the key to reincarnation. Our consciousness is nothing more than the sun providing the energy to the moon. The farther(sun) provides the seed to the womb of the mother(moon), giving birth to the holy ghost(earth)

The Moon is your yin self. It is ever-changing from full to transparent. It is equal in size to the Sun, your yang self. That Moon and that Sun are yours alone. Both are conceptual manifestations of you. Neither entirely exists physically. They are right above you, inside the dome, you are inside your very own plane-ette of experience. The Sun appears as your corona, where a single point of intention to exist meets infinite non-existent potential erupting in bright heated light. The Moon is infinite manifest non-existence, manifest as existence. You are in between your Sun and your Moon on a plane-ette of experience, where all you see or know is self overlain on infinite individualities. All you see or know is your self externalized onto infinity from within a time-space conceptualization that is designed to keep you individual and sane within an infinite non existent conception.

Tethys and Minas are also death stars.

Great book alert for this topic: "Who Built the Moon" by Alan Butler.

YL;DR: great analysis arguing that our moon had to be built by some form of intelligent life.

Gold Almighty created the Sun and The Moon and he only knows how he created them and none of us will never know.

God Almighty did not make us witness the creation of the Heavens or the Earth.

The other day I was reading through this thread and someone linked to a story about NASA sending 2 secret Apollo missions to the moon who made contact and were murdered by an alien life form.

But now I can't find it. Anyone help me out with a link?

David Hatcher Childress has a lot of interesting material about moon anomalies and other extraterrestrial archaeology https://youtube.com/watch?v=WIZaJ2uWfYs

God I missed shit like this.

The moon has an equal chance of or being a flat somewhat translucent disc. There is documented stars being seen through the unlit portion of the moon. We also know it is much smaller due to the shadow size being approx 70miles in the upcoming eclipse.

Interesting stuff, more interesting is that mainstreamed science won't touch this possibility. Likely to continue to cover up the moon landing hoax.

I have heard the moon being translucent and stars being seen through the unlit half of the moon but never witnessed this or ever seen pictures/video of it. I imagine with all the eyes in the world looking up at the moon that we would have some pictures out there of stars in the dark side of the moon but they just don't exist. I have a telescope and can see the unlit half of the moon during the day. its always there and it has never appeared to be see through any time I have ever looked at it.

Ah, classic /r/conspiracy. How much I have missed you and these threads. I love you guys. :)

love you too bro

there are lots of movies, songs and shows lately that speak about the end. it's well past 2012 so i don't think it has anything to do with that. i think something really is coming. kanye tried to tell people the truth recently and he got taken off to the hospital by handcuffs....bieber has been going to bible study and he cancelled his tour. idk. things just seem weird. i just heard harry styles song "sign of the times" and i can't get it out of my head. i know this is kind of off topic but predictive programming is 100% real and we need to talk more about it.

well there's good 'evidence' of underground cavern systems on the moon but i like the idea it's a huge hollowed out space ship. Easy to test I guess with usa, china, russia, and everyone wanting to go there to exploit/ experiment/ prove concept.

the amount of shills here is wild. you can tell we hit something with this talk.

I think we went to the moon , but faked all the footage shown to the public. I just can't see our paranoid cold war government giving away anything that could have been a tactical advantage to the USA. You had this absolutely batshit crazy paranoia about communists and you want me to believe that we were just going give away information about out advanced space vehicles, lunar modules, first photos of the moon to the "commies" .

Buzz Aldrin on C-Span saying that there are "monoliths" on Phobos that deserve further attention


Not to mention Russia's Martian curse, and that no mission has ever landed on Phobos


This was a great discussion thank you. I look forward to the next one.

Saturn's moon Iapetus (the "Death Star") has also been the subject of some of this high octane speculation

So Revelation Space? (It's a good read, with this very concept) - In regards to Iapetus being hollow - the density is slightly higher than that of pure water ice. If it were hollow, it would need to be able to sustain the same mass/size ratio as though it were another iceball. Tethys is in this same density category, as are most small moons around Saturn, and its rings are all pretty much particles around that same density too. (hovering around 1 g/cm3)

So just remember folks - nature doesn't have an agenda the same way that human beings vying for power do. It can be tested and doesn't intentionally hide anything.

Coming from a background in astronomy and working in geosciences department, researchers are just normal people who use software to build models. There's enough material online you can learn the science on your own and use the same Python libraries used by professionals - And all public funded projects have public data after a set time.

So go crunch the numbers! I think the most controversial work out there is in ETI detection from huge data sets. This paper is an interesting approach that needs a lot further work.

Could it be hollow? Sure, but if you're looking for a juicy conspiracy, there's more than enough happening with the Deep State right now.

all 4 rocky planets (mercury, venus and mars) could have once hosted life. the secret is melting the core. you can do that by simply moving the planet closer to the sun and wait. once you melt the core you get a magnetic field. not only that, planets may be growing in size(look for the growing earth theory) if this is true. mercury may become the next venus. venus may become the next earth. and as we all know earth will be the next mars. the only planet we have left is mars. if we want to make it life supportive we need alien advance technology to move it where mercury is now. the it will spin faster than it should (einstein solve this) and it may gain back its liquid core, magnetic field, grow a little cover itself in hot magma, and the cicle continues. thats my theory.

A "Hollow Moon"? What. Exactly how hard were you knocked off of your rocker? The Moon is a Space Station? Really... Wow. I'm just going to leave this subreddit. I can't even right now.

Topics in this sub have been bangers lately. Keep it coming. Links and all.

I heard the ridge was a result of a ring like Saturns collapsing after formation.

The moon is actually drifting away, what's "convenient" is that we get to see it at a time when it appears to be approximately the same size as the sun.

The chance of that occurring by accident is much more incredible than most people realize.

Well no one complains about the odds of evolution which is just as unlikely.

It is also ludicrously unlikely!

But what I'm saying is why would anyone who would create the moon need to make it so eclipses are present. It has no real baring on how life came to be.

Well no because it only effects me from my perspective lol.


Got any links?

Yes. This is the same reason stars twinkle.

But all of those things listed have been proven as fact. Most back in the 70s.

Any sources? Proven facts are documented.

um, can you show me any of those 4 things?

Iapetus is the Roman name for Japheth.

Japheth was the eldest son of Noah, and his sons were the first to be taught by God how to bury their dead, and the supposed progenitor of the Caucasians.

Japheth was a Roman way of saying someone has Greek blood (i.e. a bloodline from time immemorial).

All the planets in our solar system. I'm sure in the billions of galaxies there are more that have this rare feature. Maybe not.

Link please.

original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet

A) how the hell would you know the original height to such a specific degree and B) I find no source saying it was that height, it just seems to be convenient to your next equation rather than a representation that's accurate. According to wikipedia it was 480.6 ft.

They're not that perfect. Only for those right in the path of the shadow.


Why not though? The universe is ginormous and strange and rare things happen all the time. The moon was once closer to the earth and its getting farther away each year, meaning one day it won't appear the same size as the sun in the sky. We are just fortunate enough to be alive at this time to witness this.

I'm highly confident the "aliens" are fallen angels/demons. I've had a lot of contact with them since age 14 when it started. I brought a demon back from Peru and it will tell me it's name if I ask. It possessed me and I started stabbing myself with the Peruvian knife (turns out it's the Peruvian God of war carved on the knife and they pray over it).

I've seen this several times. If by "millions" you mean 10 million, or less, then at the rate of 4 cm/yr, the distance (thereby the moonly occlusion in an eclipse), will be in the neighborhood of 0.1%, no?

oh, i don't believe the moon is hollow, or supports greenery, i'm insane, not delusional, yet, and it's fairly well admitted i believe that the moon has ice on it, you can literally just type in 'moon has ice?' i'm too lazy too bother, and drunk, but the liquid water thing is probably bull, although looking it up on google search brings up lots of times mentions of water vapor, so there might be a little. don't see what difference it makes.

Did they use miles and feet at this time? I like your theory but i wonder if this would still work in the measuring units of their time.

not just that it fits in there but that it fits in there while humans are on earth. a few million years ago and it was too close for a perfect fit in a few million years from now it will be too far away for a perfect fit. the fact that it is a perfect fit in the time when humans can use this to better observe the sun and space and it is all so damn perfect it is Ludacris.

The dimensions of the Giza pyramid correspond to dimensions of our planet and the moon at a scale of 1 to 432,000. The sun has a radius of 432,000 miles.

How does the pyramid correspond to the the Earth and the Moon at the same scale? It doesn't.

original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet

Best idea for the original height is 480.6 feet or 280 Egyptian cubits

480.6 * 432,000 = 207619200 = 39321.8181818 miles

3,938.685 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 11 miles, or an error of about 0.2%)

39321.8181818 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 35372 miles or an error of about 90%) you'll probably have to add some crap about ratios or factors in there.

You might as well use the real numbers

Fun fact / Maybe we're going too far : the A note used to be 432 hertz before we set it up to 440 relatively recently

Shower thought..

Moon is artificial

Moon doesn't perfectly eclipse

When did it?

Answer this and we know how old the moon is.

Why was a perfect eclipse necessary?

Someone needed a window against the Sun's direct energy? Then again, night would solve that...

Literally just crazy thoughts about something I've never really thought about

We dont go back to the moon for a very exact reason.

Which is?

Can someone smart tell me how rare it actually is that our moon fits in the sun?

Not that rare. 100% of the Earth's moons behave in this manner.