Everyone is missing the big picture. Apparently 17 agencies lied to all of America.

229  2017-08-02 by AFuckYou

That reporter said the FBI knew Rich was the leaker. Which means that big ass report where 17 agencies came together and blamed Russia for the leaks, that was a lie, and they knew it at the time.

That's a mind fuck for you.


That is how it has always been. That's why I still Support Trump regardless of the constant propaganda against him.

Hersh in the audio:

It's a Brennan operation. It was an American disinformation operation fucking the fucking president. And at one point they even started telling the press, they were back-briefing the press, the head of the NSA was going and telling the press - fucking cocksucker Rogers - was telling the press that we even know who in the Russian military intelligence service leaked it. I mean all bullshit.

I really don't know how many times this has to happen until people realize that this is what they do, and have always done.

Wow. This is good. Fuck the Awan brothers and seth Rich. I'm running with 17 agencies comfortably lie to USA public.

I mean for fucks sake...Brennan was lying about the CIA spying on the US senate before all this shit...


Clapper perjured himself.

We live in a world turned upside down.

In order for "that reporter's" claim to mean something, it has to be true first......

Yea I agree. Diddnt that journalist break the news of osama bin ladens death and pin a Pulitzer Prize? Im going to take him at his word.

I'm saying it's an unproven claim. Hersh made the claim based on his sources, but notably hasn't written them. Sources and info have to be more heavily checked before he'd have enough faith to write a story and make the claim public, and as a pulitzer winner you know he's a good journalist. A claim made when caught on tape off the record isn't necessarily based on good information

Hersh hasn't written it. I think that's a good point, talk is cheap.

now if he suddenly turns up dead, on the other hand, then it’s all over. have any media groups been able to get a comment from him?

I dunno. I would like to see this point pursued though. It would be great Tj have a comment on the record about what he knows as far as the FBI and seth being the wikileaker.

Yeah, Hersh told NPR

In an interview this week, Hersh sounds unconvinced.

"I hear gossip," Hersh tells NPR on Monday. "[Butowsky] took two and two and made 45 out of it."


And although he's made some great stories, Hersh has also jumped the gun and fucked up royally in the past as well.

There are many Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalists that are backing and reporting the IC's conclusions regarding Russian hacking and election interference. Eric Lipton of the NYT and the WSJ Staff, for example.

Seymour Hersh, the journalist at issue here (whose word you are willing to accept without question while attempting to claim that you're the skeptic and we are the sheeple) has had some high highs and some low lows in his career. His book on JFK includes some very out-there fabrications, for example. He has also falsely claimed that US soldiers were raping small boys in the Middle East. And he has admitted that he does not apply the same standard of truth and accuracy to his speeches and oral reporting as his applies to his written work.

This is the kind of shit that ruined threads. I diddnt claim skeptic anything. I diddnt say sheelpe anything. What the hell are you talking about.

I would have been happy to take your post at word value and explore what you said on google, but now your name calling and throwing words in my mouth.

Come on man.

You're clearly trying to portray yourself as a person thinking more critically about this issue than those who accept the mainstream consensus. Except that, in reality, like most conspiracy theorists, you're thinking about the issue at hand less critically than the mainstream, because you're eager to accept any narrative that runs counter to the traditionally accepted view. Specifically, here, you've argued for crediting the conclusion of a single journalist (with a noted propensity for exaggerating and fabricating stories), over the conclusions of the IC, the many private-sector security service companies that investigated that matter, and the many investigative journalists of equal or better repute than Seymour Hersh.

Moreover, you've extrapolated Hersh's statements to reach non-sequitur conclusions. Even if Hersh were correct that Seth Rich leaked DNC emails to the wikileaks, that certainly would not foreclose the possibility that Russian intelligence services also gained access to and distributed DNC files. Moreover, even if Seth Rich were proven to be the sole source of the DNC materials, that would not prove that the IC lied in its report, but rather that they were incorrect.

You still doing it. Your attributing things to me that you have absolutely no proof of. First you say sheelpe and something about skeptics. That was all bull shit. Now you are telling me I'm portraying my self in some way I'm not.

I'm not arguing with you man. You have half bull shit and half derailment. You act like a classic shill and I'm not going to have any meaningful conversation.

Apologize for your bull shit and comment like and adult, or I'm good. Good luck with your endeavors on Reddit.

I don't need you to say, "I am a skeptic and you are sheeple" in order for me to conclude that this is how you perceive and present yourself in relation to the mainstream. I can ascertain this from your strident and anti-establishment arguments.

Speaking of derailment, you're clearly trying to avoid addressing the substantive points I've made regarding the flaws in your logic and the non-sequitur nature of your conclusions.

Tell me, by what chain of logic and evidence to you get from (A) one often discredited journalist claims to know someone who has seen information indicating that Seth Rich supplied DNC emails to wikileaks, to (B) the entire IC lied to all of America? As Whitney Houston once said, "Show me the receipts, Diane!"

Right, you apparently don't need anything to come to a bunch of conclusions. And proof of things against your conclusions you don't need either. You just sorta come to conclusions!

Dude I'm done wasting my time on you. Your words are falling on daft ears.


Also, the expression is "deaf ears," but I actually think your formulation is more fitting in this instance.

Ignoring the Seth Rich aspect of the clip, there's evidence for the leak theory, whereas there's no evidence for the hack theory. Incredibly, none of the "Intelligence Agencies" would even be permitted to testify in court on the subject, because none of them have 'personal knowledge' owing to the fact that they never even examined the server.

It's honestly impossible to overstate how giant of a red flag it is that the FBI didn't collect the server. I'd be less surprised if I gave my dog a whole bag of treats and he ate one and prudently decided to save the rest for later.

Appears to be a ship of rats gone all banana republic

And we should always use this incident as a reminder not to belive these fake agencies.

You would think it would be enough that they had already lied to us about WMDs to get us to go into Iraq, and lied about Mass Surveillance on the American public, among other lies.

It is enough. We know we are ruled by disturbed pedophiles. All we need to do is wake up the sleepers and march on D.C.

I thought the IC told the white house that the WMD story was bullshit and Chenney ran with it anyway. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.


All agencies agree that about 25,000 centrifuges based on tubes of the size Iraq is trying to acquire would be capable of producing approximately two weapons worth of highly enriched uranium per year. pg 10

We judge that Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. pg 9

We assess that Baghdad has begun renewed production of mustard, sarin, GF (cyclosarin), and V X; its capability probably is more limited now than it was at the time of the Gulf war, although VX production and agent storage life probably have been improved. pg 10


High Confidence: Iraq possesses proscribed chemical and biological weapons and missiles. pg 13

Link to PDF: https://www.scribd.com/doc/259216899/Iraq-October-2002-NIE-on-WMDs-unedacted-version

Even the Rand Corporation admitted that the CIA published false information independent of administration orders:


Found on page 195 of the report:

Apart from being influenced by policymakers’ desires, there were several otherreasons that the NIE was flawed. Evidence on mobile biological labs, aluminum tubing for uranium enrichment, uranium ore purchases from Niger, and unmanned-aerial- vehicle delivery systems for WMDs all proved to be false. pg 195

That's exactly what happened. Bush and Cheney were going to war no matter what. There was a huge scandal because Valerie Plame, a CIA agent, and her husband Joseph Wilson, an ambassador, were very critical of the WMD claim, so the White House decided to out her, effectively ending her career.

They had a fall guy convicted of obstruction of justice, Scooter Libby, and of course he never spent a day in jail because Bush commuted his sentence.

All 17 also found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

17 agencies??? Naw that was a lie Hilldawg and the democratic establishment w/ the help of NYT and WaPo tried to spin and failed miserably.. I believe NYT was forced to finally correct their propaganda lies


But but NPR


Fuck the shills

So it was only the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DNI, much better.

One of the 17 was the coast guard haha so ridiculous

The worst part about that claim? When made it sounded to me like bullshit. Why would 17 agencies have such overlap. That is extremely inefficient and makes no sense. When I looked up the list it was clearly hyperbole at best and a outright falsehood designed to build confidence at worst.

If I could look up the list, see coast guard listed and say this obviously isn't true. What is the paid reporters excuse?

they're paid to brainwash the public. this whole russia thing has been terrifyingly clarifying. like you said it was obviously bullshit as they were rolling it out.

22 day old account and all you do is cry about shills. MMkay. Why not use your ACTUAL Reddit account?

They're using multiple accounts with similar names

Yeah, bc they are brigading the shit out of this sub while simultaneously crying foul about Shareblue which I doubt has a 10th the influence or imprint on this sub as Trump supporters/shills. It's a very basic tactic, just accuse everyone else of doing exactly what you are doing.

So kind of like what you're doing right now? Any organic user in here knows that the amount of heavily anti-Trump, pro-liberal, pro-MSM viewpoints that have been pushed in the sub lately are fucking vomit-inducing and definitely not coming from TD. In fact it's a very well-known deflection tactic to accuse the sub of being The_Donald 2.0., because anybody that comes here regularly like I do would know that that statement is full of shit and in no way speaks for even the majority of the sub.

Lmao, pro liberal? Since when could you not be a conspiracy theorist if you're a liberal? Bro, THE ENTIRE FRONT PAGE IS ANTI-DEM AND ANTI-HILLARY AND CREW. This sub was never as partisan as it is now, I mean do you not see the legion of pro Trump accs that are all like a month old?

If this sub is taken over and being brigaded by dems, they should kill themselves for how ineffective they are.

A true conspiracy theorist does not get gummed up with petty distinctions of left and right when looking for the truth, because they are inherently bullshit in the first place. We absorb information from all sources and parse out the political crap for the meat of the story. A common sense, universal opinion of CTs is that the Democrat-Republican game is a shitshow for the plebs and always has been, it's just there to dupe the emotionally gullible, sensationalist idiots who are essentially watching a WWE match, only they think it's real. You're definitely right that the sub has been completely taken over by partisan hacks, but your obvious political bias puts blinders on your ability to see objective reality. Yeah there's TD trolls here and there, but they're not coming into threads specifically to police discussion and manipulate our opinions with petty attacks on the sub and our mission here, which is the find the truth at all costs.

Go into any fucking thread, pretty much anything on the front page, and look at the top rated comments and the posts that receive the vast majority of upvotes - they are almost universally attacking the central point of the post in question, pushing a mainstream viewpoint, putting down conspiracy theories or slandering the users of this sub as crazies or TD cutouts. If you think that in any way is an organic feature of this sub, or that TD shills push the ideas I mentioned, you're out of your goddamn mind.

why would they name them the same?

Because they aren't trying to hide it, and it isn't like making a new account is difficult.

doesn't not hiding it defeat the purpose?

Well I don't think it's for blanket spamming, I think they're making new accounts after getting banned.

Apparently that user just really, really dislikes the idea of shills and feels the need to vigorously demonstrate that opinion.


For Immediate Release

DHS Press Office

Contact: 202-282-8010

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion. This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place. States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process.

Nevertheless, DHS continues to urge state and local election officials to be vigilant and seek cybersecurity assistance from DHS. A number of states have already done so. DHS is providing several services to state and local election officials to assist in their cybersecurity. These services include cyber “hygiene” scans of Internet-facing systems, risk and vulnerability assessments, information sharing about cyber incidents, and best practices for securing voter registration databases and addressing potential cyber threats. DHS has convened an Election Infrastructure Cybersecurity Working Group with experts across all levels of government to raise awareness of cybersecurity risks potentially affecting election infrastructure and the elections process. Secretary Johnson and DHS officials are working directly with the National Association of Secretaries of State to offer assistance, share information, and provide additional resources to state and local officials.

The U.S. Intelligence Community is comprised of 17 agencies. To this day this formal public statement, coming not from the DNC and not from Hilldawg but from the DHS Press Office and it was not published with the help of the NYT or WaPo is still readily available on the Department of Homeland Security's website.

Stop mis-attributing blame to suit your agenda.

DHS was scanning ports. They are not to be trusted.

Feel free to blame them for their own press releases then.

Anyone who has ever played a bit of poker, saw this bluff coming from miles away. All 17 guys!! Including the Coast Guard!

Four, actually*; the 17 agency talking point was walked back about a month ago. Clapper is a demonstrable liar, even under oath. And Brennan isn't much better.

*Three if we're being completely honest. One of the agencies isn't a governmental intelligence agency.

walked back

You mean it was a blatant lie that was debunked, right?

Pretty much. Many of the newspapers which helped spread that number finally issued corrections explaining how they misled their readers.

I don't remember Hillary issuing a retraction. Only NYT

u/HereWeGoAgainDude -- thoughts?? u/ForRealThisTimePlaya -- OH WAIT 😂😂

Why are you starting a flame war with people?

I get it, your a smart guy. But the tapes did confirm Hersch or whatever his name is, did have a source that did say Seth was the leaker. That's not the controversial topic. The two users you named want Wikileaks to publish their proof that seth did it.

We're still at one guy says another guy said something about Seth Rich. Assange needs to release whatever he has, or this will all stay in places like this sub.

Attempted coup.

Well, to be fair I argued against that. It wasn't 17 agencies then and it's not 17 agencies now. IIRC it was the director of national intelligence who said it and because he speaks for 17 agencies, it was taken as "17 agencies said."

Turns out not one of those agencies said anything.

You were correct until the last point. Three agencies did say something, the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI.

Still very curious what they're basing heir evidence on since they didn't even examine the DNC servers.

You're right it is hard to say. Especially since the investigation is still ongoing and certain aspects of it are classified. It is entirely possible that they just don't feel like they need access to make a case. Or at least didn't need it bad enough to go through the trouble of getting a subpoena.

It is also important to remember that the DNC hack is not the entirety of the case. There is also the hack of John Podesta's personal email and the propogation of fake information on social media.

Well duh... Is this the first time though?

Someone help us out here.

Lol smart ass.

Ding ding ding ding.

I know, I'm stuck in it too.

Probably not all 17, but the FBI under Comey and even now doesn't seem to be serving the people. Who the fuck are they serving? Why are they protecting the DNC? Probably just freaked that the charade in general has been exposed, the charade of two parties, the charade that keeps the MIC flowing in money, and lets the top political criminals get away with murder, literally.

This needs to be explained apparently. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is an umbrella Office. Including the Odni there are a total of 17 agencies they oversee. The Odni announced that 17 agencies have agreed with the assesment that Russia hacked the Dnc.

Heres the tricky part. Most of those 17 agencies do not have the mandate, resources nor intelligence to make an accurate asseent on the matter. These would include agencies like the coast guard.

The assesment was made by the FBI, CIA and the NSA. These agencies did have the mandate, resources and intelligence to make an accurate assessment.

The ODNI with agreement from the directors of other agencies agreed with the cia, nsa, fbi assesment. Only 3 agencies made the assesment, which the other 14 agreed with.

Yea that needed to be explained, to CNN and every single American that blasted the propaganda lies as truth for 6 months.

Yea sure hillary is responsible for all this! You give her and democrats too much credit. You really think they convinced every mainstream media outlet, every democratic senator and half of the republicans, the entire USIC, all of their major allys, 63% of the population and that all these russian coincidences are planted or incidental?

Conspiracy is staring you right in the face but your squinting right past it to look for hillarys emails. Incredible.

I never said any of that. And yea, I think that the deep state controls the MSM.

Are you so stupid as to think this is a coincidence? It's one person controlling everything you moron.

Hahaha... Holy shit the twilight zone shitty intro in that video was too much. Anybody linking that garbage then calls someone a moron is a huge hypocrit!

That's your response? It's shows contiguous coordination across the board. One person makes the stories, and that one person is controlled by the deep state. I.e. Hillarie's people.

Dude if your resulting to using youtube videos from unknown sources, then your view on the world is pretty far gone.

The video is the only source you need. The video speaks for its self. God what the fuck are you talking about from unknown sources? If you saw a video about bush murdering a little boy after raping him, would you say, "what's the source?" You fuck.

The video was like every other shitty fake conspiracy video. A montage of spooky sounds scrolling text and bullshit.

Dont confuse this and security footage or well sourced information.

The fact you already believe that shit means Im done talking with you.

It's a compilation of news people saying the same hung over and over again.

I believe that is the point he is trying to make. News channels from around the country are using the exact same line all day long.

Coincidence? Script?

Script. It comes down from high.

But honestly I'm happy to call the arguments quits for the day. Thanks for all the fun.

You're partly right. Local news affiliates receive national news stories from main corporate news headquarters, which they can use as filler when local news is slow, or there are not enough resources to write and produce all local stories. The stories often come with graphics, a script template, and sometimes video. It's not necessarily nefarious.

Source: worked at a small ABC news affiliate.

Here is this better. This guy is pretty good.


This is their tactic. Attack the source and claim the OP is FULLY GONE OH NO!!!! It gets obvious when 20 of you follow the same pattern.

Oh im getting called a shill, did you even check my profile or you guys just claiming shill when you dont agree with someone?

Better inquire where all those checks I should have been getting went.

I can't tell if it was you since the comment is deleted, but if you ain't a shill you ain't a shill man. But if someone in a fucking conspiracy sub says the deep state has nothing to do with media, you're either a fucking idiot or a shill, I'm sorry.

Guarantee many people who are into conspiracies heard of Project MK Ultra in their early days? Calling us idiots and other derogatory words for believe the Deep State runs the media will make us lean towards thinking your a shill, or belong to r/politics.

Get my point?

when did I talk about the deep state and its connection to the media? All I said in this thread is how the ODNI works and that its stupid to think the democrats were able to coordinate such a massive disinformation campaign. If you think deep state has something to do with it provide proof, until then your just another dope who bought a load of goods from americas top con man.

First the Deep state ain't just dems. It is filled with Reps as well. We need to stop looking left and right and look up.

Start by looking up MK ultra.

Now, Obama did this thing on the way out were government can censor news they find deeming. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-24/obama-signs-countering-disinformation-and-propaganda-act-law

Facebook, and Google, the two nicest companies that you hear about on r/conspiracy, are now also censoring what they don't like. Same for Youtube. Wonder who has influence over them?

The ENTIRE media can't be corrupt and ran by the Deep State since there are so many Media Corporations and there's no way. Wrong. In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; today, 90% is controlled by just 5 companieshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_cross-ownership_in_the_United_States

Dig your on rabbit hole I'm not digging for you.

Your right Obama did enact that law and there is a reason why http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2017/06/30/how_to_deal_with_russian_propaganda_111700.html. in october of that year cia and nsa officials began picking up hints that Russians were using american news outlets to push russian propaganda.


this happened in other countries as well. http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-russia-election-meddling-20170330-story.html

yes our media is conglomerating, the free market is a bitch. do I question the narratives, all the time. But this Russia story keeps hanging around because Trump and his allies are Balls deep in Russian Influence. Read Bill Browders testimony on Putin and the start of the Magnitsky act and you will Know why pour Nation needs laws to counteract Russian Propaganda.


Trump seems to be quite the cuck imo.

Who's the media? MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post (who's owner got 600m from the CIA).... yea they all push the same shit, big deal. At least you question the narrative though eh? Lmao only the ones you want to question.

As you sit back sucking Russian kool aid, thinking" im a free thinker, I got all the answers, I believe what I want to believe." Right kid whatever you say.

lmao there it is! Kid, was waiting for the word to be used.

what do you expect? Your childish. enjoy the rest of your day.

Removed. Rule 10.

There's actually a pretty reasonable explanation for those specific kind of clips/examples on that video (the clips are from Conan I believe, or his talk-show popularized them). I'm 100% agreeing with you otherwise, and fucking despise those douches trying to break up conversations here and elsewhere on reddit. I have paid attention to how they work (what they say, when they are on reddit/what hours of the day/days of the week, when they are away, what the weekly "talking points" seem to be, how they attack users by projecting/mirroring words and phrases back like babies/always asking for "Source? Proof to back that up?" even when it's obviously an opinion just to make the genuine real user admit they "don't have proof" because none was even needed... they're so malicious and obtuse) and it's SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Fucking snotty dishonest and fake assholes.

Anyway, sorry for that rant. The explanation is that they buy certain news as "packets" from news organizations that sell them to them. Kind of like a wholesale, selling packaged news ready-made and written for smaller news networks. That's why so many news and journalist stuff (movie reviews and game reviews too for example!) sound SO similar. It's always either nearly identical or saying the same thing with slightly different wording here and there. The less lazy journalists usually tweak the ready written stuff to make it seem more like their own, but many don't. It's like a company that resells goods to you they bought cheaper from a warehouse.

They're essential re-selling you news they bought themselves. Like a variety pack, with serious topics and a couple of bonus feel good stories with puppies added in, along with the video footage and images.

Prepackaged news bought from a private news aggregator company that specializes in selling all kinds of news packs for lazy journalists or ones that want to not be shunned as an outcast by the trendier journalist groups etc. Basically just childish peer pressure bullshit from grade school and teenage years ("unless you do THIS, you're totally lame and not cool and we can't hang out!") transferred into adult life and work. Not exclusive to journalism but journalism attracts the childish narcissistic types that preferred to just sip on coffee and mash the keyboard and feel important.

Promotional "articles" or "news" are also a thing I wish more people would start to notice. A HUGE chunk of news is actually just ads disguised as news - usually when they're just describing a company, PAY ATTENTION from now on and you'll notice it (and yeah, not gonna provide a "Source..?" saying "FACT: THIS MUNDANE BUSINESS SHIT HAPPENS ANYONE FROM BUSINESS SCHOOL KNOWS"). Not directed at you, but those users... I also have personal experience with them as my friend was one in real life (not online but actually in real life, shilling for companies on the streets downtown, trying to get people he knew into thinking he was genuinely enjoying some brands or products instead of getting free stuff and money for it...he always did shady shit like that and used me as a "confession booth" to vent how bad he felt about tricking people for companies' profit).

Or maybe Trump is just incompetent and corrupt? Can't blame everything on the deep state.

Is Trump is the Deep State as some people claim, then yes you can blame everything on the Deep State. If he is not, then you can blame almost everything on the Deep State.

I have not yet decided if Trump is Deep State or if he is being sabotaged by the Deep State, which I think is more likely.

Me on you are on the same page. Only time will give us our answer. But either way man, even if he is, he showed so many people how corrupt politics are and hopefully we will feel that effect in the next elections.

Huh? I was not talking about trump bring corrupt. Just like that other person. Brought in Hillary.

I wasn't talking about any of that.

Why are you all derailing the conversation?

Hillary was also lied to.

From the Podesta emails it became clear the liberal MSM is willing to play dirty for the Democrats.

Also, Operation Mockingbird.

From the trump jr emails it became clear they were planning on playing dirty.

Buddy you are so wrong you don't even know it. I hate when people in a sub like this act like you. " there's no way....." Fucked up shit has happened and is happening right now.

I can say the exact same thing to you. One of us will have to eat crow sometime in the future.

Yea but I don't just defend a certain side because I'm part of their team...

No I defend that Trump has colluded with Russia because the evidence exists to support my theory. Why do you defend your side?

I don't have a side since I'm still undecided by Trump, but leaning Trump for sure. Now, Russian collusion... what is your definition and how much damage do you think it will cause to America?

Any worst than what America is doing to other countries? Tell me how they colluded. You defended the "17 agencies" and the Media, so I'm excited to hear how much damage this evidential "Russia Collusion" will cause to America

Trumps administration is already damaging America.

Him getting out of the paris climate accord is a huge deal for a couple reasons.

Scientific endeavors: countries like companies battle over the top minds in science, by limiting the epa, cutting grants for research and getting out of the paris climate accord trump has told scientists that they are not welcome in america. this is going to lead to our top talent leaving to pursue their projects elsewhere.


Innovation: China since realizing the impact they have created on their environment has pulled a complete 180. They are now investing billions of dollars into renewables. Many other countries are realizing the benefits of this even companies like exxon and shell have realized the profits to be made and the growth renewable resources can provide to countries and companies alike


Economic plan: Trumps economic plan would be a disaster, Warren Buffet Americas economic guru believes we are about to see a crash and has decided to wait out the market. When Buffet reacts like that we are not in a good spot. http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffett-bill-gates-say-trump-tax-cut-plan-wont-help-business-2017-5

Diplomatic relations: Trumps handling of diplomatic affairs has been one disaster after the other. the transcripts of his first calls to leaders was a disaster https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/politics/australia-mexico-transcripts/?utm_term=.bb4929cbeaee

His meeting with Merkel and his presence at the G20 summit were so bad that Angela Merkel said that America cannot be trusted. Thats a big deal and it changed the way we operate on a global scale. http://abcnews.go.com/International/analysis-trumps-foreign-policy-impacted-global-relations-assuming/story?id=48734071


The travel ban: This has affected our tourism industry significantly, even though most people are not muslim or related to the countries in the ban, people are worried to go on vacation and possibly be turned away. It has also hurt businesses that recruit from oversees. Microsoft had to invest thousands of dollars just to deal with the added regulation and travel red tape


Golfing: trump has cost taxpayers 55 million dollars by just golfing 41 times! Thats more money than the cost to the military for the transgenders he wants banned due to how much they cost the government! And guess what? He only golfs at his resorts, which the government pays for and he profits off of. http://trumpgolfcount.com/

Trump Lies: And he Lies alot! for most people lies happen, to lawyers if you lie you will get disbarred, For the president it is completely unacceptable. Trump Lies only like one other person and that person is Vladimir Putin. Putin Lies to establish a norm, if you hear it enough you get used to it and it becomes reality. Trump utilizes the same technique especially with fake news. You have seen people especially on this sub completely disregrd good information simply because it is from CNN, Washington Post or other mainstream sources. Now instead of arguing the content of an article we argue over its validity. This propaganda technique has been used for years and goes back to 1930's germany. Demonize the source that will expose you https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html

LMAO you had that saved somewhere. You even felt like you needed to paste that to my "Russian Collusion" question, which this bible you just posted didn't answer it.

So I go through your history, and on Politics it's clear you actually think Clinton is a saint, and that we think Trump is being picked on? LMAO again. How old are you? Do you understand how the world runs? Do you know who is the enemy of the enemy?

Again, I hope to fucking god Trump isn't being run by the Deep State, as Hillary was her whole life. I hope to fucking god he isn't. Now, get of your liberal high horse and try to understand how the world runs. Putin is fighting the Deep State, whether he is good or bad, no one can deny that. What he has done to the USA in the middle east and Ukraine is a great move by a political leader (he hasn't done anything worthy with this hacking BS). I'm sorry if your media says otherwise.

My Prime-Minister? No good. See how some of us arn't on a certain team just cause we are born there or because our school or media brainwashed us? That copy paste shows how dumb you are. When was the first time you visited this sub? Did you and fellow redditors conspire to come here and feed us your bullshit? It's not worth it man, only people who already have the same viewpoint as you will latch on the the bullshit you spew. Go march the streets and make a fool of yourself. Your attacking Trump, not the corrupt dems. and Reps...only Trump. Do you finally feel like you are apart of a team for the first time in your life?

Google that Rothechild lady who gave shit to Podesta on Twitter. They run the world, and they gave Podesta shit for loosing. Do you have anything else you can copy paste that adds no relevant info to this discussion?

Sorry to sound like a dick cause shills are usually dicks, but IDC for you incompetent bullshit when you arn't even attacking the real corruption, only Trump because Grab him by the Pussy!!! or Russia.

So I go through your history, and on Politics it's clear you actually think Clinton is a saint, and that we think Trump is being picked on? LMAO again. How old are you? Do you understand how the world runs? Do you know who is the enemy of the enemy?

First off I shouldnt even respond to you since you wrote that wall of... I dont know what to call it. Lets go with total horse shit. No actually I was really excited to hear Clinton might go to jail when it first came out and I really despise her. Would love to know how you cam up that bs.

And no I didnt just copy paste that, it only took me 5 minutes of googling and writing, I'm amazed that you think that takes that much effort.

the rest of that wall of shit, I didnt read, It started to hurt just thinking like you.

As for your question " why would collusion with Russia hurt America?"

sigh... if you dont know the answer to that I cant help you and I'm not going to spend any more time trying to explain the world to you.

Why would you post 2 long ass text, and still no other answer than "sigh.." lol it's been a good one. I'm sure you read it all friend, no need to lie.

Because I shouldn't have to explain to someone why having the president of their fucking country collude with one of our biggest enemies to take over our government would be a bad thing. Jesus christ do I need to make airplane sounds as I spoon feed you very basic information?

You shouldn't have to explain..... but let me type up this bible of other info.... ight

you asked how he was affecting america and I delivered. Its not my fault you didn't read any of it.

"Any worst than what America is doing to other countries? Tell me how they colluded. You defended the "17 agencies" and the Media, so I'm excited to hear how much damage this evidential "Russia Collusion" will cause to America"

Still no answer on how damaging the collusion will be. All this back and forth and the you still dodged my questions. Buddy, you said you didn't read my paragraph, I read yours.

How the fuck am I supposed to predict the future? Your question is what will russian collusion do to affect America? right? How am I supposed to answer that without just making assumptions? Your question is stupid. I have answered what trump has done and how it affected america and now you want me to answer hypotheticals?

Here is my answer: It may result in government not decided by the American people and instead by Russian Influence.

Here is one for you: How does Trump colluding with Russia help america?

When did I ask how Trump is affecting America?


You really think they convinced every mainstream media outlet, every democratic senator and half of the republicans, the entire USIC, all of their major allys, 63% of the population and that all these russian coincidences are planted or incidental?

Yea, pretty much. If you doubt their capability in this look at the WMD's in Iraq. How many people believed Saddam had WMDs? How many people still believe he had WMDs? You are describing the political climate circa 2003. Its a shame no one seems to remember it.

blasted the propaganda lies as truth for 6 months.

hi, you must be new around here! welcome!

If you think that needed to be explained, why does your post title list 17 agencies?

Was 17 agencies not parroted across the country and in every political sphere for about 6 months?

I'm not going to let the 17 agencies thing go just because the MSM quietly altered their message a month ago.

I'm going with what they said. It sounds the most damning.

Brennan, Clapper, and Comey and their hand picked analysts. Surely they would not misrepresent the facts to the American people.

What about Coats and Rogers who Trump appointed, are they lying too?

Well I don't know their official position on supposed Russian involvement in the election or in the data breeches of the dnc and Podesta. But the evidence that is public pretty clearly does not indicate that the Russian government did much, if anything. And we know the CIA has tools to make it look like Russians or Chinese or whoever carried out cyberattacks.

So unless they are providing evidence I will strongly doubt anyone that pushes that narrative. If it is monumental as some seem to think then the CIA or whoever should provide evidence even if they have to make a strategic sacrifice with regard to assets in the field. It's too big a deal to take on faith from agencies that have shown they have no problem lying to the public.

But the evidence that is public pretty clearly does not indicate that the Russian government did much, if anything.

They did certainly contacted the Trump campaign and offered help, who knows what was exchanged at that meeting.

They did certainly contacted the Trump campaign and offered help

They did? I think that is fake news.

They did? I think that is fake news.

"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin."


Are you saying Trump is posting fake news now?

It's not like Clapper has been caught on tape lying to congress.

The Odni announced that 17 agencies have agreed with the assesment that Russia hacked the Dnc.

No they actually didnt. Clinton said that. Seriously.


(Did the WaPo actually just move this behind a paywall? LMFAO)

They did not have the resources. They did not have the servers or perform any forensic analysis. They parroted the conclusion of a paid 3rd party.

What ? The Coast Guard wasn't really certain of President Trump colluding with Putin ? I'm shocked 😝

my eyes rolled every time I heard this "fact" preached by everyone trying to legitimize muh Russia!


"I also support making clear that America will not tolerate interference in our democratic process, and that we will side with our allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilization"

What do you take this to mean?

To me, of course they lied, because they are all puppets. Puppets of the federal reserve.

Dude I dunno. If they wanted to stop interference in elections, they would keep paper ballots.


It means Russia does lots of shit. He is probably talking more about Ukraine and other actions of Russia lately.

"Well obviously that means they are baddies, what more do you need to know?"

2 questions: Why do we allow 17 "intelligence" agencies? And were we really supposed to believe they would agree on anything?

As a friend used to say "you can piss in my face once in awhile, just don't try to convince me it's raining."

The way I see it: Wow, 17 agencies? It took that many?

I guess if Russia had 15 agencies saying we're lying, they wouldn't seem credible compared to our 17 agencies.

We would have to use all 100 of our agencies! 😂

Wikileaks has stated that it was only 3 agencies.

New York Times actually printed a retraction for that snafu, a lot of others should but didn't. It's really 3 intel agencies plus ODNI. 17 was a lie.

Yea I know. A retraction.

But for several months the us public was confident that 17 agencies signed on to the lies of 3.

For the American public. We must emphasize the lies.

Do you realize how much force 17 agencies comes with? And suddenly they just "retract" their words?

How many lives do we trust to these liars?

I know I'm not going to war. Are you? Is your kid?

Ok I didn't pick up on The sarcasm. I'm with you on this. Every single morning on CNN Chris / Alisyn spouted this line to guess who questioned the prevailing narrative with "so are you saying you disagree with or don't believe 17 intelligence agencies?


No, I'm too old for war - to enlist anyway. My daughter isn't yet one so I hope she won't be shipped off. However, I don't want anyone's son or daughter fighting in anymore unnecessary wars until it's mainly the children of congress on the front lines.

Yea I agree. Diddnt that journalist break the news of osama bin ladens death and pin a Pulitzer Prize? Im going to take him at his word.

Ignoring the Seth Rich aspect of the clip, there's evidence for the leak theory, whereas there's no evidence for the hack theory. Incredibly, none of the "Intelligence Agencies" would even be permitted to testify in court on the subject, because none of them have 'personal knowledge' owing to the fact that they never even examined the server.

It's honestly impossible to overstate how giant of a red flag it is that the FBI didn't collect the server. I'd be less surprised if I gave my dog a whole bag of treats and he ate one and prudently decided to save the rest for later.

A true conspiracy theorist does not get gummed up with petty distinctions of left and right when looking for the truth, because they are inherently bullshit in the first place. We absorb information from all sources and parse out the political crap for the meat of the story. A common sense, universal opinion of CTs is that the Democrat-Republican game is a shitshow for the plebs and always has been, it's just there to dupe the emotionally gullible, sensationalist idiots who are essentially watching a WWE match, only they think it's real. You're definitely right that the sub has been completely taken over by partisan hacks, but your obvious political bias puts blinders on your ability to see objective reality. Yeah there's TD trolls here and there, but they're not coming into threads specifically to police discussion and manipulate our opinions with petty attacks on the sub and our mission here, which is the find the truth at all costs.

Go into any fucking thread, pretty much anything on the front page, and look at the top rated comments and the posts that receive the vast majority of upvotes - they are almost universally attacking the central point of the post in question, pushing a mainstream viewpoint, putting down conspiracy theories or slandering the users of this sub as crazies or TD cutouts. If you think that in any way is an organic feature of this sub, or that TD shills push the ideas I mentioned, you're out of your goddamn mind.

Yea but I don't just defend a certain side because I'm part of their team...

when did I talk about the deep state and its connection to the media? All I said in this thread is how the ODNI works and that its stupid to think the democrats were able to coordinate such a massive disinformation campaign. If you think deep state has something to do with it provide proof, until then your just another dope who bought a load of goods from americas top con man.

Trump seems to be quite the cuck imo.

Who's the media? MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post (who's owner got 600m from the CIA).... yea they all push the same shit, big deal. At least you question the narrative though eh? Lmao only the ones you want to question.

Why would you post 2 long ass text, and still no other answer than "sigh.." lol it's been a good one. I'm sure you read it all friend, no need to lie.

Because I shouldn't have to explain to someone why having the president of their fucking country collude with one of our biggest enemies to take over our government would be a bad thing. Jesus christ do I need to make airplane sounds as I spoon feed you very basic information?

what do you expect? Your childish. enjoy the rest of your day.