Guys... My boss just debunked your boss debunking everything.

0  2017-08-02 by Flytape

So now that we've come full circle jerk can we stop spamming these "my boss" posts?


Please don't upvote this post.

Too late, already upvoted...

Did you see your shout out on the Twitter bots video?


Now worries, yeah, you had me kind of confused there, lol. Kudos to Peyote, though!

"Eye-witness testimony has been found to be very undependable when looking back on how the case actually ended up transpiring", said a source familiar with the situation.

He asked that his identity remain anonymous due to national security.

Hey in my defense I was close.

I mistook putin_loves_cats with peyote_the_coyote

They are very similar.

Russian leader with affinity for felines gets mistaken for canine on hallucinogenics wandering the spirit world.

Sir...I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the car.

But officer... I don't have legs. you have a hacksaw? I got a body in the trunk of my squad car..he's not gonna be needing his anymore.

oh man, I lost it at spirit world.

was hoping you would appreciate that one. Thanks for all your hard work by the way.

Clicking my mouse and typing things is all I do.

Stop clicking your'll go blind.

paradox 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993

70.528779° = arccos(1/3)

24,901 mi


0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34

Oh Snap! Thanks for pointing that out. That's twice now!



Please clap for that.

Are these "my boss told me" shit posts just shills trying to brainwash the population again?

I have no idea.

Basically. Trying to muddy the waters I suppose. There was one earlier that seemed genuine. Now we're being flooded with obvious "my boss" bullshit posts.

If you don't reply to this my boss thread your mother...

Bosses in your area HATE this one little trick!!

The boss works at blockbuster.

My Boss told me not to worry about anything. My Boss said that Good will always defeat Evil.

Amen brother Ben.

Shot a rooster and killed a hen.


I have a boss? Crap...that's not good.

Wait..was my boss saying I haven't showed up? Cause I'm pretty sure that's been debunked...right?

My uncle works at Nintendo

Well, have him tell his boss that his debunking has been debunked.

My Boss fired me but I made him cry on my way out the door.

Hey at least your my boss post didn't get deleted

It should have been.

My boss is dead and he just debunked all the shit claiming to be debunked.

My boss is an Indian that turns into a wolf. The wolfen will come for you with his razor.

"That's bossssss!" -- guy from 1997

Go to /r/JoeRogan and check out the thread about the engineer talking about tower 7. Like always all the relevant experts seem to pop up at the perfect back up everything the OP claims. An air traffic control, an engineer and several other 'experts' chime in. It's no more fact than a YouTube video, I'm taking your word for it.