Did they use Bill Nye to sway the general population?

9  2017-08-03 by [deleted]



Indeed. A generational plant.


How about this one for target audience shill. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Have to date myself here but my generation grew up having this shown in schools. Health classes. After school specials. Remember Degrassi Jr High?


Neil Degrassi Tyson.

Neil was of the real life names of one of the main characters of the show 'Scooter'. Tyson was another.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrassi_Junior_High

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Never linked that - good observation.

Thanks, I just happened to catch a glimpse of the newer degrassi recently and had an aha moment. The cast was just research today.

Coincidentally, Neil, or 'scooter' was one of the very few African-American cast members

That is a very interesting observation. Thank you for sharing.

It always creeped me out a little. Felt contrived, it obviously was contrived, but it felt like a fear based programming. As most of the episodes had life threatening choices. Abortion, teen sex, and homosexuality had a life threatening stigma attached to it. Shows like these were designed to alter our generations views on these subjects.

Part and parcel of a government education, they social engineer each generation and this is how they do it, they hardly need books anymore.

. Abortion, teen sex, and homosexuality had a life threatening stigma attached to it. Shows like these were designed to alter our generations views on these subjects.

You mean like how the episode about aids was one of the first times the issue was covered on television? Or how the newly pregnant character went on to become on of the most popular in the series' history?

Sounds like we were watching a different show.

Well, in reality we are are. Everyone perceives their own reality. Do you know what fear based programming is?

Covering issues about sex and drugs...in a show about teens???! Well I never!

Been happening since the 1930s aye... oh wait

please don't bring Bill Nye into it!!

I thought I heard that Bill Nye changed his stance on 2 genders. I heard there was a video of him in the 1990s saying DNA (or whatever) determines your gender.

Then recently, he changed his mind.

For the record, I've never watched or listened to him. I'm older. But I know who he is.

Well I don't know much as far as genders go, physically and mentally.

But you gotta throw a dog a bone once in a while.

Okay. I get it. It was 20 years ago. Lots of people change their minds on topics years later. :-)

True, but the man was never a "scientist". He's a civil engineer from Cornell. So why take his word on it from the get go?

Thanks for the link.

General rule of thumb: if the person is in 'famous celebrity' status, there's always sway.ALWAYS

I think they used him opportunistically myself, but I would not be surprised if you were right.

Carl Sagan was no different. All of these characters are put on stage to wow the audience.

Carl Pagan? Worshipping Baal. Everybody loved that guy and bought most of what he said.


Jesus fuck this sub gives me migraines.

Watch him now. It's comical. Those guys all spoke a good game for their time. But times are changing.

No, times are not changing. Could you please elaborate?

There are many other figures that can articulate the science better than Nye. Brian Cox and Neil Tyson are my two favourites at doing it.

I watched Carl a few weeks ago in a video discuss space and evolution. He articulated his point very well.

Why is he comical? Could you elaborate? What exactly is comical about the science? Times aren't changing the way you think they are, friend. You just believe it so due to your echo chamber.

Satan , I mean Sagan, he did talk a good game for his time. As for the rest of your post you just want to argue , I don't care. We will see how things change.

I literally have no fucking idea what in the fuck you're talking about, my dude. Stay woke.

Tired, have you realized NASA is full of shit yet? That helps with knowing these freaks are just good liars. Check out sagan with Steve the deceiver hawking if you want to see the two biggest space shills in one room together. That's the comical part is adding hawking.


Oh dear, they got ya.

They sure did, my dude. Thank god I have a high IQ gent like your good self to keep me woke.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to notice deception. You dont know its there, unfortunately, until you begin looking.

In other words, you don't really have any evidence, you've just invented this theory in your brain?

I mean, Hawking is literally crippled in his entire body, but that won't fool you! You can read the deception right off of his face!

You could never explain how is still alive or how he uses that computer but you believe every little digital sound that comes out of it because not only is it convincingly scientific , but you can't have a conversation with it. Lol so it's just dictating your beliefs to you. Lol. Dude you are washed if you believe that shit.


Wow. Outstanding. Thank you.

This is your awareness. If you want to be dumb as fuck, keep believing crippled scientist guy.

Iirc the computer is responsive to his eyes and the tube he breathe in. I would like to see your evidence of nasa being full of shit. I'll leave this Sagan quote for you. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Carl sagan

Bleep blip bleep obey the machine help blip I am the immortal hawking blip blip black hole, compute, send bebeblip

Are you trolling? It seems like you're trolling, but I'm worried you're not.

Don't be worried. I'm not not afraid to be on the other side. I rarely conform. So I can see how it could construed as trolling but I question everything, even accepted ideas and people. It's kinda fun and leads to some interesting conversations.

Well, interesting is one way of putting it...

Well yea. Would you rather have a boring conversation? See, when you hold the same ideas or so long that's what starts to happen. You get bored with them. Especially when you start to realize those ideas aren't set in stone. No perception is. Especially none of the theoretical nonsense our fore runners attempted to pass of as knowledge about the cosmos.


You can download the software and use it if you have the tools. It's really cool and it's helping people across the world! There's also versions of it that read eye movement and stuff.

Cool, huh?

Hehehe yea pretty cool. Should be stickied on this sub.

No, Carl Sagan was definitely different.

If you read his books, you would realize that he was always an advocate for questioning everything.

Sagan was probably that last real popular thing that the science community produced.

Sagan also said that we have to have a serious look at reincarnation.

At the same time, it seems he wasn't telling the truth about the UFO-phenomenon.

he wasn't telling the truth about the UFO-phenomenon

How so? Serious question. I never anything about heard this.

It's been 16 hours and no proof, I think he is full of shit. Welcome to r/conspiracy

If you read his books, you would realize that he was always an advocate for questioning everything.

Did he advocate questioning 'nuclear bombs'?

What the fuck are you talking about? At what point do you just say that everyone that makes it into television is a shill for our deep-state overlords? We may as well extend that to college professors, since "they" awarded them a certificate to indoctrinate thousands of people.

Ever think that maybe he was just passionate about science and wanted to educate people on it?

Not everything is a conspiracy, dude.

What are you talking about, friend?

Carl Sagan was literally a scientist. A brilliant scientist at that, might I add. Please read up on the man.

What great science did he do? Aware me.

I stole someone else work because I can't be bothered writing all of it and to make sure I don't miss anything.

"He was responsible, working with NASA, to many significant achievements in the exploration of space, and some of our most groundbreaking discoveries regarding our Solar System, which have inspired the missions which fruits of we have just recently began to harvest.

He was the first to suggest that Venus's climate was far from being tropical but rather has a "hellish" surface temperature of 900 degrees Fahrenheit and a crushing atmosphere, based on radio emissions. NASA's Mariner expeditions confirmed this.

He has correctly deduced color variations on Mars as an indication of wind storms. Mariner 9 and Viking expeditions to Mars during the '70s confirmed this.

As a member of the Mariner 9 imaging team he helped select the landing sites for Viking 1 and Viking 2, the first successful orbiting and landing missions on the red planet.

In addition to many other aspects of these planets of which they made us aware of, both studies taught us a lot about global warming, and are relevant then ever before.

Sagan was also a member of the science teams selected by NASA for Pioneer 10 and 11, which flew by Jupiter and Saturn, and - OF COURSE - for Voyager 1 and 2, which visited Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and took the first photographs of the solar system from beyond Pluto. Later on it would become the first man made device to leave the solar system and travel interstellar space, carrying with it the Voyager Golden Record - our "message in the bottle" to other civilizations, which Sagan partook in shaping."

He also made the show Cosmos, which is one of the reasons I'm so fascinated by space.

Exploration of space? On the conspiracy sub? Is this a joke. Surely by now most people here are at least questioning the so-called 'space programs'.

Jesus fuck.

No I don't question it, bro. The evidence is pretty fucking obvious to me. Why would it not be?

You have faith in the moon landings. Lots of evidence on your TV screen.

Nah, I have faith in scientists, satellite imagery, every nation on earth who confirm it (all of the ones with a space program) and the thousands of people involved.

You believe YouTube conspiracy theories that present falsehoods and wild claims as evidence and facts. There was a space race. United States won. Every nation who had interests in the space race conceded this fact. Why can't you and the rest of the people in your echo chamber accept this?

'There was a space race. United States won.'

Sounds like one hell of a movie.

Are you trolling? Please explain to me why the moon landing was fake?

You know you are on the conspiracy sub, yeah?

I got linked through another sub. Stayed for the bat shit crazy wild theory's. It's giving me a headache though and I've been getting triggered easily due to it being 4am here and I've just finished a project I was behind on.

If you like getting triggered, check this out. I have never known a normie who did not get triggered by that one.

Seen 9/11. Instantly turned it off. There's only so much a man can take.

Yeah, it's quite obvious he will never face reality. Just quit while you're ahead. They believe everything is a conspiracy

Yup. This sub and others like it are eye opening.

They really are. They claim to be "woke" but in reality they are the idiots who are asleep. He offers no evidence whatsoever to support his wild and egregious claims. As Sagan said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

That's all I wanted. Just a little bit of evidence to back up some claims, but instead of evidence, they simply doubled down on their wild claims.

Also, fuckin MIC drop with that quote my man.

They have no evidence. It's like religion. All belief, no proof

One of my favorite quotes to drop on people is by Douglas Adams

Final Proof of the Non-Existence of God

God, creating the Universe, as illustrated by the Guide.

The Final Proof of the non-Existence of God was proved by a Babel Fish.

Now, it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some have chosen to see it as the final proof of the NON-existence of God. The argument goes something like this:

"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. QED"

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Adams

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Shill Nye the actor guy.

What general wavelength would this be? Science that has mountains of evidence to back it up and can be demonstrated and observed before your very eyes?

What's the truth then? What's your theory? Also, if you could please elaborate on your evidence, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

here is one example.

I don't have time to dive into it right now. But a quick google search could show you what I'm referring to.

So let me get this straight.

Bills explaining basic climate science knowledge to tucker. Bill is answering Tuckers questions as he is presenting them. Tucker responds with shouting at him and claiming he's not answering the question.

Please explain to me what I'm missing here?

Bill didn't answer one question. He asked him plain and simple, how much are people actually effecting the rate of climate change. Bill dances around the questions and avoids answering them, Bills only answer is "I know the answer". Have you seen his new tv show? He tried claiming that it's scientifically PROVEN there are more then two genders. I'm all for being who you wanna be, buts that's a hell of a claim.

What the fuck has climate change got to do with the gender shit? Of course there's two genders in the human race. Scientists don't deny that. Whether or not you believe that mentally, someone might feel "non binary" is a different subject.

Again, fuck all to do with climate change.

I edited my previous comment to answer your question. But again, how does bill not knowing the exact % of the rate make him wrong? Explain that please? Do you think 98% of climate scientists are wrong? Or somehow less smart than you? Just because Tucker screams "HAA YOU DONT KNOW THAT ANSWER HAHAH YOURE WRONG" literally means nothing. Bill was giving a basic explanation of what climate change is. It's not his fault that you don't understand it.

Relax man...

I didn't say that I agree nor disagree with anything that was said in that video. I'm just saying that "I know the answer to that" is not a sufficient answer to any question"

I don't owe it to you to answer to you whatsoever. Go do some snooping around.

He answered what some of the world would look like without human intervention, which was one of tuckers answers. Why is not knowing the rate % mean he's lying?

Please read up on climate change. Please. It's real. It's terrifying. It's getting worse. For the sake of your offspring and their offspring, read on it. You don't need to understand the exact science. Just watch a video on it.

Climate change has literally caused near world extinctions millions of years ago.

I leave with this point, say the religious science deniers and the corporations who are trying to protect their interests are right, and climate change is "fake", then what is their to lose? At the very least, this has brought about innovation and growth in the renewable industry, which helps the planet in many different ways.

But say the religious science deniers and the corporations are wrong, and we're right (which evidence form 98% of world scientists claims we are), then it doesn't bare thinking about.

Dude when did I say I didn't believe in climate change?

Then what the fuck was the point in showing me some shit video that doesn't prove your point at all?

The question was "what percentage of the accelerated climate change is due to humans?"

Did you get that answer from Bill in that video?

Im not gonna sit here and google the countless other videos out there that discredit Bill for the sake of satisfying you. No offense but it's not worth my time..

Countless other videos hahah. You know Bills not even an actual scientist? He's just a very educated guy. He tells people time and time again to ask actual climate scientists questions he doesn't know.

But anyway, I'll accept your question.

Bill says "fine you wanna know the %? It's 100%". It's actually probably more than that, but it's difficult to answer such a silly question.

Bill O'Riley does these stupid tactics as well. Scream an obscure, hard to answer question that someone may not know and then keep shouting the same question over and over again to validate your "point".

I hear you man.

To be honest with you I was wasted watching Joe Rogans new podcast and they got on the topic of Bill Nye being a fluke and it sent me down a rabbit hole of videos that discredit Bill, then I posted this thread. It's nothing to take that seriously.

Ah, the Ed Bravo ep by any chance?

Nawh it was Ben Shapiro.

I hear you man.

To be honest with you I was wasted watching Joe Rogans new podcast and they got on the topic of Bill Nye being a fluke and it sent me down a rabbit hole of videos that discredit Bill, then I posted this thread. It's nothing to take that seriously.

The fact that you linked Tucker Carlson instantly nullifies your argument. This clown, who is Fox news only hope at becoming relevant again, is an idiot. He has guest on his show, asks his questions then proceeds to scream and berate the guest when they try to answer. He has no integrity or intelligence. Tucker Carlson is nothing more than a small dick bully.

Adults are able to watch something and not have it necessarily change their viewpoint. Idiot children would worry about the effect bill nye has on them and their beliefs.

What the fuck has climate change got to do with the gender shit? Of course there's two genders in the human race. Scientists don't deny that. Whether or not you believe that mentally, someone might feel "non binary" is a different subject.

Again, fuck all to do with climate change.

I edited my previous comment to answer your question. But again, how does bill not knowing the exact % of the rate make him wrong? Explain that please? Do you think 98% of climate scientists are wrong? Or somehow less smart than you? Just because Tucker screams "HAA YOU DONT KNOW THAT ANSWER HAHAH YOURE WRONG" literally means nothing. Bill was giving a basic explanation of what climate change is. It's not his fault that you don't understand it.

Then what the fuck was the point in showing me some shit video that doesn't prove your point at all?